迪安卡斯特拉Diancastra,安南次女 | |
基本信息 | |
【阵 营】 | CG |
【神 力】 | Q/D |
【神 职】 | 诡诈trickery,才智wit,厚颜无耻impudence,愉快pleasure |
与诸神的关系 | |
【神 系】 | 巨人诸神Gods of the Giants,序位诸神the Ordning |
【主 神】 | 安南Annam |
【盟 友】 | 喜乐王庭the Seelie Court,深海·赛悉拉Deep Sashelas,西亚缇Hiatea |
【敌 对】 | 布里博杜普Blibdoolpoolp |
神国与教会 | |
【神 国】 | 漫游于 主物质位面Prime Material Plane |
【徽 记】 | 海绿色的条痕sea-green streak |
【简 介】 | 迪安卡斯特拉Diancastra 是 安南Annam 的第二位女儿,深海·赛悉拉Deep Sashelas 的情妇。 |
2e<Monster Mythology.p080>迪安卡斯特拉Diancastra(女英雄神Heroine/女半神Demlgoddess)
迪安卡斯特拉Diancastra 是位有着众多面孔与招数的欺诈者女神。其父是 安南Annam,而其母则是位未被指明种族的巨人(但被假定是风暴巨人或云巨人)。故而,一如 西亚缇Hiatea(她出生的更早),迪安卡斯特拉同样有着半神性的起源。
Diancastra is a trickster-goddess with many faces and wiles. Her father is Annam and her mother a giant of unspecified race (but assumed to be a storm or cloud giant). Thus, she is halfdivine in origin, like Hiatea (whose birth predates hers).
在她还是位年轻女巨人时,迪安卡斯特拉前往寻求她来自安南的神性传承,但不像西亚缇,她不靠在战斗中奋力展现英雄壮举,而是使用才智和花招来达成此事。她年轻时的传说彰显了其人物的几个方面。她勇敢到了愚蠢的地步,却又会精心地作准备和伪装自己。由此,她通过将自己伪装成一位寇涛鱼人和仔细地监视 布里博杜普Blibdoolpoolp 宫殿中的守卫,从这位寇涛鱼人女神那里窃取了一条魔法项链。在进入宫殿后,她立即使用了幻术和魔法援助迅速地攫取了她的战利品。
Diancastra sought, as a young giantess, to claim her divine inheritance from Annam, but unlike Hiatea, she used wit and wile to do this rather than striving to perform heroic feats in battle. Several aspects of her character are revealed in mythic tales told of her youthful career. She is brave to the point of foolishness, although she prepares and disguises herself carefully. Thus, she stole a magical necklace from Blibdoolpoolp by disguising herself as a kuo-toan and carefully watching the changing of guards at the kuo-toan goddesses, palace. Once inside the palace, she used illusions and magical aids to swiftly grasp her prize.
迪安卡斯特拉也是无礼(甚至傲慢)的。她嘲笑着愚蠢但却骄傲的敌人们,激怒并操纵他们落入幻术的罗网中。她曾在获后者同意的情况下,领着 苏尔特Surtr 的一位佚名半神力仆从陷入了一场欢乐的舞蹈,与此同时却让自己的魔法猫头鹰窃走了对方的法术书,以此嘲笑了他,而这本书被她用来与一位强大的人类幻术师交换了一本幻术法术书。 不过,她在那场交易中还加入了一点别的东西,这让我们得以认识到她的另一项特质。
Diancastra is also impudent, even arrogant. She taunts stupid but proud enemies, enraging them and driving them into snares of illusion. Her taunting of a nameless demigod servitor of Surtr allowed her to lead him through a merry dance of illusions while her magical owl stole his spellbooks, which she in turn exchanged for illusionist spellbooks with a powerful human illusionist. She added a little something to that bargain, however, which brings us to another of her characteristics.
迪安卡斯特拉相当享受世俗的快乐,而这种热衷也带来了莫名的好运。她豪饮无度,并在 喜乐王庭the Seelie Court(妖精的诸神)赢取了一场著名的饮酒大赛,进而为自己赢得了一些赞赏和在吟游诗人技能方面的指导。在自 深海·赛悉拉Deep Sashelas 的水中凉亭上浮时她得到了那个肩上的标记,赛悉拉给予了她在水中呼吸的礼物,并在她离开时,伸出一只筋疲力竭的手触碰了她。
Diancastra considerably enjoys worldly pleasures, but this enjoyment also has the happy knack of furthering her own fortunes. She drinks to excess and won a famous drinking contest at the Seelie Court (sylvan gods), which further won her some admiration and tutelage in bardic skills. Like Freya the Norse goddess (with whom she is on good terms), she is disposed to lavishing her favors on males who reward her with magic, knowledge, and skills. The mark she has on her shoulder comes from her rising from the watery bower of Deep Sashelas, who gave her the gift of water breathing and stretched out one exhausted hand to touch her as she left.
这一方面在非邪恶巨人中赋予了她一个生机勃勃的角色——次要的生育之神,他们中的一些人在想生孩子时会援引她的名讳。不过,这是一种有双面性的援引,因为据说以此援引所生出的会是个厚颜无耻、任性顽皮的孩子。她的教派仍然很小,她也没有祭祀或是萨满(下方给出的是她“女英雄神”形态的数据,并作为神奇形态的参考)。根据巨人族的传说,邀请“迪安卡斯特拉的血脉Diancastra's brood”进入你的生活同样冒着让(你未来的)孩子在某种程度上变得古怪或古灵精怪的风险,不该这可能只是种迷信。
This aspect gives Diancastra a burgeoning role as a minor fertility deity among the non-evil giants, some of whom invoke her name if they wish their partnerships to be blessed with children. This is a double-edged invocation, though, for it is thought that it invites the birth of a cheeky, willful, naughty child. Her cult is still very small and she has no priests or shamans (statistics given for her below are in "heroic" form, and for deity form for reference). To invite one of "Diancastra’s brood" into one’s life is also to hazard the child being strange or fey in some way, according to giantish lore, but this may be superstition.
通过解开了斯芬克斯的谜语;用她的双关语和她的喋喋不休逗笑严肃的贤者们;破解了一座恶名狼藉、致命、充满了计算程序的“填字游戏迷宫”,这座迷宫由某位死了很久的巫妖国王在无聊时所捣鼓,在其内部深处装满了魔法(和必须战斗的元素);以及其他众多类似的壮举,她为了向安南证明自己而旅行着。当她走到安南面前时,她引用了西亚缇在诸神中的存在来作为自己的神性擢升的先例,而 造物神the Creator 告诉她如果能在一小时或是更短时间内绕大地一周,他将会同意,而他清楚,她没有合适的魔法技艺或物品能帮她达成这件事。迪安卡斯特拉只是从 思绰茂兹Stronmaus 的图书馆中取回了一张世界地图,在合适的页展开并照亮,撕下(这吓得诸神喘不过气来),并将围绕着大地的图像画了个环。安南使她成为了一位女半神,而据说,他这样做的唯一原因是,对他而言进一步展示她的勇气和才智将是解除他的绝望困境的一种办法。但她因自己的任性而仍让他继续等待。
Diancastra travels in search of proving herself to Annam by the use of her wits in solving sphinx riddles, making solemn sages laugh with her punning and loquacity, deciphering an infamous and lethal "crossword maze" filled with cyphers by a long-dead lich-king who, in his boredom, had filled its inner recesses with magic (and elementals which had to be fought), and much else. When she presented herself to Annam, citing Hiatea's presence among the gods as a precedent for her own divine ascension, the Creator told her to circle the earth in an hour or less and he would grant this, knowing well that she had no magical talents or items to aid her. Diancastra simply retrieved an atlas of the worlds from Stronmaus' library, opened it at the appropriate illuminated page, tore it out (making the gods gasp) and drew a circle around the picture of the earth. Annam made her a demigoddess, and it is said that he did only this because the one way back into the world for him would be for his despair to be lifted by further demonstrations of her spunk and wit. But she is still keeping him waiting, willful as she is.
角色扮演指南Role-playing Notes:
Diancastra is always attracted by the opportunity to learn more of magical illusion, acquire bardic magical items and very obscure legend lore, and the like. If such opportunities are provided by reasonably handsome males, so much the better.
徽记SY:海绿色的条痕sea-green streak。
AL cg; WAL cg, ng, n, cn; AoC trickery, wit, impudence, pleasure; SY sea-green streak.
迪安卡斯特拉的化身Diancastra’s Avatar
(游侠Ranger 13,幻术师Illusionist 12,吟游诗人Bard 10)
Diancastra can appear in various forms, from a four-foot slender elf-maiden to a 25' tall giantess, as she wishes. She is always recognizable by two physical characteristics, however: green-flecked amber eyes and a streak of sea-green skin along her left shoulderblade.
力量 23,敏捷 19,体质 18,
智力 22,感知 16,魅力 21,
移动 15,游泳 15,体型 变化,魔抗 10%,
防御等级 -3,生命值 163,阵营 混乱善良CG
#攻击 2次,零级命中值 3,伤害 根据武器类型+11
Str 23 Dex 19 Con 18
Int 22 Wis 16 Cha 21
MV 1815 sw 15 SZ Varies MR 10%
AC -3 HP 136 AL cg
#AT 2 THAC0 3 Dmg by weapon type +11
特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:
迪安卡斯特拉能通过最远240呎凝视,来施展 魅惑人类或巨人charm person or giant(男性豁免-6)。任何直接看见她眼睛的智慧生物,将遭受一道 虹彩图纹rainbow pattern 的影响,这种情况还允许她以心灵感应植入一道 暗示术suggestion。她免疫恐惧和困惑,并能如一位18级法术那样施展任何元素(水)法术。她的皮肤被附魔以 石肤术stonedkin,并且会被在驱散的1回合后自行重现。她能 水面行走water walk,并能在水下自由呼吸。她还有一条 黑珍珠black pearls 魔法细绳,每周她能创造2d4颗这样的黑珍珠,其种类根据《地下城主指南Dungeon Master's Guide》随机生成,每颗珍珠的魔法持续20+d20天(但同一时间,她不能使这条项链有超过8颗魔法珍珠)。她拥有一尊 蛇纹石猫头鹰serpentine owl 和一把 飞行扫帚broom of flying。
Diancastra can cast charm person or giant 6/ day by gaze to 240'(males save at -6). Any sentient creature looking directly into her eyes is affected as by a rainbow pattern, which also allows her to telepathically implant a suggestion. She is immune to fear and confusion and casts all elemental (water) spells as an 18th-level wizard. Her skin is enchanted as stonedkin which renews itself 1 turn after being dispelled. She can water walk and breathe underwater freely. She has a magical string of black pearls from which she can create 2d4 randomly generated types from the Dungeon Master's Guide each week, the magic of each lasting for 20 + d20 days (but she can have no more than 8 magical pearls on the necklace at any one time). She owns a serpentine owl and a broom of flying.