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2eFRMZ<Maztica Campaign Set—Maztica Alive.p047>马兹特克与通向剑湾的通道Maztica and the Passage to the Sword Coast

  有赖于近期的航海探索,无迹之海The Trackless Sea 已非完全的无迹。现在每年在 海姆港Helmsport穆兰城Murann 之间的航线航行多达数十次。
The Trackless Sea is no longer quite so trackless, thanks to the recent voyages of exploration. The route between Helmsport and Murann now sees several dozen voyages a year.

  考尔德Cordell黄金军团the Golden Legion 大约花了40天完成了这次横渡,对 剑湾the Sword Coast马兹特克大陆Maztica 的航线而言,这是一场典型的航行。由于东风的影响,返航则需要大约60天。向北的返航路线可以节省15天的时间,但需要冒险靠近 永聚岛Evermeet 周围的随机传送点;大多数水手宁愿费上这额外的15天以确保更安全的航道。
Cordell and the Golden Legion made this crossing in some forty days, which is about typical for the Sword Coast to Maztica route. It takes about sixty days to sail back, due to the easterly current. A northerly route of return can save fifteen days on this trip, but requires sailing dangerously close to the random teleporters surrounding Evermeet; most sailors prefer to invest the extra fifteen days to insure a safer passage.

There is a roughly 25% chance, per crossing, of a vessel being molested by some denizen of the deep-giant sea creatures, dragon turtles, sahuagin (especially near Maztican shores), or other threats. A large fleet is less likely to be bothered than an individual vessel, or group of two or three ships.

  已有几支探险队从 乌拉托斯城Ulatos 出发,前往马兹特克大陆海岸和这片大陆的南部与北部探索。本盒装书中的一般区域地图提供了这些地区的粗略介绍——至少是海岸线、山脉和主要河流方面。内陆特征则还没有确定。
Several expeditions have sailed from Ulatos, exploring the coast of Maztica and this continent to the north and south. The general area map in this box provides a rough presentation of these reaches, at least in terms of coastline, mountain ranges, and major rivers. Inland features have not yet been determined.

In general, the realms to the south of Maztica seem terribly forbidding, with huge mountains and dense, impenetrable jungles. No signs of intelligent life have been reported there. The coastline continues southward as far as it has been explored—and one final note: only one of the four ships that has sailed far to the south has returned.

To the north, the land is more fertile and hospitable. Forests line many of the shores, and there have been signs of human presence.

Indeed, one legend tells of floating cities in the clouds, found somewhere along these northern shores, though no evidence of such as land has been found.
