蕾拉Leira,迷霧女士 | |
基本信息 | |
【音 標】 | LAlR-uh |
【舊 譯】 | 萊拉 |
【別名/面相】 | 無 |
【頭 銜】 | 迷霧女士Lady of the Mists,幻術之母Mother of Illusionists,騙子的守護者the Guardian of Liars,霧影the Mistshadow,欺詐女士The Lady of Deception,千幻之母Mother of All Illusion,欺詐守護者Guardian of Deception |
【陣 營】 | CN |
【神 力】 | D→L→Dead→? |
【神 職】 | 欺騙Deception,幻術illusion |
與諸神的關係 | |
【神 系】 | FR泛費倫神系Faerûnian Pantheon |
【主 神】 | 無 |
【盟 友】 | 馬斯克Mask(但遭其出賣),阿祖斯Azuth |
【敵 對】 | 薩弗拉斯Savras,希瑞克Cyric |
神國與教會 | |
【神 國】 | 混沌海Limbo/幻術之廷The Courts of Illusion→星界the Astral Plane |
【徽 記】 | 一塊倒置的三角板,印着漩渦般的灰色雲霧A triangular plaque of cloudy, swirling gray mists, point downward |
【簡 介】 | 蕾拉Leira 是欺騙與幻覺女神,也是幻術師和騙子的守護神。寧布拉島與塞倫涅星球將她奉為國教。 作為一位胸無大志的資深網癮宅女,蕾拉熱衷以用假人設釣漢釣妹為樂,日常經營一個特別裝的幻象設,其實特別縮宅,僅與馬斯克保持着友誼,可惜宅女遇渣男,被對方坑害致死。雖然她從不說真話,但當她信任某人的時候,她會以一戳就破的彌天大謊來表達自己的真情實感,舉例來說:「我才不喜歡你呢。」 |
2eSP<Realmspace.p073>群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars
群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars
牧師和專屬祭司們往往會因恐懼失去施法能力而擔心進入 荒宇wildspace。其實對這點無需再有疑問。當然,當牧師或是祭司進入太空時,他們神明的神力的確會發生一些改變,但多數時候,這些改變還沒到讓角色感到沮喪的地步。
Clerics and specialty priests tend to worry about heading into wildspace because they fear the loss of their spell casting abilities. There no longer need be any doubt. Granted, when a cleric or priest heads in space, some of the powers of their gods do change, but for the most part, the changes are not drastic enough to warrant any frustration from the character.
有些改變是積極的,但偶爾,神力可能會有所削弱、乃至消失——尤其是在祭司們進入 燃素海the phlogiston、與其神明失去一切接觸的時候。在進入到晶壁系中時,某一角色是否會與他的神明完全而徹底的分離?接下來的章節將詳述:魔法船牧師與專屬祭司在荒宇中時,諸神與他們的關係、以及諸神本身。
Often these changes are positive, but occasionally, the powers can wane somewhat, or even disappear, especially when the priest heads out into the phlogiston and loses all touch with his god. Is there ever a complete and total separation between god and character while inside the crystal sphere? This next chapter describes the gods and their relationships with spelljamming clerics and specialty priests while in wildspace.
(迷霧女士Lady of the Mists)
混沌海半神力Demipower of Limbo
這位女神在 托瑞爾星球Toril 的衛星 塞倫涅星球Selûne 上信徒最為集中。她無法將超過3級的法術傳遞給晶壁系外的信徒。在 燃素海phlogiston 中施法則是不可能的。
This goddess' greatest concentration of worshippers is on Selûne, Toril's moon. She is unable to transmit spells greater than 3rd level to her followers outside the sphere. Spell casting in the phlogiston is impossible.
2eFR<Faiths & Avatars.p093>蕾拉Leira
(迷霧女士Lady of the Mists,幻術之母Mother of Illusionists,騙子的守護者the Guardian of Liars,霧影the Mistshadow)
混沌海弱等神力Lesser Power of Limbo,
神域名DOMAIN NAME:從前:混沌海Limbo/幻術之廷The Courts of Illusion;目前:飄蕩在 星界the Astral Plane 中
徽記SYMBOL:一塊倒置的三角板,印着漩渦般的灰色雲霧A triangular plaque of cloudy, swirling gray mists, point downward
信徒陣營WOR. ALIGN.:任意Any
蕾拉Leira(讀作「LAlR-uh」),迷霧女士the Lady of the Mists,她是欺騙與幻覺女神,也是幻術師和騙子的守護神。她少有世俗信徒,畢竟除了幻術師,罕有人能從誤解與欺騙中獲益;不過,有很多泛信者會在作重大決定和判斷前向她頂禮膜拜,來防範或安撫她。無人曾一睹她的廬山真面,她也從未在(未經審查的)宗教藝術作品中露過面。代表她的一直是漩渦狀的灰霧——有時隱約呈現為人形,而她的有角祭壇上方也不會有任何圖像。她被認為發明了幻術魔法的書面語言——羅斯利克文Ruathlek。
Leira (LAlR-uh), the Lady of the Mists, was the goddess of deception and illusion and the patroness of illusionists and liars. Few people other than illusionists saw profit in misunderstanding and deception, so she had few lay worshipers, though many casual worshipers paid her homage to ward her off or placate her before important decisions and judgments were made. Her true appearance was never known, and she was never depicted in (uncensored) religious art. Swirling gray mists— sometimes in a vaguely humanoid form—were always shown to represent her, and her horned altars framed no image above them. She is credited with inventing the language of Ruathlek, the written tongue of illusionary magic.
雖然各種反訴和聲明雲山霧裏,但蕾拉在 動盪之年the Time of Troubles 死在了 希瑞克Cyric 和 馬斯克Mask(以 神災劍Godsbane 的形態)之手。馬斯克將她出賣給了希瑞克,這位女神的神職也因此被希瑞克收入了囊中。蕾拉的教會仍在運轉,她們的祭司也在得授法術,但這些都是希瑞克假冒蕾拉之名授予的,儘管 蕾拉教徒Leiran 要麼不知道,要麼乾脆不在乎。
Despite a fog of counterclaims and declarations, Leira perished shortly after the Time of Troubles at the hands of Cyric and Mask (in the form of Godsbane). Mask betrayed her to Cyric, and the goddess's portfolio was subsumed by Cyric. Churches of Leira still operate, and their priests receive spells, but these are granted by Cyric in the guise of Leira, although the Leiran either do not know (most of them) or do not care.
蕾拉是個謎,她的一言一行都被層層的幻象與虛假掩蓋。然而,她並非一位積極的惡毒神力,而眾所周知,她位於 混沌海Limbo 的神國那些個不請自來的訪客,通常會被困住或控制,而非像大部分邪惡或急躁的神力手中被原子化。她對自己人丁稀薄的追隨者規模感到滿足,並無什麼宏圖大志。在個人層面而言,她是位非常內向的神力,她唯一維持的短暫友誼就是馬斯克,然則也正是他的背叛令蕾拉喪命於渴望力量的希瑞克之手。<br /
Leira was an enigma since she covered everything she did and said with layers of illusion and falsehood. She was not an actively malicious power, however, and it is known that those few who managed to visit her realm in Limbo uninvited were normally trapped or restrained rather than simply being atomized, as is the practice of most evil or impatient powers. She was apparently content with her small following and had no great and glorious plans or ambitions. On a personal level, she seems to have been a very private power, and the only passing friendship she maintained was with Mask—who treacherously betrayed her to her death at the hands of power-hungry Cyric.
她與施法者的守護神 阿祖斯Azuth 有着正式的合作關係,與之相對,她對追尋真相的 提爾Tyr 感到反感。
She had a formal, cooperative relationship with Azuth, patron of spellcasters, and was disliked by Tyr, who pursues justice through truth.
蕾拉的化身Leira's Avatar
(幻術師Illusionist 30,巫師Mage 22,牧師Cleric 16,盜賊Thief 10)
The true appearance of Leira is unknown. Most senior clergy members and holy writings say she seldom looked the same way twice, but a recurring figure in accounts of her down the ages was that of a very tall, very thin woman with long smoke-hued hair and robes that exuded mists. Her eyes were said to be black, glistening, and very large—seeming to bore through any mortal and "see all" (or at least make mortals feel that she did). Leira was always a dangerous deity to cross, but her deceptions were essentially capricious, not works of malice or deliberate attempts to conceal evil. She liked to tantalize, appearing to mortals as beings who attracted them, and because of this often appeared as a comely, beckoning female or heroic-looking, handsome male.
只要情形方便,蕾拉似乎更喜歡顯現為女性。蕾拉可以施展來自任何領域,以及幻術、變化、低級和高級預言、附魔/魅惑、以及咒法/召喚學派的法術。她偏愛使用幻術,理所當然的,她不能使用 真知術true seeing。
Leira seemed to prefer a feminine appearance whenever convenient for her purposes. Leira could draw spells from any sphere and from the schools of illusion, alteration, lesser and greater divination, enchantment/charm, and conjuration/summoning. She preferred using illusions, of course, and could not use true seeing.
防禦等級 -2;移動 15,飛行 24;生命值 164,零級命中值 11;#攻擊 1次
傷害 1d10
魔抗 70%;體型 大型L(9呎)
力量 14,敏捷 24,體質 21,智力 24,感知 18,魅力 21
法術 牧師P:9/9/8/7/4/3/1,法師W:8/8/8/8/8/8/8/7/7
豁免 麻痹、毒素與死亡魔法 4;權杖、法杖與魔杖 3;石化或變形 5;噴吐武器 7;法術 4
AC-2;MV 15, Fl 24; HP 164;THAC0 11;#AT 1
Dmg 1d10)
MR 70%; SZ L (9 feet)
STR 14, DEX 24, CON 21, INT 24, Wis 18, CHA 21
Spells P:9/9/8/7/4/3/1, W:8/8/8/8/8/8/8/7/7*
Saves PPDM 4, RSW 3, PP 5, BW 7, Sp 4
*Numbers assume one extra illusion spell per spell level.
特殊攻擊/防禦Special Att/Def:
Leira was never known to attack hand-to-hand, although she certainly could if she so desired. Leira cast all illusion/phantasm spells as if she were double her level. She automatically, unconsciously, and constantly negated all immunity to illusions and other spells caused by high Intelligence or Wisdom ability scores within a 360-foot-radius of her (even the immunities of other deities, although they still received their magic resistance and any applicable saving throws). In addition to casting two spells in a round if she made no physical attacks, she had the ability to cast any illusion/phantasm spell; she could use this ability to continue to cast an illusion/phantasm spell once a round even after she ran out of her normal number of spells (given above). The illusions she cast were always perfect, as if she had studied her subjects all her life (which she had).
蕾拉不會被以任何幻術、任何欺騙感官、以一種形式掩蓋另一種形式、或試圖粉飾令某些物品無法被偵測(隱形、沉默等等)的魔法、或是隱形能力愚弄過。只要她願意,她可以 變形shape change 為任何形態,並可使用該形態的完整能力與她自己的一切能力(例如,她不受所採取形態的自然陣營傾向的影響)。她在任何形態都能以24的速度飛行,並可呈現為薄霧的形態以最高24的移動速度隨心所欲地飛行或飄移。
Leira was never fooled by any illusion or any sort of magic that deceived the senses, masked one form with another, or attempted to render something undetectable (unseeable, unhearable, etc.) or invisible. She could shape change into any form for as long as she wished and use both the complete capabilities of that shape and her own abilities (without being affected by the natural tendencies of the form she took in alignment, for instance). She could fly in any form at MV 24, and she could also assume the form of a cloud of mist that flew or drifted as she wished at up to MV 24.
蕾拉對所有幻術/幻象完全免疫,即使是其他神祇創造的也是如此。她免疫所有 魅惑 和 定身 效果。在面對所有攻擊時,她都如同身披一襲 移位斗篷displacement。
Leira was totally immune to all illusion/phantasms, even those created by other deities. She was also immune to all charm and hold effects of any sort. All attacks against her were made as if she were wearing a cloak of displacement.
其祂顯現Other Manifestations
Leira usually manifested as gray, smokelike mists, often accompanied by two piercing black eyes or simply the sensation of being intensely watched, and by a chiming, unearthly, apparently random music that came out of nowhere and seemed unconcerned with anything (such as forming a tune, or even a rhythm). In mists or smoke, Leira could be heard as a disembodied voice, sometimes perceived only by those who worship her and not by other beings who were present.
蕾拉也藉由以下存在活動:水神怪marid、變形怪doppleganger、mimic、鬼火will-o'-wisp、隱形潛伏怪invisible stalkers、格萊石人galeb duhr、閃現犬blink dog、以及生前是幻術師的智慧不死生物。更常見的情況是,她會派遣一些表面上看是別的東西的玩意、會說話的綿羊、花花綠綠的貓貓狗狗(粉綠藍橙紫)、會說話或是會飛的豬、會說話的巨兔或者小馬,除了被派幫忙的人之外,其餘之人皆不可見,巨型山貓、勿忘我forget-me-not、黃鐵礦pyrites、沙博思石sarbossa、賽黃晶Irtios、廉石ziose、貝裘里寶石beljuril、碧璽tourmaline、能言貓頭鷹talking owl 和 惡鸛Eblis 則表達了她的好感並被作為激勵其信徒的標誌。
Leira also acted through the appearance or presence of marids,dopplegangers,mimic, will-o'-wisps, invisible stalkers, cloud dragons, mist dragons, displacer beasts, galeb duhr, blink dogs, and intelligent undead creatures who were former illusionists. More commonly she sent something that superficially looked like something else, talking sheep, outrageously colored cats and dogs (pink, green, blue, orange, purple), talking or flying pigs, giant talking rabbits or ponies who were invisible to anyone but those they were sent to help, giant lynxes, forget-me-nots, pyrites, sarbossas, irtioses, zioses, beljurils, tourmalines, talking owls, and eblis to show her favor and as a sign to inspire her faithful.
教會The Church
神職人員CLERGY:牧師Clerics,專屬祭司specialty priests,幻術師illusionists
神職陣營CLERGY'S ALIGN.:混亂善良CG,守序中立LN,絕對中立N,混亂中立CN,混亂邪惡CE
驅散不死TURN UNDEAD:牧師C:不可No;專屬祭司SP:不可No,幻術師I:不可No
蕾拉的所有牧師與專屬祭司得到 宗教知識religion(泛費倫Faerûnian)作為非武器熟練獎勵。
All clerics and specialty priests of Leira receive religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapoh proficiency.
蕾拉教會的組織機構由牧師、專屬祭司和幻術師組成。蕾拉教派Leiran 每種神職人員的確切人數、以及神職人員總數都不得而知,因為該信仰的成員熱衷於在信條、組織、人數和力量方面撒謊。據不完全統計,牧師、專屬祭司和幻術師的比例約為20:40:35。神職人員之間的關係良好——當然這主要是沒人完全知道發生了什麼。
The church of Leira has clerics, specialty priests, and illusionists in its organization. Exact numbers of each kind of clergy and the total number of Leiran clergy members are unknown because members of the faith cheerfully lie about its tenets, organization, numbers, and powers. An extremely loose estimation places the ratio of clerics, specialty priests, and illusionists at 20/45/35. Relations between the various members of the clergy are good, mainly because no one knows fully what is going on.
Leiran clergy members (of all kinds) are called whatever they choose to be called, and official titles vary from day to day and from person to person.
冠冕堂皇的頭銜之後往往是誤導性的頭銜,本旬的高階教皇下旬又變成了助祭。這些瘋狂而多變、浮誇而愚蠢、輕浮而明顯虛假的頭銜從 天地至高領主Supreme High Lord of the Heights and Depths 到 至聖排水溝清掃者Most Holy Guttersweeper 不一而足。在該信仰中,專屬祭司被稱為 喚霧者mistcallers,以此將她們的能力與牧師和幻術師區分開來,但在被公開問及其職責和職位時,她們的頭銜與其他同儕一樣多樣而多變。
Pompous titles are often followed by misleading ones, and this tenday's high pontiff is next tenday's acolyte. This wild, constantly changing array of grandiose, silly, frivolous, and obviously spurious titles ranges from Supreme High Lord of the Heights and Depths to Most Holy Guttersweeper. Within the faith, specialty priests are known as mistcallers to distinguish their capabilities from those of clerics and illusionists, but they sport the same diverse and ever-changing titles as others of their kind when asked publicly what their duties and positions are.
那些說謊成癮之人和幻術從業者(無論是魔法還是非魔法的)都崇拜着女士,許多聰明的盜賊亦是如此,但大多數人只是為了安撫她而獻祭。在其他時候,這些人會對她的教會報以徹底的不信任——這是一種審慎的判斷。唯一能確認蕾拉祭司說真話的時候,就是兩個「以霧影女士之名By the Mistshadow」的短語之間的發言,不過,她信任了某個人的可靠標誌是撒一堆一戳就破的彌天大謊,而非半真半假的謊言——就像 表裏比興之道the Faith That is Not What It Seems 之人經常做的那樣。(霧影The Mistshadow 是蕾拉的秘諱之一,僅為她的信徒所知曉。)
Compulsive liars and workers of illusions, both magical and otherwise, venerate the Lady, as do many wise thieves, but most other folk only make offerings to placate her. They otherwise mistrust her church entirely—a prudent judgment. The only time one can be sure that a priest of Leira is telling the truth is any words spoken between two utterances of the phrase "By the Mistshadow," although a sure sign that she trusts someone is that she employs huge, impossible lies without a shred of plausibility rather than the sinister misleading half-truths that the folk of the Faith That is Not What It Seems usually deal in. (The Mistshadow is one of Leira's secret names, known only to her faithful.)
虔誠的 蕾拉教徒們Leirans 並不憂心女神已逝,因為死亡是一種幻覺,要麼最初的蕾拉是一種幻覺,要麼謠傳取代了蕾拉的希瑞克可能是一種幻覺。教會的官方聲明聲稱沒有任何麻煩,蕾拉在 諸神之戰the Godswar 中脫身後已經比以前更強大了。然而,由於大多數官方聲明都是謊言,所以大部分人相信她已經消逝,儘管她的大量信徒(主要是那些善良和中立的信徒)仍堅定的認為她還沒有死。自諸神之戰以後,她就再也未以化身形式出現過,但即使是在她的教會也不能肯定的說她在 動盪之年the Time of Troubles 前出現過,畢竟每個自稱是蕾拉化身的傢伙都各不相同。當然,她沒有辜負祭司們的期望,仍在授予她們習慣接受的法術或能力。
Devout Leirans are unconcerned that the goddess may be dead, since that death may be an illusion, the original Leira may be an illusion, or Cyric, slyly rumored to have replaced Leira, may be an illusion. Official statements by the church say there is no trouble and Leira emerged from the Godswar more powerful than before. However, given the fact that most official statements are lies, most people believe her dead, though large numbers of her faithful (mainly those of good and neutral alignment) steadfastly are holding to the belief that she is not. She has not been definitely seen in avatar form since the Godswar, but then even her church could not definitely say she had ever been seen before the Time of Troubles, since every form that has appeared claiming to be an avatar of Leira has been different. She certainly has not failed in granting the spells or abilities her priests are accustomed to receiving to them.
Temples of Leira are few and far between. Most are small, partially open structures of classical construction with large columns and porticos and a wide inner sanctum where services are held before low, flat, rectangular altars with horns or imitation horns of metal curving upward from their corners. No images or statues of Leira grace the sanctuary anywhere. Leira's temples are constantly filled with a light white mist that normally remains at ankle height but can rise to fill the room and thicken to obscure vision if the high priest or priestess of the temple desires.
蕾拉教徒相信,女士可以是任何東西、任何地方,但事實並非如此。她們被教導日世界各地的人們懷疑他們的信仰和所見,以恢復世界的 神聖之謎Holy Mystery。蕾拉信徒既要給予,也要索取,既要喚起希望,也要粉碎希望。哪怕是在無法說假話時,蕾拉教徒也不能說真話,而如果說謊更好的時候,她們也不能說半真半假的話。她們應當儘可能只對蕾拉的信徒說真話。
Leirans believe that the Lady can be anything, anywhere, that is not what it seems. They are taught to make folk everywhere doubt what they believe and see in order to restore Holy Mystery to the world. Leirans are to give as well as take, to raise hope as well as dashing hopes. Leirans must never tell the truth when less can do and never use a half-truth when a lie would serve better. They should speak truth whenever possible only to fellow worshipers of Leira.
Novices in the faith are charged by the whispering mists of the goddess that: "The Lady is never quite what you think she is. Truth is a worthless thing to know and worth even less to speak aloud. Never speak truth when falsehood will suffice. Cherish and further illusions and rumors, for distortion and legend are what make folk happy and life alluring. Hiding a thing gives it value by the very act of cloaking."
日常活動Day-to-Day Activities:
Clergy of Leira spread false rumors—and if they can, create illusions—in return for fees. They are charged with the task of making folk everywhere doubt truth by encouraging (and then revealing) false beliefs, setting up hoaxes, and the like. Leirans are masters of disguise and rent or sell costumes and (for stiff fees) apply makeup for everyone who desires it (usually folk in some trouble). They also aid others in deceptions by acting as actors-for-hire, often pretending to be wives, husbands, collection agents, brigands, paramours, escorts, thieves, or even clergy members of rival faiths as they assist some less-than-honest person in working a deceit on others. When not bent on such dark purposes, most Leiran clergy members work on alternative personas or roles they can adopt "out of mask" to work swindles on others, enriching and entertaining themselves (though it is a tenet of the church that someone they rob must later be aided by Leiran hands to make up for the loss).
聖日/重要儀式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
Leirans lie face-down on the ground and pray to the Lady every morning and on every moonlit night. They go walking whenever they encounter fogs or mists to chant praises to Leira and speak with the Lady (who is said to sometimes answer as an echoing whisper out of the surrounding mists). They also hold brief ceremonies at altars of Leira (when assigned to a temple) on a daily basis to allow nonbelievers who wish to appease Leira's caprices to make offerings and to hear and guide the prayers of lay worshipers. In all cases, formal worship of Leira consists of kneeling prayers and standing hymns and chants made while facing her horned altars whose upswept arms frame only empty air.
蕾拉最神聖的典禮是 揭面典禮the Unmasking 和 祈願典禮the Invocation。揭面典禮是初修士加入祭職者隊伍、祭司升階、或是某位祭司因忽視了她們的信仰(比如說了真話)而懺悔時舉行的淨化儀式。在這一儀式中,在倒影池與鏡子之間,裸面的祈求者走在祭司的隊列中,手中舉着已點燃的高蠟燭。當祈願典禮在尋求女士的直接指引時舉行,在典禮期間吟唱的祭司們會揮舞香爐製造濃煙,這樣她就可以出現在隱藏的中心與她們交談。
The most holy rituals of Leira are the Unmasking, and the Invocation. The Unmasking is performed as purification by novices entering the priesthood, priests rising in rank, or priests doing penance for slighting their faith (telling the truth too often, for example). In this ritual, the bare-faced supplicant walks down ranks of priests holding tall lit candles between reflecting pools of water and mirrors. The Invocation is held when the Lady is called upon directly for guidance, and during this ceremony chanting priests swing censers to make thick smoke so that She may appear in the heart of its concealment and speak to them.
蕾拉教徒每年會在不同地點和略有不同的時間聚集起來舉行六次 秘密會議Conclaves;時間與地點的消息將在整個祭職者團體中悄然傳播,但不會被透露給外人。據信,根據聖令,在這樣的集會上說的將只有真話,神職人員們利用這一機會分享信息、允許成員在神殿之間流動、並允許教會長老們就該信仰應承擔的最重要使命進行投票。
Leirans gather for six Conclaves every year at different places and slightly different times; word of where and when spreads quietly throughout the priesthood, but it is not revealed to outsiders. It is believed that by holy writ only truth is spoken at such gatherings and that the clergy members use such occasions to share information, to allow members to transfer from temple to temple, and to permit church elders to vote on the most important missions the faith should undertake.
主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
蕾拉混亂、無組織、無上下尊卑的祭職者中最有影響力的神殿是 普萊斯珀城Presper 的 迷霧堡the Mistkeep,由 幻術大師杜爾丁博德·阿拉肯Illusionmaster Duldinbold Alarkyn 主持。這處聖邸的標誌是它的 煙之柱Pillars of Smoke(在蕾拉教徒中的俚語名是「大煙管the Pipepillars」),它收藏了 費倫大陸Faerûn 最大也最有價值的魔法物品收藏品之一——當然,全部都被藏匿起來,並以各種巧妙的方式加以保護。迷霧堡的神殿祭司為左右周圍土地上的政治事件、以及尋找更多魔法物品的探險中,以謹慎、微妙的方式利用這些強大物品。她們還會製作面具和法衣,並出售給其他蕾拉教徒,據傳,粗魯、衰老的侏儒幻術師(現為祭司)杜爾丁博爾Duldinbold 親自教授了如何製作能釋放 幻術之母the Mother of Illusionists 本尊強大戰鬥魔法的附魔搭肩衫和面具。傳言 迷霧女士the Lady of the Mists 是傳說中的 寧布拉島Nimbral 的國教。
The most influential temple in the chaotic, unorganized, rank-ignoring priesthood of Leira is the Mistkeep in Presper, which is presided over by Illusionmaster Duldinbold Alarkyn. This holy house is marked by its Pillars of Smoke (a slang name for it among Leirans is "the Pipepillars"), and it houses one of the largest and most valuable collections of magical items in Faerûn—all hidden away and guarded in various ingenious ways, of course. The Mistkeep's temple priests use these things of power in careful, subtle ways to sway political events in the lands around and in expeditions in search of yet more magical items. They also make and sell masks and vestments to other Leirans, and the gruff, aging gnome illusionist (now priest) Duldinbold is rumored to have been personally taught the ways of making enchanted tabard and masks that can emit powerful battle magic by the Mother of Illusionists herself. Rumor also has it that the state religion of legendary Nimbral is that of the Lady of the Mists.
從屬組織Affiliated Orders:
蕾拉教會沒有已知的從屬騎士團,不過曾經,在連續的幾十天時間裏它一會宣稱自己有許多騎士團(並為它們取了大量的名字),一會又說沒有騎士團,隔幾天又說自己控制着所有騎士團的一切。由於她們接二連三的謊言,所以我們無從判斷蕾拉教會可能與什麼或者誰結盟,也無從判斷它是否有什麼實際存在的(而非虛構的)榮譽組織。<br /。
The church of Leira has no known affiliated knightly orders, although on successive tendays it claims to have many (making up all sorts of grand names for them), to have none, and to control them all. It is impossible to tell what or who the church of Leira may be allied with through their barrage of lies, and whether it has any actual (as opposed to made-up) honorary orders is likewise impossible to discern.
祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:
Leiran clergy members all dress alike: in long, cowled, bottom-fringed robes of russet to ochre, lined and streaked with green, tied with sashes of the same material, and worn with gloves and distinctive smooth, silvered glass masks. These masks entirely cover the face, projecting out below the chin to allow normal breathing, and their wearers can see normally (if dimly) through them. These silver masks reflect gaze attacks, and although their wearers may still gaze through them and so still may meet something's gaze, they give their wearers a +3 bonus to their saving throws against gaze attacks or effects. Vampires, who hate mirrors, seek to slay Leiran priests whenever possible.
Leiran silver masks are tinted: Red is worn in the morning, blue after highsun, rust at dusk, and gray after the full darkness of night comes. The most holy rituals call for a mask of the same green hue as the robes.
所有神職人員都被教導如何製作鍍銀面具(這是一項需要非常的靈巧與耐心的工作),除了日常使用的外,她們往往還有好幾套備份(藏在軟墊旅行箱中)。富有的蕾拉教派牧師通常會僱傭法師施展 玻璃鋼glassteel 法術在面具上,以消除對鏡面破損的擔憂。
All clergy are taught to make the silvered masks (a difficult task requiring much dexterity and patience), and they tend to have several sets (hidden in well-padded traveling cases) in addition to their everyday set. A wealthy Leiran cleric will often hire a wizard to cast glassteel spells on his or her masks just to be rid of worries about breakage.
{sp|sp = A priest caught without a silver mask will wear a gauze headsack. Every robe has one sewn into the cowl and another in a concealed inner pocket to be sure that a supply is always near at hand. Although it is no sin to go barefaced, Leiran clergy members are usually paranoid about showing their faces in public when their robes or residency make nonbelievers aware of their faith and profession: Many a priest of Leira has bathed or entertained private company while stubbornly still wearing (only) his or her mask!}}
冒險裝束Adventuring Garb:
在旅行時,蕾拉教徒有時會採用不同的身份、並根據身份着裝,不過大多數時候,她們都會穿着儀式長袍戴着銀面具。袍子之上覆蓋着裝飾着綠色寶石扣子的赤褐色斗篷。這些斗篷是 移位斗篷,這些寶石則是有色玻璃,它們可以被滑動的一邊,露出鎖扣里的小暗格,祭司們通常會在裏面存放寶石、魔法戒指或睡眠氣體瓶。這種氣體是蕾拉神職人員最喜歡的武器。如果取下塞子,它大約可以在5輪之內填滿約20立方呎的體積,它也可以被倒在布上,然後敷在受害者的鼻子和嘴巴上。在任何一種情況下,接觸到它的受害者都必須在接觸期間的每一輪進行一次成功的對抗毒素豁免檢定,否則將陷入沉睡(如同 睡眠術sleep 法術)。它將在填充的立方體區域或倒在布上後10分鐘內消散或蒸發。
When traveling, Leiran sometimes adopt alternate identities and dress as these types of people would, but most often they wear their ceremonial robes and silver mask. The robes are covered by russet cloaks with green gemstone-adorned clasps. These cloaks are cloaks of displacement and the "gemstones" are tinted glass shapes that can be slid aside to reveal a small hiding place in the locket-clasp where priests typically store gems, magical rings, or vials of sleep gas. This gas is a favorite weapon of Leiran clergy. It fills a roughly 20-foot-cubic volume in about five rounds if the stopper is left off the vial, or it can be poured onto a cloth and applied to a victim's nose and mouth. In either case, victims exposed to it must make a successful saving throw vs. poison or fall asleep (as in a sleep spell) every round they are exposed to it. It disperses or evaporates in 10 minutes after filling the cubic area of effect or being poured onto the cloth.
專屬祭司Specialty Priests(喚霧者Mistcallers)
職業需求REQUIREMENTS:敏捷Dexterity 11,智力Intelligence 12,感知Wisdom 14
關鍵屬性PRIME REQ.:智力Intelligence,感知Wisdom
武器WEAPONS:任何鈍擊(類型B)武器Any bludgeoning (wholly Type B) weapons
防具ARMOR:任意。然而,任何類型的防具,都將使得施法能力和類法術使用能力無效化。Any. Armor of any type, however, negates all spellcasting ability and the use of spell-like abilities.}
主修領域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,星界astral,魅惑charm,創造creation,預言divination,治療healing,保護protection,召喚summoning,時間time,氣象weather
次要領域MINOR SPHERES:混亂Chaos,戰鬥combat,元素elemental,守衛guardian,死靈necromantic
魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧師,外加法師通常能使用的涉及幻術和欺騙的物品,包括幻術/幻象捲軸Same as clerics, plus all items involving illusions and deceptions usually restricted to wizards, including scrolls with illusion/ phantasm spells
熟練需求REQ. PROFS:偽裝Disguise
熟練獎勵BONUS PROFS:現代語言Modern languages(任選一pick one), 閱讀/書寫reading/writing(羅斯利克文Ruathlek),腹語術ventriloquism
❖Gnomes may be mistcallers, though the cultural peer pressure against gnomes walking such a life path is very strong in their society.
❖Mistcallers, starting at 2nd level, may cast illusion/phantasm wizard school spells in addition to priest spells. Mistcallers cast these as mages of half their actual level (drop fractions). For example, a 3rd-level mistcaller casts illusion/phantasm school spells as a 1st-level mage and can only gain those levels of illusion/phantasm school spells that are available to a 1st-level mage.
Mistcallers pray for their illusion/phantasm school spells instead of studying to memorize them, and chosen illusion/phantasm school spells replace clerical spells potentially available for use that day. (In other words, the illusion/phantasm school spell occupies a priest spell slot.) Because of this, mistcallers may never cast 8th- or 9th-level illusion/phantasm spells.
❖喚霧者可以使用某些類型的法師法術捲軸,而不需要 閱讀魔法read magic 法術來理解它們。能以這種方式使用的法術必須純粹是幻術/幻象學派法術。任何將幻術/幻象與其它魔法學派結合的魔法,都不能從捲軸中施放,這是因為喚霧者無法閱讀它。如果捲軸包含幻術/幻象法術與其它學派的法術,那麼只有幻術/幻象法術可以被喚霧者使用。
❖Mistcallers may use certain types of wizard spells from scrolls without using a read magic spell to comprehend them. Spells which are purely illusion/phantasm school spells may be used in this fashion. Any spell that uses illusion/phantasm magic in conjunction with other magic schools cannot be cast from a scroll because the mistcaller cannot read it. If a scroll contains illusion/phantasm spells along with those of other schools, then only the illusion/phantasm spells may be used by the mistcaller.
❖Mistcallers gain a +2 bonus to saving throws vs. illusion/phantasm spells and spell-like abilities.
❖在第3級,每日1次,喚霧者能夠施展 無懈謊言impenetrable falsehood(如同2級祭司法術)。
❖At 3rd level, mistcallers are able to cast impenetrable falsehood (as the 2nd-level priest spell) once a day.
❖在第3級,每日1次,喚霧者能夠施展 虛幻之力phantasmal force 或 幻音術audible glamer(如同1級法師法術)。
❖At 3rd level, mistcallers are able to cast phantasmal force or audible glamer (as the 1st-level wizard spells) once a day.
❖在第5級,每日1次,喚霧者能夠施展 誤導術misdirection(如同2級法師法術)。在5級以上每5級,喚霧者可以額外施展一道 誤導術misdirection。
❖At 5th level, mistcallers are able to cast misdirection (as the 2nd-level wizard spell) once per day. Mistcallers may cast another misdirection for every additional five levels in experience they gain beyond 5th.
❖在第7級,每日1次,喚霧者能夠施展 暗影魔法shadow magic(如同5級法師法術)。
❖At 7th level, mistcallers are able to cast shadow magic (as the 5th-level wizard spell) once a day.
❖在第10級,每日1次,喚霧者能夠施展 半影魔法dermshadow magic(如同6級法師法術)或 懷疑術disbelief(如同6級祭司法術)。
❖At 10th level, mistcallers are able to cast dermshadow magic (as the 6th-level wizard spell) and disbelief (as the 6th-level priest spell) once a day.
❖在第13級,每日1次,喚霧者能夠施展 假象術mislead(如同6級法師法術)。
❖At 13th level, mistcallers are able to cast mislead (as the 6th-level wizard spell) once per day.
❖在第20級,每旬1次,喚霧者能夠施展 永恆幻術permanent illusion(如同6級法師法術)。
❖At 20th level, mistcallers are able to create a permanent illusion (as the 6th-level wizard spell) three times a tenday.
❖有一道法術被蕾拉的牧師和喚霧者完全禁止——真視術true seeing 或是用裝置使用 真視術true seeing。蕾拉任何使用了這道法術的祭司都將變得不可逆的瘋狂(儘管神祇可以逆轉這種狀態)。這種懲罰不適用於施展這道法術的逆向版本 錯誤偵測false detection。
❖One spell is completely forbidden to both clerics of Leira and mistcallers—true seeing or devices that use true seeing. Any priest of Leira who uses this spell goes irrevocably insane (though the action of a deity may reverse this state). There is no penalty for casting the reverse of this spell, false detection.
蕾拉教派法術Leiran Spells
2nd Level
無懈謊言Impenetrable Falsehood
持續時間Duration:12 小時hours
施法時間Casting Time:5
影響區域Area of Effect:1個生物One being
豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None
這道法術將使施法者或所觸碰的受術者所說的任何謊言都聽起來令人信服,並對 偵測謊言detect lie 法術、類似魔法、相關類法術能力、甚至是 提爾Tyr 專屬祭司的洞察能力,隱藏所有的謊言。它還將挫敗 超感ESP 和其他能揭示謊言的讀心魔法或靈能能力,將施法者的真實想法隱藏在這道法術生成的兩三個隨機想法之後(舉例來說,一條記不清的小溪可能在附近的某個地方,下一批蘋果在何時能夠成熟,還有那位幾年前在商店裏遇到,上旬正好在擁擠的街道從遠處看到的商人的名字)。
This spell makes any untruth spoken by the caster or a touched spell recipient being sound convincing and hides all untruths from a detect lie spell, similar magics, related spelllike abilities, and even the discernment of specialty priests of Tyr. It also foils ESP and other mind-reading magics or psionic abilities that could reveal a lie, hiding true thoughts behind random ruminations on two or three topics mentally chosen by the caster as the spell is cast (for example, the possible whereabouts of a half-remembered stream that must have been somewhere hereabouts, how soon the next apple crop might be ready, and the name of a particular merchant met years ago in a tavern, and seen from afar down a crowded street just a tenday ago).
4th Level
恐怖幻獸Monstrous Illusion
持續時間Duration:1 輪/級round/level
施法時間Casting Time:7
影響區域Area of Effect:施法者The caster
豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None
這道法術將把施法者周圍的空氣塑造成任意泛費倫完全物質的生物。它不能創造具有雙位面的存在、或與另一個位面存在有基本連接的生物外形。所選擇的怪物形態必須是施法者在之前某個場合直接目睹的生物,且它當時需要活着並醒着,且不能是一個獨特存在,比如 泰拉斯奎巨獸tarrasque 或某個特定人類統治者。該形態必須大到足以包圍施法者。
This spell transforms the air around the caster into the shape of any wholly physical Faerûnian creature. It cannot create the shapes of creatures having a dual-planar existence or a fundamental connection to another plane of existence, such as most undead creatures. The monster form chosen must be of a creature that the caster has seen directly on some earlier occasion while it was alive and awake, but cannot be a unique being such as the tarrasque or a particular human ruler. The form must also be large enough to encompass the caster.
施法者從內部控制着這種 恐怖幻獸monstrous illusion,可以使用這隻生物的普通力量和能力——如果可用的話——但不包括飛行。這隻幻象怪物的攻擊只造成真實怪物一半的傷害,但幻術也會遮蔽和保護施法者,在 恐怖幻獸monstrous illusion 中,他也只會遭受正常的一半傷害。這道法術可以在任何時候任意結束。
The caster controls this monstrous illusion from within and can use all the normal powers and abilities of the creature except—if applicable—flying. The illusory monster's attacks do only half the damage the real monster would, but the illusion also cloaks and shields the caster, who suffers only half the normal damage from attacks made on him or her while within the monstrous illusion. This spell can be ended at any time at will.
5th Levell
三重面具Triple Mask
持續時間Duration:1 輪/級round/level
施法時間Casting Time:8
影響區域Area of Effect:施法者The caster
豁免檢定Saving Throw:特殊Special
這道法術將把施法者的實體和裝備傳送到超維空間,而在施法者站着的位置留下3個相同的立體圖像。這些立體幻術沒有智力,不能使用投擲或施展法術,但在其他方面的言行都一如控制它的施法者。這些圖像可以攜帶物品、說話、甚至以施法者的正常零級命中值發起攻擊(不包括法術),使用施法者在施展法術時身上的任何裝備與武器的非魔法副本。這一圖像獨立行動,可彼此分開任何距離而不影響 三重面具triple mask 的操作。這道法術經常被想參加危險會議或旅程,又想保持安全距離的施法者。
This spell transports the caster's real body and gear to an extradimensional space and creates three identical, solid images of the caster on the spot where the caster stood. These solid illusions have no intellect and cannot wield or cast magic, but otherwise look and act just like the caster, who controls them all. The images can carry things, speak, and even launch (nonspell) attacks at the caster's normal THACO, employing their nonmagical duplicates of whatever gear and weaponry the caster had on his or her person at the time the spell was cast. The images act independently and can travel any distance apart from each other without affecting the operation of the triple mask. This spell is often used by casters who want to be present at a dangerous meeting or journey but somehow remain safe.
The caster must be in contact with/linked to one of the images at the beginning of a round and stay "in" that image until the end of the round; in the meantime, the other two images carry out any instructions they were given at the end of the preceding round. When the round ends, the caster can instantly, silently, and untraceably switch to another image. At the same time, the caster can alter the orders for the other two images. No switch need be made if the caster does not desire to, and the caster can see and hear (but not smell, feel, or taste) through the eyes and ears of all three images at all times.
Images that are destroyed when the caster is not in them do the caster no harm. One image's destruction does not end the spell or visibly affect the other two images—but if the image the caster is linked to is destroyed, the spell ends, all three images vanish instantly, the caster appears in the location of the destroyed image, and the caster suffers 1 point of damage for each experience level she or he currently possesses.
When this spell is cast, the caster must make a system shock survival roll. If it fails, the caster falls unconscious but takes no other harm, and the spell is wasted without taking effect. When the spell ends normally, the caster returns to the last position of any of the remaining images when the spell expired.
The material components of this spell are three peas.