龙与地下城 Wiki



负准元素位面The Negative Quasielemental Planes
【所属 位面】内层位面The Inner Planes
【类   型】内层位面负准元素位面
【位面 之主】
【下辖 地区】🔹真空准元素位面The Quasi-Elemental Plane of Vacuum

🔹盐准元素位面The Quasi-Elemental Plane of Salt
🔹尘埃准元素位面The Quasi-Elemental Plane of Dust

🔹灰烬准元素位面The Quasi-Elemental Plane of Ash
【简   介】“为弘扬正能量,抖音不再支持以发布社会时政、财经、法律或医疗等内容为主,或者粉丝量较高、影响力较大的账号与商业推广账户建立包含内容发布能力的授权关系。”——贝恩·血蹄,于半人马核反应炉


  正如存在由 正能量位面the Positive Energy Plane 的力量驱动的准位面一样,也存在其对立面——负能量位面the plane of Negative Energy 的黑暗主导的地方。
Just as there are quasiplanes fueled by the power of the Positive Energy Plane, so too are there regions dominated by the darkness of its opposite, the plane of Negative Energy.

Markedly different than their positive counterparts, these are generally grim places that break down matter. Undead are common in these quasiplanes, tortured spirits invigorated by the negative energy that infuses everything.


  灰烬准位面The quasiplane of Ash 是灰烬堆积被压成固态组成。尽管在某些地方的密度较低,但在大多数地方,这个准位面都具有硬实土壤的质地,这个地方诞生于 火位面Fire 与负能量汲取生命的力量的结合。
The quasiplane of Ash is an accumulation of burnt matter pressed into a solid mass. In most areas, the quasi-plane has the consistency of hard-packed soil, though some regions are much less dense. This place is born of the union between Fire and the life-draining power of Negative Energy.

Those who travel to the quasiplane of Ash find it an amazingly inhospitable place. Its very nature is such that it siphons the heat from all living (and unliving) things.


  在 土位面Earth 被 负能量Negative Energy 灌注时,它将瓦解并形成 尘埃准位面the Quasielemental Plane of Dust。不同于 灰烬面Ash 或土位面,尘埃面并非是固态物质。相反,它是一片充斥着旋转的颗粒物的稀薄大气。
When Earth is infused with Negative Energy, it breaks down and forms the Quasielemental Plane of Dust. Unlike Ash or Earth, Dust isn't a solid mass. Instead, it's an expanse of tenuous atmosphere filled with swirling particles of gran ular matter.

The greatest threat a body faces from the quasiplane of Dust is disintegration. Eventually, even the most powerful basher will be taken apart. Little can be done to resist this effect, which extends even to portals and gates that lead here.
[译注:印记城黑话—Basher 某人,中性词。一般但不总是,暗指其是个暴徒或打手.]


  很少会有人争议水是否是 多元宇宙the multiverse 的生命之源。但即便是如此重要的液体,也会受 负能量位面the Negative Energy Plane 影响被剥夺其滋养价值。这一过程生成了 盐准位面the quasiplane of Salt
There few who dargue that wat water is not the lifeblood of the multiverse. But even so vital a fluid can be stripped of its nurturing value by the influence of the Negative Energy Plane. This is exactly the process that has spawned the quasiplane of Salt.

Here, in an endless world of crystalline structures, a visitor can expect to have the moisture drained right out of his body. Not long after reaching the quasiplane, he'll become parched and thirsty. In the end, even the toughest planewalker will collapse and be consumed by Salt. When that happens, all that's left is a withered corpse that looks as if it'd been mummified a thousand years before.


  真空准位面The quasiplane of Vacuum 是纯粹虚无的所在。它形成于 气位面Air负能量面Negative Energy 的交汇处,在这里,没有光,物质也稀薄的可怜。很少有生物能忍受这样的环境。
The quasiplane of Vacuum is a region of utter nothingness. Formed at the junction of Air and Negative Energy, it has no light and very little matter. Few creatures can endure such surroundings.

  当然,那些设法在 真空面Vacuum 幸存下来的生物必定异常坚韧。这意味着打算前往这片准位面的生物都应做好与当地居民保持良好关系的准备。仅仅是为了对抗真空面环境的致命特性而作了各种魔法准备,最后却被愤怒土著送进了死亡之书,这毫无意义。
'Course, those who do manage to survive in Vacuum are bound to be tough. That means that any cutter with a mind to travel to the quasiplane should plan to stay on the good side of the inhabitants. There's no sense in making all manner of magical preparations against the deadly nature of Vacuum only to be sent to the dead-book by angry native.
[译注:印记城黑话—Dead-book 一个被列入死亡之书的人就是一具死尸。常有人要把别人 "put in the dead-book."]
