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【音   標】Ah-MAWN-ah-tor
【頭   銜】¢阿曼納塔:黃神The Yellow God,永恆之陽的守護者the Keeper of the Eternal Sun,5e秩序之光 the Light of Law
¢阿塔:黃女神the Yellow Goddess,無憫者the Merciless,婊子the Bitch
【陣   營】LN
【神   力】¢阿曼納塔:G→L→Dead(成為洛山達面相)→?
【神   職】¢阿曼納塔:官僚制度Bureaucracy,契約contracts,秩序law,階級order,太陽the sun,統治權rulership
【神   系】FR耐瑟神系Netherese Pantheon泛費倫神系Faerûnian Pantheon
【主   神】
【盟   友】卡署斯Kossuth
【敵   對】莎爾Shar
【神   國】機械境Mechanus永恆太陽城堡Keep of the Eternal Sun
星界the Astral Plane
【徽   記】¢舊版:日盤中有一張臉的太陽Sun with a face on the solar disk
¢新版:金色太陽Golden sun
【簡   介】阿曼納塔Amaunator 是因為過於頑固不知變通而被拋棄的耐瑟太陽神。長期以來,一直被懷疑遭 洛山達Lathander 吸收或者乾脆就轉變成了他,在3r向4e時代洛山達的 昇陽異端Risen Sun heresy 教派宣示了洛山達即為阿曼納塔,但在5e時代,阿曼納塔又成為了獨立的神。
「婊子」阿塔At'ar 是阿曼納塔在貝戴蠻族中的名字,但阿曼納塔從不承認該面相的存在。






  費倫大陸Faerûn 絕大部分都崇敬月亮女神 塞倫涅Selûne,而非一位基於太陽的神祇。安奧羅克沙漠Anauroch貝戴蠻族The Bedine 部落算是個例外。他們尊敬並恐懼着 黃女神the Yellow Goddess——「無憫者」阿塔At』ar the Merciless。這位象徵着沙漠烈日熱量的女神是位奸惡背信的婦人,白晝時烈怒爆發、令最勇敢之人也心生畏懼。賢者們還發現了關於 耐瑟瑞爾Netheril 名為 阿曼納塔Amaunator 的男性太陽古神的參考文獻,但這兩者的聯繫尚未得到確認。而阿塔得到的與其說是崇拜、不如說是詛咒和恐懼。
Most of Faerûn venerates the moon goddess, Selûne, but not a sun-based deity. The Bedine tribesmen of Anauroch are an exception. They respect and fear At』ar the Merciless, the Yellow Goddess. Symbolizing the heat of the desert sun, she is a spiteful and faithless woman whose fury in the full day strikes fear into the bravest hearts. Sages have also discovered references to an ancient god of Netheril named Amaunator, who was a male sun god, but any connection between the two is unproven. At』ar is not worshipped so much as cursed and feared.


2eFR<Faiths & Avatars.p027>阿曼納塔Amaunator



  (黃神The Yellow God,永恆之陽的守護者the Keeper of the Eternal Sun)

  機械境強大神力(後為弱等神力)Greater Power (later Lesser Power)of Mechanus,

  神職PORTFOLIO:官僚制度Bureaucracy,契約contracts,秩序law,階級order,太陽the sun,統治權rulership
  別名ALIASES:「無憫者」阿塔At'ar the Merciless(安奧羅克沙漠Anauroch,在 貝戴蠻族the Bedine 中)
  神國名DOMAIN NAME:機械境Mechanus永恆太陽城堡Keep of the Eternal Sun
  徽記SYMBOL:日盤中有一張臉的太陽Sun with a face on the solar disk
  信徒陣營WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,守序中立LN,絕對中立N,守序邪惡LE,中立邪惡NE

Amaunator 1

  費倫大陸Faerûn 大部分地方崇敬月亮女神 塞倫涅Selûne,而非一位基於太陽的神明。安奧羅克沙漠Anauroch 的 貝戴蠻族The Bedine 部落民在這方面卻是個例外,不過他們並無祭司。他們尊敬又恐懼着 黃色女神the Yellow Goddess、「無憫者」阿塔At'ar the Merciless。象徵着沙漠烈陽之熾熱的阿塔,被視作一位惡毒而不忠的女人,她持續終日的暴怒甚至能在最勇敢的心靈中刻入恐怖。她個婊子,背叛了她合法丈夫 寇扎Kozah、每日和夜與亡者之神 納撒N'asr 同眠。無論如何,對於阿塔為什麼從未對貝戴蠻族的祈禱給予任何答覆,可以謹慎地認為原因是因為阿塔並不存在。她只是一段關於古代耐瑟瑞爾人的守序與太陽之神 阿曼納塔Amaunator 扭曲的記憶,採風於隕落的 耐瑟瑞爾Netheril 倖存者們向游牧的貝戴蠻族的移民祖先講述的傳說。
Most of Faerûn venerates the moongoddess, Selûne, but not a sun-based deity. The Bedine tribesmen of Anauroch, though they have no priests, are an exception. They respect and fear At'ar the Merciless, the Yellow Goddess. Symbolizing the heat of the desert sun, At'ar is seen as a spiteful and faithless woman whose fury in the full day strikes fear into the bravest hearts. She is a harlot who betrays her lawful husband Kozah every day to sleep with N'asr, god of night and the dead. The cautious regard the Bedine have for At'ar has never brought them any answer to their prayers, however, because At'ar does not exist. She is but a twisted memory of Amaunator, the ancient Netherese god of law and the sun, derived from tales that the migrant ancestors of the nomadic Bedine were told by the survivors of the fall of Netheril.

  阿曼納塔(讀作「Ah-MAWN-ah-tor」)被尊為秩序的守護神與時間的維護者。他的裁決公正、但嚴酷。他被許多統治者、士兵、強大巫師尊崇。作為一位極其小心謹慎的神明,阿曼納塔會確保任何東西都會被寫成書面形式,被擬成合同,並且得到簽署、蓋章和公證——很像當代諸國度中 卡-拉圖大陸Kara-Tur天庭the Celestial Bureaucracy。作為一位極端守序的神祇,他遵循的是法律的字面意思,而未必是法律的精神——除非法律的精神在極大的程度上更符合他的喜好。他期望他的僕人們能同樣如此行事。除了他的其它神職之外,他有時也被尊為時間的維護者。這種對他神職的人為「添加」,是源於一種對他與另一位神明之間契約的、嚴重錯誤的斷句,契約規定:「... 阿曼納塔應為所有時間、任何他和他的追隨者的誤傳負責,若因認定為阿曼納塔的過錯... 」這種無視逗號和句號斷續性的混淆,令阿曼納塔自認為掌管着「所有時間all time」。幸運的是,他從未他從未正式採取行動去接管這一神職,因為他不想去招惹時間流非正式的維護者 密絲瑞爾Mystryl
Amaunator (Ah-MAWN-ah-tor) was revered as the patron of law and the keeper of time. His justice was fair but harsh. He was revered by many rulers, soldiers, and powerful mages. A very careful god, Amaunator made certain that everything was written down, contracted, signed, sealed, and notarized—much like the Celestial Bureaucracy of Kara-Tur in the modern Realms. An extremely lawful god, he followed the letter of law, not necessarily the spirit of it—unless the spirit was a great deal more to his liking. He expected the same from his servitors. He was also occasionally revered as the keeper of time along with the other aspects of his portfolio. This artificial "addition" to his portfolio was due to a mispunctuation in a contract between himself and another deity which stating:"... Amaunator shall be responsible for all time, any misrepresentation of his or his followers, If so deemed the fault of Amaunator...." This unnoticed punctuational snarl of commas and periods led to Amaunator considering himself to be in charge of "all time." Fortunately, he never officially acted to take over took the portfolio, since he was not willing to step upon the toes of Mystryl, who was the unofficial keeper of the timestream.

When Netheril fell, the people of the middle and lower classes who were not killed by the fall of the enclaves (the only living worshipers of the god) turned their backs on Amaunator, believing he did nothing to stop the disasters affecting their civilization. His followers were right, but contractually, his hands were tied. Magic in all forms was under exclusive control of Mystryl, and Amaunator had no lawful right to interfere in any way, even when a magical catastrophe, such as Netheril's fall, was in the process of occurring.

  在過去的諸世紀中,後來的學者們提出了許多理論來解釋阿曼納塔遭遇了怎麼樣的命運。有些學者相信,他要麼被 洛山達Lathander 吸收了,要麼就是變成了洛山達,其他學者則認為他變得很悲憤,而成為阿塔,還有其他賢者認為他背棄了費倫,並加入了卡拉-圖地域的神系、或是乾脆遷移到了其它晶壁系。而事實是,因在耐瑟瑞爾隕落後失去了幾乎所有耐瑟瑞爾追隨者,之後阿曼納塔開始了被忽略的消逝過程,這一過程漫長、艱難而痛苦。在大約一個千紀後,他已沒有足夠的力量來維持位於 機械境Mechanus永恆太陽城堡the Keep of the Eternal Sun,並被無情地放逐到 星界Astral Plane。目前他的屍體在無盡的星界潮汐中漂流着,等待着有一天某些雄心勃勃的靈魂能幫助他恢復曾經光榮的遺產。
Over the centuries, many theories have been put forward by later scholars as to what ultimate fate Amaunator met. Some believe he was either absorbed into or became Lathander, others that he turned bitter and became At'ar, and yet others assert that he turned his back on Faerûn and entered the pantheon of the lands of Kara-Tur or simply moved on to other crystal spheres. The truth is that with the loss of nearly all his followers in Netheril after its fall, Amaunator began the long, arduous, and painful process of dying of neglect. After about a millennium, he did not have enough power left to maintain the Keep of the Eternal Sun on Mechanus and was ruthlessly exiled to the Astral Plane. His corpse now drifts with the endless astral tides, awaiting a day when some ambitious spirit may help him regain his once-proud heritage.

阿曼納塔的化身Amaunator's Avatar

  (牧師Cleric 38,巫師Mage 35)

Amaunator appeared as a lanky man with silver-white hair, a short, tenday growth of white beard, and skin that glowed constantly with a quiet golden radiance. He carried a scepter in one hand and a large legal tome in the other, and wore the dress of a magistrate:a long, flowing, black or purple gown trimmed in silver or gold. To be in his presence was to feel the awesome power of true law. He could use spells from any sphere or school, but favored using spells from the spheres of sun or law.

  防禦等級 -5;移動 15;生命值 202;零級命中值 -4;#攻擊 1次
  傷害 2d6+3(永恆太陽權杖scepter of the eternal sun,+1 力量)
  魔抗 80%;體型 大型L(10呎高)
  力量 17,敏捷 16,體質 24,智力 25,感知 22,魅力 20
  法術 祭司P:15/15/14/14/13/11/10,法師W:8/8/8/8/8/8/8/7/7
  豁免 麻痹、毒素與死亡魔法 2;權杖、法杖與魔杖 3;石化或變形 5;噴吐武器 7;法術 4
  AC -5; MV 15; HP 202; THAC0 -4;#AT 1
  Dmg 2d6+3 (scepter of the eternal sun, +1 Str)
  MR 80%; SZ L (10 feet)
  Str 17, Dex 16, Con 24, lnt 25, Wis 22, Cha 20
  Spells P:15/15/14/14/13/11/10, W:8/8/8/8/8/8/8/7/7
  Saves PPDM 2, RSW 3, PP 5, BW 7, Sp 4

特殊攻擊/防禦Special Att/Def:

  阿曼納塔能識別出視線中的盜賊和不法分子。隨意使用,他能洞察隱形的物品或人、知曉陣營know alignment讀取記憶memory read、以及灌注 律法思想legal thoughts。當他進行物理攻擊時(他只會在受到嚴重挑釁時這樣做),他會使用永恆太陽權杖,權杖成功攻擊命中時造成2d6+2點傷害,並在用作傷害只能被魔法武器擊中的生物時,作為+5武器處理。永恆太陽權杖對混亂陣營生物造成2倍傷害,而對混亂陣營的異界生物造成4倍傷害,並在成功攻擊到的同時,自動將這樣的生物送回其原生位面。在阿曼納塔期望時,它能起到一柄2倍力量的 統治權杖rod of rulership 的功能,而它在自然骰18、19或20時將毀滅命中的魔像。
Amaunator recognized thieves and lawbreakers for what they are on sight. He could also see invisible objects or people, know alignment, memory read, and enforce legal thoughts at will. When he attacked physically, which he only did with great provocation, he used the scepter of the eternal sun, which inflicted 2d6+2 points of damage on a successful attack and worked as a +5 weapon for purpose of damaging creatures struck only by magical weapons. The scepter of the eternal sun did double damage to chaotic-aligned creatures and quadruple damage to chaotic-aligned extraplanar creatures, along with automatically sending such creatures back to their plane of origin on a successful attack. It could function as a doublestrength rod of rulership whenever Amaunator wished it to, and it destroyed golems it struck on a natural roll of 18, 19, or 20.

  阿曼納塔的觸碰將自動毀滅所有受陽光影響的不死生物。阿曼納塔能在10英里直徑的區域,創造長達1小時、等同於陽光的光照,而在之後的2小時內,他無法再重複這一壯舉。而每隔一輪,除了他的正常攻擊和法術外,他能從眼睛發射一道 太陽射線sunray 或者 焰擊術flame strike,二選其一。
Amaunator's touch automatically destroyed all undead creatures affected by sunlight. Whenever he wished, Amaunator could create light equal to sunlight over an area 10 miles in diameter for up to an hour, a feat he could not repeat until two hours had passed. Every other round, in addition to his normal attacks and spells, he could emit either a sunray or a flame strike from his eyes.

Amaunator automatically dispelled all magical darkness that he touches in any way. He could also dispel all magical darkness within 120 yards with a thought. Because of his dominion over the sun, light- heat-, and fire-based attacks could not harm him. He was also immune to all illusion/phantasm spells and magical effects, any sort of fear or emotion-control magic and cold-, darkness-, or shadow-based spells, spell-like abilities, magical items, or breath weapons.

其祂顯現Other Manifestations

  阿曼納塔經常展現為一位散發着光芒的女性,穿着乳白色的飄逸連衣裙,托着一支純金——一種近乎透明的黃金——的天平。據說若天平向右傾斜,意味着目睹這奇異景象的人已遭遇失寵。預期他將失去所有收益,並承受七年之貧困、債務與奴役的重負。若平衡向左傾斜,這位觀眾則遇見了恩寵。他可以期望報酬和合同承諾將用世上的利潤裝滿他的口袋。據說那些看見了呈現為完美平衡的天平之人將遇上最大的恩寵:受邀加入阿曼納塔的祭職者。阿曼納塔他可能親自將這類蒙福者告知了神職人員,因為她們總是能在一旬內來到這類人身邊,將他們帶去阿曼納塔位於(現已化作塵埃的)盟重城Unity 的神殿接受嚴厲的學習和教導。
Amaunator often appeared as a glowing woman dressed in a flowing opalescent dress bearing a balance of the purest gold—an almost translucent gold. It was said that if the scales tipped toward the right, the one seeing the apparition had met with disfavor. She or he could expect to lose of all profits and to bear the weight of seven years of poverty, debt, and servitude. If the balance tipped to the left, the viewer had met with favor. She or he could expect rewards and contractual pledges to fill his or her pockets with the profits of the world. Those who saw an apparition with perfectly balanced scales were said to be met with the greatest of favor:to be invited to join Amaunator's priesthood. The clergy were probably notified by Amaunator himself of such favored folk since they always approached such people within a tenday to take them to Amaunator's temple in Unity (now long dust) for rigorous study and instruction.

Amaunator brought revenge to those who deserved it, righted wrongs, punished the wicked, and avenged those who could not avenge themselves. He did this by sending a group of 13 giant hyenas with maximum hit points and a Morale of 20 that appeared from thin air to rip and tear at the flesh of the condemned until his or her body was spread over an acre of land.

Finally, Amaunator sometimes acted or showed his favor or disfavor through emerald dragons, sapphire dragons, steel dragons, golems, takos, birds of prey (especially sunfalcons), sunflowers, yellow-eyed daisies, golden lilies, topazes, fire-colored or red gemstones of all sorts, tan dogs, cream-colored cats, pure white wolves, and white stallions.

教會The Church

  神職人員CLERGY:牧師Clerics,專屬祭司specialty priests,武僧monks
  神職陣營CLERGY'S ALIGN.:守序善良LG,守序中立LN,守序邪惡LE
  驅散不死TURN UNDEAD:牧師C:可Yes;專屬祭司SP:可,從2級開始Yes, beginning at 2nd level;武僧Mon:不可No
  支配不死CMND. UNDEAD:牧師C:不可NO;專屬祭司SP:不可No;武僧Mon:不可No

  阿曼納塔的所有牧師、專屬祭司以及武僧得到 宗教知識religion(泛費倫Faerûnian) 作為非武器熟練獎勵。
All clerics, specialty priests, and monks of Amaunator receive religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.

  阿曼納塔的祭司們是 耐瑟瑞爾帝國Netherese empire 鼎盛時期富有權勢的政治人物。他們中許多人擔任着地區統治者和政治顧問。儘管教士們努力阻止逐漸蔓延的沙漠,但在由 卡斯城Karse 的驕傲帶來的魔法災難後,安奧羅克沙漠Anauroch 持續地迫近了。在7年的歉收後,人民發動了起義,阿曼納塔的祭司們毫不留情地予以了鎮壓。這一滑向暴政的趨勢,導致阿曼納塔神職人員的政治與宗教權威被推翻。
Priests of Amaunator were powerful political figures at the height of the Netherese empire. Many served as regional rulers and political advisors. Despite the clergy members' efforts to halt the creeping desert, Anauroch approached relentlessly after the magical catastrophe brought on by Karse's pride. When the population rose up in revolt after seven years of bad harvests, the priests of Amaunator responded without mercy to suppress the uprising. This slide towards tyranny led to the overthrow of the political and religious authority of Amaunator's clergy.

  阿曼納塔的神職人員等級制度極其分明,並嚴格受到規則限制。每位 公正之君Righteous Potentate(一座神殿的高階祭司,這些神殿被稱作「宮殿Court」)都監督着教會所有方面的職責。若未經公正之君、或是他的七位 修道院院長Monastic Abbots 之一的允可,任何人都不能履行或卸除自己的職責。七位修道院院長的每位座下,都有其他七位 至高法學家High Jurists(他們都是祭司)無情地侍奉,執行着分配給他們的一切職責。低階神職者在至高法學家座下侍奉,但他們的頭銜具體為何已失落在時間的迷霧中。阿曼納塔的專屬祭司名為 太陽之主sunlords 和 太陽女士sunladies。
Amaunator's clergy were extremely hierarchical and rulebound. Each Righteous Potentate (high priest of a temple, called a "Court") oversaw all aspects of church functions. No one could perform or be relieved of their duties without the consent of the Righteous Potentate or one of his seven Monastic Abbots. Under each of the seven Monastic Abbots, there were an additional seven High Jurists (priests) who served relentlessly, performing whatever duties were assigned to them. Lower ranks of clergy members served beneath the High Jurists, but their titles are lost in the mists of time. Specialty priests of Amaunator were known as sunlords and sunladies.

The Righteous Potentate was in charge of teaching the masses of people who flocked to the temple on a regular basis and overseeing the preparation of Court members (novices) to move into positions of power in the church. The seven Monastic Abbots each tended to a different supplemental duty, including the upkeep of the grounds and temple farms, upkeep of the church interior, upkeep of the church exterior, procurement of the necessities of the spirit, procurement of the necessities of the flesh (food, supplies, etc.), upkeep and expansion of the law library, and cultivation and supervision of itinerant monk missionaries who walked the world, preaching the peace that could be found in the understanding of law. These monks of Amaunator were the only clergy members not tied intimately to temple duties at least part of the time, though they were required to report to the temple or shrine they were assigned to at least once a year.


  阿曼納塔教派Amaunatori 教誨說法律就是法律。律法維持了社會的秩序,沒有它,文明就會瓦解,混亂將統治一切。阿曼納塔代表了律法的確然職責,因為就如太陽將無疑地在早晨升起,律法也無疑能公平地處理任何爭端與罪行。
Amaunatori were taught that the law was the law. The law kept order in society, and without it civilization would unravel and chaos would reign. Amaunator represented the sure function of the law, for just as certainly as the sun would rise in the morning, the law could deal fairly with any dispute and any crime.

Novice Amaunatori were charged as follows:"Learn the law and live it; obey its every letter and clause, for in knowledge of the intricacies of law lies freedom to act with righteous impunity. Keep track of the decisions of your superiors so that the body of precedent continues to grow and the unity of purpose of the rulings of Amaunator is made manifest to all. Serve your superiors faithfully, and they will reward you faithfully; shirk your duty and find the harsh hand of reproof."

日常活動Day-to-Day Activities:

All clergy members had to learn, understand, and know how to reap the benefits from (exploit) the laws of the land, the city, and the province they lived in. In order to completely understand the nuances of law and legislature, the clergy constantly drilled each other, practiced law in court whenever possible, and rehearsed law in practice courtrooms. They could not resist investigating the scene of a crime or taking part in the construction of new laws in their locale, and did so with great intensity and fervor.

Amaunatori served often in court as judges, to present cases, and to hear legal arguments and disputes. They were paid well to settle merchant disputes over contracts, agreements, and trade practices and made a comfortable living for themselves and their church as arbitrators of all sorts of commercial and personal claims not worthy of the attention of figures of power in ultimate authority.

聖日/重要慶典Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

  在阿曼納塔教會中,最神聖的日子是 神系概要the Pantheon Contour(一項阿曼納塔公斷下的諸神間的協議)簽署的周年紀念日。這個日子在每年的第三個滿月慶祝。慶祝活動以這些為標誌:阿曼納塔的追隨者們穿上地方法官的禮服,並在每座法庭前並穿越街道遊行誇耀阿曼納塔的聖徽。
The holiest of days in the church of Amaunator was the celebration of the anniversary of the signing of the Pantheon Contour, an agreement between the powers adjudicated by Amaunator. This was celebrated on the third full moon of the year. The festivities were marked by Amaunator's followers donning magisterial regalia and parading the holy symbol of Amaunator before every court and through the streets.

  一年中最長的一天——夏至日——是另一個重要的聖日。阿曼納塔的追隨者將花上一整天放鬆、日光浴、以及向他們的神明祈禱,感謝他將陽光作為禮物播灑世界。阿曼納塔教派認為如果沒有恰當地慶祝這一天,阿曼納塔將扣留 托瑞爾星球Toril 地表來年的陽光。
The longest day of the year, the summer solstice, was another important holiday. The followers of Amaunator spent the day relaxing, sunbathing, and praying to their god, thanking him for the gift of sunlight he shed on the world. Amaunatori believed that if this day was not properly celebrated, Amaunator would withhold sunlight from the face of Toril for a year.

  每當有虔誠的追隨者在合同中取得對某人的優勢、在法庭辯贏其案件、或是有效地通過了一項新法律時,阿曼納塔的祭司們將通過向其致敬地焚燒魔法保存的橡樹葉和薰香,來向 太陽守護者the Keeper of the Sun 致謝。
Every time a devout follower of Amaunator was able to take advantage of someone in a contract, successfully debate his or her case in court, or effectively pass a new law, the priest of Amaunator gave thanks to the Keeper of the Sun by burning magically preserved oak leaves and incense in his honor.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

  盟重城Unity,這片相當廣闊的耐瑟瑞爾飛地,是阿曼納塔最龐大神殿 日面上的林蔭飛地the Forested Enclave of the Face on the Sun 的所在地。這是一座巨大的三層五角形尖塔,在直插天空到高出地表景觀17層的位置修築着半球形的塔頂,讓觀察者能在遠高於周圍樹木的高度,看見阿曼納塔的太陽圓面。
Unity, a sizable Netherese enclave, was the home of the largest temple to Amaunator, the Forested Enclave of the Face on the Sun. The steeple of this monstrous three-story pentagonal, hemispherically roofed building thrust 17 stories above the landscape, allowing the solar disk of Amaunator to be seen far above the surrounding trees.

  貫穿神殿的歷史,監管着這座神殿的公正之君們喜歡在自己頭皮那裁短了的頭髮上施展 恆久之光continual light。不過就像漂白頭髮或是染髮,這道法術必須每月重新施用,來作用於新長出的頭髮。這種做法有項副作用,來自周邊 溫和之森Facile Forest 的豺狼人們會每月一次到阿曼納塔的神殿朝聖,禮拜這些「發光體」。這就促使豺狼人們將集中襲擊森林的其餘部分。
Throughout the temple's history, the Righteous Potentates overseeing the temple had an affinity for casting continual light on the cropped hair of their scalps. Like hair bleaching or coloring, though, this incantation had to be reapplied monthly to affect new hair growth. As side effect to this practice, gnolls from the enveloping Facile Forest made monthly pilgrimages to the temple of Amaunator to worship the "lightened one." This encouraged the gnolls to focus their raiding on other parts of the forest.

從屬組織Affiliated Orders:

  阿曼納塔的教會在大部分耐瑟瑞爾社群都有幾個典型的附屬組織。首先是被稱作 最卓越的天堂之筆附屬協會the Most Transcendent Affiliation of Paradisiacal Pens 的擔保抄寫員協會。這些冷漠而傲慢的傢伙週遊世界傳播着法律與秩序的神聖性。他們的天職是修築圓形劇場大小的建築,專供保存法律。這些龐大的石牆怪物,容納着詳述了阿曼納塔追隨者們遇到的每個地區、每座城市法律的書籍和捲軸。
The church of Amaunator had several affiliated orders with representatives that could be found in most Netherese communities. The first was an association of bonded scribes called the Most Transcendent Affiliation of Paradisiacal Pens. These aloof and arrogant individuals traveled the world preaching the holiness of law and order. Their mission in life was to build amphitheater-sized buildings dedicated to the preservation of law. These huge, stone-walled monstrosities contained books and scrolls detailing the laws of every land and every city that the followers of Amaunator encountered.

  超凡而公正的秩序締造者之辛迪加The Syndicate of Celestial and Righteous Lawmakers 是一個由大約70名武者和聖武士(主要為聖武士)組成的團體,他們因阿曼納塔對秩序之愛而崇拜他。這些男人女人教導阿曼納塔的秩序一面,將他的一些非善良傾向解讀為神聖的建議,可以被安全地忽略或是軟化地更符合人道主義基調。這些戰士以強大的恆久之光變體銘刻於盾牌的正面,來致盲他們所遭遇的不法者。這給予了他們在黑暗中的持久光源,並在某些他們能以盾牌的光強致盲敵人的地方,在某些戰略形勢中給他們帶來優勢。
The Syndicate of Celestial and Righteous Lawmakers was a group of 70 warriors and paladins (mainly paladins) who worshiped Amaunator because of his love of law. These women and men taught the lawful side of Amaunator, interpreting his somewhat nongood tendencies as deific recommendations that could be safely ignored or softened to a more humanitarian tone. These warriors branded the business side of their shields with extremely potent variants of continual light spells to blind the lawlessness they encountered. This gave them a lasting light source in darkness and a bonus in some strategic situations where they could nearly blind their foes with the intensity of light coming from their shields.
[譯註:辛迪加Syndicate,(法文:le syndicat,原指企業中的工會。)是資本主義壟斷組織的主要形式之一。]

  阿曼納塔的武僧們屬於 太陽兄弟會the Brotherhood of the Sun,那是在鄉野中服務的雲遊武僧社團,他們將阿曼納塔的安慰話語帶給農人和平民,並保護着地區各地的秩序。他們的徽記是從雲隙射下的陽光。
The monks of Amaunator belonged to the Brotherhood of the Sun, an association of itinerant monks who served the faithful in the field, bringing the comforting words of Amaunator to the peasants and common folk and preserving order throughout the land. Their symbol was a sunburst.

祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:

Priests of Amaunator dressed in bright, longsleeved, ornate robes of yellow, red, and orange that were covered with sewn-on arcane symbols for the sun or depicted the sun through embroidery, artful dying, or gold decorations and gemstone encrustations placed to form a sun face. Those priests with their own temples had their robes worked of cloth-of-gold. A sunburst headpiece completed the ceremonial garb. Holy symbols of Amaunator were always made of gold, gold-plated metal, or gold-painted wood.

冒險裝束Adventuring Garb:

Adventuring clerics usually wore utilitarian garb, but preferred reds and oranges for cloaks, tabards, and accessories that were not part of their armor. When possible, they wore armor that had been washed or plated with gold.

Amaunator 2

專屬祭祀Specialty Priests(太陽之主Sunlords/太陽女士Sunladies

  職業需求REQUIREMENTS:體質Constitution 11,智力Intelligence 12,感知Wisdom 15,魅力Charisma 12
  關鍵屬性PTIME REQ.:感知Wisdom,魅力Charisma
  武器WEAPONS:所有鈍擊武器(類型B)All bludgeoning weapons (wholly Type B)
  主修領域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,魅惑charm,創造creation,元素火elemental fire,元素氣elemental air,秩序law,召喚summoning,太陽sun,時間time
  次要領域MINORSPHERES:預言Divination,元素土elemental earth,治療healing,死靈necromantic,數字numbers,保護protection,思想thought
  熟練需求REQ. PROFS:選擇一:藝術才能Artistic ability,歌唱singing,或 舞蹈dancing
  熟練獎勵BONUS PROFS:禮儀Etiquette,讀唇reading lips

  ❖當在 被遺忘國度奧術時代™ARCANE AGE™ FORGOTTEN REALMS 戰役設定集中(例如在耐瑟瑞爾設定集之中呈現的)使用時,太陽之主和太陽女士應適應對應設定集呈現的規則。
  ❖ When used in an ARCANE AGE™ FORGOTTEN REALMS campaign setting such as that presented in the Netheril boxed set, sunlords and sunladies should be adapted to the rules presented in that boxed set.

  ❖ Sunlords and sunladies cast all sun, law, and elemental fire sphere spells as if they had an additional three levels of experience.

  ❖ Sunlords and sunladies know the laws and legal codes of the land, the city, and the province they live in and the land, the city, and the province they were raised in (which may be two different places). They automatically know all commonly known and uncommonly known information within that body of law and its attendant procedures. If asked to call to mind an incredibly obscure point of the law of their homeland or native land, they may make an ability check against their Wisdom or Intelligence, whichever is higher, to recall the point in question. They must make a similar ability check to know the common laws of other lands; to recall the uncommon legal practices or obscure legal points of order of foreign lands, this ability check is at a -3 penalty or a -6 penalty, respectively.

  ❖每日1次,太陽之主和太陽女士能 偵測謊言detect lie。在1級後的每4級,他們能額外偵測一次(5級2次,9級3次,以此類推)。
  ❖ Sunlords and sunladies are able to detect lie once per day. They are able to do so an additional time per day for every four levels of experience they gain beyond 1st level (twice at 5th level, three times at 9th level, etc.).

  ❖ At 2nd level, sunlords and sunladies gain the ability to turn undead creatures. They affect undead creatures as a cleric of half their actual level (round down) throughout the rest of their careers. In other words, at 3rd level they turn undead creatures as 1st-level clerics. Lawful evil sunlords and sunladies, as well as those of lawful neutral alignment, may never command undead creatures because of a combination of the aversion to the sunlight represented by their deity that most undead creatures have and the fact that undead creatures violate the "laws of nature"—something legal-minded Amaunator dislikes intensely.

  ❖在第3級,每日1次,太陽之主和太陽女生能夠強加 「僵化思維rigid thinking」(如同3級祭司法術)到另一人身上。
  ❖ At 3rd level, sunlords and sunladies are able to impose rigid thinking (as the 3rd-level priest spell) on another once a day.

  ❖在第5級,每日1次,太陽之主和太陽女士能施展 強制秩序compulsive order(如同4級祭司法術);每三日1次,能施展 阻礙許可impeding permission(如同5級祭司法術)。
  ❖ At 5th level, sunlords and sunladies are able to cast compulsive order (as the 4th-level priest spell) once a day and impeding permission (as the 5th-level priest spell) once every three days.

  ❖在第7級,每日1次,太陽之主和太陽女士能灌注 律法思想legal thoughts(如同6級祭司法術)。
  ❖ At 7th level, sunlords and sunladies are able to impose legal thoughts (as the 6th-level priest spell) once a day.

  ❖在第10級,每日1次,太陽之主和太陽女士能夠施展 索爾的熾熱天球Sol's searing orb(如同6級祭司法術)。
  ❖ At 10th level, sunlords and sunladies are able to cast Sol's searing orb (as the 6th-level spell) once a day.

  ❖ At 13th-level, sunlords and sunladies instinctively can tell the ethical component (lawful, chaotic, or neutral) of the alignment of anyone they view whenever they invoke this ability. (They cannot do so constantly, but this ability does not cost them an action in combat.)

  ❖在第15級,每日2次,太陽之主和太陽女士能夠施展 太陽射線sunray(如同7級祭司法術)。   ❖ At 15th level, sunlords and sunladies are able to cast sunray (as the 7th-level priest spell) twice a day.

阿曼納塔教派法術Amaunatori Spells

2nd Level

阿曼納塔之豫Amaunator's Uncertainty


  距離Range:30 碼/級yards/level
  持續時間Duration:1 輪/級round/level
  施法時間Casting Time:1
  影響區域Area of Effect:40 呎範圍-foot sphere
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:通過即無效Neg.}}

Creatures affected by this spell pause in uncertainty before executing their intended actions. In a combat situation, this equates to an initiative penalty equal to one-third the spellcaster's level (rounded down). This reaction penalty begins the round after the spell is cast. In a noncombative situation, the victim pauses one-third of a round (about 20 seconds) per level of the caster before executing an action.

The spell affects 2d4 plus one-half the caster's level in Hit Dice or levels of creatures within the area of effect. All possible victims are allowed a saving throw vs. spell to completely negate the effects. If affected victims leave the area of effect, they still suffer the spell's effects until the spell expires.

The material component of the spell is a fragment of a turtle's shell.

4th Level

高等日光術Advanced Sunshine


  距離Range:5 碼/級yards/level
  施法時間Casting Time:7
  影響區域Area of Effect:15 呎/級feet/level
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:特殊Special

This spell is a multiuse incantation that can be cast in one of three forms. Unfortunately, the casting of this spell borrows the sunshine for the day it is cast (or the next day if cast at night) to render these effects. This spell is very unpopular among farmers and ranchers, who see it as a miscarriage of divine intervention.

  ❖光亮Light高等陽光術能用於借走當天晚些時候的陽光(如果是在晚上施展,則是來日)來創造現在的 光亮術light。這在洞穴中或是晚上相當有用。法術的這種形態視作持續 1 回合/施法者等級 的 光亮術 法術處理,但它將每級縮短1分鐘當天的日照時間。
  Light: Advanced sunshine can be used to borrow sunlight from later in the day (or the next day if at night) to create light now. This is useful in caverns or at night. This form of the spell is treated as a light spell lasting one turn per level of the caster, but it shortens the day's sunshine by one minute per level.

  ❖火球Fireball:一份太陽能量能被轉化為如同與這位祭司等級同級的巫師施展的 火球術fireball。每次施展,它將降低90英里半徑內的溫度1華氏度,持續1旬。法術的這個方面不能在夜間或陰天施展。
  Fireball: A piece of the sun's energy can be converted into a fireball as though cast by a mage of the casting priest's level. This lowers the temperature within a 90-mile radius by 1 degree Fahrenheit for a tenday each time it is cast. This aspect of the spell cannot be cast at night or during cloudy days.

  ❖照明Illumination高等陽光術advanced sunshine 的這個版本被用於借走當天晚些時候的陽光(如果是在晚上施展,則是來日)來施展雙倍於當前施法者等級之射程和效果的 恆久之光continual light。它將縮短1小時當天的日照時間。
  Illumination: This version of advanced sunshine can be used to borrow sunlight from later in the day (or the next day if at night) to cast continual light at double the range and effect for the caster's level. This shortens the day's sunshine by one hour.

5th Level



  施法時間Casting Time:8
  影響區域Area of Effect:施法者The caster
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:無The caster

  藉由 啟明術illumination 法術,受影響祭司能改變關於自己的時間流。在這道法術生效時,施法者將被一道金色的光輝籠罩,並免疫除了基於寒冷、黑暗或陰影的法術、類法術能力、魔法物品或噴吐武器外的一切攻擊。雖然對於那些未受這道法術影響的人而言,只是過去了一輪的時間,但這位祭司能夠花費 2輪+1輪/級(直至最大值的總計1回合)來與他的神祇溝通。因此,在對於所有其他人而言的1輪時間裏,5級祭司能花費7輪來尋求啟明。這位祭司可以通過問題的形式來祈求信息,這些問題需要能以簡單的「是」或「否」來回答。這位祭司被允許每個幽靈輪提一個這樣的問題。作為一種可選項, DM可以選擇給出5個詞或更短的簡短回復,而非回答「是」或「否」。給出的將是在該實體知識範圍內的正確答案。(「我不知道」是一種合理的回答。)在最好的情況下,這道法術所提供的信息將幫助角色決定,而這位被聯繫的神祇將組織他的回答來促進自己的目的。
By means of an illumination spell, the priest in effect alters the flow of time with regard to himself or herself. While the spell is in effect, the caster is enveloped in a golden radiance and is immune to all attacks except those caused by cold-, darkness-, or shadow-based spells, spell-like abilities, magical items, or breath weapons. While but one round of time passes for those not affected by the spell, the priest is able to spend two rounds, plus one round per level (to a maximum 1 turn total), in contact with his or her deity. Thus, a 5th-level priest can seek illumination for seven rounds while one round passes for all others. The priest can request information in the form of questions that can be answered by a simple "yes" or "no." The priest is allowed one such question per phantom round. Optionally, the DM may give a single short answer of five words or less rather than answering "yes" or "no." The answers given are correct within the limits of the entity's knowledge. ("I don't know" is a legitimate answer.) The spell will, at best, provide information to aid character decisions, and the deity contacted structures its answers to further its own purposes.

  在受這道 啟明術 法術影響時,若在該輪不選擇提問題,施法者可以向這位被溝通的神力請求,在自己身上降下一道 治癒輕傷cure light wounds治癒盲聾cure blindness or deafness治癒疾病cure disease祈禱術prayer 或是 行動自如free action 法術。那些法術的施展將立即終結這道法術,並且被聯通的神祇也不會進一步回答問題,治癒輕傷 是個例外,它可以被授予最多4次。在受到啟明術影響時,施法者不能以其它方式施展法術。也不能移動、變得隱形、或是從事除了上述的之外的其它任何行動。
While affected by the illumination spell, rather than ask a question during a round, the caster can request that the power contacted bestow a cure light wounds, cure blindness or deafness, cure disease, prayer, or free action spell upon him or her. The casting of any of these spells other than cure light wounds, which may be granted up to four times, ends the spell, and no further questions are answered by the deity contacted. The caster cannot cast spells on others while affected by an illuminate spell, nor can she or he move, become invisible, or engage in any other action other than those described above.

The material components of this spell are the priest's holy symbol and holy water.

6th Level

太陽權杖Sun Scepter


  持續時間Duration:1 回合turn
  施法時間Casting Time:9
  影響區域Area of Effect:特殊Special
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:特殊Special

  這道法術的施展將借走當天(若是在夜晚施展,則為來日)1小時的白晝。太陽權杖將一柄施法者所接觸到的純金權杖或是硬頭錘,臨時附魔為有某種效力的魔法物品。當太陽權杖被施展時,這柄金杖將發出如同 恆久之光continual light 的亮度,提供相同的照明。在施法時的持杖者,在這道法術完成時,能立即獲得其所在位置120呎內的生物的服從與忠誠。他可以控制共計200到500個生命骰(或經驗等級)的生物,但如果生物具有不低於 15 的智力和不低於 12 的生命骰/等級,則該生物則可以進行對抗法術的豁免檢定。若成功,則該異能對他們無效。
The casting of this spell borrows an hour of daytime from the day it is cast (or the next day if cast at night) to render its effects. Sun scepter temporarily enchants a solid gold scepter or mace that the caster touches into a magical item of some potency. When sun scepter is cast, the golden scepter glows with the same brightness and illumination as a continual light spell. The individual holding the scepter when the spell is cast can immediately command the obedience and fealty of creatures within 120 feet of his or her location when the spell is completed. From 200 to 500 Hit Dice (or levels of experience) can be ruled, but creatures with 15 or greater Intelligence and 12 or more Hit Dice/ levels are entitled to a saving throw vs. spell. If they succeed, this power is negated for them.

  被統治的生物會遵從這位 太陽權杖 持杖者的統治,就像他/她是他們的絕對君主般。然而,如果持用者下達了與被控制生物的天性完全相反的命令,那麼這種統治異能就會失效。
Ruled creatures obey the wielder of the sun scepter as if she or he were their absolute sovereign. Still, if the wielder gives a command that is absolutely contrary to the nature of the creatures commanded, the rulership power is broken.

  雖然該統治異能只能影響在這道法術施展時,位於 太陽權杖 持杖者120呎內的生物,但直到這道法術到期前,太陽權杖 都可以作為一件造成1d8+3點傷害的魔法武器揮舞。若在攻擊骰上自然骰出20,太陽權杖 將能完全毀滅魔像,但權杖本身也將在這一過程中毀壞。對 外層位面Outer Planes 的生物,太陽權杖 將造成1d8+3點傷害。若在攻擊骰上自然骰出20,該權杖將造成三倍傷害,但法術將立即終止(不過這柄金杖不會被毀滅)。
While the rulership power is only effective upon the creatures within 120 feet of the sun scepter wielder when the spell is cast, the sun scepter can also be wielded as a magical weapon that inflicts 1d8+3 points of damage until the spell expires. Against golems, the sun scepter causes 2d8+6 points of damage. If a natural 20 is rolled on the attack roll, the sun scepter completely destroys the golem but is itself destroyed in the process. Against creatures of the Outer Planes, the sun scepter inflicts 1d8+3 points of damage. If the attack roll is a natural 20, the scepter causes triple damage, but the spell is also immediately ended (though the golden scepter is not destroyed).

The material component of this spell is a solid gold scepter or mace worth at least 2,500 gp. It is not consumed in the casting of the spell except under the conditions described above.

5eFR<Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.p024>阿曼納塔Amaunator


  阿曼納塔Amaunator,太陽之神god of the sun 守序中立LN 生命Life,光明Light 金色太陽Golden sun


  永恆之陽的守護者the Keeper of the Eternal Sun,秩序之光the Light of Law,黃神The Yellow God


The rule of law and the glory of the sun are both in Amaunator's dominion. His priests help establish bureaucracies and lawful order in communities. They often witness contracts and signed agreements, stamping such documents with the sun-symbol of Amaunator to signify their validity.

  他的祭司宣導,阿曼納塔曾經一次次地經歷消逝而又再度復活。一如太陽,他時而進入黑暗的國度,卻又總會再次將其光耀的凝視投向世界。阿曼納塔被人們認作一位嚴厲而不輕饒他人之神祇,其行為舉止與 西凡納斯Silvanus 別無二致,但他本人關心的不是生命的平衡,而是關注於讓一切按天界的秩序運作,一切承諾必須遵守,一切律發規則也必須存在。
His priests teach that Amaunator has died and been reborn time and again. Like the sun, he might pass into the realm of darkness, but inevitably his bright gaze will fall on the world once again. Amaunator is seen as a stern and unforgiving deity, not unlike Silvanus in comportment, but his concern isn't for the balance of life- he cares that things proceed according to the celestial order, that promises are kept, and that the rule of law persists.

Farmers and travelers beseech him when they pray for rain or sun, as do any others looking for a favorable change in the weather. But the most common form of propitiation to Amaunator is the practice of swearing oaths, signing contracts, and declaring laws under the light of the sun. So ingrained in the common perception is the connection between a solemn oath and the sun that those engaged in closing deals or issuing edicts often pause and wait for a passing cloud to clear the sun before completing the transaction or pronouncement.
