费马罗·莫斯德林Fenmarel Mestarine,孤狼 | |
基本信息 | |
【音 标】 | FEHN-muh-rehl MESS-tuh-reen |
【头 衔】 | 孤狼The Lone Wolf |
【阵 营】 | CN |
【神 力】 | L |
【神 职】 | 野精灵Feral elves,流放者outcasts,替罪羊scapegoats,孤立主义与孤立主义者isolation and isolationists |
与诸神的关系 | |
【神 系】 | 席德瑞恩诸神The Seldarine |
【主 神】 | 柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian |
【盟 友】 | 伊莉丝翠Eilistraee,桂伦·流风Gwaeron Windstrom,席德瑞恩诸神The Seldarine,各种动物领主various Animal Lords |
【敌 对】 | 卓尔神系the drow pantheon(除了 伊莉丝翠Eilistraee) |
【从 神】 | 谢瓦拉许Shevarash |
神国与教会 | |
【神 国】 | 混沌海Limbo/费尼玛Fennimar |
【徽 记】 | 黑暗中的一对精灵之眼Pair of elven eyes in the darkness |
【简 介】 | 费马罗·莫斯德林Fenmarel Mestarine 是位永恒的局外者,这位孤独的神明与他的同侪们保持着距离。他受到遭精灵社会遗弃者崇敬,这些人中有许多人选择了以自愿的退出、来回应所受到的轻蔑,还有一些则是与其种族主要部分隔绝的精灵和生活在荒野种、相对未开化的田园群体中的精灵。虽然他并未积极寻求凡人的崇拜,但费马罗是那些皈依他之人的老师和保护者,指导他的子民如何生存、侦查、伪装、欺骗和隐匿。 他曾经与哈娜莉·瑟拉妮尔相恋,但这场关系,最终因水性杨花的后者移情别恋艾瑞汶·伊拉希尔而不愉快地终结。他也曾是阿罗诗的爱人、是第一位被她的力量与许诺诱惑的神祇,但在最终堕落前他背弃了阿罗诗。据说他是索罗诺尔·杉岚德瑞的孪生兄弟。 |
2eFR<Demihuman Deities.p111>费马罗·莫斯德林Fenmarel Mestarine
费马罗·莫斯德林Fenmarel Mestarine
(孤狼The Lone Wolf)
混沌海弱等神力Lesser Power of Limbo,
神职PORTFOLIO:野精灵Feral elves,流放者outcasts,替罪羊scapegoats,孤立主义与孤立主义者isolation and isolationists
神域名DOMAIN NAME:混沌海Limbo/费尼玛Fennimar
主神SUPERIOR:柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian
盟友ALLIES:伊莉丝翠Eilistraee,桂伦·流风Gwaeron Windstrom,席德瑞恩诸神the Seldarine,各种动物领主various Animal Lords
敌对FOES:卓尔神系the drow pantheon(除了 伊莉丝翠Eilistraee)
徽记SYMBOL:黑暗中的一对精灵之眼Pair of elven eyes in the darkness
信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN
费马罗·莫斯德林Fenmarel Mestarine(读作“FEHN-muh-rehl MESS-tuh-reen”)是位永恒的局外人,这位神明生性孤僻,与同侪们关系疏离。崇敬他的既有精灵社会中的弃儿(他们中有许多人在遭遇歧视后,自愿脱离了精灵社会),也有那些与种族主流隔绝、生活在荒野中相对未开化的乡村族群中的精灵。虽然他并未积极寻求获得凡人的崇拜,但费马罗仍然充当着皈依者们的老师和保护者,指导他的子民们如何生存、侦查、伪装、欺骗和隐匿。
Fenmarel Mestarine (FEHN-muh-rehl MESS-tuh-reen) is the eternal outsider, the solitary god who holds himself aloof from his fellows. He is venerated by outcasts from elven society, many of whom have withdrawn voluntarily in response to perceived slights, as well as by elves who have been isolated from the main body of their race and who live in wild, relatively uncivilized rural groups. Although he does not actively seek the worship of mortals, Fenmarel serves as the teacher and protector of those who turn to him, one who is silent and subtle, instructing his people in survival, spying, camouflage, deception, and secrecy.
费马罗不喜欢与其祂神力同行,他会尽其所能地避开任何形式的联系——无论那是缔结联盟、结下仇怨。孤狼The Lone Wolf 在 席德瑞恩诸神the Seldarine(他名义上的盟友)中甚至有点像个流浪汉,不过,他还是在与 蛛后the Spider Queen 及其追随者们永无止境的战争中,为祂们提供了支持。他自愿乔迁到了 混沌海Limbo,但只要他愿意,他在 阿梵多国度Arvandor 也有一片家园。费马罗曾是 罗丝Lolth 的爱人,也是第一位被她的力量和承诺引诱的神祇,但他在完全滑向黑暗一侧前转身离开了她,为此,她一直不能原谅他。反过来,费马罗也从未原谅过罗丝对精灵种族信仰的背叛,并因此对卓尔心生憎恶。孤狼与(据说是他兄弟的)索罗诺尔·杉岚德瑞Solonor Thelandira 和 谢瓦拉许Shevarash 相处甚欢,他们团结协作、积极地对抗蛛后的阴谋、保护 优雅族裔the Fair Folk 免受她的掠夺。然而,柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian 仍然对这位年轻神明在很久之前屈从于罗丝的恳求而犯下的过错念念不忘,双方的关系也因此有些紧张。只有 莎罕妮·月弓Sehanine Moonbow 的仁爱能在极少数情况下,将孤狼引回阿梵多国度。
Fenmarel dislikes the company of other powers, and he avoids relationships of any sort—whether they be alliances or mutual enmities—whenever possible. The Lone Wolf is even somewhat of an outcast among the Seldarine, his nominal allies, although he supports them in their endless war with the Spider Queen and her followers. He has removed himself to Limbo voluntarily, although he has a home in Arvandor when he so chooses. Fenmarel was once Lolth's lover, one of the first to be seduced by her power and promises, but he turned away from her before completely slipping over to the dark side, for which she has never forgiven him. Neither has Fenmarel forgiven Lolth for her breach of faith with the elven race, and thus he hates drow. The Lone Wolf gets along well enough with Solonor Thelandira (said to be his brother) and Shevarash, both of whom join him in actively combating the plots of the Spider Queen and defending the Fair Folk against her depredations. However, Fenmarel's relations with Corellon Larethian are somewhat strained by his perception that the Protector still somehow holds the younger god at fault for succumbing to Lolth's entreaties long ago. Only the kindheartedness of Sehanine Moonbow draws the Lone Wolf back to Arvandor on rare occasions.
费马罗永远阴沉而严肃,这与爱笑的 艾瑞汶·伊拉希尔Erevan Ilesere 构成了完美的平衡。除非绝对必要,否则他基本没有与其祂神系和 恩'泰'奎瑟一族N'Tel'Quess 的成员交流的兴趣,而他在开口时通常尖酸刻薄、讥诮挖苦。虽然他会避免给予任何形式的承诺,但孤狼总是信守诺言(不管这诺言是在多么不情愿的情况下许下的)。不像选择在更广阔家园中巡视的柯瑞隆,费马罗经常派遣化身到消亡中的林地、丛林和类似环境的精灵边境巡逻。
Fenmarel is eternally sullen and serious, a perfect counterbalance to fun-loving Erevan Ilesere. He has no interest in communicating with members of other pantheons or N'Tel'Quess unless absolutely necessary, and when he does speak he is usually bitter and cynical. Although he tries to avoid commitments of any sort, the Lone Wolf always abides by his word, no matter how reluctantly it is given. Fenmarel frequently dispatches his avatar to patrol the elven borders in disappearing woodlands, jungles, and similar environments, not unlike Corellon in more sizable homelands.
费马罗的化身Fenmarel's Avatar
(游侠Ranger 27,盗贼Thief 25,牧师Cleric 18,幻术师Illusionist 16)
Fenmarel appears as an elf clad in leaves and scraps of clothing, with a skin color appropriate to that environment (usually green-brown), bearing extensive tattoos. He favors spells from the spheres of all, animal, chaos, charm, elemental, guardian, healing, necromantic, plant, protection, summoning, sun, and weather and from the school of illusion/phantasm, although he can cast spells from any sphere or any school except necromancy, invocation/evocation, and abjuration.
防御等级 -1;移动 15,飞行 12,游泳 18;生命值 187;零级命中值 -6;#攻击 2次和 1次
伤害 1d4+12(+4 毒液匕首dagger of venom,+8 力量) 和 1d4+12 ( +4 投掷匕首,+8 力量)
魔抗 65%;体型 中型M(5呎高)
力量 20,敏捷 23,体质 18,智力 21,感知 20,魅力 16
法术 祭司P:11/11/10/10/6/4/2,法师W:6/6/6/6/6/4/3/2 *
豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 3;权杖、法杖与魔杖 4;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术 5
AC -1; MV 15, Fl 24, Sw 18; HP 187; THAC0 -6;#AT 2 and 1
Dmg 1d4+12 (dagger of venom +4,+8 str) and 1d4+12 (dagger of throwing +4,+8 str)
MR 65%; SZ M (5 feet tall)
STR 20, DEX 23, CON 18, INT 21, WIS 20, CHA 16
Spells P:11/11/10/10/6/4/2, W:6/6/6/6/6/4/3/2 *
Saves PPDM 3, RSW 4, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 5
*Numbers assume one extra illusion/phantasm spell per spell Level
特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:
费马罗挥舞着 角蝰毒牙Aspfang(一柄 +4毒液匕首)和 荆棘之啮Thornbite(+4投掷匕首)。他戴着一条 爆弹项链necklace of missiles,其爆弹在被掷出1回合后将自动恢复。每轮1次,随意使用,他能施展 纠缠术entangle、植物门plant door、或 植物滋长plant growth。
Fenmarel wields Aspfang, a dagger of venom +4, and Thornbite (a dagger of throwing +4). He wears a necklace of missiles that automatically replenishes its missiles 1 turn after they are hurled. Once per round he can cast entangle,plant door, or plant growth at will.
费马罗总是 行迹无踪passes without trace;并且随意使用,他能使用 进阶隐形术improved invisibility。他永远覆盖在 回避侦测nondetection 的帷幕中。费马罗只能被+1或更好的魔法武器击中。
Fenmarel always passes without trace and can use improved invisibility at will. He is permanently cloaked in a mantle of nondetection. Fenmarel can be struck only by +1 or better magical weapons.
其祂显现Other Manifestations
Fenmarel manifests in subtle and secretive ways that are easy even for his followers to miss. He often provides his faithful followers with elusive clues that assist them in finding sustenance or in defeating those who would disturb them. For example, the Lone Wolf might cause a small gust of wind to disturb some leaves that have recently fallen to the ground just as a follower was looking in that direction, thus both drawing attention to the spot and enabling the worshiper to spot the footprint that was previously hidden be neath the leaves.
Fenmarel does not work through the actions of mortal creatures, except to direct predators away from elves under his protection and toward the borders to deter intruders. He conveys omens and warnings of threats to his priests through their divinatory rituals (using leaves, animal bones, sticks, and the like.)
教会The Church
神职人员Clergy:专属祭司Specialty priests
神职阵营Clergy's align.:混乱中立CN
驱散不死Turn undead:专属祭司SP:不可No
支配不死Cmnd undead:专属祭司SP:不可No
费马罗的所有专属祭司得到 宗教知识religion(精灵elf) 和 阅读/书写reading/writing(月精灵语Espruar) 作为非武器熟练奖励。
All specialty priests of Fenmarel receive religion (elf) and reading/writing (Espruar) as bonus nonweapon proficiencies.
The church of Fenmarel is regarded with a great deal of suspicion and hostility in most elven societies, for many of his followers in such areas are considered to be little better than outlaws, even if their exile is voluntary. Only in isolated tribes that actively venerate the Lone Wolf (usually to the exclusion of all other deities) are his faithful accorded respect for the practical lessons of survival that they teach. Among other races, Fenmarel and his followers are either unknown or spoken of as primitive followers of a savage god, both of whom are better left undisturbed.
The followers of the Lone Wolf can be loosely divined into two camps, neither of which constructs temples to the god. Elven outcasts, who either remove themselves or are forcibly banished from elven society, are loners by nature who rarely even seek out other members of their faith, let alone join with them in formal worship. Similarly, isolated, primitive tribes of elves are unlikely to construct edifices of any sort, let alone a temple. However both types of worshiper construct personal shrines to the god, the location of which is always kept secret, even from fellow worshipers. The composition of such shrines varies widely from individual to individual and from tribe to tribe, but most shrines of Fenmarel include some common elements. Typically located in a hidden hollow or niche of some sort, shrines often contain bones, teeth, or claws representing the savagery of the world as well as sticks and leaves representing the environment in which both protection and sustenance may be found. Exiles often include a personal token symbolizing the reasons for their separation from elven society.
费马罗的初修士名为失落者the Lost。孤狼的正式祭司名为不屈者the Unbowed。费马罗的祭司会创造自己的个人头衔,或是干脆放弃使用头衔。专属祭司名为独狼lone wolves,由绿精灵(53%)、月精灵(22%)、半精灵(10%)、兽化精灵lythan(8%)、金精灵(6%)以及一撮其他血统的精灵(1%)。费马罗的神职人员仅包括专属祭司(100%)。费马罗的神职人员男性(56%)比例略高于女性(44%)。
Novices of Fenmarel are known as the Lost. Full priests of the Lone Wolf are known as the Unbowed. Fenmarel's priests create their own individual titles or forgo them altogether. Specialty priests, known as lone wolves, are comprised of green elves (53%), moon elves (22%), half elves (10%), lythan (8%), gold elves (6%), and a handful of elves of other ancestries (1%). Fenmarel's clergy includes only specialty priests (100%). The clergy of Fenmarel has a slightly higher number of male members (56%) than female members (44%).
The world is a harsh and unforgiving place, with uncompromising demands on those who would forge their own path. Rely not on others for protection, for betrayal comes easily, but on you own skills and those taught to you by the Lone Wolf:the skills of camouflage, deception and secrecy. Follow the way of the Lone Wolf, for his is the path of self-sufficiency. Fear not hard work, for the fruits of your labor prove your worth to yourself.
日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:
For the most part, members of Fenmarel's clergy are found only among hands of feral elves in the wilderness. Outcasts from elven society who make their way among other cultures are typically lay followers and not priests. Members of Fenmarel's clergy instruct their fellows in the skills first taught by the god, including how to spy, survive on their own, engage in deceptions and guerilla tactics, and use poisons to take down enemies with subtlety, but otherwise they have few formal responsibilities aside from ensuring their personal survival.
圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
The church of Fenmarel does not celebrate widely recognized holy days. Instead, each individual or band venerates the Lone Wolf in personal worship services of their own devising. Many outcasts mark the day of their personal banishment with private contemplation, while tribes of feral elves mark anniversaries of important events in the group's oral history, many of which are correlated with astronomical events easily noted by the naked eye.
主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
隐藏在 顿丘the Dun Hills、塔拉悬崖the Cliffs of Talar 和 盗匪荒野the Bandit Wastes 之间、正对着 拉帕利亚Lapaliiya 与 光耀海the Shining Sea 东部的 迷雾谷The Misty Vale,是片在很大程度上尚未开发的、杂草茂密丛生的闷热丛林。在 欧普城Ormpur 的 至高苏克the High Suihk 与拉帕利亚王国的至高王the Overking的宫廷中,都有可以追溯到两个王国建立时期的记录,讲述了有一支野精灵种族居住在这片蒸汽弥漫的森林,追捕并杀戮任何侵入他们古老家园的入侵者。该地区的其他种族将这些迷雾谷传说中的居民称为 格鲁盖其精灵the grugach。这个词的起源被认为是个意为“野性者feral ones”的古老精灵语词汇,那是一支绿精灵氏族的名字,这个词汇由一位来自另一个世界的旅者发明,他发现了拉帕利亚传说中的描述与其自己家园的大部分隐世的野精灵之间的相似之处。而实际上,迷雾谷的优雅族裔只是一支原始而高度排外的绿精灵氏族(尽管其中混有大量的月精灵和黑暗精灵血统),他们在诸世纪中一直与外界隔绝。格鲁盖其精灵一词,的确是个可追溯到一位来自名为 奥斯星球Oerth 的世界的法师的来访的误称,但这个名字却已经根植于在该地区的公众印象之中。
The Misty Vale is a largely unexplored, thickly overgrown, stiflingly hot jungle tucked between the Dun Hills, the Cliffs of Talar, and the Bandit Wastes, due east of Lapaliiya and the Shining Sea. In the courts of the High Suihk of Ormpur and the Overking of Lapaliiya, records dating back to the founding of both realms speak of a race of feral elves dwelling in the steaming forest who hunt down and kill any intruders into their ancient homeland. To the other races of the region, these legendary denizens of the Misty Vale are known as the grugach. This term's origin has been variously ascribed to an archaic elvish term meaning feral ones, a green elven clan name, and a word coined by a traveler from another world who saw similarities between the tales told in Lapaliiya and the most reclusive wild elves of his own land. In truth, the Fair Folk of the Misty Vale are simply a primitive and highly xenophobic clan of green elves, albeit with a significant amount of moon elven and dark elven blood, who have been isolated from the outside world for centuries. The term grugach is indeed a misnomer dating back to the visit of a sorcerer from a world known as Oerth, but the name has stuck in the popular imagination of the region.
自爆发于大约13,000年前的 第二次皇冠战争the Second Crown War 以来,迷雾谷就一直为优雅族裔占据。最初,月精灵王国 奥利沙亚Orishaar(坐落于今日组成了 薄暮林the Duskwood 和 夏亚the Shaar 的平原的森林中)迅速在 伊利斯瑞Ilythiir 黑暗精灵的残酷突袭下陷落。然后,绿精灵王国 赛奥比尔Syorpiir、艾伊鲁尔Eiellur 和 塞尼塔亚Thearnytaar(坐落于从今日的 荆棘森林the Thornwood 延伸到 琼达尔森林the Chondalwood 的林地中)在随后的5个世纪中陷落。某种程度上是那些认为他们的绥靖行动能够恢复和平的叛逆绿精灵促进了艾伊鲁尔的陷落。在每次败于黑暗精灵之手后,幸存的民众都遭到了伊利斯瑞的奴役。在大部分情况下,被奴役的月精灵和绿精灵将在一到两代由黑暗精灵主导的遗传中被吸收进普通民众中。艾伊鲁尔的叛徒们得到了伊利斯瑞的奖赏:在一座俯瞰着 塔拉河the River Talar 的高原上的一片野性、复杂的丛林地带。虽然有少量先前由黑暗精灵法师释放在这片林地中的惊怖horror活了下来并且仍然潜伏其中,但有一支退化到野蛮生活方式的小队伍,设法在费马罗的保护下幸存了下来,并自称为“奥尔-泰'奎瑟一族the Or-Tel'Quessir”或是“林地子民people of the woods”。随着时间的推移,他们野性的后代也加入了为逃避征兵和伊利斯瑞奴隶农场生活的月精灵和绿精灵逃奴,而人口也随之增长。虽然伊利斯瑞将毫无疑问地最终将迷雾谷的部落猎杀殆尽,但 卓尔大沉降the Descent of the Drow 使得奥尔-泰'奎瑟一族幸免于厄运。
The Misty Vale has been continuously occupied by the Fair Folk since the Second Crown War was fought approximately 13,000 years ago. First, the moon elven realm of Orishaar (located in the forests that now make up the Duskwood and the plains of the Shaar) fell swiftly to the brutal surprise attack of the dark elves of Ilythiir. Then the green elven realms of Syorpiir, Eiellur, and Thearnytaar (located in the woodlands that stretched from what is today the Thornwood to the Chondalwood) fell in the five centuries that followed. The fall of Eiellur was aided in part by traitorous green elves who thought their appeasement actions could help restore the peace. After each defeat at the hands of the dark elves, the surviving populace was enslaved by the Ilythiiri. In most cases, the enslaved moon elves and green elves were absorbed into the general population by the genetically dominant dark elves within a generation or two. The betrayers of Eiellur were rewarded by the Ilythiiri with an untamed, tangled tract of jungle on a plateau overlooking the River Talar. While few survived the horrors that had been previously unleashed in the woodlands by dark elven sorcerers and still lurked therein, a small band, reduced to a barbaric way of life, managed to survive with the protection of Fenmarel and took to calling themselves the Or-Tel'Quessir or people of the woods. Over time their feral descendants were joined by escaped moon elven and green elven slaves fleeing conscription and life on the Ilythiiri slave farms, and the population grew. Although the Ilythiiri would have undoubtedly hunted the Misty Vale tribe to extinction eventually, the Descent of the Drow spared the Or-Tel'Quessir from that horrific fate.
Of all the Seldarine, the Fair Folk of the Misty Vale venerate only Fenmarel, for they turned away from the rest of the elven pantheon millennia ago out of feelings of both personal guilt and abandonment by their gods. Tales of the Lone Wolf's own betrayal by the Spider Queen have been incorporated into the ancient tales of betrayal at the hands of the hated Ilythiiri that still dominate the oral tradition of the Or-Tel'Quessir. Some myths claim that Fenmarel personally led the tribe out of bondage. Other legends claim the Lone Wolf dwelt alone among the beasts of the Misty Vale until the Or-Tel'Quessir arrived and that for many years he taught them the skills of camouflage, deception, and secrecy they would need to survive. While the feral Or-Tel'Quessir have built no temples to their god, Fenmarel's shrines are found wherever the jungle is thickest and most tangled. In turn, the Lone Wolf acts through the fearsome predators of the forest, descended from the castoffs of unholy experiments of Ilythiiri sorcerers, causing them to hunt down intruders but ignore the Fair Folk who dwell among them.
从属组织Affiliated Orders:
费马罗教派The Fenmaren 的教会因显而易见的原因,没有从属的骑士团。在奥尔-泰'奎瑟一族中,部落每位身体健全的成年人都在为孤狼而战。因此,从某种意义上来说,整个部落都是该信仰的武装力量。
The Fenmaren church has no affiliated knightly orders for obvious reasons. Among the Or-Tel'Quessir, every able-bodied adult of the tribe fights for the Lone Wolf. Thus, in a sense the entire tribe acts as the militant arm of the faith.
祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:
The ceremonial garb of Fenmaren priests in primitive bands deep in the wilderness consists of bodies plastered in mud and covered with leaves and sticks. Among more civilized groups, Fenmaren priests garb themselves in hide armor adorned with bones, teeth, and crude drawings of wild beasts. The holy symbol of the faith is a talon or fang of a wild beast slain without any assistance by the priest who bears it.
冒险装束Adventuring Garb:
When adventuring, priests of Fenmarel prefer weapons and armor constructed through the use of skills taught by their god, although they employ the best armor and weapons available if need be.
专属祭司Specialty Priests(独狼Lone Wolves)
职业需求REQUIREMENTS:体质Constitution 11,感知Wisdom 9
关键属性Prime req.:体质Constitution,感知Wisdom
武器Weapons:吹筒Blow gun,木棒club,匕首dagger,飞镖dart,手斧hand axe,小刀knife,铁头棍quarterstaff,短弓short bow,投索sling,矛spear,投物棒staff-sling
防具Armor:毛皮甲Hide armor,皮甲leather armor,木盾wooden shield
主修领域Major spheres:共通All,动物animal,混乱chaos,战斗combat,创造creation,治疗healing,植物plant,保护protection,召唤summoning,旅者travelers
次要领域Minor spheres:预言Divination,元素elemental,太阳sun,气象weather
魔法物品Magical items:如同牧师Same as clerics
熟练需求Req. profs:草药学Herbalism,狩猎hunting
熟练奖励Bonus props:动物知识Animal lore,生存survival(任选1类pick one type)
❖独狼必须为精灵或半精灵。虽然大部分独狼是绿精灵或祖先为 塞-泰'奎瑟一族Sy-Tel'Quessir 的半精灵,但任何亚种的精灵和半精灵都会蒙召成为费马罗神职人员中的专属祭司。
❖Lone wolves must be elves or half-elves. While most lone wolves are green elves or half-elves of Sy-Tel'Quessir ancestry, elves and half-elves of every subrace are called to be specialty priests of Fenmarel's clergy.
❖Lone wolves are not allowed to multiclass.
❖Lone wolves may select nonweapon proficiencies from the warrior group without penalty.
❖每日1次,独狼能施展 纠缠术entangle 或 行迹无踪pass without trace(如同1级祭司法术)。
❖Lone wolves can cast entangle or pass without trace (as the 1st-level priest spells) once per day.
❖在第3级,每日1次,独狼能施展 朦胧术blur(如同2级法师法术)或 朦胧之雾obscurement(如同2级祭司法术)。
❖At 3rd level, lone wolves can cast blur (as the 2nd-level wizard spell) or obscurement (as the 2nd-level priest spells) once per day.
❖在第3级,每日1次,独狼能施展 树肤术barkskin(如同2级祭司法术)。
❖At 3rd level, lone wolves can cast barkskin (as the 2nd- level priest spell) once per day.
❖在第5级,每日1次,独狼能施展 荆棘丛生spike growth 或 树化术tree(如同3级祭司法术)。
❖At 5th level, lone wolves can cast spike growth or tree (as the 3rd-level priest spells) once per day.
❖在第7级,每日1次,独狼能施展 幻林术hallucinatory forest 或 植物之门plant door(如同4级祭司法术)或 魅惑怪物charm monster(如同4级法师法术)。
❖At 7th level, lone wolves can cast hallucinatory forest or plant door (as the 4th-level priest spells) or charm monster (as the 4th-level wizard spell) once per day.
❖在第10级,每日1次,独狼能施展 问道自然commune with nature(如同5级祭司法术)。
❖At 10th level, lone wolves can cast commune with nature (as the 5th-level priest spell) once per day.
❖在第13级,每日1次,独狼能施展 棘墙术wall of thorns(如同6级祭司法术)。
❖At 13th level, lone wolves can cast wall of thorns (as the 6th-level priest spell) once per day.
❖在第15级,每日1次,独狼能施展 植物传送术transport via plants 或 蠕行末日creeping doom(如同7级祭司法术)或是 强酸风暴acid storm(如同7级法师法术)。
❖At 15th level, lone wolves can cast transport via plants or creeping doom (as the 7th-level priest spells) or acid storm (as the 7th-level wizard spell) once per day.
费马罗教派法术Fenmaren Spells
1st Level
野兽文身Beast Tattoo
(祭司Pr 1;附魔Enchantment)
持续时间Duration:1 小时/级hour/level
施法时间Casting Time:1轮round
影响区域Area of Effect:施法者The caster
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
This spell augments any one ability score that corresponds to a creature tattooed on the caster's body. The affected ability must relate to an attribute the creature supposedly represents. For example, cats are often associated with agility, foxes with cunning, etc. The exact characteristic that corresponds with a given species may vary from culture to culture, however.
In game terms, this spell augments one ability score (the one most closely associated with the animal depicted) by 1 point, up to a maximum of 19. Thus, if bears are associated with strength in the caster's culture, she or he can use a bear tattoo to increase his or her Strength by 1 point (or 10% for characters with exceptional Strength).
The material component of this spell is the priest's holy symbol. A tattoo on the caster's skin is also required to cast the spell.
3rd Level
寻找补给Find Sustenance
(祭司Pr 3;预言Divination)
持续时间Duration:1 天day
施法时间Casting Time:1 轮round
影响区域Area of Effect:施法者The caster
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
通过这道法术,施法者能如拥有 生存survival 熟练般寻觅食物和水。在这道法术施展后,祭司将产生一种哪里能找到食物和水的第六感;这将持续到足够的食物被找到。高于4级的每个经验值等级,这位祭司能找到一份足够一位人类或亚人1天的补给。因此,7级祭司能为3人找到足够的食物和水。
By means of this spell, the caster can find food and water as if she or he has the survival proficiency. After the spell is cast, the priest develops a sixth sense as to where to look for food and water; this lasts until sufficient food is found. For every level of experience above 4th, the priest can find sufficient sustenance for one human or demihuman for one day. Thus a 7th-Level priest could find sufficient food and water for three people.
While food and water found by means of this spell may vary widely in taste, nutritional value, and safety, continued use of this spell allows the priest to locate a sufficiently diverse assortment of food to support life. Thus, it results in a fairly healthy and balanced diet without excessive risk of disease.
若绝无可以找到的食物与水,那么 寻找补给 将失败,如果这位祭司可以不受限制地进入自然世界,那么这种情况基本绝不会发生。
Find sustenance fails if there is absolutely no food or water to be found, a scenario that almost never occurs if the priest has unrestricted access to the natural world.
4th Level
(祭司Pr 4;附魔Enchantment)
施法时间Casting Time:1 回合turn
影响区域Area of Effect:半径10 呎/级
豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊Special
By means of this spell, the caster significantly reduces the possibility that she or he might be disturbed by other sentient beings (defined as beings of low intelligence or greater). As long as the priest remains within a fixed radius of the point where the spell is cast, there is a reduced chance that anyone will intrude purely through happenstance. Should a chance encounter be indicated, the caster can make a saving throw vs. spell to avoid it.
孤绝术 的半径(这位祭司无法在不终结这道法术的情况下通过其边界)为10呎/每施法者等级。如果这位祭司移出法术施展时的周界,这道法术将立即终结,之后将恢复到的正常随机遭遇概率(不过这并不暗示必定会立即发生冲突)。当这位祭司被某只智慧生物发现时,或是当另一只智慧生物进入法术的效果影响范围内时(不管其是否意识到了施法者的存在),这道法术也将终结。显然,若施法时有其他智慧生物在场,这道法术也将无效。
The radius of solitude, beyond which the priest cannot pass without ending the spell, is 10 feet per level of the caster. If the priest moves beyond the perimeter set when the spell is cast, the spell ends immediately, and the normal probability of random encounters resumes (although there is no implication that an encounter will necessarily happen immediately thereafter). This spell also ends whenever the priest's presence is discovered by a sentient being or when another sentient being enters the radius of the spell effect, whether she or he is aware of the presence of the caster or not. Obviously, this spell has no effect if cast in the presence of other sentient beings.
举例来说,若这位祭司在某片森林的中心施展这道法术,远离任何定居点或道路,那么随机遭遇打破其 孤绝术 的概率将微乎其微。不过,若有人专门追查这位祭司位置的线索(无论追随者是否意识到在寻找的是谁),都将完全不受这道法术的影响。然而,若是这位祭司在某条道路或其它常规交通位置视线范围内施展这道法术,这道法术保证没有人将因为在穿过林地时因为被绊倒而发现施法者,而理所当然不会让其能够隔绝那些在大道通行者的觉察。当然, DM总是可以决定是否要插入必要的接触而不顾这道法术的存在。
For example, if the priest casts this spell in the middle of a forest, far away from any settlement or road, there is little chance of a random encounter disturbing his or her solitude. Still, someone specifically following clues to the priest's location (whether or not the tracker is aware of exactly whom she or he is seeking) would be totally unaffected by this spell. If, however, the priest cast this spell within visual range of a road or other location with regular traffic, while the spell would ensure that no one would simply stumble across the caster as they traveled through the woods, it would provide no isolation from discovery by those who use the thorough-fare as a matter of course. Of course, the DM always has the option of inserting necessary encounters, despite this spell.
这道法术的材料成分是将一撮土沿着被迫 孤绝 的区域周界撒下。
The material component of this spell is a handful of earth sprinkled along the perimeter of the region of enforced solitude.