赛特Set | |
基本信息 | |
【别名/面相】 | 堤丰Typhon(塞尔Thay 和 恩瑟Unther),吉尔伽Gilgeam) |
【头 衔】 | 邪恶之主Lord of Evil,亡者的亵渎者Defiler of the Dead,腐肉之主Lord of Carrion,豺之父Father of Jackals,巨蛇之手足Brother of Serpents,诸神之被逐者Outcast of the Gods,恶怨之王King of Malice |
【阵 营】 | LE |
【神 力】 | I |
【神 职】 | 邪恶Evil,沙漠the desert,尘暴desert storms,破坏destruction,干旱drought,夜晚night,腐烂rot,食肉动物和食腐动物predators and carrion-eaters,蛇类snakes,憎恶hate,恶意malice,背叛betrayal,邪恶魔法evil magic,野心ambition,毒poison,谋杀murder |
与诸神的关系 | |
【神 系】 | 埃及神系Egyptian Pantheon&穆尔霍兰德神系Mulhorandi Pantheon/荷鲁斯家族Horus's family |
【主 神】 | 无 |
【盟 友】 | 提亚玛特Tiamat,葛丝塔纽思Gestaniius,玛尔德利蒂尔Maldraedior |
【敌 对】 | 安荷Anhur,哈索尔Hathor,荷鲁斯-雷Horus-Re,伊西斯Isis,奥西里斯Osiris,奈芙蒂斯Nephthys,透特Thoth |
【神 仆】 | 神侍divine minions |
神国与教会 | |
【神 国】 | 巴托地狱Baator/5th 斯泰吉亚Stygia/安卡乌迦特Ankhwugaht |
【徽 记】 | 一条盘绕的眼镜蛇A coiled cobra |
【简 介】 | 赛特Set 是穆尔霍兰德神系中的邪恶之主,曾经谋杀奥西里斯。 |
2eFR<Powers & Pantheons.p126>赛特Set
出版时间:1997/09;国度时间:1370 DR
(邪恶之主Lord of Evil,亡者的亵渎者Defiler of the Dead,腐肉之主Lord of Carrion,豺之父Father of Jackals,巨蛇之手足Brother of Serpents,诸神之被逐者Outcast of the Gods,恶怨之王King of Malice)
巴托地狱中等神力Intermediate Power of Baator,
神职PORTFOLIO:邪恶Evil,沙漠the desert,尘暴desert storms,破坏destruction,干旱drought,夜晚night,腐烂rot,食肉动物和食腐动物predators and carrion-eaters,蛇类snakes,憎恶hate,恶意malice,背叛betrayal,邪恶魔法evil magic,野心ambition,毒poison,谋杀murder
别名ALIASES:堤丰Typhon(塞尔Thay 和 恩瑟Unther),吉尔伽Gilgeam
神域名DOMAIN NAME:斯泰吉亚Stygia/安卡乌迦特Ankhwugaht
徽记SYMBOL:一条盘绕的眼镜蛇A coiled cobra
信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序邪恶LE,中立邪恶NE,混乱邪恶CE
赛特Set(读作“SEHT”)是 奥西里斯Osiris 的兄弟,是在 穆尔霍兰德Mulhorand 受到崇拜的神祇中的最邪恶者。作为 盖布Geb 与被遗忘已久的 努特Nut 之子,他的出生便令人毛骨悚然——他撕扯着将自己从母亲的子宫中释放了出来,如一团污秽而丑陋的事物扑向了这个世界。当 雷Re 在 兽人门战争the Orcgate Wars 中阵亡时,他为诸神的领导权而向 奥西里斯Osiris 的权威发起了挑战、并借诡计将其弑杀(后来被 伊西斯Isis 复活),但在随后 荷鲁斯-雷Horus-Re 击败了赛特,将他丢到了 落湮沙漠Raurin。虽然只有邪恶人类崇敬赛特,但有时在沙漠中旅行者也会向他献祭以平息他的怒气。魔法之主the Lord of Magic 透特Thoth,是穆尔霍兰德的中立法师和魔法(包括理论形式和实践形式)之神,另一方面,赛特专门担任着邪恶阵营法师的守护神。
Set (SEHT), brother of Osiris, is the most evil deity worshiped in Mulhorand. The son of Geb and long-forgotten Nut, his birth was horrific, for he tore himself free from his mother's womb and sprang upon the world as a foul and hideous thing. He challenged the authority of Osiris for the leadership of the gods upon the death of Re during the Orcgate Wars, slew Osiris (who was later brought back to life by Isis) through trickery, and was then defeated by Horus-Re and cast into the Raurin desert. While only evil people venerate Set, sometimes those who travel in the desert make offerings to him to appease his wrath. Thoth, the Lord of Magic, is the god of neutral wizards and magic in its theoretical, practical form in Mulhorand, but Set serves specifically as the patron of evil-aligned wizards.
如果符合他的长期目标,赛特乐意与几乎任何邪恶存在或组织结盟。而当背叛对他的目标有利时,他同样会迅速背弃这样的同盟。赛特有时会与 塞贝克Sebek 结盟,但他瞧不起 鳄鱼之主the Lord of Crocodiles,很少会想为这位半神力做点什么。
Set is willing to ally with nearly any evil being or organization if it fits with his long-term goals. He quickly abandons such an alliance when it suits his purposes as well. Set sometimes allies with Sebek, but he looks down upon the Lord of Crocodiles and rarely wants anything to do with that demipower.
在 动荡之年Time of Troubles 前,赛特吸引了太古蓝龙 葛丝塔纽思Gestaniius 作为他教团的盟友。而当她在 提亚马特Tiamat 复生期间被 察斯萨Tchazzar 毁灭后,赛特冷静地开始调查研究与提亚马特教派的同盟。赛特现已发展了一个与提亚马特(她最近再次于 国度Realms 复苏)尝试性的秘密同盟,但双方都觉得在其计划中自己牵着对方,而非被对方牵着走。无论如何,提亚马特的教派和赛特的追随者们维持着利益的联盟。
Prior to the Time of Troubles, Set induced the great wyrm blue dragon Gestaniius to ally with his cult. When she was destroyed by Tchazzar during the reformation of Tiamat, he calmly went about making inquiries about an alliance with the cult of Tiamat. Set has developed a tentative, secret alliance with Tiamat, who was recently once more resurrected in the Realms, but both deities feel that they are leading each other in their own plans rather than following another's plots. However, the cult of Tiamat and the followers of Set maintain an alliance of convenience.
赛特也开始与 达拉斯Dalath 的太古龙 玛尔德利蒂尔Maldraedior 缔结同盟。为换取玛尔德利蒂尔浩瀚的知识和他人类仆从的援助,赛特已允诺为玛尔德利蒂尔提供龙的幼雏,来皈依这位巨龙的魔法之神的崇拜。赛特也向 红袍法师the Red Wizards 提供了大量迟到的建议,试图引诱或操纵 塞尔Thay 发动另一场对穆尔霍兰德的战争。
Set has also begun to forge an alliance with the great wyrm Maldraedior in Dalath. Set has promised to provide draconic hatchlings for Maldraedior to induct into the worship of a draconic deity of magic in exchange for access to Maldraedior's extensive lore and assistance from the wyrm's human servants. Set has been making numerous overtures of late to the Red Wizards as well, trying to induce or manipulate Thay to launch another war against Mulhorand.
作为一位冷酷而精明的神,赛特是嫉妒的邪恶化身。他总是为损害 穆兰人Mulan 和穆尔霍兰德神系的利益行动。邪恶之主The Lord of Evil 总是在想方设法招募新追随者、瓦解其祂穆尔霍兰德神力的教会。尽管他本性令人厌恶,但赛特把他的追随者照顾得很好,并且不愿背叛或抛弃他的人民,因为他发现这样能令他们保持忠诚。
A cold and calculating god, Set is the jealous personification of evil. He always acts against the interests of the Mulan and the Mulhorandi pantheon. The Lord of Evil is always looking for ways to recruit new followers and disrupt the churches of the other Mulhorandi powers. Despite his loathsome nature, Set takes good care of his followers and does not willingly betray or abandon his people, as he finds it practical to maintain their loyalty.
Set can be quite gracious and charming when first encountered, but he reveals his true colors very quickly. He revels in his evilness and makes no excuses for his cruelty or his evil actions. He never laughs except when relishing another creature's pain, and the sound of his laughter is said to be that of creature's final death scream. Mortals are simply useful tools that can be destroyed or cared for, as appropriate, in Set's view.
侍奉赛特的 神侍divine minions 可以采取以下形态三种中的三种:棕熊、胡狼、巨毒蛇、巨蝎、或鳄鱼。
The divine minions of Set can assume the forms of any three of the following: brown bear, jackal, giant poisonous snake, huge scorpion, or crocodile.
赛特的化身Set's Avatar
(巫师Mage 30,幻术师Illusionist 30,盗贼Thief 20,战士Fighter 17,牧师Cleric 15)
赛特经常现身为肌肉发达的穆尔霍兰德男性形态,有着细微的鳞片和胡狼脑袋。(因为鳞片的颜色与穆尔霍兰德人的肤色相同,所以很难发觉。)他散发着引人注目的丑恶,不过虽然他的声音中总是带着一种微妙的咆哮或嘶嘶声,但总是不知不觉地令人信服。他通常穿着白色、灰色或棕色的 卡拉西里长袍kalasiris、戴着宽阔的金质镶宝石胸领、别着精致的金质护腕,其中护腕通常修饰以蛇形、戴在手腕和前臂上。他可以从任何魔法学派获得法术,但更偏爱来自死灵、幻术/幻象、以及附魔/魅惑学派的法术,以上学派在他使用时拥有2倍的力量。他可以施展除了植物、思想、时间以及战争外所有领域的祭司法术。他只可以施展逆向版本施展太阳领域法术,并且除了逆向版本的死灵领域的法术外,很少使用任何东西。
Set usually appears in the form of a muscular Mulhorandi man with finely scaled skin and a jackals head. (The scales are hard to detect as they are a normal color for Mulhorandi skin.) His radiates an arresting hideousness, and though his voice always has a subtle snarl or hiss to it, he is insidiously persuasive. He commonly wears a kalasiris of white, gray, or black, a broad gold gem-encrusted pectoral collar, and large elaborate golden bracers, often decorated with serpent shapes, on his wrists and upper arms. He can call upon any school of magic for his spells, but prefers spells from the necromancy, illusion/phantasm, and enchantment/charm schools, which he employs at double strength. He may cast priest spells from all spheres except the plant, thought, time, and war spheres. He may only cast the reversed forms of spells from the sun sphere and rarely uses anything but reversed forms of spells from the necromantic sphere.
防御等级 -4;移动 15;生命值 193;零级命中值 4;#攻击 5次/2轮(矛)或 1次(啮咬)
伤害 2d8+7(+4黑暗之矛Spear of Darkness,+1力量,+2对矛专精奖励) 或 1d20(啮咬) 或 特殊
魔抗 50%;体型 大型L(7呎)
力量 16,敏捷 21,体质 23,智力 18,感知 23,魅力 6
法术 祭司P:6/6/6/6/4/2/1,法师W:8/8/8/8/8/8/8/7/7*
豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 3;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术4
AC -4; MV 15; HP 193; THAC0 4;#AT 5/2 (spear) or 1 (bite)
Dmg 2d8+7 (Spear of Darkness +4,+1 STR,+2 spec. bonus in spear) or ld20 (bite) or special
MR 50%; SZ L (7 feet)
STR 16, DEX 21, CON 23, INT 24, Wis 23, CHA 6
Spells P: 6/6/6/6/4/2/1, W: 8/8/8/8/8/8/8/7/7*
Saves PPDM 2, RSW 3, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 4
*Numbers assume one extra illusion/phantasm spell per spell level.
特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:
在战斗中,赛特挥舞着名为 黑暗之矛Spear of Darkness 的神性神器,那是一柄乌亮的超巨型 +4矛。他也可以用啮咬而非矛攻击。他的啮咬带毒,任何在对抗其啮咬的豁免检定中失败的生物将立即死亡。随意使用。赛特之手的触碰可以将受害者转化为赛特的神仆,除非受害者成功通过了法术豁免检定。
Set wields a divine artifact in battle, a huge, jet-black spear +4 known as the Spear of Darkness. He can also bite rather than attack with his spear. His bite is poisonous, and beings who fail their saving throw against Set's bite die instantly. At will, the touch of Set's hand transforms his victims into divine minions of Set unless they make a successful saving throw vs. spell.
Set can create a dose of lethal poison that causes death in 1d4 rounds in those who fail their saving throws vs. poison against it. This poison can be in liquid or powder form and can be used as a blade venom or injectable poison. He may create it on a blade, in his cupped hand, or in a container held in his hand or touched by him. At will, his spear is poisoned with this venom.
随意使用,他能让与他的凝视相汇的任何人,阵营立即偏移到守序邪恶,除非他们成功通过了对抗法术豁免检定。(哈索尔Hathor、奥西里斯、伊西斯、奈芙蒂斯Nephthys、荷鲁斯-雷的神职人员在对抗这项能力时,获得+6奖励。)当他以这种方式成功影响某人时,后者也将自动被他 魅惑(类似于吸血鬼的 魅惑charm 能力)。
He can, at will, cause anyone who meets his gaze to instantly change alignment to lawful evil unless they succeed at a saving throw vs. spell. (Clergy of Hathor, Osiris, Isis, Nephthys, and Hoais-Re receive a +6 bonus vs. this ability.) When he successfully affects someone in this way, they are also automatically charmed by him (similar to the charm ability of a vampire).
赛特所施展或使用的所有死灵、幻术/幻象、以及附魔/魅惑学派法术在所有方面力量将翻倍。除了当轮的正常行动外,当他想要时还能创造 黑暗术darkness 和 恒久之暗continual darkness。
All spells of the necromancy, illusion/phantasm, and enchantment/charm schools cast or used by Set are at double strength in all respects. He can create darkness and continual darkness whenever he desires, and this act does not count against the number of actions he can take in a round.
Set's skin is poisonous to the touch; any who touch him must make a successful saving throw vs. poison or die. Set is immune to all illusion/phantasm and enchantment/charm spells. He can only be damaged by spells or +3 or better magical weapons.
其祂显现Other Manifestations
Set often manifests in the form of a predator or a scavenger, whether it be a jackal, a crocodile, a scorpion (normal or giant-sized), a hyena, or a snake. In any of these forms, Set's manifestation appears only briefly and serves as a reminder to his clergy that Set's wrath is going to be quite deadly if they fail in their assigned task.
When a follower of Set is in danger, Set occasionally manifests as the sound of a rattlesnake's rattle or a jackal's growl, warning them to expect an attack.
Set sometimes manifests to the faithful of Osiris, Horus-Re, and the other gods as a the skull of a jackal abandoned by the side of the path.When they pass by, the skull unleashes a horrifying laugh and explodes in a shower of blood that quickly vanishes. According to Mulhorandi legend, such an event foreshadows a hero's imminent death, although, in reality, it serves merely to unnerve the victim.
赛特也通过 梦魇nightmare、地狱猎犬hell hound、地狱猫hellcat、simpathetics、罗刹rakshasa、蛇、以及所有种类的有毒生物和植物的活动,来展现他的存在、眷顾、或反对。绿色、黑色以及其他令人作呕的色调的宝石,对他而言是神圣的。
Set also shows his presence, favor, or disapproval through the actions of nightmares, hell hounds, hellcats, simpathetics, rakshasas, snakes and poisonous creatures and plants of all sorts. Gemstones in green, black, and nauseating shades of other colors are sacred to him.
教会The Church
神职人员CLERGY:牧师Clerics,专属祭司specialty priests
驱散不死TURN UNDEAD:牧师C:不可NO;专属祭司SP:不可NO
支配不死CMND. UNDEAD:牧师C:可Yes;专属祭司SP:可Yes
赛特的所有牧师和专属祭司得到 宗教知识religion(穆尔霍兰德人Mulhorandi)、阅读/书写reading/writing(穆尔霍兰德语Mulhorandi)、现代语言modern languages(通用语Common) 作为非武器熟练奖励。作为穆尔霍兰德人,所有的赛特神职人员也通晓作为母语的穆尔霍兰德语。即使是在穆尔霍兰德之外(在当地这种习惯是文化规范),所有赛特的祭司也必须剃光头。在 诸神之战the Godswar 前,所有的赛特祭司都必须为穆尔霍兰德裔;自从动荡之年以来,这个限制已被赛特取消。
All clerics and specialty priests of Set receive religion (Mulhorandi), reading/writing (Mulhorandi), and modern languages (Common) as bonus nonweapon proficiencies. As Mulhorandi, all of Set's clergy know Mulhorandi as their native tongue. All priests of Set must shave their heads even outside of Mulhorand (where the practice is the cultural norm). Before the Godswar, all priests of Set had to be of Mulhorandi extraction; since the Time of Troubles, this restriction has been lifted by Set.
在穆尔霍兰德各地,赛特拥有大量的追随者,而在恩瑟,他的教团正在成长之中。他在穆尔霍兰德各地受到畏惧,在所有类型的轮战谩骂中,被穆尔霍兰德各种神职者不停地公开指责。因此,不满者和受压迫者有时会转向他们眼中这位暴君们的仇敌,就像恩瑟人在暴君 吉尔伽Gilgeam 统治的最后岁月皈依提亚马特教派一样。到目前为止,这还不是一种显著的变化,但如果荷鲁斯-雷化身的统治转向过度的残暴,那么赛特可能最终获得机会让他以前的转生体夺取穆尔霍兰德的统治权,同时让自己尝试夺取穆尔霍兰德神系的主宰地位。
Set has numerous followers throughout Mulhorand and a growing cult in Unther. He is feared throughout Mulhorand, and relentlessly denounced by the various Mulhorandi priesthoods in all sorts of polemical invectives. As a result, the dissatisfied and downtrodden sometimes turn to the enemy of those they view as their oppressors, much as the people of Unther turned to the cult of Tiamat in the final days of the tyrant Gilgeam's reign. So far this is not a significant movement, but if the avatar of Horus-Re were to turn excessively tyrannical in his rule, Set might finally find an opening to have his former incarnation seize the rulership of Mulhorand and for himself to attempt to take over the Mulhorandi pantheon.
Set's temples are always hidden and often located belowground. They tend to emulate the most powerful local temples in ornamentation and architecture, but they are invariably twisted parodies of evil. Set's followers often build shrines in tombs they have defiled, and Osiris's clergy must then seek them out and resanctify them.
根据法老的法令,所有赛特的祭司被统称为 食腐者Eaters of Carrion。不过在他们的团体中,赛特祭司使用例举如下的头衔(依升序):恳求者Supplicant、蛇Snake、蝎子Scorpion、鳄鱼Crocodile、胡狼Jackal、至高之蛇High Snake、至高之蝎High Scorpion、至高之鳄High Crocodile、以及 至高胡狼阁下Lord High Jackal。独特祭司通常使用自用的独特变体或是全新头衔,以反映他们是以赛特之名服务。近60%的赛特神职人员是专属祭司(被称作 夜猎者nighthunters),剩余的则是牧师。自诸神之战以来,赛特基本上不再擢升任何牧师到高于胡狼的阶层,而牧师的数量则在逐渐下降。
By the pharaoh's decree, all priests of Set are referred to as Eaters of Carrion. Within their ranks, however, priests of Set use such titles as (in ascending order): Supplicant, Snake, Scorpion, Crocodile, Jackal, High Snake, High Scorpion, High Crocodile, and Lord High Jackal. Individual priests often employ their own unique variants or entirely new titles to reflect their service in the name of Set. Approximately 60% of Set's clergy are Specialty Priests(called nighthunters), and the remainder are clerics. Since the Godswar, Set has only not promoted any clerics above the rank of Jackal, and the number of clerics is slowly dropping.
Priests of Set are charged to destroy the priesthoods of Horus-Re and Osiris, to bring Set to his rightful place as god-king of Mulhorand, and to spread the cult of Set throughout the Realms. They are to sacrifice both wealth and sentients to him.
Initiates to the faith are taught that the ends justify the means, and life is a struggle to be won by the powerful and the ruthless. Loyalty to one's comrades is admirable so long as it advances the cause of Set, and that in the end, when Set accedes to his rightful throne, those that have served him well will be justly rewarded.
日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:
Priests of Set are charged to undermine and overthrow the theocracy of Mulhorand, and spend their days executing ruthless and subtle plans to achieve their goals. Only the eternal vigilance of the other powers and their faithful keeps the majority of these plans from succeeding.
赛特的祭司常监视盗贼、刺客、以及其他恶徒的活动,即便后者崇敬的是 马斯克Mask。许多强盗和盗墓贼都是 赛特教徒Settites,他们利用这些活动为他们的计划获得资金,并以此嘲笑和诋毁其他神力和其他信仰。有几支由赛特神职人员带头的强盗团伙。这类祭司不被允许背叛其团伙的成员,并且必须致力于促进这样的“邪恶兄弟会brotherhood of evil”。
Priests of Set often oversee the activities of thieves, assassins, and other evil beings, even if they venerate Mask. Many brigands and tomb robbers are Settites, who use these activities to finance their plans and to mock and denigrate the powers and beliefs of other faiths and deities. Several orders of assassins are headed by the clergy of Set. Such priests are not allowed to betray members of the order and must always work to promote the “brotherhood of evil.”
圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
Priests of Set have no formal holy days. Rather, they perform their important ceremonies and sacrifices every time they achieve a major victory in the name of Set.
当恳求者级别的人员谋求作为正式成员加入邪恶兄弟会时,他必须经历 毒液考验the Test of Venom。仪式包含这位恳求者步行穿越毒蛇或毒蝎的坑。从仪式中活下来的有志祭司将被接纳加入神职人员。
When a Supplicant seeks to join the brotherhood of evil as a full-fledged member, he must undergo the Test of Venom. This ceremony involves the supplicant walking through a pit of poisonous snakes or scorpions. Aspiring priests who survive the ceremony are admitted into the clergy.
由侍奉赛特的盗墓贼举行、专门激怒奥西里斯和奈芙蒂斯神职人员的仪式是 再祭献the Reconsecration。该仪式包含彻底地亵渎墓室、设置献给赛特的污秽祭坛、洗劫地穴中的宝藏、并将亡者唤起为不死怪物。
Particularly infuriating to the clergy of Osiris and Nephthys is the Reconsecration ceremony performed by grave robbers who serve in Set's clergy. This ceremony involves the complete defilement of a burial chamber, the creation of an unholy altar to Set, the looting of the crypt's treasure, and the animation of the dead as undead horrors.
主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
赛特崇拜的中心位于 塞浦拉纳兹城Sampranasz。(这件事被严格保密。)赛特崇拜有许多其他飞地存在,其数量在穆尔霍兰德之外正在增长。赛特的化身居住在落湮沙漠某处的一座塔中,据说还在向到访的信徒传递智慧、奖励成功促进了其目标者、惩戒失败者。
The center of Set's worship is in Sampranasz. (This fact is a closely guarded secret.) Many other enclaves of Set worship exist, increasing numbers of them outside Mulhorand. The avatar of Set used to reside in a tower somewhere in the desert Raurin and is still reputed to visit it to pass down wisdom to the faithful, reward those who have successfully promoted his cause, and punish those who have failed.
胡狼之窟The Cavern of the Jackal 坐落于塞浦拉纳兹城街道之下。这座广阔的天然洞穴延伸到至海床之下,并且据说其连接隧道一路通向 红港Red Haven 的地下室。在神殿主洞窟数量庞大的附属洞穴中,居住着近1500名赛特追随者并有大量的武器、防具和强力魔法储备。借助那位由荷鲁斯-雷的神职人员任命,却在暗地里侍奉赛特的军事主管,神殿的祭司统治着这座城镇。在神殿的礼拜堂中,定期举行着无法形容的邪恶仪式。
The Cavern of the Jackal is located beneath the streets of Sampranasz. This vast natural cavern extends beneath the sea floor and is rumored to connect to tunnels that lead all the way to the basements of Red Haven. The temple houses nearly 1,500 of Set's faithful in numerous caves off the main cavern as well as a vast store of weapons, armor, and powerful magic. Priests of the temple rule the town above through the military governor appointed by the clergy of Horus-Re but secretly in the service of Set. Ceremonies of unspeakable evil occur in the temple's chapel on a regular basis.
胡狼之窟得名于其数量庞大的胡狼头石巨像(巨大的石魔像),它们守卫着洞窟的大量入口,并由神殿的高阶女祭司控制。这些石巨像是仿照在人类一族兴起很久之前,由巨人种族创造的、传说的行走雕像Statues that Walk。
The Cavern is named for the numerous jackal-headed stone colossi (massive stone golems) that guard its numerous entrances and that are controlled by the templet high priestess. These stone colossi were modeled after the legendary Statues that Walk created by a race of giants long before the rise of humankind.
从属组织Affiliated Orders:
在诸神之战前,赛特在穆尔霍兰德最强大的仆从大部分属于名为 赛特毒牙the Fangs of Set 的冒险团。赛特毒牙有几个推进中的计划,要让一只罗刹取代那位少年法老坐上王座。诸神降世The Fall of the Gods 打断了他们的计划,但在这混乱期间,冒险团的三位领导(分别是 侯德坎赛特Hodkamset、涅奇赛特Nekiset 以及 韩赛特丝Hamsetis)借机大量征募,形成了一张追随者与线人的广阔网络。赛特毒牙现在是一张由刺客、间谍、以及暴徒组成的广泛网络,渗透进了穆尔霍兰德社会的每个阶层。赛特毒牙可能无法取代法老 荷鲁斯泰普三世Horustep III,但即使如此,他们仍打算以其神祇之名在幕后统治穆尔霍兰德。此外,赛特的神职人员赞助了大量由雇佣兵、刺客、以及盗贼组成的小团伙,但在被武装巡逻队或其他信仰的神职人员猎杀或毁灭前,它们极少能幸存超过几年,而它们的首领通过各种途径向赛特毒牙进行汇报。
Before the Godswar, Set's most powerful servants in Mulhorand were an adventuring company known as the Fangs of Set. The Fangs had several plans in motion to place a rakshasa on the throne of Mulhorand in place of the boy-pharaoh. The Fall of the Gods disrupted their plans, but during the confusion the three leaders of the company, Hodkamset, Nekiset, and Hamsetis, took the opportunity to recruit a wide network of followers and contacts. The Fangs of Set are now a wide-ranging network of assassins, spies, and thugs whose membership permeates every level of Mulhorandi society. The Fangs may not be able to displace the pharaoh, Horustep III, but they intend to rule Mulhorand from behind the scenes in the name of their deity, nonetheless. In addition, Set's clergy sponsors numerous small bands of mercenaries, assassins, andthieves, but they rarely survive more than a few years before being hunted down and destroyed by the military patrols or clergy of other faiths, and their leaders report to the Fangs of Set anyway.
祭司的祭服Priesdy Vestments:
赛特的神职人员穿着卡拉西里长袍(白色紧身亚麻裙,从腰部延伸到膝盖),绑着膝关节的凉鞋,并戴着装饰着毒蛇、鳄鱼、蝎子或胡狼的头饰。就像 安荷Anhur 的神职人员,他们通常穿着一件华丽的胸领(充当着头巾和胸板)、臂环以及手镯,加起来等效于一领前臂铠甲。(祭司在穿戴了完整的仪式服装后,基础AC 7。)
The clergy of Set dress in kalasiris (white tight-fitting linen skirts stretching from the waist to the knees), sandals laced to the knee, and a headdress adorned with the head of a snake, crocodile, scorpion, or jackal. Not unlike the clergy of Anhur, they typically wear an ornate pectoral collar that serves as a lower coif and breast plate and armlets and bracers that collectively serve as the equivalent of a vambrace. (Priests have a base AC 7 while wearing their full ceremonial garb.)
赛特的祭司剔着光头,但因为经常会想要隐瞒自己是祭司的事实,而不会在额上画三个蓝圈。高阶祭司戴着有胡狼形状图案的镶金胸领,并将猫科或犬科善良之仆(如 翼狮lammasu 或 闪现犬blink dog)的皮毛披在肩上,作为自己精通善良之“弱点”的象征。祭司祭服的相对华丽程度,粗略地表明了其相对的财富、权势以及声望。该信仰祭司的标准圣徽是金质的戒指、臂环或护腕,并雕刻着一只盘缠之蛇的图案。
Priests of Set shave their heads bald, but do not paint three blue circles on their foreheads, as they usually wish to conceal the fact that they are priests. High-ranking priests wear bejeweled gold pectoral collars shaped in the image of a jackal and the skin of a feline or canine servant of good (such as a lammasu or blink dog) draped over their shoulders to show their mastery over the “weakness” of good. The relative affluence of a priest's vestments loosely indicates his or her relative wealth, power, and prestige. The standard holy symbol of priests of the faith is a ring, armlet, or bracer made of gold and carved in the shape of a coiled snake.
冒险装束Adventuring Garb:
When adventuring, the clergy of Set prefer to cloak themselves in as much of their lord's ceremonial garb as possible. However, they utilize whatever armor and weapons are most appropriate, and they disguise their affiliation if necessary for the course of their mission. They prefer to dress in shades of black, green, tan, rust, or sandy yellow, in general, and like jewelry featuring serpents (and hidden poison compartments), but such dress is not a definite indication of a person's status as a priest of Set.
专属祭司Specialty Priests(夜猎者Nighthunters)
职业需求Requirements:感知Wisdom 9,敏捷Dexterity 9
关键属性Prime Req.:感知Wisdom,敏捷Dexterity
武器Weapons:所有钝击武器(类型B)All bludgeoning (wholly type B) weapons,复合弓composite bow,匕首dagger,飞镖dart,吹筒blowgun,小刀knife,寇派斯弯刀khopesh,弯刀scimitar,矛spear,鞭whip
主修领域Major Spheres:共通All,动物animal,星界astral,魅惑charm,战斗combat,元素elemental,守卫guardian,死灵necromantic,保护protection,召唤summoning
次要领域Minor Spheres:创造Creation,治疗healing,太阳sun(仅黑暗法术darkness spells only),思想thought,气象weather
魔法物品Magical Items:如同牧师Same as clerics
熟练专精Req. Profs:无None
熟练奖励Bonus Profs:易容Disguise,翻滚tumbling
❖ Only humans and half-orcs of Mulhorandi extraction can be nighthunters.
❖ All nighthunters must shave their heads even outside of Mulhorand (where the practice is the cultural norm).
❖ Nighthunters can backstab as if they were thieves of equal experience level.
❖夜猎人辐射着 防护善良,10呎半径protection from good,10' radius(4级祭司法术 防护邪恶,10呎半径protection from evil,10' radius 的逆向)。
❖ Nighthunters radiate protection from good,10' radius (the reverse of the 4th-level priest spell protection from evil,10' radius).
❖在第3级,夜猎者得到永久的 遮蔽阵营undetectable alignment 法术的增益(2级祭司法术 知晓阵营know alignment 的逆向)。
❖ At 3rd level, nighthunters gain the benefits of a permanent undetectable alignment spell (the reverse of the 2nd-level priest spell know alignment).
❖ At 5th level, nighthunters become immune to all poisons.
❖ At 5th level, nighthunters can magically create poison of class A, B, C, D, G, H, I, K, L, M, O, or P once a month. The quantity of poison created is 1d4+1 doses of the appropriate amount for the class of poison. Nighthunters cannot create the same type of poison more than once in a year in this manner.
❖ At 7th level, nighthunters gain 60-foot infravision.
❖在第10级,每日1次,夜猎者能够召唤1只赛特神仆(类似于一道 召唤神仆summon divine minion 法术)。
❖ At 10th level, nighthunters are able to summon one minion of Set (as per the spell summon divine minion ) once per day.
❖ At 13th level, nighthunters attract 2d10 faithful followers of evil alignment. These followers are all thieves or fighters and often are assassins by profession.
❖ At 15th level, any pointed or edged weapon (those that inflict type P or S damage) nighthunters wield is automatically poisoned if they so desire. Victims struck by such a weapon must make successful saving throw vs. poison at a -2 penalty or die in 1d4 rounds. This poison does not work against clergy of Hathor, Horus-Re, Isis, Nephthys, Osiris, or Thoth or the duly crowned monarch of Mulhorand.
赛特教法术Settite Spells
2nd Level
驱散结界Dispel Ward
(祭司Pr 2;防护Abjuration)
距离Range:60 码yards
施法时间Casting Time:5
影响区域Area of Effect:30 呎立方体-foot cube
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
这道法术是 驱散魔法dispel magic 法术更受限的版本,专为绕开结界而设计。任何 守卫刻文glyph of warding、徽记术symbol、魔嘴magic mouth、法师之锁wizard lock、来自结界领域的祭司法术、或类似魔法(由DM裁决)能被这道法术废绝,当施展这道法术时,必须为影响区域内的每道这样的结界进行检定,来决定对应法术是否被驱散。这道法术对墙类法术(火墙术wall of fire、冰墙术wall of iron 等等)或保护领域(虹光法球prismatic sphere、反魔场antimagic shell 等等)的法术不起作用。相反,它将尝试无效化是站在某件物品或入口以守卫它的法术。不同于 驱散魔法 法术的施法者 ,驱散结界 法术的施法者无权选择直接影响被附魔的物品和暂时无效化它们的效果。
This spell is a more limited form of the dispel magic spell that is specifically designed only to bypass wards. Any glyph of warding, symbol, magic mouth, wizard lock, spell from the priest sphere of wards, or similar magic (as adjudicated by the DM) can be canceled by this spell, and every such ward in the area of effect must be checked when the spell is cast to determine if it is dispelled. This spell does not work against wall spells (wall of fire, wall of iron, etc.) or protective sphere spells (prismatic sphere, antimagic shell, etc.). Rather, it attempts to negate spells cast upon an item or entrance to guard it. Unlike casters of dispel magic, casters of dispel ward do not have option to directly affect enchanted items and temporarily negate their effects.
驱散某道结界的可能性取决于对应魔法效果与这位施法者之间的等级差。基础概率是在1d20中骰出11或更高时被驱散。类似于 驱散魔法 法术,若施法者等级高于遭驱散结界的施法者,差值需要从基数中减去。若反之,则加入基数。出20必定成功,出1必定失败。因此,若施法者比其尝试驱散的结界魔法的施法者高10级或更多,那么只有在出1时,对应效果才能不被驱散。
The chance to dispel a ward depends on the difference in level between the magical effect and the caster. The base chance of dispelling is 11 or higher on 1d20. As with a dispel magic spell, if the caster is of higher level than the ward to be dispelled, the difference is subtracted from the base number needed. If the caster is of lower level, the difference is added to the base. A die roll of 20 always succeeds and a die roll of 1 always fails. Thus, if a caster is 10 levels higher than the ward magic she or he is trying to dispel, only a roll of 1 prevents the effect from being dispelled.
4th Level
死亡石棺Sarcophagus of Death
(祭司Pr 4;塑能Evocation)
距离Range:5 码/级yards/level
持续时间Duration:1 轮/2施法者等级1 round/2 levels of caster
施法时间Casting Time:7
影响区域Area of Effect:1 只生物creature
豁免检定Saving Throw:通过即无效Neg.}}
这道法术将创造一具包裹着法术目标的棺材形状 力场立方体cube of force (类似于同名魔法物品)。死亡石棺 持续1轮/2施法者等级,或直到被解消。石棺完全不透空气或其它物质与气体。法术效果从内或从外都无法穿透 死亡石棺。在对抗法术豁免检定中失败的生物将被困入这具棺材中,除非他们能施展某种形式的 传送 魔法,或者石棺被他们或他人成功驱散,否则无法逃脱。
This spell creates a coffin-shaped cube of force, similar to the magical item of the same name, around the spell's target. This sarcophagus of death lasts one round per two levels of the caster or until dispelled. The sarcophagus is completely impervious to air or any other material or gas. Spell effects cannot pierce into or out of the sarcophagus of death. Creatures who fail a saving throw vs. spell are trapped within the coffin, and unable to escape unless they can cast some form of teleportation magic or the sarcophagus is successfully dispelled by themselves or others.
每轮,被留在石棺中的生物将遭受1d3点伤害并失去1点体质。若达到了0生命值或0体质值,它将因窒息死亡。(普通的 治疗X伤 法术无法恢复受害者;死者复活raise dead 或类似魔法是必需的。)若目标生物在死亡前逃脱或是法术到期,体质值将以每小时1点的速度恢复。伤害可以通过正常手段恢复。
Each round that a being remains in the sarcophagus, it suffers 1d3 points of damage and loses 1 point of Constitution. If it reaches 0 hit points or 0 Constitution, it dies from asphyxiation. (Normal cure wounds spells are not sufficient to revive the victim; a raise dead spell or similar magic is required.) If the target being is freed or the spell expires before death occurs, Constitution points return at a rate of 1 per hour. Damage can be healed through normal methods.
This material components for this spell are a fragment of a sarcophagus consecrated by a priest of Osiris or Nephthys and the priest's holy symbol.
5th Level
邪恶具现Incarnation of Evil
(祭司Pr 5;变化Alteration)
持续时间Duration:1 回合/级turn/level
施法时间Casting Time:8
影响区域Area of Effect:施法者The caster
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
这道法术是9级法师法术 形体变化shape change 的受限版本。以这道法术,祭司能够变为鳄鱼、豺、巨蝎、或毒蛇(蝰蛇或角蝰),并具有相应的大部分能力与弱点。在法术施展后,在首次变为蛇类形态时随机投掷1d10:1-7,该蛇类形态的毒素2d6轮发作,造成2d4点伤害,受害者在对抗毒素豁免检定中得到+1奖励。在8-9,毒素1d4+1轮发作,造成即死,受害者在对抗毒素豁免检定中得到+2奖励。10,毒素1轮发作,造成即死,受害者在对抗毒素豁免检定中得到-3惩罚。
This spell is a limited form of the 9th-level wizard spell shape change. With this spell, the priest is able to assume the form of a crocodile, jackal, giant scorpion, or poisonous snake (an adder or asp) with most of the corresponding abilities and vulnerabilities thereof. Roll randomly on 1d10 when the snake form is first assumed after the spell is castcolor=#7f7f7f: On a 1-7, the poison of the snake form inflicts 2d4 points of damage with an onset of 2d6 rounds, and the victim receives a +1 bonus to his or her saving throw vs. poison. On a 8-9, the poison causes death with an onset of 1d4+1 rounds, and the victim receives a +2 bonus to his or her saving throw vs. poison. On an 10, the poison causes death with an onset of 1 round, and the victim receives a -3 penalty to his or her saving throw vs. poison.
Each form has the original hit points, THAC0, and Intelligence of the priest, but any damage suffered in one form transfers between forms, including a return to the priest's normal form. One alteration in form may be made per round, and no system shock survival roll is required. The alteration in form is extremely quick and is always assumed to take place before any other actions are taken by anyone in a round; altering his or her form does not preclude the caster from taking other action in a round at his or her normal initiative.
There is a 1% cumulative chance per use of this spell that Set permanently transforms the caster into a divine minion of Set (no saving throw, character becomes an NPC under the control of the DM).
The material components for this spell are the tooth of a jackal, the stinger of a scorpion, the tooth of a crocodile, the jawbone of a snake, and the priest's holy symbol. If any of the first four components are not available, the spell may still be cast, but that form is not available to the caster.
6th Level
创造远古亡者Create Ancient Dead
(祭司Pr 6;死灵Necromantic)
施法时间Casting Time:1 回合turn
影响区域Area of Effect:1 具防腐处理过的尸体preserved corpse
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
这道法术将亵渎被精心保存和祝圣的亡者的肉躯,并将死者的尸体制成有全部能力的木乃伊,如《怪物图鉴Monstrous Manual》一书中的详述。
This spell defiles the corporeal body of the carefully preserved and sanctified dead and animates the deceased corpse as a mummy, with all the abilities thereof, as specified in the Monstrous Manual tome.
若被亵渎的尸体生前倾向于邪恶或是未按照 玛特maat 之道生活,这具尸体将因它的 巴ba(死者的生命力,但非其人格)变成一具完全清醒、有自由意志的木乃伊,驱使其陷入疯狂错乱状态,使其死尸复活、并驱使 卡ka(死者的人格灵魂)脱离其在外层位面的最后家园并返回这具肉身事。这种效果是永久性的,直至木乃伊被毁灭。
If the defiled corpse was the body of someone with a predilection toward evil or who did not live in accordance with the principles of maat, the corpse becomes a fully aware, free-willed mummy as its ba (the life force of the deceased, but not his or her personality), driven to a crazed and insane state, reanimates the corporeal body and the ka (the personality spirit of the deceased) flees its final home in the Outer Planes and returns to the corporeal body. This effect is permanent until the mummy is destroyed.
If the defiled corpse was the body of someone true to the principles of maat, the corporeal body is temporarily possessed by the spirit of a divine minion of Set and is animated as a mummy under the control of the spell-caster for 1 turn/level of the caster. When the spell expires, the body is restored to the control of its ba and walks or crawls to its place of eternal rest (if possible—or as close as it can get) to collapse to the ground, lifeless again.
The material components for this spell are the priest's holy symbol and scrap of the burial shroud of a free-willed mummy.