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【音   标】Ah-KAH-dee
【头   衔】气之女王Queen of Air,气之女士the Lady of Air,风之女士Lady of the Winds,气元素女王Queen of Air Elementals
【阵   营】N
【神   力】G
【神   职】气元素Elemental air,气元素师air elementalists,移动movement,速度speed,飞行生物flying creatures
【神   系】FR泛费伦神系Faerûnian Pantheon元素领主Elemental Lord
【主   神】
【盟   友】艾德莉·法恩雅Aerdrie Faenya奎林Quorlinn雷密斯Remnis山达柯尔Shaundakul寂静之歌Stillsong思绰茂兹Stronmaus萨兰娜塔Syranita
【敌   对】谷蓝巴Grumbar
【神   国】气元素位面Elemental Plane of Air宏伟烟漏The Great Funnel
【徽   记】一团白云,通常是在蓝色的背景上A white cloud, often upon a blue background
【简   介】阿卡迪Akadi 是气元素女神,也是四大元素领主中唯一的女性。既是呢喃的微风,也是遮天蔽日的风暴,她的形态随着季节的变迁而变幻。她的亲吻既可能是潮湿而甜腻的,也可能是苦涩而寒冷的。她漫不经心地带着声音和气味一路前行,却从不停下来向沿途的旅者强调自己旅程的重要性。在宗教艺术中,她通常被描绘为一位身材庞大的半透明蓝色女人,在她的身后,一对巨大的羽翼渐入云霄。据说,是她的双翼在费伦大陆的表面扇动着群风。

2eFR<Faiths & Avatars.p023>阿卡迪Akadi


  (气之女王Queen of Air,气之女士the Lady of Air,风之女士Lady of the Winds,气元素女王Queen of Air Elementals)

  气元素位面强大神力Greater Power of the Elemental Plane of Air,

  神职PORTFOLIO:气元素Elemental air,气元素师air elementalists,移动movement,速度speed,飞行生物flying creatures
  神国名DOMAIN NAME:气元素位面Elemental Plane of Air宏伟烟漏The Great Funnel
  盟友ALLIES:艾德莉·法恩雅Aerdrie Faenya奎林Quorlinn雷密斯Remnis山达柯尔Shaundakul寂静之歌Stillsong思绰茂兹Stronmaus萨兰娜塔Syranita
  徽记SYMBOL:一团白云,通常是在蓝色的背景上A white cloud, often upon a blue background
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:任意Any


  阿卡迪Akadi(读作“Ah-KAH-dee”)既是呢喃的微风,也是遮天蔽日的风暴,她的形态随着季节的变迁而变幻。她的亲吻既可能是潮湿而甜腻的,也可能是苦涩而寒冷的。她漫不经心地带着声音和气味一路前行,却从不停下来向沿途的旅者强调自己旅程的重要性。在宗教艺术中,她通常被描绘为一位身材庞大的半透明蓝色女人,在她的身后,一对巨大的羽翼渐入云霄。据说,是她的双翼在 费伦大陆Faerûn 的表面扇动着群风。
Akadi (Ah-KAH-dee) is the whispering wind and the blinding gale storm, her form changing from season to season. Her kiss might be moist and sweet or bitter and cold. Uncaring, she carries sounds and scents along on her journey, but she never pauses to impress upon a traveler the importance of her travels. In religious art she is often portrayed as a huge, translucent blue woman with gigantic feathery wings that trail away into clouds. Her wings are said to toss the winds about the surface of Faerûn.

  就像其祂所有 元素领主the elemental lords 一样,阿卡迪对自己在 艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球Abeir-Toril 上的追随者相对冷漠。阿卡迪的反应难以预测,对大部分并非在 气元素位面the Elemental Plane of Air 长大的凡人来说,她的各种回应仿若一位外星人。阿卡迪和其祂元素领主们的相对不作为,让祂们的存在在 诸国度the Realms 只被视作弱等神力,而他们的追随者也被归类为异教徒。在 游牧之地the Hordelands 她被称作 泰拉斯Teylas,人们视她为一位气元素位面的男神。风之女士the Lady of the Winds 的女性和男性形态之间的差异,对该信仰没有影响。
Like all the elemental lords, Akadi is relatively uncaring of her followers on Abeir-Toril. Her reactions are difficult to gauge, and she seems almost an alien being in her responses to most mortals not native to the Elemental Plane of Air. The relative inaction of Akadi and the other elemental lords has led to their being viewed as only lesser powers in the Realms and their followers being classed as cultists. Akadi is known as Teylas in the Hordelands, a god of the Elemental Plane of Air. The distinction between a female and male form of the Lady of the Winds makes no difference to the faith.

  阿卡迪对她的追随者们似乎有那么一点点微薄的感情,但这种凉薄的垂帘大多只在信徒们奉上大肆供奉(点燃贵重的焚香,让袅袅香烟随风飘向她)时有所表露——所以可以说,她只在被贿赂讨好时才在意他们。虽然呼唤阿卡迪改变风向或让风静止、提供良好的飞行气流、带来温柔的雨水能够得到她的允可,但她不会授予祈祷者引发或平息狂风暴雨的力量,因为风暴是 塔洛斯Talos安博里Umberlee 的职权范围(不过她偶尔也会对某团短暂但威力惊人的旋风进行管理)。在 动荡之年Time of Troubles,她未在诸国度被发现。
Akadi does seem to have some small affection for her followers, but most often displays that affection when they make large offerings to her by burning precious incenses that waft to her on the winds—so it could be argued that she only cares when she is bribed to do so. While appeals to Akadi to change or still the winds, provide good flying currents, or bring gentle rains meet with her approval, she grants no prayers to raise or quell harsh storms, as storms lie within the purview of Talos and Umberlee (though she occasionally manages a whirlwind of brief duration but stunning force). During the Time of Troubles, she was not spotted in the Realms.

阿卡迪的化身Akadi's Avatar

  (30-HD 气元素Air Elemental,牧师Cleric 30,巫师Mage 30)

  在书面记录中,阿卡迪的化身只在艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球出现过两次。气之女王Queen of Air 通常以巨大的旋风柱的形式神临,仿若一道下接大地、直冲云霄、广阔无边的龙卷风(不过只有她形成旋风时,才会造成龙卷风伤害——具体见下)。她的声音可以微弱到如同微风吹过林间的耳语,也可以洪亮如方圆几哩外都能听见的持续怒吼。她施展来自以下领域和学派的法术,领域:元素气、治疗和气象;学派:元素气。
Akadi has only been seen twice in written record in avatar form on Abeir-Toril. The Queen of Air normally appears as a huge column of swirling winds resembling an immense tornado that towers from the earth into the clouds above (although it only does tornadolike damage when she forms a whirlwind—see below). Her voice can range from the whisper of the slightest breeze through the trees to an insistent roar that can be heard for miles in every direction. She casts spells from the elemental air, healing, and weather spheres and the elemental air school.

  防御等级 -4;移动 飞行64;生命值 296;零级命中值 -9;#攻击 2次
  伤害 6d10
  魔抗 50%;体型 巨型G(160呎)
  力量 21,敏捷 24,体质 22,智力 19,感知 19,魅力 15
  法术 祭司P:12/11/11/10/9/9/8,法师W: 7/7/7/7/7/7/7/6/6
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 3;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术 4
  AC -4; MV Fl 64; HP 296; THACO -9; #AT 2   Dmg 6dlO
  MR 50%;SZ G(160feet)
  Str 21, Dex 24, Con 22, Int 19, Wis 19, Cha 15
  Spells P: 12/11/11/10/9/9/8, W: 7/7/7/7/7/7/7/6/6
  Saves PPDM 2, RSW 3, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 4

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  阿卡迪通常会以压缩空气冲击波和施展法术来攻击。在任何其神临的晶壁系中,只要有空气供他活动,阿卡迪就能被认为是 主物质位面Prime Material Plane 的本地生物。这使她免疫如 反魔法场anti'magic shell防护邪恶/善良protection from evil/good、以及 圣言holy word 这类法术对来自另一位面生物的不良影响。每回合1次,阿卡迪的化身可以形成一阵旋风,持续3轮。她的旋风高达160呎,底部直径10呎,顶部直径90呎(如果她将旋风伸展到完整高度)。阿卡迪旋风形态展开的高度对其造成的伤害没有影响,但如果她伸展开的高度只有最大高度的一半,则其顶部直径将只有45呎;若伸展开的高度只有最大高度的四分之一,则顶部直径将锐减到25呎。阿卡迪旋风形态难以置信的狂风将瞬间杀死360呎内所有生命骰低于6的生物。生命骰在7-9之间的生物将被击晕昏迷1d4回合,生命骰在10或以上的将被晕眩1d4轮。在攻击中的幸存者将遭受4d8点伤害。
Akadi normally attacks with focused blasts of air and casts spells. So long as there is air for her to move through, Akadi is considered a native of the Prime Material Plane in any crystal sphere she appears in. This makes her immune to the adverse effects of such spells as anti'magic shell, protection from evil/good, and holy word on creatures from other planes. Akadi's avatar may form a whirlwind for three rounds once per turn. As a whirlwind she is up to 160 feet tall, with a 10-foot bottom diameter and a 90-foot top diametet (if she reaches her full height). The height Akadi can reach has no effect on the damage she does in whirlwind form; however, if she can reach only half her maximum height, her top diameter is only 45 feet, and if she can reach only one-quarter of her maximum height, her top diameter is 25 feet. The incredible winds of Akadi's whirlwind instantly slay creatures of fewer than 6 Hit Dice within 360 feet of her. Creatures from between 7 and 9 Hit Dice are struck unconscious for 1d4 turns, and creatures with 10 or more Hit Dice are stunned for 1d4 rounds. Those who survive this attack suffer 4d8 points of damage.

  飞行生物将因阿卡迪的化身形态的登临而被瞬间禁空,除非 气元素女王the Queen of Air Elementals 减弱她的风力来允许它们飞行。她通常会如此行事,因为被击落在地是对所有飞行生物(包括她自己)的侮辱。在飞行中被击落的生物将受到正常的坠落伤害,除非阿卡迪选择缓冲它们的坠落。
Flying creatures are instantly grounded by the appearance of Akadi's avatar form unless the Queen of Air Elementals makes her winds subside to allow them to fly. She often does this, as being struck on the ground is an insult to all flying creatures (including herself). Creatures struck down in mid-flight suffer normal falling damage unless Akadi cushions their fall.

Akadi may leave a field of battle or the Prime Material Plane at any time by spending two rounds merging with the air, whereupon she dissipates into misty clouds.

其祂显灵Other Manifestations

  阿卡迪派遣显灵到诸国度的次数比派遣化身更为频繁,但即便如此,与其祂神力显灵的频率相比,她的显灵仍然极其罕见。气之女士The Lady of Air 可能以几乎任何正常的飞行生物呈现,而她的声音听上去就像风中的呢喃。她经常派遣 气灵侍者aerial servant 给她认为有价值(或有用)的人传信(或传令)。兴起的微风或风向的改变通常被视作受她眷顾的兆示。
Akadi has sent manifestations to the Realms more frequently than she has sent an avatar, but even these appearances are extremely rare compared to the frequency with which other powers manifest. The Lady of Air has appeared in the form of almost any normal flying creature, and her voice has been heard as a gentle whisper upon the breeze. She frequently sends an aerial servant to deliver private messages (or demands) to those she deems worthy or useful. A rising breeze or a change in the wind is usually seen as a sign of her favor.

教会The Church

  神职人员Clergy:专属祭司specialty priests,护教军crusaders,潜修者mystics,萨满shamans
  神职阵营Clercy/b's Align.:中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN,中立邪恶NE,混乱邪恶CE
  驱散不死Turn Undead:专属祭司SP:不可No;护教军Cru:不可No;潜修者Mys:不可No;萨满Sha:可,若为善良
  支配不死Cmno. Undead:专属祭司SP:不可No;护教军Cru:不可No;潜修者Mys:不可No;萨满Sha:可,若为中立或邪恶

  阿卡迪的所有专属祭司、护教军、潜修者和萨满得到 宗教知识religion(泛费伦Faerûnian) 作为非武器熟练奖励。除了他们所必需的熟练外,阿卡迪教派Akadian 的祭司还被强烈鼓励学习 观测天气Weather Sense,以及学习吹奏那些通过震动空气来发声的乐器的技巧(如 木管乐器woodwind instrument、铜管乐器brass instrument、风琴organ 和 风笛bagpipe)。
All specialty priests, crusaders, mystics, and shamans of Akadi receive religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency. Akadian priests are strongly encouraged to learn weather sense and to acquire skill in playing a musical instrument that involves blowing air through it to produce sound (such as woodwind instruments, brass instruments, organs, and bagpipes) in addition to their required proficiencies. All shamans of Akadi receive elemental air as one of their major spheres in addition to their normal spheres of magic.

  在动荡之年前,所有的元素教派队伍中都有牧师。目前,只有专属祭司留了下来。并不清楚为何阿卡迪多年来致力于将他的牧师转化为专属祭司,不过阿卡迪的教会教诲说这种改变是为了让专属祭司们专注于他们之主的元素,而不是其它任务。自 诸神之战the Godswar 以降,阿卡迪教派的教团已增添了一支小型潜修者组织和一支护教军组织,来旅行那些受到阿卡迪教派牧师的流失不利影响的职责。在原始或游牧社会中,阿卡迪通常由萨满侍奉。
Before the Time of Troubles, all of the elemental cults had clerics in their ranks. Now, only specialty priests remain. Why Akadi decided to gradually convert her clerics to specialty priests is unknown. Since the Godswar, the Akadian church has added a small order of mystics and an order of crusaders to the church to round out the capabilities of the priesthood. In primitive or nomadic societies (such as those of the Tuigan), Akadi is served by shamans.

Few priests of Akadi ever settle down in one place, so few communities feel threatened or benefited by the appearance of an Akadian priest. Akadian priests blow into a town or village upon the morning breeze and are typically gone by the time the sun sets. A philosophy of incessant movement and wanderlust has ingrained itself into the church of Akadi, and few temples exist to the Lady of the Winds. Those that do are most often openair circles of wooden poles adorned with feathers and streamers that flutter in the slightest breeze. Priests of the faith travel across Faerûn, spreading the word of Akadi at each opportunity. They often lecture on the joys that the freedom of Akadi brings, but seldom stop to argue semantics or principles with those who would them, choosing instead to sew the seeds of the Queen of Air and then continue along to "wherever the winds take them." This tendency to spout high-sounding verbiage has led to more than one Akadian priest being called a "windbag" in several senses of the word.

  阿卡迪的祭司们分成了两派:风语者the Whisper 与 风啸者the Roar。这并非一种教会内部的阶级,甚至不是对那些教区制神职人员和有冒险倾向神职人员的划分。相反,这是一种对哲学行动的划分。那些追随风语者的祭司通常在幕后工作,很少向阿卡迪教会的成员露面。而风啸者的成员对费伦大陆事务介入更加公开。阿卡迪教派活动上的异质化与非集中天性,让他们在费伦大陆基本不会被视作任何种类的威胁,尽管教会中有些有个人野心的成员有时会在某个特定地区造成严重破坏。
The priests of Akadi are divided up between the Whisper and the Roar. These are not rankings within the church or even a division between those clergy members with parish territories and those of an adventuring bent. Rather, these ate distinctions in philosophy of action. Those who follow the Whisper typically work behind the scenes, seldom showing themselves to he a member of the church of Akadi. Members of the Roar are much more direct about their involvement in the affairs of Faerûn. The disparate and unfocused nature of the activities of the church of Akadi as a whole has left few in Faerûn viewing it as any sort of threat, although personally ambitious members of the church can sometimes wreak havoc in a particular region.

Akadi's priests are organized mostly into "churches" formed of small cliques who follow a particularly charismatic Akadian. These cliques shift and flow over time as the group politics lead to some members rising in status, others falling, and others leaving in disgust or empowered by the inspiring message of their leader to begin a new church in a far-off land. This sort of organization is very fluid and often very confusing to those outside the faith, as such folk are never sure who will be in charge in a tenday and therefore who to hold responsible for living up to agreements and contracts. Most Akadians have a reputation for being untrustworthy because of this very problem in their faith's organization. When time comes due for an Akadian to live up to a promise, frequently the answer received is: "I'm so sorry, that's not my job anymore"—if one can find the Akadian the deal was struck with in the first place!

  阿卡迪的初修士们被称为 雏鸟Fledglings。在接受了至少两名资深神职人员授权监督的个人仪式(通常涉及飞行)上,他们将晋升为正式祭司。依升序,其祭职者普遍使用的头衔为:展翅者Winged One(正式祭司),女神之息Air of the Goddess,轻盈之风Breeze of Light,和风Zephyr(资深祭司),干寒强风Misttal,热风Sirocco(大型“教团”的首领),旋风Whirlwind(特大教团的首领或经验非常丰富的祭司)。杀死或彻底击败了教会之敌(通常是一位谷蓝巴的高阶祭司,或是基于土的强大生物)的祭司可以在其头衔开头加上“高阶High”前缀。阿卡迪的专属祭司名为 气行者airwalkers。
Novice Akadians are referred to as Fledglings. Upon undergoing a personally designed rite of empowerment supervised by at least two senior clergy (and usually involving flying), they become full priests. In ascending order of rank, the titles in general use by the priesthood are: Winged One (full priest), Air of the Goddess, Breeze of Light, Zephyr (senior priest), Misttal, Sirocco (leader of a large "church"), and Whirlwind (leader of a very large church or priest of great experience). A priest who has slain or soundly defeated an enemy of the church (usually a high-ranking priest of Grumbar or an earthbased creature of power) may add the honorific "High" to the beginning of his or her title. Specialty priests of Akadi are known as airwalkers.


The teachings of the Akadian church amount to a doctrine of finding one's own enlightenment. The church feels that one can only find truth in what one is interested in and as soon as interest fails, all chance of finding further spiritual growth has left an activity or place. Therefore, the faithful must move from activity to activity, from place to place, pursuing a personal dream or series of interests and growing through the changing experiences each new day brings. The church pays little attention to resistance to its doctrine; such obstacles will be worn down over time. Few matters are ever deemed so important that the church feels the need to commit itself to a particular cause. The only stance that the Akadian faith takes adamantly is that its members and its priests should not be fettered or imprisoned; such a condition rapidly leads to the onset of depression among the faithful and a languishing death.

  阿卡迪信仰的初修士被要求如下:“永恒的阿卡迪是变化的具现。每一个新的日子都将向我们展示她新的一面。汝等应努力做到像她一样灵活。依次追求你感兴趣的一切。从尽可能多的角度来看待问题,以获得最具创意的答案。把生活看作一种艺术形式,进而每天在你身边重塑新的生活,你和阿卡迪将因此受益匪浅。在生命的微风中自由地移动和飞翔是每一个生物与生俱来的权力。飞吧,去播撒阿卡迪的话语,并通过你的言行展示她所带来的鲜活生命力。” Novices in the Akadian faith are charged as follows: "The eternal Akadi is change personified. Each new day reveals to us a new side of her. Strive to be as flexible as she is. Pursue everything that interests you in turn. Look at problems from as many viewpoints as possible to achieve the most creative answer. View life as an art form to create anew around you each day to your benefit and that of Akadi. The freedom to move about and to soar on the breeze of life is one of the inherent rights of every living thing. Fly forth and spread the word of Akadi and show through your works the fiesh new life she brings."

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:

Listening to the wind, traveling beneath the stars of Faerûn, pursuing personal interests of the moment, and speaking to others of the glories of Akadi dominate most priests' lives. Spelljamming looked upon favorably by the faith, since it spreads the word of Akadi to distant places. Some priests become almost obsessively involved in "life experiments" of a practical or esoteric nature. For instance, some may become deeply involved in breeding faster and sleeker hawks or running hounds, others may decide to see how orcs adapt to fierce and freakish windstorms, and yet others may spend endless hours trying to develop artificial wings for cats. Yet, once any project is no longer fun or interesting, Akadian priests drop it like a lead weight and move on to something new no matter how much time they have already invested in the activity.

圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

Each day is an important event in the eyes of an Akadian. The faithful typically rise before the sun emerges to whisper their prayers on the morning breeze and stay up to watch the moon rise over Faerûn or glide the dying thermals of the waning day and joyfully speak their evening prayers.

  飞行团契The Fellowship ot Flight 是阿卡迪教派专属祭司在他们的能力到达了一定的技艺水平,能够从气元素位面召唤气元素时,进行的庆祝典礼。在仪式开始前需进行1小时的庄严祈祷,之后这只元素将被召唤。当它应答时,它将伴着芬芳的香味、颂歌、零星点缀的花瓣、以及献给阿卡迪的赞美诗返回她的王国。
The Fellowship ot Flight is the ceremony that Akadian specialty priests undergo that celebrates their ability, upon reaching a certain level of skill, to summon an air elemental from the Elemental Plane of Ait. The ceremony is preceded by an hour of solemn prayer, after which the elemental is summoned. When it answers, it is wafted with sweet-smelling incense, sung songs, sprinkled with flower petals, and given poems praising Akadi to carry back to her realm.

  在 仲夏节Midsummer,该教会将举办其唯一的历法节庆。为了参加这个节日,所有有能力这样做的信徒都需在仲夏节的一旬之前出行。他们将在位于 夏亚the Shaar布雷斯卡特城Blaskaltar 废墟聚集,这座废墟中包含有费伦大陆已知的第一座阿卡迪神龛,不过,这座神龛已被岁月之手和风与雨的季节变化湮没。在这里,所有在场之人将吟诵该信仰英雄们的赞美诗,并在其中添入新的名字,以纪念过去一年的逝者。
On Midsummer, the church holds its only calendar festival. To attend this festival, all of the faithful who are able to travel do so for tendays before Midsummer. They gather in the Shaar at the ruins of Blaskaltar, which contain the site of the first known shrine to Akadi in Faerûn, now obliterated by the hand of time and seasons of wind and rain. Here the chant of the heroes of the faith is recited by all present and new names are added to the roll commemorating those who have passed on during the past year.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

  基本没修建过什么永久的阿卡迪神殿。她的许多神龛都由在乡野旅行的祭司轮流打理——当他们的替代者到达时,他们就会离开神龛。阿卡迪教派信仰最神圣的地点便是位于夏亚的布雷斯卡特城废墟中的 气之女王第一神龛the First Shrine of the Queen of Air 的小丘。这座建筑在很多年前就已经消失了;然而,虔信徒们仍然会每年在此聚集,纪念他们教会和其中伟大成员的历史,这样他们就不会遗忘过去,并进而注定重蹈覆辙。
Few permanent temples to Akadi have been erected. Many of her shrines are tended by a rotating cycle of priests as they travel the countryside, leaving the shrine when their replacement arrives. The holiest site of the Akadian faith is the mound of the First Shrine of the Queen of Air in the ruins of Blaskaltar in the Shaar. The structure is long gone through ages of neglect; however, the faithful gather here yearly to remember the history of their church and its great members so that they do not lose their past and thus become doomed to repeat it.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:

  阿卡迪教派的护教军组织名为 风之四季骑士团the Knights of the Wind's Four Quarters。其成员往往在为教会的长老们完成个人任务和跑腿,或是对谷蓝巴教会进行持续的仇杀。该信仰的潜修者属于 夏风伙伴会the Companions of the Summer Wind(倾向于善良阵营)、春风门徒the Disciples of Spring's Breeze(中立阵营为主)和 仲冬之齿联盟the Alliance of Midwinter's Teeth(邪恶阵营)。
The order of Akadian crusaders is known as the Knights of the Wind's Four Quarters. Its members tend to pursue personal quests and errands for church elders or carry out the ongoing vendetta against the church of Grumbar. Mystics of the faith belong to the Companions of the Summer Wind, who tend to be good-aligned, the Disciples of Spring's Breeze, who are mainly neutral, or the Alliance of Midwinter's Teeth, who are evil.

祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:

  阿卡迪的祭司们在仪式中穿着白色、浅灰色和浅蓝色的长袍,以此代表他们女神的诸多面貌。丝绸是衣着的首选材料,因为它飘逸特性会取悦女神,染有飘逸或荡漾的蓝色或白色图案的稀有丝绸对他们来说异常贵重。许多祭司佩戴着 乳白色蛋白石milky opal、结晶石英crystal quartz、光彩石augelite、绿松石turquoise、磷钠铍石beryllonite、蓝色blue spinel、或 蓝宝石sapphire 的珠宝,并以此作为阿卡迪教派圣徽的石料。气元素将在宝石上吹出一些细屑、从而刻上阿卡迪的符号;而这颗宝石将被镶嵌在一件首饰上,以此形成一件圣徽。
Priests of Akadi dress for rituals in robes of white, light gray, and light blue, representing the many faces of their goddess. Silk is a preferred material in vestments, as its flowing nature pleases the goddess, and rare silks dyed in flowing or rippling patterns of blue or white are highly prized. Many priests wear jewelry of milky opal, crystal quartz, augelite, turquoise, beryllonite, blue spinel, or sapphire, and these are the stones from which Akadian holy symbols are constructed. Air elementals blow fine grit over one of these gemstones, thereby inscribing Akadi's symbol; the stone is set into a piece of jewelry, forming a holy symbol.

冒险装束Adventuring Garb:

Adventuring priests and Akadian clergy members on the road dress practically, though they favor clothes or accessories of white, light gtay, and light blue. They recognize that traveling through the countryside on the enemy element of earth requires heavier clothing to shield oneself from that harsh element. They typically confine their use of silk to a scarf or decorative vest and pack their ceremonial vestments carefully to protect them.


专属祭祀Specialty Priests(气行者Airwalkers

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:体质Constitution 12,感知Wisdom 12
  关键属性PTIME REQ.:体质Constitution,感知Wisdom
  武器WEAPONS:任意一件近战武器;所有其它武器都必须为远程或投掷武器(不包括火枪或其它火器)。在使用投掷武器进行近战时,也将被强制执行非熟练武器惩罚,除非它就是选中的那种唯一的近战武器。Any one melee weapon; all other weapons must be missile of thrown weapons (no arquebuses or other firearms). A nonweapon proficiency penalty is enforced against the use of a thrown weapon in melee unless it is the sole chosen melee weapon
  防具ARMOR:链甲及以下所有防具以及盾牌All armor types up to and including chain mail and shield
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:星界Astral,元素气elementa air,治疗healing,保护protection,旅者travelers,天气weather
  次要领域MINORSPHERES:战斗Combat,预言Divination,元素火elemental fire,元素水elemental water,死灵necromantic
  魔法物品MAGICALITEMS:如同牧师,但被禁止使用那些基于地的魔法物品(如存入了 石肤术stoneskin法术储存戒指ring of spell storing元素支配戒指ring of elemental command 等等) Same as clerics, except forbidden from using magical items with earth-based effects (ring of spell storing with the stoneskin spell in it, ring of elemental command, etc.)
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:空中骑乘Riding, airborne(任选一种坐骑)
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:走钢丝Tightrope walking,方向感direction sense

  ❖天狗Kenku 和 飞羽族aaracokra 可以成为气行者。
  ❖Kenkus and aaracokra may be airwalkers.

  ❖除了祭司法术外,气行者还可施展来自元素气学派的法师法术。气行者如同等级巫师般施展这些法术。举例来说,3级的气行者如3级巫师般施展法师法术。他们为他们的法师法术进行祈祷而非学习从而记忆它们,选择的法师法术将代替那天的潜在可用的祭司法术。(换句话说,法师法术占用的是祭司法术位。)气行者在第16级获得8级法师法术,在第18级获得9级法师法术。气行者需有18或更高的感知和16的智力,才能访问8级法术,需要有18或更高的感知和18的智力,才能访问9级法术。若气行者能获得高等级法师法术,则祈求的每道8级法术占用一个6级祭司法术位,每道9级法术占用一个7级祭司法术位。如他们知晓 阅读魔法read magic 般,气行者总是能够阅读在卷轴上或法师法术书中的气元素法术(但无法从法术书上学习法术)。气行者可选取的法师法术总量,不得超过其可用法术总量的3/4(向下取整)。
  ❖Airwalkers may cast wizard spells from the elemental air school in addition to priest spells. These spells are cast as if the airwalker were a mage of the same level. For example, a 3rd-level airwalker casts wizard spells as a 3rd-level mage. Airwalkers pray for their wizard spells instead of studying to memorize them, and chosen wizard spells replace pnesi spells potentially available for use that day. (In other words, the spell occupies a priest spell slot.) Airwalkers gain access to 8th wizard spells at 16th level and 9th-level wizard spells at 18th level, airwalker must have a Wisdom of 18 or higher and an Intelligence of 16 to gain access to the 8th level spells, and a Wisdom of 18 or higher and an Intelligence of 18 to gain access to the 9th-level spells. If an airwalker is able to gain high-level wizard spells, every 8th-level spell prayed for occupies a 6th-level priest spell slot and every 9th-level spell prayed for occupies a 7th-level priest spell slot. Airwalkers are always able to read elemental air spells on scrolls or in wizard spellbooks as if they knew read magic (but studying spells from a spellbook is useless to them). No more than three-quarters of an airwalkers total number of spells available (round down) can be taken as wizard spells.

  ❖All airwalkers gain a t2 bonus to saving throws vs. the harmful effects of air- or wind-related spells or cloudlike or gaseous breath weapons.

  ❖只要坠落高度不超过10呎/每气行者等级,气行者就不会遭受坠落伤害。用游戏术语来说,这可以解释为随意使用(哪怕是在无意识状态下)、距离限制如上的 羽落术feather fall
  ❖Airwalkers are never injured from a fall so long as the distance of the fall does not exceed 10 feet per level of the airwalker. In game terms, this translates an ability to feather fall at will (and even when unconscious) for up to this distance limit.

  ❖在第5级,每日1次,气行者获得呈现为 缚灵形体wraithform(如同3级法师法术)的能力。
  ❖At 5th level, airwalkers gain the ability assume a wraithform (as the 3rd-level wizard spell) once per day.

  ❖At 5th level, airwalkers can summon one 8-HD air elemental once a day. This elemental remains under the control of the airwalker for one hour and cannot be taken control of by another creature. If the summoner is killed or struck unconscious, the summoned elemental goes on a rampage, attacking everyone in sight except its summoner until its one-hour time limit upon the Prime Material has elapsed. It is important to note that the elemental summoned is not a servant of the airwalker, but rather is looked upon as an agent of Akadi that is to be respected. The ability to summon an elemental is granted once each day when airwalkers receive their normal complement of spells.

  ❖在第7级,每日1次,气行者能够使用 飞行术fly(如同3级法师法术)。
  ❖At 7th level, airwalkers gain the ability to fly (as the 3rd-level wizard spell) once per day.

  ❖在第9级,每日1次,气行者能够施展 死云术cloudkill(如同5级法师法术)。
  ❖At 9th level, airwalkers gain the ability to cast cloudkill (as the 5th-level wizard spell) once per day.

  ❖At 9th level, airwalkers can summon one 12-HD air elemental once a tenday. All the same conditions apply as for summoning an 8-HD air elemental.

  ❖At 13th level, airwalkers can summon one 16-HD air elemental once a tenday. All the same conditions apply as for summoning an 8-HD air elemental.

  ❖At 15th level, airwalkers can move through the Elemental Plane of Air without need for food or water.

  ❖Airwalkers who work together can summon an elemental of greater Hit Dice than they would otherwise be able to alone. For example, a 5th- and 9th-level priest could summon a 16-HD elemental. As long as both summoners remain alive, the elemental remains under their control for one full hour. If one of the summoners is killed or struck unconscious, the summoned elemental goes on a rampage, attacking everyone in sight until its one-hour time limit upon the Prime Material has elapsed. It then returns to the Elemental Plane of Air. The participants in such a combined summoning attempt must abide by time restrictions for further elemental summoning apportioned by their levels. In the above case, the 5th-level priest would have summoned his 8-HD elemental for the day and the 9th-level priest would have summoned her 12-HD elemental for the tenday.

阿卡迪教派法术Akadian Spells

3rd Level



  领域Sphere:元素气Elemental Air
  施法时间Casting Time:
  影响区域Area of Effect:特殊Special
  豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊Special

This spell creates a pillar of air 5 feet in diameter and up to 5 feet tall per level of the caster. The vertical dimension is decided at the time of casting. The pillar of air exerts an upward force of 40 pounds per level of the caster. If this is sufficient to counter the weight of an object or creature entering the area, such an object or creature rises vertically to the top of the column in a single round. Unwilling creatures are allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. The caster can vary the height of the pillar from the possible maximum to a minimum of 5 feet by concentrating for one round.

The material component for this spell is the priest's holy symbol.

4th Level

静风术Calm Winds


  领域Sphere:元素气Elemental Air
  施法时间Casting Time:
  影响区域Area of Effect:20呎半径球体
  豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊Special

  这道法术将创造一片空气完全保持平静的区域。静风术Calm winds 将无效化所保护区域内的旋风和诸如 沙尘魔dust devil阵风术gust of wind 之类法术的效果。来自 气元素位面the Elemental Plane of Air 以及风基生物(如 旋风元素vortice 和 风行者windwalker)对这种区域避之唯恐不及。被静风的区域可以与施法者一起移动,并且只要施法者不受干扰地保持专注,就能持续到法术持续时间结束。施法者能以半速移动并保持关注,但不能进行其它剧烈动作。
This spell creates an area in which the air remains perfectly calm. Calm winds negates the effects of whirlwinds and spells such as dust devil and gust of wind within the protected area, although such spells are not ended. Creatures from the Elemental Plane of Air and wind-based creatures such as vortices and windwalkers shun and seek to leave the area at the earliest opportunity. This calmed area is mobile with the caster and lasts as long as the caster concentrates undisturbed or until the spell duration expires. The caster can move at up to half his or her movement rate and maintain concentration, but no other strenuous actions are allowed.

The material component for this spell is the priest's holy symbol.

净化空气Clear Air


  领域Sphere:元素气Elemental Air
  施法时间Casting Time:
  影响区域Area of Effect:20呎半径球体
  豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊Special

  这道法术将创造一片空气完全清新的区域。净化空气Clear air 将驱除烟雾、蒸汽、雾气,并能瞬间沉淀如扬沙、烟尘或砂砾这样的颗粒。气态生物将被立即逐出其效果范围,并在法术生效期间都无法进入这片区域。这道法术将影响所触及生物周边的区域,并随他的移动而移动。
This spell creates an area in which the air remains perfectly clear. Clear air banishes smoke, gas, fog, and instantly settles particles such as blowing sand, soot, or grit. Creatures in gaseous form are immediately expelled from its confines, and they cannot enter the area while the spell is in effect. The spell affects the area surrounding the creature touched, and it is mobile with that creature.

The material component for this spell is the priest's holy symbol.

阿卡迪之风Winds of Akadi


  领域Sphere:元素气Elemental Air
  施法时间Casting Time:
  影响区域Area of Effect:特殊Special
  豁免检定Saving Throw:1/2

When this spell is cast, a 30-foot-diameter sphere of whirling air comes into existence at a point indicated by the caster. Creatures in the area of effect when the spell is cast (or those entering the area of effect while the spell is in effect) must make a saving throw vs. spell or suffer 1d4 points of damage.

  在法术的第二轮,这位祭司能从风暴中引领一道 闪电束lightning bolt 射向射程内的任何目标,造成1d6点/每施法者等级(上限10d6点)的伤害。从云层中发射的闪电与3级法师法术 闪电束lightning bolt 行为模式相同,受影响的生物有权进行对抗法术豁免检定,以使伤害减半。在 闪电束 被投射的那一轮身处云中的生物,在豁免检定上将遭受-4惩罚。
On the second round of the spell, the priest can cause a lightning bolt to issue forth from the storm at any target within range, inflicting 1d6 points of damage per level of the caster to a maximum of 10d6 points. Bolts fired from the cloud behave in the same way as those created by the lightning bolt 3rd-level wizard spell, and all affected creatures are entitled to a saving throw vs.spell for half damage. Creatures within the cloud in a round when a lightning bolt is projected make their saving throws with a -4 penalty.

  每隔1轮,这夺云团都将以施法者选定的方式和目标施放一道 闪电束。在法术失效前,云团共计将缠身5道 闪电束。在两道 闪电束 之间的轮,施法的祭司可以自由进行其它行动(包括近战攻击和施法)。但在每个偶数轮开始时,这位祭司需要将 闪电束 引向目标,并因此失去该轮的正常行动。
Every other round, the cloud releases one lightning bolt in a manner and at targets selected by the caster. The cloud produces a total of five lightning bolts before the spell expires. In the intermediary rounds between lightning bolts, the casting priest is free to perform other actions, including melee attacks and spellcasting. At the start of each even-numbered round, however, the priest directs the lightning bolt to its target and thus loses his or her normal action for that round.

7th Level

阿卡迪的旋窝Akadi's Vortex


  领域Sphere:元素气Elemental Air
  施法时间Casting Time:1轮
  影响区域Area of Effect:特殊Special
  豁免检定Saving Throw:1/2

  这道法术与 阿卡迪之风winds of Akadi 法术效果相同,但其从云层中释放的闪电变为6级法师法术 连锁闪电chain lightning连锁闪电 将造成1d6点/每施法者等级(上限12d6点)伤害,并且每次电弧跳向一个新目标时,其伤害骰都会减少1。云团在产生后的第3、6、9轮将释放 连锁闪电,而在第10轮,法术将随着一道普通 闪电束lightning bolt 而突然终止(造成1d6点/每施法者等级,上限10d6点)。
This spell is exactly like the winds of Akadi spell in effect except that the lightning that issues forth from the cloud behaves like that produced by the 6th-level wizard spell chain lightning. A chain lightning stroke inflicts 1d6 points of damage per level of the caster to a maximum of 12d6 points and loses one die of damage each time it arcs to a new target. The cloud issues forth chain lightning on the third round after it is created, the sixth round, and the ninth round. On the tenth round, the spell expires abruptly in a normal lightning bolts (1d6 points of damage per level of the caster to a maximum of 10d6 points).

咒唤气元素Conjure Air Elemental


  领域Sphere:元素气Elemental Air,召唤Summoning
  施法时间Casting Time:1回合
  影响区域Area of Effect:特殊Special
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

  在施展此法术时,施法者将召唤出一只 气元素air elemental 听其调令。这只元素有60%可能性为12HD,35%为16HD,5%为21~24HD(20+1d4)。除此之外,施法者只需要下达命令,它就将照其意愿行事,因为这只元素将把施法者作为一位朋友来服从。这只元素将持续存在,直至被摧毁、被驱散、或被 驱逐术dismissal圣言holy word 法术(见6级祭司法术 咒唤火元素conjure fire elemental)放逐、或是法术持续时间到期。
A caster who performs this spell summons an air elemental to do his or her bidding. The elemental is 60% likely to have 12 Hit Dice, 35% likely to have 16 Hit Dice, and 5% likely to have 21 to 24 Hit Dice (20+1d4). Furthermore, the caster needs but to command it, and it does as she or he desires, for the elemental regards the caster as a friend to be obeyed. The elemental remains until destroyed, dispelled, sent away by a dismissal or holy word spell (see the 6th-level priest spell conjure fire elemental), or the spell duration expires.



  领域Sphere:元素气Elemental Air
  施法时间Casting Time:1回合
  影响区域Area of Effect:一个270呎高的圆锥体,顶部直径30呎,底座直径10呎A 270-foot-high cone with an apex 30 feet in diameter and a 10-foot-diameter base
  豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊Special

  这道法术将创造七级以上具有破坏性的强风,足以摧毁除了最坚固石头之外的一切结构。在陆地上,旋风术whirlwind 将呈现为一道龙卷风;而在海上,它则表现为飓风。旋风术 只会在有足够空间让它完全形成的地方产生,形成过程需要一个完整回合。它将自动吹散生命骰在3或以下、未受保护的生物,这些生物必须进行对抗死亡魔法豁免检定,否则将被杀。如果对应生物为飞行生物,则必须进行对抗即死魔法豁免检定,否则将被撞飞、遭受坠落伤害。生命骰在4或以上的无保护生物,将因紊流抖振、飞行的碎片等等每轮遭受3d6点伤害,并且无法向风中移动(换句话说,无法向施法者移动)。除了构造坚固的石质建筑外,旋风术 对所有建筑物的效果等同于 地震术earthquake(见7级祭司法术)。
This spell creates damaging, gale-force winds capable of destroying structures of less than the sturdiest stone construction. On land, the whirlwind appears as a tornado; at sea, it appears as a hurricane. The whirlwind can be created only where there is room for it to fully form, and its formation require a full turn. It automatically scatters unprotected creatures with up to 3 Hit Dice, who must make a successful saving throw vs. death magic or be killed. It grounds all flying creatures, who must make a successful saving throw vs. death magic or crash, taking falling damage. Unprotected creatures with 4 or more Hit Dice take 3d6 points of damage per round of exposure from buffeting, flying debris, etc. and cannot move into the wind (in other words, toward the caster). The whirlwind has the same effect as an earthquake (see the 7th-level priest spell of that name) on all structures except those made of solidly constructed stone.

  旋风术 将根据施法者的意愿,以每轮30~60码的速度移动,施法者每轮可以改变其最多60°方向。施法者必须专注于 旋风术 一整轮才能改变它的速度与方向。
The whirlwind moves at a rate of 30 to 60 yards per round according to the desire of the caster, and the caster can vary its direction by up to 60 degrees per round. The caster must concentrate on the whirlwind for a full round to change its speed or direction.

The material components for this spell arc the priest's holy symbol and a piece of straw.
