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MMy Mellifleur
【旧   译】墨利夫鲁尔
【头   衔】巫妖王Lich-Lord
【阵   营】NE
【神   力】L
【神   职】巫妖lichdom,魔法magic
【神   系】黑暗族裔诸神Gods of the Dark Folk
【敌   对】某位强大黑暗神力
【神   国】焦炎地狱Gehenna/3th 灰雪山脉Krangath绝望荒园Hopelorn
【徽   记】骷髅手中的水晶瓶,在手的第四只手指戴着戒指crystal vial in a skeletal hand with ring on fourth finger
【简   介】蜜花Mellifleur 是巫妖之神,其起源源自一场意外。在不同世界中,他也被与维沙伦维克那混淆。

2e<Monster Mythology.p109>前言Introduction(节选)

  在所有这些存在中,最离奇的传说当属 巫妖王the Lich-Lord 蜜花Mellifleur。蜜花是位古代法师,他准确地为自己通往不死生物的魔法道路作好了准备,并同样以极大的细心忠实地制定了魔法仪式。他不知道的是:有位邪恶主神——在不同版本的神话中,来自于不同的神系——正好要通过神性的飞升,来擢升一位凡人祭司成为半神。神明魔法的反流与蜜花的仪式产生了共鸣,这位法师取而代之成为了一位半神。因此,巫妖王是借由错误、借由一场辉煌的讽刺诞生的。灵吸怪贤者们有这个传说的一个与众不同的版本,宣称该事件涉及了诸神的集体推动,以至于几位不同世界的邪神全都在同一时间进行了相同的操作,而他们联合起来的魔法效果,被召唤和转化,不只是将蜜花擢升到了神性状态,还让他到了弱等神地位。这将解释为什么在 灰鹰战役GREYHAWK® campaign,据说是 奈落Nerull 创造了蜜花;在 托瑞尔星球Toril,他们说是 班恩Bane 所为,而在其它世界,其祂黑暗的名讳则被援引。一件确定无疑的事实是:为了幸存,他已让他的化身去阻挠创造他的黑暗神祇来免得自己被削弱,以及避免这位邪神将自己俘获并吸取神力。巫妖王必须阻挠某些邪恶才能存活。据说,有时候某些中立善良的神祇会在特定的情况下实质上援助了他,以避免强大神的更大邪恶获胜。邪恶与邪恶交战,而善良加以援助以维持他们的分裂!

2e<Monster Mythology.p113>蜜花Mellifleur(弱等神Lesser God)

  这个和谐而美丽的名字属于可怕的 巫妖王Lich- Lord、邪恶巫妖的守护神,不过,没什么东西能比他的名字离他的本性更远。这位神明的永恒目的是双重的。一方面,他欣然引导邪恶法师和祭司成为巫妖,因为每当有人以这样的步骤进入不死状态,他自己的力量就将随之增强。其次,他必须通过自己化身的行动,来反击那位想将自己的神仆擢升为神祇、却遭到了他篡夺的原始邪恶神祇(见本章引言)。蜜花的巢穴位于 焦炎地狱Gehenna,不同于 卡姬卢娜Cegilune,在那里他藏匿了许多魔法命匣,万一他被击败或是被魔法困住,它们将能维持他存在。
Such a harmonious and pretty name belongs to the dire Lich- Lord, patron of evil liches, but nothing could be further from his nature. The god's constant purposes are twofold. On the one hand, he delights in guiding evil wizards and priests to become liches since his own power is increased with each such step into undeath. Second, he must counter the actions of the prime evil deity whose servant's divine ascension he usurped (see introductory material in this section)through the actions of his avatars. Mellifleur himself lairs in Gehenna, where, not unlike Cegilune, he hides many magical phylacteries which can sustain his being should he be overcome or magically trapped.
[译注:Mellifleur蜜花、甜蜜之花, Melli-前缀,或可译为甜的,如蜜的; fleur-[法语]花朵]

角色扮演指南Role-playing Notes:

Mellifleur's avatars rarely visit Prime Material liches; when they do, it is to study new spells or magic developed by those liches, or to gain information about his evil nemesis from lich-sages. He is forced to counter his evil nemesis' actions on the Prime Material, though, and when so doing with his avatars they are paranoically fearful. His avatars do not regard a counter-attack as the best form of defense; rather, they prefer to attack first, before the thought of attacking them has even occurred to a potential adversary.


  徽记SY:骷髅手中的水晶瓶,在手的第四只手指戴着戒指crystal vial in a skeletal hand with ring on fourth finger。
AL ne; WAL n/a; AoC lichdom, magic; SY crystal vial in a skeletal hand with ring on fourth finger.

MMy Mellifleur

蜜花的化身Mellifleur's Avatar

  (法师Wizard 25)

The avatar appears as a typical lich, although its black robes are clean and in good repair. Its eye sockets hold a pair of glowing green gems.}}

  力量 18/00,敏捷 17,体质 16,
  智力 23,感知 19,魅力 1,
  移动 12,体型 中型(6呎),魔抗 40%,
  防御等级 -2,生命骰 15,生命值 120,
  #攻击 1次,零级命中值 5,伤害 2d10(寒冷触碰chill touch)
  Str 18/00 Dex 17 Con 16
  Int 23 Wis 19 Cha 1
  MV 12 SZ M (6') MR 40%
  AC -2 HD 15 HP 120
  #AT 1 THAC0 5 Dmg 2d10 (chill touch)

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  该化身免疫低于+2附魔的武器和影响心灵、麻痹、基于寒冷和电击的攻击、精神错乱、即死魔法、石化以及变形。那些看见他的8HD/等级或以下者,必须对抗法术豁免,否则将恐慌逃离6d6轮。他的化身转化为了一种 特殊不死生物Special undead,但对祭司尝试驱散他时视为经验值等级-4。每日2次,该化身的宝石左眼能发射一道 寒冰锥cone of cold,每日2次,宝石右眼能发射一道 精神错乱徽记symbol of insanity,两种效果都如25级所使用的魔法。该化身穿着一件 群星法袍robe of stars,并且在他希望时,能充当 虹光法袍robe of scintillating colors;他戴着一枚 流星戒指ring of shooting stars;在他化身自动的心灵控制下,还掌控着一个 毁灭黑洞sphere of annihilation
The avatar is immune to weapons below +2 enchantment and to mind-affecting, paralyzing, cold and electrically based attacks, insanity, death magic, petrification and polymorphing. Those of 8 HD/levels or below who see him must save vs. spells or flee in terror for 6d6 rounds. His avatar is turned as a Special undead, but the priest making the attempt is treated as 4 experience levels lower for the purpose of turning. The avatar's left gem-eye can project a cone of cold 2/day and the right gem-eye can project a symbol of insanity 2/day, both effects at 25th level of magic use. The avatar wears a robe of stars which can act as a robe of scintillating colors when he so wills, a ring of shooting stars, and possesses a sphere of annihilation under the avatar's automatic mental control.
