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Chauntea p19-1-
【音   标】Chawn-TEE-ah


【头   衔】伟大之母The Great Mother,谷物女神the Grain Goddess,金色女神the Golden Goddess,万物塑造者She Who Shapes All,森林之母the Forest Mother,荒野与深土的守卫者Guardian of the Wilds and Deeps,荒野保卫者Keeper of the Wild
【阵   营】NG
【神   力】G
【神   职】农业Agriculture,人类栽培的植物plants cultivated by humans,农场主farmers,园丁gardeners,夏季summer
【神   系】FR耐瑟神系Netherese Pantheon泛费伦神系Faerûnian Pantheon
【主   神】
【盟   友】洛山达Lathander西凡纳斯Silvanus埃达丝Eldath梅丽凯Mielikki希阿莉亚Shiallia塞伦涅Selûne拉芮Lurue
【敌   对】塔洛斯与狂怒诸神Talos and the gods of fury欧吕尔Auril安博里Umberlee犸拉Malar),塔洛娜Talona摩安多Moander班恩Bane(目前陨落),巴尔Bhaal米尔寇Myrkul
【从   神】利维坦Leviathan凯梅利恩Kamerynn狼群the Pack
【神   国】极乐境Elysium/2th 厄洛妮亚群峰Eronia伟大母亲的花园Great Mother's Garden
【徽   记】¢新版:一颗含苞待放的花朵被旭日环绕A budding flower encircled by a sunburst
Chauntea symbol - Mike Schely
¢旧版:绿色田野上的一捆金色小麦a sheaf of golden wheat on a green field
Symbol of Chauntea
【简   介】大地母亲忽悠着你。——贝恩·血蹄,于半人马炖锅
裳提亚Chauntea 是国度天宇出现的第四位神明,由塞伦涅莎尔合力创造,一开始,她代表了国度天宇的一切物质,但后来她将注意力集中在了托瑞尔星球。据说,除了利维坦凯梅利恩狼群外,拉芮也是她的孩子。年轻的洛山达神则是她最近的情人。

2eSP<Realmspace.p073>群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars


群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars

  牧师和专属祭司们往往会因恐惧失去施法能力而担心进入 荒宇wildspace。其实对这点无需再有疑问。当然,当牧师或是祭司进入太空时,他们神明的神力的确会发生一些改变,但多数时候,这些改变还没到让角色感到沮丧的地步。
Clerics and specialty priests tend to worry about heading into wildspace because they fear the loss of their spell casting abilities. There no longer need be any doubt. Granted, when a cleric or priest heads in space, some of the powers of their gods do change, but for the most part, the changes are not drastic enough to warrant any frustration from the character.

  有些改变是积极的,但偶尔,神力可能会有所削弱、乃至消失——尤其是在祭司们进入 燃素海the phlogiston、与其神明失去一切接触的时候。在进入到晶壁系中时,某一角色是否会与他的神明完全而彻底的分离?接下来的章节将详述:魔法船牧师与专属祭司在荒宇中时,诸神与他们的关系、以及诸神本身。
Often these changes are positive, but occasionally, the powers can wane somewhat, or even disappear, especially when the priest heads out into the phlogiston and loses all touch with his god. Is there ever a complete and total separation between god and character while inside the crystal sphere? This next chapter describes the gods and their relationships with spelljamming clerics and specialty priests while in wildspace.


  (伟大母球Great Mother)
  极乐境强大神力Greater Power of Elysium

This goddess cannot give her followers spells or power in space, unless they are on a planet, asteroid, or a ship with at least some sort of plant life. She also gives no power to anyone outside the crystal sphere. Her priests lose the spells they have, and are unable to gain additional spells once they leave the sphere.

  裳提阿将她的神力集中在那些脚踏着实地、或是在星球大气笼罩之内的信徒身上,魔法船被排除在外。她在五颗内行星上都受崇拜,不过信仰最集中之处在 托瑞尔星球Toril
Chauntea concentrates her powers onto the worshipers whose feet touch ground, or are within the air envelope of a planet, spelljamming excluded. She is worshiped on the five inner planets, with the highest concentration of worshipers being on Toril.

2eFR<Faiths & Avatars.p047>裳提亚Chauntea


   (伟大之母The Great Mother,谷物女神the Grain Goddess,金色女神the Golden Goddess,万物塑造者She Who Shapes All)

  极乐境强大神力Greater Power of Elysium,

  神职PORTFOLIO:农业Agriculture,人类栽培的植物plants cultivated by humans,农场主farmers,园丁gardeners,夏季summer
  别名ALIASES:大地母亲Earthmother(月影群岛Moonshae),迦纳斯Jannath,帕鲁鲁克Pahluruk(在大冰川民众中among the peoples of the Great Glacier),布哈拉Bhalla(莱瑟曼Rashemen
  神域名DOMAIN NAME:厄洛妮亚群峰Eronia伟大母亲的花园Great Mother's Garden
  盟友ALLIES:洛山达Lathander西凡纳斯Silvanus埃达丝Eldath梅丽凯Mielikki希阿莉亚Shiallia塞伦涅Selûne“独角兽”拉芮Lurue the Unicom
  敌对FOES:塔洛斯与狂怒诸神Talos and the gods of fury欧吕尔Auril安博里Umberlee犸拉Malar),塔洛娜Talona摩安多Moander(目前陨落),班恩Bane(目前陨落),巴尔Bhaal(目前陨落),米尔寇Myrkul(目前陨落)
  徽记SYMBOL:一颗含苞待放的花朵被旭日环绕A budding flower encircled by a sunburst
  (更老的)绿色田野上的一捆金色小麦a sheaf of golden wheat on a green field
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN,守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG


  裳提亚Chauntea(读作“Chawn-TEE-ah”)鲜少对凡人神临,不过有时候,那些最虔诚的信徒会在睡梦中一睹她微笑的脸庞。在人类试图播种的地方,都得到了来自她的帮助,但裳提亚并非一位爱出风头、盛装华丽的女神,与之相反,她号召追随者们去实践种种的奉献行为。裳提亚在许多国家的园丁、农民和普通民众中极其流行,也正是承蒙她的庇佑,费伦大陆Faerûn 的大部分地方都富饶丰产。这位女神智慧而安静,虽然并不消极被动,但也不会草率行事。除了与上面提及神灵之间的互动外,她还与 坦帕斯Tempus 进行一场热情友好的持续竞赛,并与 贡德Gond 则存在着友好竞争。洛山达Lathander 与裳提亚有着一段断断续续、持续了几个世纪(目前正在进行中)的恋情,但无论分分合合,祂们之间的关系始终温情友好。
Chauntea (Chawn-TEE-ah) rarely appears to mortals, although the most devout sometimes see her smiling face in their dreams. Her hand is on every place where humans seek to grow things. She is not a goddess given to spectacle or pageant, but rather calls her followers to small acts of devotion. She is immensely popular among gardeners, farmers, and common folk of many nations. Through her blessing, most of Faerûn is fruitful. She is wise and quiet, though not passive, and is not given to hasty action. Aside from the divine interactions mentioned above, she has a cordial ongoing contest with Tempus and a friendly rivalry with Gond. Lathander and Chauntea have had an off-again, onagain romance for centuries (currently on), but the relationship between them is always warm.

  裳提亚与 月影群岛Moonshae Isles 的人民存在一种特殊关系:她将自己名为 大地母亲Earthmother 的那部分献给了这片土地,专职看顾月影群岛。大地母亲是裳提亚更原始的面相,观点更为野性和中立,代表了这位女神在过去亿万年岁月中曾经的天性。在月影群岛,她通常使用以下三位代理人(据说都是她的孩子):利维坦Leviathan,一头守护月影群岛水域的大鲸鱼;凯梅利恩Kamerynn,一头伟大的雄性独角兽、荒野之王the king of the wilderness;以及 狼群the Pack,一群融为一体为女神服务的恐狼集群。这些孩子已经离开月影群岛多年,但近期都又能在野外和海洋中发现祂们。
Chauntea has a special relationship with the people of the Moonshae Isles, a place which she has dedicated a portion of her being, known as Earthmother, to oversee specifically. Earthmother is a more primitive facet of Chauntea who is representative of the goddess's nature in eons past and is much more wild and neutral in her outlook. She often uses three agents in the Moonshaes, said to be her Children: Leviathan, a great whale who guards the waters of the Moonshaes; Kamerynn, a great male unicorn, the king of the wilderness; and the Pack, a gathering of dire wolves melded into a single, unstoppable horde in the service of the goddess. Absent from the Moonshaes for years, these children have heen spotted indivually of late in the wilds and the sea.

The Gods of Nature Mielikki, Chauntea, Eldath, and Silvanus

裳提亚的化身Chauntea's Avatar

  (德鲁伊Druid 40,牧师Cleric 20)

Chauntea is portrayed as a kindly, white-haired woman of middle years, wise by virtue of a long life well-lived. She has a lush beauty, tanned, brown skin, and a powerful build. She is usually draped in white robes of the finest linen or heavy silk cinched by a girdle embroidered with all manner of growing plants. Leaves, vines, and flowers twine through her hair and about her body, some even seeming to grow from her head. She draws her spells from all priest spheres.

  防御等级 -6;移动 15;生命值 197;零级命中值 -6;#攻击 1次
  伤害 1d10+9(+9 力量)
  魔抗 80%;体型 大型L(10呎)
  力量 20,敏捷 19,体质 25,智力 22,感知 25,魅力 25
  法术 祭司P:17/16/16/15/15/14/12
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖 、法杖与魔杖 6;石化或变形 5;喷吐武器 8;法术 7
  AC -6; MV 15; HP 197, THAC0 -6; #AT 1
  Dmg 1d10+9 (+9 STR)
  MR 80%; SZ L (10 feet)
  Str 20, Dex 19, Con 25, Int 22, Wis 25, Cha 25
  Spells P:17/16/16/15/15/14/12
  Saves PPDM 2, RSW 6, PP 5, BW 8, Sp 7

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  裳提亚之触拥有驱逐疾病与荒芜、复苏生命力并重现丰饶的异能。通过触碰,她也能将攻击她的敌人变形为 蔓生怪shambling mound 或 树人treant,除非对方成功通过了对抗变形豁免检定。但在大多数情况下,她宁愿无视所受的创伤,而非发起反击。裳提亚的伤口喷涌而出的并非鲜血,而是赋予生命的甘泉与飞速生长的藤蔓。普通动物和它们的巨型同类都会拒绝尝试伤害她,并立即执行她的命令。任何植物或真菌(无论是否有智慧)、或是基于这些生物的攻击均无法伤她分毫,同时,她免疫中毒,不会被变形为任何她不愿意呈现的形态,且无视任何基于土或水的攻击或法术的影响。
Chauntea's touch has the power to banish disease and barrenness, bestowing instant life and fertility. By touch she can also transform foes who attack her into shambling mounds or treants, unless they succeed at a saving throw vs. polymorph. She prefers to ignore wounds rather than return attacks in most cases. Wounds inflicted on her gush forth life-giving sweet water and swift-racing floral vines rather than blood. Normal animals and their giant analogs refuse to attempt to harm her and do her bidding instantly. She cannot be harmed by any plant or fungus (sentient or otherwise), or plant- or fungus-based attack, nor can she be poisoned, transformed into any shape she does not wish to assume, or affected by any earth-based or water-based attacks or spells.

其祂显灵Other Manifestations

Chauntea often manifests as a flower where none has been or should be that sprouts, rises, and blossoms with lightning speed. Such a flower may appear as a simple sign of the approval of the goddess or a "yes" answer to a question asked in prayer. The blooming of such a flower can also accompany the sudden appearance of seeds, a garden tool, or helpful plants or herbs. Her floral signature also has marked the parting of growing things to reveal a path, door, or other feature that is being sought.

  裳提亚有时会以仙灵、棕精、火翼星firestar 和 信使仙灵messenger spirit 执行她的命令。这些信使仙灵采取云雀、知更鸟、红母鸡、能言树木或在空中舞蹈的光斑形态。它们很少出现在凡人面前,但在 伟大母亲的花园Great Mother's Garden(裳提亚的故乡神域)很常见。
Chauntea sometimes uses sprites, brownies, firestars, and messenger spirits to do her bidding. These messenger spirits take the form of larks, robins, red hens, talking trees, or motes of light dancing in the air. They appear very seldom to mortals, but are common in the Great Mother's Garden, Chauntea's home domain.

独角兽之流The Unicom Run

  吟游诗人和贤者们一直流传着这样一个故事:事实上,独角兽之流the Unicom Run 的源头是 生命之源the Font of Life,是生育力的摇篮。据说每个自然种族都是从裳提亚的子宫诞生的,他们从河流的源头来到托瑞尔星球,而后沿着独角兽之流来到了外在的世界。有人说裳提亚居住在河流的源头,将新生儿带入了这个世界,而其他人则声称是 希阿莉亚Shiallia 为这一过程助产。
Bards and sages pass down the tale the headwaters of the Unicom Run are, in truth, the Font of Life, and a cradle of fecundity. Each natural race is said to have emerged from the womb of Chauntca onto Toril at the rivers source and then traveled down the Unicorn Run to the outside world. Some say a daughter of Chauntca resides at the rivers source to usher the newborns into the world, while others claim that Shiallia midwifes the process.

Regardless of the truth, the lore of the elves, korreds, and halflings all agree that the Unicorn Run is sacred to life and a site of incredible purtty. As a result, all three races have strorg taboos about extended trips up the run, for if the river is ever fouled, then no new races will ever be born on Toril again.

教会The Church

  神职阵营CLERGY'S ALIGN.:守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN,守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG
  驱散不死TURNUNDEAD:牧师C:可Yes;德鲁伊D:不可No;潜修者Mys:不可No;武僧Mon:不可No;萨满Sha:可,若为善良Yes, if good
  呵斥不死CMND. UNDEAD:牧师C:不可NO;德鲁伊D:不可No;潜修者Mys:不可No;武僧Mon:不可No;萨满Sha:可,若为中立Yes, if neutral

  裳提亚的所有牧师、德鲁伊、潜修者、武僧和萨满得到 宗教知识religion(泛费伦Faerûnian)作为非武器熟练奖励。裳提亚的牧师、潜修者和萨满免疫植物和真菌毒素。裳提亚牧师不能从火元素领域援引法术,但她们可以正常访问其它元素领域。她的牧师和萨满们被鼓励学习 草药学herbalism 非武器熟练,并得到 农业agriculture 作为奖励非武器熟练。
All clerics, druids, mystics, monks, and shamans of Chauntea receive religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency. Clerics, mystics, and shamans of Chauntea are immune to the poisons found in plants and mushrooms. Clerics cannot draw spells from the elemental fire sphere, though they may access all other elemental spheres normally. Clerics and shamans are encouraged to take the herbalism nonweapon proficiency and receive the agriculture nonweapon proficiency as a bonus proficiency.

  裳提亚的祭司往往是各种族中,深厚爱恋着土地、欣赏自然之道与自然平衡、把人类和其他智慧生命看作这一系列持续循环一部分的那群人。她们往往是些从事园丁或农民职业、或是受过对应职业训练的人,她们对植物之美越来越深的欣赏,引领她们最终对 万物塑造者She Who Shapes All 产生崇敬之情。
Chauntea's priests tend to be folk of all races who have a deep love the land and an appreciation of natural ways and balances, seeing humans and other intelligent life as part of an ongoing series of cycles. They tend to be gardeners or farmers by trade and training and have an increasing appreciation for the beauty of plants that brings them at last to the veneration of She Who Shapes All.

  裳提亚的神职人员们称她为“我们的母亲Our Mother”或“万物之母the Mother of All”。她们明了她的宁静之道下的无比强大——而就像她一样,她们行事往往安静而耐心。她的许多神职人员都是女性。在居住的社群中,她们以智慧著称,并因为愿意免费(无偿或义务)系起裙子参与农活(特别是在农民生病或受伤时)而受到赞赏。
Chauntea is spoken of as "Our Mother" or "the Mother of All" by her clergy. They know that she is very powerful in a quiet way—and like her, they tend to be quiet and patient in their ways. Many members of her clergy are female. In the communities in which they dwell, they are known for their wisdom and appreciated for their willingness to freely (without fee or obligation) tie up their skirts and pitch in when agricultural work must be done, especially where farmers are ill or injured.

Though Chauntea's faith has some large, impressive temples and shrines whose granaries ensure that food for all is abundant in their vicinities, the backbone of the Earthmother's faith is composed of small, local temples. Often these are seed-storage caverns near pure wells. Chauntean services are also held in open fields and druid groves.

  裳提亚的教会有两个分支:在城镇、城市和文明地区为信徒服务的标准牧师,以及在更偏远地区工作的德鲁伊。随着城镇祭司的成功,德鲁伊们的活动区域也在变得越来越偏远。自称为“裳提亚真正的牧师True Clerics of Chauntea”的德鲁伊,与更文明的牧师们之间的关系热诚亲切,但有时也会有些紧张。德鲁伊们一直崇尚裳提亚,并视新近的城市门徒为新晋的暴发户。更文明的牧师们则认为德鲁伊的时代已经过去,虽然德鲁伊在荒野之地仍然有其价值,但崛起的诸国需要的是一种由更合理与理性的神职人员控制、组织化、专业化的信仰。在神职人员中的细分比例中,牧师约占40%,德鲁伊约占50%;潜修者与萨满们独立于两大分支,只向万物塑造者本尊负责,共占5%;至于武僧,则总是与某个特定神殿或德鲁伊之环的首领结盟,组成了剩下的5%。
Chauntea's church has two wings: standard clerics who minister to the faithful in towns, cities, and civilized areas, and druids who work in more outlying regions. With the success of the town priests, the druids have been moving farther and farther afield. The relationship between the druids, who call themselves "True Clerics of Chauntea," and the more civilized clerics is cordial, but at times strained. The druids have always venerated Chauntea and consider the more recent city disciples to be upstarts. The more civilized priests, in turn, feel that the druids' day is done, and while druids are still useful in wild lands, the rising nations need an organized, professional faith controlled by a more reasonable and rational clergy. The percentage breakdown of clerics and druids in the clergy is about 40% clerics and 50% druids. Mystics and shamans, who work alone outside of either wing of the church and report only to She Who Shapes All herself, comprise only 5% of the priesthood together, and monks, who are always allied to a particular temple or druidic circle's leader, round out the remaining 5%.

  裳提亚的祭司们使用如下头衔(依升序):亲密者Close One,大地守望者兄弟/姊妹Watchful Brother/Sister of the Earth,真实之种Trueseed,收获主宰/女主宰Harvestmaster/Harvestmistress,高阶收获主宰/女主宰Harvestmaster/Harvestmistress,以及 欧呶Onum。
Priests of Chauntea use such titles as (in ascending order of rank) Close One, Watchful Brother/Sister of the Earth, Trueseed, Harvestmaster/Harvestmistress; High Harvestmaster/Harvestmistress, and Onum.


Chauntea's faith is one of nurture and growth. Agricultural sayings and farming parables dot her teachings. Growing and reaping, the eternal cycle, is a common thread in Chauntea's faith. Destruction for its own sake, or leveling without rebuilding, is anathema to the church. Chauntean priests are charged to nurture, tend, and plant whenever and wherever possible; protect trees and plants, and save their seeds so that what is destroyed can be replaced; see to the fertility of the earth, but let the human womb see to its own; and to eschew fire.

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:

Priests of Chauntea are charged to learn—and pass on to others, both fellow clergy and laity—all they can of horticulture, herblore, plant types, and plant diseases, and to encourage all civilized folk to enrich the land by replanting, composting, and irrigation, not merely to graze or dig it bare for what it can yield and then pass on. They replant trees wherever they go, root out weeds that strangle and choke crop plants, and till plants back into the soil. They strive to let no day pass in which they have not helped a living thing to flourish.

Clergy of Chauntea are encouraged to work against plant disease wherever they go. They often hire nonbelievers to help them burn diseased plants or the corpses of plague-ridden livestock to prevent the spread of sickness. They keep careful watch over such blazes. Chauntean clerics do not like handling fire but are not forbidden to use nonmagical fire.

Chauntea encourages her faithful to make offerings of food to strangers and those in need, freely sharing the bounty of the land. It is also said that money given to one of her temples returns to the giver tenfold. Worshipers should plant at least one seed or small plant-cutting a tenday, tend it faithfully for as long as possible, and see that their own wastes are always tilled back into the soil to feed later life. Any extra seeds yielded by plantings should be taken to a temple of the goddess for distribution to the less fortunate.

圣日/重要庆典Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

  每天,都应该在对裳提亚的低声感谢中开始,感谢她令生命得以延续;在对夕阳的祈祷中结束,(裳提亚信徒们相信)伟大之母the Great Mother 正是从彼处发出了她的神力。每当植树造林时,必须向大地母亲祈祷,此外,每当在播种时、在信徒们被周围的自然之美感动时(她们总是被鼓励注意到这一点),也应向伟大之母祈祷。对 金色女神the Golden Goddess 的祈祷最好是在新开辟耕地、农地和花园中进行。如果找不到这种地方,至少也得在井边或浇水灌溉处进行。裳提亚最会聆听那些肥沃了土地之人的祷告,所以在祈祷前,许多祭司会埋葬废弃物、处理文明的垃圾、或是进行播种。
Every day should begin with whispered thanks to Chauntea for continued life and close with a prayer to the setting sun, from whence (Chaunteans believe) the Great Mother sends her power. Prayer to the Great Mother must be made whenever things are planted, but should otherwise occur when worshipers are moved to do so by the beauty of nature around them, which they are always encouraged to notice. Prayer to the Golden Goddess is best made on freshly tilled ground, farmland, or a garden, or failing that, at least at a well or watering place. Chauntea listens best to those who enrich the ground, so before prayer many priests bury wastes, dispose of the litter of civilization, or plant seeds.

  很少有在固定时间进行的崇拜典礼。裳提亚教徒在新耕地上度过新婚之夜,以确保自己婚姻中的生育力。而 绿草节Greengrass 则是一个生育节日,期间鼓励不受约束的行为和大吃大喝。更加庄严的 丰收祭至高祷告会High Prayers of the Harvest 庆祝了裳提亚赐予社区的丰收,其举办的时间在不同社区有所不同,以配合农作物的实际收货时间,而非精确地与 丰收节Higharvestide 进行。
Few ceremonies of worship fall at set times. Passing one's wedding night in a freshly tilled field is held by Chaunteans to ensure fertility in marriage. Greengrass is a fertility festival, wherein uninhbited behavior and consumption of food and drink is encouraged. The much more solemn High Prayers of the Harvest celebrate the bounty Chauntea has given a community and are held at different times in each community to coincide with the actual harvest of crops, rather than precisely on Higharvestide.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

  金色田园Goldenfields 位于 深水城Waterdeep 以东和以北,是一座修有围墙的巨大修道院与农场院落,也是裳提亚目前的骄傲。据说,女神对这个有超过5000位信徒组成的社区感到欣喜,这些人耕种着20多平方哩的毗邻土地和 德沙林河the Dessarin 河岸的外围土地。这是裳提亚信徒们目前进行的最大、最有活力的项目,它已成为了 北地粮仓the Granary of the North。
Goldenfields, a vast, walled abbey and farm compound east and north of Waterdeep, is the current pride of Chauntea. The goddess is said to be delighted at the community of more 5,000 worshipers who till over 20 square miles of contiguous land and outlying holdings on the banks of the Dessarin. The largest and most energetic project undertaken by the faithful of Chauntea, it has become the Granary of the North.

  金色田园已取代了 安姆Amn 中部更古老的 收获之邸Harvest House,成为了裳提亚信仰最重要的中心,但那座由全员女性的 神殿姐妹Sisters of the House 组成的华丽花园,在已知的诸国度中仍然无与伦比。然而,这座较小的裳提亚神殿的第二名地位甚至也遭到了挑战,挑战者是位于 迷雾谷Mistledale 的 金色麦穗修道院Abbey of the Golden Sheaf,这座修道院以令人钦佩的技艺勤劳地服务于这片谷地。
Goldenfields supplanted the older Harvest House in central Amn as the most important center of Chauntean worship, but the ornate formal gardens of the all-female Sisters of the House remain unmatched in the known Realms. However, this smaller temple of Chauntea is being challenged even for its second-place ranking by the smaller but almost perfectly appointed Abbey of the Golden Sheaf in Mistledale, which serves the dale around it with admirable skill and diligence.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:

While by no means defenseless, the church of Chauntea has no affiliated military or knightly orders. Those who guard its temples and shrines are usually members of the clergy.

祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:

Priests of high rank of all types in the service of Chauntea tend to favor white or sun-colored ceremonial robes trimmed in deep forest green and to use staves smoothed by much handling but otherwise natural in appearance. Some such staves are enchanted to purify or promote the growth of what they touch.

冒险装束Adventuring Garb:

Chauntea's clerics, monks, and shamans dress simply and without pretense most of the time. They favor earth tones of green and brown. The druids prefer simple brown robes with high rank denoted only by a belt laced with gold thread or some other similar, precious decoration. The citified clerics, on the other hand, wear an open-fronted brown cloak with more standard garments, like tunic and trousers, underneath. Mystics dress in everyday clothes or robes of more colorful garb in brighter green, yellow, rust, and brown earth tones.

专属祭祀Specialty Priests(德鲁伊Druids

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:感知Wisdom 12,魅力Charisma 15
  关键属性PTIME REQ.:感知Wisdom,魅力Charisma
  防具ARMOR:衬甲Padded,皮甲leather,革甲hide,以及 木盾wooden,骨盾bone,壳盾shell,或其它非金属盾牌other nonmetallic shield
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,动物animal,元素elemental,治疗healing,植物plant,保护protection,物品time,结界wards,气象weather
  魔法物品MAGICALITEMS:如同德鲁伊As druid
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:农业Agriculture,草药学herbalism
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:生存Survival(选择类型);现代语言modern languages(任选二:棕精语brownie,树精语dryad,精灵语elvish,石羊人语korred,水妖精语nymph,飞马语pegasus,皮克精语pixie,半羊人语satyr,仙灵语sprite,风精语sylph,树人语treant,独角兽语unicorn)

  ❖ Elves and half-elves may become heartwarders, though they invite the wrath of Hanali Celanil, the goddess of elven beauty.

  裳提亚的所有专属祭司都是德鲁伊。除了上述变化外,她们的能力与限制,在总结于 附录 1:祭司职业Appendix 1: Priest Classes,并在《玩家手册Player's Handbook》中有完整说明。
All specialty priests of Chauntea are druids. Their abilities and restrictions, aside from changes noted above, are summarized in Appendix 1: Priest Classes and detailed in full in the Player's Handbook.

5e<Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.p027>裳提亚Chauntea



  裳提亚Chauntea,农业女神goddess of agriculture 中立善良NG 生命Life 一捆谷物Sheaf of grain 或 谷物上盛开的玫瑰a blooming rose over grain   伟大母亲The Great Mother,谷物女神the Grain Goddess

Symbol of Chauntea

Chauntea is goddess of agriculture: sowing and reaping, seeding and harvest, breeding and butchery, shearing and weaving. In this aspect she is a rural deity rarely prayed to behind the walls of a city except by kitchen gardeners. But Chauntea is also the Great Mother, a goddess of crib, hearth, and home. And as such she is welcomed into all homes at mealtimes and at the birth of children, and folk give her thanks whenever they experience the pleasure of settling by a fire and feeling safe and loved.

Chauntea's faith is one of nurturing and growth. Agricultural aphorisms and farming parables dot her teachings,Growing and reaping,the eternal cycle, is a common theme in the faith. Destruction for its own sake,or leveling without rebuilding,is anathema to her.

Temples of Chauntea maintain a great body of lore about farming and cultivation. Her priests work closely with communities in rural areas, and they are willing to roll up their sleeves and dig their hands into the dirt.


The druids of the Moonshae Isles worship the Earth- mother, she who is the generative power of the land itself. To some mainlanders, the Earthmother is an aspect or manifestation of Chauntea, but to the Ffolk, she is simply the Earth mother, and always will be. The moonwells of the isles are her sacred sites and her windows onto the world. See "Druids" in chapter 4 for more information.
