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【音   標】AB-bah-thor
【頭   銜】貪慾宗師Great Master of Greed,寶庫之主Trove Lord,貪婪者the Avaricious,貪婪的魔龍Wyrm of Avarice
【陣   營】NE
【神   力】I
【神   職】貪婪Greed
【神   系】摩丁薩曼諸神The Morndinsamman
【主   神】摩拉丁Moradin
【盟   友】塔斯克Task維古丹Vergadain
【敵   對】蓓倫妮Berronar布蘭多布李斯Brandobaris克蘭賈汀·銀須Clangeddin Silverbeard希勞拉妮Cyrrollalee杜馬松Dumathoin摩拉丁Moradin侏儒神系the gnome pantheon地精類與巨人神系the goblinkin and giant pantheons
【神   國】灰色荒野the Gray Waste/1th 奧伊諾斯Oinos閃光廳The Glitterhell
【徽   記】飾有寶石的匕首Jeweled dagger
【簡   介】「貪婪者the Avaricious」阿巴索Abbathor 是矮人的貪慾之神,被大部分邪惡矮人和幾乎所有邪惡矮人盜賊崇敬。他代表了矮人最糟糕的方面和矮人性格的主要弱點。許多為貪慾和貪婪吞噬的矮人甚至是非矮人,或是那些想要竊取貴重物品者,向他獻祭。

2eFR<Demihuman Deities.p042>阿巴索Abbathor


  (貪慾宗師Great Master of Greed,寶庫之主Trove Lord,貪婪者the Avaricious,貪婪的魔龍Wyrm of Avarice)

  灰色荒野中等神力Intermediate Power of the Gray Waste,

  神域名DOMAIN NAME:奧伊諾斯Oinos閃光廳the Glitterhell
  敵對FOES:蓓倫妮Berronar布蘭多布李斯Brandobaris克蘭賈汀·銀須Clangeddin Silverbeard希勞拉妮Cyrrollalee杜馬松Dumathoin摩拉丁Moradin侏儒神系the gnome pantheon地精類與巨人神系the goblinkin and giant pantheons
  徽記SYMBOL:飾有寶石的匕首Jeweled dagger
  信徒陣營WOR. ALIGN.:守序邪惡LE,中立邪惡NE,混亂邪惡NE


  「貪婪者the Avaricious」阿巴索Abbathor(讀作「AB-bah-thor」)是矮人的貪慾之神,被大部分邪惡矮人和幾乎所有邪惡矮人盜賊崇敬。他代表了矮人最糟糕的方面和矮人性格的主要弱點。許多為貪慾和貪婪吞噬的矮人甚至是非矮人,或是那些想要竊取貴重物品者,向他獻祭。
Abbathor (AB-bah-thor) the Avaricious is the dwarven god of greed, venerated by most evil dwarves and nearly all evil dwarven thieves. He represents the worst aspect and major weakness of dwarven character. Many dwarves and even nondwarves consumed with treasure lust and greed, or those who seek to steal valuables, make offerings to him.

  貪慾宗師Great Master of Greed 曾經對寶石和金屬的自然之美感興趣,但在 摩拉丁Moradin 任命 杜馬松Dumathoin 為高山矮人的保護者(阿巴索認為那是自己應得的職位)時,他變得怨恨不滿。從那天開始,阿巴索變得更為狡猾和自私,不斷試圖構建貪慾(尤其是邪惡的貪慾)來作為驅使所有矮人生命的力量,來報復其祂矮人神明。
The Great Master of Greed was once interested purely in the natural beauty of gems and metals, but became embittered when Moradin appointed Dumathoin the protector of mountain dwarves - a position Abbathor felt should be his. From that day onward, Abbathor has become ever more devious and self-serving, continually trying to wreak revenge on the other dwarven gods by establishing greed, especially evil greed, as the driving force in the lives of all dwarves.

  寶庫之主Trove Lord 與 維古丹Vergadain 維持着不穩定的休戰,但他與矮人神系的其餘成員關係疏遠。阿巴索尤其憎恨剝奪了他在神系中合法地位的杜馬松和摩拉丁,並在暗中與他們作對。他因 克蘭賈汀Clangeddin 自以為是的高貴姿態和過去的辱罵而嫌惡他,而克蘭賈汀也以牙還牙。蓓倫妮Berronar 討厭阿巴索的不誠實、杜馬松則在貪慾宗師面前保護着寶藏,而令阿巴索無休止地沮喪和憤怒。然而,不同於 拉杜格Laduguer,阿巴索還能被其祂矮人神明容忍,不過沒有人信任他。儘管在他身上體現了他們讓自己的追隨者避免的一切,但在過往的史詩戰爭中他站在他們這邊,並且仍然是這個團體的一位重要成員。不過,阿巴索幾乎從不會幫助任何非矮人神祇或生物,除了值得注意的例外——龍族的貪慾之神,塔斯克Task。
The Trove Lord maintains an uneasy truce with the god Vergadain, but he is otherwise estranged from the dwarven pantheon. Abbathor particularly hates Dumathoin and Moradin for denying him his rightful place in the pantheon, and he secretly works against both. He hates Clangeddin for Clangeddin's self-righteous noble stance and certain past insult, and Clangeddin returns the favor. Berronar loathes Abbathor's deceitfulness, and Dumathoin shields treasures from the Great Master of Greed, to Abbathor's unending frustration and fury. Unlike Laduguer, however, Abbathor is tolerated by the other dwarven gods, although none trust him. Despite the fact that he embodies everything they teach their followers to avoid, he has sided with them in epic battles of the past and is still a valued member of the group. Abbathor never helps any nondwarven deity or being, however, with the notable exception of Task, draconic god of greed.

  不管他身高如何,阿巴索都是矮胖蹲伏、彎腰駝背的。在他行走時,他看上去在蜿蜒滑行和鬼祟側行,除了經常搓動雙手外不會發出很多聲音。若攜帶着寶石或金子,他會經常以一種聯繫的、無意識的、不可抑止的感性方式撫摸它們。有時,這會使被為獲得他持有的財富的欲望蒙蔽的無知之人攻擊他。據說貪慾宗師的眼睛的眼睛燃燒着黃-綠色(當渴望獲得寶藏或是撲向它時,是熾熱的黃色,而在耍詭計和被挫敗時,則是眼皮拉聳和綠色的)。他有着巨鷹的喙一般的尖銳鷹鈎鼻,並且總是穿着皮甲和皮衣,兩者都由對抗他而含恨而死的生物的皮製成的。據說他有着一種刺耳、沙啞、蜜語哄騙的聲音和急躁的性格,在憤怒時會發出嘶嘶聲並吐唾沫。阿巴索被自己對寶藏(尤其是金子)貪得無厭的欲望所支配,並且奸詐地與矮人打着交道。他在尋找寶藏的過程中以化身形態漫遊於許多個世界(包括 諸國度the Realms)。阿巴索不擇手段(無論那手段是多麼邪惡)來推進他的目的——通常涉及到財富的獲取。當他看見超過1000gp的財富或任何魔法物品時,他會直接偷走它或是殺死原主然後拿走。若盜竊行動受挫,阿巴索會試圖摧毀它以免被失敗的記憶折磨。
Abbathor is squat and hunched, despite his height. He seems to slither and sidle along as he walks, never making much noise but often rubbing his hands together. If c0arrying gems or gold, he often caresses these in a continuous, unconscious, overwhelmingly sensuous manner. At times, this has made ignorant folk attack him, overcome by lust to gain the treasure he holds. The Great Master is said to have burning yellow-green eyes (blazing yellow when eager for treasure or when pouncing upon it, hooded and green while scheming or when thwarted). He has a sharp hooked nose like a giant eagle's beak and always dresses in leather armor and furs, both fashioned from the skins of creatures who have opposed him and died to regret it. He is said to have a harsh, husky, wheedling voice and a quick temper, hissing and spitting when angry. Abbathor is governed by his insatiable lust for treasure, especially gold, and is treacherous in his dealings with dwarves. He roams many worlds, including the Realms, in avatar form in search of treasure. Abbathor uses any means, no matter how evil, to further his ends, which typically involve the acquisition of wealth. Should the Great Master of Greed see treasure worth more than 1,000 gp or any magical item, he attrated to steal it outright or slay the owner and then take it anyway. If frustrated in an attempt to steal an item, Abbathor tries to destroy it so as not to he tortured by the memory of his failure.


阿巴索的化身Abbathor's Avatar

  (盜賊Thief 35,法師Wizard 28,牧師Cleric 18,戰士Fighter 15)

Abbathor appears as a very large dwarf clad in leather and furs. He is fat and piggy-eyed with sallow skin. He favors spells from the spheres of divination, guardian, sun (reversed), and protection, plus the schools of divination and illusion/phantasm, although he can cast spells from any sphere or school.

  防禦等級 -5;移動 12 或 15;生命值 211;零級命中值 3;#攻擊 5次/2輪
  傷害 2d12+15 (+5 匕首,+8 力量,+2 對匕首專精)
  魔抗 65%;體型 中型M(6呎高)或 大型L(8呎高)
  力量 20,敏捷 22,體質 21,智力 20,感知 18,魅力 10
  法術 祭司P:10/10/9/9/6/4/2,法師W:6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6
  豁免 麻痹、毒素與死亡魔法 4;權杖、法杖與魔杖 1*;石化或變形 5;噴吐武器 4;法術 4
  AC -5; MV 12 or 15; HP 211; THAC0 3;#AT 5/2
  Dmg 2d12+15 (dagger +5,+8 STR,+2 spec. bonus in dagger)
  MR 65%; SZ M (6 feet tall) or L (8 feet tall)
  STR 20, DEX 22, CON 21, INT 20, Wis 18, CHA 10
  Spells P:10/10/9/9/6/4/2, W:6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6
  Saves PPDM 4, RSW 1*, PP 5, BW 4, Sp 4

    *Includes dwarf +6 CON save bonus to a minimum of 1. The CON save bonus also applies to saves vs. poison to a minimum of 1.

特殊攻擊/防禦Special Att/Def:

  阿巴索揮舞着一柄鑽石刃的+5匕首,匕柄上鑲嵌着珠寶。它造成2d12點(基礎)傷害,並能偵測20呎半徑內貴金屬(類型和總量)的存在。它從所有抓住它的凡物身上吸取能量來復原自身:在最開始觸碰時,以及之後的這柄刃被持握的每一完整(或不完全)輪,均將失去一個經驗值等級。(在攻擊時它並不帶生命能量吸取,只有在被奪取時才會這樣——例如被某人偷走。)除了他的物理和法術攻擊,隨意使用,每輪1次,貪慾宗師還能施展 偵測幻術detect illusions偵測金屬與礦石detect metals and minerals、或是 創造財富欲treasure lust (見後文的第一種顯現力量)。
Abbathor wields a diamond-bladed dagger +5 with jewels set into the hilt. It does 2d12 (base) points of damage and can detect the presence (type and amount) of precious metals in a 20 foot radius. It repowers itself by draining life energy from all mortals who grab it:one experience level is lost at the first touch, and one per round or partial round thereafter that the blade is held. (It does not drain life energy on an attack, just when grabbed - like when someone tries to steal it.) In addition to his physical and spell attacks, the Great Master of Greed can cast detect illusions, detect metals and minerals, or create treasure lust (see the first manifestation power, below) at will, one per round.

  阿巴索經常攜帶着一對藏在口袋裡的黃金獅子(異能塑像figurines of wondrous power)。若陷入困境,他會拋擲它們,命令它們為自己戰鬥。若它們被制服而這位神明必須逃跑,他會重新回來偷它們,並在方便的時候殺死它們的新主人。
Abbathor often carries a pair of golden lions (figurines of wondrous power) concealed in a pocket. If hard-pressed, he hurls these, commanding them to fight for him. If they are overpowered and the god must flee, he simply returns to steal them back and slay their new owner as soon as it is convenient.

  當預料會有麻煩的時候,阿巴索也會裝備一面每輪1次,能在30呎範圍內任何一隻生物上施展 目盲術blindness 法術的盾牌。目標必須成功通過-6(或是-3,如果他們的臉一直避開盾牌)的對抗法術豁免檢定。(後一種選擇將破事它們在戰鬥中,在攻擊骰和AC上受到-4懲罰。)他只能被+2或更好的魔法武器擊中。
When expecting trouble, Abbathor also bears a shield that can cast a 30-foot range blindness spell at any one creature, once per round. Targets must succeed at a saving throw with a -6 penalty, or a -3 penalty if they continually face away from the shield. (This latter option forces them to fight with a penalty of-4 to their attack rolls and Armor Classes.) He can be struck only by +2 or better magical weapons.



其祂顯現Other Manifestations

Abbathor manifests purely to work his own ends, typically in one of four ways:

  ❖他能在矮人、侏儒、人類或半身人中創造一種突然的財富欲(在-2懲罰的對抗法術豁免檢定成功以避免;若為矮人,則-4)。受影響的生物將執行阿巴索(換句話說, DM)想要的任何事,持續6輪,為了試圖奪取已知的寶藏並保有它,若看上去必要,他會殺死所有目擊者。與朋友或愛人戰鬥允許進行每輪1次的重複豁免檢定,以擺脫阿巴索的力量。
  ❖ He can create a sudden treasure lust in dwarves, gnomes, humans, or halflings (to avoid, succeed at a saving throw vs. spell at a -2 penalty;-4 if dwarven). Affected beings do anything Abbathor (in other words, the DM) wants for 6 rounds, in an attempt to seize known treasure and keep it, slaying all witnesses if that seems necessary. Combat with friends or loved ones allows repeated saving throws, one per round, to break free of Abbathor's power.

  ❖ Abbathor can cause any dwarf to be suddenly made aware of the precise location, nature, and value of hidden gems within 10 feet.

  ❖阿巴索能引發魔法的 沉默術,半徑15呎silence, 15' radius黑暗術,半徑15呎darkness,15' radius,兩者均持續1回合,以幫助偷東西的矮人逃跑。
  ❖ Abbathor can cause magical silence and darkness,15' radius, both lasting 1 turn, to aid the escape of a dwarf who has stolen something.

  ❖ Finally, whenever a treasure chest is opened or a hoard pile is disturbed, Abbathor tries to cause gems and/or coins to leap of their own accord. He makes them fall and bounce or roll away into crevices or other hiding places from which he may recover them later. Allow a 2 in 6 chance of this happening; if it occurs, roll 1d12 to determine how many valuables are affected, and allow PCs to make Dexterity checks to trap, catch, or retrieve them, according to how they act.

Sometimes, when Abbathor's avatar is present in the Realms, two other manifestations occur. First, when Abbathor hears his name spoken (in the way all avatars can), a handlike invisible force snatches and clutches at the purse, pockets, worn jewelry, or sacks of the speaker, by way of warning. If anything comes loose (apply item saving throws and/or Strength and Dexterity checks as the circumstances suggest), treat the objects as leaping into hiding (as above) for Abbathor to claim later.

  其次,當阿巴索的化身或一隻生物(幾乎總是一位矮人)在集中注意力走近寶石時(無論是切割過並完成了的,還是自然並仍然鑲嵌在石頭中的),這塊珠寶將以高尖、多頻聲諧奏、聽上去就像南方the South流行的玻璃和金屬風鈴產生的聲音鳴唱。這種鳴唱所有人都聽得見,可以指引阿巴索或他選中的生物靠近寶石。
Second, when Abbathor's avatar or a being (almost always a dwarf) upon whom he is concentrating walks close to gems (either cut and finished or natural and still embedded in stone), the jewels sing with a high-pitched, multitoned chiming, rather like the sounds made by the glass and metal wind chimes popular in the South. This singing is audible to all and serves to guide Abbathor or his chosen being to the gems.

  阿巴索被以下事物侍奉着:aurumvorae、crysmals、被貪慾吞噬的巨龍、earth elemental vermin、earth weirds、幽魂龍、hetfish、貪婪具現incarnates of covetousness、khaasta、陷阱蟲、鏽蝕怪、tso、獾人、以及 xavers。他的愉悅通過金子和任何種類的寶石的發現顯現,他的不悅通過財富的剝奪——使得寶石裂成碎片、裝黃金的袋子被撕破洞等等。
Abbathor is served by aurumvorae, crysmals, dragons consumed with avarice, earth elemental vermin, earth weirds, ghost dragons, hetfish, incarnates of covetousness, khaasta, rappers, rust monsters, tso, werebadgers, and xavers. He manifests his pleasure through the discovery of gold and jewels of all sorts and his displeasure through the despoiling of treasure - causing gems to split apart, sacks of gold to tear, and so on.

教會The Church

  神職人員CLERGY:牧師Clerics,專屬祭司specialty priests,盜賊thieves
  神職陣營CLERGY'S ALIGN.:守序邪惡LE,中立邪惡NE,混亂邪惡NE;混亂中立CN(僅野獸追隨者noroghor)
  驅散不死TURN UNDEAD:牧師C:不可No;專屬祭司SP:不可No;盜賊T:不可No
  呵斥不死CMND. UNDEAD:牧師C:可Yes;專屬祭司SP:可,祭司等級-4 Yes, at priest level -4;盜賊T:不可No

  阿巴索的所有牧師(包括牧師/盜賊,一種允許阿巴索的矮人祭司選擇的兼職組合)和專屬祭司得到 宗教知識religion(矮人dwarven)和 閱讀/書寫reading/writing(矮人語符文Dethek runes)作為非武器熟練獎勵。阿巴索的牧師能使用任何武器,而不只是鈍擊武器(類型B)。阿巴索的牧師(以及牧師/盜賊)在7級前不能支配不死,但他們在針對不死生物的所有攻擊和傷害骰+2。在第7級和更高,牧師(包括兼職牧師)能如其他牧師那樣支配不死,但牧師等級比當前等級-4。直到 動盪之年Time of Troubles 前,阿巴索的所有祭司都是男性,但在那之後,已有一些女性加入了該教會。
All clerics (including cleric/thieves, a multiclass combination allowed to dwarven priests of Abbathor) and specialty priests of Abbathor receive religion (dwarven) and reading/writing (Dethek runes) as bonus nonweapon proficiencies. Clerics of Abbathor can use any weapons, not just bludgeoning (wholly Type B) weapons. Clerics of Abbathor (as well as cleric/thieves) cannot command undead before 7th level, but they always strike at +2 on all attack and damage rolls against undead creatures. At 7th level and above, clerics (including multiclassed clerics) can command undead as other clerics do, but as a cleric of four levels less than their current level. All clergy members of Abbathor were male until the Times of Troubles, but since then some females have joined the church.

  雖然阿巴索在矮人社會中遭到公開斥責(「去了阿巴索那gone to Abbathor」是一種對失去財富的矮人表達),但大部分矮人都不止一次被他所具現的對財富的欲望吞噬。極少會有矮人不承認貪婪的痕跡已經感染了 粗壯族裔the Stout Folk,而寶庫之主也尤其奠定了在矮人神系中的合法地位。就像氏族中一位不受歡迎、自私自利,但卻沒有人清楚他是否曾背叛他的親屬的成員一樣,即便他們譴責他的信仰,但大部分矮人還是將貪慾宗師看作 摩丁薩曼諸神the Morndinsamman 的一員。
While Abbathor is publicly reviled in dwarven society ("gone to Abbathor" is a dwarven express-ion for lost treasure), most dwarves have been consumed on more than one occasion with the lust for treasure that he embodies. Rare is the dwarf who does not recognize the streak of avarice infecting the Stout Folk, and thus the Trove Lord's rightful place in the dwarven pantheon. Like an unliked and self-serving member of the clan who nonetheless is not known to have ever betrayed his kinfolk, the Great Master of Greed is venerated as a member of the Morndinsamman by most dwarves, even as they decry his beliefs.

Temples of the Great Master of Greed are always in underground caverns or secret, windowless rooms. Sacrificial altars are massive, plain blocks of stone, blackened by the many fires laid and burnt upon them. (Note that nondwarves tend to panic when sacrificial fires are lit, and the smoke begins to billow!) Abbathor's places of worship can easily be mistaken for treasure vaults, as they are typically painted in gold leaf and filled with a cache of purloined treasures. In fact, the most sacred places of the Trove Lord are caverns that once housed the hoards of ancient wyrms.

  阿巴索的初修士名為 覓金者Goldseekers;正式祭司名為 貪慾之手the Hands of Greed。依升序,阿巴索教派Abbathoran 神職人員所使用的頭銜如下:銅子的窺伺者Coveter of Copper、銀子的尋覓者Seeker of Silver、琥珀金的貪婪者Luster of Electrum、金子的囤積者Hoarder of Gold、白金的掠取者Plunderer of Platinum、以及 秘銀的吝嗇鬼Miser of Mithral。高階長老High Old Ones有獨特的個人頭銜,但被統稱為 貪慾大師the Masters of Greed。專屬祭司名為 貪求者aetharnor(音譯為 阿薩那),這是一個矮人語詞彙,可以粗略地翻譯為「 那些被貪慾支配的人those consumed with greed 」。祭職者由金矮人(50%)、盾矮人(40%)、灰矮人(9%)以及叢林矮人(1%)構成。阿巴索的神職人員幾乎平分為專屬祭司(35%)、牧師/盜賊(33%)、以及盜賊(32%),剩餘部分是牧師(10%)。男性祭司(97%)仍占祭職者的絕大部分。阿巴索教派秘密地支持着某些 魔龍教the Wyrm Cult(詳述見下)的領導人;這類專屬祭司名為 野獸追隨者noroghor,這是一個矮人語詞彙,可以粗略地翻譯為「野獸的追隨者beast followers」。
Novices of Abbathor are known as Goldseekers; full priests are known as the Hands of Greed. In ascending order of rank, the titles used by Abbathoran priests are Coveter of Copper, Seeker of Silver, Luster of Electrum, Hoarder of Gold, Plunderer of Platinum, and Miser of Mithral. High Old Ones have unique individual titles but are collectively known as the Masters of Greed. Specialty priests are known as aetharnor, a dwarvish word that can be loosely translated as those consumed with greed. The priesthood consists of gold dwarves (50%), shield dwarves (40%), gray dwarves (9%), and jungle dwarves (1%). Abbathor's clergy is nearly evenly divided between Specialty Priests(35%), cleric/thieves (33%), and thieves (32%), with the remainder being clerics (10%). Male priests still constitute most of the priesthood (97%). Abbathor secretly supports some leaders of the Wyrm Cult (described below); such specialty priests are known as noroghor, a dwarvish word that can be loosely translated as beast followers.


Seek to acquire all that shines or sparkles, and revel in the possession of such. The wealth of the earth was created for those dwarves strong and crafty enough to acquire it by any means necessary. Greed is good, as it motivates the acquisition and the holding of all that is truly precious. Do not seize wealth from the children of the Morndinsamman, however, nor conspire against the favored of Abbathor, for such strife in the name of avarice weakens the clan.

日常活動Day-to-Day Activities:

Like their deity, priests of Abbathor strive to enrich themselves, taking advantage of their positions and influence to steal or deal themselves some personal wealth. Such funds are typically cached in remote, fiendishly well-trapped hideaways, as amassing enough loot to retire in luxury is a game and a driving motivation among priests of this god.

  不過,正如上文提到的,其中有一條嚴厲的規則:沒有阿巴索的祭司會從其他任何矮人那裡偷東西,或是驅動會損害任何敵對的阿巴索祭司的人身或財富的事件。這便是經常被用來警告矮人盜賊們的臭名昭著的 阿巴索的鐵律Abbathor's Commandment。阿巴索的祭司可不喜歡牢記這條規則,而全然只為了在憤怒的矮人同伴已經屠殺了披着阿巴索的神職人員袍子的盜賊後,而說出來以保護這位神明的追隨者。
As noted above, however, there is one strict rule:No priest of Abbathor can steal from any other dwarf, or influence events to cause harm to the person or wealth of any rival priest of Abbathor. This is the infamous Abbathor's Commandment, of which dwarven thieves are often reminded. Priests of Abbathor do not like to remember so readily that it was uttered purely in order to preserve some followers of the god after angry fellow dwarves had slaughtered thief after thief in the robes of Abbathor's clergy.

The wider aims of the priesthood are to enrich all dwarves, working with the clergy of Vergadain and Dumathoin where possible toward that end. Across the Realms, priests of Abbathor are always looking for a chance for common dwarven profit (and their own personal gain) through underhanded and shady arrangements. The underground ways known to dwarves make them ideal smugglers, and many borders are undercut by tunnels enabling dwarven merchants to avoid duties and restrictions in transporting goods from one land to another. Dwarves are prevented from dominating the smuggling trade purely by their aversion to water, which effectively excludes them from shipborne activity.

Priests of Abbathor trade (on the sly) with anyone, including duergar, drow, illithids, Zhentarim, orcs, giants, and other undesirable creatures or traditional enemies of the dwarves. Dwarves have been slain by axes sold to ores by priests of Abbathor on more than one occasion. This contrariness, however, is an essential part of the dwarven nature, as is the goldlust that drives many dwarves on occasion - at such times they are said to be under the spell of Abbathor or in Abbathor's thrall. Priests of Abbathor can be considered to be permanently in this condition, but to have learnt subtlety and devious cunning in its pursuit, rather than simple, crude acquisitiveness.

Beings who need something underhanded done can always contact priests of Abbathor if they know where to find them. (Usually only dwarves know how to do so.) For a fee, a known worshiper of Abbathor will often arrange a meeting between an outsider (such as a human) and one of the god's priests. The priest and the worshiper will both work to arrange the meeting so that the priest is in little danger of attack, kidnapping, or arrest.

  阿巴索的祭司在暗中破壞杜馬松和蓓倫妮的信仰——前者是作為對 沉默的保守者the Silent Keeper 篡奪了本應屬於寶庫的位置的報復,而對後者則是作為對 可敬的母親the Revered Mother 協力致力於防盜的回應。因為這類活動必須對其神職者隊伍外的人保密且絕不能有威脅氏族安全的可能,所以貪婪之手門必須非常緩慢地推進這個目標。
Priests of Abbathor secretly work to undermine the faith of Dumathoin and Berronar - the former in revenge for the Silent Keeper's assumption of a position meant for the Trove Lord, and the latter in response to the Revered Mother's concerted efforts to prevent thefts. Since such actions must always be kept secret from all but their fellow clergy members and may never endanger the immediate safety of the clan, the Hands of Greed must proceed very slowly in this task.

聖日/重要儀式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

Solar eclipses and days when volcanic eruptions or other causes bring darkness during daytime are always considered holy days.

Once a year, priests of Abbathor sacrifice a creature on an altar. It must be an enemy of dwarves but can be anything from an elf to a boar. Orcs, trolls, and giants are the most favored sacrifices. The faithful of Abbathor then bring gems in offering to the god, and these are placed upon the body, they must touch the blood of the sacrifice. The value of the sacrifice is said to determine the amount of Abbathor's favor that will benefit the offerer in the year to come. Even priests refer to this practice as "buying grace." The sacrifice is then burnt to ashes, gems and all. If magic or especially valuable gems are sacrificed, these sometimes disappear before the body is consumed, taken by Abbathor for his own (or pocketed by the priests for their own use, some say).

Abbathor's favor is said to include minor things like causing guards to sleep or become distracted, shaping shadows and moon-cloaking clouds to hide the features or exact position of a fleeing dwarven thief, or allowing a trapped thief an occasional battle-aid (in the form of an initiative roll bonus). Dwarves in need of Abbathor's immediate favor may make offerings at other times throughout the year. It is also customary to make an offering when one first worships at a particular temple.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

  阿法恩神殿Aefarn,即 黃金之屋the House of Gold,是一座貯放了大量阿巴索神職人員的財富的要塞化神殿建築。這座神殿位於 轉角山Turnback Mountain 的地下深處,轉角山是一條有着與其類似名字、沿着 埃諾奧克沙漠Anauroch 東部邊緣和名為 苦痛之地the Tortured Land 的冰原的北部、南北走向的山脈中,最南端的山峰。貪慾之手的財富寶庫坐落在千紀前太古紅龍「馬哈特納托里安之卵裔Spawn of Mahatnartorian」萊格弗雷肯許Ragflaconshen 為在貪婪的阿巴索麵前保衛自己的寶藏而戰死前,自花崗岩中開鑿出的洞穴群中。在 嘯風之年Year of the Wailing Winds(1000 DR),一夥阿巴索教派祭司三人組在追隨貪慾宗室放置在那(或者說,他們是如此懷疑的)、一連串由金幣組成的蹤跡,磕磕巴巴地穿越了這頭魔龍長而隱蔽的巢穴後。在歷經一場艱苦的冒險避開這條死亡已久的魔龍的許多陷阱後,這三位祭司在 覺醒之年Year of the Awakening(1001 DR)初最終穿透進入了這頭魔龍的密室。在那裡他們發現這頭魔龍以作為幽魂龍的形態倖存了下來,直到他那不可思議的寶藏被復原前他的靈魂不得安息。寶庫之主隨後以幻象對這三位祭司神臨,並指示他們召集散布在 酷寒之地the Cold Lands——這片地區鬆散地結合了 月海the Moonsea埃諾奧克沙漠 以及 大冰川the Great Glacier 之間的土地——各地的信徒到這座幽魂龍的巢穴中。這聚起的大量財富讓這位寶庫之主的古老敵人(在貪慾方面他們彼此卻有着類似的靈魂)的靈魂得以最終安息。當這完成時,阿巴索以化身形態向聚集起的崇拜者門神臨,並指示他們在 錢幣三領主the Three Coinlords(此三人組後來被如此稱呼)的領導下,建築一座向他致敬的神殿。這座建築為聚集起的寶貴財產(可能是諸國度中曾存在過的價值最貴重的一堆)、以及其神職人員在廣闊世界中將取得的新財富,提供了貯藏之地。在自阿法恩神殿建立以來的將近四個世紀中,這座安置了黃金之屋的洞穴已經完全被金箔覆蓋並被鑲嵌珍貴的寶石。這座神殿最資深的三位祭司組成了執政三巨頭(仍然以其創立者的稱呼命名),而聚集起的阿巴索祭司們共同努力在入侵者面前保衛黃金之屋。每位祭司都有一套有着大量陷阱的房間,其中囤積着他們自己在神殿財富所占的份額。因此,那些想要洗劫黃金之屋的人會發現,除了強大的集體防禦外,他們還要面臨無數的較小的堡壘。
Aefarn, the House of Gold, is a fortified temple complex housing much of the collected wealth of Abbathor's clergy. The temple is located deep beneath Turnback Mountain, the southernmost peak of a mountain range of similar name runningnorth-south along the eastern border of Anauroch and north of the frozen steppes known as the Tortured Land. The treasure vaults of the Hands of Greed are located in a cavern complex hewn millennia ago from the surrounding granite by the great red wyrm Ragflaconshen, Spawn of Mahatnartorian, before he died defending his hoard from the avaricious Abbathor. In the Year of the Wailing Winds (1000 DR), a trio of Abbathoran priests stumbled across the wyrm's long-hidden lair after following a trail of gold coins placed - or so they suspected - by the Great Master of Greed. After an arduous adventure bypassing the long-dead wyrm's many traps, the three priests finally penetrated Ragflaconshen's inner sanctum early in the Year of the Awakening (1001 DR). There they discovered that the great wyrm had survived, after a fashion, as a ghost dragon, his spirit unable to rest until his fabulous horde was replaced in kind. The Trove Lord then appeared to the three priests in a vision and directed them to muster the faithful (along with their personal hoards) scattered throughout the Cold Lands - the territory loosely incorporating the lands between the Moonsea, Anauroch, and the Great Glacier - in the ghost dragon's lair. This mass assemblage of treasure would allow the spirit of the Trove Lord's ancient antagonist and kindred spirit in greed to rest at last. When this was done, Abbathor appeared to his assembled worshipers in avatar form and directed them, under the leadership of the Three Coinlords (as the trio was thereafter known), to build a temple honoring him. This structure would house the assembled trove of treasure (possibly the most valuable to ever exist in the Realms), as well as all new wealth that its clergy acquired in the wider world. In the nearly four centuries since the founding of Aefarn, the caverns that make up the House of Gold have been entirely covered with gold leaf and studded with precious gems. The three senior most priests of the temple compose the ruling triumvirate (still named for its founders), although Abbathor's assembled priests work collectively to defend the House of Gold from interlopers. Each priest has his own heavily trapped set of chambers in which his personal share of the temple's wealth is hoarded. Thus those seeking to plunder the House of Gold find themselves faced with innumerable smaller fortresses in addition to the formidable collective defenses.

從屬組織Affiliated Orders:

  雖然阿巴索沒有依附於其信仰的騎士團,不過貪慾宗師自己秘密接受了矮人社會中最著名的異教之一,並開始授予法術給它名為野獸追隨者的祭司。在 費倫大陸Faerûn 各地隔絕的矮人社區中都能發現魔龍教,但相較於 內海the Inner Sea 南部的區域,它在 北地the North 更為常見。它的祭司數量稀少且行使隱秘,他們僱傭矮人支持者作為間諜,並通過給予他們機會以野獸形態來進行娛樂或是報復,來作為他們的援助的報酬。魔龍教崇拜各種強大的野獸(尤其是巨龍和其它被矮人以尊敬的態度對待的強大生物),並試圖以野獸的力量來殺戮和混淆敵人,來增益其擁護者們的力量與財富。魔龍教的祭司們對那些在過去折磨或殺死過矮人的所有類型的生物,滿懷着燃燒的怒火,會試圖攻擊任何漫遊到他們位於北地荒野各處所及範圍內的非矮人冒險者。目前需要財富與權力的他們,在試圖同時增強崇拜者的影響力和人數,以及通過收購魔法物品和控制領土來實現。
While Abbathor has no knightly orders associated with his faith, the Great Master of Greed has secretly embraced one of the most prominent cults in dwarven society as his own and begun granting spells to its priests, who are known as noroghor. The Wyrm Cult can be found in isolated dwarven communities throughout Faerûn, but it seems more common in the North than in areas south of the Inner Sea lands. Its priests are few and secretive, employing dwarven sympathizers as spies and rewarding them for their aid by allowing them opportunities for recreation or revenge in beast form. The Wyrm Cult worships various beasts (especially dragons and other powerful creatures that dwarves treat with respect) and seeks to increase the power and wealth of its adherents by slaying and confounding enemies with the powers of beasts. Consumed by a burning anger against all types of creatures who have oppressed or slain dwarves in the past, Wyrm Cult priests have taken to attacking all nondwarven adventurers who wander within their reach throughout the wilderlands of the North. Currently in need of wealth and power, they seek both through increased influence and greater numbers of worshipers as well as through the acquisition of magical items and controlled territories.

祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:

Priests of Abbathor always dress in red - a brilliant scarlet, worn as underclothing for everyday use and as over-robes for ceremonial occasions. Over this they wear leather armor with leather caps (never helms). If this armor must be discarded, dark crimson robes are worn to echo - and yet conceal the brightness of - the scarlet underclothing. Clergy of Abbathor never wear wealth openly because of the god's saying:"The best is always hidden." The holy symbol of the faith is a gold coin at least two inches in diameter, which is stamped with the symbol of Abbathor on both faces.

冒險裝束Adventuring Garb:

When expecting open combat, the Trove Lord's priests gird themselves in the best available armor and weapons with which they are proficient, in the fashion of most dwarven warriors. When stealth is required, however, members of Abbathor's clergy prefer the garb and tools of rogues. In all cases, however, the Hands of Greed keep the signs of their calling - including their scarlet underclothes and their holy symbols - concealed, as it is considered an affront to Abbathor to proclaim his name or his symbol openly.


專屬祭司Specialty Priests(貪求者Aetharnor

  職業需求REQUIREMENTS:敏捷Dexterity 11,感知Wisdom 9
  關鍵屬性PRIME REQ.:敏捷Dexterity,感知Wisdom
  武器WEAPONS:木棒Club,匕首dagger,飛鏢dart,手弩hand crossbow,小刀knife,套索lasso,短弓short bow,投索sling,闊劍broad sword,長劍long sword,短劍short sword,以及 棍棒and staff
  主修領域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,魅惑charm,戰鬥combat,預言divination,守衛guardian,召喚summoning,結界wards
  次要領域MINOR SPHERES:創造Creation,治療healing,死靈necromantic,保護protection,召喚summoning,太陽sun
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧師和盜賊Same as clerics and thieves
  熟練需求REQ. PROFS:挖礦Mining
  熟練獎勵BONUS PROFS:估價Appraising,寶石切割gem cutting

  ❖ Most aethamor (the plural form of aetharnar) are either gold dwarves or shield dwarves, but dwarves of nearly every subrace are called to be specialty priests of Abbathor.

  ❖ Aetharnor are not allowed to multiclass.

  ❖ Aethamor may select nonweapon proficiencies from both the priest and rogue groups with no crossover penalty.

  ❖ Aethamor understand and use thieves' cant.

  ❖貪求者擁有有限的盜賊技能,如「附錄 1:亞人祭司Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests」受限的盜賊技能Limited Thieving Skills條目的詳述。
  ❖ Aetharnor have some thieving skills as defined in the Limited Thieving Skills section of "Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests."

  ❖每日1次,貪求者能施展 偵測金屬與礦石(如同詳述於《神力與神系Powers & Pantheons》的1級祭司法術)。
  ❖ Aethamor can cast detect metals and minerals (as the 1st-level priest spell detailed in Powers & Pantheons) once per day.

  ❖在第3級,每日1次,貪求者能施展 掩飾石頭maskstone(如同2級祭司法術)。
  ❖ At 3rd level, aethamor can cast maskstone (as the 2nd-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖在第5級,每日1次,黑暗術,15尺半徑darkness,15' radius(如同2級法師法術)。
  ❖ At 5th level, aethamor can cast darkness,15' radius (as the 2nd-level wizard spell) once per day.

  ❖ At 7th level, aethamor can detect illusions at will in a path 10 feet wide and 60 feet long in front of them. They must concentrate to use this ability.

  ❖在第10級,每日1次,貪求者能施展 隱匿財富conceal riches(如同4級祭司法術)。
  ❖ At 10th level, aethamor can cast conceal riches (as the 4th-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖在第13級,每日各1次,貪求者能施展 萬·加斯特的回絕Von Gasik's refusal(如同5級法師法術)和 敲擊術knock(如同2級法師法術)。
  ❖ At 13th level, aethamor can cast Von Gasik's refusal (as the 5th-level wizard spell) and knock (as the 2nd-level wizard spell) once each per day.

  ❖在第15級,每日1次,貪求者能施展 附魔財寶steal enchantment(如同7級法師法術)和 岡得的萬變之擊Gunther's kaleidoscopic strike(如同8級法師法術)。
  ❖ At 15th level, aethamor can cast steal enchantment (as the 7th-level wizard spell) or Gunther's kaleidoscopic strike (as the 8th-level wizard spell).

  ❖在第20級,每月1次,貪求者能施展 輝煌變形術glorious transformation(如同9級法師法術)。請注意:貪求者這樣做仍然需要一塊 哲學石philospher's stone
  ❖ At 20th level, aethamor can cast glorious transformation (as the 9th-level wizard spell) once per month. Note that aethamor still require a philospher's stone to do this.

專屬祭司Specialty Priests(野獸追隨者Noroghor

  職業需求REQUIREMENTS:體質Constitution 9,感知Wisdom 9
  關鍵屬性PRIME REQ.:體質Constitution,感知Wisdom
  武器WEAPONS:任意鈍擊武器(類型B) Any bludgeoning (wholly Type B) weapon
  主修領域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,動物animal,戰鬥combat,守衛guardian,保護protection,召喚summoning,結界wards
  次要領域MINOR SPHERES:元素Elemental,治療healing,植物plant,旅者travelers
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧師Same as clerics
  熟練需求REQ. PROFS:訓練動物Animal training
  熟練獎勵BONUS PROFS:動物知識Animal lore,現代語言(選擇一種怪物口語,例如古龍語或眼魔語) modern languages (choose one monstrous tongue, such as Auld Wyrmish or beholder)

  ❖ While most noroghor (the plural form of noroghar) are either gold dwarves or shield dwarves, dwarves of nearly every subrace are called to be priests of the Wyrm Cult.

  ❖ Noroghor are not allowed to multiclass.

  ❖ At 3rd level, noroghor are immune to the fear auras of young adult dragons of all species. For every two levels above 3rd, the maximum age category of dragon to whose aura noroghor are immune increases by one. For example, at 5th level, noroghor are immune to the fear auras of adult or younger dragons. This immunity applies equally to all types of dragons, including gem dragons, but it is affected by spells or magical items that increase or decrease a dragon's effective age category with regard to its fear aura.

  ❖在第5級,每日1次,野獸追隨者能施展 有效怪物結界efficacious monster ward(如同3級祭司法術)。
  ❖ At 5th level, noroghor can cast efficacious monster ward (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖在第7級,每日3次,持續最多1回合,但只能採用他們親眼見過的生物和其它活物的形態,野獸追隨者能施展 形體變化shape change(如同9級法師法術)。他們最喜歡的形態包括巨蛇、飛龍、巨龍、野豬、熊和各種大型貓類(老虎、黑豹、山獅之類)。
  ❖ At 7th level, noroghor can cast shape change (as the 9th-level wizard spell) three times per day for a period of up to 1 turn, but can only take the shapes of creatures and other living things they have seen personally. Their favorite shapes include snakes, wyverns, dragons, boars, bears, and various large cats (tigers, panthers, mountainlions, and so on).

  ❖ At 7th level, noroghor detect illusions at will in a path 10 feet wide and 60 feet long in front of them. They must concentrate to use this ability.

  ❖在第10級,每日1次,野獸追隨者能在自願的受術者身上施展 變形他人polymorph other(如同4級法師法術)。(通常這項被授予的異能只會使用在虔誠的教徒身上。)受術者在這項變形導致的所有身體休克骰上得到+25%的獎勵。
  ❖ At 10th level, noroghor can cast polymorph other (as the 4th-level wizard spell) once per day on willing recipients only. (Typically this granted power is employed only on devout cultists.) Recipients receive a +25% bonus to all system shock rolls incurred as a result of this change.

  ❖ At 13th level, noroghor become immune to the effects of one type of dragon breath weapon.

  ❖在第15級,每日1次,野獸變形者能在自願的受術者身上施展 老化巨龍age dragon(如同7級祭司法術),或是施展 焰擊術flame strike(如同5級祭司法術)。
  ❖ At 15th level, noroghor can cast age dragon (as the 7th-level priest spell) once per day on willing recipients only or flame strike (asthe 5th-level priest spell) once per day.

阿巴索教派法術Abbathoran Spells

  除了下列法術之外,寶庫之主的祭司們還可以施展詳述於《神力與神系Powers & Pantheons蓋布Geb 條目的1級祭司法術 偵測金屬與礦石
In addition to the spells listed below, priests of the Trove Lord may cast the 1st-level priest spell detect metals and minerals, detailed in Powers & Pantheons in the entry for Geb.

2nd Level


  (祭司Pr 2;幻術/幻象Illusion/Phantasm) 可逆Reversible

  領域Sphere:元素土Elemental Earth
  持續時間Duration:1 年/級year/level
  施法時間Casting Time:5
  影響區域Area of Effect:邊長 1 呎/級的立方體A square that is 1 foot/level on a side
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None

This spell alters the appearance of stone to hide seams, openings, traps, runes, doors, and so on. The priest touches the central point of the area to be masked and visualizes what appearance is desired (in other words, hue, fissures, shape, and general appearance). The spell cloaks the stone with a long-term illusion matching the caster's visualization. A caster of at least 6th level can cloak a second section of stone of similar dimensions, and a caster of at least 9th level, a third section.

  處於 掩飾石頭 法術下的石頭的特徵將保持無法被物理改變。一扇已知的門可以被感知到,並在1d3輪內定位。除非之前被搜索者使用過,否則若不以一道 驅散魔法dispel magic 來終結此遮蔽效果,測定它的紋理和打開方向以及定位任何鎖或把手的位置將非常困難。只有有盜賊技能的角色才具有必需的專業技術,並且他們在尋找這樣的門上的陷阱、鎖和陷阱的發現陷阱骰上有-15%懲罰,在打開這樣的鎖上的開鎖骰上有-10%懲罰,而在移除這樣的陷阱的移除陷阱骰上有-10%的懲罰。
Features of the stone under the maskstone spell remain physically unchanged. A known door can be felt for and located in 1d3 rounds. Unless it has been used by the searcher before, determining its method and direction of opening and the location of any locks or catches is extremely difficult without a dispel magic to end the cloaking effect. Only characters with thieving skills have the necessary expertise, and they find catches, locks, and traps on such doors at a -15% penalty to their find traps rolls, unlock locks at a -10% penalty to their open locks rolls, and remove found traps at a -10% penalty to their remove traps rolls.

  矮人、杜爾加矮人、侏儒、索爾石怪或其它地下居民能通過檢查來判定這塊石頭的表面被魔法掩飾,但無法說出其真實面目是什麼。附着於石面的特徵(例如地圖或符咒)被這道魔法隱藏了。真知術True seeing 將看穿這道法術。
A dwarf, duergar, gnome, xorn, or other subterranean dweller can tell by examination that the stone's surface has been magically masked but not what its true appearance is. Features affixed to the stone's surface (such as maps or inscriptions) are hidden by this magic. True seeing pentrates the spell.

  這道法術的逆向,揭示石頭reveal stone,將解消 掩飾石頭。若並非為此目的而使用,它將以發光的輪廓暫時照亮它們,來清楚地指明秘密或隱藏的門、嵌板、腔洞、存儲壁龕、把手、鎖、或其它被故意隱藏的功能。若這塊石頭上已有一道 掩飾石頭 法術,或是它只是處在昏暗的光線下或令人混淆的自然條件下,這些功能將被揭示。
The reverse of this spell,reveal stone, negates maskstone. If not used for this purpose, it clearly indicates secret or hidden doors, panels, cavities, storage niches, catches, locks, and other deliberately hidden features by momentarily illuminating them with a glowing outline. These features are revealed if the stone has a maskstone spell on it or if it is simply in poorly lit or confusing natural conditions.

The material components are an eyelash (from any creature) and a pinch of dust or sand. The reverse of the spell requires a scrap of gauze and a piece of phosphorous or a handful of iron filings.

3rd Level

阿巴索的貪慾Abbathor's Greed

  (祭司Pr 3;預言Divination)

  施法時間Casting Time:6
  影響區域Area of Effect:10呎寬的路徑,長度為 10呎/級10-foot-wide path,10 feet long/level
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None

The priest who casts this spell can determine the single most valuable item within the spell's area of effect. Note, however, that the information gained involves an item's monetary value only. Magical items are revealed to be only as valuable as the materials from which they are made. This aside, the caster learns the item's exact value (in terms of gold pieces).

This use of this spell is not without risks. For every 1,000 gp value of an item, there is a 1% cumulative chance that Abbathor takes notice of the item and desires it for himself. If this occurs, there is an equal chance that Abbathor sends an avatar to retrieve the object. The total chance will not exceed 95%.

  這尊化身的唯一目的就是來取走想要的物品並帶着它回到 灰色荒野the Gray Wastes。在任何情況下,阿巴索的化身都不會捲入這位祭司的事務。任何想阻止這位化身履行自己的職責的嘗試都照此處理。
The avatar's sole purpose is to retrieve the desired item and return with it to the Gray Wastes. Under no circumstances does the avatar of Abbathor become involved in the affairs of the priest. Any attempt to prevent the avatar from carrying out its duty is dealt with accordingly.

4th Level

隱匿財富Conceal Riches

  (祭司Pr 4;幻術/幻象Illusion/Phantasm)

  施法時間Casting Time:7
  影響區域Area of Effect:1 個人 或一片最大20呎x20呎的區域
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None

Conceal riches makes all the items worn or carried by one person or within an area up to 20 X 20 X 20 feet look worthless, fine clothes look shabby, and new, expensive, or luxurious items appear old and worn. This illusion is used by priests of Abbathor to disguise themselves or their treasure hoards and abodes (or those of others, for a fee) to thwart robbery attempts. They also use this spell to decrease the chance that they are detained or molested when traveling from one locale to another while carrying great wealth or dressed in the finery they admire. The effect is permanent until dispelled or dismissed by the caster.
