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迷斯瑞恩·瑟勒特Mythrien Sarath,迷锁之神
Sarula Iliene&Mythrien Sarath
【头   衔】保护者The Protector,迷锁的看守Watcher over Mythals
【阵   营】CG
【神   力】L→D
【神   职】保护Protection,防护魔法Abjurative magic,迷锁Mythals
【神   系】席德瑞恩诸神the Seldarine
【主   神】莎罕妮·月弓Sehahine Moonbow
【盟   友】席德瑞恩诸神The Seldarine密丝特拉Mystra
【敌   对】卓尔神系the Drow pantheon兽人神系the Orc Pantheon犸拉Malar马斯克Mask塔洛斯Talos
【神   国】¢本体:奔放之野Arborea/1th 奥林匹斯Olympus阿梵多国度Arvandor迷锁宫Mythralan
¢化身:主物质位面Prime Material Plane国度天宇the Realmspace艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球Abeir-Toril费伦大陆Faerûn利齿树林Wood of Sharp Teeth(被囚禁)
【徽   记】三支环,中间的环为蓝色而其它两枚为金色Three rings, the middle ring of blue and the other two of gold
【简   介】迷斯瑞恩·瑟勒特Mythrien Sarath,精灵的迷锁之神。

2e<Dragon 251.p030>迷斯瑞恩·瑟勒特Mythrien Sarath

迷斯瑞恩·瑟勒特Mythrien Sarath

  (保护者The Protector,迷锁的看守Watcher over Mythals)

  奔放之野半神力Demipower of Arborea(从前 弱等神力formerly a Lesser Power),

  神职Portfolio:保护Protection,防护魔法Abjurative magic,迷锁Mythals
  主神Superior:莎罕妮·月弓Sehahine Moonbow
  盟友Allies:席德瑞恩诸神The Seldarine密丝特拉MystraFR
  敌对Foes:卓尔神系Drow pantheon/兽人神系orc pantheon犸拉MalarFR),马斯克MaskFR),塔洛斯TalosFR
  徽记Symbol:三支环,中间的环为蓝色而其它两枚为金色Three rings, the middle ring of blue and the other two of gold
  信徒阵营Wor. Align.:任意(善良阵营优先)

  迷斯瑞恩·瑟勒特Mythrien Sarath 是几位自 上古年代the Elder Days(世界中的精灵文明比今日更为显著的时期)开始衰落的精灵神明之一。在那些年月,强大的保护魔法是为了人民的利益而使用的,而迷斯瑞恩协助精灵法师们围绕某些城市(尽管根据在 永聚岛Evermeet 找到的知识来看,并不包括 迷斯·卓诺Myth Drannor)的迷锁,来发挥自己的作用。正如精灵贤者们能证实的那样,迷斯瑞恩赠予精灵们最伟大的礼物是协助精灵法师和祭司们掌握如何创造和编织迷锁。然而,在这一过程中他付出了太多的神力,而为了将自己的神力提升到以前的水平,他决定在 费伦大陆Faerûn 的某处隐秘的洞穴创造一件强大的神器。
Mythrien is one of several elven gods who have fallen since the Elder Days, when elven culture was more prominent in the world than it is now. In those days, mighty protective magic was wielded for the people's benefit, and Mythrien played his part by assisting elven wizards in constructing mythals around certain cities (though not Myth Drannor, according to lorebooks found on Evermeet). As elven sages can attest, Mythrien's greatest gift to the elves was in assisting elven wizards and priests in mastering the creation and weaving of mythals. He surrendered too much of his power in the process, however, and in an effort to boost his powers to their previous level he decided to create a mighty artifact at a hidden delve somewhere on Faerûn.

  这件圣物(名为 迷斯瑞恩之戒Mythrien's Ring)见证了他的毁灭,因为在其创造过程的某一临界点,犸拉Malar 神临并攻击了迷斯瑞恩的化身。魔法被错误地引导,戒指则遗失了,迷斯瑞恩仅有的化身被囚禁在了战斗地点之下。(有些人宣称这件事发生在今日被称为 利齿森林Wood of Sharp Teeth阿斯卡瓦Askalvar。)从那时起,迷斯瑞恩已无法再派遣化身到 主物质位面Prime Material Plane,作为代替,他依赖幻象和显现来将他的愿望传递给他的祭司。勿需多言,他将犸拉视为了血仇之敌人,不过 马斯克Mask塔洛斯Talos 也被他如此看待,因为迷斯瑞恩相信他们在犸拉的攻击中提供了协助。迷斯瑞恩的祭司们同样对那三位的追随者们抱着恶意,会在寻求戒指(和复仇)、并复原迷斯瑞恩的神力的过程中,无情地猎杀他们。
Known as Mythrien's Ring, this relic proved his undoing, because at a critical point in the creation process, Malar appeared and attacked Mythrien's avatar. The magic went awry, the ring was lost, and Mythrien's lone avatar was imprisoned in the ground beneath the site of the battle. (Some claim that this occurred in Askalvar, which is now called the Wood of Sharp Teeth.) Since that time, Mythrien has been unable to dispatch avatars to the Prime Material Plane and has instead relied upon visions and manifestations to communicate his desires to his priests. It goes without saying that he counts Malar as a blood enemy, but Mask and Talos are also included, since Mythrien believes that they assisted Malar in his attack. Mythrien's priests are likewise ill-disposed toward the followers of these three and hunt them mercilessly in their quest for the ring (and vengeance) and the restoration of Mythrien's power.

  迷斯瑞恩绝不会离开 奔放之野Arborea,而是一直留在他的宫殿——迷锁宫Mythralan 中。它悬浮于地面之上,在一团无形(但有实质)的迷锁场漩涡中漂浮,只有 柯瑞隆Corellon莎罕妮Sehahine 知晓如何不经他的许可绕开那些场。郁闷孤僻的迷斯瑞恩已经失去了 席德瑞恩诸神the Seldarine 普遍闪烁的欢乐火花,并且他的性情在短期内不会有所改观。
Mythrien never leaves Arborea, remaining in his palace, Mythralan. It levitates above the ground within a swirling mass of invisible (but tangible) mythal fields, and no other deity except Corellon or Sehahine know how to bypass these fields without his permission. This morose Mythrien has lost the spark of gaiety that typifies the Seldarine, and his disposition isn't likely to change soon.

Sarula Iliene&Mythrien Sarath

教会The Church

  神职人员Clergy:专属祭司Specialty priests,护教军crusaders
  神职阵营Clergy's Align.: 混乱善良CG
  驱散不死Turn Undead:专属祭司SP:可;护教军Cru:可
  支配不死Cmmd Undead:专属祭司SP:不可;护教军Cru:不可

Mythrien's priesthood has lost all clerics, relying upon specialty priests and crusaders to carry on the work (in a 7:3 ratio). Specialty priests wear blue robes with yellow borders, crusaders use black robes with blue borders, and the rank of any follower is shown by the number of circles on their robes—one gold circle for specialty priests upon reaching 3rd,6th,9th, and 12th level; an equal number of blue circles for crusaders of the same levels.

  迷斯瑞恩的祭司们除了每月2次庆祝特殊的礼拜日外,每年还有一个额外的圣日。(戒指的)锻造与失落日The Forging & The Loss 根据教会的教义在 3月Ches 的第12天,所以那天是属于悲伤记忆的时间。针对犸拉和塔洛斯崇拜者的圣战通常在这天爆发,而可以肯定的是,任何在这几天里被发现的人类盗贼都将被视作马斯克的间谍,并被同样(血腥)地处理。
Mythrien's priests celebrate special days of worship twice per month, with one additional holy day each year. The Forging & The Loss (of the ring) occurred on Ches 12th, according to church doctrine, so that day is a time of mournful remembrance. Holy wars against worshippers of Malar or Talos commonly erupt on this day, and it's safe to say that any human thief of ill repute found near these days is considered a spy for Mask and dealt with in the same (bloody) manner.

专属祭司Specialty Priests(寻觅者Seekers

  职业需求Requirements:感知Wisdom 13
  关键属性Prime Req.:感知Wisdom
  防具Armor:皮甲Leather 或 环甲ring mail,无盾牌
  主修领域Major Spheres:共通All,星界Astral,魅惑Charm,创造Creation,守卫Guardian,治疗Healing,保护Protection,时间Time,结界Wards
  次要领域Minor Spheres:混乱Chaos,预言Divination,思想Thought
  魔法物品Magical Items:如同牧师
  熟练需求Rhq. Profs.:法术辨识Spellcraft
  熟练奖励Bonus Profs.:寻觅者得到对一件他们选择的武器的免费训练,只要它是被允许的武器Seekers receive free training in the use of one weapon of their choice, so long as it is an allowed weapon.

  ❖ Once per day, for one turn, a seeker can lower his armor class by 2 for every five experience levels. This bonus is in addition to armor or magical protection of other sorts currently in use.

  ❖ A seeker can sense the presence of mythals.

  ❖ Seekers receive a +1 on attack and saving throws when fighting priests of Malar, Talos, and Mask.

  ❖在第5级,每周1次,寻觅者能 鉴定迷锁identify mythals。这是 鉴定术identify 的一种变体,让这位祭司能鉴定随机属性(很像 鉴定术 法术让方式能检定魔法物品的属性)。这项能力不能使得寻觅者免受腐化迷锁的影响,但寻觅者在对抗可能的伤害性属性时,在豁免检定上获得+2奖励。
  ❖ At 5th level, a seeker can identify mythals 1/week. This is variant form of the identify spell allows the priest to identify random properties (much as the identify spell allows a wizard to identify the abilities of a magical item). This ability does not immunize the seeker from the effects of corrupted mythals, but the seeker receives a saving throw (at +2) against possible harmful properties.

  ❖在第7级,每日1次,寻觅者能如穿着一袭 移位斗篷cloak of displacement 那样,闪开一次攻击。
  ❖ At 7th level, a seeker can turn aside one attack per day as if wearing a cloak of displacement.

  ❖在第10级,每日1次,寻觅者能进行 迷锁术mythal(如同出现于《迷斯·卓诺的废墟Ruins of Myth Drannor》的这道法术)。在第14次,寻觅者能每日2次使用该能力。
  ❖ At 10th level, a seeker can mythal (as the spell, found in the Ruins of Myth Drannor boxed set) once per day. At 14th level, a seeker can use this ability twice per day.

  ❖在第12级,每日1次,寻觅者得到对 防护Abjuration 学派的次级权能,祈求这些法术。此外,寻觅者免疫腐化迷锁的伤害性效果。
  ❖ At 12th level, a seeker gains minor access to the school of Abjuration and may pray for these spells as any other. Also, seekers receive immunity to the harmful effects of corrupted mythals.
