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The Morndinsamman
【音   标】Sha-RIHN-dlar
【头   衔】生命女士Lady of Life,慈悯女士Lady of Mercy,慈悯者the Merciful,慷慨者the Bountiful,闪亮舞者the Shining Dancer
【阵   营】CG
【神   力】I
【神   职】治疗Healing,仁慈mercy,浪漫的爱情romantic love,生育力fertility,跳舞dancing,求爱courtship,月亮the moon
【神   系】摩丁萨曼诸神The Morndinsamman
【主   神】摩拉丁Moradin
【盟   友】安格芮丝Angharradh裳提亚Chauntea希劳拉妮Cyrrollalee埃达丝Eldath哈娜莉·瑟拉妮尔Hanali Celanil哈索尔Hathor伊尔马特Ilmater摩丁萨曼诸神the Morndinsamman(除了 阿巴索Abbathor深地·杜菈Deep Duerra拉杜格Laduguer),席拉·佩莉萝尔Sheela Peryroyl希阿莉亚Shiallia塔蓬Tapann悠妲菈Yondalla各种动物领主various Animal Lords
【敌   对】厄尔德连Urdlen
【神   国】约瑟园Ysgard/3th 尼达维勒Nidavellir仁慈之廷The Merciful Court
【徽   记】火焰从一支钢针升起A flame rising from a steel needle
【简   介】雪琳铎Sharindlar 是矮人的爱情与生育女神,她与石羊人之神塔蓬生下了希阿莉亚

2eFR<Demihuman Deities.p082>雪琳铎Sharindlar


  (生命女士Lady of Life,慈悯女士Lady of Mercy,慈悯者the Merciful,慷慨者the Bountiful,闪亮舞者the Shining Dancer)

  约瑟园中等神力Intermediate Power of Ysgard,

  神职PORTFOLIO:治疗Healing,仁慈mercy,浪漫的爱情romantic love,生育力fertility,跳舞dancing,求爱courtship,月亮the moon
  神域名DOMAIN NAME:尼达维勒Nidavellir仁慈之廷The Merciful Court
  盟友ALLIES:安格芮丝Angharradh裳提亚Chauntea希劳拉妮Cyrrollalee埃达丝Eldath哈娜莉·瑟拉妮尔Hanali Celanil哈索尔Hathor伊尔梅特Ilmater摩丁萨曼诸神the Morndinsamman(除了 阿巴索Abbathor深地·杜菈Deep Duerra拉杜格Laduguer),席拉·佩莉萝尔Sheela Peryroyl希阿莉亚Shiallia塔蓬Tapann悠妲菈Yondalla各种动物领主various Animal Lords
  徽记SYMBOL:火焰从一支钢针升起A flame rising from a steel needle
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN,守序邪恶LE,中立邪恶NE,混乱邪恶CE


  “慈悯者the Merciful”雪琳铎Sharindlar(读作“Sha-RIHN-dlar”)作为矮人的治疗和仁慈女神广为人知。在战斗中受伤的矮人常是以她的名讳被治疗的。患病的矮人、矮人治疗师、助产士、医师以及恋人们向 生命女士the Lady of Life 祈祷。然而,她最重要的现代角色的面相对非矮人保密:她对浪漫的爱情、求爱以及生育力的赞助。所有阵营和种族的矮人都在求偶时讨好她,在正义的事业中审判其他人者也是如此。
Sharindlar (Sha-RIHN-dlar) the Merciful is widely known as the dwarven goddess of healing and mercy. Dwarves wounded in battle are often healed in her name. Sick dwarves, dwarven healers, midwives, physics, and lovers pray to the Lady of Life. However, her aspect kept secret from nondwarves is her most important modern role:her patronage of romantic love, courtship, and fertility. Dwarves of all alignments and races who are courting appease her, as do those who sentence others in the cause of justice. When dwarves dance, they pray to Sharindlar to guide their feet, for she is said to be the greatest dancer the dwarves have ever known.

  雪琳铎与 摩丁萨曼诸神the Morndinsamman 大多关系极佳。她也与那些理念为她所憎者——阿巴索Abbathor深地·杜菈Deep Duerra 以及 拉杜格Laduguer——建立了工作联系,来为矮人种族的利益而努力。在灰矮人的拉杜格与 摩拉丁Moradin 必须沟通的罕见情况时,生命女士充当着特使。对那些妨碍她提供治疗和给予受伤者与痛苦者怜悯的努力的仇恨与争斗,雪琳铎几乎没有容忍。她与石羊人的神祇们发展了强有力的友谊,而有些神话宣称 林隙中的舞者the Dancer in the Glades 希阿莉亚Shiallia,便是雪琳铎与 塔蓬Tapann 的短暂调情的结晶。
  Sharindlar is on excellent terms with most of the other members of the Morndinsamman. She has forged working relationships with those whose principles she abhors-Abbathor, Deep Duerra, and Laduguer-to facilitate her efforts for the benefit of the dwarven race. The Lady of Life has served as an emissary between Laduguer of the gray dwarves and Moradin on the rare occasions they must communicate. Sharindlar has little tolerance for hatreds or rivalries that interfere with her efforts to dispense healing and mercy to the wounded and distressed. She has made strong friendships with the deities of the korreds, and some myths claim that Shiallia, the Dancer in the Glades, is the offspring of Sharindlar's brief dalliance with Tapann.

  雪琳铎对所有人,无论凡人还是神性者,都总是以友好的话语不变地温暖和关心。她惯于欢乐地呼喊、即兴地舞蹈、以及不可抑止地大笑。生命女士是位固执的红娘和真正的浪漫者,无论成功率如何都会试图结合不幸的爱人。有赖于 闪亮舞者the Shining Dancer 在提供完美伴侣的不懈努力,不止一位受眷顾的单身汉或未婚女被卷入了一系列旋风般的事件中。
Sharindlar is invariably warm and caring with a kind word for all, both mortal and divine. She is given to shouts of joy, impromptu dances, and gales of uncontrollable laughter. The Lady of Life is an inveterate match-maker and true romantic who seeks to conjoin star-crossed lovers no matter what the odds. More than one favored dwarven bachelor or maiden has been swept up in a series of whirlwind affairs, thanks to the unceasing efforts of the Shining Dancer to provide the perfect mate.


雪琳铎的化身Sharindlar's Avatar

   (牧师Cleric 35,法师Wizard 23)

Sharindlar appears as a slim, spirited, full-bearded and flame-haired dwarven maiden. She possesses arresting eyes that seem to change color often-different observers down the centuries have reported them as being of differing hues. To observers of races whose females do not grow beards (such as humans), Sharindlar's beard may seem to vanish, or appear and reappear like a flickering flame. Sharindlar never wears armor and is usually barefoot and clad in diaphanous gowns. Occasionally, she appears at parties wildly garbed in boots or high-heeled shoes, with rich gowns and ornate accoutrements. If Sharindlar is attacked, flames rise around her body to armor her inflame. Her clothing vanishes, reappearing unharmed as the flames die. She favors spells from the spheres of all, animal, charm, creation, healing, necromantic (regular or reversed), plant, sun, and time and the schools of alteration, divination, and enchantment/charm, although she can cast spells from any sphere or school.

  防御等级 -2(-4);移动 12或15;生命值 178;零级命中值 -2;#攻击 7次/2轮
  伤害 1d2+15(+6鞭,+9 力量) 和 1d6+12(+2步兵硬头锤,+9 力量)
  魔抗 70%;体型 中型M(6呎高)或 超大型H(13呎高)
  力量 21,敏捷 20,体质 19,智力 19,感知 18,魅力 25
  法术 祭司P:13/13/11/11/10/10/9,法师W:5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/3
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 1*;石化或变形 5;喷吐武器 8;法术 6
  AC -2 (-4); MV 12 or 15; HP 178; THAC0 -2;#AT 2
  Dmg 1d2+15 (whip +6,+9 STR) and 1d6+12 (footman's mace +2,+9 STR)
  MR 70%; SZ M (6 feet high) or H (13 feet high)
  STR 21, DEX 20, CON 19, INT 19, Wis 18, CHA 25
  Spells P:13/13/11/11/10/10/9, W:5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/3
  Saves PPDM 2, RSW 1*, PP 5, BW 8, Sp 6

    *Includes dwarf +5 CON save bonus to a minimum of 1. The CON save bonus also applies to saves vs. poison to a minimum of 1.

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  雪琳铎使用一柄镶嵌着金刚倒刺的 +6鞭 (混乱善良阵营)和一柄在击打时不会发出任何声音的+2硬头锤。通过接触,这柄硬头锤能迫使灵界和隐形的生物在 主物质位面Prime Material Plane 完全出现和可见,持续至少2轮。
Sharindlar fights with a whip +6 that is studded with adamantine barbs (chaotic good-aligned) and a mace +2 that never makes any sound when it strikes. The mace forces ethereal and invisible creatures into full presence and visibility on the Prime Material Plane for at least two rounds, by touch.

  通过接触,雪琳铎能在其他存在身上产生 遗忘咒forget友善术friends、以及 魅惑人类charm person 的效果(-6豁免检定)。每日各7次,她也可以使用这3种能力。
Sharindlar can enact the effects of forget, friends, and charm person on other beings (saving throws at -6 penalty) by touch. She may use each of these three abilities seven times per day.

At will (in addition to regeneration and magical or physical attacks in the same round), Sharindlar can cloak her body in flames. These affect flammable materials as normal flames do, deal 2d8 damage per round of contact to any creature entering them (such damage is gained by the goddess through her regenerative ability), and improve her Armor Class by 2.

  雪琳铎不能被作用于心灵或感官的魔法 魅惑 或是愚弄。据说,她的触碰能 中和毒素neutralise poison,每日她能这样做3次。据说,雪琳铎本尊免疫所有已知的毒素。她只能被+2或更好的魔法武器击中。
Sharindlar cannot be charmed or fooled by magic that works on the mind or senses. Her touch is said to neutralise poison, which she can do three times a day. Sharindlar herself is said to be immune to all known poisons. She can be struck only by +2 or better magical weapons.

If slain, Sharindlar becomes a ghostlike entity. This form cannot be turned and can become invisible at will. She can work magic, employ a ghost's attacks, and has half her normal hit points.



其祂显现Other Manifestations

  雪琳铎极少以化身形态在 诸国度the Realms 神临,不过会极其频繁地通过一道琥珀色或玫瑰色的灵光和温暖显现来援助矮人。如果所需的治疗草药或植物解毒剂存在于附近,雪琳铎将以她的灵光照亮它们,为寻找的矮人标记它们。若有生病的矮人在寻觅避难所或水,雪琳铎的灵光将引导他们。若矮人们受寒而缺乏处所,雪琳铎的温暖和光照能在他们休息时(即便是在暴风雪中的冰河和岩脊上)保持安适。她的光亮明亮到足够供法师学习,以及阅读图册和书籍。
Sharindlar rarely appears in avatar form in the Realms, but quite often aids dwarves by manifesting as an amber or rosy radiance and warmth. If healing herbs or plant antidotes are required and exist nearby, Sharindlar illuminates them with her radiance, to mark them for searching dwarves. If a sick dwarf seeks shelter or water, Sharindlar's radiance guides them. If dwarves are cold and lack shelter, Sharindlar's warmth and light can keep them comfortable while they rest, even on glaciers or rock ledges in blizzards. Her light is bright enough for wizards to study by and for maps and books to be read.

At dances, moots, and other meetings when dwarves may be conceived, Sharindlar often attempts to sway the thoughts and actions of dwarves by her warmth and radiance. Dwarven sages still argue over whether this is purely the result of her presence, serving as a hint and sign of approval, or if she can manifest subtle aphrodisiac powers.

  雪琳铎被以下存在侍奉着:石羊人、(约瑟园Ysgardian 的)矮人之乡Nidavellir 矮人、恩赫里亚einheriar、福狗too dog、格莱石人、圣飞象hollyphant、希望、节欲以及智慧具现incarnates of hope, temperance, and wisdom、石羊人、翼蛇人、天池蛇龙linnorm dragon、气精slyph 以及 sunflies。她通过以下事物的发现,来显现她的眷顾:翡翠emerald、月石moonstone、以及圆银币;她通过以下事物的发现展现她的不悦:穿旧了的、不成对的靴子,破碎的鸡蛋壳,以及凝固的牛奶。
Sharindlar is served by dryads, (Ysgardian) dwarves of Nidavellir, einheriar, too dogs, galeb duhr, hollyphants, incarnates of hope, temperance, and wisdom, korred, lillendi, linnorm dragons, slyphs, and sunflies. She manifests her favor through the discovery of emeralds, moonstones, and round silver coins and her displeasure through the discovery of worn, mateless boots, shattered egg shells, and curdled milk.

教会The Church

  神职人员CLERGY:牧师Clerics,专属祭司specialty priests
  神职阵营CLERGY'S ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG
  驱散不死TURN UNDEAD:牧师C:可Yes;专属祭司SP:否No
  呵斥不死CMND. UNDEAD:牧师C:否No;专属祭司SP:否No

  雪琳铎的所有牧师和专属祭司得到 宗教知识religion(矮人dwarven)和 阅读/书写reading/writing(矮人语符文Dethek runes)作为非武器熟练奖励。雪琳铎的牧师在7级前不能驱散不死生物,但她们总是在对不死生物的所有攻击和伤害骰上获得+2。在7级或以上时,牧师(包括兼职牧师)可以如其他牧师那样驱散不死,但牧师等级-4。这些调整只作用于牧师职业。在 动荡之年Time of Troubles 之前,雪琳铎的祭职者全部是女性;在那之后,已经有一些男性加入了神职人员队伍。
All clerics and specialty priests of Sharindlar receive religion (dwarven) and reading/writing (Dethek runes) as bonus nonweapon proficiencies. Clerics of Sharindlar cannot turn undead before 7th level, but they always strike at +2 on all attack and damage rollsagainst undead creatures. At 7th level and above, clerics can turnundead as other clerics do, but as a cleric of four levels less thantheir current level. These modifications apply only to the clericclass. All priests of Sharindlar were female before the Time of Troubles, but some males have joined the priesthood since then.

Sharindlar is universally well regarded by dwarves and held in high esteem by those who share her beliefs among other races. Even the most xenophobic elves and the most supercilious humans are impressed by her devotion to the downtrodden and her kind and unassuming nature, despite their deep-held prejudices.

Temples to the Lady of Life are great halls, free of pillars or other architectural features. Serving as both chancels and grand ballrooms, they are well lit, often above ground or partially open to the sky, and typically hold fountains, pools, and formal gardens. The goddess's temples have numerous small guest chambers for visitors, of which there are many. Most of the Shining Dancer's temples have a small library that serves as a repository of runestones inscribed with dwarven genealogies, clan records, courting rites, descriptions of formal dances, astronomy charts, medicinal practices, herbal brews, agricultural and husbandry records, and the like.

  雪琳铎的初修士名为 纯白者the Chaste。正式祭司名为仁慈少女/少年Merciful Maidens/Youths。依升序,雪琳铎教派Sharindlaran 使用的头衔如下:舞蹈之发Dancing Tresses、金色诱惑Golden Allure、治疗之触Healing Touch、仁慈微笑Merciful Smile、爱恋之心Loving Heart、以及 丰饶之母/父Fruitful Mother/Father。高阶长老High Old Ones 有独特的个人头衔,但被统称为 雪琳铎诸子/诸女儿(女) the Sons/Daughters (Dauls) of Sharindlar。专属祭司名为 仁慈者thalornor(音译为 索纳尔),这是个矮人语词汇,能粗略地翻译为“ 那些仁慈的人 ”。雪琳铎的神职人员包括金矮人(49%)、盾矮人(48%)、丛林矮人(2%)、甚至是灰矮人(1%)。雪琳铎的神职人员在专属祭司(58%)和牧师(42%)之间近乎平分。祭职人员仍然几乎全为女性(99%)。
Novices of Sharindlar are known as the Chaste. Full priests are known as Merciful Maidens/Youths. In ascending order of rank, the titles used by Sharindlaran priests are Dancing Tresses, Golden Allure, Healing Touch, Merciful Smile, Loving Heart, and Fruitful Mother/Father. High Old Ones have unique individual titles but are collectively known as the Sons/Daughters (Dauls) of Sharindlar. Specialty priests are known as thalornor, a dwarvish word that can be loosely translated as those who are merciful. The clergy of Sharindlar includes gold dwarves (49%), shield dwarves (48%), jungle dwarves (2%), and even gray dwarves (1%).Sharindlar's clergy is nearly evenly divided between Specialty Priests(58%) and clerics (42%). The priesthood is still nearly all female (99%).


  在言语和行为上要仁慈。给需要的地方带去救济和治疗。用有助益而仁慈的努力来缓和愤怒与敌意。摩拉丁的孩子们必须安全地生存,必须繁衍。维护和鼓励传统的求偶和婚姻仪式。通过最充实地活着,来庆祝生命的无尽、愉悦之舞。在 蓓伦妮Berronar 保护这果实的时候,是雪琳铎复苏了矮人生命的丰饶之种。
Be merciful in speech and deed. Bring relief and healing where needful. Temper anger and hostility with constructive and charitable endeavor. The children of Moradin must live in safety and propagate. Maintain and encourage the traditional rites of courting and marriage. Celebrate the endless, joyous dance of life by living it to the fullest. Sharindlar restores the fertile seed of dwarven life, while Berronar protects the fruit.

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:

  雪琳铎神职人员的传统职责包括为矮人们和其他需要的提供治疗和慰藉。这个角色既需要矮人据点中的救济院履行,也需要旅行到分散在地表和地下荒野中的孤立矮人据点。随着矮人出生率缓慢下降以及 粗壮族裔the Stout Folk 队伍的萎缩,尤其是在 北地the North 的矮人中,在蓓伦妮神职人员的协助下,侍奉雪琳铎的祭司们将她们的大部分精力都花在了扭转这一趋势上。仁慈少女/少年们致力于维护和教授矮人求偶仪式:传统的舞蹈、致辞的仪式形式等等。她们努力将年轻矮人们聚到一起,来(尤其是在传统的氏族之外)产生有希望的配对,希望增加多产结合的数量。在许多矮人文明中,雪琳铎对生育力的监护在许多矮人文明(尤其是定居在地表的文明,如 至高沙纳塔High Shanatar贝希默Besilmer)中已经延伸到了农业和畜牧业。一个侧重点被放在了发展新作物品种(小麦、大麦、蘑菇、地衣等等)和吃苦耐劳的牲畜品种(驴、羊等等)上。
The traditional duties of Sharindlar's clergy include dispensing healing and mercy to dwarves and other individuals in need. This role requires both hospices in dwarven strongholds and travel to isolated dwarven holds scattered throughout surface and subterranean wildernesses. As dwarven birthrates slowly decline and the ranks of the Stout Folk shrink, particularly among the shield dwarvesof the North, priests in Sharindlar's service devote most of their energy to reverse these trends, with the assistance of Berronar's clergy. The Merciful Maidens/Youths have focused on maintaining and teaching dwarven courting rites:traditional dances, ritual forms of address, and the like. They strive to bring young dwarves together, engendering likely matches, particularly outside the traditional clans, hoping to increase the number of prolific unions. Sharindlar's oversight of fertility has been extended in many dwarven cultures (particularly in surface-dwelling cultures such as High Shanatar and Besilmer) to include agriculture and animal husbandry. A particular emphasis has been placed on developing new strains of crops - wheat, barley, mushrooms, lichens, etc. - and hardier breeds of beasts -donkeys, sheep, etc.

圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

  雪琳铎崇拜(尤其是她的生育力面相)一直对外人保密。每当他们知道非矮人可以听见时,矮人们普遍就会以“慈悯女士Lady of Mercy”来提及她。关心着伤病患的任何信仰祭司常会为雪琳铎的眷顾而短暂祈祷。
The worship of Sharindlar has been kep tsecret from outsiders, especially her fertility aspect. Dwarves in general refer to her as the Lady of Mercy whenever they know nondwarves to be listening. Dwarven priests of any faith who care for the wounded or sick often pray briefly for Sharindlar's favor.

  当月亮开始渐圆(新月之后的夜晚)时,在 绿草节Greengrass、在仲夏节之夜Midsummer Night、以及每当月儿圆满时,雪琳铎的神职人员会聚集到一起向生命女士祈祷。更多的雪琳铎秘密仪式在有一片水池的隐秘洞穴中举行。这样的典礼涉及舞蹈、为女神的仁慈和守护祈祷、以及献祭黄金。金子被加热直到融化,矮人们将来自自己前臂的血液融入到这混合物中,随后倒进水,期间伴随着对雪琳铎名讳的高呼和矮人们围绕着池塘的疯狂舞蹈,在他们手边是防具和武器,但未被穿戴或者携带。
When the moon begins to wax (the night after the new moon), at Greengrass, at Midsummer Night, and whenever the moon is full, Sharindlar's clergy gather to pray to the Lady of Life. The more secret rituals of Sharindlar take place in hidden caverns, wherever there is a pool of water. Such ceremonies involve dancing, prayers for the Lady's mercy and guidance, and the sacrifice of gold. Gold is heated until molten, and dwarves let blood from their own forearms into the mixture, which is then poured into the water, as Sharindlar's name is chanted and the dwarves dance about the pool in a frenzy, armor and weapons near at hand but not worn or carried.

  在 深地国度the Deep Realm,雪琳铎的仪式在 黄金湖the Lake of Gold 周围进行,那是一座地下湖泊,其岩质底部有着闪闪发光的金矿脉。生命女士的矮人信徒从不自这片湖泊中采金,而长年的崇拜为提高该种族下降的出生率而举行的仪式,使得这片湖泊的底部现在铺满了闪闪发光的金尘。为了向雪琳铎的丰饶面相致敬而举行的仪式,总是以华丽的盛宴和穿越在 深地the Deeps 的地下道路的求偶追逐告终。祈唤雪琳铎的治疗力量的仪式,由两位或更多位这位女神的祭司举行,包括将她们的伤患者聚集。生命女士的祭司们将来自黄金湖的一小瓶水洒到病患上,在此时低语女神的秘名和描述。这场仪式有20%的可能性将援助每位参与的祭司的治疗,若使用的水来自于黄金湖则可能性增加10%,而若受伤的生物得到了雪琳铎的眷顾 (DM裁决:已知雪琳铎可能会眷顾非矮人、驮兽甚至是怪物),则可能性额外增加20%。这项援助将:增强治疗法术和药剂使它们达到可能的最大效果;使静卧的治疗速度翻倍;完全停滞寄生虫(包括腐蛆)、疾病和毒素的传播或影响,持续1d4+1天。DM根据情况选择增益效果。甚至是被信徒们低语或在心中默念的雪琳铎之名,也对所有信仰的、被烦乱或痛苦折磨的矮人有镇静效果,令他们得以入睡。
In the Deep Realm, Sharindlar's rituals take place around the Lake of Gold, a subterranean lake whose rocky bottom is streaked with gleaming veins of gold. The Lady of Life's dwarven faithful never take gold from the lake, whose bottom is now carpeted with the sparkling gold dust of long ages of worship resulting from rituals performed in an effort to raise the low birthrate of the race. Rituals in honor of Sharindlar's fertility aspect celebrated here always end with splendid feasts and courting chases through the underways of the Deeps. Rituals invoking Sharindlar's healing strength enacted by two or more priests of the goddess involve their gathering over injured or sick beings. The Lady of Life's priests sprinkle the ill from a vial of water from the Lake of Gold, while whispering secret names and descriptions of the goddess. This ritual has a 20% chance of aiding healing per priest taking part, increased by 10% if water from the Lake of Gold is used, and another 20% if the injured being is favored by Sharindlar (a DM decision:Sharindlar has been known to favor nondwarves, pack animals, and even monsters). The aid increases of healing spells and potions to their maximum possible effect, doubles the at-rest healing rate, and halts the spread or effect of parasites (including rot grubs), diseases, and poisons completely for 1d4+1 days. The DM chooses the beneficial effect according to the circumstances. Even Sharindlar's name, whispered or repeated silently in the mind by the faithful, has a calming effect on upset or pain wracked dwarves of all faiths, allowing them to sleep.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

  泰伦乌鲁尔Tyn'rrin Wurlur,即 舞水之谷the Vale of Dancing Water,是一片庞大的神殿建筑群,位于陨落已久的贝希默王国的 托希尔德·火舌国王King Torhild Flametonguee 夏宫废墟中。依偎在山峦起伏的 桑博尔丘陵Sumber Hills——这是这片为 德沙林河the River Dessarin 分割的丘陵现代的名字,它位于 石墙the Stone Bridge(亦名 托希尔德之车the Rook of Torhild)正南,坐落在德沙林河西岸、沿着 落叶松之径the Larch Path 被抛弃、怪物肆虐的冒险者的要塞的东部。若矮人的传说是真的,这座神殿的地穴中埋藏着陨落的贝希默王国失落的、尚未遭洗劫的财富,并通向从 宝剑山脉the Sword Mountains 伸展到 独角兽之流the Unicorn Run 的地下隧道。
Tyn'rrin Wurlur, the Vale of Dancing Water, is a sprawling temple complex built among the ruins of the long fallen summer palace of King Torhild Flametonguee of Besilmer. Nestled amidst the rolling Sumber Hills-the modern name for the hills bisected by the River Dessarin, which lie just south of the Stone Bridge-the Rook of Torhild, as it is also known, is located on the western bank of the River Dessarin east of the abandoned, monster-haunted, adventurers' keeps along the Larch Path. If dwarven legends are true, the temple's catacombs contain the lost riches of fallen Besilmer, as yet unplundered, and access to subterranean tunnels that stretch from the Sword Mountains to the Unicorn Run.

  北地的粗壮族裔中,桑博尔丘陵中雪琳铎神殿的存在是个被紧密保守的秘密,这是一项在矮人中普遍保持缄默的传统,甚至不会对非矮人提及生命女士的信仰和角色。过路人在这条位于隐匿的河谷下的湍流中,除了由三条渺小的溪流哺育的瀑布外一无所获,不竭的瀑布之水和闪烁的光亮冲刷着这座30呎高的悬崖。这座神殿复合建筑的地上结构对任何飞跃它顶上的任何人来说,都是几乎不可见的,外观上与巨砾散落的小丘几乎没有区别。只有极少数旅者会冒险从 落叶红松村Red Larch 沿陆路跋涉到德沙林河西岸,而因为该区域中不多的小径被巧妙地引领旅者远离这片抬起的峡谷,撞入这孤绝的小谷地者就更少了。
The very existence of Sharindlar's temple in the Sumber Hills is a closely guarded secret among the Stout Folk of the North, a practice in keeping with the general reticence among dwarves to even discuss the beliefs and role of the Lady of Life with nondwarves. Passersby on the swift-flowing current below the hidden vale can see naught but three tiny creek-fed waterfalls that rush over the 30-foot-high cliff in an endless cascade of water and shimmering light. The aboveground structures of the temple complex are nearly invisible to anyone flying overhead, appearing as little more than boulder strewn hillocks. Few travelers make the dangerous trek overland from the village of Red Larch to the western bank of the River Dessarin-even fewer stumble into the isolated dell, as the few footpaths in the region are cunningly constructed so as to lead travelers away from the elevated valley.

  舞水之谷的这座要塞化的救济院由年长的女族长、德沙林女爵士Dame of the Dessarin、莎娜之女daul of Zarna,玛琪·格莱泽尔March Gwythiir 领导。由居住在这座大修道院中的八位最高阶祭司组成的委员会辅佐着格莱泽尔,她们被统称为 仁慈生命女士the Ladies of Merciful Life。当不在北地漫游为那些需要之人提供治疗时,这座神殿的神职人员(其队伍包括近两百位受到生命女士召唤的矮人祭司)会花时间在神殿照顾小花园、酿以及在那风儿吹过的阴凉的溪岸培育蘑菇。舞水之谷的葡萄酒精榨机因其生产的块茎神酒,而在整个北地的矮人社会中都享有盛誉,这是一种因其催情壮阳性质而非常有名的葡萄和蘑菇酒。舞蹈着的水之谷在粗壮族裔中同样有名的是对年轻矮人(不论性别)已经持续了几个世纪的、在求爱仪式和正式舞蹈上的指导。在最近几十年,成功的成年矮人(尤其是那些已经通过冒险来获得了财富与荣誉者),在他们准备安顿下来时,会返回舞水之谷来寻求德沙林女爵士的玛琪的帮助找一位合适的伴侣。最后,舞蹈着的水之谷还是座永远敞开,欢迎那些寻找避难所度过他们剩下时日的受伤或患病矮人的救济院。年老的矮人(尤其是那些在职业生涯中锤炼了战斗能力者)常会在舞水之谷退休,充当着这片溪谷虽然年老、但却经验丰富的守卫。
The fortified hospice of Tyn'rrin Wurlur is ably led by the aging matriarch, Dame of the Dessarin March Gwythiir, daul of Zarna. Gwythiiris assisted by a council of the eight highest-ranking priests residing in the abbey, collectively known as the Ladies of Merciful Life. When not roaming the North healing those in need, the temple's clergy-whose ranks include nearly two hundred dwarven priests who have received the call of the Lady of Life-spend their days at the temple tending small vineyards, making wine, and cultivating mushrooms on the shaded banks of the small creeks that wind through the valley. The wine presses of Tyn'rrin Wurlur are renowned in dwarven societies throughout the North for producing tuber nectar, a grape and mushroom wine legendary for its aphrodisiac properties. The Vale of Dancing Water is nearly as well known among the Stout Folk for its instruction of young dwarves, both male and female, in the rites of courting and the formal dances that have been passed down for centuries. In recent decades, success fuldwarves-particularly those who have earned both wealth and honor by adventuring-have been returning to Tyn'rrin Wurlur when they are ready to settle down to enlist the Dame of the Dessarin March in finding them a suitable mate. Finally, the Vale of Dancing Water serves always-welcoming hospice to wounded or sick dwarves who seek sanctuary in order to finish out their days, or if possible, until they recover. Aging dwarves, particularly those whose careers developed their fighting prowess, often retire to Tyn'rrin Wurlur where they serve as seasoned, if aging, defenders of the vale.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:

  虽然没有献身雪琳铎之名的军事组织,但有约五分之一的祭司作为助产士服务于小型社区,在该信仰更为有组织的神殿等级制度中保持着独立。这种非正式姐妹会的成员被统称为 助产士少女the Maidens of Midwifery,并且她们的角色常会拓展包括医生、媒人、以及催情药和据说能提高生育率的灵药的酿造者上。
While Sharindlar has no martial orders dedicated to her name, about one in five other priests serve small dwarven communities as midwives, independent of the faith's more organized temple hierarchies. Members of this informal sorority are known collectively as the Maidens of Midwifery, and often extend their roles to include that of physician, matchmaker, and brewer of both aphrodisiacs and elixirs said to increase fertility.

祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:

For ceremonial functions, Sharindlar's priests wearred robes with a blue girdle. The head is left bare except for a robin's egg blue scarf. The holy symbol of the faith is a silver disk embossed on both sides with the symbol of the goddess. It is often hung from an argent chain placed around the neck.

冒险装束Adventuring Garb:

Sharindlar's priests avoid violence if possible, but they defend themselves or their charges against obviously hostile and violent opponents. While they prefer regular dwarven garb, the Maidens of Mercy gird themselves with armor when appropriate. A blue scarf, tied around the brow, upper arm, wrist, or ankle, is worn as an adornment. Although they rarely advertise it, members of Sharindlar's clergy usually carry a small knife so that they can mercifully end the suffering of creatures whose pain cannot otherwise be alleviated and whose demise is imminent.


专属祭司Specialty Priests(仁慈者Thalornor

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:体质Constitution 9,感知Wisdom 11
  关键属性PRIME REQ.:体质Constitution,感知Wisdom
  武器WEAPONS:任意钝击武器(类型B),加上小刀Any bludgeoning (wholly Type B) weapon, plus knives
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,动物animal,魅惑charm,创造creation,治疗healing,死灵necromantic,植物plant,太阳sun,时间time
  次要领域MINOR SPHERES:元素Elemental,守卫guardian,保护protection
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师Same as clerics
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:草药学Herbalism
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:舞蹈Dancing,礼仪etiquette,治疗healing

  ❖虽然大部分仁慈者 (thalornor是thalornar的复数形式)要么是金矮人,要么是盾矮人,但几乎任何亚种的矮人都会蒙召成为生命生命女士的专属祭司。
  ❖ While most thalornor (the plural form of thalornar) are either gold dwarves or shield dwarves, dwarves of nearly every subrace are called to be specialty priests of the Lady of Life.

  ❖ Thalornor are not allowed to multiclass.

  ❖每日1次,仁慈者的祭司能施展 治愈轻伤cure light wounds(如同1级祭司法术)。
  ❖ Thalornor can cast cure light wounds (as the 1st-level priest spell) onc eper day.

  ❖在第3级,每日1次,仁慈者的祭司能施展 援助术aid(如同2级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 3rd level, thalornor can cast aid (as the 2nd-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖在第3级,随意使用,仁慈者的祭司能施展 侦测矮人detect dwarves(如同1级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 3rd level, thalornor can cast detect dwarves (as the 1st-levelp riest spell) at will.

  ❖在第5级,随意使用,仁慈者的祭司能施展 仁慈之触merciful touch(如同3级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 5th level, thalornor can cast merciful touch (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖在第7级,每日1次,仁慈者的祭司能施展 治愈重伤cure serious wounds(如同4级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 7th level, thalornor can cast cure serious wounds (as the 4th-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖在第10级,每日1次,仁慈者的祭司能施展 治愈致命伤cure critical wounds(如同5级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 10th level, thalornor can cast cure critical wounds (as the 5th-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖在第13级,每日1次,仁慈者的祭司能施展 治疗术heal(如同6级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 13th level, thalornor can cast heal (as the 6th-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖在第15级,每日1次,仁慈者的祭司能施展 流石术flowstone(如同5级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 15th level, thalornor can cast flowstone (as the 5th-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖在第20级,每日1次,仁慈者的祭司能施展 回返真言word of recall(如同6级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 20th level, thalornor can cast word of recall (as the 6th-levelpriest spell) once per day.

  ❖在第20级,每旬2次,仁慈者的祭司能施展 异界之门gate(如同7级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 20th level, thalornor can cast gate (as the 7th-level priestspell) twice per tenday.

雪琳铎教派法术Sharindlaran Spells

  除了下列法术外,生命女士的祭司们还能施展3级祭司法术舒缓孕痛ease labor和4级祭司法术丰饶术fertility,两者都详述于《神力与神系Powers & Pantheons》希阿莉亚条目中。
In addition to the spells listed below, priests of the Lady of Life can cast the 3rd-level priest spell ease labor and the 4th-level priest spell fertility, both of which are detailed in Powers & Pantheons in the entry for Shiallia.

1st Level

侦测矮人Detect Dwarves

  (祭司Pr 1;预言Divination)

  持续时间Duration:1 回合turn
  施法时间Casting Time:1 轮round
  影响区域Area of Effect:10 呎 x 90 呎10 feet x 90 feet
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

  在 侦测矮人 法术施展时,这位祭司能侦测到其面朝的方向10呎宽、90呎长的效果路径范围内的:活着的矮人、死去的矮人、火矮人、杜尔加矮人、迪洛矮人、半矮人以及有矮人血统者,即便他们处于隐形、变形、被灵能隐藏等等状态中。效果区域内存在的矮人大致数量也可以确定,误差为10%。施法者有5%/级的可能性能确认被侦测到的矮人的性别和亚种,直至最大值的75%。施法者可以转向,每轮扫描60°的弧。至少1吋厚的实心金属、至少1呎厚的实心岩石、或至少1码厚的实心木材可以阻挡这道法术。
When the detect dwarves spell is cast, the priest detects living dwarves, dead dwarves, azer, duergar, derro, half-dwarves, and spilled dwarven blood, even if they are invisible, shapechanged, concealed by illusions, and so on, in a path 10 feet wide and up to 90 feet long in the direction she or he is facing. The approximate number of dwarves present within the area of effect can also be determined within 10%. The caster has a 5% chance per level to determine the subrace and gender of dwarves detected, to a maximum of 75%. The caster can turn, scanning a 60°arc per round. The spell is blocked by solid metal at least 1 inch thick, solid stone at least 1 foot thick, or solid wood atleast 1 yard thick.

The material component is the priest's holy symbol.

3rd Level

仁慈之触Merciful Touch

  (祭司Pr 3;转化Alteration)

  施法时间Casting Time:6
  影响区域Area of Effect:接触的生物Creature touched
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

  通过这道法术,这位祭司既能治疗,也能减轻痛苦。仁慈之触 将治愈1d12点伤害。借助这道法术祛病的一面,这道魔咒也将在未真的移除病痛的前提下缓解症状,持续2最多24小时。举例来说,由某种疾病引起的不适将暂时被终止,不过疾病本身并未被治愈、也未得到缓解。在持续期间内受伤所受的剧痛(如脚踝折断)也将如此;然而,让这只生物的膝盖负重仍然是不可能的。像 痕痒术irritation 这样造成痛苦的法术,若持续时间被 仁慈之触 的持续时间覆盖超过,则将等效于被解消。仁慈之触 只会影响在施法之时存在的情况。
By means of this spell, the priest can both heal and relieve suffering. Merciful touch cures 1d12 points of damage. The dweomer also alleviates conditions not otherwise removed by the curative aspect of this spell for up to 24 hours. For example, the discomfort caused by a disease is held in abeyance, although the disease itself is neither cured nor placed in remission. Likewise, the excruciating pain of an injury such as a broken ankle is masked for the duration; however, it is still not possible for the creature to put weight on the ankle. Spells such as irritation can be effectively negated if the duration of the merciful touch exceeds the duration of the spell that inflicts the suffering. Merciful touch only affects conditions in existence at the time it is cast.

The material component is the priest's holy symbol.

5th Level

{{四级|四级标题 = 流石术Flowstone   (祭司Pr 5;转化Alteration)

  领域Sphere:元素土Elemental Earth
  距离Range:10 码yards
  施法时间Casting Time:8
  影响区域Area of Effect:3 立方呎/级cubic feet/level
  豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊Special

This spell makes stone flow like syrup and then harden. The stone flows in response to gravity but may be directed by beings (such as skilled dwarves) wielding wooden paddles or erecting temporary dams. The flowing stone is not heated or altered in hue. The spell does not affect worked stone.

Dwarves often use this spell to shape stone conduits, by flowing stone around logs that are later burnt away, and to sculpt stone into smooth door surrounds, covering or shielding embedded locks and the like.

Its most deadly use is to trap beings by entombing them or encasing their feet or other body parts in the hardening stone. A creature in contact with flowing stone is allowed a saving throw vs. poison. If successful, the creature entirely avoids entrapment, winning free of the affected area without harm. (Those entering the area again must make another saving throw.) Failure means the creature is partially encrusted, slowed to half movement, and suffers a 2 -point Dexterity penalty until the stone is washed off (within 2 rounds) or shattered and scraped off (thereafter). If an encrusted being is rendered immobile or in the center of a flowing area more than 10 feet across, a saving throw vs. spell is required to avoid entrapment.

A creature struggling against hardening stone is allowed a Strength check. If successful, it reaches the edge of the flow area and emerges with one or more limbs encased in immobilizing blobs of stone. Failure means the creature is entrapped in the hardening stone. If stone covers a creature's breathing orifices (in most beings, the head), death occurs in 1d4+1 rounds. If stone merely prevents movement, death by starvation occurs in 1d10+10 days or when the creature is overcome by rising water, attacking beasts, or the like.

  对石头的攻击将把一半的伤害传递给被困生物。被包裹的肢体可以通过截肢(失去25%的完整生命值,并立即进行一次对抗死亡身体休克骰),或是通过对石头施加20点挥砍或穿刺伤害(10点将传递给被困生物),来获得自由。而施展第二道 流石术 则可以在避免伤害的情况下释放被困生物。
Attacks on the stone transmit half damage directly to the trapped creature. An encased limb can be freed either by amputation (lose 25% of full hit points and an immediate system shock roll against death), or by inflicting 20 points of crushing or piercing damage on the stone (10 points on the trapped creature). A second flowstone spell can free trapped beings without harm.

The material components of this spell are a drop of water, a daub of mud, a grain of sand, and a pebble.
