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Avatar of shar
【音   标】SHAHR
【头   衔】夜之女主Mistress of the Night,失落之女the Lady of Loss,暗夜歌者Nightsinger,暗夜女士Dark Lady,暗夜女神Dark Goddess,痛苦女主人Mistress of Pain,永恒之夜的歌者Singer of Eternal Night
【阵   营】NE
【神   力】G
【神   职】黑暗Dark,黑夜night,失落loss,遗忘forgetfulness,未揭之密unrevealed secrets,大洞穴caverns,地下城dungeons,幽暗地域the Underdark
【神   系】FR耐瑟神系Netherese Pantheon泛费伦神系Faerûnian Pantheon黑暗诸神The Dark Gods
【主   神】
【盟   友】米尔寇Myrkul塔洛娜Talona影孽shadevari
【敌   对】塞伦涅Selûne洛山达Lathander艾布兰多Ibrandul阿曼纳塔Amaunator山达柯尔Shaundakul
【神   国】哈迪斯Hades/2th 尼福尔海姆Niflheim失却之殿Palace of Loss
【徽   记】有深紫色边框的黑色圆盘A black disk with a border of deep purple
【简   介】莎尔Shar,暗夜女神,她是国度天宇最古老的神明之一,也是黑暗诸神的一员。她与其孪生姐妹塞伦涅艾欧创世后,仅次于13位神秘的影孽后出现。她们一同创造了裳提阿,在跨晶壁系的黎明战争中,她们召唤了大量外神一同击败了大量荒神,取得了国度天宇战线的胜利。



2eSP<Realmspace.p073>群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars

群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars

  牧师和专属祭司们往往会因恐惧失去施法能力而担心进入 荒宇wildspace。其实对这点无需再有疑问。当然,当牧师或是祭司进入太空时,他们神明的神力的确会发生一些改变,但多数时候,这些改变还没到让角色感到沮丧的地步。
Clerics and specialty priests tend to worry about heading into wildspace because they fear the loss of their spell casting abilities. There no longer need be any doubt. Granted, when a cleric or priest heads in space, some of the powers of their gods do change, but for the most part, the changes are not drastic enough to warrant any frustration from the character.

  有些改变是积极的,但偶尔,神力可能会有所削弱、乃至消失——尤其是在祭司们进入 燃素海the phlogiston、与其神明失去一切接触的时候。在进入到晶壁系中时,某一角色是否会与他的神明完全而彻底的分离?接下来的章节将详述:魔法船牧师与专属祭司在荒宇中时,诸神与他们的关系、以及诸神本身。
Often these changes are positive, but occasionally, the powers can wane somewhat, or even disappear, especially when the priest heads out into the phlogiston and loses all touch with his god. Is there ever a complete and total separation between god and character while inside the crystal sphere? This next chapter describes the gods and their relationships with spelljamming clerics and specialty priests while in wildspace.


  (夜之女主Mistress of the Night)
  哈迪斯强大神力Greater Power of Hades

  在离开晶壁系后,这些祭司将不能施展法术。在过往的历史中,一旦她们离开 国度天宇Realmspace,莎尔Shar 就将不再接纳她们,但自 动荡之年the Time of Troubles,她对这些流浪癖上头的家伙的怒火已经软化。
These priests are unable to cast spells once they leave the sphere. In past history, Shar would not accept them again once they left Realmspace, but since the Time of Troubles, she has softened her angers toward those struck by wanderlust.

  在天宇内,莎尔的祭司们能正常的施法与获得法术。不幸的是,她们大部分都被要求用 恒久之暗continual darkness 法术遮蔽整艘船,以便能更好的隐藏船只的踪迹。不过这招不总是一直有效。当恒久之暗法术遮蔽的飞船从光源前经过时,这团黑色将相当显眼;这种情况甚至在对着星域的时候也会发生。
While inside the sphere, the priests of Shar can cast and gain spells normally. Unfortunately, most of these individuals demand that they be allowed to cover the entire ship with continual darkness spells so they can hide the ship from view better. This trick does not work all the time, though. When a ship concealed with continual darkness passes in front of a light source, the blackness is very noticeable; this happens even against a star field.

2eFR<Faiths & Avatars.p138>莎尔Shar



  (夜之女主Mistress of the Night,失落之女the Lady of Loss,暗夜歌者Nightsinger)

  灰色荒原强大神力Greater Power of the Gray Waste,

  神职PORTFOLIO:黑暗Dark,黑夜night,失落loss,遗忘forgetfulness,未揭之密unrevealed secrets,大洞穴caverns,地下城dungeons,幽暗地域the Underdark
  别名ALIASES:艾布兰多Ibrandul卡林珊Calimshan光辉南方the Shining South深水城Waterdeep地脉迷城Undermountain
  神国名DOMAIN NAME:尼福尔海姆Niflheim失却之殿Palace of Loss
  徽记SYMBOL:有深紫色边框的黑色圆盘A black disk with a border of deep purple
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:任意,但主要为邪恶Any, but mainly evil

SYMBOL of Shar

  莎尔Shar(读作“SHAHR”)的本质即是失落。作为 黑暗诸神the Dark Gods 的一员,她是位极度扭曲和反常的存在,兼具不可言喻的邪恶与无穷的微小仇恨与妒意。她掌管着被掩藏、却未被遗忘的痛苦,在阳光与他人目光所不及处生长的苦涩,与无论对方已经老到什么地步都要睚眦必报的复仇。据说她拥有让追随者忘却痛苦的神力,但实际上只是她的信徒们已经习惯于忘却,并把忘却当成了既普通又自然的东西。生活基底的空虚与所谓希望的愚蠢,这两者构成了莎尔之存在的基石。她沉浸于那些被掩埋的、永远不会被揭晓的隐秘之物。她总能清晰地预见所有黑暗之中的一切生命、一切物件、一切行动。
Loss is the nature of Shar (SHAHR). One of the Dark Gods, she is a deeply twisted and perverse being of ineffable evil and endless petty hatred and jealousy. She rules over pains hidden but not forgotten, bitterness carefully nurtured away from the light and from others, and quiet revenge for any slight, no matter how old. She is said to have the power to make her devout followers forget their pain, yet what occurs is that they become inured to the loss, treating it as a common and natural state of being. The basic inanity of life and foolishness of hope are the cotnerstones of Shar's being. She revels in the concealed, in that which is hidden, never to be revealed. She can always clearly perceive every being, object, and act performed within darkness.

In temples, representations of the goddess are either a black sphere outlined in racing, magically animated flames of purple or paintings of a beautiful human with long, raven-black hair dressed in swirling dark garb. She smiles coldly and her large eyes have black pupils and are otherwise solid purple.

  莎尔与 塞伦涅Selûne 是不共戴天的敌人,她与塞伦涅在许多位面上持续不断地以凡人信徒与使徒生物战斗。两尊女神之间永不落幕的敌意比已有记录的一切时间都要古老。
Shar is the mortal enemy of Selûne and battles her ceaselessly on many planes through mortal worshipers and servitor creatures. The undying enmity between the two goddesses is older than recorded time.

  在 动荡之年the Time of Troubles 期间,莎尔弑杀了 艾布兰多Ibrandul,一尊在 卡林珊Calimshan光辉南方the Shining South 甚至在 深水城Waterdeep 被信仰的,掌管大洞穴、地下城与幽暗地域的弱等神力,因为艾布兰多竟胆敢从她身边颠覆那些崇敬黑暗之人。她篡夺了艾布兰多的神职,并继续以艾布兰多之名给予他的教团法术。她因能够操控这个傀儡教会颠覆塞伦涅的信仰,而无需让她最忠实的信徒引起他人注意而暗喜。
During the Time of Troubles, Shar killed Ibrandul, a lesser power of caverns, dungeons, and the Underdark worshiped in Calimshan, the Shining South, and even Waterdeep, for daring to subvert those who venerate the dark away from her. She appropriated his portfolio. She continues to grant the clergy of Ibrandul spells in Ibrandul's name. She is quietly delighted that she is able to use this puppet church to subvert the worship of Selûne without drawing attention to her most faithful worshipers.

莎尔的化身Shar's Avatar

  (牧师Cleric 35,潜修者Mystic 30,盗贼Thief 25,巫师Mage 20)

  莎尔偏好以两种形态显灵,其一为 暗夜歌者the Nightsinger,其二为 暗影舞者the Dark Dancer。暗夜歌者高达12呎,各种渐趋消隐的羽毛化作一袭无形的巨大兜帽斗篷,与周遭的一切阴影与黑暗融为一体,将她的娇躯掩盖。即便是在简单的交谈时,暗夜歌者也总是在歌唱——她的歌声中,蕴含着令人神往的美丽与凄凉。暗影舞者则是一位身高7呎、体态轻盈、精致美丽的人类女性。她的舞蹈优雅而诱人,漆黑的娇躯闪烁着星光,那双黑眸是对具有催眠魔力的球体,可以释放有害或有益的凝视效果。这两种形态均可使用来自任何领域和学派的法术,但她无法施展那些以创造光辉(不仅仅是火焰法术或造成热量的法术)为主要效果的法术。
Shar favors two forms, the Nightsinger and the Dark Dancer. The Nightsinger is a 12-foot-tall presence whose female form is masked in feathers of all sorts that trail away into an increasingly intangible cowled cloak of gigantic proportions that merges into any shadows and darkness present. She sings continually, even when simply speaking, and her song is hauntingly beautiful and tragic. The Dark Dancer is a 7-foot-tall, lithe, exquisitely beautiful human woman who dances gracefully and alluringly, her jetblack body sparkling with stars and her dark eyes two hypnotic orbs that can emit both harmful and beneficial gaze effects. Both forms have access to all spell schools and spheres, but cannot cast spells that create light as their primary function (not just fire or heat).

  防御等级 -5;移动 18;生命值 178;零级命中值 -2;#攻击 1次
  伤害 1dlO+7(+7力量)
  魔抗 50%;体型 大型L(160呎)
  力量 19,敏捷 24,体质 20,智力 21,感知 21,魅力 24
  法术 祭司P:14/14/13/12/11/10/9,法师W:5/5/5/5/5/4/3/3/2
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 5;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 8;法术 5
  AC -5; MV 18; HP 178; THACO -2; #AT 1
  Dmg 1dlO+7(+7STR)
  MR 80%; SZ L (7 feet) or H (12 feet)
  MR 50%;SZ G(160feet)
  STR 19, DEX 24, CON 20, INT 21, Wis 21, CHA 24
  Spells P: 14/14/13/12/11/10/9, W: 5/5/5/5/5/4/3/3/2
  Saves PPDM 2, RSW 5, PP 4, BW 8, Sp 5

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  随意使用,暗夜歌者可以创造 黑暗术darkness恒久之暗continual darkness。作为她的物理攻击,她每轮可以用她的手发动攻击或用歌声来攻击。歌声的效果将令所有听闻者遭受以下其中一种效果:降低一级经验等级(除非对抗法术的豁免检定通过);受到3d8点极度冻寒伤害;造成 弱智术feeblemindedness 的效果(除非通过对抗法术的豁免检定);造成死亡(除非通过对抗死亡魔法的豁免)。
The Nightsinger can create darkness and continual darkness at will. As her physical attack, she can either strike with her hand or attack with her song once per round. This song can either force the loss of an experience level (unless a saving throw vs. spell is successful), cause 3d8 points of unearthly chilling damage, inflict feeblemindedness (unless a saving throw vs. spell is successful), or cause death (unless a saving throw vs. death magic is successful) in all who hear it.

  所有由暗影舞者施展的 魅惑charm 类型的魔法、魅惑领域法术、以及附魔/魅惑法术,在所有方面都拥有三倍力量,且目标生物在他们对抗这些法术的豁免检定上受到-3惩罚。被暗影舞者亲吻的生物必须在成为她的忠诚仆从、或立刻死亡(除非通过对抗死亡魔法的豁免检定)之间选择一个。不选择面对死亡威胁而献上忠诚者,如同遭受了一道魅惑类法术,在其影响下,他的目的与观点将转向与莎尔一致。它只会被一道 许愿术wish有限许愿术limited wish 解除,且威力强到被魅惑者会欣然为莎尔赴死。
All charm-type magic, charm sphere spells, and enchantment/charm spells cast or used by the Dark Dancer are at triple strength in all respects and targeted creatures receive a -3 penalty to their saving throws against such spells. Beings kissed by the Dancer are forced into a choice between becoming her loyal servant or dying instantly (unless a saving throw vs. death magic is successful). The loyalty enforced by those who elect not to risk death is a charmlike effect that converts those kissed to Shar's aims and views. It wears off only if dispelled by the use of a wish or limited wish and is so powerful that beings so affected would happily die for Shar.

Selune3 (2)

其祂显灵Other Manifestations

  莎尔经常显灵为一团于原本空无一物之处出现的模糊黑暗卷须。这些卷须不停旋转、扭曲着,一道紫色的灵光环绕着它。这黑暗在其中心之处有时会有一只不停注视着外方的紫色眼睛,无论这颗紫色的眼球宝珠有没有显灵,任何处于黑暗之中的生物总是会感到他正在进行一场永无止境的坠落。这些黑暗卷须可以触摸莎尔之信者并直接向他们的心中传递莎尔的信息,向他们揭示重要物品的位置或物品的方位,降下麻木之感与忽视痛苦的能力。这些卷须并不会治愈伤痛,它只是让信徒继续活动下去直到因劳累或累积的伤痛(生命值到达-10)而死。她同样使用 黑暗触手怪darktentacles、亡眼暴君doom tyrants(不死眼魔)与神秘的幽影怪物作为信使、守卫和其意志的践行者。
Shar frequently manifests as amorphous tendrils of darkness where there should be none. These tendrils swirl and writhe constantly and are surrounded by a purple aura. Such darkness sometimes has a single steadily gazing purple eye at its heart, but even if this orb is absent, beings within the darkness always feel the ceaseless regard of a fell awareness. These tendrils of darkness can touch the faithful and transmit messages from Shar directly to their minds, indicate items of importance or direction, or grant numbness and the ability to ignore pain. The tendrils do not heal, just allow the faithful to continue on until they drop dead of fatigue or accumulated injury (at -10 hit points). Shar also works through darktentacles, doom tyrants (undead beholders), and mysterious shadow monsters, using them as messengers, guards, and enforcers of her will.

教会The Church

  神职人员Clergy:牧师Clerics,专属祭司specialty priests,护教军crusaders,潜修者mystics
  神职阵营Clercy/b's Align.:守序邪恶LE,中立邪恶NE,混乱邪恶CE
  驱散不死Turn Undead:牧师C:不可No;专属祭司SP:不可No;护教军Cru:不可No;潜修者Mys:不可No
  支配不死Cmno. Undead:牧师C:可Yes;专属祭司SP:可Yes;护教军Cru:不可No;潜修者Mys:不可No

  所有的莎尔牧师、专属祭司、护教军与潜修者获得 宗教知识religion(泛费伦神系Faerûnian )作为额外非武器熟练。所有莎尔的祭司能够在天然与魔法的黑暗中视物如同在光明中;但是,这并不给予她们热感视觉的感知热能的能力。
All clerics, specialty priests, crusaders, and mystics of Shar receive religion (Faerûnian ) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency. All priests of Shar may see as well in natural or magical darkness as in light; however, this does not give them the heat-sensing abilities of infravision.

Shar is worshiped by blinded, nocturnal, or subterranean-dwelling humans and allied beings and by those who hate the light, such as goblinkin and their allies. She is also worshiped by many who favor dark surroundings or who must undertake deeds or do business in darkness. She is venerated by those who are bitter or are grieving over a loss and wish to find peace (especially through vengeance) and by individuals who want to forget. She is also placated by those who know their wits have been harmed and want to find peace or those who have been mentally harmed and want to remember fully or be restored in their minds. Many in Faerûn fear nightfall, the casting of the cloak of Shar, because of the dangers that lurk in its folds.

  是地下单元,而非那些有穿着制服的祭司忙碌期间的公开神殿,构成了莎尔教会的主体。因此,依照各自的身份,莎尔的信众们拥有一套隐蔽、普遍而复杂的等级制度,在这套制度下,每位正式祭司都侍奉着一位直接上级,一位掌管着更大的范围区域、生物(人类以及其他)的,知晓下位祭司的 私人隐秘Own Secret(莎尔给予祭司们的个人名字,以及他们为证明自己对莎尔的忠诚、并赢得那个名字而缔结的黑暗契约)的大祭司。莎尔教会的成员们着迷于守秘,教会的单元由围绕着一位知晓并领导着小群会众的祭司组成。有许多名祭司可能会在同一片地区活动,尽管他们可能知晓彼此且会援助对方,他们仍然单独进行着工作。这样,若教会中的一个单元陷落,其他的单元在已陷落的房间缺席的情况下仍能旺盛发展。
The church of Shar is largely composed of underground cells, rather than an overt, uniformed body of priests working from temples. As such, its adherents have a covert, widespread, and complex hierarchy wherein every full priest serves a direct superior, an overpriest responsible for a large area, and beings (both human and otherwise) who know the priest's Own Secret (the personal name Shar gave them and the dark deed they performed for her in order to demonstrate their loyalty and win that name). Clergy members revel in secrecy, and cells of the church are organized around small congregations of worshipers who know and are led by a single priest. Many priests may operate in the same area, and although they may know of and aid each other, they work independently. In this way, should one cell of the church fail, the others can still flourish in its absence.

  大多数莎尔圣职者使用像“暗夜兄弟Brother Night”或“暗夜姊妹Sister Night”之类的称呼作为头衔。对于上级,他们会称呼其为“暗夜之母Mother Night”或者“暗夜之父Father Night”,那些世俗的信徒们同样如此称呼他们。他们正式的头衔包括“巧夜者Adept of Night”(门徒),“守夜者Watcher”(最低级的正式祭司),“莎尔之手Hand of Shar”(一位领导着一组冒险祭司或监视着许多单元的,经过战斗测试的祭司),“黑暗领主/女士Darklord/Darklady ”(有权宣告本地教会政策的资深祭司),“暗夜先知Nightseer”(监视着一整片国家或大型地理单位的祭司)或“黑暗之焰Flame of Darkness”(大祭司或受女神信任的神仆)。
Most Sharran clergy use such titles of address as "Brother Night" or "Sister Night." To superiors, they say "Mother Night" or "Father Night," and lay worshipers address them so. Their formal titles include Adept of the Night (a novice), Watcher (the least senior ordained priest), Hand of Shar (a battle-tested priest who leads a force of priest-adventurers or oversees several cells), Darklord/Darklady (a senior priest able to proclaim local policy), Nightseer (the overseer of all faithful in a realm or other large geographical area) and Flame of Darkness (archpriest or personally trusted servant of the goddess).

  莎尔的专属祭司被称为 暗夜斗篷nightcloaks。直到五年以前,她们还被称为 暗夜使者nightbringers,这些人全部游离于标准莎尔教会等级制度之外,充当着 暗夜女士the Dark Lady 意志的联系人、信使与践行者。她们仍然担任着这种独立联络者与践行者职务,但是有的暗夜斗篷已经融入教会的阶级/单元结构之中,尤其是在下方会提到的 黑暗之拥the Dark Embrace 教派中。
Specialty priests of Shar are called nightcloaks. Until five years ago, they were called nightbringers, only existed outside the standard church hierarchy, and served as contacts, messengers, and enforcers of the Dark Lady's will. They still perform such detached liaison and enforcement functions, but some nightcloaks have now become integrated into the cell structure/hierarchy of the church, especially among the clergy of the Dark Embrace, discussed below.

Shar's hatred of Selûne extends to her clergy and their relationships with the church of Selûne. The two faiths war continually, and jihads and assassination plots against Selunites are common where Shar is strong. One of the reasons the church of Shar remains so small is a byproduct of this endless war. Several holy wars and vendettas led by Sharrans against more powerful forces of Selunites have resulted in many Sharran casualties.


  黑暗追随者Dark Followers(莎尔的信徒)被教导只对教友揭露秘密,并绝不跟随希望、或投靠任何关于胜利的许诺。她们应掐灭发现的任何月之光芒(塞伦涅的信徒和她们的财产、活动与魔法),若是无力做到,辄应加以躲避。无论如何,夜幕是用来行动而非等待的时间。
Dark Followers (the faithful of Shar) are instructed to reveal secrets only to fellow faithful and to never follow hope or turn to promises of success. They should quench the light of the moon (the faithful of Selûne and their holdings, deeds, and magic) whenever they find it and hide from it when they cannot prevail. Above all, the dark should be a time to act, not to wait.

Faithful of Shar are not supposed to hope and are therefore forbidden to strive to better their lot in life or to plan ahead except in matters directly overseen by the clergy of the Dark Goddess. Consorting with beings of good alignment who actively serve their deities is a sin unless undertaken to take advantage of them in purely business dealings or to corrupt them from their beliefs into the service of Shar. Devotees of Shar must not speak out against clergy of the goddess, nor interrupt their devotional dances for any reason. Lay worshipers must prove their faith by obedience to the clergy and by carrying out at least one dark deed ordered by a priest of Shar every year—or bringing at least one being to believe in, and worship, the Dark Goddess.

The lower clergy of Shar must obey their superiors in all matters, short of following orders that will lead to their own death—Shar desires to gain followers, not lose them. To win new followers and to keep the faithful truly loyal, clergy must see that some of the dark desires of worshipers are fulfilled (such as the elimination of business rivals).

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:

The clergy of Shar seem to pursue practical, local goals designed to further the power of the priesthood and of those who worship Shar, rather than to openly oppose other faiths (save that of Selûne). Shar desires to bring all humans under her sway by promoting general lawlessness and strife. In this way, most folk will suffer loss and turn to her for peace (especially through vengeance), and the influence of all other faiths will be lessened.

  具体来说,莎尔的神职者被要求秘密地工作以摧垮所有政府(尤其是那些城市政府),与此同时宣扬莎尔对复仇者的支持,从而让其祂信仰无助而绝望的信徒皈依她、而非那位衰弱的复仇半神 霍尔Hoar 的信仰,来完成复仇。对盗贼公会与享乐主义俱乐部各种意义上的支持,是这次对秩序的袭击的关键部分,鼓励各地的政治斗争同样也是如此。大范围的战争与奴役需要被避免;因为莎尔希望得到追随者,而不希望看到他们的生命被白白浪费。
Specifically, Sharran clergy are enjoined to work covertly to bring down all governments, particularly within cities, and to publicize Shar's patronage of avengers so that the desperate and despairing humans of other faiths turn to her to get revenge and not the weakened demipower of vengeance, Hoar. Sponsorship of thieving guilds and hedonistic clubs of all sorts is a key part of this assault on order, as is the encouragement of political intrigue everywhere. Widespread war and slavery are things to be avoided; Shar wants to gain followers, not see their lives thrown away for no gain.

Shar's love of secrecy is strong. Her clergy work toward fulfilling her desire for secrecy by always acting through manipulation and behind-closed-doors intrigue. They also work through and promote shadowy cabals and organizations that appeal to human desires to be a part of something elite and important, to keep secrets, and to be involved in the mysterious. Fifty or more false cults that have arisen in the past two decades have been born of secret clubs and cabals begun by Sharran priests to corrupt the peace and lawfulness of various cities.

圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

  因为许多莎尔信徒对她们的信仰保持秘密(资深神职者也鼓励她们这样做),除了 月宴节the Feast of the Moon 外,莎尔信仰没有别的圣日。黑暗追随者(莎尔的信徒)称这个节日为 暗夜升腾the Rising of the Dark。他们在更为广泛传播的死亡崇拜的掩护下聚集以见证一场血腥祭礼,并了解神职人员想要她们在未来的冬日中一起为之工作的阴谋或目标。
As so many devotees of Shar keep their faith secret (and this secrecy is encouraged by senior clergy), the Sharran faith has no set holy days aside from the Feast of the Moon. To Dark Followers (the faithful of Shar) this holiday is known as the Rising of the Dark. They gather on it under cover of the more widespread venerations of the dead to witness a blood sacrifice and learn of any plots or aims the clergy want them to work toward during the winter ahead.

  莎尔教徒最重要的仪式名曰 夜幕笼罩Nightfall,意即黑暗的降临。教会在每晚都会举行仪式。仪式由以下内容构成:一场主祷,一场舞蹈,来自女神的借一位神职者或一位头发乌黑的女性一般信徒之口、诉说的一场指控或一些鼓舞人心之语,以及一场由共同吃喝跳舞组成的狂欢庆典。普通信徒必须参加至少一次夜幕降临(或者他们自己向女神起舞),并必须每旬做一项小恶事以向女神致意(而后向他们的同僚报告)。在无月之夜,夜幕降临将被称为 女神降临the Coming of the Lady,每位信徒必须以暗夜女士之名进行一些重大的报复或邪恶行为。
The most important Sharran ritual of worship is Nightfall, the coming of darkness. Clergy hold this ritual every night. It consists of a brief invocation, a dance, a charge or series of inspiring instructions from the goddess spoken by one of the clergy or by a raven-haired female lay worshiper, and a revel celebrated by eating, drinking, and dancing together. Lay worshipers must attend at least one Nightfall (or dance to the goddess themselves) and must perform—and report to their fellows—at least one small act of wickedness in salute to the Lady every tenday. On moonless nights, Nightfall is known as the Coming of the Lady, and every congregation must carry out some significant act of vengeance or wickedness in the Dark Lady's name.

  在祭司之中最重要的庆典叫 女士之吻the Kiss of the Lady,那是一场持续整晚、以一场盛宴画尾的恐怖屠杀与行恶。吻之庆典Kissmoots 是不定期的,每当 古夜神殿Old Night 下令就将举办。不过,越来越多隶属于敌对的黑暗之拥教派的神职人员,选择与古夜神殿所规定相悖的时间庆祝该庆典。
The most important ceremony of the priesthood of Shar is the Kiss of the Lady, a horrific night-long revel of slaying and doing dark deeds in the name of the lady that ends with a feast at dawn. Kissmoots are scheduled irregularly, whenever the priests of Old Night decree. Increasingly the rival clergy of the Embrace have been proclaiming that this ritual be celebrated at different times than those decreed by the temple of Old Night.

主要信仰中心Major Centers of Worship:

  卡林港Calimport 的 古夜神殿The Temple of Old Night 是莎尔崇拜最古老、最骄傲的地点。这是一片地下建筑群,覆盖了东部城区地下大部分地区。已知的最高阶莎尔之仆:黎明前的舞者the Dancer Before Dawn the aged Irtemara “苍老者”伊尔特玛拉the aged Irtemara 统治着这里,这个放荡而颓丧的卡林珊女人以她关于狂欢和谋杀的奇思妙想而闻名(多年来,这在 费伦大陆 各国引发了至少6次政变)。伊尔特玛拉被三位忠诚的男祭司侍奉着,他们偷偷摸摸地对抗着彼此。只要伊尔玛特拉一死,他们肯定会为争夺高位而爆发公开战争。
The Temple of Old Night in Calimport is the oldest, haughtiest seat of worship to Shar. It is a subterranean complex underlying much of the eastern city ruled by the highest-ranked known mortal servant of Shar: the aged Irtemara, the Dancer Before Dawn, a debauched and jaded Calishite woman famous for her revels and murderous whims (which, over the years, have brought about at least six changes of government in various realms across Faerûn). Irtemara is loyally served by three male priests who work covertly against each other. They will undoubtedly break into open battle for supremacy when Irtemara dies.

   黑暗之拥,由对古夜神殿领导不满的 黑暗女神the Dark Goddess 神职人员在不到40年前建立的神殿,正与古夜神殿争夺着对黑暗追随者们的统治权。暗黑之拥神殿屹立于 安姆Amn 的一处高崖峭壁上,俯瞰着连接着 因姆之疤痕Imnescar 与 艾斯米尔塔兰Esmeltaran 的商路的中点。它的政策比卡林港所发布的更加冷酷——黑暗之拥信徒们,无论她们是在何处工作,都应更公开地参与地方政治活动,并在恐吓与对黑暗欲望的满足没成功时雇佣刺客。黑暗之拥由一小群神职人员领导,其领导人似乎是 “焰中之眼”阿贝尔特·赫尔德斯塔尔the Eye in the Flame Aubert Heldynstar。大部分黑暗之拥的神职者都是暗夜斗篷。
The Temple of Old Night vies for supremacy over the Dark Followers with the Dark Embrace, a temple founded not quite 40 years ago by clergy of the Dark Goddess dissatisfied with the leadership of Old Night. The Embrace perches atop a crag in Amn, overlooking the midpoint of the trade road linking Imnescar and Esmeltaran. Its policies are more ruthless than those proclaimed in Calimport—the faithful of the Embrace are more openly active in local politics wherever they operate, employing assassinations where intimidation and the fulfillment of dark desires fail. The Embrace is led by a small circle of clergy whose leader seems to be the Eye in the Flame Aubert Heldynstar. Most clergy of the Dark Embrace are nightcloaks.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:

  莎尔教会不会赞助任何战士组织或骑士团。侍奉着莎尔教会的十字军依附于特定单元与神殿,而不是普遍的莎尔教会。据传,任何杀死了塞伦涅神职者的莎尔教会神职者,都将获得成为一名被名为 暗夜法官the Dark Justiciars 的荣誉骑士团或秘密组织成员的机会。许多盗贼的公会与莎尔的单元都有联系,而这些附属组织也为了各自的特殊目的,而无情地利用着彼此。
The church of Shar sponsors no fighting orders or knightly orders. Crusaders who serve the faith are attached to particular Sharran cells and temples, not the faith in general. Clergy of the faith who have killed one of the clergy of Selûne are rumored to gain access to an honorary order or secret society known as the Dark Justiciars. Many thieves' guilds have connections to Sharran cells, and such affiliated groups use each other for their particular plots mercilessly.

祭司服饰Priestly Vestments:

The colors purple and black are used extensively in Shar's church and among her followers. Most Sharran clergy dress in black cloaks or soft, silent dark garb with purple trim, piping, or accessories during rituals. High ceremonial dress for those of rank or taking a special role in a ritual is a long-sleeved robe of deep purple over black tights or a black velvet chemise. A black skullcap covers the entire head, except for on women with jet-black hair. Such hair is seen as a symbol of the Dark Lady's pleasure and is left to flow unfettered and long. Less commonly encountered versions of Shar's symbol than the one mentioned above are of a glistening purple eye outlined in black with a black pupil or a cowled hunting cloak of unadorned black stretched out flat.

冒险服饰Adventuring Garb:

Sharran clergy wear practical clothes in the fashion of the land they are in while pursuing day-to-day life. They are fond of jewelry fashioned from obsidian, black onyx, amethyst, and purple jade, but they are not required to wear it. When entering a situation where they might encounter hostilities, they wear armor and take appropriate protective measures.

光暗姐妹Sisters of Light and Darkness

  这,是开天辟地的故事。在 上帝Lord 艾欧AO 创造 国度天宇Realmspace 以后,在光与暗分离以先,在一段近乎永恒的岁月中,虚无,一片由暗影组成的迷雾国度就是一切。在这片晦暗的混沌之中,出现了13只 阴影领主lords of shadow:影孽shadevari。没人知道祂们打哪儿来,也没人知道祂们是不是就是幽影本身的子嗣。
This was the birth of the world and the heavens. After Lord Ao created Realmspace, there was a period of timeless nothingness, a misty realm of shadows before light and dark were separate entities. Within this dim chaos stalked 13 lords of shadow, the shadevari—whether they came from elsewhere or are children of the shadow itself, none can say.

  渐渐地,原初的精粹融合成了两位美丽的女神,她们互为阴阳。这两位女神紧密地结合在一起,以致她们认为彼此是一个合一的个体。这位双面神在晶壁系中创造出了一个天体,在其中灌入她们的生命,诞生了 大地之母the Earthmother:裳提阿Chauntea(尽管裳提阿现在只将其精华与 阿贝尔-托瑞尔星球Abeir-Toril 联系,她在最初且代表了国度天宇内所有的物质)。新的宇宙被双面神中的银发女神所照亮,她称自己为塞伦涅;而这宇宙又被有着乌黑长发的女神莎尔的舒适长发所熄暗,但是世界上仍没有火或热。
Eventually this primordial essence coalesced into twin beautiful goddesses who were yin and yang to each other; they were so close they thought of themselves as one being. The Two-Faced Goddess created the heavenly bodies of the crystal sphere and together infused them with life to form the Earthmother, Chauntea. (Although Chauntea has since contracted her essence to encompass only Abeir-Toril, in the beginning she embodied all matter in Realmspace.) This new universe was lit by the face of the silver-hatred goddess, who called herself Selûne, and darkened by the welcoming tresses of the raven-haired goddess, Shar, but no heat or fire existed within it.

Chauntea begged for warmth so that she could nurture life and living creatures upon the planets that were her body and limbs, and the two Sisters-Who Were-One became divided, as for the first time they were of two minds. Silvery Selûne contested with her dark sister over whether or not to bring further life to the worlds. During this great conflagration, the gods of war, disease, murder, and death, among others, were created from residues of the deific battle. At one point during the battle, Selûne seized the advantage and reached across time and space to a land of eternal fire. Fighting the pain of the blaze, which burned her sorely, she broke off a fragment of that ever-living flame and ignited one of the heavenly bodies so that it burned in the sky and warmed Chauntea.

  愤怒的莎尔对她受伤的孪生姐姐加强攻击,并且开始将光与热驱逐出这个晶壁系。塞伦涅再一次将她的魔法之精粹释放、撕裂并不顾一切地将其掷向她姐妹,以守护晶壁系的生命,而着带来的灵伤几乎要了她的命。一个新生的原生魔法被直直扔向莎尔,这道魔法与莎尔体内的一部分神圣魔法力量开始相连、并将其从莎尔的体内释放出来,在莎尔身后融合成新的魔法女神,如今被称为 密斯特拉Mystra,但那时她叫做 密丝瑞尔Mystryl。虽然密斯瑞尔同时由光与暗的魔法结合而成,但她比较偏爱她的第一个母亲塞伦涅,因而她帮助白银女神从她那位远较她强大有力的孪生妹妹手中,赢得了一份艰难的停战协议。战败的痛苦,使莎尔发誓进行永恒的复仇。
Incensed, Shar redoubled her attack on her injured twin and began to snuff out all light and heat throughout the crystal sphere. Again Selûne gave of herself and tore the divine essence of magic from her body, flirting it desperately at her sister in defense of life in the sphere and nearly killing herself of the spiritual injury it caused her. A just-born being of raw magic tore through Shar, bonding to some of her divine magical energy and rippirg it free of her, and reforming behind her as the goddess of magic, known now as Mystra, but then as Mystryl. Though Mystryl was composed of both light and dark magic, she favored her first mother Selûne initially, allowing the silver goddess to win an uneasy truce with her more powerful, dark twin. Consumed by bitterness at her defeat, Shar vowed eternal revenge.

  这对孪生女神不断争斗,生命则在裳提阿的看护之下,在 托瑞尔星球Toril 与其他行星上不断挣扎生长。莎尔的力量依然强大,但却势单力孤。塞伦涅的力量则渐渐恢复满溢,因为她从她同盟的子女、及志同道合的外来神获得了许多助力。但不久之后,莎尔的力量也再次茁壮,她被那些在 诸国度the Realms 中寻找并熄灭光热,想再次让世界回归幽影混沌的 影孽shadevari 们帮助——比起让人目眩的光芒,它们更喜欢黑暗。那些潜行在世界各地,想要让光与暗再回归混沌的人无形中也帮了她不少。莎尔再造世界的野心被 至高者the High One 阿祖斯Azuth 所阻止,他曾是所有凡人中力量最强大的法师,而且现在是密斯特拉(密丝瑞尔的肉体化身兼继承者)追随者。他发现可以将影孽们禁锢在一颗袖珍晶壁系内的方法:在世界的边境之外创造幽影国度的幻像。阴影领主被吸引而前来调查,在他们发现陷阱之前,阿祖斯用 影星shadowstar,贡德Gond 锻造的一枚影之钥,将影孽们关在里面。至高者随即将钥匙掷到无尽的宇宙之中,让生命能够在裳提阿慈爱的手心中茂盛成长。
The twingoddesses contested for eons as life struggled into existence on Toril and the other planets under Chaunteas watchful gaze. Shar remained powerful, but bitterly alone, while Selûne waxed and waned in power, often drawir$ strergth from her allied daughters and sons and like-minded immigrant deities. Over time, Shar grew strong again, aided by the shadevari who preferred night to blinding light and who stalked the Realms seeking to meld light and dark into shadowy chaos once again. Shar's plot to reform the world after her own desires was undone when Azuth, the High One, formerly the greatest of all mortal spellcasters and now consort to Mystra (incarnate successor to Mystryl), found a way to imprison the shadevari in a pocket-sized crystal sphere located beyond the edges of the world by creating the illusion of a realm of shadows. The Lords of Shadow were drawn to investigate, and before they discovered the trick, Azuth imprisoned the shadevari with the Sbadowstar, a key of shadows forged by Gond. The High Lord then hurled the key into the endless reaches of the cosmos allowing life to flourish on in Chaunteas loving hands.

Priest of Shar

专属祭司Specialty Priests(暗夜斗篷Nightcloaks

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:力量Strength 14,感知Wisdom 12
  关键属性PTIME REQ.:力量Strength,感知Wisdom
  武器WEAPONS:所有钝击武器All bludgeoning weapons
  防具ARMOR:链甲及以下所有防具以及盾牌All armor types up to and including chain mail and shield
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,星界Astral,魅惑charm,预言divination,守护guardian,死灵necromantic,保护protection,太阳sun(仅限创造黑暗的(only those which create datkness),时间time,思想thought
  魔法物品MAGICALITEMS:如同牧师Same as clerics
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:舞蹈Dancing
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:盲战Blind-fighting,方向感direction sense

  ❖在第1级,每日1次,暗夜斗篷可创造一次 黑暗术darkness(如同1级牧师法术 光亮术light 的逆向版本)。每比1级高的2级(3级,5级,7级等等),祭司额外获得1次在那一天创造黑暗的能力。
  ❖At 1st level, nightcloaks may create darkness once per day (as the reverse of the lst-level priest spell light). For each two additional levels (3rd, 5th, 7th, etc.), the priest gains the ability to create darkness again that day.

  ❖在第3级,每日1次,暗夜斗篷能够施展 目盲术blindness(如同2级法师法术)。
  ❖At 3rd level, nightcloaks are able to cast blindness once per day (as the 2nd-level wizard spell).

  ❖在第3级,每日1次,暗夜斗篷能够创造出 恒久之暗continual darkness(如同3级祭司法术 恒久之光continual light 的逆向版本)。在每比5级高出5级,暗夜斗篷额外获得1次在那一天再创造 恒久之暗 的能力。
  ❖At 5th level, nightcloaks may create continual darkness once per day (a the reverse of the 3rd-level priest spell continual light). For each five additional levels, the nightcloak gains the ability to create continual darkness again that day.

  ❖在第7级,每日1次,暗夜斗篷能够施展 遗忘术forget(如同2级法师法术)。
  ❖At 7th level, nighrcloaks may cast forget (as the 2nd-level wizard spell) once per day.

  ❖在第9级,每日1次,暗夜斗篷能够每天一次施展 噩梦术nightmare(如同5级法师法术 托梦术dream 的逆向版本)。
  ❖At 9th level, nightcloaks may cast nightmare (as the reversed form of the 5th-level wizard spell dream) once per day.

  ❖在第13级,每日1次,暗夜斗篷能够施展 幽影门shadow door(如同5级法师法术)、摄心目光eyebite(如同6级法师法术)或 隐匿之纱veil(如同6级法师法术)。
  ❖At 13th level, nightcloaks may cast shadow door (as the 5th-level wizard spell), eyebite (as the 6th-level wizard spell), or veil (as the 6th-level wizard spell) once per day.

  ❖In darkness (even that of their own creation), nightcloaks have a +1 bonus to hit, damage, and on saving throws. This is not cumulative with other darkness modifiers, but replaces them unless they are more beneficial to the priest.

  In the light of a full moon, nightcloaks have a -1 penalty to hit, damage, and on saving throws.

莎尔教派法术Sharran Spells

3rd Level

黑暗护甲Armor of Darkness


  施法时间Casting Time:
  影响区域Area of Effect:施法者The caster 或 1 只触及的生物touched creature
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

This spell creates a flickering, impressive-seeming shroud of magical darkness around the caster or a single touched recipient creature. The aura can, if the caster desires, conceal the wearer's features. In any case, it improves the wearer's Armor Class by 1 point for every four experience levels of the caster (round down). It also lessens all nonmagical damage suffered by the wearer by 1d4 points per round. (This reduction changes to 2d4 points if the caster is of 12th level or greater.)

  黑暗护甲armor of darkness 的穿戴者能够看穿护甲,就好像它不存在一样,穿戴者也会因法术而得到60呎热感视觉。所有在黑暗护甲之中的生物免疫催眠类法术与其他基于视线的法术,并在对抗所有附魔/魅惑学派法术,魅惑领域法术与类似效果的灵能时的豁免检定中得到+2奖励。身着 黑暗护甲 的不死生物免疫那些由必须看到它们才能起效的效果引起的驱散与摧毁——但是 瓦解硬头锤mace of disruption 的一击仍然会在其未能通过对抗瓦解的豁免检定失败时将它摧毁。
The wearer of armor of darkness can see through the armor as if it did not exist and is also afforded 60-foot-range infravision by the spell. All beings within armor of darkness are immune to hypnotic magic and other effects that depend on vision and receive a +2 bonus on saving throws vs. enchantment/charm school spells, charm sphere spells, and psionics of similar effect. Undead creatures wearing armor of darkness are immune to turning and dispelling attempts caused by things that they must see—the blow of a mace of disruption, for instance, would still destroy one it it failed its saving throw vs. the disruptive effect.

莎尔之鞭Whip of Shar


  施法时间Casting Time:
  影响区域Area of Effect:5呎长的灵活力场束flexible beam of force
  豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊Special

  这道法术会创造出一道1吋厚、被一团紫色光晕环绕的闪烁力场束。在被施法者挥舞时,它无法伤害施法者。如果施法者在战斗中成功用 莎尔之鞭 命中了一个敌人,那么被命中的生物会受到2d4点伤害。而不死生物将遭受驱散尝试,其等级视同 莎尔之鞭 者等级+3。
This spell creates a flickering black beam of force 1 inch in thickness surrounded by a purple halo. It is wielded by the caster, whom it cannot harm. If the caster successfully strikes with the whip in combat, the struck creature suffers 2d4 points of damage. Undead are affected as if by a turning attempt by a priest of three levels higher than the whip-caster.

  被莎尔之鞭命中的活物必须通过对抗法术的豁免检定,否则将在下一轮内因痛苦而蜷曲成一团,无法控制自己的行动、并无法发动攻击。蜷曲的生物不会受到护甲等级上的惩罚,但必须通过敏捷属性检定,以避免丢下所有手持与挥舞着的道具(每个道具分别进行一次检定)。因为这鞭击的反复创击带来的麻木感,被命中的受害者在豁免成功的回合中更不容易再中招。在豁免成功的回合中的命中造成的第2豁免检定中,检定者得到+1奖励,第3次豁免+2奖励,以此类推。莎尔之鞭 对哪怕最脆弱的无生命物件也没有任何效果,它无法被用来捆绑、压缩或纠缠。在决定它是否能命中时,它被视为一件魔法武器。
Living creatures struck by a whip of Shar must also make a successful saving throw vs. spell or be unable to attack on the following round because they are writhing in pain and unable to control their actions. Writhing victims incur no Armor Class penalties, but must make successful Dexterity ability checks to avoid dropping all held and wielded items (one check per item). Victims struck in successive rounds are less prone to falling victim to this facet of the whip's attacks due to a numbness produced from repeated exposure. Hits in successive rounds cause the second saving throw to be at a +1 bonus, the third saving throw to be at a +2 bonus, and so on. A whip of Shar has no effect on even the most fragile of nonliving objects and cannot be used to bind, constrict, or entangle. It is considered a magical weapon for purposes of which creatures it may strike.

The material components of this spell are thtee sharp-edged pieces of black obsidian or glass and a long, black hair from any evil creature.

4th Level

黑暗魔怪Dark Ceature


  施法时间Casting Time:
  影响区域Area of Effect:特殊Special
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

  这道法术会创造出一团以双腿行走而直立着的模糊流体人形力场,其由魔法黑暗构成,其接触将熄灭魔法的 光亮术light恒久之光continual light 而自身不受影响。这个幽影人形能够从远处被操控,以12的移动速度漂浮,并被指令进入施法者无法进入的区域。之后施法者可以模糊地感知到幽影人形的四周环境,就好像通过人形那并不存在的眼睛观察一样。(其视线并不能好到让人通过其阅读、观察表情或辨认某只生物的具体特征。)这个非智能的魔法昏暗灵光不能被用来携带固体物件,或是用来传递需要触碰目标的魔法效果(虽然有说法认为,最强大的莎尔祭司拥有这道法术的进阶版本,让她们能够做到全部这些事情。)幽影人形能用来勾引敌人,提供警告(指向生物、物件或在地图上做标记)或用来躲藏。
This spell creates a mobile, upright, vaguely human-shaped, bipedal field of magical darkness that quenches magical light and continual light on contact without itself being affected. This shadow person can be controlled from afar, floating at MV 12, and sent into areas where the caster cannot go. The caster then perceives the shadow person's surroundings dimly, as if seeing through eyes the person does not in tact possess. (This vision is not good enough to read by, see expressions, or recognize the features of a being.) This unintelligent aura of magical gloom cannot be used to carry solid objects or convey magical effects requiring that a target be touched (though rumors hold that the most powerful Sharran priests employ an improved version of this spell that can do both those things). The shadow person can be used to lure, to warn (pointing to beings, objects, or even markings on a map), or for concealment.

  如果有活物行走在黑暗魔怪之内,它的魔法便会延展它以让它完全遮盖住那个生物,并以此隐藏他的身份。如此被遮盖住的生物能够如同魔怪的昏暗不存在一般地视物。活物能够攻击、或是自由进出 黑暗魔怪 而不解除它。如果一个黑暗魔鬼以这种方式被其创造者穿戴,那么施法者可以使用魔怪的魔法来浮空最多连续的4轮(最高每轮上升20呎),或是让其如 羽落术feather fall 一样生效。这两种用法都会结束法术。
If a living being walks within the creature of darkness, its magic expands it to completely cloak the being and so conceal its identity. Such a cloaked being can see as if the gloom of the creature did not exist. Living beings can attack or freely pass into, out of, and through a creature of darkness without dispelling it. If a creature of darkness is worn in this manner by its creator, the caster can use the magic of the creature to levitate for up to four consecutive rounds (rising up to 20 feet per round) or as a feather fall. Either such usage ends the spell.

  黑暗魔怪 的材料成分为一点黑色或灰色的、来自任何飞行生物的毛皮或绒毛,一撮烟尘,以及一缕蛛网。
The material components of a creature of darkness are a bit of black or gray fur or down from any flying creature, a pinch of soot, and a strand of spider web.



  施法时间Casting Time:
  影响区域Area of Effect:1只生物creature
  豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊Special

  这道法术将从施法者手中释放出一道4吋长的直线黑光束。当击中射程内的生物时,光束将会结束。暗光束 每轮可掷出一道,直至法术失效或施法者施展了另外的法术。暗光束 对非生命完全无害,但将冻寒活物,造成2d4点伤害,并会对不死生物造成1轮的 定身hold 法术效果。(成功的对抗瘫痪豁免检定可无视对不死生物的对应效果。)被击中的生物还将遭受魔法 沉默silence,持续1d4轮,如果成功通过了对抗法术豁免检定,则不受沉默效果,仅受到伤害。
This spell unleashes a 4-inch beam of darkness in a straight line from the caster's hand. The beam ends whenever it strikes a creature within range. One darkbolt can be hurled per round until the spell expires or the caster works another spell. A darkbolt does no damage to nonliving things, but chills living creatutes for 2d4 points of damage and acts as a one-round hold spell on undead creatures. (A successful saving throw vs. paralyzation negates this effect on undead.) Struck victims are also afflicted with magical silence lasting 1d4 rounds, if a struck creature succeeds at a saving throw vs. spell, it is not silenced, but takes only the damage.
