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2eFR<Demihuman Deities.p154>奈贝伦Nebelun


  “爱管闲事者the Meddler”奈贝伦Nebelun(读作“NEHB-eh-luhn”)是 诸国度the Realms 的 被遗忘族裔the Forgotten Folk 提及 “奇迹使者the Wonderbringer”贡德Gond 时使用的名字,不过有一支渺小但新兴的新教派认为奈贝伦和贡德是彼此独立的神。具体参见《信仰与化身Faiths & Avatars》中“泛费伦神系Faerûnian Pantheon”章节的贡德条目。事实上,贡德明显与被其它世界侏儒崇敬的弱等神 奈贝伦Nebelun(侏儒神力) 完全无关,但那位侏儒神力并不在诸国度活动。在 国度天宇Realmspace 晶壁系中贡德假冒了他的面相。
Nebelun (NEHB-eh-luhn) the Meddler is the name by which the Forgotten Folk of the Realms refer to Gond the Wonderbringer, although a new, small but emerging cult believes that Nebelun and Gond are separate gods. See the entry for Gond in the "Faerûnian Pantheon" chapter in Faiths & Avatars. In truth, Gond is a distinct entity unrelated to the lesser god Nebelun venerated by gnomes of other worlds, but that gnome power is not active in the Realms. Gond has assumed his aspect within the crystal sphere of Realmspace.

  前隐士 那杜尔·达-罗尼Nadul Da-Roni 或许是奈贝伦最著名的皈依者,他生活在 至高之角High Horn 外的荒野中。这位奇特的侏儒,在过去的十年中,由于《奥罗拉的完全诸国度产品目录Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog》中对他的机械装置和发明的市场营销,而变得非常出名。因此,他无意发展出了一小群完全献身于奈贝伦的追随者(后来演变为了一个侏儒发明家团体)。
Perhaps Nebelun's most famous devotee is the former hermit Nadul Da-Roni who lives in the wilds outside of High Horn. This peculiar gnome has, over the past decade, become quite famous through the marketing of his mechanical contraptions and inventions in Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog. As a result, he unwittingly developed a small following that became a community of gnome inventors, all dedicated to Nebelun.

奈贝伦教派法术Nebelunan Spells

3rd Level

解析装置Analyze Contraption

  (祭司Pr 3;预言Divination)

  施法时间Casting Time:6
  影响区域Area of Effect:1 具装置One contraption
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

This spell enables the caster to determine the intended purpose of unfamiliar mechanical devices. The priest touches the object in question and receives a mental picture depicting what the object is supposed to do. Note that what a contraption is supposed to do is not necessarily the same as what the contraption will do;contraptions are notorious for reacting in unexpected ways. Note also that while this spell tells the caster how a device works, it does not tell the caster how to operate the device.

  除了有时与侏儒们相关的复杂设备外,这道法术也被用来分析像机械陷阱和锁、以及发条怪兽和设备——例如 夸力许装置apparatus of Kwalish(既有魔法的、也有非魔法的),甚至是独特的神器。
In addition to the complex devices sometimes associated with gnomes, this spell can also be used to analyze contraptions like mechanical traps and locks, and clockwork monsters and devices like the apparatus of Kwalish (both magical and not), and even unique artifacts.

The material component for this spell is the caster's holy symbol.


2eSP<Realmspace.p073>群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars

群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars

  牧师和专属祭司们往往会因恐惧失去施法能力而担心进入 荒宇wildspace。其实对这点无需再有疑问。当然,当牧师或是祭司进入太空时,他们神明的神力的确会发生一些改变,但多数时候,这些改变还没到让角色感到沮丧的地步。
Clerics and specialty priests tend to worry about heading into wildspace because they fear the loss of their spell casting abilities. There no longer need be any doubt. Granted, when a cleric or priest heads in space, some of the powers of their gods do change, but for the most part, the changes are not drastic enough to warrant any frustration from the character.

  有些改变是积极的,但偶尔,神力可能会有所削弱、乃至消失——尤其是在祭司们进入 燃素海the phlogiston、与其神明失去一切接触的时候。在进入到晶壁系中时,某一角色是否会与他的神明完全而彻底的分离?接下来的章节将详述:魔法船牧师与专属祭司在荒宇中时,诸神与他们的关系、以及诸神本身。
Often these changes are positive, but occasionally, the powers can wane somewhat, or even disappear, especially when the priest heads out into the phlogiston and loses all touch with his god. Is there ever a complete and total separation between god and character while inside the crystal sphere? This next chapter describes the gods and their relationships with spelljamming clerics and specialty priests while in wildspace.


  矛盾统一之境弱等神力Lesser Power of Concordant Opposition

  贡德Gond 的祭司们是群出色的舵手。无论是在 荒宇wildspace 中、燃素海the phlogiston 里、还是在另一座晶壁系中,他们在驾驶魔法船时都如同比正常高2级。然而,他们不能在 国度天宇晶壁系Realmspace sphere 外施展法术。
Priests of Gond make wonderful helmsmen. Whether in wildspace, the phlogiston, or in another sphere, they spelljamm as though they were two levels higher. They cannot, however, cast spells outside the Realmspace sphere.

5eFR<Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.p028>贡德Gond



  贡德Gond,工艺之神god of craft 绝对中立N 知识Knowledge 四道轮辐的齿轮Toothed cog with four spokes
  奇迹使者The Wonderbringer,灵感之神the Inspiration Divine,万物造物主the Holy Maker of All Things

  贡德Gond 是技巧、工业和建筑之神,受到铁匠、木工、工程师和发明家的推崇。在制造物品的任何人都可以向贡德祈祷以请求指导。但是人们知道,贡德只对被众人认可的新发明报以最为灿烂的笑容。
{{sp|sp = Gond is the god of artifice, craft, and construction. He is revered by blacksmiths, woodworkers, engineers, and inventors. Anyone who is crafting something might say a prayer to Gond to guide the work, but folk know that Gond smiles most brightly upon new inventions that others find useful.

  贡德牧师身着橘黄色的祭祀服漫步于北方,肩带里是折叠起来的装备:锁、挂钩,以及在紧要关头可能有用的小块钢铁、锡和木头。他们还穿着别有大型金属圣徽的腰带,戴着巨大的太阳帽。贡德的旅行牧师为偏远村庄提供服务,他们将修补匠,木工,土木工程师合为一体,准备帮助修建一个更好的围场大门,挖一口新井,或修补可能会被浪费的陶器和家具。所有的贡德牧师都写日记,记录下他们在旅行中发现的思想、发明和创新,乐于会见同信仰的牧师,并分享他们的发现。在大城市里,贡德人the Gondar 建造神殿,作为伟大的工坊和发明家的实验室。流浪的牧师把他们的日记交给这些神殿里定居的抄写员,为了子孙后代和所有人的利益,记录下牧师们的观察资料。
Priests of Gond wander the North dressed in saffron vestments, adorned with sashes that contain within their folds gears, locks, hooks, and bits of steel, tin, and wood that might prove useful in a pinch. They also wear belts of large, linked metal medallions and enormous sun hats . A traveling priest of Gond offers services to distant villages as a tinker, a carpenter, and a civil engineer rolled into one, ready to help build a better paddock gate, dig a new well, or mend pots or furniture that might otherwise go to waste. All priests of Gond keep journals in which they record ideas, inventions, and innovations discovered in their travels, and take great delight in meeting fellow priests and sharing their finds. In large cities, the Gondar construct temples that serve as great workshops and inventors' labs. Wandering priests turn their journals over to the resident scribes at such temples, who then record the priests' observations for posterity and the benefit of all.

Most who favor Gond practice time-honored crafting professions: they are smiths and engineers, architects and weavers, leatherworkers and jewelers. Even so, this faith has a well-earned reputation as a haven for crackpot inventors and visionaries.

  贡德的崇拜中心位于 剑湾the Sword Coast博德之门Baldur's Gate。信徒在那建立起两栋巨大的建筑来纪念奇迹使者:名为 至高奇迹之殿the High House of Wonders 的神殿,名为 奇迹之厅the Hall of Wonders 的工艺设计博物馆。
The center of Gond's worship on the Sword Coast lies in Baldur's Gate, where the faithful have erected two huge structures in honor of the Wonderbringer: a temple called the High House of Wonders and a museum of craft and design called the Hall of Wonders.

  直到一个世纪前,兰檀岛Lantan 还一直是整个世界贡德崇拜的卓越之地,但从此后这个岛国便失踪了,在它归来后,出现在剑湾各个港口的少数 兰檀人Lantanese 商人几乎对他们家园的现状闭口不谈。
Lantan had been the preeminent place of Gond's worship in the world until a century ago, when the island nation disappeared, and since its return the few Lantanese merchants seen in Sword Coast ports have said little about the present state of their homeland.
