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達拉爾·火斗篷Darahl Firecloak,綠焰之主
【頭   銜】性情平和者The Even-Tempered,綠焰之主Lord of the Green Flame
【陣   營】LN(偏G)
【神   力】I→D/L
【神   職】土和火焰現象Earth and Flame phenomena,土/火魔法Earth/Fire magic
【神   系】席德瑞恩諸神the Seldarine
【主   神】瑞里芬·萊勒菲Rillifane Rallathil→無
【盟   友】杜馬松Dumathoin弗蘭達·鋼皮Flandal Steelskin沙苟貞·大地喚者Segojan Earthcaller塔瑟利斯·繆尼丁Tarsellis Meunniduin塔斯林·瓦拉迪Tethrin Varalde尤拉加蘭Urogalan
【敵   對】拉杜格Laduguer羅絲Lolth空暗女王The Queen of Air and Darkness席文塔姆Selvetarm厄爾德連Urdlen,其祂others
【神   國】世外桃源Arcadia/1th 阿貝里奧Abellio孿生之塔The Twin Towers
【徽   記】兩隻伸出的手,之間握著綠色的火焰Two outstretched hands holding a green flame between them
【簡   介】達拉爾·火斗篷Darahl Firecloak 是精靈的土/火魔法之神,一度曾為中等神力,後遭羅絲空暗女王創造的神器奇拉沙爾玫瑰變瘋而大肆破壞,之後不得不隱姓埋名。

2e<Dragon 251.p032>達拉爾·火斗篷Darahl Firecloak

達拉爾·火斗篷Darahl Firecloak

  (性情平和者The Even-Tempered,綠焰之主Lord of the Green Flame)

  世外桃源半/弱等神力Demi/Lesser Power of Arcadia,

  神職Portfolio:土和火焰現象Earth and Flame phenomena,土/火魔法Earth/ Fire magic
  神域名Domain:阿貝里奧Abellio孿生之塔The Twin Towers
  盟友Allies:杜馬松Dumathoin弗蘭達·鋼皮Flandal Steelskin沙苟貞·大地喚者Segojan Earthcaller塔瑟利斯·繆尼丁Tarsellis Meunniduin塔斯林·瓦拉迪Tethrin Varalde尤拉加蘭Urogalan
  敵對Foes:拉杜格Laduguer羅絲Lolth空暗女王The Queen of Air and Darkness席文塔姆Selvetarm厄爾德連Urdlen,其祂
  徽記Symbol:兩隻伸出的手,之間握著綠色的火焰Two outstretched hands holding a green flame between them
  信徒陣營Wor. Align.:任意守序或中立

  達拉爾Darahl 是位有著漫長而曲折的過去的神明,對於一位 席德瑞恩諸神the Seldarine 的成員而言,尤是如此。在很久之前,他名為 泰維納爾Tilvenar 並侍奉著 瑞里芬·萊勒菲Rillifane Rallathil,但當他的化身觸碰了 奇拉沙爾玫瑰Kyrashar Rose(一件由 羅絲Lolth空暗女王the Queen of Air and Darkness 創造,用於折磨和毀滅精靈的神器)而變瘋時,他失去了神力與聲譽。這種瘋狂蔓延到了他的幾尊化身上,他們在許多社群中橫衝直撞。最後,他的化身被抑制住了,他們所受的折磨也被治癒,但對其追隨者造成的傷害卻是無法挽回的。精靈們基本棄絕了他,他的追隨者們崩離、衰弱,在這段時間裡,他開始去在 阿梵多國度Arvandor 之外的地方為自己找一片家園。直到他在 世外桃源Arcadia 定居後,他才最終拋棄了自己的舊名,並開始自稱為 達拉爾·火斗篷Darahl Firecloak。通過自己「重塑」,他希望能在精靈中重新開始,並最終再次確立自己的中等神力地位。
Darahl is a god with a long and checkered past, particularly so for a member of the Seldarine. Long ago he was known as Tilvenar, and he served Rillifane Rallathil, but he suffered a loss of power and prestige when an avatar of his was made insane by touching The Kyrashar Rose (a cursed artifact created by Lolth and the Queen of Air and Darkness to hurt and destroy elves). The insanity spread to several of his avatars, and they rampaged through many communities. In time his avatars were restrained and cured of their affliction, but the damage to his following was irrevocable. The elves largely forsook him, his following drifted and waned, and over the course of time he began to look for a place outside of Arvandor to call his home. It was only after settling in Arcadia that he finally dropped his old name and began calling himself Darahl Firecloak. By "reinventing" himself, he hoped to begin anew among the elves and eventually to establish himself as an Intermediate Power again.

  達拉爾主宰著基於火和土的魔法與現象,他也因此與那些神職與此相關的神明們存在著牢固的聯繫。現在他認為自己是矮人神力 杜馬松Dumathoin 和幾位侏儒神力(包括半身人的土神,尤拉加蘭Urogalan)的朋友,但他犧牲了自己在席德瑞恩諸神中的友誼,只有 塔瑟利斯Tarsellis塔斯林Tethrin 與他親密。然而,在這段時間裡,他也贏得了幾位新的敵人。達拉爾對新皈依者並不挑剔,所以他已試圖影響更多 幽暗地域the Underdark 中立陣營的種族成員加入他。這尤其激怒了卓爾精靈和杜爾加矮人神明羅絲和 拉杜格Laduguer(類似的還有 馬利克Malyk,因為達拉爾以更平穩的風格處置魔法與他本身的衝突)。很難說誰將會在戰鬥中為他提供更多幫助,是席德瑞恩諸神,還是他的新盟友們?不過他可不想面對這樣的測試。
Darahl is the master of fire- and earth-based magic and phenomena, and as such has strong ties among gods whose portfolios tie into that. He now considers himself friends with the dwarven power Dumathoin and several of the gnomish powers (including the halfling god of earth, Urogalan), but at the expense of his friendships among the Seldarine, of whom only Tarsellis and Tethrin are close to him. However, he's also gained a few new enemies during the course of time. Darahl has not been picky about new converts, so he has tried to sway more neutrally-aligned members of the Underdark races to join with him. This has angered the drow and duergar gods Lolth and Laduguer especially, but he's also gained the unwelcome attention of Selvetarm and Urdlen (and likely Malyk, since Darahl's more even-styled approach to magic conflicts with his own). It's hard to say who would help him more in a fight, the Seldarine or his new allies, but it's not something he wants to test just yet.

  達拉爾生活在世外桃源的第一層山脈中一座名為 孿生雙塔the Twin Towers 的城堡內。雖然被稱作「孿生雙塔」,但地面上可見只有的一座塔,通向 土元素位面Elemental Planes of Earth;另一座潛藏在地面之下,尺寸與地面上的塔相等,尖頂朝下,通向 火元素位面Elemental Planes of Fire。不過值得諷刺的是,雖然雙塔的外表貧瘠無趣,但內部卻有著許多防火掛毯和畫作,描繪著阿梵多國度內生活最美的方面。這清楚地表明了達拉爾並未忘記他與精靈神系或精靈民眾之間的關係。
Darahl lives on the first layer of Arcadia, among the mountains in a castle known as the Twin Towers. It's called that because, although only one such tower is visible on the surface, an inverted tower of equal size exists underneath, its roof pointing downward (and leading to portals to the Elemental Planes of Earth and Fire, respectively). The irony, of course, is that although the outside is barren, inside are many flame-proofed tapestries and paintings depicting the most beautiful aspects of life in Arvandor. It's clear to visitors that Darahl has not forgotten his ties to the elven pantheon or people.


教會The Church

  神職人員Clergy:牧師Clerics,專屬祭司Specialty priests,十字軍crusaders,土/火法師earth/fire wizards
  神職陣營Clergy’s Align.: 守序善良LG,中立善良NG,守序中立LN
  驅散不死Turn Undead:牧師C:可;專屬祭司SP:可;十字軍Cru:可;土/火法師E/FW:不可
  支配不死Cmmd Undead:牧師C:不可;專屬祭司SP:不可;專屬祭司Cru:不可;土/火法師E/FW:不可

  達拉爾的神職人員規模小但多樣化。牧師在其階級體系中占比不超過20%,其主體為專屬祭司和法師。十字軍占比也為20%。在祭司和法師之間存在著一些爭議,但這通過達拉爾相當多的指導而處於控制之中。有一支附屬的巫師組織名為 熱質法師the Pyrogean Wizards,據稱已使自己在幽暗地域中為人所知,演示著他的火與土之哲學的威力。(請參閱上方側邊欄更多關於熱質法師的信息。)
Darahl's clergy is small but varied. Clerics make up no more than 20% of the hierafdiy, the majority being specialty priests and wizards. Crusaders make up 20% as well. There is some contention between the priests and wizards, but this is kept in check through Darahl's considerable guidance. An affiliated order of mages known as the Pyrogean Wizards has purportedly made itself known in the Underdark, demonstrating the might of his fire/earth philosophy. (See the sidebar above for more information on Pyrogean Wizards.)

Often Darahl is venerated at the outset of a new venture or discovery, whether it's a new tunnel into the Underdark, a new magical item of an elemental nature, or a new convert to be brought into the faith. He is also worshipped during tremors, forest fires, and other such natural phenomena, but it's more for his help in finding a way to end such occurrences. At such times, precious minerals or items of minor magic are sacrificed or left behind as offerings to him. Typical clergy attire varies, but robes of yellow, red, and brown (decorated with green flaming symbols, some magical) are favored. Earrings and necklaces are also common to show religious affiliation. When anticipating battle, they protect themselves as best they can and arm themselves to the teeth (spell scrolls, weapons, etc.). They're a small priesthood at the moment, and none of them is considered expendable.

專屬祭司Specialty Priests(火斗篷Firecloaks

  職業需求Requirements:力量Strength 10,感知Wisdom 13
  關鍵屬性Prime Req.:感知Wisdom
  防具Armor:任何,最高為板甲,以及盾牌Any, up to plate mail and shield
  主修領域Major Spheres:共通All,戰鬥Combat,創造Creation,元素Elemental(土/火Earth/Fire),保護Protection,召喚Summoning,旅者Travelers
  次要領域Minor Spheres:守衛Guardian,治療Healing,守序Law,死靈Necromantic
  魔法物品Magical Items:如同牧師,外加基於火/土的魔法物品Same as priest, plus fire/earth-based magic items
  熟練需求Rhq. Profs.:現代語言Modem languages—從以下中選擇一chose one of the following:火矮人Azer,迪洛矮人Derro,卓爾Drow,杜爾加矮人Duergar,矮人Dwarven,侏儒Gnomish,火蠑螈Firenewt,巨人Giant(石巨人Stone 或 火巨人fire),岩精Pech,火蜥蜴Salamander,土巨怪Umber Hulk,地底通用語Undercommon
  熟練獎勵Bonus Profs.:從以下中選擇一Choose one of the following:生火fire-building,現代語言modern languages

  ❖Although elves are Darahl's primary worshippers, Darahl's priesthood welcomes supplicants who are of dwarven, gnomish, or other non-elven heritage (even humans and drow). This affiliation might bring them disdain from their own societies, but not from those who worship Darahl.

  ❖火斗篷在對抗基於土或火的魔法的豁免檢定上,得到+1獎勵,此外,每日1次,他們能施展 石之力量strength of stone凡火制御affect normal fires。   ❖Firecloaks gain a +1 bonus on saves vs. earth- or fire-based magic, plus they can cast strength of stone or affect normal fires 1/day.

  ❖在第3級,每日1次,火斗篷能 融身入石meld into stone 或是 行火術flame walk(如同該法術)。
  ❖At 3rd level, firecloaks can meld into stone or flame walk (as the spell) 1 /day.

  ❖At 5th level, firecloaks suffer only half damage from earth/fire-based spells, saving for quarter damage.

  ❖At 7th level, firecloaks can summon 2—5 pech or azer,1/day. The summoned beings stay to help the priest for up to one hour, then vanish.

  ❖在第9級,每日1次,火斗篷能施展 石言術stonetell 或是 熄火術firequench
  ❖At 9th level, firecloaks can cast stonetell or firequench 1/day.

  ❖在第12級,每日1次,火斗篷能施展 石行術stonewalk 或是 火之門firegate
  ❖At 12th level, firecloaks may cast stonewalk or firegate 1 /day.

  ❖在第14級,每周或旬1次,火斗篷能進入土元素位面或火元素位面。他們能安全停留在對應位面1天/每2經驗值等級,外加高於14的每點感知值1天;超過後,他們必須進行對抗法術豁免檢定,否則將遭受一道 傷害術harm 法術的影響。一旦他們返回,他們在等同於之前在對應元素位面停留的天數內不能再重返,除非他們通過其他方式做到。
  ❖At 14th level, firecloaks may enter the Elemental Planes of Earth or Fire 1/week or tenday. They may remain on that plane safely only for 1 day/2 levels of experience, plus one additional day per point of Wisdom over 14;beyond that, they must make a saving throw vs. spell or be affected as if by a harm spell. Once they return, they may not go back to that elemental plane for an equal number of days, unless they have other means of doing so.
