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莎罕妮·月弓Sehanine Moonbow,夜空之女
【音   標】SEH-ha-neen MOON-boe
【頭   銜】夜空之女Daughter of the Night Skies,月光女神Goddess of Moonlight,月亮女士the Lunar Lady,月耀之秘Moonlit Mystery,神秘先知the Mystic Seer,閃亮之雲the Luminous Cloud,夢之女士Lady of Dreams
【陣   營】CG
【神   力】I
【神   職】神秘主義Mysticism,夢dreams,死亡death,旅程journeys,超然transcendence,月亮the moon,群星the stars,天堂the heavens,月精靈moon elves
【神   系】席德瑞恩諸神the Seldarine
【主   神】柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian
【盟   友】巴瑞瓦·影斗篷Baravar Cloakshadow希勞拉妮Cyrrollalee杜馬松Dumathoin伊莉絲翠Eilistraee克蘭沃Kelemvor萊拉Leira拉芮Lurue密里耳Milil密斯特拉Mystra奧伯龍Oberon薩弗拉斯Savras沙苟貞·大地喚者Segojan Earthcaller山達柯爾Shaundakul塞倫涅Selûne泰坦妮亞Titania尤拉加蘭Urogalan席德瑞恩諸神the Seldarine
【敵   對】希瑞克Cyric格烏什Gruumsh獁拉Malar米爾寇Myrkul空暗女王the Queen of Air and Darkness莎爾Shar塔洛斯Talos狂怒諸神the Gods of Fury歐呂爾Auril安博里Umberlee獁拉Malar),維沙倫Velsharoon卓爾神系the drow pantheon(除了 伊莉絲翠Eilistraee
【神   國】奔放之野Arborea/1th 奧林匹斯Olympus阿梵多國度Arvandor
【徽   記】滿月與月弓(半透明的乳白色新月)Full moon with moonbow (opaque milky crescent)
Sehanine Moonbow symbol
【簡   介】雖然 柯瑞隆Corellon 的聖徽是一輪新月,但 莎罕尼·月弓Sehanine Moonbow 才是精靈的月女神——或者更確切地說,滿月女神。她管理着預言、預兆與精微的魔法,她還保護人民免受瘋狂困擾。她看護着精靈的夢境,防止他們在醒夢時被人所傷,並給予他們迴避未來危險的預兆。莎罕尼看護着精靈的精魂們跨越世界的旅途,她同時也是死者的保護神。夜空之女同樣也是那些完結了在紅塵凡世的凡緣,準備離開他們熟悉與熱愛的大地,踏上前往諸如 永聚島Evermeet 之類的遠方避難所的精靈們的守護者。

2eFR<Demihuman Deities.p125>莎罕妮·月弓Sehanine Moonbow


莎罕妮·月弓Sehanine Moonbow

  (夜空之女Daughter of the Night Skies,月光女神Goddess of Moonlight,月亮女士the Lunar Lady,月耀之秘Moonlit Mystery,神秘先知the Mystic Seer,閃亮之雲the Luminous Cloud,夢之女士Lady of Dreams)

  奔放之野中等神力Intermediate Power of Arborea,

  神職PORTFOLIO:神秘主義Mysticism,夢dreams,死亡death,旅程journeys,超然transcendence,月亮the moon,群星the stars,天堂the heavens,月精靈moon elves
  神域名DOMAIN NAME:奧林匹斯Olympus阿梵多國度Arvandor
  主神SUPERIOR:柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian
  盟友ALLIES:巴瑞瓦·影斗篷Baravar Cloakshadow希勞拉妮Cyrrollalee杜馬松Dumathoin伊莉絲翠Eilistraee克蘭沃Kelemvor萊拉Leira(消逝dead),拉芮Lurue密里耳Milil密斯特拉Mystra奧伯龍Oberon薩弗拉斯Savras沙苟貞·大地喚者Segojan Earthcaller山達柯爾Shaundakul塞倫涅Selûne泰坦妮亞Titania尤拉加蘭Urogalan席德瑞恩諸神the Seldarine
  敵對FOES:希瑞克Cyric格烏什Gruumsh獁拉Malar米爾寇Myrkul(消逝dead),空暗女王the Queen of Air and Darkness莎爾Shar塔洛斯Talos狂怒諸神the Gods of Fury歐呂爾Auril安博里Umberlee獁拉Malar),維沙倫Velsharoon卓爾神系the drow pantheon(除了 伊莉絲翠Eilistraee
  徽記SYMBOL:滿月與月弓(半透明的乳白色新月)Full moon with moonbow (opaque milky crescent)
  信徒陣營WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混亂善良CG,守序中立LN,絕對中立N,混亂中立CN

Sehanine Moonbow

  雖然 柯瑞隆Corellon 的聖徽是一輪新月,但 莎罕尼·月弓Sehanine Moonbow(讀作「SEH-ha-neen MOON-boe」)才是精靈的月女神——或者更確切地說,滿月女神。她管理着預言、預兆與精微的魔法,她還保護人民免受瘋狂困擾。她看護着精靈的夢境,防止他們在醒夢時被人所傷,並給予他們迴避未來危險的預兆。莎罕尼看護着精靈的精魂們跨越世界的旅途,她同時也是死者的保護神。夜空之女同樣也是那些完結了在紅塵凡世的凡緣,準備離開他們熟悉與熱愛的大地,踏上前往諸如 永聚島Evermeet 之類的遠方避難所的精靈們的守護者。她同樣保護着這些庇護所不被打擾。莎罕尼掌管着靈魂與肉體這兩者的漫長旅途,她同樣看護着在精靈文化之中被稱為轉生的事實,她與柯瑞隆一同在精靈的精魂們向着完美進發的道路上,引導着它們前往下一個軀體中。雖然莎罕尼被所有的 優雅族裔the Fair Folk(包括半精靈與一些侏儒幻術師)敬重着,但是月精靈(視她為自己的保護者)與日精靈(與塵世最為隔絕的精靈亞種)對其敬重尤甚。尋求着超度的精靈,踏上前往永聚島或 阿梵多國度Arvandor 之旅的精靈,身或心正在長途跋涉着的精靈與潛修者、先知、預言師與幻術的編織者都會向 月光女神the Goddess of Moonlight 祈禱。
Whereas Corellon's symbol is the crescent moon, Sehanine Moonbow (SEH-ha-neen MOON-boe) is the elven goddess of the moon or, more specifically, the full moon. She governs divinations, omens, and subtle magics and protects against madness. She watches over the dreams of the elves, keeping them from harm while in reverie and sending omens to protect them from future dangers. Sehanine watches over the passage of elven spirits from the world, and she is protectress of the dead. The Daughter of the Night Skies is also a guardian and guide to those elves whose days in the mundane world of mortals are done and who seek to travel from the lands they know and love to distant refuges such as Evermeet. She also watches over such refuges and ensures they are kept safe from intrusion. Sehanine governs long journeys, both physical and spiritual, and in elven cultures that proclaim the reality of reincarnation, Sehanine and Corellon work together to guide the spirit to its best subsequent incarnation as it works its way toward perfection. Although Sehanine is venerated by all the Fair Folk (including half-elves and a handful of gnome illusionists), she is particularly revered by moon elves, who view her as their protector, and gold elves, who are the most withdrawn from the world of all the elven subraces. Tel'Quessir seeking to explore transcendental mysteries, awaiting passage to Evermeet or Arvandor, or undergoing physical or spiritual journeys pray to the Goddess of Moonlight, as do mystics, seers, diviners, and weavers of illusions.

  稱呼在柯瑞隆的女兒與妻子之間切換的莎罕尼,是 精靈神系the elven pantheon 中最強大的女性神力。她被認為是月亮的神秘女神,據說她的眼淚和柯瑞隆之血混合在一起,賦予了精靈一族生命。精靈們可不會遺忘這一點。莎罕尼既是 安格芮絲Angharradh 的原初面相,亦是共同組成這尊三位一體之女神的三神的一員——另外兩位是 艾德莉·法恩雅Aerdrie Faenya哈娜莉·瑟拉妮爾Hanali Celanil。她身為面相與組成部分之一的二元性讓她與其她兩位資深精靈女神緊密地聯繫在了一起,並一起侍奉於柯瑞隆身旁,領導着 席德瑞恩諸神the Seldarine——這就和莎罕尼在其他神話中所做的一樣。莎罕尼與其祂席德瑞恩諸神關係良好,她的善心曾經在 謝瓦拉許Shevarash 沉浸於黑暗的狂怒中時撫慰了他的心靈,也正是她好客的天性讓 費馬羅Fenmarel 偶爾回阿梵多看一眼。光輝之雲The Luminous Cloud 在席德瑞恩諸神以外少有聯繫緊密的神祇,因為她的超凡脫俗甚至超越絕大多數神祇。莎罕尼與 塞倫涅Selûne 合作緊密,因為她們關注着相同的事物。月光女神還是 伊莉絲翠Eilistraee 的堅強盟友,視伊莉絲翠如己出。莎罕尼同樣也與其祂監護亡者的亞人與人類神祇結盟,但她絕對不會容忍涉足死靈術之黑暗魔藝的神祇。(莎罕尼能夠忍受謹慎實驗後的白死靈術,據說她同樣監視着 貝諾巫妖baelnorn 的創造,並將此視為雖然不受歡迎、但卻必要的嘗試。)莎罕尼與 羅絲Lolth 之間地敵對關係自後者尚是 阿羅詩Araushnee——柯瑞隆的前配偶,差點導致了 保護者the Protector 隕落與席德瑞恩諸神敗北的幕後操作者時,便已存在。夢之女士The Lady of Dreams 活躍低對抗着 蛛後the Spider Queen 與其祂卓爾神明的惡毒計劃。當人類崛起並貪婪地將自己的觸手拓展到精靈的傳統家園之時,莎罕尼發現她的大部分精力都被用在了阻撓 歐呂爾Auril希瑞克Cyric獁拉Malar塔洛斯Talos安博里Umberlee 這類神祇的毀滅浪潮中。
Alternately called the wife and daughter of Corellon, Sehanine is the mightiest of the female powers in the elven pantheon. Identified with the mystic power of the moon, Sehanine's tears are said to have mingled with Corellon's blood and given life to the elven race. The elves do not forget this. Sehanine is both the primary aspect of Angharradh and one of the three elven goddesses-the other two being Aerdrie Faenya and Hanali Celanil-who collectively form the Triune Goddess. This duality tightly binds Sehanine with the two other senior elven goddesses, and the three collectively serve alongside Corellon in leading the Seldarine, just as the Goddess of Moonlight is said to do in other myths. Sehanine has excellent relations with all of the Seldarine, and it is her kind-heartedness that soothes the anger of Shevarash in his darkest fury and her welcoming nature that brings Fenmarel back to Arvandor on occasion. The Luminous Cloud has few strong relationships outside of the Seldarine, for her otherworldliness is beyond even most other deities. Sehanine works closely with Selûne, for the two share similar concerns, and the Goddess of Moonlight is a strong ally of Eilistraee, whom she considers an adopted daughter of sorts. Sehanine has also forged alliances with some of the other human and demihuman powers who oversee death, but she has no tolerance for those who practice in the black arts of necromancy. (Sehanine does tolerate careful experimentation in white necromancy, and it is said that she vigilantly oversees the creation of baelnorn as a necessary, if undesirable, practice.) Sehanine's antipathy for Lolth has existed since the latter was Araushnee, consort of Corellon and the mastermind who nearly engineered the death of the Protector and the defeat of the Seldarine. The Lady of Dreams actively opposes the nefarious schemes of the Spider Queen and the other drow powers. With the rise of humanity and its rapacious expansion into traditional elven homelands, Sehanine has found her energies increasingly occupied by thwarting the destructive ravages of gods such as Auril, Cyric, Malar, Talos, and Umberlee.

  除了將幻象編織於類似於 永聚島、辛諾利亞王國Synnoria露西恩-閃Rucien-Xan、以及 迷斯·戴拉利斯Myth Dyraalis 之類的精靈避世處並引導精靈來到這些地方以外,莎罕尼極少直接干預 諸國度the Realms 的事務。她的力量隨月相的轉變而潮起潮落,她的力量在滿月之時達到頂峰。作為精靈的神秘女神,她總將自己裹在秘密與幻象之中,鮮少直言其心意,她更喜歡用夢境、啟示與其他神秘手段來與精靈交流。夜空之女同樣也是那些完結了在紅塵凡世的凡緣,準備離開他們熟悉與熱愛的大地,踏上前往諸如永聚島之類的遠方避難所的精靈們的守護者。她同樣保護着這些庇護所不被打擾。對於那些嘗試給給莎罕尼一個明確定義的人們來說,莎罕尼縹緲虛無,轉瞬即逝,包裹其周身之物宛如月塵壁罩。
Sehanine rarely concerns herself directly with events in the Realms, aside from weaving illusions around secret elven retreats such as Evermeet, Synnoria, Rucien-Xan, and Myth Dyraalis and guiding elves coming to those lands. Her power waxes and wanes with the phases of the moon, growing strongest when the moon is full. As befits the elven goddess of mysteries, Sehanine is cloaked in secrets and illusions and rarely speaks her mind directly, preferring to communicate through a process of dreams, visions, and other mystic experiences. The Goddess of Moonlight is truly spiritual and ephemeral being who evades any attempt to define her and whose serenity surrounds her like a mantle of moondust.


莎罕妮的化身Sehanine's Avatar

  (幻術師Illusionist 34,預言師Diviner 34,潛修者Mystic 28,遊俠Ranger 20)

Sehanine appears as an elven female who is simultaneously youthful and ageless, wearing a diaphanous flowing gown formed of semi-solid gossamer moonbeams. She favors spells from the spheres of all, astral, charm, divination, guardian, healing, necromantic, protection, summoning, sun, and travelers and from the schools of alteration, divination, elemental (air), and illusion/phantasm, although she can cast spells from any sphere or school.

  防禦等級 -4;移動 15,飛行 24;生命值 186,零級命中值 1;#攻擊 2次
  傷害 1d6+3(+2 鐵頭棒,+1 力量)
  魔抗 90%;體型 中型M(5英呎高)
  力量 17,敏捷 20,體質 18,智力 22,感知 24,魅力 22
  法術 祭司P:13/12/12/12/12/11/6,法師W:8/8/8/8/8/7/7/7/7
  豁免 麻痹、毒素與死亡魔法 2;權杖、法杖與魔杖 3;石化或變形 4;噴吐武器 4;法術 4
  AC -4; MV 15, Fl 24; HP 186; THAC0 1; #AT 2
  Dmg 1d6+3 (quarterstaff+2, +1 STR)
  MR 90%; SZ M (5 feet tall)
  STR 17, DEX 20, CON 18, INT 22, Wis 24, CHA 22
  Spells P:13/12/12/12/12/11/6, W:8/8/8/8/8/7/7/7/7
  Saves PPDM 2, RSW 3, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 4
  *Numbers assume one extra divination or illusion/phantasm spell per spell level.

特殊攻擊/防禦Special Att/Def:

  莎罕尼揮舞着 月之光moonshaf,一柄擁有 夜之法杖staff of night月光法杖staff of moonglow(均見《萬物大全:第四冊ENCYCLOPEDIA MAGICA, Volume 4 & Index》)全部威能的 +2 鐵頭棒, 但若被迫進行戰鬥,她更喜歡使用她的法術、魔杖與天生能力。她的長裙擁有 移位斗篷cloak of displacement 的威能,她隨身還攜帶着一柄 變形魔杖wands of polymorphing麻痹魔杖wands of paralyzation。莎罕尼的長裙上滴落的點點凝光匯在地上形成一個個小池。她身上的光每回合最多滴落一次。如果這些光滴被快速地盛起來,那麼它們可以被當作 隱形藥水potion of invisibility 來飲用(一滴僅一次)。
Sehanine wields Moonshaft, a quarterstaff +2 with all the powers of a staff of the moonglow and a staff of night (both described in the ENCYCLOPEDIA MAGICA, Volume 4 & Index tome), but she prefers to employ spells, wands, and innate abilities to disable enemies if forced to fight. Her gown has the powers of a cloak of displacement, and she carries wands of polymorphing and paralyzation. Drops of light that fall from Sehanine's gown form tiny pools on the earth. At most one such drop falls per turn. If swiftly bottled, it serves the imbiber as a potion of invisibility (one dose).

  莎罕尼的施法能力隨月相的變化而變化。無論她的豁免骰、生命值、防禦等級、零級命中值與能施展的法術數量如何變化,她的所有法術與類法術能力的實際施法者等級都將會從+5(滿月)到-5(新月或月全食)之間變化。每日3次,莎罕尼可施展 睡眠術sleep。她可以任意對着120呎內的一個生物施展 魅知術false seeing(一種 真知術ture seeing 的逆向版本)並使對方的豁免承受-4懲罰。她行走之時,她的足跡將化為 月光纖塵motes of moonlight,並能讓一道月光向她指着的任何方向發散。她可以隨意通過 託夢術dream 與人交流而無需進入出神狀態。每輪1次,隨意使用,她可以隨意創造一道 月之弓moonbow月之橋moonbridge。所有對抗她施展的幻術/幻影學派的法術的豁免骰承受-2不利,並且與任何能夠作用在單獨法術上的減值疊加。任何看到 夜空之女the Daughter of the Night Sky 的東西必須以-2不利通過一次對抗法術的豁免檢定,否則就會在1d4回合內陷入深度沉眠。
Sehanine's power as a spellcaster varies with the phase of the moon. While neither the number of spells she can cast nor her saving throws, hit points, or her THAC0 change, the spell level at which all spells and spell-like powers are cast varies from +5 (when the moon is full) to -5 (when the moon is new or fully eclipsed). Sehanine can cast sleep three times per day. She can cast false seeing (the reverse of true seeing) at will at any single creature within 120 feet who fails a saving throw vs. spell with a -4 penalty. She trails motes of moonlight as she walks and can send forth a beam of them in any direction she points. She can communicate through dream spells at will without entering a trance state. She can create a moonbow or moonbridge, once per round, at will. All saving throws made against Sehanine's illusion/phantasm spells are made with a penalty of -2, cumulative with any other saving throw penalties that might apply to individual spells. Anyone looking at the Daughter of the Night Sky must make a successful saving throw vs. spell with a -2 penalty or fall into a deep sleep for 1d4 turns.

Sehanine herself is wholly immune to all illusion/phantasm spells and mind-affecting or mind-altering spells or abilities, including psionics, and her infravision extends as far as her normal vision. She is immune to any spell that causes blindness. Sehanine can be struck only by +2 or better magical weapons.

其他顯現Other Manifestations

Sehanine manifests through dreams and waking visions. She grants boons only to worshipers who enter an altered state of awareness, whether it be through meditation, dance, or trance.

  莎罕尼最普通的顯現會給予領恩者呼喚莎罕尼智慧的能力(如同7級法師法術 啟示vision),讓她們能夠在夢境中與他人交流(如同5級法師法術 託夢術drama)。或讓她們看見肉眼所不能見的真實(如同5級祭司法術 真知術true seeing)。莎罕尼有時候會顯現在被麻痹的、醉酒的或是昏迷的生物身上,讓他們用任何了解的語言漫天訴說着隨機的話題。(如同1級法師法術 夢語術dreamspeak,也被稱為 德索的譫語術Detho's delirium,來自 《[[法師之頁Pages from the Mages》或《法師萬法大全:第一冊Wizard's Spell Compendium, Volume I》)。這種顯現值得注意的地方在於這不需要被顯現者是莎罕尼的信徒,甚至可以不是一個精靈,儘管 光輝之雲 只在現場至少有一名信徒的情況下如此顯現。月之女神有時會顯現在被咒語控制了的信徒的夢境或出神中,並解開咒語的效果(如同《法師萬法大全:第二冊Wizard's Spell Compendium, Volume Ⅱ》的6級法師法術 高等秘法之夢greater spelldream),她也會對中咒信徒的同行者說出神秘的預言。
The Mystic Seer's most common manifestations grant the recipients the ability to call on Sehanine's wisdom (as the 7th-level wizard spell vision), enable them to communicate through dreams to other beings (as the 5th-level wizard spell dream), or allow them to view truths otherwise unseen (as the 5th-level priest spell true seeing). Sehanine sometimes manifests in drugged, drunken, unconscious, or sleeping beings and causes them to ramble on about random topics in all languages known (as the 1st-level wizard spell dreamspeak, also known as Detho's delirium, from Pages from the Mages or the Wizard's Spell Compendium, Volume I). The foci of such a manifestations need not be worshipers or even elves, although the Luminous Cloud manifests as such only if at least one worshiper is present. The Goddess of the Moon sometimes manifests in enspelled worshipers when they are sleeping or in a trance state so as to unravel spell effects (as the 6th-level wizard spell greater spelldream from the Wizard's Spell Compendium, Volume 2) or to utter cryptic prophecies to those in attendance.

  席德瑞恩諸神召集 天軍神使agathinon、阿修羅asura 和古樹人作為他們首選的僕人, 但莎罕尼也被阿斯莫aasimar,神使aasimon(特別是 光輝神使light),地深智蝠azmyths,貝諾巫妖baelnorn,人面馬 buraq,妖精貓cath shee,精靈犬 cooshee,英靈戰士 einheriar,雅靈eladrins,銀金龍electrum dragons,精靈貓elven cats,四不像 feystags,焰星firestars(信徒們稱之為 月下舞者moondancers),焰尾精firetails,霜靈frosts,霍萊象hollyphants,虔信與希望的化身incarnates of faith and hope,歡喜靈kholiathra,麒麟ki-rin,狼精靈 lythari,霧龍mist dragons,月犬 moon dogs,月馬moon-horses,萬面之雲mortai,艾羅娜之子nic'Epona,皮克精pixies,光輝准位面元素 radiance quasielementals,精靈天衛reverend ones,喜樂妖精seelie faeries,銀犬silver dogs,銀龍silver dragons,仙靈sprites,歡樂蜓sunflies,泰速麟t'uen-rin,甚至是一兩個提夫林所侍奉。 莎罕尼通過讓信徒發現 秘銀mithral、月長石moonbar moonstones、白銀、日長石sunstones 礦物與讓信徒目睹一片流星雨或是一顆墜星的降落來展現她對此者的喜愛。夜空之女也通過讓月光只對使其不悅之人閃爍不停以展現自己的憤怒。
The Seldarine call on agathinon, asuras, and ancient treants as their preferred servants, but Sehanine is also served by aasimar, aasimon (particularly lights), azmyths, baelnorn, buraq, cath shee, cooshee, einheriar, eladrins, electrum dragons, elven cats, feystags, firestars (known as moondancers to the faithful), firetails, frosts, hollyphants, incarnates of faith and hope, kholiathra, ki-rin, lythari, mist dragons, moon dogs, moon-horses, mortal, nic'Epona, pixies, radiance quasielementals, reverend ones, seelie faeries, silver dogs, silver dragons, sprites, sunflies, t'uen-rin, and even a tiefling or two. She demonstrates her favor through the discovery of mithral, moonbar moonstones, silver, sunstones and the occurrence of a meteor shower c single fallen star. The Daughter of the Night Skies indicates her displeasur by causing the moon to appear to wink at the target of her wrath.

教會The Church

  神職人員CLERGY:牧師Clerics,護教軍Crusaders,潛修者mystics,專屬祭司specialty priests
  神職陣營CLERGY'S ALIGN.:中立善良NG,混亂善良CG,絕對中立N,混亂中立CN
  驅散不死TURN UNDEAD:牧師C:可Yes;護教軍Cru:不可No;潛修者Mys:不可No;專屬祭司SP:可Yes
  呵斥不死CMND. UNDEAD:牧師C:不可No;護教軍Cru:不可No;潛修者Mys; 不可No;專屬祭司SP:不可No

  所有莎罕尼的牧師(包括半精靈兼職牧師),護教軍,潛修者與專屬祭司獲得 宗教知識religion(精靈elf) 與 閱讀/書寫reading/writing(銀精靈語Espruar) 作為額外的非武器熟練。若她們願意,那麼莎罕尼的祭司可以將法師法術 睡眠術sleep 作為她們的1環法術。她們施展此法術的施法時間為4而非1,除此之外與法師施法相同。
All clerics (including multiclassed half-elven clerics), crusaders, mystics and specialty priests of Sehanine receive religion (elf) and reading/writing (Espruar) as bonus nonweapon proficiencies. All priests of Sehanine ma' pray for and receive the 1st-level wizard spell sleep as one of their 1st-level spells if they desire. Their casting time for this spell is 4, not 1. All other aspects of the spell remain the same.

  莎罕尼的教會通常被認為超脫於對日常瑣事的擔憂與外部的評價。因此,夢之女士與她的神職人員很少為 恩'泰'奎瑟一族N'Tel'Quess 所知。在精靈之中,莎罕尼的信仰被他們小心保密着、虔心熱愛着,因為光輝之雲懷抱、羈連着所有的 泰'奎瑟一族N'Tel'Quess。對於所有的優雅族裔,莎罕尼在精靈精魂的心中種下喜悅之種, 她的祭司引導着一個精靈前往下一世、下一生的超度之旅。
The Church of Sehanine is generally perceived as removed from the daily concerns and outward expression of everyday life. As such, little is known of the Lady of Dreams and her clergy members by the N'Tel'Quess Among elves, Sehanine's faith is closely held and deeply cherished, for th ( Luminous Cloud envelops and binds together all the Tel'Quessir. For the Fair Folk, Sehanine embodies the joy at the heart of the elven spirit, and her priests serve as guides to the next world or life that one may achieve through transcendence.

  莎罕尼的神殿建立在只對精靈與一些虔誠的半精靈開放的高峻之處。這些神殿大都由白色的石料(經常是大理石)構成,其形狀輕盈如同即欲飛上高空。莎罕尼地信眾們喜愛建築的對稱性與在建築中使用到的圓形,這也被信仰莎罕尼的建築師家族們所表現了出來。 神殿的中心小教堂一般會是個完美的圓形,其穹頂向夜空敞開,或是只被一層可收回的,或是透明的屋頂所籠罩。主神殿之外,通常有宏偉的花園與綠籬牆組成的迷宮環繞,這代表了夜空之上的天體所行走的道路。在長期矗立的神殿附近,神殿中石環的巨石被精靈天文學家用來追蹤月亮的軌跡,修正星辰與流星的位置。
Sehanine's temples are soaring monuments open only to elves and a few pious half-elves. Most such temples are constructed of white stone (often marble) and shaped so as to suggest imminent flight. Symmetry and circles are highly prized by the faith, reflected in the architecture of Sehanine's houses of worship. The central chapel is always perfectly circular and is usually open to the night sky or covered by a retractable or transparent dome. Great gardens and hedgerow mazes often encircle the main structure, their formations imitating the paths of the heavenly bodies in the night sky above. Near long-standing temples, megaliths form great stone circles for use in tracking the position of the moon, fixed stars, and wandering stars by elven astrologers.

  莎罕尼的初修士被稱為 月喚者mooncall。夜空之女的正式祭司被稱為 天人Heavenly。隨着階級的提升,莎罕尼祭司的頭銜如下:觀星者Stargazer,月下舞者 Moondancer,天空先知Sky Seer,幻景探索者Vision Seeker, 預兆訴說者Omen Teller,夢行者Dream Walker,超度者Transcendentalist 和虔夢者Reverent Dreamer。高階祭司通常擁有自己獨特的頭銜,而莎罕尼的專屬祭司則被稱為 星詠者starsinger。莎罕尼的神職人員由月精靈(54%)、金精靈(34%)、野精靈(5%)、半月精靈(4%)、半金精靈(4%)、半野精靈(1%)與一些(1%)黑暗精靈、翼精靈、海精靈與祖上是半精靈的人們組成。莎罕尼的神職人員構成為專屬祭司(40%)、潛修者(35%)、牧師(25%),包括半精靈兼職牧師在內,以及護教軍(5%)。擔任莎罕尼的神職人員的男(48%)女(52%)比例幾乎一樣。
Novices of Sehanine are known as the Mooncalled. Full priests of the Daughter of the Night Skies are known as the Heavenly. In ascending order of rank, the titles used by Sehanite priests are Stargazer, Moondancer, Sky Seer, Vision Seeker, Omen Teller, Dream Walker, Transcendentalist and Reverent Dreamer. High-ranking priests have unique individual titles. Specialty priests are known as starsingers. The clergy of Sehanine includes moon elves (54%), gold elves (34%), wild elves (5%), half-moon elves (4%), half-gold elves (1%), and half-wild elves (1%), and a handful (1%) of dark elves, sea elves, winged elves, and half-elves of those ancestries. Sehanine's clergy includes Specialty Priests(40%), mystics (35%), clerics (20%), including multiclassed half-elven clerics, and crusaders (5%) and the priesthood is nearly evenly split between females (52%) and males (48%).


Life is series of mysteries whose secrets are veiled by the Luminous Cloud. As the spirit transcends its mortal bounds and new mysteries are uncovered, a higher form is achieved and the cycle of life continues. Through contemplation and meditation, communion with the Lady of Dreams is achieved. Through dreams, visions, and omens revealed in sleep or the reverie, the Daughter of the Night Sky unveils the next step along the path and the next destination on the endless journey of mystic wonder that is life and death and life. Revere the mysterious moon, who draws forth tides or being from us all.

日常活動Day-to-Day Activities:

Sehanine's priests are the seers and mystics of elven society. They serve as the spiritual counselors to elves and half-elves who seek to embark on journeys in search of enlightenment so as to transcend their current state of being. As shepherds and protectors of the dead, Sehanine's priests organize and administer funeral rites and guard the remains of the fallen. They seek out and destroy undead creatures, for Sehanine holds such creatures-with the notable exceptions of baelnorn and other good-aligned undead beings who voluntarily prolong their existence in order to serve their kin-to be blasphemous. As defenders of elven homelands, Sehanine's clergy are responsible for weaving and maintaining the illusions that guard those sanctuaries that remain and for divining potential threats to their continued existence. The prime task of adventuring priests is the retrieval of lost arcane and magical knowledge, especially if it pertains to illusions and/or divinations. Other seek out isolated elven enclaves, bringing them news of the Retreat and practical assistance in preparing for such a journey if they so choose. (Sehanine's priests do not provide any guidance along the journey itself, as this is done through direct intuitive revelation by the Lady of Dreams herself.)

聖日/重要儀式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

  莎罕尼的信徒為許多聖日舉行慶典,這些聖日全都與不同天體所處的位置有關,月之面相與食相則尤為重要。大部分這些慶典每十年、每百年乃至於每千年舉行一次。 罕尼的信眾最常舉行的儀式在滿月光輝的籠罩下、每月舉行一次。露娜筵Lunar Hallowings,以其將個人的出神集合起來以融入到集體的出神中而聞名。這種時候,莎罕尼會通過她聚集在一起的信眾們顯現,將他們的精魂編在一起,讓他們感受到真正的萬眾一心。這種聖日會以一場在月之女神最顯目的顯現(月亮)下進行的一場自由舞蹈告終,而這場舞蹈將持續至黎明的第一縷曙光降臨。每年一次,莎罕尼的信眾們聚集在 月宴節the Feast of the Moon,舉行獻給 光輝之雲奧秘儀式the Mystic Rites of the Luminous Cloud。光輝之雲的神秘儀式與每月舉行一次的露娜筵有許多相似之處,但其不同之處在於,夢之女士在她信徒身旁可見的顯現將進一步化為一道銀色的閃亮帳幕,這道銀光隨後升起,直直飛向夜空。在這跨越天空的神秘旅途中,儀式的參與者會收到來自莎罕尼的神秘,每一個參與者在此中學會的奧秘與其最近的精魂成長程度相符。在這道靈光回歸大地,信眾們的形體融為一體時,這個儀式便在此告終。
Sehanine's faithful celebrate a wide variety of holy days, all of which are tied to the position of various heavenly bodies, particularly the phase of the moon and various types of eclipses. Many of these celebrations occur once per decade, once per century, or even once per millennium. The most frequent celebrations of Sehanine's faithful are held monthly beneath the light of the full moon. Lunar Hallowings, as such holy days are known, are marked with personal meditation and collective entrance into a communal trance. On occasion, Sehanine manifests through her assembled worshipers, knitting together their spirits in a true sharing of minds. Such holy days are concluded with a joyous freeform dance beneath the most visible manifestation of the Goddess of Moonlight (the moon) that lasts until the first rays of dawn. Once per year, Sehanine's faithful gather on the night of the Feast of the Moon for the Mystic Rites of the Luminous Cloud. Similar in many ways to the monthly Lunar Hallowings, the Mystic Rites of the Luminous Cloud are notable for the visible manifestation of the Lady of Dreams whereby the assembled worshipers are enveloped in a mantle of shimmering, silvery light that then rises up and darts across the heavens. During such mystical flights across the sky, the sacred mysteries of Sehanine are revealed to the participants, with each participant learning secrets appropriate to his current level of spiritual development. The ceremony concludes when the nimbus of light returns to the earth and the forms of Sehanine's worshipers coalesce.

  當一個精靈臨近告別凡間的家園並前往阿梵納絲的時辰時,不要為這個精靈花費數天沉浸於生動的白日夢與醒夢之中。任何精靈都不知道自己的這個時辰何時會到來,哪怕是莎罕尼自己的祭司也不知道。其他精靈可以輕鬆看出某個精靈正在經歷這種變化,但是只有兩件標誌性事件顯示着超度最終開始了。首先,莎罕尼給予一個精靈他或她必須啟程離開這個世界的啟示。第二,這個精靈的水晶體中會顯現出標誌性的渾濁乳白色新月型眼翳,這便是莎罕尼的全稱尊名中的「月弓moonbow」。當一個精靈下定智慧與決心以與塵世分離之時,天空上的月弓之旁會顯現出一輪滿月。極少數這種情況下,其他精靈能夠與即將分別的精靈一同加入到共享的出神之中,他們將通過被稱為 超度之環Circle of Transcendence 的心靈感應分享彼此的記憶與知識。在有的精靈文化中,這種分離是物理意義上的分離,即將離去的精靈獨自一人走入無人的荒野之中,他的軀體從此不為任何人所見。又在其他一些社會中,精靈的精魂與肉體分離,只留下一具了無生機的軀殼。
When the time comes for an elf to leave the ordinary lands of mortals and pass on to Arvanaith, it is common for the individual elf to spend several days in vivid daydreams and waking reverie. Exactly when this happens is unknown to any elf, even to Sehanine's own priests. It is usually obvious to other elves when one of the Tel'Quessir is undergoing this change, but two marker events are definitive indicating that the Transcendence has begun. First, Sehanine sends the elf a vision where she or he must go to begin this journey from the world. Second, within the lens of the elf's eye appears a telltale opaque milky crescent, the moonbow of Sehanine's honorific name. When the time comes for an elf great in wisdom and accomplishment to depart, an accompanying full moon may display the moonbow as an event in nature. On rare occasions at such a rime, other elves join with the one about to depart in a shared trance state, sharing memories and knowledge in a direct telepathic communion known as the Circle of Transcendence. In some elven cultures this departure is a physical one, that is the elf walks off alone into the wilderness and his or her body is never found. In other societies, the elf's spirit departs its material body, leaving behind a lifeless husk.

  當一個精靈由於意外或暴力而死,其精魂尚未完全毀滅之時,莎罕尼的祭司將以超度儀式代替那個精靈使其精魂消逝。一道憶起儀式包括花費一天或數天時間來冥想以及與自然精魂世界進行神秘地交流。若儀式成功,這位祭司就能將這個迷途的精魂通過自己與莎罕尼的連接而將這個精魂與它連接,以此將這個精魂超度向 阿梵納絲Arvanaith。儀式之中,在探查完迷途的精魂後,莎罕尼的祭司雙眼之中的水晶體將顯現出標誌性的月弓,但夢之女士的這種顯現將會在儀式結束後立刻消失。
In cases of violent or accidental death where the spirit is not utterly destroyed, Sehanine's priests serve in the stead of the departed spirit in the ritual of Transcendence. A Ceremony of Recovery involves one or more days of meditation and mystic communion with the natural and spiritual worlds. If successful, the priest channels the lost spirit through his or her own link with Sehanine, enabling the spirit to transcend to Arvanaith. During such ceremonies, after contacting the lost spirit, Sehanine's priests display the characteristic moonbow within the lens of their eyes, but such manifestations of the Lady of Dreams vanish immediately upon the ritual's conclusion.

Elven funeral rites vary widely from community to community and from individual to individual, reflecting the nature of the departed spirit. If the elf has simply answered Sehanine's call, as opposed to death by accident or violence, death rituals are more often a celebration that the elf has achieved the joys of Arvanaith than a time of mourning. In either case, if the body remains, the method of disposal varies as well. In some communities, the assembled mourners gather with great pomp to watch the body be interred in the ground, with examples of the late elf's artistry and passions displayed and speakers expounding on the merits of the deceased. Other elven societies bury the body immediately, regarding it as a mere husk from which the life force has departed. After disposing of the shell, they celebrate the spirit of the elf who once resided there. Still other elves believe that burning is the only way to truly rid the spirit of its earthly ties. Not only does it free the spirit for Arvanaith, it also prevents anyone from using the body for nefarious purposes.

Elven cultures that bury the bodies of the fallen with great ceremony leave the most durable archeological evidence of their funeral rites, and thus the practice of interring the bodies of elven dead in formal tombs is less widespread than commonly perceived. Of all the elven subraces resident in Faerûn, the remains of gold elves, and to a lesser extent moon elves, are most commonly interred within burial vaults, but that practice is by no means universal within those subraces, nor is it restricted to them alone. Elven tombs are typically hewn from bedrock and warded by powerful magic. Whereas the Stout Folk typically trust in mechanical traps to ensure the sanctity of their fallen kin, the Fair Folk weave protective mantles into the construction of tombs and eschew false tombs and extended gauntlets of traps. The Luminous Cloud is said to gather elven tombs to her bosom, and most are cloaked in enduring illusions designed to obfuscate their location and to mislead grave robbers who would violate the sanctity of the elves interred within. Elven tombs are typically subdivided into three chambers, each of which is of circular or rectangular shape with an arching dome-shaped or semicylindrical ceiling, respectively. The first such chamber represents the world from which the elf has departed and is dominated by carvings of the natural world including plants and animals from sylvan settings. Commonly a pool of crystalline water, enspelled so as to prevent evaporation or stagnation, is set in the center of the first chamber. The second chamber is dominated by a stone bier on which rests the body of the fallen elf. The Fair Folk rarely place their dead within a sarcophagus unless the body is badly mauled, as they feel to do so restricts the freedom of the spirit in Arvanaith. The walls of the second chamber are adorned with examples of the fallen elf's gifts, and the ceiling is carved with a depiction of the heavens as they were at the time of the elf's death. (By analyzing such records, sages are sometimes able to date the age of a particular elven tomb.) The third chamber represents Arvanaith, the destination of the elf's spirit. The walls of the chamber are carved with depictions of the Seldarine (as the pantheon is perceived in the culture that created the tomb). The ceiling is carved with a stylized depiction of a crescent moon within a full moon, symbolizing the combined role of Corellon and Sehanine (or Angharradh) in overseeing the passage of the spirit to Arvanaith. The third chamber is otherwise empty, but all who enter are overwhelmed with a feeling of great peace. This is not a magical effect but a collective manifestation of the Seldarine. Violent action or thought is impossible within the third chamber of an elven tomb. Items of magic and other riches are rarely entombed within an elven tomb when they could be better used by those elves who have not yet journeyed to Arvanaith. Nevertheless, ancient elven tombs are sometimes filled with artifacts of elven artistry, including examples of magical items or spells developed by the elf interred within the tomb. Sometimes the elves of a single house are interred within the same crypt. In such cases the first chamber may be shared by the individual tombs, with the second and third chamber housing the body of the fallen and representing the destination of the spirit.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

  獻給莎罕尼的最雄偉的神殿可能建立在綠郁之島之上,或是屹立於 艾弗瑞思卡谷Vale of Evereska 山谷之間,又或許隱匿於 精靈王庭the Elven Court 的樹木之中,但是最虔誠地崇敬夢之女士的地點乃是 阿羅梵之淚the Tears of Aloevan。這是一團團通過一池神秘之水與此世連接的,位於 阿迪普森林Ardeep Forest 深處的神秘幽林峽谷之中的超世魔力。就像同時侍奉着密斯特拉與伊莉絲翠的黑暗精靈 葵露·維拉多倫Qilue Veladorn 一樣,阿羅梵Aloevan 曾經是莎罕尼與密斯特拉的雙重選民。這位月精靈女王的因為無法控制在她體內肆虐的銀火而陷入的瘋狂以及接踵而至的死亡對於這一地區所有的優雅族裔、人類與亞人而言都是個悲慘的損失。在她死後,阿羅梵的精魂沒能前往阿梵納絲,而是被一團懸浮與費倫與阿梵多之間的銀火所困。為了安撫已經做出了巨大犧牲的女王的瘋狂,七位莎罕尼祭司建立了凡間與女王的精魂被困於的精神邊境之間的聯繫。幾個世紀以來,莎罕尼的祭司們謹慎地撫慰着瘋後的痛苦,為此,他們用阿羅梵早已無法控制的銀火在這處口袋次元中再現了阿迪普王國早已失落的王庭。阿羅梵的精魂現在能夠在 銀火王庭the Court of Silver Fire,也就是這處神秘神殿,之中顯現為一個幽靈般的琴手,但她的大笑與哭泣之中充滿了瘋狂,只有七位祭司的撫慰能夠讓她維持住僅有的理智。在日蝕之刻,阿迪普的深谷與銀火王庭之間便能夠傳遞信息。這時,一位莎罕尼的祭司就能在莎罕尼的要求下前往銀火王庭以替代一位準備回到阿梵納絲的精靈。雖然已經有很多人被認為進入了阿羅梵的王庭,但沒有誰回來後講述過任何事情,因此,沒人知道被莎罕尼呼喚到王庭之中的精靈有沒有哪怕一個祭司成功了。
While the largest temples of Sehanine are found on the Green Isle, in the Vale of Evereska, and in the woods of the Elven Court, the site most sacred to the Lady of Dreams is the Tears of Aloevan. This is an otherworldly cloud of magic accessed through a mystical pool of water found in an unearthly sylvan glen at the heart of Ardeep Forest. Much like the dark elf Qilue Veladorn serves both Mystra and Eilistraee today, Aloevan was once the Chosen of both Sehanine and the Lady of Mysteries. The moon elven queen's descent into madness and her eventual death was a tragic loss for both the Fair Folk and the other human and demihuman races of the region caused by her inability to control the silver fire that raged within her. Upon her death, Aloevan's spirit was unable to pass on to Arvanaith and was instead enmeshed within a nimbus of silver fire that hovered between Faerûn and Arvandor. To assuage the madness of their queen who had sacrificed so much, seven priests of Sehanine created a link between the natural world and the spiritual limbo in which Aloevan's spirit was trapped. For centuries, Sehanine's priests have labored to ease the torment of the mad queen and in the process have recreated the long-lost court of Ardeep within the pocket dimension formed from the silver fire Aloevan could no longer control. Aloevan's spirit is now capable of manifesting in a form similar to that of a spectral harpist within the Court of Silver Fire, as the mystic temple is known, but her laughter and tears are tinged with madness and only the beneficence of the seven priests enables her to hold on to the vestiges of her sanity. During times of a solar eclipse, passage between the glen in Ardeep Forest and the Court of Silver Fire is possible. At such times a priest of Sehanine may make his or her way to Aloevan's mystical court at Sehanine's request to replace one of the seven priests who is ready to pass on to Arvanaith. Although many others have sought entrance to Aloe-van's court, none have returned to tell the tale, so it is unknown if any who were not called there by Sehanine have ever succeeded.

從屬組織Affiliated Orders:

  七聖之密騎士團The Knights of the Seven Sacred Mysteries 因其致力於從非精靈入侵者手中保護精靈的家園與不斷取回隕落精靈國度的廢墟中,早已失傳的精靈捲軸或精靈工藝的物品而聞名。騎士團主要由精靈與祖上是日精靈/月精靈的半精靈組成,其階級構成中包括許許多多的護教軍與一些牧師、戰士與遊俠。加入騎士團的要求對非成員保密,但是他人普遍知道騎士團一共分為七個階級,而新的密儀要在對莎罕尼長達一個世紀或更久的侍奉中才能被揭示。初始密儀之騎士Knights of the First Mystery 是騎士團中階級最低的成員,而 第七密儀之騎士Knight of the Seventh Mystery 則是諸國度之上莎罕尼最強大的代理人。從來沒有哪個半精靈升到了 第四密儀之騎士Knight of the Fourth Mystery 以上的階級,對此尚不知是因為在騎士團中提升階級的難度過大,騎士團中半精靈太少還是因為這是一種對其人類祖先的偏見的表現。騎士團的高階神職者家族能夠在永聚島上的 魯斯城Ruith、艾弗瑞思卡的山谷中與 精靈之森the Elven Woods 之中的聚居地 纏樹村the Tangled Trees 中找到。
The Knights of the Seven Sacred Mysteries are well known for their service in defense of elven homelands from N'Tel'Quess invaders as well as their ongoing efforts to retrieve tomes of long-lost elvish lore and items of elven artistry from the ruins of fallen realms. The order is composed of elves and a few half-elves, most of whom are of moon elven or gold elven ancestry, and it includes many crusaders, as well as a handful of clerics, fighters, and rangers, in its ranks. The order's entrance REQUIREMENTS are kept secret from nonmembers, but it is generally known that there are seven tiers in the order's hierarchy and that it can take a century or more of faithful service to Sehanine before the next mystery is revealed. Knights of the First Mystery are the lowest ranking members of the order, while Knights of the Seventh Mystery are some of the most powerful agents of Sehanine in the Realms. No half-elf has ever risen higher than the rank of Knight of the Fourth Mystery, but it is not known if that fact indicates the difficulty of ascending the order's rarefied ranks and the small representation of half-elves in the order or if it is a manifestation of a bias against those who have some degree of N'Tel'Quess ancestry. The order's preeminent chapter houses are found in the city of Ruith on Evermeet, the Vale of Evereska, and amidst the Tangled Trees settlement of the Elven Woods.

  月弓哨衛The Sentinels of the Moonbow 是一小組宣誓效忠忠誠於月光女神的遊俠。他們看護着那些轉生成動物的形態,並可能再次獲得精靈的形態的古老精靈精魂。這些侍奉莎罕尼的遊俠同樣發誓要尋找並摧毀那些腐蝕着大地的不死生物。
The Sentinels of the Moonbow are a small fellowship of rangers pledged to the service of the Goddess of Moonlight. Sentinels watch over animals that may hold the reincarnated spirits of elves of ages past and that may once again assume elven form. These rangers in the service of Sehanine are also pledged to the tracking and destruction of undead creatures whose existence is a blight upon the land.

  蒙面聖詩會The Veiled Choir 是一群真實存在由傳奇、奧秘與謎團所遮掩的神秘女團契。蒙面聖詩會的姊妹因她們預言未來的能力而享有盛名,她們所看到的啟示會在一陣久不止息的合唱中被揭示。這些古老精靈先知只有一部分被相信還存留於世,她們居住在夢之女士古老到甚至已經被優雅族裔所遺忘的神殿中。外出冒險的年輕精靈們總是會嘗試去尋找這些女祭司們所處的神諭之地,有意思的是,她們沒有任何一人處於翠郁之島之上。一位幸運而堅韌的精靈在十分幸運的情況下能夠遇見蒙面聖詩會的一員,而那些僅僅是追隨着聖詩會員留在世間的痕跡的精靈卻總無法找到她們。抵達一位聖詩會會員的聖所的報酬往往會是來自光輝之雲的一道祝福與一道需要接受者窮盡一生以解開其絲線的謎團。
The Veiled Choir is a mysterious sisterhood of elven mystics whose very existence is obscured by a veil of legend, mystery, and rumor. Sisters of the Veiled Choir are renowned for their prophetic ability, and their visions are revealed in an unending chorus of song. Only a handful of these ancient elven seers are believed to exist, residing in ancient temples of the Lady of Dreams whose very existence has long been forgotten by even the Fair Folk. Young elves in search of adventure often attempt to find the sisterhood's oracular redoubts of which, curiously, none are located on the Green Isle. On rare occasions a lucky and persistent elf discovers a Veiled Cantoria, but those who seek to simply follow in their footsteps always fail in their quest. The reward for reaching a sanctuary of the Veiled Choir is always the blessing of the Luminous Cloud and a mysterious prophecy, the unraveling of which may consume the rest of the recipient s life.

祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:

  莎罕尼的神職人員喜愛銀白色的半透明女長衣(女祭司)或寬長袍(男祭司)。他們額前佩戴銀色的頭冠,眉間之上戴着一塊懸繫着的 月長石moonstone pendant。他們足穿涼鞋,腰間繫着一條銀色的絲帶。他們的聖徽是一塊被塑為扁平圓碟的月長石(直徑大約3英呎),以一條精緻的銀鏈或秘銀鏈掛在脖子上。
Members of Sehanine's clergy favor silvery-white diaphanous gowns (for the priestesses) and togas (for the priests). A silver diadem is worn on the head, oftentimes with a moonstone pendant dangling above the brow. Simple sandals are worn on the feet, and a silver lace sash is worn around the waist. The holy symbol of the faith is a moonbar crystal carved in the shape of a small flat disk (approximately three inches in diameter), and such devices are often worn around the neck on a delicate-looking silver or mithral chain.

冒險裝束Adventuring Garb:

  夜空之女的祭司在盔甲上偏愛皮甲,並且會攜帶沒有裝飾的、前端如被打磨過一樣閃着鏡面光芒的小圓盾。他們的護甲一般被裝飾地如同夢幻一樣,反映着穿戴者本人的魅力與情感。高階祭司則因他們喜愛的精製精靈鏈甲或精靈板甲而聞名,儘管這些盔甲有許多隨着密斯卓諾的陷落而下落不明。莎罕尼地神職人員喜愛遠程武器,尤其是長弓以及短弓,他們同樣喜歡木杖。月光法杖staff of moonlight流星戒指ring of shootingstar 則尤其被看重。
Priests of the Daughter of the Night Skies favor mail over leather armor, and most carry round shields whose unadorned, reflective fronts are polished mirror bright. Such armor is typically fancifully adorned, emphasizing the grace and bearing of the wearer. Senior priests are well known for the elaborate suits of elven chain mail or elven plate mail they favor, although many such suits were lost with the fall of Myth Drannor. Sehanine's clergy favor missile weapons, particularly short and longbows, and staves. Staffs of the moonlight and rings of shooting stars are particularly prized.

Sehanine Moonbow2

專屬祭司Specialty Priests(星詠者Starsinger)

  職業需求REQUIREMENTS:智力Intelligence 9,感知Wisdom 13
  關鍵屬性PRIME REQ.:智力Intelligence,感知Wisdom
  主修領域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All, astral, charm, divination, guardian, healing, necromantic, protection, summoning, sun, travelers
  次要領域MINOR SPHERES:Numbers, thought, wards
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧師Same as cleric
  熟練需求REQ. PROFS:弓Bow, 制弓/制箭師bowyer/fletcher
  熟練獎勵BONUS PROPS:占星術Astrology,導航navigation

  ❖ Starsingers must be elves or half-elves. While most starsingers are moon elves or gold elves, elves and half-elves of every subrace are called to be specialty priests of Sehanine's clergy.

  ❖ Starsingers are not allowed to multiclass.

  ❖ Starsingers receive a +2 bonus to their saving throws vs. death magic. This bonus improves to +4 on the night beforc, during, and after the full moon. It drops to +0 on the night beforc, during, and after the new moon.

  ❖ On nights beforc, during, and after the full moon, opponents' saving throws against spells and granted powers employed by starsingers suffer a -2 penalty. On the night beforc, during, and after the new moon, this becomes a +2 bonus for the opponent of the starsinger.

  ❖ Starsingers may cast wizard spells from either the divination school or illusion/phantasm school as defined in the Limited Wizard Spellcasting section of "Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests." At 1st level, each starsinger must choose one school or the other, and the choice of study is irrevocable thereafter.

  ❖每日1次,星詠者可施展 月光纖塵Motes of Moonlight(如同1級祭司法術)或 睡眠術(如同1級法師法術)。
  ❖ Starsingers can cast motes of moonlight (as the 1st-level priest spell) or sleep (as the 1st-level wizard spell) once per day.

  ❖在第3級,每日1次,星詠者可施展一次 鏡影術mirror image(如同2級法師法術)或 熱感視覺infravision(如同3級法師法術)。如果將後一種用法施加在已經天生具備熱感視覺的精靈或半精靈身上,那麼對神授能力的這種運用將受術者的熱感視覺提升至120呎。
  ❖ At 3rd level, starsingers can cast mirror image (as the 2nd-level wizard spell) or infravision (as the 3rd-level wizard spell) once per day. If latter effect is cast upon an elf or half-elf who naturally possesses infravision, the use of this granted power increases his or her infravision to 120 feet.

  ❖在第5級,每日1次,星詠者可施展 偵測精魂detect spirits星空之光starshine(如同3級祭司法術)。
  ❖ At 5th level, starsingers can cast detect spirits or starshine (as the 3rd-level priest spells) once per day.

  ❖在第7級,每日1次,星詠者可施展 通神術commune月光錐moonbeam(如同5級祭司法術)。
  ❖ At 7th level, starsingers can cast commune or moonbeam (as the 5th level priest spells) once per day.

  ❖在第10級,每日1次,星詠者可施展 託夢術dream(如同5級法師法術)或 真知術true seeing(如同5級祭司法術)。
  ❖ At 10th level, starsingers can cast dream (as the 5th-level wizard spell) or true seeing (as the 5th-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖在第13級,每日1次,星詠者每日可 高等法咒之夢Greater Spelldream(如同《法師法術大全Wizard's Spell Compendium》卷二所述4級法師法術)、佩斯珀月弓Pres-per's moonbow(如同《巫師殘頁Pages from the Mages》或 法師法術大全Wizard's Spell Compendium]]》卷三所述5級法師法術)或 啟示術vision(如同7級法師法術)。
  ❖ At 13th level, starsingers can cast greater spelldream (as the 4th-level wizard spell detailed the Wizard's Spell Compendium, Volume 2) or Pres-per's moonbow (as the 5th-level wizard spell detailed in Pages from the Mages or the Wizard's Spell Compendium, Volume 3) or vision (as the 7th-level wizard spell) once per day.

  ❖在第15級,每日1次,星詠者可施展 醫療術heal(如同6級祭司法術)、異界之門gate聖言holy word(如同7級祭司法術)。
  ❖ At 15th level, starsingers can heal (as the 6th-level priest spell) or gate or holy word (as the 7th-level priest spells) once per day.

莎罕妮教派法術Sehanite Spells

  除了下列的法術,月輪女士的祭司還能夠施展2級神術 伊莉絲翠的月火Eilistraee's moonfire(詳見於 伊莉絲翠Eilistraee 條目下),3級祭司神術 月之刃moon blade(詳見與《信仰與化身faith & avatar》中的 塞倫涅Selûne 條目,以及2級祭司法術 月之盾moon shield(來自《來自信徒的祈禱Prayers from the Faithful》中的 月之網The Moonweb,一本塞倫涅的聖書 章節)。
In addition to the spells listed below, priests of the Lunar Lady may cast the 2nd-level priest spell Eilistraee's moonfire, detailed in the entry for Eilistraee, the 3rd-level priest spell moon blade, detailed in the entry for Selûne in Faiths & Avatars, and the 2nd-level priest spell moon shield, detailed in the entry for The Moonweb, a holy tome of Selûne, in Prayers from the Faithful.

1st Level

月光纖塵Motes of Moonlight

  (祭司Pr 1;轉化Alteration)

  持續時間Duration:1 小時hour + 1 回合/級turn/level
  施法時間Casting Time:4
  影響區域Area of Effect:10 呎/級feet/level
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None

  這道法術會往施法者所指的方向創造出一道閃耀的銀色光跡。這道光輝製造的亮度同等於一道月光,任何站立在 月光纖塵motes of moonlight 中的莎罕尼祭司視作她們正站在滿月的光輝中。在這道光束之外的,處在黑暗中的物件能夠被看見,但最多只能看到一道模糊而虛幻的外輪廓。法術能夠在最大範圍內的任意一點被指定,每施法者等級10呎範圍,且他或她在施法時必須對目標點有不被阻礙的視線。光束從施法者的聖徽處釋放。一旦被釋放,月光纖塵 便會固定在那個位置,哪怕施法者與聖徽移動到了別處。施法者可以以口頭命令解除 月光纖塵
This spell creates a trail of shimmering, silvery lights in the direction pointed by the caster. The beam of light thus caused is equal in brightness to a shaft of moonlight, and any priest of Sehanine standing among the motes of moonlight is treated as if they were bathed in the light of a full moon. Objects in darkness beyond this beam can be seen, at best, as vague and shadowy shapes. The spell is targeted at any fixed point within range of the beam's terminus, 10 feet per level of the caster, and she or he must have a line of sight or unobstructed path to that point when the spell is cast. The beam starts at the caster's holy symbol. Once cast, motes of moonlight hang in place, even if the target or holy symbol is then moved. The caster can dismiss the motes on command.

  這道法術經常在新月之夜時或在月光無法觸及的地方釋放,接續一道顯現在纖塵區域中的 月之橋mocmbridge
This spell is often used in conjunction with a mocmbridge incantation in regions where the moon's light does not reach and on nights of the new moon.

3rd Level

偵測精魂Detect Spirits

  (祭司Pr 3;預言Divination)

  持續時間Duration:10 呎×60 呎的路徑
  施法時間Casting Time:6
  影響區域Area of Effect:特殊Special
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None

  這道預言法術能夠揭示所有種類的沒有實體、虛無縹緲的精魂,包括縛靈、鬼魂、幽靈、星界投射中的生物、使用 魔魂壺magic jar 或被 魔魂壺 影響的怪物或角色、動物與自然靈體。僅僅是隱形的、變形的或是以太化的角色或怪物不會被偵測出來,因為他們雖然狀態不正常,他們仍有血肉的形體存在。施法者能夠偵測10呎寬60呎長的路徑內所有的精魂;影響範圍內所有上述的精魂將會被揭示出他們首先的形態以顯現給其他人觀察。僅僅對精魂進行偵測並不會給予施法者任何傷到或與之交流的能力。
This divination reveals the presence of disembodied or noncorporeal spirits of all types, including wraiths, ghosts, spectres, astrally projecting creatures, characters or monsters employing magic jar or possession, and animal and nature spirits. Characters or monsters who are simply invisible, phased, or ethereal do not count as spirits, since they are physically present in the flesh despite their unusual status. The caster detects spirits in a path 10 feet wide and 60 feet long; any spirits of the type described above in the area of effect are revealed in their preferred form or appearance for all to see. Simply detecting a spirit does not give the caster any special ability to communicate with or attack the entity.

. The material component for this spell is a small pendant of copper wire worth at least 20 gp.

4th Level


  (祭司Pr 4;轉化Alteration)

  持續時間Duration:1 輪/2級
  施法時間Casting Time:7
  影響區域Area of Effect:特殊Special
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None

This spell creates a crystalline bow the size and strength of a long bow or short bow, as chosen by the caster during the casting. A thin beam of silvery light serves as the bowstring and, when it is drawn back causes a shimmering, silver arrow to magically appear in the proper position.

  只有施法者本人可以使用被這道法術創造出的水晶之弓,若這把弓因任何原因被施法者放下,那麼它會散作一道持續飛舞1d4+1回合的光輝雲彩,隨後消失為無物。每回合,這道弓最多可以朝它射程內的目標射出兩道光束。每道光束的飛行尾跡都會由一道 月光纖塵motes of moonlight(如同一級同名牧師神術,但是只持續1d4+1回合)描繪而出。想讓由 月之弓 射出的光束擊中對手,施法者必須成功命中對方。無論命中與否,被射出的光箭會如同上述水晶弓的消失一般消散。月之弓 成功命中後造成的效果取決於目標的生物類型。
Only the caster can employ the crystalline bow created by means of this spell, and it fades into a luminous cloud that dances about for 1d4+1 rounds and then vanishes into nothingness if released for any reason. At most, two shafts from the bow can be fired per round at any target within range. Each shaft trails a stream of motes of moonlight (as the 1st-level spell of the same name but lasting only 1d4+1 rounds) delineating the path of flight. A successful attack roll is required to hit an opponent with a shaft fired by the moonbow. After any attack, whether it hits or misses, the arrow fired vanishes in a fashion similar to the crystalline bow, as described above.

  若箭矢飛入魔法的 黑暗術 區域,那麼它會將黑暗的效果抵消,但這樣的話除了上述的 月光纖塵 尾跡以外,箭矢不會造成其他效果。對抗一個活物時,箭矢視作為來自正能量位面的一道能量束並造成7d4點傷害。對抗一個使用着來自負能量位面的力量,或本身就是那個內層位面稀少的原住民之一的不死生物,月之弓 的光束造成14d4點傷害並且會讓目標沐浴在一陣持續1d4+1輪的銀色的 妖火faerie fire 之下。(對單個不死生物的多次成功攻擊不會讓他身上的妖火效果翻倍,但是若後到的箭矢造成的妖火的持續時間比先到的久,那麼妖火的持續時間立刻延長至後到的。)一道月光束對使用正能量位面力量的不死生物(比如木乃伊)造成每等級7d4點傷害,但沒有其它效果。
The effects of a successful hit with a moonbow vary depending the type of the target. If shot into a region of magical darkness, the arrow negates the effect but otherwise does nothing but trail the aforementioned motes of moonlight. Against a living creature, a moonshaft acts as a bolt of energy from the Positive Material Plane, inflicting 7d4 points of damage. Against undead creatures who draw their power from the Negative Material Plane and rare natives of that Inner Plane, a moonshoft inflicts 14d4 points of damage and bathes the target in silvery faerie fire for 1d4+1 rounds. (Multiple successful attacks against a single undead creature do not double the effectiveness of the faerie fire effect, but instead simply extend the effect if the additional period ends later than the first.) Against undead creatures who draw their power from the Positive Material Plane (such as mutritfties) and rare natives of that Inner Plane, a moonshaft cures 7d4 points of damage per level, but otherwise has no effect.

The material components of this spell are the priest's holy symbol and the silken thread of a cobweb coated in dew gathered beneath the light of the full moon.


  (祭司Pr 4;轉化Alteration)

  距離Range:120 碼yards
  持續時間Duration:1 輪/級round/level
  施法時間Casting Time:7
  影響區域Area of Effect:特殊Special
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None

  這道法術會將一道月光轉化為能夠支援善良陣營生物的半透明的橋,無論月光是天然的還是被魔法創造的(比如說由一道 月光纖塵motes of moonlight 法術)。中立陣營的存在也能夠行走在 月之橋Moonbridge 上,只要他們與施法者有着直接地物理接觸(或者通過一條鏈子的一段互相連接,但至少有一名連接中的成員要與祭司有身體接觸)。邪惡陣營的存在則會發現這座橋與皎潔的月光一樣縹緲無形。在沒有向特定方向播撒的月光之下,施法者能夠以他或她的位置為原點在任何方向上創造出 月之橋,只要 月之橋 的全長都在月光之下且沒有受到干擾。
This spell transforms a shaft of moonlight, whether it be naturally occurring or magically created (such as by a motes of moonlight spell), into a translucent bridge capable of supporting beings of good alignment. Beings of neutral alignment can also walk atop a moonbridge as long as they stay in direct physical contact with the caster (or form part of a chain, of which at least one member must be in physical contact with the priest). Evilly aligned beings find moonbridges as insubstantial as moonlight. In areas bathed in moonlight with no distinctive shafts of light, the caster can create a moonbridge from his or her location at the time in any direction, as long as the entire length of the moonbridge is bathed in moonlight without interruption.

   一道 月之橋 寬最多三呎,長最小二十呎,儘管它能隨着施法者的意願而延伸至120碼的距離。法術會一直持續到持續時間結束或施法者命令它消失。月之橋 的傾斜角和方向如上所述有所不同。
A moonbridge is at most 3 feet wide and at least 20 feet long, although it can extend as far as 120 yards, according to the caster s desire. It lasts as long as the spell's duration or until ordered out of existence by the caster. The angle of inclination and direction of the moonbridge varies as noted above.

The material components of this spell are the priest's holy symbol and a vial of holy water that has been bathed in the light of the last full moon for at least 6 consecutive hours.