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2eFRMZ<Maztica Campaign Set—Maztica Alive.p003>地形类型Terrain Types

马兹特克大陆的地形类型Maztican Terrain Types

  在 真实世界the True World 的地表有着各种景观,它们的划分根据其凹凸不平的程度、海拔、以及降雨量的总体情况。它们将在随游戏附赠的 马兹特克大陆Maztica 地图上显示作为鲜明的地貌特征标识。关于具体的游戏细节,请使用以下描述。
A variety of landscapes marks the surface of the True World, differentiated by their roughness, elevation, and the general amount of rainfall received. They are shown as distinct features on the map of Maztica enclosed with the game. For specific game details, use the following descriptions.

关于山脉About Mountains

  在地图和本章中,以几种不同方式详述了山地地形。首先,它根据海拔被分为三个不同等级:矮山,海拔2000~10000呎;山峰,海拔10000~15000呎;山巅,海拔高于15000呎。(马兹特克大陆海拔最高的山峰是 扎塔尔山Mount Zatal,海拔近19000呎。)
Mountain terrain is detailed in several different ways on the maps and in this chapter. First, its elevation is shown in three different levels: the low mountains, which are 2,000-10,000 feet above sea level; the mountain crests, representing heights from 10,000 on up to 15,000 feet; and mountain summits, which are heights above 15,000 feet. (The highest peak in Maztica, Mount Zatal, is nearly 19,000 feet above sea level.)


The low mountains are described in keeping with the surrounding terrain, be it desert or jungle, since this terrain extends up the sides of the range with most of the same characteristics as it has below. The mountain summits and crests, however, soar to such heights that their nature is determined more by altitude than by surrounding terrain. Thus, the description of a mountain summit applies whether the summit rises out of the desert or over lush, arable fields.

山区移动Mountain Movement(可选规则Optional Rule)

For simplicity's sake you can apply the movement rates given for mountainous terrain. However, in reality, the direction traveled in the mountains makes a great deal of difference. Maztican mountains, in particular, tend to consist of many steep slopes around a backbone-like ridge. For a more detailed approach to mountain adventuring, apply to movement costs based on the configuration of the range itself. This configuration is easy to determine from the outline of the mountain range.


For example, take this mountain range:

The overall outline indicates where the main ridges of the range jut into the lowlands. By picturing them, you can break mountain travel into following valleys and climbing over ridges-two dramatically different movement problems.

Anytime a party of characters moves toward the spine of the range (that is, perpendicular to the edge and to the ridgeline) they are following a valley, and can move at the listed Movement cost for the range. During a day of movement in which they cross a ridgeline, however, they must pay double the movement cost (for at least 8 hours of travel). Also, if the characters attempt to move parallel to a ridge, or to the edge of the range, they must pay double the movement cost for all such movement.

地形类型描述Terrain Type Descriptions


沼泽Marsh. 移动消耗Movement Cost: 8

These are festering regions of impenetrable swamp. Tangles of brush, many of which jab with long and wicked thorns, are intermixed with winding patches of open water and regions of quicksand and swamp grass. They tend to be ignored by the humans of Maztica.

  因此,它们可能收容了未被人类发现的非自然野兽部落。对其的研究和探索并未证明任何具体情况,但它看上去似乎是蜥蜴人和 穴居人troglodyte 的栖息地。
Consequently, they could shelter tribes of unnatural beasts that have yet to be discovered by human kind. Research and exploration have not proven anything specific, but this seems like prime habitat for lizard men and troglodytes.

Characters who spend a full day in the marsh suffer the chance of exposure to a horrible swamp disease. There is a 20% chance per day of exposure; however, once a character rolls a 96-100 on a disease check, he is immune and need not check any longer. Characters who are exposed must roll saving throws versus poison in order to avoid the effects. Those who fail their saves are afflicted.

Afflicted characters suffer fevers and chills at the same time, and awful, debilitating intestinal difficulties. These symptoms persist for 2-12 days, and then the character must make a System Shock check for survival. If he passes, the fever breaks and he survives. If he fails, he dies.


耕地Arable Land. 移动消耗Movement Cost: ½

These lands are mostly devoted to fields of mayz, beans, peppers, cocoa, and other Maztican crops.

Villages tend to dot these fields, and many well-worn paths connect each community to its neighbors. Even the smallest village has its pyramid, of at least 12 steps on a side.

The fields are often crisscrossed by irrigation ditches and ponds, for the people are adept at using their water efficiently. Stands of trees are not uncommon, and often they will surround and shelter the growing fields.

The clusters of homes tend to number 25-100 residences surrounding a wide central square. Usually the community will be dedicated to (and dependent upon) some nearby city-state for many goods and for its protection—few villages, among the nations of Maztica, have their own marketplaces or permanent garrisons of warriors.

Almost all of the arable land will be used for growing crops. There is no native livestock in Maztica, save for the occasional fowl: turkeys, geese, and ducks.


平地丛林Level Jungle. 移动消耗Movement Cost: 8

This is a forbidding environment that makes travel difficult, and contains several threats to the unwary trespasser. The jungles of Maztica are actually rain forests of tall trees, interwoven vines, thorny brush, and millions of brilliant flowers. The jungles are not quiet-always there is the drone of insects, the chattering of monkeys, and the cawing of the colorful birds. Occasionally the harsh bark of a jaguar will cut through the air, and for a few moments, then, the forest falls silent.

  与沼泽地类似,丛林因难以穿越而未被充分探索。偶尔会有人类或半身人村落隐藏在森林深处,但这种居民点是如此的稀少,以至于任何冒险队伍都不应将其作为获得食物、住所或任何玩意的指望。在 帕伊特丛林the Payit jungles 中,栖息其中的将是帕伊特人。而在 南马兹特克丛林the southern Maztican jungles 中,居民则将是 绿夷the Green Folk
Like the swamplands, the jungles are too difficult to traverse for them to have been fully explored. The occasional village of humans or halflings lies hidden in the deepest reaches of the forest, but such settlements are few and far between and no adventuring party should count on being able to locate one for food, shelter, or any other reason. In the Payit jungles, the humans will be of Payit stock; in the southern Maztican jungles, they will be the Green Folk.

Characters who spend a full day in the jungle suffer the chance of exposure to a horrible disease only slightly less debilitating than that contracted in swamps. The chance is a mere 10% per day of exposure, with a saving throw versus poison (no penalty) to see if the exposure can be ignored. Like the swamp disease, characters who roll 96-100 are forever immune; likewise, characters native to Maztican jungles do not have to check for disease.

Afflicted characters still suffer fevers and chills at the same time, and awful, debilitating intestinal difficulties. These symptoms persist for 2-8 days, and then the character must make a System Shock check for survival. If he passes, the fever breaks and he survives. If he fails, he dies.

  除了遭遇人类居民外,在丛林地貌中还可能遭遇美洲豹、甚或是 哈库拉Hakuna(龙狮)。此外,与沼泽地中一样,许多丛林的偏远状态使其存在有其它怪物和人形种族栖息在其中最深、最黑暗区域的可能性。 In addition to encounters with human inhabitants, jungle terrain offers the threat of meeting a jaguar, or even a hakuna (dragonne). Also, as with the marsh, the remote state of many of the jungles leads to the possibility of other monstrous and humanoid races dwelling in the deepest, darkest regions.


山地丛林Mountainous Jungle. 移动消耗Movement Cost: 12

  这是 被遗忘的国度the Forgotten Realms 中已知最恶劣的地形——至少在人类或其他角色难以穿行的程度上的确如此。此处几乎没有人类和/或 小个族裔Little Folk 栖息;只有彻底疯了,才会生活在这些被植被浓密覆盖的陡峭山坡上。
This is some of the nastiest terrain found anywhere in the Forgotten Realms, at least in terms of the movement of humans and other characters. It is virtually uninhabited by humans and/or Little Folk; the only individuals living among these steep, thickly coated slopes range from eccentric to downright mad.

It offers the same chance of disease, and of dangerous encounters, as the level jungle. Characters who follow a pass marked on the map can move through this terrain at a rate of 8 instead of 12.


灌木Brush/草原Savannah. 移动消耗Movement Cost: 2

This is the predominant Maztican landscape. It consists of intermixed clumps of vegetation (including some large tracts of woods) separated by equally large sections of grass or brush-covered clearing. Much of the arable land was originally brush and savannah, and has been converted through irrigation into the productive acreage that it is now.

  有些许人类村庄点缀在这些土地上。在这片大陆人口众多的中央和南部地区,他们会与附近的民族群体在文化上保持一致;而在大陆北方,这些灌木地中的村庄栖息着 犬戎the Dog People。这些村民通过开垦土地并在其上种植几年的农作物来维持生存,直至因干旱或肥力耗尽迫使他们迁徙到新的田地上。还有一些人靠捕鸟、或是渔猎来维持生计。
A few villages of humans are scattered through these lands. Culturally, they will conform to the nearby national groups, in the populous central and southern regions of the land; in the north, the villages in the brush lands are inhabited by the Dog People. These villagers survive by clearing land and growing crops there for a few years, until drought or lack of fertility forces them to new fields. Some snare birds, or hunt and fish, to sustain themselves.

Only rarely is a dangerous creature such as a jaguar or hakuna encountered in these lands—and then mostly in the savannahs near areas of jungle. Deer are not uncommon, and in the near future this country will provide the ideal habitat for the feral horses that will thrive in Maztica.


平地沙漠Level Desert. 移动消耗Movement Cost: 2

  这片荒凉的土地过于贫瘠,无法支撑任何人类永久居住。只有 沙漠矮人desert dwarves 能在这里居住,哪怕是他们也只生活在少数偏远地区。沙漠的大部分地方都平坦、毫无特色,不过其中也有许多有数哩款坑坑洼洼的杂乱石滩(移动消耗MC:10),有时甚至是平坦的沙漠也会被一条陡峭的边沟贯穿,这些沟壑从一条浅浅的小沟到约20呎深的小裂口不一而足。然而,即便是沙漠中最陡峭的沟壑也并非是不可逾越的障碍——即便是负重之人通常也可找到一个地方,让他能从一边滑下去,然后从另一边爬上来。
This bleak landscape is too barren to support any kind of permanent human habitation. Only the desert dwarves have been able to eke out an existence here, and they only in a few remote locations. Most of the desert is flat and featureless, though there are patches many miles across of pitted, jumbled boulder fields (MC: 10), and every now and then even the flat desert is crossed by a steep-sided gully that can range from a low ditch to a minor chasm some twenty feet deep. Even the steepest of these are not impassable obstacles, however-even an encumbered character can usually find a place where he can slide down one side and scramble up the other.

A warm-blooded character spending the night in the desert stands a 5% chance per night of attracting some nasty denizen such as a rattlesnake, poisonous lizard, or scorpion to the warmth of his bed. Precautions, such as sleeping above the ground, keeping a watch, or employing magical wards or guardians can negate this possibility.

  巨蝎和火蜥蜴是两种已知栖息在马兹特克大陆沙漠中的威胁。泰兹卡之邸The House of Tezca 是几支巨魔的家园,它们四处游荡、寻找猎物。
Giant scorpions and fire lizards are two threats known to inhabit the deepest desert reaches of Maztica. The House of Tezca is home to several bands of trolls, wandering about in search of prey.


山地沙漠Mountainous Desert. 移动速度Movement Cost: 6

The first level of mountainous elevation in the desert is every bit as bleak and lifeless as the flat country stretching below. The primary difference is in the difficulty of movement.

Desert slopes tend to be crossed by gullies and ravines, and coated with gravel and dust. At the DM's discretion, characters may run the risk of sliding or slipping downward, suffering abrasions and other minor wounds.

The same chance of nighttime encounters exists in the mountainous desert as in the lowland desert. Characters who move through a mountain range on a pass marked on the map can do so at a rate of 4 instead of 6.

山峰Mountain Crests. 移动消耗Movement Cost: 10

  这些高峰是 马兹特克Maztica 女神被狂风吹拂的脊梁,拔地而起上万呎。由于海拔较高,与较低矮的山脉不同,这些高峰并不因周围的地貌而有所区分,而它们摩天的高耸令攀爬它们犹如穿越马兹特克女神的面容。
These heights are the windswept backbones of Maztica herself, jutting 10,000 feet or more into the air Because of this elevation, they are not distinguished by the low-level surrounding terrain-unlike the lower mountains, their sky-scraping altitude makes them similar across the face of Maztica.

They will tend to be dry, though in winter there is almost always some snow along the crests. On the lower slopes of these areas, near where the low mountains and the crests meet, bands of cedars—tough, gnarled trees that range from 10' to 40' in height—grow in scrubby patches of timber. Above these, the only plants are mosses, lichens, and low bushes and wildflowers.

The crests are uninhabited by humans and humanoids. Eagles and vultures lair here, as well as deer, mountain goats and sheep, and perhaps other creatures as well.


山巅Mountain Summits. 移动消耗Movement Cost: 15

These heights, so far above the world below, are cold and snow covered throughout the year. The air is thin, which is one reason for the high movement cost; the other is the steepness and treacherous nature of the terrain.

Mountain summits are host to a few hardy forms of life. Maztica has its yeti legends, and creatures resembling wyverns have been reported soaring in the distant heights.

水下地貌Underwater Terrain

Maztica is fringed by crystal waters, teeming with life and varied in terrain. Also, several of the lands intelligent races dwell here, for the most part unsuspected by the humans who live ashore.


滩涂水域Shoal Waters.

These dangerous waters are deceptively beautiful. Outcrops of coral are visible everywhere, amid patches of smooth, white sand and leafy kelp. The waters are safe for most drafts of vessels at high tide; however, at low tide, a vessel larger than a canoe stands a 10% chance per hour of caving in its hull on the reefs. Alert lookouts (daytime only) and a slow rate of speed (1/3 or less of top speed) can each reduce this chance by 4%; there is still the 2% chance per hour, minimum, however.

A few of the reefs in shoal waters contain coral pure enough for artistic uses. This is often gathered and traded by enterprising coast-dwellers. The task is dangerous, however, as sharks, barracudas and rays are all present in the water.

  深海中的智慧居民往往会避开浅滩——比如,人鱼merfolk 和 鲨华鱼人sahuagin。
Shoal waters tend to be avoided by the intelligent denizens of the deep—i.e. the merfolk and the sahuagin.


沿海浅滩Coastal Shallows.

These are safe sailing waters, in that they are at least 12' deep, even at low tide. For the most part the coastal shallows represent waters less than 200' deep; right at the fringe of the ocean deep, however, the shallows drop away dramatically, plunging down undersea cliffs that plummet for many thousands of feet.

  沿海浅滩是无数种海洋生物的家园。它们通常被沙华鱼人和人鱼当作狩猎场,而且这里的水深已经足够最可怕的海洋怪物 利维坦leviathan 遨游(如果它想的话)。
The coastal shallows are home to countless varieties of marine life. They are often used as hunting grounds by the sahuagin and merfolk, and the waters are deep enough to permit even the most monstrous ocean leviathan to swim here if it should choose to.


大洋深处Ocean Deep.

The fringe of the deep represents the steep drop to the ocean floor. Also along these cliffs are the cities of the merfolk and the sahuagin. The floor itself varies from 8,000 to 11,000 feet below sea level. Most of the life is concentrated at the edge of the shallows, where most of the food can be found.
