负能量位面The Negative Energy Plane | |
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【所属 位面】 | 能量位面The Energy Plane |
【类 型】 | 内层位面/能量位面 |
【位面 之主】 | 无;湿婆Siva是此位面唯一的神力 |
【简 介】 | “我知道你在13月喜欢我,在32号喜欢我,在星期八喜欢我,在25点喜欢我,在61分喜欢我,在61秒喜欢我。我一直相信。晚安。!”——贝恩·血蹄,于半人马电磁炉 负能量位面The Negative Energy Plane 是负能量充盈之地,多元宇宙最黑暗、最恐怖之处,甚至是邪魔和诸神都恐惧并远离这片希望弃绝之地。 |
2ePS<The Inner Planes.p064>负能量位面The Negative Energy Plane
法师学派改变Wizard School Alteration
气Air,火Fire,野魔法Wild magic <
土Earth,水Water,死灵Necromancy ◆
坎斯马斯Kansmaath 可能觉得 正能量位面the Positive Energy Plane 很糟,但如果他觉得正能量位面比它的对立面更糟,那他就是个彻头彻尾的蠢汉。负能量位面The Negative Energy Plane 最可怕的地方,没有之一。别给我提“巴托地狱Baator”,也别扯什么“无底深渊the Abyss”。即便是邪魔们也不会来这,我的朋友——因为他们害怕!
Kansmaath may think that the Positive Energy Plane is bad, but he's a clueless addlecove if he thinks it's worse than its opposite number. The Negative Energy Plane is the most terrible place there is, bar none. Don't give me "Baator," don't give me "the Abyss." Even the fiends won't come here, my friend-'cause they're afraid.
[译注:印记城黑话—Clueless 指那些就是找不到北,不得要领的家伙,通常是主位面佬。对一个位面生物使用这个称呼常会引起争斗,也可做形容词,如称某人为无脑的巴佬 "clueless berk."]
我?我的名字是 塔舍·长距Tarsheva Longreach。别管我,我无关紧要。我会说服你避开这个最可怕的地方。放心,这不需要花很多时间。
Me? My name is Tarsheva Longreach. But who I am doesn't matter. Convincing you to avoid this most terrible place does. Don't worry. It won't take me long.
你听说过死亡之书吧?现在它就在你眼前!它就是死亡之位面!它就是吮吸生命、毁灭灵魂、剥夺你一切希望的死亡位面!来自这里的一切都与生命对立相悖,都是存在的对立面,都是纯粹的破坏之力!你可以把那些哲学讨论留给 外层位面the Outer Planes。这里可没有善良与邪恶的命题。也不涉及秩序与混沌的领域。它涉及的是生命VS死亡、存在VS毁灭、实在VS虚无。如果某人能接受万物的实在(是的,我知道有些家伙主张万物虚无,但这里姑且当他们在放屁),那她肯定明白,无论是什么创造了它们,都一定有相反的东西。这就是负能量位面。末日卫士团The Doomguard 喜欢这个地方。
You've heard of the dead-book. This is it. The plane of death. Life-sucking, soul-destroying, wish-you-were-anywhere-else plane of Death. Everything that is contrary, antithetical to life, antiexistence, or just plain destructive ultimately comes from here. You can save the philosophical discussions for the Outer Planes. This isn't a matter of good or evil. It doesn't reflect the realms of order or chaos. It's a matter of life vs. death. Existence vs. annihilation. Being vs. nonbeing. If a body accepts that things exist (and yes, I know there're some whose philosophy claims that nothing does, but let that lie for the nonce), she's sure to understand that whatever creative force brought them into being has an opposite number. That's the Negative Energy Plane. The Doomguard love this place.
[译注:印记城黑话—Body 就是"someone"在位面间的说法.]
The plane itself is a limitless (one assumes, for how do you place limits on nothingness?) expanse of destructive, annihilating energy. Some folks think of it even asnon-energy, or the absence of energy (a mathematical negative effect becoming aconstant, hungering void). Whatever the case, a cutter here throws herself into the heart of oblivion. In this plane, a creature-any creature-is a shining beacon of life in an infinity of nonlife. The absence of life is so strong that a sod's own life-force drains right out of her body.
[译注:印记城黑话—Cutter 家伙,伙计。 对于其他人的一种普通称呼,不限男女,由于这种称呼带有一些亲切的意味,所以比称呼别人berk要好得多。]
[译注:印记城黑话—Sod 可怜虫,讨厌鬼。指一个不幸的或可怜的家伙。使用此词时,是对一个不幸的家伙表示同情或是对那些陷入自己制造的麻烦中的白痴的挖苦。]
Like the Positive, the Negative Energy Plane's been blocked off in as many ways aspossible to keep folks away. Magical items allowing planar travel often fail to offer access here.
然而,因为不死生物与这个位面存在强大的联系,所以通向这个位面的传送门出现得比大部分顶级老鸟指望的都更频繁。假设,每只在 主物质位面the Prime Material Plane(以及 元素面the Ethereal 和其它任何不死生物出现的地方)游荡的不死生物,都有延伸到负能量位面的拴绳。现在,想象一下,这些束缚正慢慢地侵蚀着现实的结构,直至它们创造出一个洞,然后,你就能看见通向这个位面的传送门和路径是如何形成的了。
However, because undead sustain a strong link to the plane, portals leading to the plane spring into being more often than most top-shelf bloods would like. Assume that each and every undead wandering the Prime Material Plane (and the Ethereal ,and anywhere else they're found) has a tether that extends to the Negative Plane. Now imagine those tethers slowly wearing away at the fabric of reality until they create ahole, and you can see how portals and paths leading to the plane come about.
[译注:印记城黑话—Top-shelf 极棒的或最好的,如"The really top-shelf pubs are all in the Lady's Ward."]
[译注:印记城黑话—Blood 专家,智者或是任何领域的老鸟。一个角斗士冠军可以是一个 blood, 一个强大的巫师也可以是blood.称呼某人为blood是对其特别尊敬的一种表示 .]
Further, undead beings often wield great power. Liches, demiliches, dracoliches, powerful spellslinging vampires, death knights, and others use this power to createt emporary or permanent gates leading from their homes to Negative Energy. Usually, the intention of such a portal's not to allow physical travel (although sometimes that's possible and intended too), but to allow negative energy to flow toward the creatorand his minions in a more efficient manner, thus granting them greater power.
在我看来,这个位面撕裂灵魂的能量对任何人都足够危险。活物在这个位面呆着的每一轮,就将随着位面夺走她的生命而遭受身体伤害。活物在负能量位面每轮将遭受2d6点伤害,直到生命值归0——她们将枯萎并死去的时候,然后立即被转化为随机类型的不死生物(缚灵wraiths 和 幽灵spectres 是最常见的品种)。在这里被咒唤出的物质将在1轮内粉碎为虚无。
The soul-rending energy of the plane is hazard enough for anyone, in my opin-ion. Each round that a living creature spends in this plane, she suffers physical damage as the plane leeches away her life. Living beings suffer 2d6 points of damage per round while exposed to the Negative Energy Planeuntil they reach 0 hit points-at which time they wither and die, only to be instantly transformed into a random sort of undead creature (wraiths and spectres being the most common kinds). Matter conjured here crumbles to nothingness in 1 round.
Alternately, a DM may choose to reflect the life-draining nature of the plane of Negative Energy by having living travelers lose levels much in the same way that undead creatures linked with this plane drain them. This obviously presents an even harsher threat to the well-being of travelers that dare come to the plane, which may or may not be a desirable effect. With this option, an unprotected planewalker must make a saving throw vs. death magic each round she spends in the plane. If this saving throw fails, the poor sod loses one level. Loss of all experience levels results in the victim becoming an undead creature.
[译注:印记城黑话—Sod 可怜虫,讨厌鬼。指一个不幸的或可怜的家伙。使用此词时,是对一个不幸的家伙表示同情或是对那些陷入自己制造的麻烦中的白痴的挖苦。]
无论DM选择以哪种方式来消耗生命能量,位面行者均可利用 防护负位面negative plane protection 法术来避免这种伤害。
Whatever the effect of the draining of life energy, planewalkers can avoid such losses by means of a negative plane protection spell.
你会发现呼吸负能量就像呼吸石头一样困难。精明些的旅行者会自带空气供应。就我个人而言,我从不会离开我的氧气瓶,但不是每个人都有幸拥有这样实用的设备。像 呼吸元素breathe element 这样的法术实际上是必需的,不像在土位面那样,并没有物质供 呼吸土壤airy earth 那样的法术转化。
A body'll find breathing negative energy as difficult as breathing stone. Canny travelers bring an airsupply along. Personally, I never leave my case without my bottled breath, but not everyone's fortunate enough to own such utilitarian equipment. Spells like breathe element are virtual necessities since there's nomatter to transform into breath able air like an airy earth spell does in the plane of Earth.
Negative energy's not very generous to a traveler's senses, either. In fact, the blackness of this plane's blacker than the deepest pit in Baator..at night..within a spell of darknes...well, you get the idea. It's dark. Moreover, the negative energy 's so thick that it prevents most sound from traveling far. Even acutter's sense of touch grows numb in this life-draining plane. Assume that an outsider's vision is completely negated, and that hearing and touch function only half as well as normal. Trouble is, there's not much the traveler can do about these setbacks. Some spells increase a body's senses, and those might help, but nothing banishes the darkness here. Light spells disappear in a fraction of a moment, the plane greedily consuming them like a desert steals moisture.
假设某个家伙能活足够长的时间来进行尝试,那么她会发现尽管不如在 正位面the Positive Plane 中那么方便,但在负能量位面移动并不会很困难。位面行者可以仅凭意志实现在位面上的物理移动,其速度等同于其正常移动速度与其感知值的平均值。
Assuming a cutter survives long enough to try, she'll find that movement around the plane of Negative Energy's not terribly difficult, although not as easy as in the Positive Plane. A planewalker can physically move through the plane by sheer force of will alone, at a speed equal to her normal movement rate averaged with her Wisdom score.
How's this for a grand planar irony: There remore types of creatures "living" in the plane of Negative Energy than in the Positive. Since many of the inhabitants're actually undead, however, it all seems more easily reconciled.
就像它们的正能量对立面,耶格-依xeg-yi 可能是你能发现的最接近“负能量元素”的玩意。这些神秘的生物在位面上游荡着,偶尔才会离开,并且会攻击所遭遇的一切东西(或许更多是出于好奇而非恶意,但谁又说得清呢?)。
Like their positive counterparts, the xeg-yi probably come as close to a "negative energy elemental" as a body's ever going to find. These mysterious creatures roam the plane, only occasionally leaving and always attacking anything they come across (perhaps more out of curiosity than malice, but who can tell?).
最近冒险者们已报告看见了负能量元素并发现了元素动物,但它们实际是强大魔法以负能量塑造出来的生物——实际上与能量魔像有些相似。而真正属于负能量位面的生物包括 魔影nightshades 和 黑球blackballs。据任何人所知,这些生物的存在只是为了在离开该位面时传播死亡与毁灭,以及呆在这个位面时享受它贫瘠的反生命环境——如果这种类人的情绪和动机对它们适用的话。
Adventurers report having recently seen negative elementals and fund amentals, but the dark is that they' re just creatures shaped from negative energy by powerful magic- -sort of energy golems, really. However, beings truly native to the Negative Energy Plane include nightshades and blackballs. These creatures, as near as anyone can tell, exist only to spread death and destruction when off the plane and revel in the barren antilife environment of negative energy while in the plane-if such humanlike emotions or motives can be attributed to them at all.
[译注:印记城黑话-Dark 任何秘密可称为dark. "Here's the dark of it,"等于说 "I've got a secret and I'll share it with you."]
不死生物,尤其是那些非物质品种(幽灵spectres、缚灵wraiths、鬼魂ghosts、幽魂apparitions 等等),在负能量位面渴望生命的能量中茁壮成长。事实上,其中许多的存在都应——至少部分应——归功于这个位面的本职。像骷髅、僵尸这样的低级不死生物,对巨量负能量的反应就与活物在正能量位面中那样:它们将因不能承受压倒性的能量激增而爆炸。
Undead creatures, particularly those of the noncorporeal type (spectres, wraiths, ghosts, apparitions, and so on), thrive amid the life-hungering energies of the Negative Energy Plane. Many in fact owe their existence, at least in part, to the essence of the plane. Lesser undead such as skeletons and zombies react to the abundance of negative energy in the same way as living beings in the plane of Positive Energy: They can't take the overwhelming surge of energy and explode.
Occasionally, vampires, liches, and other undead creatures can be found here, either in secret magical fortresses or as temporary visitors. If any undead creature comes upon a living being in this plane somehow surviving the onslaught of the plane's natural attacks, they savagely assail the living interloper as an abomination. Undead utterly ignore xeg-yi and other natives of the plane.
Even the powers devoted to death and destruction harbor a good, healthy fear of this plane's all-consuming power. A few come occasionally to renew their link with the forces of ravenous destruction, death, and undeath. Thus, these aren't good deities we're discussing here.
Only one power calls this plane home, and he's not one a sod can expect to visit.
作为毁灭之力的具现,他的信徒和他神系的其余成员并不认为 湿婆Siva 是邪恶的。他纯粹是试图毁灭 多元宇宙the multiverse 来为完美的虚无愿景开路的、终极毁灭的化身。在他的神国 漩涡场the Vortex 中,湿婆思考着实现其目标的最佳方式,并且偶尔会采取行动保护多元宇宙,因为任何极端变化都可能会扰乱他自己的计划。
SIVA. The force of destruction incarmate, Siva is not considered evil by his worshipers or the rest of his pantheon. He's merely the avatar of ultimate annihilation who seeks to destroy the multiverse to make way for a vision of perfect nothingness. Within his realm, the Vortex, Siva meditates upon the best way to accomplish his goals and occasionally acts to protect the multiverse as it now exists-for any extreme change might disturb his own plan.
任何进入漩涡场的人都会被彻底毁灭,因此不存在关于他神国的准确描述。许多 末日卫士团Doomguard 崇敬着这位神力,但即便是他们,也不会诱惑自己通过找寻他来实现自我的抹除。
Anything that enters the Vortex is utterly destroyed, and therefore no accurate account of his domain exists. Many Doomguard revere this power, but even they don't tempt their own obliteration by seeking him out.
Chant has it that various wizards, as they escape the deadbook and become undead (mostly in the form of liches), become enthralled with the plane of Negative Energy. Lots of wizards get fairly barmy in life, so it's not terribly surprising that they go well past that in death.
[译注:印记城黑话—Chant, the:表示新闻,本地闲话,事实,情形或者其他任何有关当前局势的事情. "What's the chant?"是打探最新消息常用的一句话。如一定要翻译到主物质位面地球上来,那么就是”What’s Up?”]
也多亏了这些扭曲的生物,在这片黑暗而顽固的虚空中才能散落存在一些地方。一些不死施法者已在此建立了一座活动基地,或是建立了其与他们真实歇脚处(可能位于物质面,也可能位于某个半位面)的连接。传言说,名为 阿瑟瑞拉克Acererak 和 维克那Vecna 这样的法师,在这个位面中拥有或曾经拥有这样的神秘魔法据点。传言还说,晦暗Tenebrous,他可能是也可能不是不死之神,曾经可能是、也可能不是 深渊领主the Abyssal lord 奥库斯Orcus,在此处藏有一座小堡垒,他称其为 提奇恩·苏马锐Tcian Sumere。
It's thanks to these twisted creatures that there're a few places scattered about the dark, unyielding void. A few undead spellslingers've set up a base of operations or link to their real kips, probably located on the Prime or perhaps in a demiplane. Chant has it wizards with names like Acererak and Vecna have or once had such secreted, magical foci in this plane. They also say that Tenebrous, a powerful entity that may or may not be an undead god-and who may or may not have once been the Abyssal lord Orcus -hid a tiny fortress here that he called Tcian Sumere.
[译注:印记城黑话—Kip 歇脚处。任何你可以把脚伸直并过上一夜的地方。特指巢区里或其它地方便宜的旅舍。而to call kip就是把某处弄成某人的家,至少能呆一段时间。]
这个与世隔绝的定居点曾经被称作 虚空之心the Heart of the Void,现在则被称为 死亡之心Deathheart。据说,这里是某个疯子一次失败尝试的结果,他想要在负能量位面建立一座殖民地。死亡之心是颗直径约1哩的金属球,在其球形的内部有一座物质型城市。这颗球体包括塔楼、建筑、喷泉、广场和街道,现在是大量不死生物的家园。
Once called the Heart of the Void, this secluded settlement's now just called Deathheart. It's reputedly a failed attempt at some barmy's idea of a colony he wanted to establish in the Negative Energy Plane. A metal sphere approximately 1 mile in diameter, Deathheart holds a Prime-type city within its rounded interior. This orb, which contains towers, buildings, fountains, squares, and streets, serves now as home to a host of undead.
[译注:印记城黑话—Barmy 疯狂的,精神失常的,例如 "The winds of Pandemonium'll drive a body barmy if he stays too long." Barmies指疯子,神经病,尤其是指那些在印记城中,被多元宇宙的无垠吓倒的家伙。]
传言说,死亡之心的是多元宇宙中许多最污秽生物的家园,每只都有自己的计划和黑暗秘密。不管真相如何,死亡之心都是邪恶与不死的结合体。尽管这个位面的能量无法达到城市的内部,但即使是 万亡会the Dustmen 和 末日卫士团the Doomguard 也恐惧此地而不敢探索这个球体。
Chant has it that Deathheart's home to many of the most foul creatures of the multiverse, each with its own agenda and dark secrets. Whatever the truth, Deathheart's a nexus of evil and undeath. Although the plane's energy does not reach inside the city, even the Dustmen and the Doomguard fear this place and never explore the sphere.
[译注:印记城黑话—Dustmen 印记城中的一个派系.他们基本信仰是每个人都是死的.也称为死亡者.]
印记城Sigil 近期的街头战争给城市内部带来了许多变化,但 内层位面the Inner Planes 之人并不关心这些事。派系冲突和动乱与它们有多少干系?反正不多,除非它们碰巧属于其中的某个。而万亡会,从一开始就对派系政治不那么热衷,而只是耸了耸肩便接受了 痛苦女士the Lady of Pain 的敕令、让一切照常进行。(更多信息见《派系战争Faction War》[TSR 2629])。
The recent war on the streets of Sigil brought about many changes within the city, but folks in the Inner Planes don't care about such things. What do faction conflicts and upheavals have to do with them? Not much, unless they happen to belong to one of those groups. And the Dustmen faction, less passionate about faction politics to begin with, simply accepted the Lady of Pain's edict with a shrug and went on as usual. (See Faction War [TSR 2629] for more information.)
万亡会付出了巨大的努力,在这片他们所珍视的一切之所聚,维护了一座城堡。由于他们的哲学围绕着 真实之死True Death 的效力与价值,负能量位面便成了他们最神圣之地的典范。通往这座堡垒的旅程是 死亡者the Dead 能想象到的最大奖励之一。除了向前来冥想,好吧,还有死亡的死亡者提供苦行住处外,这座城堡基本空无一人。
With great effort, the Dustmen maintain a citadel here, at the focal point of all that they hold dear. As their philosophy surrounds the potency and value of True Death, the Negative Energy Plane exemplifies their most holy of places. A trip to the fortress is one of the greatest rewards a Dustman can imagine. The citadel's mostly empty except for the ascetic accommodations provided for the Dead who come here to contemplate, well, death.
灵魂堡垒The Fortress of the Soul 是一处安静冥思之地,同时大概能容纳50位万亡会,不过在派系战争后,现在有更多人跑到了此处避难。他们名义上的首领是 寇莫索·特温特Komosahl Trevant(位面佬/男性人类/武僧12/万亡会/守序邪恶),一位前万亡会成员,他正在制定计划、指望着有一天派系能重返 门城the City of Doors。
The Fortress of the Soul serves as a place of quiet contemplation for about fifty Dustmen at a time, although more nave taken refuge here now after the faction war. They're nominally lead by Komosahl Trevant (Pl/♂ human/M12/Dustmen/NE), a former Dustmen factor who's making plans in anticipation of the day when the faction can return to the City of Doors.
那些迷失在这个位面、需要庇护所的家伙,灵魂堡垒中的万亡会出乎意料的有用。然而,万亡会不会长期庇护访客,而是宁愿将他们塞进通向印记城的传送门。这道传送门每周只开启一次,出口在曾经的 演讲大厅the Hall of Speakers 中。
The Dustmen in the Fortress of the Soul are surprisingly helpful to those bashers lost in the plane and in need of shelter. However, rather than harboring visitors for long, the Dead send them through a portal to Sigil. This portal only opens once a week and exits in what was once the Hall of Speakers.
[译注:印记城黑话—Basher 某人,中性词。一般但不总是,暗指其是个暴徒或打手.]
I still haven't convinced you? Fine. If you must go, here's what you need to know. Listen up, I'm only saying this once. I know better than to waste too much time talking to a berk who's already lost.
[译注:印记城黑话—Berk 巴佬。一个笨蛋,尤指那些因为搞不清状况而把自己卷入大麻烦的家伙。]
[译注:印记城黑话—Lost 死亡。"He got lost" 指他不会活过来了,除非用复活术.]
There's more in the way of shelter here than a basher might think at first. Canny folks find it quick if they want to survive. Sometimes, even laying low in a hive of evil like Deathheart's preferable to wading through the soul-drinking energy that comprises the plane. There're spells and such that make a cutter invisible to undead, or make her look like one. These can help. Wise priests won't go waving their holy symbols around trying to drive off the undead. That only serves to draw them-believe me, I've seen it.
Despite all the dangers, negative energy can actually be a valuable commodity. If a blood can tumble to a way to contain and transport it, many's the cutter who'll pay good jink for it. Necromancers and other magical researchers need it as part of experiments, operations, or item creation. Of course, some folks might have moral or ethical objections to slling such a dangerous substance to such bashers, but even a few well-intentioned souls seek samples of the energy to determine how to overcome it. Remember, though, negative energy's not in and of itself evil-destruction and death are as much part of the multiverse as creation and life, even if we don't like to admit it.
[译注:印记城黑话—Blood 专家,智者或是任何领域的老鸟。一个角斗士冠军可以是一个 blood, 一个强大的巫师也可以是blood.称呼某人为blood是对其特别尊敬的一种表示 .]
[译注:印记城黑话—Tumble to 恍然大悟。指搞明白,想出或查明了什么东西。某人在笼城独处闲逛时,最好搞明白印记城的秘密先。]
A last dark: Spells that cause damage cause the maxinum possible harm in this plane, but healing spells always function as poorly as they can. No known spell keys exist to correct this, but top-shelf spellslingers re working on it.