金色丘陵諸領主The Lords of the Golden Hills | ||||
【主 神】 | 加爾·閃金Garl Glittergold | |||
【勢力 範圍】 | 侏儒Gnome | |||
【簡 介】 | 即侏儒神系the Gnome Pantheon,這樣稱呼是因為大部分居住在雙生天堂。該神系中所包括神力在侏儒氏族(乃至在各個世界)之間有所不同。 | |||
神祇名 | 神力 | 陣營 | 舊譯 | 簡介 |
核心成員 | ||||
加爾·閃金Garl Glittergold | G | NG | 侏儒主神 | |
貝爾凡·野遊者Baervan Wildwanderer | I | NG | 林侏與森林之神 | |
卡勒杜蘭·滑手Callarduran Smoothhands | I | N | 地侏與礦藏之神 | |
沙苟貞·大地喚者Segojan Earthcaller | I | NG | 岩侏與地洞之神 | |
厄爾德連Urdlen | I | CE | 邪侏與貪婪之神 | |
弗蘭達·鋼皮Flandal Steelskin | I | NG | 侏儒的採礦與鍛造之神 | |
巴瑞瓦·影斗篷Baravar Cloakshadow | L | NG | 侏儒的幻術與陷阱之神 | |
蓋爾達爾·鐵手Gaerdal Ironhand | L | LN | 侏儒的守衛之神 | |
奈貝倫Nebelun | Q&L | CG | 侏儒的發明之神,不在國度天宇活動 | |
其祂成員 | ||||
Bleredd | ||||
Gelf Darkhearth | ||||
Rill Cleverthrush | ||||
Sheyanna Flaxenstrand | ||||
斯涅布力侏儒諸神Gods of the Svirfnebli | ||||
卡勒杜蘭·滑手Callarduran Smoothhands | I | N | 地侏與礦藏之神 | |
外神The Interloper Gods | ||||
奈貝倫Nebelun(貢德) | L | 在貢德在侏儒神系的面相,取代了不在國度天宇活動的奈貝倫 |
2eFR<Demihuman Deities.p136>侏儒神系Gonme Pantheon

諸國度the Realms 的 被遺忘族裔The Forgotten Folk 崇拜被統稱為 金色丘陵諸領主the Lords of the Golden Hills 的神系。後者被這樣稱呼是因為大部分居住在 雙生天堂Bytopia。該神系中所包括的神力在侏儒氏族(乃至在各個世界)之間有所不同,但下面所列舉的受到了諸國度的大部分侏儒定居點崇敬、或至少是承認。地底爬行者the Crawler Below 厄爾德連Urdlen 居住在 無底深淵the Abyss 之中,但他已不止一次挖掘隧道到了雙生天堂,只是每次都被趕了回去。
The Forgotten Folk of the Realms worship a pantheon or deities known collectively as the Lords of the Golden Hills. They are so named for the region of Bytopia where most dwell. The powers included in the pantheon varies from gnome clan to clan (and even more so from world to world), but those presented hereafter are venerated or at least acknowledged in most gnome settlements in the Realms. Urdlen, the Crawler Below, dwells in the Abyss, but he has tunneled into Bytopia on more than one occasion only to be driven back each time.
雖然 加爾·閃金Garl Glittergold 是明確公認的侏儒神系首領,但他從未從神系中逐出過任何神,甚至是厄爾德連——即便 邪惡者the Evil One 在對他的神力同伴和被遺忘的族裔無情地攻擊。金色丘陵諸領主包括 「蒙面之葉」貝爾凡·野遊者Baervan Wildwanderer the Masked Leaf、「狡詐者」巴瑞瓦·影斗篷Baravar Cloakshadow the Sly One、「深地兄弟」卡勒杜蘭·滑手Callarduran Smoothhands the Deep Brother、「金屬大師」弗蘭達·鋼皮Flandal Steelskin the Master of Metal、「金色丘陵之盾」蓋爾達爾·鐵手Gaerdal Ironhand the Shield of the Golden Hills、「警惕的保護者」加爾·閃金Garl Glittergold the Watchful Protector、「愛管閒事者」奈貝倫Nebelun the Meddler、「掘穴之主」沙苟貞·大地喚者Segojan Earthcaller the Lord of the Burrow、以及——具現了危險本性的——厄爾德連。正如該章節隨後所標註的,奈貝倫是個特殊的例子。雖然愛管閒事者是一位神祇,並被作為神祇在其它世界受崇敬,但在諸國度,「奇蹟使者」貢德Gond the Wonderbringer 呈現了奈貝倫的面相,並代替他受到被遺忘族裔崇敬。奈貝倫的的追隨者是否講最終從奇蹟使者的教會分離出來,尚待觀察。有鑑於在 動盪之年Time of Troubles 期間,普遍認為貢德以侏儒的形態現身在 蘭檀群島Lantan 的海岸,這種分離在可預見的未來中看上去不太可能。正因如此,貢德/奈貝倫目前被認為既是侏儒神系的一員、也是人類的泛費倫神系一員。
While Garl Glittergold is clearly acknowledged as the leader of the gnome pantheon, he has never banished any god from that pantheon, even Urdlen, despite relentless attacks by the Evil One against its fellow powers and the Forgotten Folk. The Lords of the Golden Hills include Baervan Wildwanderer the Masked Leaf, Baravar Cloakshadow the Sly One, Callarduran Smoothhands the Deep Brother, Flandal Steelskin the Master of Metal, Gaerdal Ironhand the Shield of the Golden Hills, Garl Glittergold the Watchful Protector, Nebelun the Meddler, Segojan Earthcaller the Lord of the Burrow, and-by nature of the threat he embodies-Urdlen. As noted later in this chapter, Nebelun is a special case. Although the Meddler is a deity and is venerated as such on other worlds, in the Realms, Gond the Wonderbringer has assumed Nebelun's aspect and is venerated by the Forgotten Folk in his stead. It remains to be seen whether or not the followers of Nebelun will eventually separate from the Church of the Wonderbringer. This seems unlikely for the foreseeable future given Gond's widely heralded appearance in the form of a gnome on the shores of Lantan during the Time of Troubles. As such, Gond/Nebelun is currently counted as a member of both the gnome pantheon and the human Faerûnian pantheon.
金色丘陵諸領主各自都有一位相合的密友。例子包括:亞倫迪娜Arumdina,加爾·閃金的智能戰斧;齊提卡·快爪Chiktikka Fastpaws,一隻巨型智慧浣熊,貝爾凡·野遊者無處不在的同伴;以及陪伴着沙苟貞·大地喚者的智慧石魔像。典型來說,其他侏儒神祇也會在與其神職相關的、非侏儒神祇的事物的陪伴下旅行。神話傳說幾乎總是涉及侏儒英雄在某位忠誠伴侶的陪伴下、或是隨着冒險的展開,得到某位神祇(經常以暗示和謎語)的重大援助,而援助是以懷着善意的生物的出現而呈現的。這反映了對於被遺忘族裔而言,與值得信賴的同伴(無論他們是侏儒還是其他種族)相伴和分享的重要性。
Several of the Lords of the Golden Hills have a boon companion that accompanies them wherever they may go. Some examples include Arumdina, the sentient battle axe of Garl Glittergold, Chiktikka Fastpaws, an intelligent giant raccoon who accompanies Baervan Wildwanderer everywhere, and the intelligent stone golem that accompanies Segojan Earthcaller. Other gnome deities typically travel together or in the company of a nongnome deity of a related portfolio. Mythic tales almost always involve the gnome hero being accompanied by one faithful companion or receiving significant aid from a deity (often in the form of hints and riddles) presented by well-disposed creatures as the adventure unfolds. This reflects the value the Forgotten Folk place on companionship and sharing with trusted fellows, whether they are gnomes or of other races.
據說,侏儒神祇們與世界之心富礦中的寶石或岩脈一起誕生。最終被地下水的溫柔侵蝕釋放。至今,該神系仍然有一些成員被與神話中誕生了他們的寶石相關聯——如貝爾凡與綠寶石、卡勒杜蘭與紅寶石、弗蘭達與魔法礦物 王國之仆arandur、加爾與黃金、以及沙苟貞與鑽石。其它神祇則不再有這種聯繫。幾乎不曾有神話把家庭關係套用在金色丘陵諸領主頭上,不過有些傳說講到該神系的神明們是兄弟。有些神話聲稱他們曾經有女性侏儒神,但由於命運的捉弄,即使她們曾經真存在過,也已經被遺忘了很久。除了一絲被泄露的古老哀愁外,這個全員為男的神系的成員們對此無可奉告。儘管如此,被遺忘族裔仍然有一項古老的傳統:當年輕的侏儒想要(即便只是短時間內)脫離與社區的緊密聯繫,也得以尋找那些失蹤的姐妹神為名,以免家人和朋友們覺得自己被拋棄了。。金色丘陵諸領主積極地介入被遺忘族裔的生活。相較於其他神系的諸神,他們經常派遣化身為崇拜者們的利益說項。然而,他們並不定期向他們的崇拜者現身,典型上來說,侏儒諸神只會為了被遺忘族裔的間接利益而派遣化身冒險。如侏儒傳說記載,這類功績中一種不明顯但卻意義重大的表現,是鼓勵崇拜者的小團隊,前往那些可能未探索過的新土地定居。雖然被遺忘族裔並沒有像矮人和精靈那樣衰退,但他們的數量也未進一步顯著增加。隨着歲月流逝,侏儒們越來越少地遠行,而喜歡棲居在諸國度偏遠的、相對無拘無束的角落。這導致了他們與盟友和敵人之間生存空間的競爭加劇。
The gnome deities, it is said, were born as gems or veins of rich ore in the heart of the world. The gentle erosion of underground waters eventually released them. Some members of the pantheon are still associated in myth with the gems or metal from which myth says they were birthed- Baervan with emeralds, Callarduran with rubies, Flandal with the magical ore, arandur, Garl with gold, and Segojan with diamonds. Other deities have lost this association. Little in the way of familial relations has ever been ascribed to the Lords of the Golden Hills, although some legends refer to gods of the pantheon as brothers. Some myths claim that there were once female gnome deities, by their fate, assuming they ever existed, has long been forgotten. Members of the all-male pantheon have nothing to say on the matter except to betray a hint of ancient sadness. Notwithstanding, it is an ancient tradition of the Forgotten Folk that when a young gnome wishes to leave the close bonds of his or her community, even for a short period of time, that she or he avoid engendering a feeling of rejection in family and friends by attributing his or her wanderlust to a divine vision to search for the missing sister gods. The Lords of the Golden Hills are actively involved in the lives of the Forgotten Folk. Compared to the gods of other pantheons, they frequently dispatch avatars to intercede on behalf of their worshipers. However, instead of appearing to their worshipers on a regular basis, the gnome gods typically dispatch avatars only to undertake adventures that will indirectly benefit the Forgotten Folk. A subtle but important aspect of such exploits, as chronicled by gnome legends, is that they encourage small groups of worshipers to settle new lands that they might not otherwise explore. While the Forgotten Folk are not in decline like the dwarves and the elves, their numbers are no longer increasing significantly. The out-of-the-way, relatively untrammeled corners of the Realms that gnomes prefer to inhabit have become less and less remote as the years unfold. This has lead to increased competition for living space with both allies and foes.
雖然有些非侏儒賢者宣稱,被遺忘族裔是 耐瑟瑞爾Netherese 奧術師們尋求創造一支完美的僕役種族而創造的造物,但更晚謹慎的學者們注意到,侏儒遺物的存在可以追溯到被遺忘族裔在耐瑟的 白銀時代the Silver Age of Netheril 出現之前。侏儒的民間傳說認為第一隻侏儒以類似於侏儒諸神誕生的方式,從加爾和亞倫迪娜發現的鑽石中誕生。警惕的保護者發現了一座密封的洞穴,洞穴的牆壁和穹頂布滿了無數嵌入貴金屬礦脈的寶石。在引導他們進入這個世界之前,加爾通過講了個笑話,將笑聲和惡作劇之魂饋贈給了這個新誕生的種族。那些從鑽石中誕生的選擇居住在大地之下,變成了岩侏儒;那些翡翠中誕生的選擇居住在大樹圍攏中,變成了森侏儒;那些從紅寶石中誕生的漫遊深入了大地之心,並變成了地底侏儒(或者說 斯涅布力侏儒svirfneblin)。
While some nongnome sages claim that Forgotten Folk are the creation of Netherese arcanists seeking to create a race of perfect servants, more cautious scholars note the existence of gnome artifacts dating back long before the appearance of the Forgotten Folk during the Silver Age of Netheril. Gnome folklore holds that the first gnomes were born from gems discovered by Garl and Arumdina in a fashion similar to that ascribed to the gods. The Watchful Protector discovered a sealed cavern whose walls and ceiling were studded with countless gems embedded in veins of valuable ore. When Garl polished the gems and breathed on them, the jewels opened like a blossom to release the first gnomes. Before leading them into the world, Garl bequeathed laughter and a spirit of mischievousness to the newly born race by telling them a joke. Those who were born of diamonds chose to dwell beneath the land and became the rock gnomes, those born of emeralds chose to dwell amidst the great trees and became the forest gnomes, and those born of rubies wandered deep into the heart of the earth and became the deep gnomes (or svirfneblin).
One is struck, in the study of gnome theology, by the relationship between the Forgotten Folk, particularly their heroes, and the Lords of the Golden Hills. In general, gnomes are not a tremendously devout folk, yet they have a rich oral tradition that shows the tales of gods blending with those of mortal heroes. The gods embody the sense of mischievous fun and enduring community that characterizes gnome society, coupled with a strong sense of wanderlust and desire for adventure that is less common among the Forgotten Folk. The relationship between the gods, the people, and the gems and ores with which they work is tightly intertwined.
因為侏儒很少有這方面的歷史記錄,並不清楚被遺忘族裔是在什麼地方、什麼時候顯現於諸國度。由於被遺忘族裔很少在其他種族的歷史文本中被提及,關於侏儒在整個大陸的出現與遷徙的信息也是缺乏的。已知的是幾千年前被遺忘族裔的大量人口被耐瑟瑞爾的法師奴役,直到 伊爾法蘭Illefarn 和 葉爾蘭Eaerlann 的優雅族裔開始協助逃脫他們主人的小團體。精靈們教授了他們編織幻術的藝術,令他們可以從那些試圖抓回他們的人那裡隱藏自己。一連串的逃脫激勵了一系列的反抗,在歷經了幾次用魔法將侏儒工匠們的意志束縛起來的失敗嘗試後,耐瑟瑞爾的奧術師們於-2387 DR釋放了他們的侏儒奴隸。岩侏和林侏沿着散落在整個諸國度平靜閉塞之地的侏儒社區(以今日的 安奧羅克沙漠Anauroch 以南和以東為主)大分散。雖然他們並非主要的移民浪潮的一部分,但那些居住在 黑色之地the Backlands 和 西央土the Western Heartlands 日落河谷the Sunset Vale 的侏儒——尤其是居住在 被遺忘之森the Forgotten Forest 的森侏儒、在 遠角森林the Far Horns forest 的少量殘餘、以及居住在 翠爾塔丘陵the Trielta Hills 之中和周圍的岩侏儒——保存了大量的故事,故事講述了他們離開瘋狂的耐瑟瑞爾人奧術師的遷徙,和在打造自己的社區時經歷的考驗。特別要注意的是,正是在這些社區中,作為耐瑟瑞爾魔法修補過後的遺產,第一批邪詭侏儒spriggan出現了。
It is unknown where or when the Forgotten Folk first appeared in the Realms, for gnomes have little in the way of recorded history. Since the Forgotten Folk are rarely referred to in other races' historical texts, there is a dearth of information concerning the emergence and migration of the gnomes across Faerûn. What is known is that a large population of the Forgotten Folk were enslaved by the wizards of Netheril several millennia ago, until the Fair Folk of Illefarn and Eaerlann began to assist small groups to escape their Netherese masters. The elves hid the gnomes in the frontier garrisons they had built to defend their forests. They taught them the art of weaving illusions, so they could hide from those who might try to recapture them. A wave of escapes inspired a series of revolts, and after several ill-fated attempts to magically bind gnome artisans to their will, the Netherese arcanists freed their gnome slaves in -2387 DR. The great dispersion of rock and forest gnomes that followed scattered scores of gnome communities throughout the quiet backwaters of the Realms, predominantly to the south and east of what is now Anauroch. Although they were not part of the main wave of emigration, those gnomes who dwell in the Backlands and Sunset Vale of the Western Heartlands - particularly forest gnomes who dwell in the Forgotten Forest, a small remnant of the Far Horns forest, and rock gnomes who dwell in and around the Trielta Hills-have preserved a large stock of stories that tell of their flight from the mad Netherese arcanists and the resulting trials they endured while forging their own communities. Of particular note, it was in these communities that the first spriggans appeared, a legacy of Netherese magical tinkering.
侏儒神系的多樣性反映了侏儒亞種之間的差異。但各種神祇的神職之間的聯結、以及這些神力之間的密切合作,反映了各侏儒亞種之間存在的親密關係。雖然沙苟貞主要被岩侏儒認同、貝爾凡主要被森侏儒認同、而卡勒杜蘭則主要被地底侏儒認同,但他們每個都如神系的其餘成員一樣,在所有三支亞種的社區中都有被崇敬。(更多關於森侏儒的信息參見「附錄 1:亞人祭司Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests」。)雖然杜爾加矮人duergar和迪洛矮人derro分享着對於地表矮人互相的敵意,而卓爾與地表精靈有着不共戴天的仇恨,但地底侏儒是自願進入幽暗地域的,他們與他們的地表親族保持着良好的關係。在費倫大陸侏儒唯一的邪惡分支是邪詭侏儒,但雖然厄爾德連部分接受了他們,但他們更多地是一種麻煩而非重大威脅,並且數量有限。
The diversity of the gnome pantheon reflects in part the differences between the gnome subraces. But the interlocking aspects of the various gods' portfolios and the same powers' close cooperation reflects the close ties the various gnome subraces retain. While Segojan is predominantly identified with rock gnomes, Baervan is identified with forest gnomes, and Callarduran is identified with deep gnomes, each is venerated in communities of all three subraces, as are the other gods that constitute the rest of the pantheon. (See "Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests" for more about forest gnomes.) While duergar and derro share a mutual enmity with surface dwarves and drow are implacable foes of the surface elves, deep gnomes entered the Underdark voluntarily, and they maintain good relations with their surface kin. The only evil branch of gnomes in Faerûn are spriggans, but while Urdlen has adopted them in part, they are more of a nuisance than a major threat, and their numbers are limited.
通用矮人祭司能力General Dwarven Priest Abilities:
侏儒祭司的通用能力與限制(包括邪詭侏儒),除了本節稍後記述的每種信仰特殊變化外,都在「附錄1:亞人祭司Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests」中侏儒祭司的詳述中討論
The general abilities and restrictions of gnome priests (including spriggans), aside from the specific changes noted later in this section for each gnome faith, are summarized in the discussion of gnome priests in "Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests."