輻射准元素位面The Quasielemental Plane of Radiance | |
【所屬 位面】 | 准元素位面The Quasielemental Plane/正准元素位面The Positive Quasi-Elemental Planes |
【類 型】 | 內層位面/准元素位面/正准元素位面 |
【位面 之主】 | 無 |
【重要 角色】 | 黑咕咕國王King Black,白咕咕王后Queen White(光速鴿信仰的類神力) |
【下轄 地區】 | 核心輻射面Core Radiance:包含 色彩庇護所Refuge of Color 閃耀沙丘Glowing Dunes:與岩漿面的交界處 |
【主要 居民】 | 本地生物:輻射准元素Radiance Quasielementals,輻射魔蝠Radiance Mephit,光速鴿Varisoh,吞色者Devourcolor,黑暗之光Darklights,光粒怪Scile 外來生物:火神怪Efreet,上層位面生物 |
【簡 介】 | 「我是月的光,我是日的光,我是一切星球的光,我是X光線的光,我是全宇宙的Energy的總量!」——《天狗》 輻射准元素位面The Quasielemental Plane of Radiance 處於正能量位面與火元素位面的交界,是多元宇宙最閃耀之地。 |
2ePS<The Inner Planes.p100>輻射准元素位面The Quasielemental Plane of Radiance
任何東西太多都對人沒好處。即便是視覺。Too much of anything is bad for you. Even sight.
——音塔·瑞德Yinthah Reed,前感覺者Former Sensate
法師學派改變Wizard School Alteration
水Water <
火Fire +<
(輻射准元素是哲學性的生物。它們通常獨居,但本章諮詢了兩隻來收集數據。雖然這些生物本身很相似,但它們的辯論揭露了稍有不同的觀點,這證明了哪怕是體現元素之力的生物也不都持有相同的想法。Radiance Quasielementals are philosophical creatures. Normally solitary, two were queried to assemble the data in this chapter. While the creatures themselves were similar, their debate revealed slightly different outlooks, proving that even beings that exemplify elemental forces are not all of one mind.
——編者the Editor)
VARIR.A RADIANCE QUASIELEMENTAL: What is light? Is it the simply the absence of darkness, or is it something more? Light is the revealer, the solver of mysteries and the key to finding what is lost. Light is goodness, truth, and the banisher of evil.
Light gives sight, and sightbrings understanding. Likewise, too much light can blind, taking sight away. Thus, light can bestow or banish understanding.
泰米烏斯,另一隻輻射准元素:輻射體現了光的兩個方面:照明和熱量。光不過是這兩種品質的結合,但它可以同時操縱和改變它們。不同類型的照明會提供不同的顏色,溫度也會因物品、生物而異——甚至是空氣也能帶來溫度的變化。所有的存在都源於光照和熱——我們用來感知 多元宇宙the multiverse 的感官告訴了我們這一點。
TEMMYUS, ANOTHER RADIANCE QUASIELEMENTAL: Radiance embodies both aspects of light: illumination and heat. Light is nothing more than these two qualities, although it is possible to manipulate and change them both. Different types of illumination produce different colors, and temperature can vary from object to object, creature to creature-even the air can bring a change in temperature. All of existence stems from illumination and heat-the senses we use to perceive the multiverse tell us that.
VARIR: Light is truth; it shows us existence.
TEMMYUS: Light is existence.
瓦瑞爾:可以說,這個位面的條件與 氣位面Air、火位面Fire、甚至是 正能量位面Positive Energy 相似。然而,輻射面有着自己的獨特本質,只有當旅行者真正到達這個位面、而非僅僅是讀了這些文本時才能意識到這一點。
VARIR : Arguably, the conditions in this plane are similar to those found in the planes of Air, Fire, and even Positive Energy. Nevertheless, Radiance has its own utterly distinctive nature, realized only when a traveler actually arrives in the plane as opposed to just reading about it.
TEMMYUS: Few creatures not native to the plane of Radiance wish to come here. This is a good thing. They cannot handle the glory of the plane, and their presence dilutesthe beauty in distasteful ways.
據說,確實存在着可以往來輻射面的傳送門。其中大部分存在的時間很短——至少在我們這一側。舉例來說,有一道傳送門,位於 外域the Outlands 獅鷲裂隙the Manticore's Breach 附近,它可以將旅行者帶到輻射面,但它會時不時的將旅行者帶到這個位面的不同位置。輻射傳送門是臨時的彩色圓環,其顏色根據所需的形狀而閃爍,極少能持續足夠的時間容納至少一小隊旅行者同時通過。
That said, portals do exist that allow planar travel to and from Radiance. Most of them, at least on this side, are only briefly extant. For example, one portal, located near the Manticore's Breach on the Outlands, brings a traveler to the plane of Radiance but deposits a traveler in a different part of the plane from moment to moment. Radiance portals, being temporary circular rings of color that shimmer in and out of the required shape, rarely last even long enough for a small group of travelers to pass through at the same time.
大量這樣的順時傳送門連接着 上層位面the Upper Planes 與輻射位面。上層位面的居民比大部分門外佬更能承認和尊崇輻射面的威嚴莊重,它們也因此從我們這贏得了極大的尊重。它們在這是最受歡迎的。
A number of these transient portals connect the Upper Planes with the plane of Radiance. The inhabitants of the Upper Planes recognize and revere the majesty found in Radiance more than other outsiders and thus have earned a great deal of respectin our eyes. They are most welcome here.
Vortices leading to the glory of Radiance last much longer, but they lie in places most outsiders find inaccessible, such as within the glorious shining heart of a prime-material sun.
泰米烏斯:在它們的全部榮光中,這個位面的顏色和光芒,遠超非本地居民所能承受的極限。沒有某種類型眼部保護的人,甚至會在這種美麗深深打動了它們的時候被致盲。只有厚實眼罩或被詛咒的魔法黑暗才能遮擋住這個位面的壯麗,從而保護門外佬那不堪一擊的眼睛。在這裏 黑暗術Darkness 只能創造一道薄薄的陰影,但這已經足夠保護脆弱的凡人雙眼。
TEMMYUS: The colors and light of the plane, in all their glory, are far too much for nonnatives to handle. Those without some sort of protection for their eyes are blinded even as the beauty overwhelms them. Only thick blindfolds or cursed magical darkness block out the majesty of the plane to protect the lesser eyes of outsiders. Darkness creates only a weak shade, but this is apparently enough to protect fragile mortal eyes.
VARIR: Nonmagical or unprotected flammable materials like wood, paper, and cloth instantly burst into flames and are destroyed within a round when they arrive in the plane of Radiance. Anyone wearing items made of such materials suffers 1d6 points of damage if they are not protected from heat or flame. Magical items are allowed a saving throw vs. magical fire with a -2 penalty to escape such destruction.
未受保護的水和其它液體,包括凍結的液體,將立即沸騰成蒸汽。任何暴露在這些沸騰液體、或是它們所釋放的過熱蒸汽雲中的人,將遭受2d6點傷害。魔法液體(不包括 聖水holy water)被允許以-2懲罰來進行一次對抗魔法火焰豁免檢定,以逃脫這樣的蒸發。
Unprotected water and other fluids,including frozen fluids, instantly boil away into vapor. Anyone exposed to these boiling liquids or the cloud of superheated steam they release suffers 2d6 points of damage. Magical fluids (which do not include holy water) may make a saving throw vs. magical fire to avoid boilling away.
Creatures of flesh and blood suffer damage each round that they spend exposed to the heat and fire of this plane. The severity of their injuries relies upon their natural Armor Class as indicated on the chart below.
天防Natural AC 每輪傷害Damage Per Round
10 to 8 6d6
7 to 5 5d6
4 to 2 4d6
1 to -1 3d6
-2 to -4 2d6
-5 to -7 1d6
-8 to -10 零Nil
魔法提供了對此類生物的最佳防護。像 防護火焰protection from fire 這樣的法術和像 火抗指環ring of fire resistance 這樣的魔法物品,對非土著居民而言是必不可少的。
Magic provides the best protection against such harm. Spells like protection from fire or magicalitems like a ring of fire resistance are nothing short of necessities for nonnatives.
TEMMYUS: That which can burn deserves to burn.
瓦瑞爾:輻射位面的大氣層對任何生物而言都可以安全呼吸。儘管它很熱,但不同於火位面或 岩漿位面Magma,輻射面中沒有有害或有毒的臭氣,也沒有煙霧。在整個輻射准元素位面,尤其是在靠近 閃電位面the plane of Lightning 的位置,奇異的風暴肆虐着無盡的大氣,翻騰着輻射、攪動着色彩。甚至是本地居民也害怕着這些色彩風暴,它們會把生物拋擲到這個位面的遙遠地區,通常是數哩之外。那些未通過對抗麻痹豁免檢定的人,將被捲入到一團色彩和炫目光芒組成的旋窩泥沼中,而被擲出1d100哩遠。此時這個位面的照明色並不美感可言。沒有人知道究竟是什麼造就了這些醜陋的風暴。
VARIR: The atmosphere of the plane of Radiance is safe for any creature to breathe. Although the heat is great, unlike the planes of Fire or Magma, Radiance contains no dangerous or noxious fumes, and no smoke. Throughout the Quasielemental Plane of Radiance, particularly near the plane of Lightning, strange storms ravage the endless atmosphere, churning the radiance and stirring the colors. Even natives fear these color storms, which can throw creatures to a distant area of the plane, often miles and miles away. Those failing a saving throw vs. paralyzation are hurled 1d100 miles away in a swirling morass of color and garish light. This is one time when the color of illumination of the plane carries no beauty. No one knows exactly what causes these ugly storms.
Neither of our narrarors could detail this secrion, since they simply could nor understand how nonnative creatures mighthave difficulry traveling in their home. In any case, moving around this plane is identical in all respecrs to moving in the plane of Air.
——編者the Editor)
TEMMYUS: The number of creatures able to with stand the beauty of Radiance is small. The following discusses the few that exist.
VARIR: Of course, we do not name ourselves quasi-elementals-outsiders gave us that cumbersome name. We have no racial name, for we all operate independently. Radiance quasielementals generally live solitary, acetic lives. We like to think of ourselves as philosophers, but is there not an irony in thinking oneself a thinker?
泰米烏斯:有着絢麗奪目色彩的光之鳥(被稱為 光速鴿varisoh)在這個位面飛翔着。這些生物棲息於 色彩庇護所the Refuge of Color,我們稍後會介紹那個地方。
TEMMYUS: Brilliantly colored birds of light called varisoh fly about the plane. These creatures roost in the Refuge of Color, which we will describe later.
瓦瑞爾:吞色者devourcolor 是微型的塵埃狀生物。輻射面本地居民憎惡這些害蟲,事實證明,被剝奪所有顏色甚至對非土著生物也是危險的。類似的,不死生物 黑暗之光darklights 同樣威脅着所有生活在這個位面上的人,除了有時候會與它們一同狩獵的 光粒怪scile 外,所有人都恐懼它們。
VARR: The scile are tiny motelike creatures that devourcolor. Radiance natives hate these vermin and they can prove to be hazardous even to nonnatives who are robbed of all color. Likewise, the undead darklights threaten all that live in the plane, and they are feared by all but the scile, with whomthey sometimes hunt.
TEMMYUS: The only other intelligent creatures native to the plane are the mephits, and only then if one stretches the definition of intelligence to make it quite broad. They are more of an annoyance than a race.
瓦瑞爾:有時候 火神怪efreet 會來到輻射位面,但這樣的情況很罕見,因為它們在本地生物和到訪這個位面的上層面生物中都找不到盟友。輻射面為像 提婆devas、異界天使planetars、以及光輝燦爛的 熾天使solars 提供了在內層位面一片舒適的家。輻射面的我們不怎麼關心祂們的道德和政治事務,但我們珍視祂們對光的尊敬與讚賞。
VARIR: Sometimes efreet come to the plane of Radiance, but such occurrences are rare for they find no allies among the natives nor the upper-planar beings who visit the plane. Radiance offers celestial creatures such as devas, planetars, and the glorious solars a welcoming home in the Inner Planes. We of Radiance care little about their morality or politics, but we cherish their own respect and admiration for light.
沒有真神在這裏建立神國。准元素和魔蝠們並不侍奉着某位主宰。唯一鴿立雞群的生物是 黑咕咕國王King Black 和 白咕咕王后Queen White,色彩庇護所的統治者。
TEMMYUS: No true powers have established realms here. The quasielementals and mephits serve no masters. The only beings that stand out among others are King Black and Queen White, rulers of the Refuge of Color.
TEMMYUS: The ignorant think of Radiance as one of the most formless and featureless of the Quasielemental Planes, but there are a few areas of distinction within the splendor of our plane.
瓦瑞爾:這是這個位面唯一真正對門外佬友好的地方,盲人王國the Kingdom of the Blind 實際上更多是一座城市而非一個王國。這座漂浮在旋轉的色彩中的城市,修建在一個主要由反射的水晶組成的龐大礦物口袋中。這個事實使得這個口袋、也就是王國本身,難以被發現。它也意味着口袋的內部,也即城市所在之處,得到了對致盲光線的保護。
VARIR: The only place in the plane really hospitable to outsiders, the Kingdom of the Blind is actually a city rather than a kingdom. Floating amid the swirling colors, the city was built within a huge mineral pocket comprised mostly of reflective crystals. This fact makes the pocket, and thus the Kingdom itself, difficult to find. It also means that the interior of the pocket, in which the city lies, is protected from the blinding light.
盲人王國由自封的國王和這座城市締造者,尼利那·巴斯基諾Nillinar Baskinol,統治着,這是一位提夫林,他的心智在很久以前被就被植入了一具黏土魔像(位面佬/魔像/盜賊9,11生命骰/守序中立)。旅行者可以在這裏找到一個安全的住處和補充補給的商店,儘管據報道價格相當之高。
The Kingdom of the Blind is ruled by the self-appointed king and founder of the city, Nillinar Baskinol, a tiefling whose mind was long ago implanted within the body of a clay golem (Pl/golem/T9,11 HD/LN). Travelers can find asafe place to lodge and stores from which to replenish their supplies, although prices are reportedly quite steep.
TEMMYUS: The only naturally occurring "solid ground" in the plane of Radiance, the Refuge of Color is an island of solidcolors, appearing more like a swirling, prismatic display than a kingdom.
此地的神秘統治者是 黑咕咕國王King Black 和 白咕咕王后Queen White,這兩位神秘存在在多元宇宙中是獨二無三的,並且在力量上幾乎如諸神一般。祂們的忠實臣民是 光速鴿varisoh,它們成千上萬地聚集在這座庇護所中。
The enigmatic rulers of this place are King Black and Queen White, mysterious beings unique in the multiverseand apparently almost godlike in power. Their loyal subjects are the varisoh, who teem throughout the Refuge in the thousands.
The king and queen appear as regal, birdlike humanoids, standing 10 feet tall. Cold and aloof, they rarely take the time to notice visitors, let alone grant them audience.
瓦瑞爾:這個地方偶爾也被稱作 治癒之塔the Tower of Healing,此地主要因為能比正常情況下更快地癒合傷口和創傷而聞名,在這裏,疾病會消退、痛苦也會消失。除此之外,光之心還有一些更非凡之處。首先,沒有人知道這座建築的真正起源。其次,塔的創造者僅僅使用了藍光創造了這座建築,沒有使用其它材料。
VARIR: Also occasionally called the Tower of Healing, this site is known mostly as a place where wounds and injuries heal faster and more completely than normal, where diseases fadeand afflictions disappear. More than just these things make the Heart of Light remarkable. First of all, no one knows the true origins of the structure. Second, the tower's creators fashioned the structure from blue light and nothing more.
Currently, the Heart of Light has no permanent occupants. Those that have attempted to stake a claim and set uppermanent residence here have either disappeared or left, never to return for reasons unknown to me.
For a shortterm stay, however, the tower may prove incredibly helpful and valuable. Within, all healers (individuals capable of healing, such as paladins or clerics-the Editor) function at twice their level in regard to healing spells or abilities they can use and how effective such things are. Natural healing occurs ten times faster within the toweras it does without, and those willing to stay at least a weekare purified of any disease or affliction.
TEMMYUS: As stated previously, nonnatives rarely come here. Radiance is not for those who cannot endure its glory. Those that do come usually seek to investigate (or utilize) the Heart of Light.
Items forged in the plane of Radiance take on interesting and useful qualities. Metal worked here absorbs light and glows thereafter. Blades retain a keener edge (+1 bonus to attack and damage). Mirrors gain the ability to reflect more than is usually seen by mortal eyes. These factors bring some outsiders here, but they find the conditions so difficult to work within that the number is less than one might think. Which, as I have also said before, is a good thing.
VARIR: Outsiders find that the nature and cosmological positioning of the plane of Radiance alter some of their magical spells and abilities. Spell keys, taking the form of specific colors, can reverse this. Those who know the nature of these keys know which color to associate with each sort of spell. All that matters is that the color must be present at the time of the casting.
(很高興向大家傳播以下法術,這道法術在輻射面和其它許多位面都非常有用It is my pleasure to disseminate the following spell, which can be ertremely useful in Radiance as well as on many other planes.
——編者the Editor)
2nd-Level Cleric Spell
持續時間Duration:1 小時/級hour/level
施法時間Casting Time:5
影響區域Area of Effect:1 只生物creature
豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None
這道法術允許受術者「看」——也就是感知——到周圍的世界,就像正常視覺一樣,但並不實際使用眼睛。無視視覺Sight without vision 允許生物能夠在對視力有害的環境中活動,比如在刺眼的光線中(比如在 輻射位面the plane of Radiance 或 正能量位面the plane of Positive Energy 中)。這種能力的範圍為60呎,就好像他正實際在使用他眼睛一樣。通過使用這道法術甚至可以閱讀。那些通常會阻擋視線的物體,如槍斃或其它障礙物,仍然無法通過使用這道法術來克服。
This spell allows the recipient to「see" -that is, to perceive-the world around him as with normal vision without actually using his eyes. Sight without vision allows a being to operate as though he could see in environments hazardous to his eyesight, such as in blinding light (as in the planes of Radiance or Positive Energy). This capability functions to a range of 60 feet, as though he were actually using his eyes. Even reading is possible through use of this spell. Objects that would normally block sight, such as walls or other barriers, still cannot be overcome by the use of this spell.
這道法術也提供了基於視覺的威脅的免疫,如凝視攻擊、攝心術eyebite、石化之眼eyes of petrification 等等。增強視力的效果,如 鷹眼術eyes of the eagle,在這道法術生效期間也對受術者不起作用。
This spell also provides immunity to sight-based threats such as gaze attacks, eyebite, eyes of petrification, and so on. Vision-enhancing affects, such as eyes of the eagle, do not function for the recipient while the spell is in effect.