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贝尔凡·野游者Baervan Wildwanderer,蒙面之叶
【音   标】BAY-ur-van WILD-WAN-der-er
【头   衔】蒙面之叶The Masked Leaf,森林侏儒the Forest Gnome,鱼与真菌之父Father of Fish and Fungus
【阵   营】NG
【神   力】I
【神   职】森林Forests,旅行travel,自然nature,林侏forest gnomes
【神   系】金色丘陵诸领主The Lords of the Golden Hills
【主   神】加尔·闪金Garl Glittergold
【盟   友】布兰多布李斯Brandobaris克兰贾汀·银须Clangeddin Silverbeard希劳拉妮Cyrrollalee达武Damh埃曼提恩基安Emmantiensien妃艾尔菈Fionnghuala桂伦·流风Gwaeron Windstrom马萨摩·杜因Marthammor Duin梅丽凯Mielikki奈尔·斯克亚克Nathair Sgiathach瑞里芬·莱勒菲Rillifane Rallathil山达柯尔Shaundakul席拉·佩莉萝尔Sheela Peryroyl希阿莉亚Shiallia西凡纳斯Silvanus斯凯里特Skerrit塔蓬Tapann萨德·哈尔Thard Harr维拉内斯特芮Verenestra各种动物领主various Animal Lords侏儒神系the gnome pantheon(除 厄尔德连Urdlen
【敌   对】阿巴索Abbathor盖克努拉Gaknulak克奥耶克Kuraulyek库尔图马克Kurtulmak劳格兹得Laogzed犸拉Malar厄尔德连Urdlen地精类神系the goblinkin pantheon
【神   国】双生天堂Bytopia/1th 杜西诺Dothion金色丘陵the Golden Hills低语之叶Whisperleaf
【徽   记】浣熊的脸Raccoon's face
【简   介】贝尔凡·野游者Baervan Wildwanderer 是居住在森林中的侏儒与他们的社区、旅行、以及户外之神。他热爱橡树和所有森林动物,他是野生动物的守护者。贝尔凡赋予了林侏与森林动物交流的能力,并且教导他们如何在树木繁盛的环境中躲藏和穿越,而不被发现。蒙面之叶The Masked Leaf 是林侏的守护神,但他被所有亚种的侏儒热爱着。他甚至被斯奈布力侏儒作为 鱼与真菌之父Father of Fish and Fungus 尊敬。贝尔凡被那些热爱林地者,以及许多流浪者、盗贼、战士/盗贼以及战士,尤其是那些喜欢无时无刻呆在户外而非城市中的人崇拜。

2eFR<Demihuman Deities.p137>贝尔凡·野游者Baervan Wildwanderer

贝尔凡·野游者Baervan Wildwanderer

  (蒙面之叶The Masked Leaf,森林侏儒the Forest Gnome,鱼与真菌之父Father of Fish and Fungus)

  双生天堂中等神力Intermediate Power of Bytopia,

  神职PORTFOLIO:森林Forests,旅行travel,自然nature,林侏forest gnomes
  神域名DOMAIN NAME:杜西诺Dothion金色丘陵the Golden Hills低语之叶Whisperleaf
  主神SUPERIOR:加尔·闪金Garl Glittergold
  盟友ALLIES:布兰多布李斯Brandobaris克兰贾汀·银须Clangeddin Silverbeard希劳拉妮Cyrrollalee达武Damh埃曼提恩基安Emmantiensien妃艾尔菈Fionnghuala桂伦·流风Gwaeron Windstrom马萨摩·杜因Marthammor Duin梅丽凯Mielikki奈尔·斯克亚克Nathair Sgiathach瑞里芬·莱勒菲Rillifane Rallathil山达柯尔Shaundakul席拉·佩莉萝尔Sheela Peryroyl希阿莉亚Shiallia西凡纳斯Silvanus斯凯里特Skerrit塔蓬Tapann萨德·哈尔Thard Harr维拉内斯特芮Verenestra各种动物领主various Animal Lords侏儒神系the gnome pantheon(除 厄尔德连Urdlen
  敌对FOES:阿巴索Abbathor盖克努拉Gaknulak克奥耶克Kuraulyek库尔图马克Kurtulmak劳格兹得Laogzed犸拉Malar厄尔德连Urdlen地精类神系the goblinkin pantheon(兽人orc、地精goblin、大地精hobgoblin、熊地精bugbear、狗头人kobold、蝠翼狗头人urd神祇,以及其它未提及的)
  徽记SYMBOL:浣熊的脸Raccoon's face
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN


  贝尔凡·野游者Baervan Wildwanderer(读作“BAY-ur-van WILD-WAN-der-er”)是居住在森林中的侏儒与他们的社区、旅行、以及户外之神。他热爱橡树和所有森林动物,他是野生动物的守护者。贝尔凡赋予了林侏与森林动物交流的能力,并且教导他们如何在树木繁盛的环境中躲藏和穿越,而不被发现。蒙面之叶The Masked Leaf 是林侏的守护神,但他被所有亚种的侏儒热爱着。他甚至被斯奈布力侏儒作为 鱼与真菌之父Father of Fish and Fungus 尊敬。贝尔凡被那些热爱林地者,以及许多流浪者、盗贼、战士/盗贼以及战士,尤其是那些喜欢无时无刻呆在户外而非城市中的人崇拜。
Baervan Wildwanderer (BAY-ur-van WILD-WAN-der-er) is the god of forest-dwelling gnomes and their communities, travel, and the outdoors. He loves oak trees and all forest animals and is guardian of the wild. Baervan gifted forest gnomes with the ability to communicate with forest animals, and taught them to how to hide in and move through wooded environments without being detected. The Masked Leaf is the patron god of forest gnomes, but he is well loved by all of the gnome subraces. He is even revered by the svirfneblin as the Father of Fish and Fungus. Baervan is worshiped by those who love the woodlands, as well as many wanderers, thieves, fighter/thieves, and fighters, particularly those who prefer living in the outdoors rather than in a city all the time.

  他的朋友,也是他在恶作剧时的永恒伴侣,是一只名为 奇刻提卡·快爪Chiktikka Fastpaws 的巨浣熊,它很聪明,但很容易不加思考便采取行动。许多故事讲述了这对二人组共同的冒险活动,冒险经常以奇刻提卡的滑稽能力(借走某些贵重物品,譬如一件次级神器)带来的麻烦开头。贝尔凡与侏儒神系其祂诸神(除了 厄尔德连Urdlen 这个明显的例外)都有着亲密的联盟。为了两位神都关心着的自然世界,他与 沙苟贞·大地唤者Segojan Earthcaller 密切地合作。
Baervan's friend and constant companion in his escapades is a giant raccoon named Chiktikka Fastpaws, who is highly intelligent but prone to act before he thinks. Many stories are told of the adventures that this duo has shared, often started by Chiktikka's humorous ability to get into trouble by borrowing something valuable, such as a minor artifact. Baervan is closely allied with the other gods of the gnome pantheon, with the notable exception of Urdlen. He works closely with Segojan Earthcaller, for both gods are concerned with the natural world.

  传统上来说,他们的神职之间的区分在于:贝尔凡关心森林动物和植物,而沙苟贞则关心掘穴动物。贝尔凡有时会在 加尔Garl、甚至是 巴瑞瓦Baervan 的恶作剧中与他们同伙,这个三人组所分享的、对于恶作剧的兴趣,集中展现和鼓励了侏儒族心灵的这个方面。虽然尚未达到 巴瑞瓦·影斗篷Baravar Cloakshadow 所作恶作剧的程度,但贝尔凡无忧无虑的天性和对于开玩笑的嗜好也在考验着 卡勒杜兰·铁手Gaerdal Ironhand 的耐心。贝尔凡与 喜乐王庭the Seelie Court 的许多森林神力有着亲密的联盟。对橡树的激情,引领着他为获得 维拉内斯特芮Verenestra 的芳泽而展开无尽(即便到现在还没有结果)的追求。蒙面之叶经常参加 埃曼提恩基安Emmantiensien瑞里芬·莱勒菲Rillifane Rallathil 以及 西凡纳斯Silvanus 的理事会议,不过他极少有耐心坐下来与这些语速缓慢的林地巨人们进行一整场辩论。除了厄尔德连外,贝尔凡几乎没有敌人,不过 野兽之主the Beastlord 狩猎在蒙面之叶保护下的林侏之行已引来了他的忿怒。
Traditionally, their portfolios are divided between caring for forest animals and plants for Baervan, and burrowing animals for Segojan. Baervan sometimes accompanies Garl, or even Baravar, on their mischievous escapades, and the trio's shared interest in mischief embodies and encourages this aspect of the gnome psyche. Baervan's carefree nature and penchant for jests strains the patience of Gaerdal Ironhand, albeit not to the extent that the pranks of Baravar Cloakshadow do. Baervan is closely allied with many of the sylvan powers of the Seelie Court. His passion for oak trees has led to his endless, if so far fruitless, pursuit of Verenestra's affections. The Masked Leaf is a frequent participant in the councils of Emmantiensien, Rillifane Rallathil, and Silvanus, though he rarely has the patience to sit through an entire discussion with these slow-speaking woodland giants. Baervan has few foes aside from Urdlen, although the Beastlord has earned his ire for hunting forest gnomes under the Masked Leaf's protection.

  贝尔凡温和、和蔼而淘气。对善意恶作剧方面的嗜好甚至比得上加尔·闪金。除了奇刻提卡的陪伴外,他倾向于独行。尽管贝尔凡有时会对别人开玩笑,但很难不喜欢他。不像 被遗忘族裔Forgotten Folk 的典型恶作剧,蒙面之叶的花招通常是为某些目的服务的。若贝尔凡响应向某些人传递信息,他会以开玩笑的形式完成。贝尔凡会派遣化身来修复受到严重破坏的自然,不过有时则仅仅是为了捣蛋作怪。
Baervan is gentle, good-natured, and mischievous. His penchant for good-natured pranks rivals Garl Glittergold. Except for Chiktikka's company, he tends to keep to himself. Though Baervan sometimes plays jokes on others, it is hard not to like him. The Masked Leaf's tricks are often designed to serve some purpose, unlike the mischief typical of Forgotten Folk. If Baervan wants to send someone a message, he does so in the form of a joke. Baervan dispatches avatars to help repair severe damage to nature, though sometimes just to create mischief.


贝尔凡的化身Baervan's Avatar

  (盗贼Thief 33,德鲁伊Druid 30,游侠Ranger 25,幻术师Illusionist 25)

Baervan frequently appears as a middle-aged male forest gnome with nut-brown skin and dull gray hair. He wears clothes of wood-brown hues. His raccoon friend always accompanies him. He favors spells from the spheres of all, animal, charm, elemental (earth, water), healing, plant, summoning, sun, travelers, and weather and from the school of illusion/phantasm, though he can cast spells from any sphere or school except the wizard schools of abjuration, invocation/evocation, and necromancy.

  防御等级 -4;移动 12;生命值 207;零级命中值 -4;#攻击 5次/2轮
  伤害 1d8+12(+3矛,+7 力量,+2 对矛专精奖励)
  魔抗 60%;体型 中型M(4呎高)
  力量 19,敏捷 23,体质 20,智力 21,感知 22,魅力 19
  法术 祭司P:12/12/12/12/11/9/8,法师W:6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/5*
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 1**;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术1**
  AC -A; MV 12; HP 207; THAC0 -4; #AT 5/2
  Dmg 1d8+12 (spear +3, +7 STR,+2 spec. bonus in spear)
  MR 60%; SZ M (4 feet tall)
  STR 19, DEX 23, CON 20, INT 21, Wis 22, CHA 19
  Spells P:12/12/12/12/11/9/8, W:6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/5*
  Saves PPDM2, RSW1**, PP4, BW4, Sp1**
    *Numbers assume one extra illusion/phantasm spell per spell level.
    **Includes gnome +5 CON save bonus to a minimum of 1.

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  贝尔凡挥舞着 耳语之叶Whisperleaf,它是一支 +3矛,其矛杆是从 双生天堂Bytopia 蒙面之叶的家园附近一株同名古橡树上(经这棵树的允许)切割下来的。若这柄矛被毁,贝尔凡可以从这棵低语之叶树的木材花费一天的时间制作另一支。只有贝尔凡可以安全地接近这棵树;它会攻击所有其它人(把它如同最大体型和生命值的树人看待)。低语之叶会在一小时内重新恢复所有木料的损失。
Baervan wields Whisperleaf, a spear +3 whose shaft was cut (with the tree's permission) from an ancient oak tree of the same name found in Bytopia near the Masked Leaf's home. (Baervan is specialized in the use of spears, but he is considered merely proficient in all other melee and missile weapons.) If this spear is destroyed, Baervan may make another from the wood of the tree Whisperleaf in a single day. Only Baervan may safely approach this tree; it attacks all others (treat as a treant of maximum size and hit points). Whisperleaf regenerates all wood loss within an hour.

In battle Baervan may animate any ordinary tree as a treant of 12 Hit Dice by touching it with his special spear. The animation lasts for 5d4 turns. Animated trees obey all of Baervan's orders and no one else's for the duration of their animation. Baervan may do this as often as he likes, animating one tree per round.

  随意使用,蒙面之叶可以 行迹无踪pass without trace动物交谈术speak with animals、或 植物交谈术speak with plants。每轮1次,它可以施展 三级动物召唤术animal summoning III召来林地生物call woodland beings纠缠术entangle定位动植物locate animals or plants植物滋长plant growth植物传送术transport via plants、或 曲木术warp wood。他只能被+2或更好的魔法武器击中。
The Masked Leaf can pass without trace, speak with animals, or speak with plants at will. Once per round, he may cast animal summoning III, call woodland beings, entangle, locate animals or plants, plant growth, transport via plants, or warp wood. He can be struck only by +2 or better magical weapons.

Baervan is always accompanied by an avatar of Chiktikka Fastpaws.

奇刻提卡·快爪Chiktikka Fastpaws(巨浣熊Giant Racoon):

  防御等级 5;移动 15;生命骰 12;生命值 96;零级命中值 9;#攻击 3次;伤害 2d6(爪抓)/2d6(爪抓)/2d10(啮咬);特殊防御 盗贼技能;体型 小型S(3.5呎长);士气 无畏(19-20);智力 高(14);阵营 中立善良NG;经验值 9000。
  Chiktikka Fastpaws (Giant Racoon):AC 5; MV 15; HD 12; hp 96; THAC0 9;#AT 3; Dmg 2d6 (claw)/2d6 (claw)/2d10 (bite); SD thieving skills; SZ S (3 1/2 long); ML fearless (19-20); Int high (14); AL NG; XP 9,000.

  盗贼技能Thieving Skills奇刻提卡能如一名大师盗贼般(每项成功率99%)盗窃pick pockets、阴影躲藏hide in shadows 和 潜行move silently。
  Thieving Skills:Chiktikka can pick pockets, hide in shadows, and move silently as a master thief (99% chance of success in each).



其祂显现Other Manifestations

  蒙面之叶可能会显现为一道琥珀色灵光,降在某位崇拜者或任何品种的植物上。这种显现能赋予某位被眷顾的崇拜者一道法术的增益,例如 树肤术barkskin定位动植物行迹无踪植物之门植物交谈术、或 树化术tree,或是凝聚成一把 神莓goodberries。贝尔凡的显现能将一棵树活化为树人,持续7轮、创造 荆棘丛生spike growth 效果、或是结合了 纠缠术植物滋长plant growth 法术般行动。
The Masked Leaf may manifest as an amber radiance to settle over a worshiper or any type of plant. This manifestation can confer upon a favored worshiper the benefits of a spell such as barkskinlocate plants and animalspass without traceplant doorspeak with plants, or tree or coalesce into a handful of goodberries. Baervan's manifestation can animate a tree as a treant for up to seven rounds, create a spike growth effect, or act as combined entangle and plant growth spells.

  贝尔凡被以下事物侍奉着:所有品种的森林动物(尤其是浣熊和巨浣熊)、琥珀龙amber dragon、树精、土元素、妖精龙、妖精鹿猫feystag、树神hamadryad、半人羚Hybsil、小矮妖、自然元素nature elemental、歌唱树singing tree、仙灵、天鹅仙女、树人、野牡鹿、以及木巨人。他通过允许信徒们发现以下来表明他的眷顾:橡子、琥珀块、翡翠、橡树叶、或是植物在被践踏地牢实的林地小径这样看上去不太应该发生的地方上突然滋长。蒙面之叶通过以下预示他的不悦:使树枝轻轻击打让他不满的目标,或是使小动物们行为古怪(像是拿橡子丢某位侏儒)。
Baervan is served by forest animals of all types (particularly raccoons and giant raccoons), amber dragons, dryads, earth elementals, faerie dragons, feystags, hamadryads, hybsils, leprechauns, nature elementals, singing trees, sprites, swanmays, treants, wild stags, and wood giants. He demonstrates his favor by permitting his faithful to discover acorns, pieces of amber, emeralds, oak leaves or the sudden growth of plants on a well trodden trail where such would seem out of place. The Masked Leaf indicates his displeasure by causing a tree branch to gently strike the target of his disaffection or by causing small animals to behave oddly (like pelting a gnome with acorns).

教会The Church

  神职人员CLERGY:牧师Clerics,专属祭司specialty priests
  神职阵营CLERGY'S ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG
  驱散不死TURN UNDEAD:牧师C:可Yes;专属祭司SP:可,祭司等级-4 Yes, at priest level -4
  呵斥不死CMND. UNDEAD:牧师C:不可No;专属祭司SP:不可No

  贝尔凡的所有牧师(包括战士/牧师、牧师/幻术师和牧师/盗贼)和专属祭司得到 宗教知识religion(侏儒gnome) 作为非武器熟练奖励。
All clerics of Baervan (including fighter/clerics, cleric/illusionists, and cleric/thieves) and specialty priests receive religion (gnome) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.

  因为贝尔凡和它的追随者是一群可爱的人,所以蒙面之叶的教会在大部分侏儒社群(尤其是林侏)中都受到推崇。贝尔凡对陷入麻烦的嗜好,是被遗忘族裔长期以来一种消遣和骄傲的源泉,他们普遍接纳他在其神职人员的行为中被描绘出来的、顽皮的天性。在其他种族中,贝尔凡的教团除了在其他精灵和森林神祇中外鲜为人知。优雅族裔The Fair Folk,尤其是 塞-泰'奎瑟一族the Sy-Tel'Quessir,如对待喜乐王庭的追随者那般,以极大的喜爱看待这支林侏的教派。
The church of the Masked Leaf is well regarded among most gnome communities, particularly forest gnomes, for Baervan and his followers are a likable bunch. Baervan's penchant for getting into trouble has long been a source of amusement and pride for the Forgotten Folk, and they generally embrace his mischievous nature as portrayed in the behavior of his clergy. Among other races, the church of Baervan is little known save among other elven and sylvan deities. The Fair Folk, particularly the Sy-Tel'Quessir, view the cult of the forest gnomes with great affection, as they do the followers of the Seelie Court.

Baervan's worshipers assemble in forest clearings to venerate their god, preferably sylvan glades ringed by a circle of ancient oaks, although such arboreal menhirs are not required. Long-standing shrines of the Masked Leaf are transformed into woodland chapels with the circle of broad trunks growing closer together and the canopy of intertwined limbs and leaves forming a natural roof.

  贝尔凡的初修士名为 橡子Acorns。蒙面之叶的正式祭司名为 野游者Wildwanderers。根据升序排列,贝尔凡教派Baervanian 祭司所使用的头衔如下:花栗鼠Chipmunk、松鼠Squirrel、负鼠Opossum、刺猬Hedgehog、貂Marten、红狐Red Fox、猞猁Lynx、以及 狼Wolf。高阶祭司有独特的个人头衔。专属祭司名为 快爪fastpaws。贝尔凡的神职人员包括林侏(65%)、岩侏(33%)、地侏(2%)。其祭职者性别即便在男性(55%)和女性(45%)之间均分。贝尔凡的神职人员包括专属祭司(45%)、牧师/盗贼(35%)、牧师(12%)、牧师/幻术师(6%)以及战士/牧师(2%)。
Novices of Baervan are known as Acorns. Full priests of the Masked Leaf are known as Wildwanderers. In ascending order of rank, the titles used by Baervanian priests are Chipmunk, Squirrel, Opossum, Hedgehog, Marten, Red Fox, Lynx, and Wolf. High-ranking priests have unique individual titles. Specialty priests are known as fastpaws. The clergy of Baervan includes forest gnomes (65%), rock gnomes (33%), and deep gnomes (2%). His priesthood is split almost evenly between males (55%) and females (45%). Baervan's clergy includes Specialty Priests (45%), cleric/thieves (35%), clerics (12%), cleric/illusionists (6%), and fighter/clerics (2%).


The great forests of the outdoors await those Forgotten Folk daring enough to venture forth from their burrows. Wander the great woodlands in search of excitement and sylvan sites of incredible beauty. Befriend and protect the creatures of the forest. Care for and nurture the woodlands where you live. Be ever curious, and follow life wherever it may lead. Defend your community and yourself against the incursions of goblinkin and other brutish races.

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:

  贝尔凡祭职成员主要分布于位于 诸国度the Realms 大森林里的地表侏儒社群中。独立的祭司经常漫游于遥远的彼端,并且通常是在一只浣熊(或巨浣熊)同伴的陪伴下。蒙面之叶神职者全体成员都关心着对自然(和与自然和谐相处的侏儒们)的保护。他们积极地参与对邪恶生物(尤其是邪诡侏儒)的驱逐。
Members of Baervan's priesthood are found mostly in aboveground gnome communities in the great forests of the Realms. Individual priests often wander far afield, typically accompanied by a raccoon (or giant raccoon) companion. All members of the Masked Leaf's clergy are concerned with the protection of nature (and the gnomes who dwell in harmony with it). They are actively involved in driving off evil creatures, particularly spriggans.

圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

  贝尔凡的祭司们每月1次、在满月之光下聚集在林带的幽谷中跳舞,并向这位神明献祭魔法小饰品和其它宝藏。若某位追随者在过去3旬中一直无法获得任何魔法礼物来供奉给贝尔凡,通常会将被某些次级魔法(经常是一道 光亮术light 法术)临时附魔的、有一定价值的小玩意供奉给贝尔凡。
Baervan's priests gather monthly in sylvan glens under the light of the full moon to dance, hurl acorns at each other, and sacrifice magical trinkets or other treasures to the god. If a follower has been unable to acquire any magical gift to offer to Baervan over the course of the last three tendays, a knickknack of some value temporarily enchanted by means of some minor magic (often a light spell) is commonly offered up to Baervan.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

  被遗忘森林The Forgotten Forest 是片充满着大橡树、胡桃木、耸影树shadowtop trees 的成熟树林。坐落在 灰峰山脉the Greypeak Mountains独孤沼泽the Lonely Moor彻里姆巴沼泽the Marsh of Chelimber 之间,几乎没有旅者能甚至只是环绕这片神秘而正在蔓生中的森林边缘。这片林地主要被称为 福兰的家the home of Fuorn,这位被遗忘森林传说中的树人国王在这片土地的少量吟游诗人传说中被讨论着。有个庞大而繁荣的林侏国度隐藏在森林的树冠层之下,沉浸在他们树栖的隔绝生活中。只有 艾弗瑞斯卡河谷the Vale of Evereska灰斗篷丘陵the Greycloak Hills 的优雅族裔被作为访客欢迎,而这片诸国度最大的贝尔凡追随者聚居地也正是通过这些频繁的客人,与外部世界保持着有限的贸易。
The Forgotten Forest is a mature wood filled with huge oak, walnut, and shadowtop trees. Nestled between the Greypeak Mountains, the Lonely Moor, and the Marsh of Chelimber, few travelers have even circumnavigated the edges of this mysterious and over grown forest. The woods are known primarily as the home of Fuorn, the legendary treant king of the Forgotten Forest spoken of in the few bard tales that discuss this land. A large and thriving nation of forest gnomes is hidden beneath the forest canopy, reveling in the arboreal isolation of their sylvan home. Only the Fair Folk of the Vale of Evereska and the Greycloak Hills are welcomed as visitors, and it is through these frequent guests that this greatest concentration of followers of Baervan in the Realms conduct limited trade with the outside world.

  在被遗忘森林的腹地,靠近福兰最喜欢的地方,矗立着12株伟大的鸣钟橡树(在许多个世纪前从 科曼索Cormanthor 宏伟森林东部的星木中移植而来)组成的环,它们的树干生长的是如此紧密,以至于只有小型生物能穿越它们。橡树歌之塔Oaksong Tower 因鸣钟橡树们的旋律而得名,这座类塔自然大教堂由树环形成,是100或更多名居住在周围森林中的、蒙面之叶祭司们的社群的中心礼拜堂。贝尔凡的追随者们与他们的亲族们,以及埃曼提恩基安伟大的树人祭司们在这片森林各地亲密协作,以养育和保护森林、以及在来自周边危险地区的入侵者面前保卫它的边界。虽然在这座神殿中领导者角色是由该信仰的资深祭司们分享的,但当前的高阶祭司是 石南·远足者Briar Farwalker,这位德高望重的林侏最近刚刚从长达数十年对 琼达尔森林the Chondalwood 的旅行中归来。
At the heart of the Forgotten Forest, near Fuorn's favorite place, stands a circle of twelve great chime oaks (transplanted centuries ago from the eastern starwood of the great forest of Cormanthor) whose trunks have grown so close together that only a Small-sized creature can pass between them. Oaksong Tower, so named for the melodies of the chime oaks and the towerlike natural cathedral formed by the ring of trees, is the central chapel for a community of 100 or more priests of the Masked Leaf who dwell in the surrounding forest. Baervan's followers work closely with their kin throughout the forest as well as the great treant-priests of Emmantiensien to nurture and protect the forest and defend its borders against interlopers from the surrounding dangerous regions. While leadership roles in the temple are shared by the senior priests of the faith, the current high priest is Briar Farwalker, a venerable forest gnome who recently returned from a decades-long trip to the Chondalwood.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:

  荒野跋涉者The Wild Wayfarers是支由分布于城市和森林地带的、游荡者、祭司和牧师/盗贼组成的、组织松散的队伍。这支团契的成员分享着对旅行、新经历、冒险和美好时刻的热爱。他们的许多人作为关注该地区的新威胁的远程侦察员密切服务着他们的社群,而其他人则把他们的才能用在了冒险生活上。他们在探索世界的旅途期间的广阔经历,既可以娱乐、也可以启发他们故乡的被遗忘族裔社群。
The Wild Wayfarers are a loosely organized band of rogues, priests, and cleric/thieves found in both city and sylvan settings. Members of this fellowship share a love of travel, new experiences, adventure, and good times. Many serve their communities as far-ranging scouts who keep tabs on emerging threats in the region, while others bend their talents to a life of adventuring. Their experiences with the world at large encountered during their travels serve both to entertain and enlighten their home communities of the Forgotten Folk.

祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:

The clerical garb of Baervan's priests includes a green cap (always worn at a jaunty angle), and wood brown clothing (leather armor will do in a pinch). The holy symbol of the faith is an oversized acorn, carefully tended so it achieves triple the normal dimensions before is it ritually harvested by asking the tree that bore it for its use in Baervan's name.

冒险装束Adventuring Garb:

When adventuring, members of Baervan's priesthood favor woodland armor, such as leather armor and wooden shields, and weapons of the forest, such as clubs, slings, spears, and staves.


专属祭司Specialty Priests(快爪Fastpaws

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:体质Constitution 10,感知Wisdom 9
  关键属性PRIME REQ.:体质Constitution,感知Wisdom
  武器WEAPONS:木棒Club,弩crossbow,匕首dagger,手斧hand axe/投斧throwing axe,小刀knife,投索sling,矛spear,短弓short bow
  防具ARMOR:衬甲Padded,皮甲leather,或毛皮甲or hide,或任何非金属防具or any other nonmetallic armor;无盾牌no shield
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,动物animal,魅惑charm,元素elemental(土earth,水water),治疗healing,植物plant,太阳sun,旅者travelers,气象weather
  次要领域MINOR SPHERES:战斗Combat,预言divination,死灵necromantic
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师As clerics
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:矛Spear,动物知识animal lore,设置陷阱set snares
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:草药学Herbalism,生存survival(森林forest)

  ❖ Fastpaws must be gnomes. Most fastpaws are forest gnomes, but gnomes of every subrace except spriggans can be fastpaws.

  ❖ Fastpaws are not allowed to multiclass.

  ❖ Fastpaws may select nonweapon proficiencies from the rogue group without penalty.

  ❖ Fastpaws understand and use thieves' cant.

  ❖快爪拥有如同“附录 1:亚人祭司Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests”的受限的盗贼技能Limited Thieving Skills一节中的详述般的受限盗贼技能。
  ❖ Fastpaws have limited thieving skills as defined in the Limited Thieving Skills section of "Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests."

  ❖快爪不能变得 被纠缠
  ❖ Fastpaws cannot become entangled.

  ❖每年1次,快爪能施展 寻找魔宠find familiar(如同1级法师法术)。若施法成功,取得的魔宠总是一只浣熊(80%)或巨浣熊(20%),伴随着这道法术通常的所有增益和限制。这类生物每HD额外得到+1hp。
  ❖ Fastpaws can cast find familiar (as the 1st-level wizard spell) once per year. If the spellcasting is successful, the type of familiar acquired is always a raccoon (80%) or giant raccoon (20%), with all the attendant benefits and restrictions normally associated with the spell. Such creatures receive an extra +1 hp per Hit Die.

  ❖每日1次,快爪能施展 定位动植物locate animals or plants行迹无踪pass without trace(如同1级祭司法术)。(在林地地带中,林侏能随意 行迹无踪。)
  ❖ Fastpaws can cast locate animals or plants or pass without trace (as the 1st-level priest spells) once per day. (Forest gnomes can pass without trace at will in woodland settings.)

  ❖在第3级,每日1次,快爪能施展 树肤术barkskin,但在防御等级上有-2奖励而在豁免检定上有+2奖励,或是 曲木术warp wood(如同2级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 3rd level, fastpaws can cast barkskin, but with a -2 bonus to Armor Class and a +2 bonus to saving throws, or warp wood (as the 2nd-level priest spells) once per day.

  ❖在第5级,每日1次,快爪能施展 信使术messenger(如同2级祭司法术)或 树化术(如同3级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 5th level, fastpaws can cast messenger (as the 2nd-level priest spell) or tree (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖在第5级,每日1次,快爪能施展 召来林地生物call woodland beings(如同4级祭司法术)或 植物之门plant door(如同4级祭司法术)。
  {{sp|sp = ❖ At 7th level, fastpaws can cast call woodland beings or plant door (as the 4th-level priest spells) once per day.

  ❖在第10级,每日1次,快爪能施展 植物交谈术speak with plants(如同4级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 10th level, fastpaws can cast speak with plants (as the 4th-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖在第10级,每日1次,快爪能施展 问道自然commune with nature植物穿行pass plant(如同5级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 10th level, fastpaws can cast commune with nature or pass plant (as the 5th-level priest spells) once per day.

  ❖在第13级,每日1次,快爪能施展 三级怪物召唤术animal summoning III怪物交谈术speak with monsters(如同6级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 13th level, fastpaws can cast animal summoning III or speak with monsters (as the 6th-level priest spells) once per day.

  ❖在第15级,每日1次,快爪能施展 点化木棍changestaff(如同7级祭司法术)或 植物传送术transport via plants(如同6级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 15th level, fastpaws can cast changestaff (as the 7th-level priest spell) or transport via plants (as the 6th-level priest spell) once per day.

贝尔凡教派法术Baervanian Spells

2nd Level

树上腾挪Arboreal Scamper

  (祭司Pr 2;转化Alteration)

  持续时间Duration:1 小时/级hour/level
  施法时间Casting Time:5
  影响区域Area of Effect:被接触的生物(们)Creature or creatures touched
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

  树上腾挪 法术让受术者能够如一只松鼠般那么轻易地在树上爬来爬去或挂在树上。受影响的生物必须不大于人类体型(7呎高)并有用于爬上爬下的裸露的手足,以这种方式攀爬速度为6(若受阻碍则为3)。在处于这道法术效果下时,这只生物(除非有外界干扰)将不会从树上掉下来。树上腾挪 受术者可以跳跃最远10呎的另一根枝条上,不过要完成这一壮举需要成功的敏捷检定。即便检定失败也不一定是灾难性的,因为这只生物可以轻易地抓住任何接触的树枝。
An arboreal scamper spell enables the recipient to climb about or hang from trees as easily as a squirrel. The affected creature must be no larger than man-sized (7 feet tall) and have bare hands and feet in order to climb in this manner at MV 6 (3 if encumbered). While under the effects of this spell, the creature, barring outside interference, will not fall from a tree. Arboreal scamper does permit jumping up to 10 feet to a neighboring limb, although a successful Dexterity check is required to accomplish the feat. Even falling is not necessarily disastrous as the creature can easily grab any tree limb contacted.

The caster can divide the base duration between multiple creatures, to a minimum of one-half hour per creature. Thus a 3rd-level caster can confer this ability to two creatures for 1 1/2 hours. The recipient can end the spell effect with a word.

Material components for this spell are the priest's holy symbol and an acorn purloined from a squirrel's secret stash.


  (祭司Pr 2;转化Alteration)

  持续时间Duration:4 轮 + 2 轮/级
  施法时间Casting Time:5
  影响区域Area of Effect:1 根橡树枝桠oak branch
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

This spell transforms the still-living and still-attached branch of an oak tree into a stout magical wooden spear that the priest can easily remove from the tree and use in combat. A spear created by this spell gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. This bonus increases by +1 at 5th and again at 10th level, to a maximum of +3. The caster must wield the spear. When the spell terminates, the branch reverts to its original form, but it cannot be rejoined to the tree.

The material component of this spell is the priest's holy symbol.

4th Level

树之小憩Tree Nap

  (祭司Pr 4;幻术/幻象Illusion/Phantasm,死灵Necromancy)

  施法时间Casting Time:1轮round
  影响区域Area of Effect:施法者The caster
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

By means of this spell, the caster can draw on the healing power of a living tree while cloaked in an illusionary guise resembling part of the tree. This spell must be cast after the caster places himself in contact with the chosen tree in a position she or he can maintain for an extended period of time.

As long as the caster does not move (aside from small shifts in position) or break contact with the chosen tree, she or he is cloaked by a simple illusion resembling a natural part of the tree. For example, a priest who sits on the ground and leans against the base of the tree might appear to be an exposed root. However, any method that can discern illusions or reveal hidden creatures reveals the caster's position immediately, although that will not automatically end the spell effect.

  在这道法术生效期间进行了一次完整夜睡(8小时)的施法者,将能利用这棵树的生命力量。在 树之小憩 效果下的一场夜眠等同于完整的床上休息,并将治疗3点蛋疼的伤害。若这棵树是棵橡树,则治疗的总量将翻倍达到6点。若这棵橡树是树精或 树神hamadryad,治疗量将再次翻倍达到一场夜眠12点
A caster who gets a full night's sleep (8 hours) while the spell is in effect can tap into the life force of the tree. A night's sleep under the effect of tree nap is equal to complete bed rest and naturally heals 3 points of damage for the day. If the tree is an oak, the healing potential is doubled to 6 points. If the oak is the home of a dryad or hamadryad, the healing is doubled again to 12 points for a single night's sleep.

The material components are the caster's holy symbol and a drop of tree sap.
