薩弗拉斯Savras,全見之人 | |
基本信息 | |
【音 標】 | SAHV-ras |
【頭 銜】 | 全見者The All-Seeing,全見之人the All-Seeing One,預言魔法之主Lord of Divination Magies,第三隻眼的那個人He of the Third Eye,預言者The Diviner |
【陣 營】 | LN |
【神 力】 | M→L→D→Dead→? |
【神 職】 | 預言Divinations,預言魔法divination magic,預言者diviners,命運fate,真相truth,真相的敘述者truth-speakers |
與諸神的關係 | |
【神 系】 | FR泛費倫神系Faerûnian Pantheon |
【主 神】 | 阿祖斯Azuth;密絲特拉Mystra,午夜Midnight |
【盟 友】 | 阿祖斯Azuth,密絲特拉Mystra,午夜Midnight |
【敵 對】 | 巴爾Bhaal,班恩Bane,希瑞克Cyric,萊拉Leira,馬斯克Mask,塔洛斯Talos |
神國與教會 | |
【神 國】 | 世外桃源Arcadia/2th 火星天堂Buxenus/眼之域The Eye |
【徽 記】 | 其中舞躍著類型眾多、數量難以計數眼睛的水晶球Crystal ball in which dance countless eyes of many different types |
【相關 神器】 | 薩弗拉斯權杖Scepter of Savras |
【簡 介】 | 預言之神 薩弗拉斯Savras 據說曾為凡人。被稱作全見者的他被認為洞知一切的過去與未來。在第一代魔法女神密絲瑞爾隕落、重生為第二代女神密絲特拉的過程中,他與阿祖斯決鬥並落敗,被囚入薩弗拉斯權杖,在漫長的監禁中從弱等神淪為了半神。 在動盪之年後雙方達成和解,他以從神的身份重獲自由。之後於1385 DR死於奧法之劫。 |
<Powers & Pantheons.p047>薩弗拉斯Savras
(全見者The All-Seeing,全見之人the All-Seeing One,預言魔法之主Lord of Divination Magies,第三隻眼的那個人He of the Third Eye,預言者The Diviner)
世外桃源半神力(從前弱等) Demipower (formerly Lesser) of Arcadia,
神職PORTFOLIO:預言Divinations,預言魔法divination magic,預言者diviners,命運fate,真相truth,真相的敘述者truth-speakers
神域名DOMAIN NAME:火星天堂Buxenus/眼之域The Eye
徽記SYMBOL:其中舞躍著類型眾多、數量難以計數眼睛的水晶球Crystal ball in which dance countless eyes of many different types
信徒陣營WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,守序中立LN,絕對中立N,混亂中立CN,守序邪惡LE
被遺忘的預見Foresight Forsaken
長久以來,奧秘女士the Lady of Mysteries 一直是位在 諸國度the Realms 各地被崇拜的神秘人物。對於那些尊崇魔法的人來說,沒什麼能如 咒文女士the Lady of Spells 那樣美麗。在她從 密絲瑞爾Mystryl 的消逝中甦醒、重生為 密絲特拉Mystra 的過程中,有兩位相互競爭的擲法者在謀求 眾魔法之母the Mother of All Magic 的眷顧(有些人甚至說,他們競逐的是她的愛意)。
The Lady of Mysteries has long been an enigmatic figure worshiped throughout the Realms. To those who revere magic, there is none so beautiful as the Lady of Spells. In the wake of Mystryl's death and rebirth as Mystra, two rival spell-hurlers sought the favor (and some say even the hand) of the Mother of All Magic.
這兩位法師中,年輕的那位是魯莽而強大的 阿祖斯Azuth,他為強大而無節制的魔法之美欣喜;與此同時,兩人中年長的那位,熟思而內省的 「全見者」薩弗拉斯Savras the All-Seeing,則不浪費哪怕一個法術,他了解在魔法的精妙運用中的美。多年來,在兩者的爭鬥中沒有哪位法師占到了上風,不過雙方的力量都在穩固地增長。雖然薩弗拉斯做的精心準備在最開始足以迫使阿祖斯處於守勢,但 咒文之主the Lord of Spells 隨著時間推移的反擊,證明了他對 魔網the Weave 更勝一籌的掌控。在那撕裂了一座山脈、創造了一泊深湖的戰鬥高潮,阿祖斯最終粉碎了對手的防禦,將薩弗拉斯的本質監禁在他製造的一件魔法神器(後來被稱為 薩弗拉斯權杖Scepter of Savras)中。因這些,他成為了 至高者the High One 和密絲特拉的首任 傳道法師Magister,並在之後由密絲特拉贊助成為了一位神明。
The younger of the two wizards was the brash and powerful Azuth, who delighted in the power and unbounded beauty of magic, while the older of the pair was the deliberate and introspective Savras the All-Seeing, who wasted nary a single spell and saw beauty in magics precise application. For years the duo fought with neither wizard gaining the upper hand, but both steadily gaining in power. While Savrass careful preparation was initially enough to put Azuth on the defensive, the Lord of Spells battled back over time, demonstrating his superior mastery of the Weave. Azuth finally shattered his rival's defenses in a climactic battle that split a mountain and created a deep lake, lie imprisoned Savrass essence within a magical artifact of his construction that came to be known as the Scepter of Savms. With this act he became the High One and the first Magister of Mystra, later to be sponsored by her to become a god.
即便是在薩弗拉斯戰敗後,賢者們仍然推測 全見之人the All-Seeing One 必定預見了他自己的失敗。如果這是真的,或許薩弗拉斯在計劃將自己的失敗,作為為在長期策略中取勝的一次佯攻。這事具體如何只有他有發言權,而他拒絕對此進行評論。
Ever since Savras's loss, sages have speculated that the All-Seeing One must have foreseen his own defeat. If this is true, perhaps Savras planned his own defeat as a feint in a long-term ploy for victory. Only he can say, and he refuses to speak on it.
Savras (SAHV-ras) is believed to know all that has happened and all that will occur. Some claim that he guides the forces of fate, while others believe he is cursed to know all of history but is unable to affect its flow.
薩弗拉斯是位很久以前的 南方the South 神祇,他在 哈魯阿Halruaa、都帕Durpar、依斯塔剛德Estagund、丹布雷斯Dambrath、黃金瓦爾Var the Golden、(小規模地在)卡林珊Calimshan、泰瑟爾Tethyr、和 安姆Amn 被崇拜。他曾如阿祖斯般強大,並且很大程度上分享著相同的神職:侍奉密絲特拉,魔法之女神的巫師。他們的爭鬥正值 黎明之災the Dawn Cataclysm(或是在其不久後),薩弗拉斯最終戰敗了。阿祖斯成為了獨一的法師之神,全見之人的本質則被囚禁在阿祖斯製造的一件神器(後來被稱之為 薩弗拉斯權杖)中。(這件聖物詳述見《瓦羅的所有魔法物品指南Volo's Guide to All Things Magical》)。
Savras was a long-ago god of the South who was worshiped in Halruaa, Durpar, Estagund, Dambrath, and Var the Golden, with small pockets in Calimshan, Tethyr, and Amn. He was once as powerful as Azuth and shared much of the same portfolio:mages in the service of Mystra, goddess of magic. The two contended during or slightly after the Dawn Cataclysm, and Savras fell. Azuth became the one god of wizards, and the All-Seeing One's essence was imprisoned in an artifact of Azuth's construction that came to be known as the Scepter of Savras. (See Volo's Guide to All Things Magical for details on this relic.)
The Lord of Spells, as Azuth was thereafter known, intended to keep the scepter in which Savras was imprisoned as his staff of office. Although reduced to demipower status, Savras was still powerful enough to block Azuth's divination abilities and teleport his prison into the Realms where it passed beyond Azuth's reach.
在全見之人在被囚禁於這件聖物期間,薩弗拉斯的崇拜者日漸減少,為他們神的失蹤和來自阿祖斯追隨者的嘲弄而沮喪。他最後一位值得注意的崇拜者是 「先知」阿蘭多Alaundo the Seer,他揭示了世界將應驗的唯一夢境,而因此阿蘭多是諸國度唯一的真正先知。
While the All-Seeing One was imprisoned in the relic, Savras's worshipers slowly dwindled, disheartened by the disappearance of their god and pilloried by the followers of Azuth. His final worshiper of note was Alaundo the Seer, to whom he revealed only visions that would come true, and thus Alaundo is the only true prophet of the Realms.
終於,薩弗拉斯權杖 落入了 七姐妹the Seven Sisters 之一,希倫·銀手Sylune Silverhand 手中。她使用了這個神器相當長的一段時間,而無視了薩弗拉斯釋放他的請求。在揭示了密絲特拉認為最好不應讓凡人知曉的、諸神們的秘密行動後,希倫最終將權杖還給了阿祖斯。
Eventually the Scepter of Savras past into the hands of Sylune Silverhand, one of the Seven Sisters. She employed the artifact for quite some time, ignoring Savras's entreaties to be freed. Sylune finally returned the Scepter to Azuth after uncovering secret doings of the gods that Mystra deemed it better for mortals not to know.
在重獲這件聖物後,阿祖斯發現了對薩弗拉斯的漫長監禁給自己造成的困擾。動盪之年Time of Troubles 後,以薩弗拉斯宣誓對至高者的效忠為交換,法師的守護神the Patron of Wizards 同意了薩弗拉斯釋放他的要求。今日薩弗拉斯是位(儘管感到窘迫地)服侍阿祖斯的半神力。這兩位神力似乎正謹慎地發展友誼和正式的神職劃分。
After reacquiring the relic, Azuth found himself troubled by Savras's long imprisonment. Following the Time of Troubles, the Patron of Wizards agreed to Savras's request to be released in exchange for a pledge of fealty by Savras to the High One. Today Savras is a demipower who serves Azuth, albeit uneasily. The two powers seem to be cautiously working toward friend-ship and a formal division of portfolios.
Some sages and devout defenders of the All-Seeing One believe that Savras deliberately lost his battle with Azuth, having chosen the more favorable outcome in the long-run. The followers of Azuth hotly contest any such implication. Some lorebooks recount that Azuth was the victor because his personal drive and passionate nature at the time complemented the restraint of Mystra, and she favored him over Savras, who was more cautious and distant like herself. Many sages who have studied the relation-ships of the powers in the past find this to be not an unlikely premise, since previous to his ascending to godhood Mystra had favored Azuth by naming him the first Magister.
全見之人是位謹慎、講究邏輯的神力,他花費漫長時間在沉默中冥思。他鄙棄著想要掩蓋真相的任何人或任何神力,因此他只要有機會,都會反對 希瑞克Cyric 和 馬斯克Mask(外加以前的 萊拉Leira)。他也討厭殘酷的毀滅和沒有盡頭的殺戮,所以 巴爾Bhaal 發現他對自己並不友好,而他對於 塔洛斯Talos 也仍然是如此。班恩Bane 令人難以忍受的傲慢(連同他的邪惡行為)讓薩弗拉斯恨地牙痒痒,而那些表現出傲岸的驕傲與自大者同樣會惹怒他。他同時侍奉著阿祖斯和密絲特拉,他服侍前者的理由是出於對他們協議的尊重、以及一種對他們之間的遠古競爭的遙敬;而他服侍後者的理由,則是出於職責、以及一種錯位的愛慕,他將她作為已不再的初代密絲特拉的人格,後者只要在場就能溫暖他的靈魂。
The All-Seeing One is a cautious, logical power given to long intervals of meditative silence. He despises anyone or any power who would obscure the truth, and thus he opposes Cyric and Mask (and opposed Leira) at every opportunity. He also dislikes brutal destruction and killing for no end, and so Bhaal found him no friend, and Talos still does not. Bane's insufferable arrogance set Savras's teeth on edge (along with his evil behavior), and those who display overweening pride and arrogance still irk him. He serves Azuth to honor their agreement and a distant respect for their ancient rivalry and Mystra out of duty and a sort of misplaced affection, as the personality of the first Mystra, whose very presence warmed his spirit, is no longer.
Savras's statements are clear, precise, and rarely what the listener wants to hear. He always speaks the absolute truth, and in cases where the truth is a matter of perspective, he reveals all sides of the truth. There is little compassion or emotion in Savras's actions or demeanor, but sages speculate this seemingly emotionless facade is merely a front for a power who cares deeply about the fate of the Realms but finds himself relatively helpless to change its destiny.Savras almost never loses his temper, but when he does, his wrath is dreadful.
薩弗拉斯的化身Savras's Avatar
(預言師Diviner 25,牧師Cleric 25)
Savras appears as a human male of advancing years with a crystalline visage, clear to all who see him. A third crystalline eye winks with an inner light on his smooth brow. A sort of hush follows him about, and extraneous noise seems to fade into the background in his presence. The All-Seeing One favors spells from the spheres of divination, numbers, and thought and the school of divination, although he can cast spells from any sphere or school.
防禦等級 -2;移動 15;生命值 166;零級命中值 4;#攻擊 1次
傷害 1d10
魔抗 70%;體型 大型L(10英尺)
力量 13,敏捷 19,體質 22,智力 24,感知 24,魅力 15
法術 牧師P:13/12/12/12/12/10/4,法師W:6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/5*
豁免 麻痹、毒素與死亡魔法 2;權杖、法杖與魔杖 3;石化或變形 5;噴吐武器 7;法術 4
AC -2; MV 15; HP 166, THAC0 4;#AT 1
Dmg 1d10
MR 70%; SZ L (10 feet)
Str 13, Dex 19, Con 22, Int 24, Wis 24, Cha 15
Spells P:13/12/12/12/12/10/4, W:6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/5*
Saves PPDM 2, RSW 3, PP 5, BW 7, Sp 4
*Numbers assume one extra divination spell per spell level.
特殊攻擊/防禦Special Att/Def:
在施展後,薩弗拉斯能夠無限期地維持來自預言學派或預言領域的法術。薩弗拉斯的水晶球——真世先知Truthseer,同時地存在於密絲特拉的圖書館(即便是在薩弗拉斯不在那時)和薩弗拉斯的神域名——眼之域The Eye(位於 火星天堂Buxenus)。它能向密絲特拉揭示薩弗拉斯所知曉的任何事,或者如果她或阿祖斯提問了,它也能進行探測。有時薩弗拉斯會賦予那些對他格外奉獻、或是在履行某項他自己、阿祖斯、或密絲特拉的使命的凡人,查看 真世先知 的特權。那些窺視過它的凡人們從未談論過從中目睹的內容,但他們的人生每每已被改變。
Savras can maintain any spell from the school of divination or sphere of divination indefinitely after casting it. Savras's crystal ball,Truthseer, resides both in Mystra's library (even when Savras is not there) and in Savras's home domain, The Eye (on Buxenus), simultaneously. It can reveal anything to Mystra that Savras knows or can determine if asked by her or Azuth. The privilege of looking within Truthseer has sometimes been allowed by Savras to mortals especially devoted to him or on a mission for himself, Azuth, or Mystra. What is seen by mortals within its depths has never been spoken of by those who have gazed within it, but it has always changed their lives.
Savras can see any event in that occurred in the past and all possible futures. There is a 75% chance that he can anticipate any opponent's actions far enough in the future to counter them. This enables him to automatically dodge missile attacks, the first melee attack in a round, or spell effects (effectively always making his saving throw vs. target effects and area-of-effect spells that there is any room to escape and taking only one-quarter damage in cases where a saving throw is for half damage). He is also easily able to exploit an opponent's weaknesses and gains a +1 bonus to his attack and initiative roll for each consecutive round he has engaged an opponent after the first.
At his will, the touch of the All-Seeing One paralyzes mortal opponents with indecision (in addition to inflicting damage, if Savras wishes) as they are overwhelmed with all alternate futures that may result from any decision they reach. This effect lasts 2d6+2 rounds and no saving throw is al-lowed. During this time, the victim of Savras's touch is helpless to attack or defend himself or perform any other mental or physical activity.
Savras is immune to all charm-type and illusion/phantasm spells or spell-like abilities, even of a divine nature.
其祂顯現Other Manifestations
Savras commonly manifests as a single unwinking eye that always seems to stare directly at anyone viewing it. Savras can cast any spell or create any spell-like effect available to his avatar from this manifestation. The All-Seeing One sometimes manifests as a vision of the future or the past. Such visions always contain some pearl of insight, but their meanings are typically uncertain and obscure.
薩弗拉斯通過 水蛋白石water opals、白珍珠white pearls、或 藍水晶blue quartz 的被發現,展現他的眷顧,通過 帕西多雲母石psaedros (一種在大部分占卜中毫無價值的物質)粉末的展現,展現他的不悅。預言之主the Lord of Diviners 被 demaraxes、pers、旁觀者眼魔、術法幽魂spellhaunt、和法師陰魂wizshades,以及有著正常外觀、但神秘地能說話的動物(特別是印花布色或全灰的貓、哈叭狗、魚和鳥)侍奉著。
Savras shows his favor through the discovery of water opals, white pearls, or blue quartz and his displeasure through the revealing of powdered psaedros (a substance worthless in most divinations). The Lord of Diviners is served by demaraxes, pers, spectators, spellhaunts, and wizshades, and by normal-seeming animals that mysteriously speak, especially calico and all-gray house cats, lap dogs, fish, and birds.
譯註:Psaedros — the name by which lepido- lite is known in the Realms; it is a soft pink to mauve mica rock used in low- priced carving.
教會The Church
神職人員Clergy:牧師Clerics,專屬祭司specialty priests,預言師diviners,武僧monks
神職陣營Clergy's Align.:守序善良LG,守序中立LN,守序邪惡LE,中立善良NG,絕對中立N
驅散不死Turn Undead:牧師C:可,若為善良或中立;專屬祭司SP:可;預言師Div:不可;武僧Mon:不可
支配不死Cmnd. Undead:牧師C:可,若為邪惡;專屬祭司SP:不可;預言師Div:不可;武僧Mon:不可
薩弗拉斯的所有牧師、專屬祭司和武僧得到 宗教知識religion(泛費倫Faerûnian)作為非武器專攻獎勵。
All clerics, specialty priests, and monks of Savras receive religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.
Savras is little known in the Realms outside of the coterie of diviners and fortunetellers. Those outside the ranks of his faithful who know of the All-Seeing One typically hold him in poor regard. Savras's penchant for speaking the truth, even when it is unlooked for, have earned him more foes than allies. In addition, the clergy of Azuth have long contributed to sullying Savras's name. Only in recent years has the church of Azuth moderated its invectives against Savras. With the resurgence of Savras's faith in the aftermath of the Time of Troubles, priests of the All-Seeing One have begun a campaign to improve their deity's standing in the Realms.
Shrines and temples of the All-Seeing One are typically dominated by a giant, sacred statue of Savras carved from white marble seated atop an onyx dais in meditative repose. The Lord of Diviners is always portrayed with his palms upward in a gesture of supplication and with blank eyes gazing from a placid face. In the center of the idol's brow is a crystalline third eye that is often reputed to have magical powers. Savras's statues are often placed in large halls dominated by titanic columns and accessed by circular portals and windows which close and open like an iris. The walls of the All-Seeing One's temples are inscribed with countless hieroglyphics depicting alien landscapes and events in the distant past or future scryed by the temple's diviners.
在薩弗拉斯被長期監禁期間,因為他的神職人員們無法得到祈禱的回應並且逐漸地死去,他的信徒減少到了只剩一些個專精法師預言師。緊隨著他從薩弗拉斯權杖的被釋放,薩弗拉斯補充了被稱作 神諭者sibylites 的專屬祭司(占大部分)和武僧充作他的神職人員。目前,被統稱為 卜者divinators 的薩弗拉斯神職人員,約65%是專屬祭司,5%是牧師,15%是武僧,剩下的是專精法師預言師。初修士被稱作真相探求者Truth Seekers。從低到高,薩弗拉斯神職人員中的祭司被稱為 真相敘述者Truth Speakers、學者Savants、學士Scholars、賢者Sages、洞見者Clairvoyants、預言者Soothsayers、預告者Prophesier、先知Prophets、以及 神諭Oracles。更高階的祭司擁有自己的獨特頭銜,這是一項開始於薩弗拉斯被監禁的諸世紀期間的傳統。
During the long imprisonment of Savras, his faithful dwindled to a few specialist wizard diviners, as his clerics received no answer to their prayers for centuries and gradually died out. Upon his release from the Scepter of Savras, Savras has added mainly specialty priests, known as sibylites, and monks to his clergy. Currently about 65% of the clergy of Savras, known collectively as divinators, are specialty priests,5% are clerics,15% are monks, and the remainder are specialist wizard diviners. Novices are known as Truth Seekers. In ascending order, priests in the clergy of Savras are known as Truth Speakers, Savants, Scholars, Sages, Clairvoyants, Soothsayers, Prophesiers, Prophets, and Oracles. Higher-ranking priests have their own unique titles, a tradition begun during the centuries of Savras's imprisonment.
The blindness of mortals is the origin of all folly. Search for the truth in all things great and small and conceal nothing. Speak only the truth, for lies and misdirection, even for benign motives, are the root of all sorrow. Be not paralyzed by indecision, but take no action without analyzing the implications. Hasty actions and decisions are rarely more beneficial than well thought out strategies which are revised as necessary. Mortals who employ only their two common eyes are essentially blind. Savras provides the third blessed eye, allowing both foresight and hind-sight, so that mortals can access the omniscience of the gods. It is not wrong to use the knowledge that Savras gives to help yourself and your church, but caution should be employed in furthering the goals of others as part of their agenda may be hidden. Seek for the hidden motive before you act, and damage not the whole of the realm in which you live out your mortal life.
日常活動Day-to-Day Activities:
Divinators begin and end their days with extended sessions of peaceful meditation. Much of their daily activities are involved with foretelling the future or studying the past and dealing with the consequences of what they learn. Of necessity, Savras's clergy engages in extended strategy sessions to analyze the implications of future events and plan accordingly. Some followers of the All-Seeing One wander the Realms uttering prophecies, while other seek out remote locations to reside and become oracles. A few are employed as truth speakers and serve the legal system of various cities and kingdoms as expert witnesses, magistrates, or judges.
聖日/重要儀式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
月宴節the Feast of the Moon 被薩弗拉斯的追隨者作為 幻視日Vision 慶祝。據觀察,在這個聖日上所有薩弗拉斯虔誠的追隨者會進行24小時持續的冥想。在某些神殿裡,冥想會在桑拿或蒸汽浴中進行,與此同時在其他的地方,冥想會在薰香的霧氣中進行。每個參與這個長達一日的儀式的崇拜者,將得到一段來自全見之人的異象作為回報。此類異象的受益人被期望遵照這些預言的知識行動,否則將面臨觸怒薩弗拉斯的風險。
The Feast of the Moon is celebrated by the followers of Savras as the Vision. This holy day is observed by every devout follower of Savras with 24 hours of continuous meditation. In some temples the meditation occurs in a sauna or steam bath, while in others it occurs amidst a haze of incense. Each worshiper who participates in the day-long ceremony is rewarded with a vision from the All-Seeing One. Beneficiaries of such visions are expected to act in accordance with this prescient knowledge or risk Savras's wrath.
主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worships:
自從薩弗拉斯被解放以來,全見天球之屋the House of the All-Seeing Orb 在 塔斯魯塔Tashluta 興旺發達,成為了全見之人最顯赫的神殿,雖然位於燭堡Candlekeep的薩弗拉斯神龕仍然是信徒們的朝聖地。遠見者the Farseer,可以說是 扎拉索姆Zalathorm(哈魯阿的法師之王the Wizard-King of Halruaa)之後諸國度最強大的預言師,以一種蔓延而複雜地管理著全見天球之屋。作為上千位學者的家園,這座神殿容納了 預言學院the College of Divination、天體天文台the Celestial Observatory 以及 終極真理圖書館the Library of Ultimate Truth。諸國度所使用的許多的魔法探知設備、和相當多較新的預言學派法師法術,是在這座神殿被製造或研發的。全見天球之屋的神職人員與 黑夜擁抱之屋the House of Night's Embrace 的 塔洛娜Talona 神職人員存在長期的競爭,並且經常致力於揭穿那個邪惡教派的陰謀。在近些年,神殿的預言師發現了醞釀於附近從來間的一個巨大威脅的線索,並開始僱傭冒險者去調查。(更多詳述見 塞斯Sseth 條目。)
Major Centers of Worships:The House of the All-Seeing Orb in Tashluta has risen in prominence since Savras's release to become the preeminent temple of the All-Seeing One, though the shrine of Savras at Candlekeep is still a place of pilgrimage to the faithful. The House of the All-Seeing Orb is a sprawling complex administered by the Farseer, arguably the most powerful divinator in the Realms after Zalathorm, the Wizard-King of Halruaa. Home to over a thousand scholars, the temple houses the College of Divination, the Celestial Observatory, and the Library of Ultimate Truth. Many of the magical scrying devices and quite a few of the newer wizard spells classified in the school of divination employed in the Realms were constructed or researched at this temple. The clergy of the House of the All-Seeing Orb have a longstanding rivalry with Talona's clergy in the House of Night's Embrace and often work to expose that evil sect's schemes. In recent years, the temple's diviners have found hints of a large danger brewing in the neighboring jungles and have begun to hire adventurers to investigate. (See the entry on Sseth for more details.)
薩弗拉斯在 北地the North 已知活躍唯一一座神龕坐落於燭堡,薩弗拉斯最著名的僕人,先知阿蘭多從前的家。池與鏡之廳the Hall of Pools and Mirrors 隱藏在 內部房間the Inner Rooms(那裡貯藏著燭堡最強大的魔法卷冊)里。這座上古的神龕由 女先知遠瞻the Sibylline Farsight 管理著,除了她作為 八名大閱讀者the eight Great Readers 之一的職責外,她還是位高等級的神諭者。正如它的名字,這座大廳里排列著無數的魔法和非魔法探知裝置,包括望遠鏡、魔鏡、池塘以及水晶球。至少有三顆水晶球被認為是一種奇怪的巫妖變體,這一變體被稱作水晶巫妖crystalich,當一位強大的預言師或神諭者事實上將他的本質一件探知裝置中,並變為了一顆有知覺的水晶球時將創造它。這些強大的水晶巫妖能隨意探知諸國度里、或是橫貫這個位面的幾乎所有地方,並能施展法術在他們所觀察的任何地方。
Savras's only known active shrine in the North is located in Candlekeep, the former home of Savras's most famous servant, Alaundo the Prophet. Hidden amidst the Inner Rooms, where Candlekeep's most powerful magical tomes are stored, is the Hall of Pools and Mirrors. This ancient shrine is administered by the Sibylline Farsight, a high-level sibylite, in addition to her duties as one of the eight Great Readers. As befits its name, the Hall is lined with countless magical and nonmagical scrying devices, including telescopes, magical mirrors, pools, and crystal balls. At least three of the crystal balls are believed to be a strange variant of liches, known as crystaliches, created when a powerful diviner or sibylite actually merges his essence into a scrying device and becomes a sentient crystal ball. These powerful crystaliches can scry nearly any where in the Realms or across the planes at will and can cast spells at any place they observe.
在 杜南·流浪者Durnan the Wanderer 在 海拉斯特堡Halaster's Hold 的廢墟上建立了 呵欠大門the Yawning Portal 大約20年後,一座失落已久的薩弗拉斯神殿,在深水Waterdeep城地下的 地脈迷城Undermountain 深處,被 紅狼冒險團the Company of the Red Wolf 發現。這支隊伍的最後一位逝世的成員是戰士 賈狄斯Jardis,在這位戰士摔死在 入口之井the Well of Entry 底部後,一位被遺忘已久的祭司通過一道 死者交談speak with dead 訊問了他。賈狄斯的幽靈透露這支隊伍發現了一座500年前的全見之人神殿,並盜竊了 薩弗拉斯的第三隻眼the Third Eye of Savras,那是一顆魔法力量未知的無價水晶。根據這位痛苦的幽靈,這座失落的神殿在水晶被盜後大部分崩塌了,而第三隻眼因在冒險團返回地表為它發生的戰鬥而失落。薩弗拉斯的神職人員據說在僱傭冒險者,去探索地脈迷城尋找這座失落的神殿和這件神聖的聖物,因為 海拉斯特Halaster 的附魔到隔絕了他們目前為止的占卜效果。
A long-lost temple of Savras was discovered by the Company of the Red Wolf in the depths of Undermountain beneath Waterdeep nearly 20 years after Durnan the Wanderer established the Yawning Portal over the ruins of Halaster's Hold. The last member of the band to die, the warrior Jardis, was interrogated via a speak with dead spell by a long-forgotten priest after the fighter fell to his death at the bottom of the Well of Entry. Jardis's shade revealed that the band had found a 500-year-old temple of the All-Seeing One and stolen the Third Eye of Savras, a priceless crystal with unknown magical powers. According to the bitter shade, much of the lost temple had collapsed upon the theft of the crystal, and the Third Eye had been lost as the company battled its way back to the surface. The clergy of Savras are said to be hiring adventurers to explore Undermountain in search of the long-lost temple and the holy relic, as Halaster's enchantments have so far blocked their scrying efforts.
從屬組織Affiliated Orders:
女先知姊妹會the Sibylline Sisterhood 一個附屬機構,由漫遊於 費倫大陸Faerûn 西部,以適當的費用為富人和窮人提供預言和揭示幻象的女性神諭組成。(這一費用看上去根據接受者的相對財富變化。)姊妹會所揭示的幻象通常準確無誤,但也往往是如此模糊,而只能在事後才有所幫助。大部分女預言者都是低等級的神諭者,但有少許是強大的冒險者。她們都有保護自己的能力,並且看上去總是預料到對他們的攻擊、並制定相應的計劃。姊妹會仍在講述一位清秀的年輕侍祭的故事,後者預測到了那晚的一場可能的「致命」遭遇,進而僱傭了半支 阿斯布萊溫的紅斗篷the Red Cloaks of Asbravn 保護自己——來對付某位倒霉透頂的扒手。
The Sibylline Sisterhood is an affiliation of female oracles who wander western Faerûn dispensing prophecies and revealing visions for a modest fee to rich and poor alike. (The fee seems to vary depending upon the relative wealth of the recipient.) Visions revealed by the Sisters are usually accurate but often so clouded as to be helpful only in hindsight. Most of the Sibyls are low-level sibylites, but a few are powerful adventurers. All are capable of defending themselves, and they always seem to anticipate attacks upon their person and plan accordingly. The Sisters still tell the tale of one comely young acolyte who predicted a potentially fatal encounter that night and recruited half of the Red Cloaks of Asbravn to defend her—against a down-on-his-luck cutpurse.
祭司的祭服Priesdy Vestments:
Priesdy Vestments:Divinators of Savras garb themselves in pale yellow robes with a depiction of their power's holy symbol sewn to their chest. They wear simple sandals on their feet and a colored sash of muted hue tied around their waist. All of Savras's clergy tattoo a depiction of the third eye of Savras on their brow. High-ranking and wealthy priests have clear or white crystals or gemstones of some value bonded to their brows in the centers of their tattoos.
冒險裝束Adventuring Garb:
When adventuring, divinators tend to cloak themselves with the protection of powerful warriors, eschewing armor and edged weapons. Savras's clergy are the quintessential planners, typically using their divination skills to anticipate every need. As a result, they often bring along an unusual assortment of gear when adventuring—to the general amusement of their companions. However, the oddments they haul along invariably fill a crucial niche
專屬祭司Specialty Priests(神諭者)
職業需求REQUIREMENTS:智力Intelligence 11,感知Wisdom 14
主要屬性PRIME REQ.:智力Intelligence,感知Wisdom
武器WEAPONS:任意鈍擊武器(類型B) Any bludgeoning (wholly Type B) weapons
主要領域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,星界astral,魅惑charm,預言divination,醫療healing,守序law,數字numbers,太陽sun,思想thought,時間time
次要領域MINOR SPHERES:創造Creation,守衛guardian,死靈necromantic,保護protection,氣候weather
魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧師,外加任何類型的探知或預言用魔法物品(例如 水晶球crystal balls)Same as clerics plus the use of any magical items allowing scrying or divination of any type (such as crystal balls)
熟練需求REQ. PROFS:古代歷史或本地歷史Ancient history or local history
熟練獎勵BONUS PROFS:占星術Astrology,盲戰blind-fighting
❖除了祭司法術外,神諭者還能施展來自預言學派的法師法術。這些法術如該神諭者是同級預言師那樣的運作。舉例,3級神諭者能如3級預言師那樣施展法師法術。神諭者通過祈禱,而非通過學習和記憶來獲得他們的法師法術,並為來日的使用選擇法師法術作為使用的祭司法術潛在備選。(換句話說,法師法術占用祭司法術位。)神諭者在16級可訪問8級法師法術,在第18級可訪問9級法師法術。神諭者必須感知18或以上,智力16或以上方能獲權訪問9級法師。如果該神諭者能夠獲得高等級法師法術,那麼每個8級法術占用1個6級祭司法術位,而每個9級法術占用7級祭司法術位。神諭者總是能夠閱讀捲軸上或法師法術書上的預言法術,如同她們通曉 閱讀魔法read magic (但從法術書上學習法術對她們而言沒有用處。)不超過該神諭者的可用法術總數的3/4(向下取整)的法術能作為法師法術。
❖ Sibylites may cast wizard spells from the divination school in addition to priest spells. These spells are cast as if the sibylite were a diviner of the same level. For example, a 3rd-level sibylite casts wizard spells as a 3rd-level diviner. Sibylites pray for their wizard spells instead of studying to memorize them, and chosen wizard spells replace priest spells potentially available for use that day. (In other words, the wizard spell occupies a priest spell slot,) Sibylites gain access to 8th-level wizard spells at 16th level and 9th-level wizard spells at 18th level. A sibylite must have a Wisdom of 18 or higher and an Intelligence of 16 or higher to gain access to the 8th-level spells, and a Wisdom of 18 or higher and an Intelligence of 18 or higher to gain access to the 9th-level spells. If a sibylite is able to gain high-level wizard spells, every 8th-level spell prayed for occupies a 6th-level priest spell slot and every 9th-level spell prayed for occupies a 7th-level priest spell slot. Sibylites are always able to read divination spells on scrolls or in wizard spellbooks as if they knew read magic (but studying spells from a spellbook is useless to them). No more than three-quarters of a sibylite’s total number of spells available (round down) can be taken as wizard spells.
❖每日1次,神諭者能施展 占卜術augury(如同2級祭司法術)或 鷹眼術clairvoyance(如同3級方式法術)。
❖ Sibylites can cast augury (as the 2nd-level priest spell) or clairvoyance (as the 3rd-level wizard spell) once per day.
❖在第3級,每日1次,神諭者能施展 偵測謊言detect lie(如同4級祭司法術)或 治療盲聾cure blindness(如同3級祭司法術 治療目盲或耳聾cure blindness or deafness)。
❖ At 3rd level, sibylites can cast detect lie (as the 4th-level priest spell) or cure blindness (as the 3rd-level priest spell cure blindness or deafness) once per day.
❖在第5級,每日1次,神諭者能施展 真知術true seeing(如同5級祭司法術)或 法師之眼wizard eye(如同4級法師法術)。
❖ At 5th level, sibylites can cast true seeing (as the 5th-level priest spell) or wizard eye (as the 4th-level wizard spell) once per day.
❖在第7級,每日1次,神諭者能施展 魔法池magic font(如同5級祭司法術)或 倒映池reflecting pool(如同4級祭司法術)。
❖ At 7th level, sibylites can cast magic font (as the 5th-level priest spell) or reflecting pool (as the 4th-level priest spell) once per day.
❖在第10級,每日1次,神諭者能施展 推導術consequence(如同5級祭司法術)。
❖ At 10th level, sibylites can cast consequence (as the 5th-level priest spell) once per day.
❖ At 10th level, sibylites can no longer be surprised in combat. The do not automatically gain a psychic knowledge of any impending attack, but when an attack occurs, their actions are not delayed by surprise.
❖ At 13th level, sibylites can no longer be sneaked up on. They cannot be backstabbed or pounced on unawares.
❖ At 15th level, sibylites can automatically penetrate all disguises, spells, and abilities disguising or changing a being's actual shape to see its true form. Even blind sibylites may do so; they receive a mental image of the true nature of a being when they turn the remnants of their visual organs upon any creature.
薩弗拉斯教派法術Savrathan Spells
1st Level
(祭司Pr 1;預言Divination)
距離Range:200 碼
持續時間Duration:1 輪/級
施法時間Casting Time:4
影響區域Area of Effect:1 個存在
豁免檢定Saving Throw:特殊
這道法術讓祭司能夠預見某個單一生物未來兩輪的行動。每3個經驗值等級,施法者可以預見的目標行動將增加一輪,直至上限的4輪。舉例來說,1~2級祭司能預見法術目標接下來2輪的行動,而3~5級祭司則能預見法術目標接下來3輪的行動。為了讓法術生效,施法的祭司必須能夠看見目標或是讀取它的心靈(通過使用 閱讀心靈mind read、超感藥劑potion of ESP 等等)。
This spell enables the priest to foresee the actions of a single creature two rounds into the future. For every three levels of experience, the caster can predict the actions of the target an additional round into the future to a limit of four rounds. For example, a 1st- or 2nd-level priest could foresee the actions of the spell target in the following two rounds, while a 3rd-,4th-, or 5th-level priest could foresee the actions of the spell target in the following three rounds. The casting priest must be able to see the target or read its mind (through the use of mind read, a potion of ESP, etc.) for the spell to work.
受益於預見術法術的祭司不會因目標生物的任何行動而措手不及。舉例來說,若祭司預見了目標將施展 火球術fireball 法術,可以飲用 抗火藥劑potion of fire resistance。遇見到目標將發起任何類型物理攻擊的施法者,將在他們的AC上得到+4獎勵,這個獎勵僅針對目標被預見的攻擊行動。施法者也在對抗諸如區域效果法術和吐息武器的豁免檢定得到+4獎勵,不過在通常無權進行豁免檢定的情況下,他們並不會因此得到豁免檢定的機會。
Priests benefiting from a foresight spell cannot be surprised by any action of their target creatures. For example, if a priest foresees that the target will cast a fireball spell, he could quaff a potion of fire resistance. Spellcasters who perceive the target will make any sort of physical attack receive a +4 bonus to their AC for that attack only as they anticipates their opponent's maneuver. Casters also receive a +4 saving throw bonus vs. attacks such as area-of-effect spells and breath weapons but do not gain a saving throw where there is normally none granted.
If casters reveal their visions in any fashion that the targets of their spells can understand, the targets may adjust their actions accordingly. For example, if a spellcaster shouts 「Everyone take cover, the wizard is casting a lighting bolt!」, the wizard can change her spell selection. However, if the priest shouts in elvish and the enemy wizard does not speak elvish but the priest’s comrades do, the effects of the foresight spell are unaffected.
The target of this spell is entitled to a secret saving throw vs. spell when this spell is cast. If the saving throw is failed, the priest receives a true vision. If the saving throw is successful, the spellcaster receives no benefit and the spell is wasted. If the target rolls a 1, the spellcasting priest receives a false vision. This gives affected spellcasters a -4 penalty to their AC and saving throws for any predicted attacks they try to deliberately avoid.
The material components for this spell are the priest's holy symbol, a miniature silver hourglass filled with fine white sand worth at least 50 gp, and a small piece of amber. Only the last is consumed in the casting.
3rd Level
憂忡願景Haunted Visions
(祭司Pr 3;預言Divination,附魔/魅惑Enchantment/Charm)
距離Range:30 碼
持續時間Duration:2d4+2 輪
施法時間Casting Time:6
影響區域Area of Effect:1 個存在
豁免檢定Saving Throw:特殊
This spell afflicts the target with the ability to see every possible consequence of every decision it may make. The multitude of overlapping visions perceived by the target are nearly incapacitating, since every possible action might result in disaster somewhere down the line.
在這道法術被開始施展時,目標必須成功通過對抗法術豁免檢定來完全避免它的影響。若豁免檢定失敗,憂忡願景將持續完整的持續時間,除了以 解除魔法dispel magic 或類似魔法外,無法提前終止。
When this spell is first cast, the target must succeed at a saving throw vs. spell to completely avoid its effects. If the saving throw is failed, then the haunted visions lasts for the complete duration and cannot be ended except with the use of a dispel magic incantation or similar magics.
在經歷交疊重合的 憂忡願景 時,法術目標不能以超過正常步行速度1/4的速度更快地移動、總是喪失先攻、並且在需要進行突襲骰的情況下總是被突襲。目標無法施法,並且只有在成功進行一次對抗法術豁免檢定後才能發起一次成功的物理攻擊。目標的所有這些攻擊都在命中上受到-2懲罰。此外,法術目標在 憂忡願景 的持續時間內, AC和豁免檢定受到-2懲罰。
While experiencing overlapping haunted visions, the target of the spell cannot move faster than one-quarter his or her normal walking movement rate, always loses initiative, and is always surprised in situations where a surprise roll is warranted. Spellcasting is impossible, and the target can only make a successful physical attack if she or he succeeds at a saving throw vs. spell. All such attacks are made with a -2 penalty to hit. In addition, the target of this spell receives a -2 penalty to his or her Armor Class and saving throws for the duration of the haunted visions.
The material components for this spell are the priest's holy symbol and a puff of smoke. The latter is usually generated by a match or torch and must be blown in the general direction of the spell target during the spellcasting.
6th Level
全見水晶球All-Seeing Crystal Ball
(祭司Pr 6;預言Divination,轉化Alteration)
持續時間Duration:1 天/級
施法時間Casting Time:1 回合
影響區域Area of Effect:特殊
豁免檢定Saving Throw:特殊
這道法術讓施法者能夠創造一顆直徑大約6英寸的水晶球體,它擁有 水晶球crystal ball (如《地下城主指南Dungeon Master Guide》中詳述)的全部力量。此外,這位祭司還能通過 全見水晶球 來施展任何來自次等或高等預言學派、以及預言領域的法術(若同時屬於其它學派或領域則不可)。在使用 全見水晶球 時,與其它普通 水晶球 相關的限制同樣適用於這位施法者。
This spell enables the spellcaster to create a crystal sphere about 6 inches in diameter with all of the powers of a crystal ball, as described in the Dungeon Master Guide. In addition, the priest can cast any spell solely from the schools of lesser or greater divination or the sphere of divination through the all-seeing crystal ball. All other strictures associated with normal crystal balls apply to the spellcaster when employing an all-seeing crystal ball.
15級或以上等級的施法者能創造 銳耳術全見水晶球all-seeing crystal ball with clairaudience。17級或以上等級的施法者能創造 超感全見水晶球all-seeing crystal ball with ESP。19級或以上等級的施法者能創造 心靈感應全見水晶球all-seeing crystal ball with telepathy (只可用於溝通)。這些造物有著與同名魔法物品相同的能力,以及在通過它們施展上面提到的預言法術時,強化對應法術的能力。
Spellcasters who are 15 th level or above can create an all-seeing crystal ball with clairaudience. Spellcasters who are 17th level or above can create an all-seeing crystal ball with ESP. Spellcasters who are 19th level or above can create an all-seeing crystal ball with telepathy (communication only). These creations have the same abilities as the magical items of the same name, as well as the improved capability for casting divination spells through them mentioned above.
The material components of this spell are the priest's holy symbol and a ball of snow and ice or a pile of fine sand of the volume of a 6-inch sphere.