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Giant eagle


【頭   銜】巨雕之主great lord of eagles
【陣   營】N(偏善良G)
【神   力】L
【神   職】巨雕giant eagles,天空sky,服務service
【神   系】海洋與天空諸神Gods of the Seas and Skies
【盟   友】薩蘭娜塔Syranita艾德莉·法恩雅Aerdrie Faenya
【敵   對】
【神   國】萬獸園the Beastlands/1th 光耀之森Krigala黃金棲木Goldenroost
【徽   記】有著綠色眼睛的巨雕首giant eagle's head with green eyes
【簡   介】雷密斯Remnis 是巨雕之神,是許多人類和亞人神系天空神明的坐騎。

<Monster Mythology.p092>雷密斯Remnis(弱等神Lesser God)

  雷密斯Remnis,巨雕之主great lord of eagles,翱翔於 氣元素位面the planes of elemental Air矛盾統一境Concordant Opposition涅槃境Nirvana混沌海Limbo、以及 極樂境Elysium。他在 萬獸園the Beastlands 狩獵、在 奧林匹斯山Mount Olympus 頂棲息。隨著視野向地平線延伸,這位神明等待著服務的召喚。
Remnis, great lord of eagles, flies the planes of elemental Air, Concordant Opposition, Nirvana, Limbo and Elysium. He hunts in the Beastlands and perches atop Mount Olympus. With eyesight stretching to the horizon, the god awaits the call to service.

  雷密斯是許多人類與亞人神系天空神明的坐騎。他提供不懈的服務和在戰鬥中英勇、忠誠的援助,來換取諸神允許他的後代隔絕、安全地生活在棲息地中。他聰明而智慧,是位偉大的獵人。他那無盡的翱翔和他的視力向他展示了許多秘密,相應地,他將它們透露給了所服侍的那些神明。他也與 薩蘭娜塔Syranita艾德莉·法恩雅Aerdrie Faenya 關係良好。雷密斯沒有特定的仇敵。
Remnis is the mount of many sky gods in human and demi-human pantheons. He provides untiring service and brave, loyal aid in combat in return for the gods allowing his offspring isolated, safe living habitats. He is intelligent, wise, and a great hunter. His endless flights and vision show him many secrets which, in turn, he reveals to those he serves. He is also on excellent terms with Syranita and Aerdrie Faenya. Remnis does not have any especial enemies.

角色扮演指南Role-playing Notes:

  雷密斯極少自願派遣化身,而通常是前往狩獵某些壯麗的野獸或是追捕某隻邪惡的劫掠生物。他的化身作為坐騎侍奉著許多善良或中立陣營的天空神明以及 席德瑞恩諸神the Seldarine 的成員。他同樣非常警惕地監護著巨雕社群,而他的化身可能會神臨以驅逐那些意欲襲擊雕群、竊取它們的蛋、或以類似方式威脅它們的生物。他的化身可能會作為一道兆示向巨雕神臨,向它們警告危險。在罕見地情況下,化身會現身與某隻非常年老和智慧的雕,在這邁向死亡的時刻比翼進行最後的齊飛,而當這位長者去世時,他可能告誡該社群中更年輕的成員應當接管領袖的角色。
Role-playing Notes:Remnis sends avatars of his own accord fairly rarely, usually to hunt some magnificent beast or hunt down an evil, marauding creature. His avatar serves as a mount for many good- or neutral-aligned sky gods and members of the Seldarine. He also watches over communities of giant eagles very jealously, and his avatar may appear to drive away creatures intending to attack eagles, steal their eggs, or likewise threaten them. His avatar may appear as an omen to giant eagles, alerting them to danger. Rarely, the avatar will appear to take a final flight with a very old and wise eagle approaching the time of death, and he may advise that eagle on which of the younger members of a community should take over the role of leader when the elder dies.


  信徒陣營WAL:絕對中立n(巨雕giant eagles);
  神職AoC:巨雕giant eagles,天空sky,服務service;
  徽記SY:有著綠色眼睛的巨雕首giant eagle's head with green eyes。
AL n(g ); WAL n (giant eagles); AoC giant eagles, sky, service; SY giant eagle's head with green eyes.

雷密斯的化身Remnis' Avatar

  (聖武士Paladin 14,祭司Priest 7)

The avatar appears as a gigantic golden eagle with glowing green eyes and a 55' wingspan. He uses spells from the following spheres:all, animal, combat, divination, healing, protection, sun, weather.

  力量 18/00,敏捷 16,體質 18,
  智力 19,感知 18,魅力 19,
  移動 飛行90,體型 超大型H(20呎長),魔抗 20%,
  防禦等級 0,生命骰 15,生命值 120,
  #攻擊 3次,零級命中值 5,傷害 d12 + 6/d12 + 6(禽爪) 和 2d12(喙啄)<br /   Str 18/00 Dex 16 Con 18
  Int 19 Wis 18 Cha 19
  MV fl 90 SZ H (20' long) MR 20%
  AC 0 HD 15 HP 120
  #AT 3 THAC0 5 Dmg d12 + 6/d12 + 6 (talons) and 2d12 (beak)

特殊攻擊/防禦Special Att/Def:

  該化身免疫毒素、麻痹、以及所有直接阻止或影響飛行(浮空術levitation蛛網術web 等等)的法術。隨意使用,該化身能對自然鳥類產生 恐懼fear,此類生物不會攻擊他。伴隨著一次撲騰,每日各1次,他能創造以下效果:恐懼術20呎fear 20'火焰風暴fire storm冰風暴ice storm、以及 排斥術repulsion(30呎半徑)。
The avatar is immune to poison, paralyzation, and all spells which directly negate or adversely affect flight (levitation, web, etc.). The avatar can create fear in natural avians at will, and such creatures will never attack him. With a wingbeat, he can create each of the following effects 1/day:fear 20', fire storm, ice storm, repulsion (30' radius ).
