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【音   标】SEH-beck
【旧   译】塞贝克,索贝克
【别名/面相】赛贝森特Sebethant(塞尔Thay),塞巴克尔Sebakar(恩瑟Unther阙森塔Chessenta, seh-ba-KAR),索贝克Sobek,哈萨斯塔克Haaashastaak(疑似)
【头   衔】鳄鱼之主Lord of Crocodiles,微笑死神the Smiling Death
【阵   营】NE→4eLE
【神   力】D→Dead(犸拉
【神   职】河流的危险River hazards,鳄鱼crocodiles,鳄鱼人werecrocodiles,湿地wetlands
【神   系】埃及神系Egyptian Pantheon穆尔霍兰德神系Mulhorandi Phantheon恩瑟神系Untheric Phantheon
【主   神】
【盟   友】
【敌   对】安荷Anhur芭丝特Bast夏芮丝Sharess),盖布Geb哈索尔Hathor荷鲁斯-雷Horus-Re伊西斯Isis奈芙蒂斯Nephthys奥西里斯Osiris透特Thoth
【从   神】
【神   仆】神侍divine minions
【神   国】主物质位面Prime Material Plane国度天宇Realmspace艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球Abeir-Toril费伦大陆Faerûn古老帝国地区Old Empires Region蝰蛇沼泽Adder Swamp
【徽   记】戴着一顶长角羽毛头饰的鳄鱼头Crocodile head surmounted by a horned, plumed headdress
【相关 地点】赛克拉斯城Sekras(毁于1183 DR),蝰蛇沼泽Adder Swamp
【简   介】赛贝克Sebek 是穆尔霍兰德神系的鳄鱼与河川之神,受到该神系其祂成员的蔑弃,实际上只是个弃儿。在其主要崇拜中心遭奥西里斯的圣武士摧毁后,他的信仰一直在衰退。根据某期多面体杂志的说法,他在动荡之年期间,已遭犸拉秘密弑杀并取代。

2eFR<Polyhedron 108.p004>“被遗忘的”国度诸神"Forgotten" Realms Deities



  徽记Symbo:鳄首Crocodile head


  赛贝克Sebek 是位古老的次级 恩瑟神祇Untheric deity,他被描绘为一位鳄首男人,在古 恩瑟帝国Unther 远离城市的湿地中受到崇敬。该教派已遭受了数个世纪的迫害,并在 诸神降世the Fall of the Gods 之前就已经在很大程度上灭绝。据称所有鳄鱼人都是赛贝克之子。有些贤者推测赛贝克曾在 被遗忘的国度Realms 东南部被作为 众蜥蜴之主宰Master of all Lizardkind 哈萨斯塔克Haaashastaak 被崇拜,但 楚尔特之主Lord of Chult 乌塔欧Ubtao 作出的更有力的同一宣称,使得这一说法令人生疑。
Sebek is an ancient minor Untheric deity, depicted as a crocodile-headed man, who was worshipped in the wetlands of ancient Unther, away from the cities. This cult has been persecuted for several centuries, and prior to the Fall of the Gods, had largely died out. All crocodiles are said to be the children of Sebek. Some sages speculate Sebek was once worshipped in the southeastern Realms as Haaashastaak, Master of all Lizardkind, but the same claim is made more strongly for Ubtao, Lord of Chult, lending doubt to that claim.

  就像其祂次级神明,在 动荡之年Time of Troubles 已被削弱的赛贝克成了一个容易得手的目标。趁此机会,野兽之主the Beastlord 犸拉Malar 在一场摧毁了 蝰蛇沼泽Adder Swamp 泰半地区的泰坦般的战斗中,弑杀了 鳄鱼之主the Lord of Crocodiles。犸拉在之后复兴了 赛贝克教派the Cult of Sebek,并将 鳄鱼人之城the City of the Werecrocodiles 扭转为日益强大的地区力量,填补了 卢奇克城Luthcheq 崩溃留下的空白。鳄鱼人团伙开赛对 阙森塔湾the Bay of Chessenta 的一切贸易课税,并成了 埃尔斯贝城Airspur-索瑞纳城Soorenar 联盟与 阿肯那克斯城Akanax 之间战争几支雇佣兵小队消失的原因。这些爬行类兽化人已宣称整个蝰蛇沼泽和阙森塔湾为自己的领地,不过周围的城市都未对此发表评论。栖息于蝰蛇沼泽的鼠人与鳄鱼人早前存在纷争,但这两个物种共同信仰着犸拉或犸拉/赛贝克的祭司已经缔盟,平息了纷争。犸拉在 南方the South 的领土在不久的将来可能将遭遇周围城市的强烈威胁,这些人类城市为鳄鱼人日益增长的军事力量和额外贸易税的影响感到担忧。
Like other minor gods, the already weakened Sebek was an easy tatget during the Time of Troubles. Malar, the Beastlord, took advantage of the opportunity and slew the Lord of Crocodiles in a titanic battle that destroyed large sections of the Adder Swamp. Malar has subsequently revitalized the Cult of Sebek and turned the City of the Werecrocodiles into a growing regional power, filling the void left by the collapse ofthe city of Luthcheq. Bands of werecrocodiles have begun taxing all trade in the Bay of Chessenta, and are responsible for the disappearance of several small companies of mercenaries frghting in the war between the Airspur-Soorenar alliance and Akanax. The reptilian lycanthropes have claimed all of the Adder Swamp and the Bay of Chessenta as their domain, although none of the surrounding cities have commented on this development. Previous conflicts between wererats dwelling in the Adderswamf and the werecrocodiles have been smoothed over by an alliance of lycanthrope priests of both species who worship Malar or Malar/Sebek. Malar's domain in the South is likely to be strongly challenged in the immediate future by the surrounding human cities concerned by the werecrocodiles' increasing military power and the effects of the additional taxation on trade.

赛贝克的祭司Sebek's Priest

All priests of Sebek/Malar must be werecrocodiles, and all are specialty priests. True lycanthropes are limited to 5th level, while those humans and demihumans infected with lycanthropy are limited to 3rd level. Priests gain an additional 1d4 hit points per level.

  属性:体质 12*,力量18(请注意,如 FR1O《古老帝国Old Empires》所属,所有鳄鱼人的力量均为10);
  特殊能力:如同鳄鱼人;3)暗示术suggestion(法师3)(只能用来说服受害者这位祭司极度悲伤——见FR1O《古老帝国Old Empires》的 战斗Combat 章节对鳄鱼人的描述);5)化杖为鳄sticks to crocodiles(如同 化杖为蛇sticks to snakes (P));
AB Con 12*, Str 18 (note that all werecrocodiles have an 18 strength, as described in FR 10 Old Empires); AL NE; WP any; AR none; RA none; SP All, Animal, Combat, Elemental, Plant; SPL nil; PW as werecrocodiles, 3)suggestion(W3) (only to convince the victim that the priest is truly grieving-see the Combat section in the description of the werecrocodile in FR 10 Old Empires),5) sticks to crocodiles (as sticks to snakes (P)); TU nil; QS animal horde (entire horde composed of crocodiles).

2eFR<Powers & Pantheons.p124>赛贝克Sebek

出版时间:1997/09;国度时间:1370 DR


  (鳄鱼之主Lord of Crocodiles,微笑死神the Smiling Death)

  主物质位面半神力Demipowcr of the Prime Material Plane,

  神职PORTFOLIO:河流的危险River hazards,鳄鱼crocodiles,鳄鱼人werecrocodiles,湿地wetlands
  神域名DOMAIN NAME:托瑞尔星球Toril古老帝国地区Old Empires Region
  徽记SYMBOL:戴着一顶长角羽毛头饰的鳄鱼头Crocodile head surmounted by a horned, plumed headdress
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:LE, NE, CE


  赛贝克Sebek(读作“SEH-beck”)是位鳄首之神,他远离城市,在 穆尔霍兰德Mulhorand 的湿地和 恩瑟Unther阙森塔Chessenta 的几处偏远之地受到崇拜。所有的鳄鱼和鳄鱼人都被称作他的孩子。他最大的信徒群体被 微笑面对死亡兄弟会the Brotherhood of Those Who Smile in the Face of Death(一支 奥西里斯教派Osiran 圣武士组织)逐出了穆尔霍兰德,继而迁徙到了阙森塔的 蝰蛇沼泽Adder Swamp。数个世纪以来,赛贝克的教派遭到神王们的迫害,在 动荡之年Time of Troubles 前近乎消亡。在 众神之战the Godswar 后,信仰 微笑死神the Smiling Death 的鳄鱼人数量有了轻微回升。
Sebek (SEH-beck) is a crocodile-headed deity worshiped in the wetlands Mulhorand and a few remote places in Unther and Chessenta, away from the cities. All crocodiles and werecrocodiles are said to be his children. His largest collection of worshipers was driven out of Mulhorand by the Brotherhood of Those Who Smile in the Face of Death, an order of Osiran paladins, and subsequently moved to the Adder Swamp in Chessenta. Sebek's cult has been persecuted for several centuries by the god-kings and had been nearly exterminated before the Time of Troubles. Since the Godswar, the number of werecrocodiles who worship the Smiling Death has rebounded slightly.

  在穆尔霍兰德神系中,赛贝克是仅次于 赛特Set 邪恶存在。他强壮,但也残酷而反复无常。他喜好吃人,但(如果向他承诺一顿更大的美餐)可以用可怜的乞求打动。他喜好残酷的幽默和卑劣的恶作剧。他憎恶发自内心的情感表现,并有着一颗冰冷的心。对于自己在 穆尔霍兰德神系Mulhorandi pantheon 中的地位,鳄鱼之主Lord of Crocodiles 有着很强烈的不安全感,过去曾有大胆的凡人利用过这一事实。
Sebek is second only to Set in evil in the pantheon of Mulhorand. He is strong, but also cruel and capricious. He enjoys eating people, but can be swayed by piteous begging (if it is accompanied by the promise of bigger meals). He enjoys cruel humor and mean-spirited pranks. He loathes genuine displays of heartfelt emotion and is said to have a heart of ice. The Lord of Crocodiles has a strong streak of insecurity with regard to his status in the Mulhorandi pantheon, a fact that has been exploited by daring mortals in the past.

  赛贝克在穆尔霍兰德神系中微不足道,实际只是个弃儿。虽未被正式放逐,但他被简单地无视了。大部分穆尔霍兰德神祇带着居高临下的蔑视态度看待赛贝克。在过去赛贝克曾与赛特同伙,但即使是 巨蛇的手足the Brother of Serpents 也轻蔑地对待赛贝克,把他作为方便的临时盟友加以利用。
Sebek is the poor relation of the Mulhorandi pantheon, effectively an outcast. Although he is not formally banished, he is simply ignored. Most of the Mulhorandi deities view Sebek with condescending scorn. Sebek has worked with Set in the past, but even the Brother of Serpents treats Sebek with contempt and uses him only as a temporary ally of convenience.

  侍奉赛贝克的 神侍divine minions 能呈现为鳄鱼或巨鳄鱼形态。
Sebek is served by divine minions that can assume the form of a crocodile or a giant crocodile.
The Mulhorandi Phantheon2

赛贝克的化身Sebek's Avatar

  (战士Fighter 20,牧师Cleric 18)

  赛贝克最常以两种化身之一神临: 鳄鱼之主或微笑死神。鳄鱼之主是位高大的鳄首穆尔霍兰德人男性,戴着以一对角和两根长羽制作的头饰。他持握着一支巨型矛,并在左上臂上戴着一只精制的臂环。他可以从任何魔法领域中提取他的法术能力。
Sebek appears most often in one of two avatar forms: the Lord of Crocodiles or the Smiling Death. The Lord of Crocodiles is a tall, crocodile-headed Mulhorandi man wearing a headdress made of a pair of horns and two tall plumes. He wields a great spear and wears an elaborate armlet on his upper left arm. He may draw from any sphere of magic for his spell abilities.

The Smiling Death is a monstrous crocodile fully 40 feet long that lurks on the bottom of the largest rivers and can swallow entire boats whole. The Smiling Death cannot cast priest spells.

  防御等级 -2(鳄鱼之主) 或 -3(微笑死神);移动 15,游泳18 或 9,游泳18;生命值 186;零级命中值 1;#攻击 3次/1轮或 1次
  伤害 1d12(啮咬) 和 1d12+13(+3巨型矛,+8力量,+2矛的专精奖励)或 4d10(啮咬)
  魔抗 50%;体型 大型L(8呎)或 巨型G(40呎)
  力量 20,敏捷 20,体质 25,智力 18,感知 20,魅力 17
  法术 祭司P: 11/11/10/10/6/4/2 或 无None
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 3;权杖、法杖与魔杖 5;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术6
  AC -2 (Lord of Crocodiles) or -3 (The Smiling Death); MV 15, Sw 18 or 9' Sw 18; HP 186; THAC0 1; #AT 3/1 or 1
  Dmg 1d12 (bite) and 1d12+13 (great spear +3, +8 Str, +2 spec, bonus in spear) or 4d10 (bite)
  MR 50%; SZ L (8 feet) or G (40 feet)
  Str 20, Dex 20, Con 25, Int 18, Wis 20, Cha 17
  Spells P: 11/11/10/10/6/4/2 or None
  Saves PPDM 3, RSW 5, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 6

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  随意使用,在足以淹没其的水中,赛贝克能从一种化身形态 形体变化shapechange为另一形态。这一过程花费1个完整轮。在变形期间除了自卫他不能做其它事情。每日1次,在所有形态,赛贝克都能召唤1d3只巨鳄,它们将从其附近的水中浮出、或从土里爬出。负伤者,若其伤口由穿刺或挥砍武器(包括类似的天生武器)造成且尚未愈合,如果再遭赛贝克伤害,伤口将重新开裂并每轮失去1d3点生命值、直至伤口愈合。没有蜥蜴或爬行动物会攻击赛贝克,即使是受过攻击训练、或是被魅惑或命令时也是如此。
Sebek can shapechangefrom one avatar form to the other at will as long as he is fully submerged in water. The process takes one full round. During the transformation he can do nothing but defend himself. In either form, Sebek can summon 1d3 giant crocodiles seven times per day who surface in water near him or appear to crawl out of the ground. Anyone who has an unhealed wound caused by a piercing or slashing weapon (including similar natural weapons) who is wounded by Sebek finds the wound reopened and loses 1d3 points per round until the wound is rebound. No lizard or reptile will attack Sebek, even if it is trained to attack or charmed and ordered to do so.

  鳄鱼之主挥舞着 悲痛之矛Sorrowful Spear,那是一柄巨型 +3矛,拥有通过接触将枯死的柴枝和枝杈变形为有着最大生命值的普通鳄鱼(类似于法术 化杖为蛇Sticks to Snakes)的特殊能力。这些鳄鱼无条件地遵从赛贝克。赛贝克可以用他的矛每轮攻击2次,并以他啮咬每轮攻击1次。
The Lord of Crocodiles wields the Sorrowful Spear, a great spear +3that has the special ability of changing dead sticks and branches into normal crocodiles with maximum hit points with its touch (similar to the sticks to snakes spell). These crocodiles obey Sebek unconditionally. Sebek can attack twice per round with his spear and once per round with his bite.

The Smiling Death swallows creatures and small boats whole on a natural attack roll of 15 or above. Any living victims suffering this fate die within 3d6 rounds (protection vs. acid damage slows this to double that number of rounds) and are subsequently digested within 30 minutes.

其祂显现Other Manifestation

  赛贝克很少在 诸国度the Realms 中显现,并偏爱简单地派遣化身狩猎。当他显现时,通常以一抹巨鳄的微笑出现虚空中。至于这是表达他的赞成,不赞成,留待观众决定。猜测错误通常导致片刻后落入微笑死神的巨颚、迎来迅速而可怖的末日。
Sebek rarely manifests in the Realms, preferring to simply send his avatar to hunt. When he does manifest, it is typically as a giant crocodile's smile appearing in thin air. Whether this indicates his favor or disfavor is left up to the viewer to determine. Guessing incorrectly often leads soon after to a quick and gruesome end in the jaws of the Smiling Death.

教会The Church

  神职人员Clergy:牧师Clerics,专属祭司specialty priests
  神职阵营Clergy's Align.:中立邪恶NE
  驱散不死Turn Undead:牧师C:可;专属祭司SP:不可
  支配不死Cmnd. Undead:牧师C:可;专属祭司SP:可

  赛贝克的所有牧师和专属祭司得到 宗教知识religion(穆尔霍兰德人Mulhorandi)、现代语言(穆尔霍兰德语) modern languages (Mulhorandi)、以及 现代语言modern languages(通用语Common) 作为非武器熟练奖励。作为自己领土的土著,来自恩瑟和阙森塔的专属祭司也懂得他们的母语。赛贝克的所有神职人员都是鳄鱼人,那是一种(根据记录)出现在穆尔霍兰德、恩瑟以及阙森塔的兽化人形态。赛贝克的牧师上限为5级;专属祭司没有最大等级限制。赛贝克的牧师拥有一项能力: 每日1次,能够施展 鳄鱼之泪crocodile tears。赛贝克的牧师最初的1级有5d8+1d4+5点生命值并在之后的每1级增加1d4,直到最大的5级。
All clerics and specialty priests of Sebek receive religion (Mulhorandi), modern languages (Mulhorandi), and modern languages (Common) as bonus nonweapon proficiencies. As natives of their own lands, specialty priests from Unther and Chessenta also know their native tongues. All of Sebek's clergy are werecrocodiles, a form of lycanthrope found (with these statistics) in Mulhorand, Unther, and Chessenta. Clerics of Sebek are limited to 5th level; specialty priests have no maximum level limit. Clerics of Sebek are able to cast crocodile tears once a day as an ability. Clerics of Sebek begin 1st level with 5d8+1d4+5 hit points and gain 1d4 hit points per level after 1st to their maximum of 5th level.


  鳄鱼人Werecrocodile(兽化人Lycanthrope)防御等级 1;移动 6,游泳12;生命骰 5+5(如果是祭司则每1级+1d4 hp);零级命中值 15;#攻击 2次;伤害 2d6(啮咬)以及1d8(尾扫);特殊攻击 感染,每日1次可以召唤可控制1d3只鳄鱼;特殊防御 只能被银和魔法武器击中,变形时治疗;体型 中型M(6呎人类),大型L(8呎到12呎长鳄鱼);士气 精英(13—14);智力 普通(8—10);阵营 NE;经验值 650(1-4级祭司975,5+级祭司1400);《怪物纲要年鉴Monstrous Compendium》年刊第三卷Annual Volume Three。
  Werecrocodile (Lycanthrope): AC 1; MV 6, Sw 12; HD 5+5 (+1d4 hp per level if priest); THAC0 15 #AT 2; Dmg 2d6 (bite) and 1d8 (tail); SA infection, can summon and control 1d3 crocodiles per day, 18 Strength; SD hit only by silver and magical weapons, healing upon from change; SZ M (6' human), L (8 to 12, -long crocodile); ML elite (13—14); Int avg (8-10); AL NE; XP 650 (975 for priest of level 1-4' 1,400 for priest of level 5 +); Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Three.


  召唤鳄鱼Summon Crocodiles:鳄鱼人能召唤1d3条普通鳄鱼,在2d6轮后到达,并遵从他们的控制。
Notes: Infection:Bitten victims can be infected with lycanthropy. They have a 1% chance to turn into werecrocodiles during the next full moon for each point of damage taken from bite of a werecrocodile. Summon Crocodiles:Werecrocodiles can summon 1d3 normal crocodiles, which arrive in 2d6 rounds and obey their every command. Healing From Change: Like all lycanthropes, werecrocodiles heal 1d6x10% of the damage they have taken in animal form when they return to human form.

Sebek is both feared and revered in rural Mulhorand, where crocodile lurk in the rivers. Although rarely worshiped anymore by humans, except by twisted individuals in secret cults, Sebek is propitiated by fearful villagers in order to stave off his attacks. Worshipers of Sebek do not construct permanent temples. Rather, they build simple shrines resembling small huts out of mud and reeds in swamps, stagnant pools, and slow-moving rivers.

  赛贝克的神职人员是个非常小的团体,由占主要、被称作 沼泽领主swamplords 的专属祭司和仅约占神职人员10%的牧师构成。赛贝克的祭司使用如下头衔:闪耀的下颌Glistening Jaws、湿润的死神Watery Death、复仇之鳞Scales of Vengeance、饥饿之胃Hungry Maw、以及 血腥之齿Bloody Teeth。头衔被随意授予或自行选择。神职人员的所有排位基于竞争对手之间、持续到某方参战者被杀或屈服的战斗仪式。
The clergy of Sebek are a very small group and consist mainly of specialty priests, known as swamplords, with only about 10% of the clergy being clerics. Priests of Sebek use such titles as Glistening Jaws, Watery Death, Scales of Vengeance, Hungry Maw, and Bloody Teeth. Titles are awarded haphazardly or are self-selected. All ranking among the clergy is based on ritual combats between rivals that continues until one combatant is killed or yields.


Hunt or be hunted is the driving philosophy behind the faith of Sebek's priests. Clergy of the Lord of Crocodiles are to hunt intruders into their god's domain, weed out the weak, terrify human commoners and weaklings into propitiating Sebek, dominate their fellows, and even-tually turn the world into one vast swamp. They are to help Sebek eventually gain the recognition he deserves as a powerful god to be feared. Sebeks priesthood is to be amply rewarded with choice prey, wealth, and territory when Sebek finally gets what he deserves—a powerful position in the Mulhorandi pantheon.

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:

Werecrocodile priests spend their days bullying their fellows, hunting, luring humans to their doom, and designing fantastic schemes to seize power in Mulhorand, Unther, and Chessenta.

圣日/重要节日Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

Villagers seeking to ward off the attack of crocodiles hope to appease Sebek by the monthly sacrifice of animals (and occasionally sentient creatures) outside shrines located deep in the swamp. The remains of the sacrifice are left within the shrine for the crocodiles. Many a worshiper has failed to leave quickly enough after making a sacrifice and fallen prey to the jaws of the crocodiles attracted to the site.

Werecrocodile priests of Sebek must give whispered praises to the Lord of Crocodiles before each kill, and they must leave a small fraction of their catch out at night while they sleep for Sebek to devour if he so chooses. Once per month they must slay a sentient creature (low intelligence or greater) or lose all their priestly powers until they do so. Each year they must create at least one new werecrocodile from the human population of Mulhorand and guide that person into the worship of Sebek so that Sebek's cult continues to grow.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

  赛贝克位于穆尔霍兰德的主要神殿名为 河川之胃the River's Maw,坐落在小城市 赛克拉斯城Sekras。在开始时赛贝克信仰是支人类教派,历经了数个世纪逐步转化成鳄鱼人族群占多数。当1183 DR这座城市被 奥西里斯Osiris 的圣武士毁灭后,赛贝克信徒被分散且数量大减。一些鳄鱼人留在了塞克拉斯的废墟中,更小的团伙则能够在穆尔霍兰德和恩瑟的大部分沼泽中被找到。大部分赛贝克幸存信徒迁徙到了阙森塔的蝰蛇沼泽。伴随着一场与此地栖居的 鼠人wererat 旷日持久的战争,那个区域赛贝克信徒衰微到与蛮族相差无几。献给赛贝克的零散神龛坐落于沼泽各处,但在那里从来没有建立起真正的神殿。
Sebek's major temple in Mulhorand, known as the River's Maw, was located in the small city of Sekras. Beginning as a small cult of humans, Sebek's faithful gradually turned the majority of the population into werecrocodiles over a period of centuries. When the city was destroyed by paladins of Osiris in 1183 DR, Sebek's worshipers were scattered and greatly reduced in number. Some werecrocodiles remain in the ruins of Sekras, and smaller bands may be found in most of the swamps in Mulhorand and Unther. The majority of Sebek's surviving worshipers relocated to the Adder Swamp in Chessenta. A long-running war with the wererats who inhabited that place has reduced Sebek's worshipers to little more than savages. Scattered shrines to Sebek are located throughout the swamp, but no true temple has ever been built there.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:

  没有骑士或军事组织与赛贝克信仰相关。所有鳄鱼人直接侍奉赛贝克,与所有企图侵入他们的河流与沼泽的人类战斗。鳄鱼人偶尔为便利而与蜥蜴人、蜥蜴王、灰泥怪、狂蛙人、穴蜥人troglodyte、畏缩者boggle 结盟。当联盟不会带来更多便利时,大部分这样的联盟都终结于一方或双方的转身相向。
There are no knightly or military orders associated with the faith of Sebek. All werecrocodiles serve Sebek directly, and all war on the humans who seek to invade their rivers and swamps. Werecrocodiles have occasionally made alliances of convenience with lizard men, lizard kings, marls, bullywugs, troglodytes, and boggles. Most of these alliances end with one or both groups turning upon the other when the alliance is no longer convenient.

祭司祭服Priestly Vestments:

  当处于人类形态时,赛贝克的神职人员穿着 卡拉西里长袍kalasiris(白色紧身亚麻布从腰拉伸及膝),胸着点缀着宝石的鞣制鳄鱼皮。为了能更方便地冒充与穆尔霍兰德贵族阶级有关联,他们给自己剃了光头。当在鳄鱼形态,赛贝克的神职人员不屑于使用任何装饰品。祭司的标准徽记既可以是鳄鱼的牙齿,也可以是一只赛贝克徽记雕刻物;它们或是被经常穿进皮带中,或是穿成项链。
When in human form, the clergy of Sebek wear kalasiris (white tight-fitting linen skirts stretching from the waist to the knees) and pectorals of tanned crocodile hides studded with gems. They shave their heads bald, more for convenience than to indicate any affinity with the nobility of Mulhorand. When in crocodile form, the clergy of Sebek disdain the use of any adornment. The standard holy symbol of priests of the faith is either a crocodile tooth or a carved representation of Sebek's symbol; either is usually worn on a thong or chain as a necklace

冒险装束Adventuring Garb:

Adventuring Garb: Clergy of Sebek dress practically when adventuring, wearing comfortable shoes and a rugged kalasiris. When in human form, they often don leather or scale mail armor. (Their natural Armor Class is crocodile form is sufficient to protect them.) Clerics prefer clubs in combat, and specialty priests favor scimitars.


专属祭司Specialty Pritsts (沼泽领主Swmplords

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:感知Wisdom 9
  关键属性PRIME REQ.:感知Wisdom
  防具ARMOR:最高并包括 鳞甲scale mail 在内的所有防具;无盾牌;在鳄鱼形态天生防御等级为 1
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,动物animal,混乱chaos,战斗combat,元素elemental(水water 和 土earth),守卫guardian,治疗healing,植物plant,保护protection
  次要领域MINOR SPHERES:魅惑Charm,创造creation,预言divination,死灵necromantic,心灵thought
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:弯刀Scimitar
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:方向感Direction sense,游泳swimming

  ❖所有沼泽领主都是 鳄鱼人werecrocodiles,并因身为鳄鱼人而自动拥有18的力量。他们也拥有其他 兽化人lycanthropes 普遍拥有的和鳄鱼人独有的特殊能力和免疫。(鳄鱼人详见《怪物纲要年鉴Monstrous Compendium》年刊第三卷Annual Volume Three 以及《古老帝国Old Empires》。备注: 他们的移动速度为6,游泳12。)
  ❖ All swamplords are werecrocodiles, and as such automatically have a Strength of 18. They also have the other special abilities and immunities associated with lycanthropes in general and werecrocodiles in particular. (Werecrocodiles are described in the Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Three and in Old Empires. Note that their movement rate is 6, Sw 12.)

  ❖ At 1st level, swamplords have 5d8+1d4+5 hit points (plus any Constitution bonuses they might be entitled to). For each experience level they gain above 1st through 9th, they gain another 1d4 hit points (plus any Constitution bonuses they might be entitled to). After 9th level, they gain only 2 hit points per experience level, just as any normal type of priest does.

  ❖随意使用,沼泽领主可以与任何 短吻鳄alligator、鳄鱼crocodile、巨鳄giant crocodile 以及鳄鱼人交流。
  ❖ Swamplords may speak with any alligators, crocodiles, giant crocodiles, and werecrocodiles at will.

  ❖每日1次,沼泽领主能改变他们的外观(类似于2级法师法术 变身术alter self),展现地如同一根河里或湖里的浮木。他们能保持这个状态3d4轮+2轮/级。
  ❖ Swamplords may change their appearance (similar to the 2nd-level wizard spell alter self) once per day to appear as a floating log while drifting within a river or lake. They can maintain this form for 3d4 rounds+2 rounds/level.

  ❖每日1次,沼泽领主能施展 鳄鱼之泪crocodile tears(如同2级祭司法术。)
  ❖ Swamplords are able to cast crocodile tears(as the 2nd-level priest spell) once a day.

  ❖ At 2nd level, swamplords can breathe water or air with equal facility.

  ❖在第3级,每日1次,沼泽领主能施展 暗示术suggestion(如同3级法师法术)。
  ❖ At 3rd level, swamplords can cast suggestion(as the 3rd-level wizard spell) once per day.

  ❖在第5级,每日1次,沼泽领主能施展 化杖为鳄sticks to crocodiles(如同4级祭司法术 化杖为蛇sticks to snakes)。鳄鱼是体型是普通的。(鳄鱼详述见《怪物图鉴Monstrous Manual》一书。)
  ❖ At 5th level, swamplords can cast sticks to crocodiles(as the 4th-level priest spell sticks to snakes) once per day. The crocodiles are normal in size. (Crocodiles are described in the Monstrous Manualtome.)

  ❖在第7级,每日1次,沼泽领主能施展 七级怪物召唤术Monster Summoning VII(如同9级法师法术)。他们只能召唤2条巨鳄。
  ❖ At 7th level, swamplords can cast monster summoning VII(as the 9th-level wizard spell) once a day. They always summon two giant crocodiles.

  ❖在第9级,每日1次,沼泽领主能使用 震慑真言power word, stun(如同7级法师法术)。
  ❖ At 9th level, swamplords can speak a power word, stun(as the 7th-level wizard spell) once a day.

  ❖在第15级,每日1次,沼泽领主能施展 摄心目光eyebite(如同6级法师法术)。
  ❖ At 15th level, swamplords can cast eyebite(as the 6th-level wizard spell) once a day.

赛贝克教派法术Sebekan Spells

1st Level

水中冲刺Water Sprint

  (祭司Pr 1;转化Alteration)

  施法时间Casting Time:4
  影响区域Area of Effect:施法者
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

This simple spell triples the spellcaster's normal swimming movement rate for one round. After casting this spell, the priest must utilize this boost of speed within one hour per level of the spellcaster. When the spell duration expires or after the burst of speed is utilized, the spell effect ends immediately.

Priests of Sebek commonly employ this spell when preparing for a hunt. They then lurk in crocodile form beneath the water waiting for likely prey and, when a likely victim is found, burst out with surprising speed and attack.

2nd Level

鳄鱼之泪Crocodile Tears

  (祭司Pr 2;附魔/魅惑Enchantment/Charm,幻术Illusion)

  施法时间Casting Time:5
  影响区域Area of Effect:120 呎半径
  豁免检定Saving Throw:通过则无效

  该法术使该祭司展现得虚弱、恶心、受伤且情绪哀恸,从而唤起任何遭遇该祭司者的同情。它将有效地伪装施法者任何不寻常、可能被视作威胁的身体特征(例如尖牙或爪子),将任何被拔出的武器或被穿戴的盔甲展现为无威胁、且有着笨重而破烂外观的物品(如将一把剑展现为一根拐杖)。在该法术影响期间,除了鳄鱼和 鳄鱼人werecrocodile,任何低智商或更高(智力5+)的生物进入在影响区域时,必须通过一次成功的对抗法术豁免检定,否则将以其完整正常移动速度或更快的速度向祭司那边移动,以提供援助。为提供援助,武器和盾牌将被匆忙的丢下(除非已经收入鞘或捆紧)。如果该祭司在这位援助者靠近时选择攻击,该受害者将自动被突袭,且该祭司在突袭轮中获得+4攻击奖励。
This spell makes the priest appear weak, sick, injured, and emotionally distressed so as to engender a sympathetic response in anyone encountering the priest. It effectively disguises any unusual physical characteristics of the caster that might be taken to be menacing (fangs or claws, for example) and makes any drawn weapons or worn armor appear to be nonmenacing objects and heavy, but tattered, clothing (such as making a sword appear to be a walking staff). While this spell is in effect, any creature of low intelligence or greater (Int 5+) which enters the area of effect, except a crocodile or werecrocodile, must make a successful saving throw vs. spell or immediately move to the priest's side at its full normal movement rate or faster to offer assistance. Weapons and shields are dropped in the haste to provide aid unless already sheathed or strapped on. Should the priest choose to attack as would-be benefactors approach, such victims are automatically surprised, and the priest enjoys at +4 attack bonus during the round of surprise.

  该法术将持续1 小时/祭司等级。与 隐形术invisibility 法术类似,祭司的任何攻击将立即终止该法术效果。在该祭司施展法术时就开始观察者免疫该法术效果。
This spell lasts for up to 1 hour/level of the priest. Like an invisibility spell, any attack on the part of the priest instantly ends the spells effect. Beings who observe the priest cast the spell are also immune to its effects.

The material component of this spell is a handful of water splashed on the face.
