1eFR<EotS.p061>蜘蛛沼澤Spider Swamp

蜘蛛沼澤Spider Swamp 是一小塊平坦、骯髒、惡臭的窪地,位於 瓦羅譚普城Volothamp 與 阿姆瑞汶城Almraiven 之間的 光輝海岸the Shining Sea Coast。兩條來自 米爾森林the Forest of Mir 向南延伸的舒緩小河,與沼澤之內的幾口泉眼,共同形成了這片沼澤。沼澤植被茂密,包括蔓生着爬滿苔蘚的絲柏、香柏和其它樹木。茂盛的植被令這片沼澤黑暗、影影綽綽,炎熱、潮濕而無風。沼澤散發着腐爛的惡臭,卡林珊人Calishites 在提及時經常稱它為「地獄第十層Tenth Plane of Hell」。他們並不知道,這個笑話距離真相有多近。
Spider Swamp is a flat,foul,fetid patch of lowland on the Shining Sea Coast between Volothamp and Almraiven. It is fed by two small,sluggish rivers extending south from the Forest of Mir,as well as several springs in the swamp itself. The swamp is thick with vegetation, including sprawling, moss-covered cypresses,cedars,and other trees. The result is a shadowy,dark swamp that is still hot,humid,and breezeless. It reeks of decay,and is often referred to by Calishites as the 「Tenth Plane of Hell」. They do not know just how close that jest is to the truth.
蜘蛛沼澤亦是一片徹底邪惡之地,充斥着巨蜘蛛、蛇、鬼火、有毒的蟾蜍、巨黃蜂、以及各種形狀和類型的次級惡魔。所有這些生物,都聽命於一位名為 贊阿蘇Zanassu 的 惡魔領主Demon Lord 的控制。
The Spider Swamp is also a throughly evil place,filled with giant spiders, snakes,will-o.-wisps,poisonous toads, giant wasps,and minor demons of many shapes and descriptions. All of these creatures are under the control of a Demon Lord named Zanassu.
贊阿蘇現身為巨蜘蛛的形態,15英尺橫穿、6英尺高,而被他的大部分臣民簡單地稱作 蜘蛛惡魔the Spider Demon。除了蜘蛛沼澤的居民外,蜘蛛惡魔也魅惑了附近城市瓦羅譚普的許多領導人(見前述)。贊阿蘇的描述如下:
Zanassu appears in the form of a great spider,15. across and 6. high,and is simply called the Spider Demon by most of his subjects. In addition to the denizens of Spider Swamp,the Spider Demon has charmed many of the leaders of the nearby city of Volothamp (see description above). Zanassu’s description is as follows:
生命骰HIT DICE:103 hp
在巢穴中概率% IN LAIR:60%
特殊攻擊SPECIAL ATTACK:毒素Poison(見後)
陣營ALIGNMENT:混亂邪惡Chaotic Evil
攻擊/防禦模式Attack/Defense Modes:零/零
等級/經驗回報LEVEL/X.P. VALUE:X/48,000
The Spider Demon's bite requires a saving throw vs. poison at -4. A failed throw results in instant death;even if the saving throw is made,3-18 points of damage is taken.
Zanassu is immune to poison,and takes only half damage from cold- and electricity- based attacks. He is not affected by non-magical weapons (even silver), though non-magical cold iron weapons will do half damage. Magical cold iron weapons get a +2 damage bonus. He saves as a 30th-level magic-user against all attacks (including magical ones that get past his 75% magic resistance).
除了所有惡魔所擁有的特殊力量外,隨意使用,每次1道、每輪1次,蜘蛛惡魔還能如30級施法者使用以下類法術力量:魅惑怪物charm monster、魅惑人類charm person、支配術command、黑暗術darkness(15英尺半徑)、偵測善良detect good、偵測隱形detect invisible、次元門dimension door、偵測魔法dispel magic、飛行術fly、隱形術invisibility、知曉陣營know alignment、防護善良(10英尺半徑)protection from good (10- foot radius)、怪物交談術speak with monsters、心靈遙控telekinesis(達5,000gp)、傳送術teleport,以及每日1次,邪言unholy word。
In addition to the powers typical to all demons,the Spider Demon can at will, one at a time,once per round,use at the 30th level the following spell-like powers:charm monster,charm person,command,darkness (15-foot radius),detect good,detect invisible,dimension door,dispel magic,fly,invisibility,know alignment,protection from good (10- foot radius),speak with monsters,telekinesis (up to 5,000 gp),teleport,and unholy word once per day.
每天最多各3次,贊阿蘇能以異界之門gate召喚以下類型的惡魔:1-4 Type I,80% 成功率;1-2 Type III,50% 成功率;1 Type VI,10% 成功率;1-6隻 巴布魔Babau,75%成功率;1-10隻 恐鷲魔Chasme,80%成功率;以及 1-4隻 怯魔Dretch,30%成功率。每輪1次,蜘蛛惡魔也能根據其意願召喚1-20隻6種類型中任意的蜘蛛(巨蜘蛛、超大蜘蛛、大蜘蛛、相位蜘蛛、巨水蜘蛛、以及巨海蜘蛛)。這些蜘蛛永久出於贊阿蘇的控制下,直到他被殺、或者自願將它們釋放。
Zanassu can gate in the following types of demons,up to three times per day per type:1-4 Type I,80% chance of success;1-4 Type II,60% chance;1-2 Type III,50% chance;1 Type VI,10% chance;1-6 Babau,75% chance;1-10 Chasme,80% chance;and 1-4 Dretch, 30% chance. The Spider Demon can also summon,once per round,1-20 of any of the six types of spiders (Giant, Huge,Large,Phase,Giant Water,and Giant Marine) he wishes. These spiders are under the permanent control of Zanassu,and remain until he is killed or voluntarily releases them.
若贊阿蘇被弒,10年內他將不能返回 主物質位面the Prime Material Plane。然而,在放逐期結束時,他肯定會回來復仇。
Should Zanassu be killed,he will not be allowed to return to the Prime Material Plane for 10 years. At the end of that time,however,it is certain he will return to exact his revenge.