莉莉斯Lilith,瑪爾博吉前王妃 | |
基本信息 | |
【頭 銜】 | 地獄王妃Princess of Hell(摩洛克),第二配偶Second Consort(巴爾澤布),地獄公爵Duke of Hell |
【陣 營】 | LE |
【神 力】 | N |
與諸神的關係 | |
【神 系】 | 巴特祖貴族the Batezu Nobility |
【主 神】 | 巴爾澤布Baalzebul→巴爾澤布Baalzebul/摩洛克Moloch→巴爾澤布Baalzebul |
【盟 友】 | 巴爾澤布Baalzebul,摩洛克Moloch,格萊西雅Glasya,塔爾塔克Tartach |
【敵 對】 | 馬拉嘉德Malagard |
神國與教會 | |
【神 國】 | 巴托地獄Baator/7th 馬拉多米尼Maladomini →/6th 瑪爾博吉Malbolge |
【簡 介】 | 莉莉斯Lilith 是巴托地獄最美艷的邪魔之一,精通情慾的藝術。 在摩洛克作為巴爾澤布委任的總督統治瑪爾博吉時期,巴爾澤布安排她作為摩洛克的配偶(和給他的禮物)。同樣,摩洛克手下的許多公爵也都出身於巴爾澤布的宮廷,如塔爾塔克、布銳斯等等,包括莉莉斯在內,祂們全部效忠於巴爾澤布。 |
1e<Dragon 076.p022>九層地獄第二部分The Nine Hells Part Ⅱ
侍奉於In service of:摩洛克Moloch
管轄或職位Command or position:配偶Consort
(地獄王妃Princess of Hell)
出現頻率FREQUENCY:唯一Unique(非常罕見Very rare)
生命骰HIT DICE:71 hit points
在巢穴中概率% IN LAIR:80%
傷害/攻擊DAMAGE/ATTACK:2-12,或者 根據武器類型+5
特殊攻擊SPECIAL ATTACK:見後See below
特殊防禦SPECIAL DEFENSES:見後See below
陣營ALIGNMENT:守序邪惡Lawful evil
體型SIZE:大型L(9 呎高)
攻擊/防禦模式Attack/Defense Modes:全部All/全部all
莉莉斯Lilith 是 九層地獄the Nine Hells 第6層總督 摩洛克Moloch 的配偶。據說在 主物質位面Prime Material Plane 上有大量女巫高度尊崇她,這些女巫在那舉行(並對其他人保密)了召喚她的儀式。莉莉斯侍奉著 巴爾澤布Baalzebul,但她的忠誠已經今非昔比;她覺得在當前的政權眾自己基本無可作為,並憎惡在巴爾澤布的命令下四處搬家。她經常與心思相似的 塔爾塔克Tartach 共同行事。莉莉斯擁有最嫵媚的個人魅力,許多魔鬼因此願意幫她點小忙。
Lilith is consort to Moloch, viceroy of the sixth plane of the Nine Hells. She is held in high regard by many witches on the Prime Material Plane, who hold (and keep secret from others) the rituals for summoning her thence. Lilith serves Baalzebul, but her loyalty is not what it used to be; she feels largely powerless in the current regime, and resents being moved here and there at Baalzebul's behest. She often works with the legate Tartach, who is of like mind. Lilith is personally most attractive, and many devils will do her small favors as a result.
隨意使用,每次1道、每輪1次,莉莉斯還能使用以下類法術異能:煙火術pyrotechnics,燃火術produce flame,活化死屍animate dead,超感ESP,驅散魔法dispel magic,閱讀魔法read magic,巧言術tongues,魅惑人類charm person,偵測隱形detect invisibility,15呎黑暗術darkness 15' radius,隱形術invisibility,暗示術suggestion,知曉陣營know alignment,變形自身polymorph self,火球術fireball(2d6),傳送術teleport,以及 許願術limited(如果滿足他人,則為 有限許願術limited wish)。每日2次,莉莉斯可以使用一道 死亡一指finger of death;每日1次,她可投擲一道 閃電束lightning bolt(4d6)。隨意使用,她可輻射出20碼半徑的恐懼光環(-2對抗法術豁免以避免)。以60%成功率,她可召喚1-2隻 雄霸魔malebranche。莉莉絲每回合再生3點傷害。
Lilith can employ at will the following spell-like powers, one at a time and once per round pyrotechnics, produce flame, animate dead, ESP, dispel magic, read magic, tongues, charm person, detect invisibility, darkness 15' radius, invisibility, suggestion, know alignment, polymorph self, fireball (2d6), teleport, and (fulfill another's limited) wish. Twice per day Lilith can employ a finger of death, and once per day she can hurl a (4d6) lightning bolt. She radiates fear at will in a 2" radius (save vs. spell at -2 to avoid). Lilith can summon 1-2 malebranche with a 60% chance of success. Lilith regenerates 3 points of damage every turn.
莉莉斯呈現為一位美麗嬌艷、曲線妖嬈、身材高大的人類女性,然則她有一雙發光的白色雙眼(瞳孔和眼白等均如此),皮膚為深紅色,並有蹄子、蛇尾和彎曲的小角。她極少穿戴衣物,而是在她覺得有必要時,將自己遮掩在 黑暗術(見上)中。她可用任何武器戰鬥,但更喜歡用尾巴攻擊(每輪可造成2-12點緊勒傷害);它的長度和力量足以固定一個中型目標。她經常手持一柄細長的彎刀或一條帶刺的鞭子(分為兩股各10呎長的帶金屬倒鉤;分別都能造成1-8點基礎傷害,並且可以同時攻擊同一目標或攻擊兩個彼此相鄰的目標;它們可以纏繞住武器或四肢,但她為害怕導致武器受損而很少這樣使用)。值得注意的是,在地獄中,深深的鞭痕通常被稱為「莉莉絲的記號Lilith's Mark」。
Lilith appears as a beautiful, curvaceous human female of giant stature, save that her eyes are glowing white (pupils and all), her skin is crimson, and she has hooves, a serpent's tail, and small curving horns. She rarely wears garments, cloaking herself in darkness (see above) when summoned if she deems it necessary. She fights with any weapons available but prefers to strike with her tail, which does 2-12 constriction damage per round; it is long and strong enough to immobilize one M-sized target. She usually bears a slim scimitar or a barbed whip (two 10' strands with metal barbs; these do 1-8 base damage each and can strike the same or adjacent targets; they can entangle weapons or limbs, but she rarely employs them thus, fearing damage to the weapon). Significantly, a deep lash welt is commonly known in the hells as "Lilith's Mark."
3r<FCII - TotNH.p065>Layer 7:馬拉多米尼Maladomini
一個規模相當大宮廷侍奉著 謊言之主the Lord of Lies。他的侍從包括 巴芙蒂斯Baftis(第一配偶First Consort),莉莉斯Lilith(第二配偶Second Consort),尼亞巴茲Neabaz(謊言傳令官Herald of Lies),巴巴托斯Barbatos(馬拉多米尼元帥Marshal of Maladomini),以及將軍 亞必戈Abigor、比雷斯Bileth 和 桀派Zepar。
A sizable court serves the Lord of Lies. His attendants include unique devils such as Baftis (First Consort), Lilith (Second Consort), Neabaz (Herald of Lies), Barbatos (Marshal of Maladomini), and the generals Abigor, Bileth, and Zepar.
3r<Dragon 361.p034>莉莉斯Lilith
A striking woman of giant size emerges from the shadows, their dark substance clinging to her nubile form. Her skin is crimson and you can see curving horns emerging from her head. A suggestion of a tail whips behind her.
莉莉斯Lilith 挑戰等級CR 25
生命值hp 312(25 HD);再生regeneration 10;傷害減免DR 15/傳奇和善良epic and good
守序邪惡LE,大型異界生物Large Outsider(巴特祖baatezu,邪惡evil,跨位面特性extraplanar,守序lawful)
先攻Init +12;感官Senses 黑暗可視in darkness;聆聽Listen +35,偵查Spot +35
光環Aura 情慾desire(120 呎,DC 39)
語言Languages 巧言tongues;心靈感應telepathy 300呎
防禦等級AC 38,觸及touch 21,措手不及flat-footed 26;閃避Dodge,靈活移動Mobility, 離奇閃避uncanny dodge;20% 失手率miss chance(–1 體型size,+12 敏捷Dex,+7 防具armor,+10 天生natural)
抗力Resist 火焰fire 與 毒素poison
免疫Immune 強酸acid 10與 寒冷cold 10;法抗SR 36
強韌Fort +22,反射Ref +26,意志Will +21;心智靈活slippery mind(對附魔影響有第2次意志豁免second Will save against enchantments)
速度Speed 40 呎(8 格)
近戰Melee 莉莉斯的愛撫Lilith’s caress +40/+35/+30/+25(1d4+8,附帶 2d6對善良against good,附帶 1 穢惡vile,附帶 力竭exhaustion) 和 尾擊tail +31(1d8+4 ,附加 1d6 強酸acid plus,附加 1 穢惡vile)
或者 近戰Melee +5 朦朧打擊彎刀blurstrike scimitar(MIC)+37/+32/+27/+22(1d8+8/18–20,附加 1 穢惡vile) 和 尾擊tail +31(1d8+4,附加 1d6 強酸acid plus,附加 1 穢惡vile)
或者 近戰Melee 2 爪抓claws +36(1d6+8,附加 1d6 強酸acid plus,附加 1 穢惡vile)
空間Space 10呎;觸及Reach 10呎
基本攻擊Base Atk +25;擒抱Grp +41
攻擊模式選項Atk Options 寓守於攻Combat Expertise,精通絆摔Improved Trip,陣營打擊aligned strike(邪惡evil,守序lawful),緊勒constrict,傳奇打擊epic strike,精通擒抱improved grab,偷襲sneak attack +9d6
特殊攻擊Special Actions 變身change shape,召喚巴特祖summon baatezu
特殊行動Special Actions 變身change shape,召喚巴特祖summon baatezu
戰鬥裝備Combat Geart 地獄氣息之巧言飾釘tongue stud of hell breath(BV),穢惡武器戒指vile weapon ring(BV)
類法術能力(施法者等級CL 20th):
隨意使用At will——魅惑怪物charm monster(DC 29),喚起高等死靈create greater undead,深幽黑暗術deeper darkness,支配怪物dominate monster(DC 34),恐懼術fear(DC 29),火球術fireball(DC 28),高等驅散魔法greater dispel magic,高等傳送術greater teleport(僅限自身及外加50磅的物品self plus 50 lb. of objects only),閃電束lightning bolt(DC 28),暗示術suggestion(DC 28)
2次/日——死亡一指finger of death(DC 32)
屬性Abilities 力量Str 26,敏捷Dex 35,體質Con 26,智力Int 25,感知Wis 24,魅力Cha 41
特性SQ 視線躲藏hide in plain sight
專長Feats 能力專攻Ability Focus(情慾靈光aura of desire),九獄烙印Brand of the Nine Hells(巴爾澤布Baalzebul)(FC2),寓守於攻Combat Expertise,閃避Dodge,精通重擊Improved Critical(彎刀scimitar),精通絆摔Improved Trip,靈活移動Mobility,武器嫻熟Weapon Finesse,武器專攻Weapon Focus(鞭子whip)
技術Skills 平衡Balance +14,唬騙Bluff +43,專注Concentration +36,交涉Diplomacy +47,偽裝Disguise +43(+45 行動時acting),逃脫Escape Artist +44,躲藏Hide +36,恐嚇Intimidate +45,跳躍Jump +46,聆聽Listen +35,潛行Move Silently +40,搜索Search +35,察言觀色Sense Motive +35,手上功夫Sleight of Hand +42,偵察Spot +35,生存Survival +7(+9 追蹤following tracks),翻滾Tumble +42,繩技Use Rope +12(+14 捆綁bindings)
財產Possessions 戰鬥裝備combat gear 外加 莉莉斯之愛撫Lilith’s caress,+5 朦朧打擊彎刀blurstrike scimitar,護甲護腕bracers of armor +7,敏捷手套gloves of Dexterity +6
情慾靈光Aura of Desire(超自然Su)
在莉莉斯的每回合開始時,120呎內的所有活物都必須成功通過DC 39的意志豁免,否則將被對她的情慾淹沒。受影響的生物對她的態度將變為狂熱,並自願為她獻出自己的生命、做任何她指示的事情(ELH 40),持續1輪。巴特祖免疫此能力。
At the start of each of Lilith’s turns, all living creatures within 120 feet must succeed on DC 39 Will saves or become overwhelmed with desire for her. Affected creatures have their attitudes changed to fanatic and willing give their lives for her and do whatever she instructs (ELH 40) for 1 round. Baatezu are immune to this ability.
As the tongues spell, always active, caster level 20th.
陰影斗篷Cloak of Shadows(超自然Su)
Shadows blanket Lilith’s body, granting her concealment (20% miss chance). As an immediate action, up to three times per day, Lilith can intensify the darkness to grant herself total concealment (50% miss chance) for 5 rounds.
Epic and good-aligned weapons and spells and spell-like effects with the good descriptor deal normal damage to Lilith. If Lilith loses a limb or body part, the lost portion regrows in 1 minute. Lilith can reattach the severed member instantly by holding it to the stump.
莉莉斯的愛撫Lilith’s Caress(超自然Su)
莉莉斯揮舞著一柄獨特的武器,其功能如同 +3力竭不潔帶刺鞭子strength-sapping unholy barbed whip。其力竭特性將迫使所有被成功擊中的目標通過 DC 15 的強韌豁免檢定,否則將陷入力竭。這件武器以致命傷害取代了飛致命傷害。
Lilith wields a unique magical weapon that functions as +3 strength-sapping unholy barbed whip. The strength-sapping quality forces any target struck to succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or become exhausted. This weapon deals lethal damage instead of nonlethal damage.
精通擒抱Improved Grab(特異Ex)
To use this ability, Lilith must hit an opponent of up to Medium size with her tail attack. She can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If she wins the grapple check, she establishes a hold and can constrict.
Lilith deals 1d8+12 points of damage with a successful grapple check, in addition to the damage from her tail attack.
變身術Change Shape(超自然Su)
莉莉斯可以採取任何小型或中型類人生物的形態。她可保持某一形態直至選取了另一新形態。如果被弒,莉莉斯將回復其天然形態。真知術true seeing 法術也能揭示出她的天然形態。
Lilith can assume the form of any Small or Medium humanoid. Lilith remains in one form until she chooses to assume a new one. Lilith reverts to her natural form when killed. A true seeing spell reveals her natural form.
召喚巴特祖Summon Baatezu(類法術Sp)
每天1次,以75%的成功率,莉莉斯可以召喚出1d4+1隻 雄霸魔malebranches 或1d8+4隻 愉悅魔pleasure devil 為其服務;施法者等級20。此能力等效於一道9級法術。
莉莉斯是 拜爾澤布Baalzebul 的第二配偶。在 主物質位面Material Plane,她通常被尊為黑女巫的守護神。
Lilith is the second consort to Baalzebul. She is often regarded as the patron of black witches on the Material Plane.
策略和戰術Strategies and Tactics
Lilith has little to fear from mortal enemies, for her aura of desire can make slaves of even the most courageous of paladins. She likes to toy with her prey, assuming the form of loved ones she plucks from her victim’s mind with telepathy. She uses her whip to leech her foes』 strength until nothing but a heap of quivering flesh remains. Once helpless, she demands they renounce their faith and embrace her as their mistress, at which point she murders them, cackling as their souls reform as larvae before her smoldering eyes.
部下,敵人,以及目標Servants, Enemies, and Goals
Lilith is a well-known figure in Hell, one occasionally painted as a romantic figure, a spurned lover or a wronged woman. On the Material Plane, witches, warlocks, evil druids, and other dabblers in the occult hold her in high regard. As well, she’s quite beautiful and talented in the arts of passion, a fact she uses to ensure she survives the occasional upheaval that plagues her native plane.
遠在阿斯莫蒂斯統治九層地獄之時,莉莉斯就已接近了權力中心。莉莉斯最早的記錄中說,巴爾澤布為了討好 第六層領主the Lord of the Sixth 而把她作為禮物贈予了 摩洛克Moloch。莉莉斯輕易便成為了地獄邪魔中最迷人的角色,她總是有辦法讓那些與她相遇之人分心,把他們的注意力從真正重要的事情上轉移開。
Lilith has been near power for as long as Asmodeus has ruled the Nine Hells. The earliest records of Lilith recounts when Baalzebul gave her to Moloch as a gift in a transparent attempt to curry favor with the Lord of the Sixth. Lilith was easily the most alluring of fiends in the Hells and she has a way of distracting those who encounter her, keeping their attention diverted from what is truly important.
在全方位侍奉著摩洛克的時候,她開始憎恨這項服務,並為了自己的地位而與叛逆的夜鬼婆 馬拉嘉得Malagarde 爭鬥。如果莉莉斯對自己的職責稍稍再熱心一些,她可能已經揭露馬拉嘉得的惡行,而她今日在九層地獄的地位也將大為不同。
While serving Moloch in all things, a service she came to resent, she fought for her place against Malagarde, the treacherous night hag. If Lilith had been a little more eager in her duties, she might have exposed Malagarde’s villainy and the Nine Hells would be a vastly different place than it is today.
在摩洛克失勢下台後,莉莉斯回到了 馬拉多米尼Maladomini,並在巴爾澤布的宮廷中被貶為了第二配偶。她感到自己無權無勢,並對這位大魔鬼的觸發感到厭惡,她的怨念因此不斷加深。曾有一段時間,她與 格萊西雅Glasya 和 塔爾塔克Tartach 緊密協作,但最終她並未加入格萊西雅的宮廷,這部分是出於對格萊西雅驟然崛起的憤恨,另一方面也是為了靠近巴爾澤布的宮廷、以找出某些弱點。當她能做到這點的時候,毫無疑問她將爭取獲得他的位子,並取代那隻臃腫不堪的鼻涕蟲成為馬拉多米尼的新主宰。
After Moloch’s fall, Lilith returned to Maladomini, relegated to a position of second consort in Baalzebul’s court. Her resentment has grown, for she feels powerless and despises the archdevil’s disgusting touch. For a time, she worked closely with Glasya and Tartach, but she opted not to go to Glasya’s court, partly because of her resentment of Glasya’s sudden rise, but also to stay close to Baalzebul’s court and find some weakness. When she does, there’s no doubt that she will make the bid for his position and replace the bloated slug as Maladomini’s new master.
Lilith has a strong mortal following. If she would only cultivate her followers, she might rise even further in the esteem of her peers. Surely she would lure many mortals to the Nine Hells by dint of how she is perceived on the Material Plane. It is her disinterest in such matters that stands as her only barrier, and if she ever overcomes her detachment she could be a force to be reckoned with in the Hells.
莉莉斯的教徒可以訪問以下領域:魅惑Charm,邪惡Evil,秩序Law,並可施展最高5級的神術。她的偏好武器是 鞭子whip。
Cultists of Lilith gain access to the Charm, Evil, and Law domains and can cast divine spells up to 5th level. Her favored weapon is the whip.