軟泥側元素位面The Paraelemental Plane of Ooze | |
【所屬 位面】 | 側元素位面The Paraelemental Plane |
【類 型】 | 內層位面/側元素位面 |
【位面 之主】 | 畢溫博Bwinb→畢溫博二世Bwinb Ⅱ |
【下轄 地區】 | 核心軟泥面Core Ooze:畢溫博的城堡Fortress of Bwimb 污物綠洲0asis of Filth:與塵埃面的交界處 |
【簡 介】 | 「好臭,啊啊啊啊啊!」——貝恩·血蹄,於半人馬先輩 軟泥側元素位面The Para-Elemental Plane of Ooze 處於水元素位面與土元素位面的交界處,多元宇宙最噁心之處。 |
2ePS<The Inner Planes.p080>軟泥側元素位面The Paraelemental Plane of Ooze
[譯註:印記城黑話—Berk 巴佬。一個笨蛋,尤指那些因為搞不清狀況而把自己捲入大麻煩的傢伙。]
法師學派改變Wizard School Alteration
氣Air,火Fire <
軟泥側元素位面The Paraelemental Plane of Ice
據推測,多元宇宙the multiverse 中一定有一個地方比任何其它地方都更令人反感和厭惡。好吧,任何去過 軟泥側元素位面the Paraelemental Plane of Ooze 的人,在被問及那裏時,都不願意回憶太多。我也去過那裏,那鬼地方一點也不好。
Presumably, there must be one place in the multiverse that's more revolting and loathsome than any other. Well, anyone who's ever visited the Paraelemental Plane of Ooze won't have to think too hard when asked where that might be. I've been there, and it ain't pretty.
吾名 托梅斯·埃爾沃Thomese Ervo,我知曉很多關於軟泥側位面的笑話。之所以會有這麼多笑話,是因為如果沒有這些笑話,來到這個側位面的傢伙可能會保不住他們的午餐。'當然,有些人說,這個地方就是這麼吐出來的(就像埃爾沃說的那樣,關於這裏的笑話是真多——編者)。
My name's Thomese Ervo, and I know a lot of jokes about the paraplane of Ooze. The reason so many jokes exist is that without 'em, a visitor to the paraplane is likely to lose his lunch. 'Course, that's how some tell the place originated in the first place (as Ervo said: lots of jokes-the Editor).
At its heart, the paraplane of 0oze is a noisome mass of slime. This disgusting realm ranges from clear, gelatinous goo to putrid, green sludge. In some places, it's almost thick enough to be solid, and in others, it's runny and watery. The ooze teems with worms, insects, grubs, and disgusting bits of...well, things too disturbing to think about. While the look and feel of the place is horrible, it's the smell of the ooze that's really bad. It can literally knock a new comer off her feet.
當某人開始遠離這個准位面時——大部分人一有機會就會這麼幹——腳下的淤泥將逐漸改變。向 土位面the plane of Earth 移動時,它將逐漸變得稠膩,直到擁有糖蜜般的顏色和稠度。在這片被稱為 糞肥潭the Muckmire 的、令人作嘔的區域,軟泥有包裹着活物變硬的自然傾向,這將把它們像琥珀中的蒼蠅一樣困住。傳言說,在這片泥潭中挖掘的巴佬可以找到一些有趣的東西——但傻子才會想這樣做。
When a body starts to move away from the paraplane-and most folks do that the first chance they get-the muck under-goes a gradual transformation. Moving toward the plane of Earth, it gradually thickens until it has thecolor and consistency of molasses. In this revolting region, which is known as the Muckmire, the ooze has a natural tendency to harden around living beings, trapping them very literally like flies in amber. Chant is, a berk who digsaround in the mire can find interesting things hardened in the goop-but who'd want to do that?
[譯註:印記城黑話—Body 就是"someone"在位面間的說法.]
[譯註:印記城黑話—Chant, the:表示新聞,本地閒話,事實,情形或者其他任何有關當前局勢的事情. "What's the chant?"是打探最新消息常用的一句話。如一定要翻譯到主物質位面地球上來,那麼就是」What’s Up?」]
朝着 水位面the plane of Water 的方向,軟泥將變得稀薄。過不了多久,它就會變得又綠又有腐蝕性。這片區域通常被稱作 膽汁海the Bile Sea,這裏的淤泥將黏附在肉上、如強酸一般灼燒。少量醜陋病態的魚在這團可怕的糞堆里撲騰着,但通常撐不上太久。它們腐爛分解的屍體只會讓這片不斷變化的環境更加惡化。
In the direction of the plane of Water, the ooze starts to thin out. Before too long, it becomes green and caustic. This region is generally referred to as the Bile Sea, and the muck here clings to flesh and burns like acid. A few sickly fish flop about in this horrible mess, but usually not for long. Their decomposing bodies only worsen there volting environment.
如果某人沿着 礦物准位面the quasi-plane of Mineral 的方向向 正能量位面the Positive Energy Plane 走去,那隨着各種礦渣在其中富集,軟泥將變得凝結。隨着時間的推移,它形成了 礦渣沼澤the Slag Marshes,這是一片由沉重的金屬糨糊組成的泥沼,在其上有通風的空氣。在這地方生長着一種名曰 義烏吉斯草ioungis 的銀色多膿雜草,大部分生物觸之都會中毒。
If a body heads toward the Positive Energy Plane in the direction of the quasi-plane of Mineral, the ooze begins to congeal as various ore residues collect in it. In time it forms the Slag Marshes, a morass of heavy, metallic paste with an airy atmosphere over the top of it. Silvery, pussy weeds called ioungis grow throughout this region, and most creatures find them poisonous to the touch.
在朝 蒸汽准位面the quasiplane of Steam 的方向,軟泥將變稀。與此同時,強風將掀起一陣油霧。直至被狂風帶走前,會很快形成有毒蒸汽組成的翻滾雲霧。沒有活物——甚至是免疫毒素的老鳥們——能在 窒息之風the Choking Gale 中活上太久。即時某人活着出來了,也需要幾個星期的時間才能洗乾淨皮膚和頭髮的蒸汽殘留物。
In the other direction-toward the quasiplane of Steam-the ooze grows thinnerand thinner. At the same time, strong winds begin to kick up an oily spray. This quickly forms rolling clouds of toxic vapor that're carried along by brutal winds. No living thing, not even bloods normally immune to poisons, can survive the Choking Gale for long. Even if a body gets out alive, it'll be weeks before she can really wash the residue from the vapor out of her skin and hair.
[譯註:印記城黑話—Blood 專家,智者或是任何領域的老鳥。一個角鬥士冠軍可以是一個 blood, 一個強大的巫師也可以是blood.稱呼某人為blood是對其特別尊敬的一種表示 .]
在向 負能量位面the Negative Energy Plane 前進時,位面行者可以選擇朝向 鹽位面Salt 或 塵埃面Dust。如果選擇鹽准位面,軟泥將變得又濃又咸,最終咸到足以腐蝕技金屬的地步。甚至是魔法武器和防具一觸碰這灘有毒的化學湯(名曰 死水海the Stagnant Sea)就會生鏽。
Moving toward the Negative Energy Plane, a planewalker can head in the direction of Salt or Dust. If she chooses the quasiplane of Salt, the ooze becomes thick and briny, eventually growing caustic enough to corrode metal. Even magical weapons and armor rust away at the touch of the noxious chemical soup (known as the Stagnant Sea).
那些朝着塵埃准位面方向前進的人將發現感受不會更愉快。在這個方向上,泥漿將變得更濃稠、甚至變得更噁心。它通向大部分人稱為 污物綠洲the 0asis of Filth 的區域。這個半凝固的地方幾乎是有機的,這裏的病原體豐度是如此的高,以至於任何到這的可憐蟲最好都去跟 治癒疾病cure disease 法術搞好關係。甚至是那些通常免疫疾病的老鳥,比如聖武士,也會在這裏感染各種發熱或疾病。
Those who decide to head toward the quasiplane of Dust won't find the going much more pleasant. In this direction, the slime grows thicker and, if possible, even more disgusting. It leads to a region most folks call the 0asis of Filth. This half-congealed place is almost organic and is so thick with disease that any sod who comes here'd better be on good terms with a cure disease spell. Even bloods who're normally immune to diseases, like paladins, contract all sorts of fevers and illnesses here.
[譯註:印記城黑話—Sod 可憐蟲,討厭鬼。指一個不幸的或可憐的傢伙。使用此詞時,是對一個不幸的傢伙表示同情或是對那些陷入自己製造的麻煩中的白痴的挖苦。]
It's just disgusting. Oh, you want details? Well,you asked for it.....
Why in the multiverse anyone'd ever want to make her way to the paraplane of Ooze is beyond explanation. Fact is, Ooze is gradually being depopulated as any berk who can flee to a more respectable place does so.
當然,真心想到軟泥面的位面旅者,大概能在 印記城Sigil 找到這樣的傳送門。然而,她可能會遍尋無處。大部分人認為,這樣的傳送門必定存在於下水道或其它同樣令人反感之處——他們是對的。
Course, a planewalker who really wants to reach Ooze can probably find a portal in Sigil that'll do the job. The odds are, however, that it won 't be found anywhere she'd care to look for it. Most folks figure that such portals must exist in the sewers or some other similarly revolting place-and they're right.
並非所有通向軟泥面的異界之門都在印記城。其中有個在 無底深淵the Abyss 222層 辛達克拉Shedaklah 的深處,位於名曰 朱庇萊克斯Juiblex 的塔納厘暴徒的王國之中。他自稱 無面領主the Faceless Lord,並宣稱是所有粘液怪和軟泥怪的主宰(不過可以肯定的是,從未有人向他挑戰過這個頭銜)。無論如何,在辛達克拉中心是個直徑約30呎凝膠狀的球體。它的表面稠密到足以保持球形,但其粘稠度還能容納某人用力通過。傳送門的鑰匙是一個白金圓盤,它必須被按壓在球體外側。由於這道異界之門不同尋常的觸發方式,所以那個激活它的人——也就是站在那將圓盤抵在球體上的人——會被丟在那裏。祝那個可憐蟲好運。
Not all gates leading to 0oze are in Sigil. There's one deep in Shedaklah, the 222nd layer of the Abyss, in the kingdom of a tanar'ri basher named Juiblex. He calls himself the Faceless Lord and claims to be the master of all slime and ooze (though it's a safe bet that no one's ever challenged him for the title). Anyway, at the heart of Shedaklah is a gelatinous orb some 30 feet across. Its outer surface is thick, enough to hold a round shape, but still viscous enough for a body to push through with effort. The key to open this portal is a platinum disc, which must be pressed against the outside of the sphere. Because of the unusual way in which the gate is triggered, the person activating it-that is, the one who stands there and holds the disc against the orb-gets left behind. Lucky sod.
[印記城黑話—Basher 某人,中性詞。一般但不總是,暗指其是個暴徒或打手.]
Vortices to the paraplane of Ooze are rare things. They're found only at the heart of primordial primematerial worlds where life has yet to fully emerge, or in vast concentrations of filth and debris. The former type of vortex is more common, but that isn't saying much.
In order for a vortex of the latter type to exist, a truly stag-gering volume of garbage, filth, and offal must be packed into a very small area. In times of plague, when refuse and slain victims often pile high, a vortex can form at the decaying, liquefying base of such heaps-but is any planar travel worth crawling into such a place?
儘管這種想法可能會令人厭惡,但某個可憐蟲們真的可能可以在軟泥側位面活下來。事實上,它實際上是 內層位面the Inner Planes 比較宜居的部分之一。
Repugnant as the thought may be, it's possible for a sod to survive in the paraplane of Ooze. In fact, it's actually one of the more hospitable parts of the Inner Planes.
儘管它稠密地多,但構成軟泥側位面的粘稠物的確很像水。事實上,它就像水一樣,讓那些供某個夥計呼吸的魔法物品能正常工作。因此,你戴着的 水下呼吸戒指ring of water breathing 可以正常使用。不過,法術必須稍作修改來集中泥塊,如 呼吸軟泥airy ooze 法術那樣。
Even though it's a good deal thicker, the goo that makes up the paraplane of Ooze is a lot like water. In fact, it's enough like water that magical items designed to let a cutter breathe while submerged work fine. Thus, a body can make reliableuse of a ring of water breathing. Spells, however, must beslightly modified to account for the concentrated mass, as with an airy ooze spell.
[譯註:印記城黑話—Cutter 傢伙,夥計。 對於其他人的一種普通稱呼,不限男女,由於這種稱呼帶有一些親切的意味,所以比稱呼別人berk要好得多。]
Creatures who are naturally able to breathe water, like fish or merfolk, can't survive in the paraplane without some manner of magical aid. The primordial slime of Ooze is too thick to be processed by gills or similar organs.
Although the color of elemental Ooze varies, it's generally translucent. As such, a body can see a few feet even without the help of magic. In general, a planewalker can make out objects as far as 15 feet away-assuming that she has a lightsource, of course. Normal flames won't burn here, so torches and lanterns aren't any use. Magical or biochemical illumination, on the other hand, works normally.
Elemental pockets may be more or less common in the paraplane of Ooze than they are throughout the rest of the Inner Planes. Its difficult to say. See, with so many types of muck and sludge pressing in on a sod from every side, who can say whether the revolting goo she's just stepped in is anatural part of the paraplane or has been tracked here on the boots of an unexplained cosmic force?
Elemental pockets in Ooze tend to resemble those found in the plane of Earth (in regions where the muck is thicker) or the plane of Water (in spots where it's thinner). The most common pockets in the paraplane are those that drift in from Earth and Water. Bubbles of air tend to form hollow cysts in which a body a can seek shelter and find a breath able (if foul-smelling) atmosphere. Earth pockets provide solid matter upon which a traveler can firmly plant her feet, though many of them have been hollowed out or laced with traps.
A number of very dangerous things wait to smother a sod who comes to Ooze. Because of the nature of these hazards, a planewalker seldom even sees them before she walks right into them. In game terms, any of the following hazards can be assumed to be 90% invisible to a casual traveler, or 50% invisible if a cutter's watching out for them.
ACID. Caustic chemicals form and concentrate at certainpoints in the endless mire of the paraplane. In time, they become so potent that they can eat quickly through almost all living matter. These acid pools can be very large. To determine their size, the DM can roll on the table for elemental pockets (found on page 14) and then cut the result in half.
Once the size is determined, the DM can use the following chart to find the strength of the pool's acid.
1 非常稀Very diluted +4 1d4
2 稀Diluted +2 1d6
3 弱Weak 無none 1d8
4 強Strong 無none 1d10
5 濃縮Concentrated -2 1d12
6 高濃縮very concentrated -4 1d20
A berk who moves into the area of an acid pool must make an immediate saving throw vs. breath weapon. This roll is adjusted as indicated on the chart, so a victim who stumbles into concentrated acid makes the save with a -2 penalty. Anyone who fails her save suffers the damage shown on the chart; a successful saving throw cuts the damage in half. A new saving throw is required at the start of each round spent in the acid pool. (Bloods who are immune to acid are unaffected and don't need to make a roll.)
Objects exposed to the acid must make a saving throw as well. Failure indicates that they've been utterly consumed by the fluid. The acid formed on the paraplane is so caustic that it can eat through glass and other such materials. A cutter who manages to collect some of this powerful acid (usually through magical means) finds that it's very valuablein other parts of the multiverse.
DISEASE. Pockets of disease and illness are not uncommon inthe paraplane of Ooze. As before, the DM can find the size of such places by using the elemental pockets table and cutting the result in half.
當某隻可憐蟲進入傳染病區域時,她將立即受到一道 造成疾病cause disease 法術的影響,她必須立即進行因此體質檢定。如果豁免成功,她將患上一種只會讓人變得衰弱的疾病。如果豁免骰失敗,則她將換上一種致命傳染病。
When a sod enters an infectious zone, she's instantly affected as if by a cause disease spell, and she must make an immediate Constitution check. If the roll is successful, she develops a disease that is merely debilitating. If she fails the roll, she contracts a deadly illness.
POISON. Just as chemicals can concentrate and become deadly corrosives, so too can they form toxic fluids. A sod who stumbles into a poisoned area might grow sick or even fall straight into the dead-book.
The DM should first determine the size of a toxic region by rolling on the table for elemental pockets and then halving the result. Then he can use the following chart to determine the type of poison encountered (the entries are drawn from the DUNGEON MASTER Guide).
1 G 2d6 小時hours 20/10
2 H 1d4 小時hours 20/10
3 I 2d6 分鐘minutes 30/15
4 J 1d4 分鐘minutes 致命Death/20
5 K 2d4 分鐘minutes 5/0
6 L 2d4 分鐘minutes 10/0
7 M 1d4 分鐘minutes 20/5
8 N 1 分鐘minute 致命Death/25
K、L、M和N型毒素作用於接觸。其它表上的毒素則必須被攝取(包括被那些使用了 呼吸軟泥ooze breathing 或類似法術的人吸入。)
Class K,L,M,and N poisons act on contact. The others on the table must be ingested (which includes inhaling them while using ooze breathing and similar spells).
When an explorer moves into one of these areas, she must make a saving throw vs.poison. This roll is adjusted as shown on the table for determining acid strength(above). A sod who fails her save suffers the damage indicated before the slash in the "Strength" column. A successful saving throw results in the damage shown after the slash. Cutters who're immune to poisons are unaffected.
Unfortunately, about 25% of all toxic areas in the paraplane are also acidic, which means that they have the effects described in that section as well.
軟泥側位面沒有重力(除了在名曰 礦渣沼澤the Slag Marshes 的區域中,那是一個奇特的例外)。因此,某人可以簡單地保持靜止,讓慵懶的水流載着她漂流。只需要費一點力,她甚至可以在其中游泳。總而言之,這與在水元素位面中大致相同。然而,因為其中的介質更濃稠,其游速將放慢1/3。
The paraplane of 0oze has no gravity (except in the area known as the Slag Marshes, which is a strange exception). Because of this, a body can simply remain still and drift along wherever the languid currents carry her. With a little effort, she can even swim in the stuff. All in all, it's about the same as moving in the Elemental Plane of Water. Due to the thick medium, though, progress is slowed by one-third.
There aren't too many creatures living in the Paraelemental Plane of Ooze. And, really, that's not surprising. After all, who'd want to call kip in a giant pool of slime? Well, believe it or not, a few things'd like nothing better than to live out their days in an endless swamp of sludge and waste.
軟泥魔蝠Ooze mephits 是這個側位面中最豐富的種族。它們並不修建城市或要塞,而是在游牧部落中生活。這些生物在生物種群中的佔比是如此之大,以至於大多數人認為這裏沒有其它生物。魔蝠們不能忍受 軟泥精ooze sprites(詳見後),但它們通常被迫按照這些生物的命令行事。軟泥魔蝠通常又噁心又可悲,一個關於它們的常見笑話說,它們乞討硬幣,是付錢讓施法者把自己變成別的東西——任何東西都成。
Ooze mephits are the most plentiful racein the paraplane. They don't build cities or strongholds, but instead live in nomadic packs. These creatures make up such a large percentage of the population that most folks believe there's no one else here at all. The mephits can't stand the ooze sprites (as described below), but they're generally forced to do as those creatures command. 0oze mephits are often as pathetic as they are disgusting, and a common joke told about them says that they beg for jink so they can pay spellslingers to polymorph them into something-anything—else.
[譯註:印記城黑話—Jink 窮人的目標:錢或硬幣。如"That's going to take a lot of jink!" 是說賄賂得花好多錢。各種硬幣具體的黑話有greens, stingers, baubles, jinx, 和merts,具體請見異域世界的金融體系]
然而,儘管魔蝠們是如此的令人作嘔,但它們還是無法跟真正的 軟泥側元素ooze paraelementals 相比。這些令人反胃的野獸是些行走的黏液團,它們脾氣暴躁,幾乎會攻擊看見的一切東西。傳言說它們這樣做的原因是甚至是它們也厭惡自己,以至於無法忍受被其他人看見的這個想法。
As revolting as the mephits are, however, they can't hold a candle to true ooze paraelementals. These stomach-turning beasts are walking masses of slime, foul-tempered and quick to attack just about anyone they see. Chant is they do this because they disgust even themselves and can't stand the idea of being seen by others.
Think of the most disgusting animal known to the multiverse, and odds are, it'll be found here. Leeches, bloated maggots (that never seem to grow into flies), electric eels, jellyfish-if it's slimy, foul-smelling, or thick with disease, it probably lives in the paraplane of 0oze.
除了這些有機生物,在這片側位面里也有大量健康(或不健康)的 元素動物animentals。這些野獸並不比軟泥面的其它土著更討人喜歡。不幸的是,它們中的一些似乎覺得自己很可愛很Q萌,這讓情況變得更加糟糕。沒有什麼比一隻軟泥貓跳到你腿上或是泥漿狗舔你的臉更糟糕的事情了。
In addition to these organic creatures, the paraplane has a healthy (or unhealthy) number of animentals as well. These beasts are no more pleasant than the other natives of Ooze. Unfortunately, some of 'em seem to think they're cute and cuddly, which makes it even worse. There are few things as revolting as having an ooze cat hop into a sod's lap or a slime dog lick her face.
在這個側位面上可以找到(通常數量龐大)的致命布丁怪、肉食性果凍怪、殺手粘液怪。事實上,這些怪物在這裏被賦予了最強大的力量。不僅它們的生命值取最大,而且智力也提升了一檔。因此,灰色泥怪gray oozes 和 水晶泥怪crystal oozes、暈眩果凍怪stun jelly、橄欖粘液怪olive slimes 在這裏是半智慧生物。雖然這似乎並不特別重要,但當 芥末果凍怪mustard jelly 和 滑行追蹤者slithering trackers 被認為非常智慧時,某人就需要多擔心了。
Every form of deadly pudding, carnivorous jelly, or killer slime can be found (often in large numbers) in the paraplane. Fact is, these monsters seem to be greatly empowered here. Not only do they have maximum hit points, but their Intelligence is increased by one step. Thus, gray or crystal oozes, stun jelly, and olive slimes are semi-intelligent here. While this might not seem especially important, it becomes more worrisome when a body considers that mustard jelly and slithering trackers are considered to be very intelligent.
如果夠幸運的話,地下食腐怪otyughs 和 大食腐怪neo-otyughs 也能在這裏生存下來。雖然並非真正的土著,不過這些生物有時候也會聽說這片側位面,並認為對方在描述的是天堂所在。它們會用盡一切可能的手段到達這個地方,而一旦它們成功了,就會在這片無盡的污穢中狂暴地保衛它們的新家。
0tyughs and neo-otyughs, if they're lucky, find their way here as well. Although not true natives, these creatures sometimes hear about the paraplane of 0oze and assume that the speaker's talking about paradise. They use whatever means possible to try to reach the place, and once they arrive, they fiercely defend their new home as they wallow in the infinite filth.
軟泥精0oze sprites(這個名字起源於一個笑話——編者)是一種命名錯誤的生物——如果這個名字原本應該對應的生物真的存在的話——它們過着獨居生活,憎惡着它們發現的一切東西。
0oze sprites, misnamed creatures if ever there were any (the name may have originated as a joke-the Editor), lead solitary existences and hate almost everything they find.
Fact is, they usually assume that whatever they meet isn't intelligent. They see nothing wrong with forcing the mephits to do their bidding, as the sprites consider themselves the only sentient race in the whole paraplane. Even if they were right, it's doubtful that anyone'd want t trade places with them.
在任何特定時間,軟泥面的訪客都只會遇到少量非土著生物。在大部分情況下,這些傢伙是非自願地被困在了這裏。在某些邊遠處,軟泥側位面被稱為「瘋人隔間House of Chambered Madness。」想知道為什麼?現在去惹惱一位強大法師就知道了,巴佬。那些極不令人愉快的老鳥將敵人放逐到了軟泥面,將埋在這裏直至淤泥的重量將他們壓瘋。
At any given time, a visitor to Ooze'll encounter only a handful of nonnatives. For the most part, these folks are here against their will. In some corners, the paraplane of 0oze is known as the "House of Chambered Madness." Want to know why? Just pike off a powerful wizard, berk. The really unpleasant bloods exile their foes to 0oze, leaving them entombed here until the weight of the muck drives 'em barmy.
[譯註:印記城黑話—Pike off 激怒某人,如"Once he discovers he's been peeled, he's going to be really piked off."]
[譯註:印記城黑話—Blood 專家,智者或是任何領域的老鳥。一個角鬥士冠軍可以是一個 blood, 一個強大的巫師也可以是blood.稱呼某人為blood是對其特別尊敬的一種表示 .]
Most folks figure that nothing or no one of any importance lives in the paraplane of Ooze. That's simply not the case. True, there aren't nearly as many such creatures as might befound in the other Inner Planes, but there are still a few bashers a body ought to know about.
畢溫博二世BWIMB Ⅱ
這個令人反感的生物是巴佬能找到最接近 軟泥側元素公主Paraelemental Princess of Ooze 的東西。事實上,畢溫博二世BWIMB Ⅱ 在最泛指的情況下,是 元素大君archomental 中的一員,但她是這個團體中最弱小。她最近從被殺的父親那裏繼承了這個職位。一些人說,畢溫博二世是從她父親爛泥般的屍體殘骸形成的,但這似乎更像是病態的流言蜚語而非事實。
BWIMB Ⅱ. This revolting creature is the closest thing a berk'll find to a Paraelemental Princess of Ooze. While Bwimb Ⅱ is, in fact, an archomental in the loosest sense of the word, she is among the weakest of that group. She inherited the position from her father, who was recently slain. Some folks say that Bwimb Ⅱ was formed from the remains of her father's sludgelike corpse, but this seems more like morbid gossip than fact.
雖然真正的軟泥側元素都服從她,但棲息在這片無盡泥潭中的大部分其它生物都對畢溫博二世完全沒有興趣。傳言說,認識到自己充其量也只能成為一位次級元素大君的她,已開始在其國度疆域之外尋找盟友。說到這個,你可能覺得一大團帶着斑點、起起伏伏的紫色污泥很難找到朋友。但畢溫博二世已證明自己非常的足智多謀,看上去她已經與塔納厘領主 朱庇萊克斯Juiblex 達成了某種諒解。雖然祂們的關係和共同目標仍然被儘可能地保密,但你不需要是位智者就能猜到這絕不可能令人愉快。
While the true paraelementals of Ooze obey her, most of the other beings that dwell in the endless slime have nointerest in Bwimb Ⅱ at all. Chant is that she's looked beyond the borders of her realm for allies, recognizing that she'll never be anything more than a minor archomental at best. Now, a body might think that an undulating mass of splotchy, violet sludge would have difficulty in finding friends. Bwimb Ⅱ has proven herself to be very resourceful, however, and it appears that she's come to an understanding with the tanar'ri lord Juiblex. Although the exactnature of their relationship and shared goals remains as dark as can be, it doesn't take a graybeard to realize that it can't be pleasant.
[譯註:印記城黑話—Graybeard 灰鬍子。智者或是學者。這個詞指那些已然上了年紀但依然頭腦清晰,知識豐富的老傢伙,但也可以用於稱呼任何博學之人,甚至是女人。]
[譯註:印記城黑話—Dark 任何秘密可稱為dark. "Here's the dark of it,"等於說 "I've got a secret and I'll share it with you."]
在 印記城Sigil,這個巴佬(物質佬/男性人類/元素師(軟泥)14/絕對中立)是瘋子這個詞活生生的定義。據說他在 克萊恩Krynn 主物質世界只是一位中等重要的法師。那個國度是一場被在當地被稱作 混沌之戰the Chaos War 的偉大戰爭的發生地。這位戰鎖,他甚至將自己的名字都忘了,試圖在這場衝突中扮演一個角色,但不知怎麼的,他被混亂的本職吞沒了。雖然這使得他的魔法比以前強大得多,但也讓他的腦子缺失了一些法術的成分。
THE WARLOCK OF OOZE. Word around Sigil is that this berk (Pr/♂ human/Ele[Ooze]14/N) is the living definition of barmy. He's said to have been a wizard of only moderate importance on the primematerial world of Krynn. That realm was the site of a great battle known locally as the Chaos War. The Warlock, whose name even he doesn't remember, tried toplay a part in the conflict, but instead he somehow wound upinfused with the essence of chaos. While this made his magic far more powerful than it had been before, it also left his brain a few components shy of a spell.
這個巴佬被丟到了軟泥側位面,並從此一直住在這裏。他藉助自己的魔法生存,並成長為了一位獨特類型的專精法師,並研發了像 黴菌之牆wall of mould、凝膠侍者gelatinous servant 和 化肉為泥flesh to slime 這樣的法術。已有不止一位施法者進入這片淤泥中尋找邪術師,希望學習一些新技巧來迷惑(或者至少是噁心)自己的敵人。
The berk was catapulted to the paraplane of Ooze and has lived here ever since. He's used his magic to survive, and he's grown into a unique kind of specialist wizard, having whipped up such spells as wall of mould, gelatinous servant, and flesh to slime. More than one spellslinger's journeyed into the muck in search of the Warlock, hoping to learn a few new tricks to confound (or at least disgust) her enemies.
There are no major structures in the Paraelemental Plane of 0oze. Here and there, a clan of ooze sprites, paraelementals, or mephits have set up some kind of fortification, but these are seldom of any great importance.
凝結固化的物質口袋散佈在整個側位面。當某個可憐蟲被以 沉沒術sink 困在這裏時,它們就會生成。就像土元素位面中的活化石一樣,被困在囊腫中的受害者將被完整的保存下來。
Scattered throughout the paraplane are pockets of congealed, coagulated matter. They form when a sod gets trapped here with a sink spell. The victims stuck in the cysts are perfectly preserved, just like the living fossils in the Elemental Plane of Earth.
Although it's impossible to tell what type of creature is trapped within a particular cyst, the size of the cyst can providea clue. After all, a cutter's not likely to find a kobold buried in a cyst 60 feet across or a giant sealed inside a 5-foot sphere.
From time to time, a cyst ruptures, freeing its prisoner. In most cases, the poor creature quickly drowns on the filth in which it's embedded. Those who are able to survive in the muck, however, generally set about tracking down the blood responsible for their incarceration.
It's also possible for a careless planewalker to accidentally rupture a cyst. 'Course,since the creature within is likely to come forth in a very bad mood, it's not an action to be taken lightly. A body can get herself lost before she convinces the newly liberated prisoner whose side she's on.
Speaking of unfortunates, a few years back a bevy of gnomish miners toiling in the quasiplane of Mineral broke through a cavern wall. They were hoping to make their way toward a rich new vein,but they ended up pushing themselves right into the paraplane of 0oze, specifically into the Slag Marshes. The sods have never tumbled to how this happened, exactly, but they really regret that it did.
[譯註:印記城黑話—Tumble to 恍然大悟。指搞明白,想出或查明了什麼東西。某人在籠城獨處閒逛時,最好搞明白印記城的秘密先。]
Resourceful in the extreme, the gnomes took what they had-tools, rope, ore carts, mine shaft supports, and the like-and made a gigantic raft. It looks terrible, but it functions well as a place to live. Once they realized that they couldn't getback to the quasiplane of Mineral, they learned to hunt worms, eels, rays, and other creatures for food. They made allies with the ooze paraelementals and mephits when they could and fought them off when they couldn't. In short, they survived.
傳言說,這群頑強的老鳥掌握了不止一個關於軟泥側位面的秘密。(事實上,侏儒們在埃爾沃的原稿上作了補充,為本章作出了貢獻。——編者)這些被放錯地方的可憐人已經武器適應了他們的新環境,並且已經開始稱軟泥面為自己的新家。這些年來,他們的筏子越來越大,其半徑已延伸到至少500呎,為40位侏儒提供了(某種程度的)庇護所,其中有一些就出生在這片側位面。這個團體當前的領導人是 亨代斯·珠寶眼Hundais Jeweleye(位面佬/女性侏儒/戰士9/守序中立)。
Chant has it that these hardy bloods hold more than one secret about the paraplane of 0oze. (In fact, the gnomes contributed to this chapter by adding to Ervo's originaltert.-the Editor) The misplaced sods have adapted fully to their new environment, and they've taken to calling 0oze their new home. Their raft has grown considerably over the years, and it now stretches out to a radius of at least 500feet, providing shelter (of a sort) to forty gnomes, some of whom were born in the paraplane. The group's current leader is Hundais Jeweleye (Pl/♀ gnome/F9/LN).
印記城生產了大量的垃圾。它的所有垃圾、污水和廢棄物都需要有個去處。那麼,你可以猜三個地方——啊哈,前兩個都錯了。沒錯:軟泥側位面得了的 門城the City of Doors 的所有垃圾。這真不公平,但這又有什麼關係呢?
Sigil produces a lot of waste material. All of its garbage, sewage, and refuse needs to go somewhere. So take three guesses where-and the first two don't count. That's right: The paraplane of Ooze gets all the waste of the City of Doors. It ain't fair, but then, what is?
垃圾堆綿延了不可置信的里程,且每天都在增長,越來越多的 籠城Cage 辣雞從城市下水道中的一道傳送門流入。腐爛的食物、丟棄的材料、破損的工具和武器、大量的有機廢物,都在 痛苦女士the Lady of Pain 的 達布斯dabus 們的引導下,被送進了這個側位面。在非常非常罕見的情況下,這些老鳥們也會暫時進入到軟泥面,以維持傳送門或疏通垃圾流的擁堵。
Stretching out for unbelievable miles, the trash heap grows each day, with more and more of the Cage's junk flowing in from a portal in the city's sewers. Decaying food, discarded materials, broken tools and weapons, and a great deal of organic waste products pass into the paraplane under the guidance of the Lady of Pain's dabus. Very, very rarely, these bloods briefly step through into Ooze as well, in order to maintain the portal or unclog a jam in the flow.
這片區域周圍有時會因為被困在其中的各種漂浮在淤泥中的碎片,而被稱作 馬尾藻泥海the Sargasso Sludge。有時候,這些漂浮碎片很像被困在 馬尾藻海Sargasso Sea 中的船隻,並因此得名。
The surrounding area's sometimes called the Sargasso Sludge, wherein trapped bits of all sorts of debris float in the muck. Sometimes, these pieces of flotsam take on the appearance of ships trapped in a Sargasso Sea-hence the name.
Don't think for a moment that the trash heap's uninhabited. Some of the unwanted refuse that Sigil throws away is the living, breathing kind. Generally, these sods are unsavory, to say the least- -how bad does a berk have to be to get tossed out of Sigil? Most of them end up in the dead-book right quick, drowning in the ooze. Some don't have to breathe, though, or manage to find air pockets among the junk, often wearing and wielding whatever they find as clothing and equipment. A cutter's got to say one thing for these bashers-they're usually quite resourceful with what they find and what they do with it.
It's worth repeating: Why would any planewalker willingly travel to the paraplane of Ooze? The dark of it, however, that the House of Chambered Madness holds many secrets and the objects of many quests. Things too powerful to destroy but too dangerous to keep often end up buried in the muck. The natives might run into them from time to time, but they don't care, and outsiders have a devil of a time finding anything.
其二,無論你叫它們待琢璞玉還是暗投明珠,在這片側位面的中心位置,泥漿和軟泥的壓力將礦物(和鬼知道還有什麼?)壓縮為了與多元宇宙別處絕不相同的寶石。具有諷刺意味的是,這些石頭——因為某些原因,通常是藍色的——美的讓人嘆為觀止。它們被稱為 奎拉寶石quila,收藏家(而非那些知道它們來源的人)會為它們出1000gp甚至更多的高價。
Second, call them diamonds in the rough or pearls before swine, but deep in the central portion of the paraplane, the oppressive pressures of the slime and ooze compress minerals (and who knows what else?) into gems unlike any found elsewhere in the multiverse. Ironically, these stones- -which are usually blue, for some reason- sparkle with a breathtaking beauty. They're called quila, and they're worth up to 1,000 gp or more to collectors (less to folks who find out where they came from).
Without a key, fire spells cast in Ooze generally cause half or no damage due to the plane's high fluid content. Spell keys designed for use in the paraplane of 0oze take the form of various elixirs, tinctures, and oils. These are, without exception, thick and revolting concoctions that smell as bad as they look. And the chant is they taste even worse, but there's not much a body can do about that. If a cutter wants to use one of these keys, she's got to drink it down-and keep it down. Bottoms up!