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阿拉絲琳·德拉娜Alathrien Druanna,符文女主人
Darahl Firecloak&Alathrien Druanna
【頭   銜】符文女主人The Rune Mistress
【陣   營】N(偏G)
【神   力】L
【神   職】咒法Conjurations,符文魔法Rune magic,幾何魔法Geometric magic
【神   系】席德瑞恩諸神the Seldarine
【主   神】拉貝拉斯·恩諾瑞思Labelas Enoreth
【盟   友】拉貝拉斯·恩諾瑞思Labelas Enoreth席德瑞恩諸神the Seldarine 的一般成員,迪尼爾Deneir杜格馬睿·明罩Dugmaren Brightmantle貢德Gond
【敵   對】馬利克Malyk維沙倫Velsharoon
【神   國】外域the Outlands螺旋城堡The Spiral Castle
【徽   記】¢徽記1:一支在紙上描繪精靈符文的銀色羽毛筆A silver quill tracing elven runes upon paper
¢徽記2:一根在地面上描繪幾何線的棍子a stick tracing geometric lines upon the ground
【簡   介】阿拉絲琳·德拉娜Alathrien Druanna,精靈的咒法、符文魔法與幾何魔法之女神。

2e<Dragon 251.p035>阿拉絲琳·德拉娜Alathrien Druanna


阿拉絲琳·德拉娜Alathrien Druanna

  (符文女主人The Rune Mistress)

  外域半神力Demipower of the Outlands,

  神職Portfolio:咒法Conjurations,符文魔法Rune magic,幾何魔法Geometric magic
  神域名Domain:外域Outlands螺旋城堡The Spiral Castle
  主神Superior:拉貝拉斯·恩諾瑞思Labelas Enoreth
  盟友Allies:拉貝拉斯·恩諾瑞思Labelas Enoreth席德瑞恩諸神the Seldarine 的一般成員,迪尼爾Deneir杜格馬睿·明罩Dugmaren Brightmantle貢德Gond
  徽記Symbol:一支在紙上描繪精靈符文的銀色羽毛筆A silver quill tracing elven runes upon paper
     或 一根在地面上描繪幾何線的棍子a stick tracing geometric lines upon the ground
  信徒陣營Wor. Align.:任意Any

  阿拉絲琳Alathrien 是精靈神系中的一位近乎被遺忘的成員。她居住在 外域the Outlands 的一座被巨大的荊棘迷宮(等效於 棘牆術ivall of thorns 法術)所保護的名為 螺旋城堡the Spiral Castle 的天藍色要塞中。在更早的時代她曾看管著為精靈們提供友伴與盟友的援助的召喚,但現在絕大多數的精靈尋求這類援助時用呼喚 柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian 來替代。阿拉絲琳如今將她的時間致力於重新發掘符文魔法,並在那些被稱為 幾何師Geometer(詳述見《技能與力量Skills & Powers》一書)的法師之中強化鞏固她的存在。因為她的定位,阿拉絲琳的敵人相對較少,然而也引起了兩位其祂的神力 馬利克Malyk(塔洛斯Talos)和 維沙倫Velsharoon 的注意。這兩位都在尋求以損害 席德瑞恩諸神the Seldarine 為代價來提升他們自己,所以都選中了她作為他們的首要目標(互相之間都不知道他們正在謀取的是同一位神祇)。然而,至今為止,他們的努力都已失敗,只喚起了精靈神系更加的警覺並因此更進一步地保護著阿拉絲琳。
Alathrien is a nearly-forgotten member of the elven pantheon. She resides on the Outlands in a sky-blue fortification known as the Spiral Castle, protected by a large maze of thorns (equivalent to the ivall of thorns spell). In earlier times she watched over summonings that brought forth friends and allies of the elves to their aid, but now most elves seeking such assistance call upon Corellon Larethian instead. Alathrien now devotes her time to rediscovering runic magic as well as strengthening herself among those wizards known as Geometers (see the Skills & Powers books for details). Because of her position, Alathrien has relatively few enemies but has attracted the attention of two other powers, Malyk (Talos) and Vaelshaeroon. These two seek to elevate themselves at the Seldarine's expense and so have chosen her as their first target (neither one knowing they're seeking the same deity). To date, however, their efforts have failed, merely rousing the elven pantheon to a greater alertness and thus further protecting Alathrien).

Darahl Firecloak&Alathrien Druanna

教會The Church

  神職人員Clergy:專屬祭司Specialty priests,秘術師mystics,幾何法師geometers
  神職陣營Clergy's Align.: 絕對中立N,中立善良NG
  驅散不死Turn Undead:專屬祭司SP:不可;秘術師Mys:不可;幾何法師G:不可
  支配不死Cmmd Undead:專屬祭司SP:不可;秘術師Mys:不可;幾何法師G:不可

Of all the elven priesthoods named so far, Alathrien's is probably the smallest and most lopsided. Perhaps 25% of the clergy are true specialty priests, the rest being made up of mystics and geometers. However, specialty priests still hold most of the church's highest posts.

Alathrien's followers are a scholarly sort, more given to debating theories and academic achievements than to healing the sick and poor. However, they do their best, and on at least one day per month they set up a feast in honor of their achievements. Supposedly there are secret celebrations afterward by the higher-ups, but for now that is just talk. Holy days are declared whenever great knowledge is attained in the field of magic in general, but discoveries concerning runic magic and geometry are most highly prized.

Followers of Alathrien aren't usually interested in flashy garments, preferring more utilitarian garb, but on special occasions they bring out robes of white with red mantles studded with either show jewels or real ones. In times when battle draws near, they trace temporary runes along their hands, arms, and even their faces.

專屬祭司Specialty Priests(字符學者jadir

  職業需求Requirements:智力Intelligence 12,感知Wisdom 13
  關鍵屬性Prime Req.:智力Intelligence,感知Wisdom
  防具Armor:皮甲Leather 或 精靈鏈甲elfin chain mail,無盾牌
  主修領域Major Spheres:共通All,星界Astral,預言Divination,守衛Guardian,治療Healing,數字Numbers,召喚Summoning
  次要領域Minor Spheres:守序Law,死靈Necromantic,太陽Sun
  魔法物品Magical Items:如同祭司,外加法師捲軸
  熟練需求Rhq. Profs.:閱讀/書寫Reading/writing
  熟練獎勵Bonus Profs.:閱讀/書寫Reading/writing—這位祭司能閱讀和書寫(但不能說)其它兩種所選語言。通常字符學者們會閱讀和書寫古老的、被遺忘的語言。The priest can read and write—but not speak—another two, languages of choice. Usually Jadirs read and write old, forgotten languages.

  ❖字符學者能夠使用幾何和咒法/召喚學派最高5級的法術。她們需要為那些法術祈禱。同樣,她們能從捲軸閱讀這類性質的法術,不過她們不需要 閱讀魔法read magic 就能這樣做。
  ❖Jadirs have access to spells from the schools of Geometry and Conjuration/ Summoning, up to fifth-level spells. They must pray for these spells as any other. Also, they can read spells of this nature from scrolls, though they do not require read magic to do so.

  ❖在第3級,每日1次,字符學者可以施展 月之符文moon rune抹消術erase
  ❖At 3rd level, a jadir may cast moon rune or erase 1 /day.

  ❖在第5級,每日1次,字符學者可以施展 蛇紋法印sepia snake sigil次級封鎖法印lesser sign of sealing
  ❖At 5th level, a jadir may cast sepia snake sigil or lesser sign of sealing 1 / day.

  ❖在第7級,字符學者只受基於符文的魔法的半數傷害;並且每日1次,能施展一道 高級封鎖法印lesser sign of sealing
  ❖At 7th level, jadirs suffer only half damage from rune-based magic and can cast a greater sign of sealing 1 / day.

  ❖在第7級,每日1次,字符學者可以施展 元素禁令elemental forbiddance斥力術avoidance
  ❖At 10th level, jadirs may cast elemental forbiddance or avoidance 1 / day.

  ❖在第12級,每旬1次,字符學者可以施展 徽記術symbol。   ❖At 12th level, a jadir may cast symbol 1/week.

  ❖在第14級,阿拉絲琳允許這位字符學者轉職成祭司/專精法師(咒法師或是幾何師)。她們保留原有的生命值、技能和其它職業能力,但直到其新職業等級達到7級前,不能施展牧師魔法,在那之後,阿拉絲琳將允許她們不受懲罰地使用她們的祭司能力。她們在隨後將被稱之為 字符大師Jaradir,這一位階是如此的罕見,以至於只有五人取得。
  ❖At 14th level, Alathrien allows the jadir to become dual-classed priests/specialist wizards (either conjurers or geometers). They retain their hit points, skills, and other class attributes but cannot cast clerical magic until they reach 7th level in their new profession, after which Alathrien allows them to use their priestiy abilities without penalty. They're known thereafter as Jaradir, a rank so rare that only five have yet achieved it.
