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马兹特克神系Maztican Pantheon
【主   神】库库尔Kukul夸尔特Qotal扎尔泰克Zaltec4e夸尔特Qotal
【势力 范围】马兹特克大陆Maztica
【简   介】马兹特克大陆的主导神系,该大陆是同名女神马兹特克被其子扎尔泰克弑杀后尸体形成的。在父神库库尔因其子弑母行为心碎而死后,羽蛇神夸尔特与战神扎尔泰克交替执政(绝大多数时候在位者都是后者)。该神系盛行人祭,对此不满的夸尔特一度远避失踪,后重新归来。

2eFRMZ<Maztica Campaign Set—Gods & Battles.p019>马兹特克诸神力Powers of Maztica

马兹特克诸神力Powers of Maztica

  在 马兹特克人Mazticans 的生活中,诸神扮演了重要角色——实际上,祂们对 真实世界the True World 的许多人(如果不是大部分人)而言,是件生死攸关的大事。这不仅反映在那些神力中的某些普遍期望的牺牲上,还在于祂们对气候、食物供应和整个大陆的环境的影响——至少祂们的追随者是如此看待和解释的。
Gods play an important role in the lives of Mazticans——indeed, they are a matter of life and death to many, if not most, of the peoples of the True World. Not only is this reflected in the sacrifices so commonly expected by some of these powers, but also in the way that they affect the climate, food supply, and environment of the entire continent—at least, as viewed and explained by their followers.

  在《真实世界之旅Journey to the True World》一书的“马兹特克大陆历史History of Maztica”章节包含了大量关于这些存在的神话。其中包含了祂们生活的传说,以及在与民众的历史有关的、祂们所介入的最意义深远的那些事件。
Much of the mythology surrounding these beings is contained in the "“History of Maztica" section, in the Journey to the True World book. There are related the tales of their lives, and the most profound events they were involved in as they related to the history of the people.

This section identifies the major powers in terms of their areas of influence, and the types of followers they are most likely to attract. Also included here is pertinent information about the priests of each being, as it differs from typical clerical abilities.

金字塔与神殿Pyramids and Temples

The most typical platform supporting a temple to any of the Maztican powers is the pyramid. The pyramid is not the temple itself, however—it is the structure below the temple.

The pyramids follow a stepped design of many layers. Indeed, many of the pyramids have been erected atop earlier, smaller pyramids, in as many as five or six layers, or "shells." Typically, a pyramid will have a stairway climbing each of its four sides, though some have steps on only two opposite sides.

These stairs are always steep, in many cases climbing at an angle in excess of forty-five degrees. Some of the steepest use one foot risers for six-inch-wide steps (one foot of rise per six inches of run, in other terms).

Maztican pyramids are sometimes solid, but many of them are penetrated by secret passages, burial chambers, treasure troves, or hidden meeting places. The entrances to these places are well-concealed, and may be located anywhere, including on top of the pyramid, around its base, partway up one side, or —rarely——in some place removed from the pyramid, and connected to it by an underground passageway.

The temple building is erected on top of the pyramid, and can be made of wood, stone, or plastered a dobe. The temple itself will generally contain a painted tiled, or carved image of the god worshipped there, and perhaps an altar or brazier such as might be required for the rites performed there.

A pyramid that is being utilized will always be kept scrupulously clean, except for signs of its rituals that are assumed to be desireable to the being in question. But the steps will be swept of dust, and dirt will not be allowed to darken the sides. Any stone that crumbles will be mortared, or replaced if it is too far gone.

  通常环绕着金字塔各层的马赛克壁画,往往使用的是明亮的色调。这些壁画通常描绘了诸神的特殊徽记(见本节后面几页),不过事实上它们也会更广泛和普通地选材。事实上,有些神殿同时供奉者多位神力——举例来说,耐克苏城Nexal大金字塔the Great Pyramid 上支撑的神殿就同时供奉着 扎尔泰克Zaltec泰兹卡Tezca。就像它的清洁性一样,其艺术品的鲜亮程度和完整度取决于持续的维护——那些位置远离居民点、或是被追随者抛弃的金字塔,将很快丧失其细节。当然,马赛克艺术存在的时间仍将超过涂料。
Mosaics and murals, usually in bright colors, often encircle the layers of a pyramid. These will often depict the specific symbols of the powers (see the later pages of this section) although they may be more general in nature. Indeed, some pyramids are devoted to several powers—the Great Pyramid in Nexal, for example, supported temples devoted to both Zaltec and Tezca. As with its cleanliness, the brightness and completeness of this artwork depends upon constant upkeep—pyramids that are located far from settlements, or that have been abandoned by their followers, quickly lose their detail. Mosaic art, naturally, still lasts somewhat longer than paint.

Generally there is a significant odor associated with the pyramids in use for the darker rituals. The pyramids devoted to non-sacrificial beings are cleaner, for purification is considered a beneficent trait to these powers as a group. Often, fresh blossoms will be used as fragrance around these monuments.

面相与次级神力Aspects and Minor Powers

Maztica is host to the worship of a dazzling number of deities. The major ones, of which there are eleven, are detailed in this section. Each of these has several aspects, all of which are worshipped as individual, albeit less powerful, gods. For simplicity and brevity's sake, no attempt is made to detail these—the rituals and rites tend to mirror those of the major deities, and even in the minds of Mazticans the distinctions between them often seem to disappear.

  举例来说,太阳与火焰之神 泰兹卡Tezca 也包含了烟、熔岩、萤火虫与灯光这些类别。每个类别都由泰兹卡的不同面相管理,每个面相都被单独颂扬。然而,对我们的目标而言,祂们全都可以被视作同一位神力——泰兹卡——的不同角度。
Tezca, god of Sun and Fire—for instance—also embraces the categories of smoke, lava, fireflies, and lamplight. Each of these categories is ruled by a different aspect of Tezca, and each aspect is praised individually. For our purposes, however, they can all be considered as different views of the same power—Tezca.

  界限因此变得模糊,细节的层次也因此变得错综复杂。作为另一位次级神力,米泰克Micat扎尔泰克Zaltec 的一尊面相,反映了蛇的毒液——但范围仅仅包括几种沙漠毒蛇的麻痹毒液!
Thus, the distinctions blur, and the level of detail becomes intricate. Another minor god, an aspect of Zaltec called Micat, represents snake venom—but only the paralytic venom of certain desert vipers!

The safest bet is to consider the major powers as the blanket rulers over their categories. Additional detail can be added in areas of specialty as players and the DM desire.

阵营说明A Note About Alignment

  马兹特克的诸神也同诸国度各地的其祂神力一样,从属于同样的阵营约束与定义。然而,其界限再次变得模糊了。许多存在被祂们的崇拜者视作发挥了重要且有益的作用——举例来说,阿祖尔Azul 带来了雨露;泰兹卡Tezca 给予了温暖与光明。然而,在那些信徒的心中,这些存在要求一些可以想象的最可怕仪式,来确保祂们的祝福继续。
The gods of Maztica fall under the same constraints and definitions of alignment as do the powers throughout the realms. However, once again distinctions blur. Many beings are viewed by their worshippers as serving vital and beneficial functions—Azul, who brings rain, for example; and Tezca, who gives warmth and light. Yet, in the minds of those worshippers, these beings require some of the most ghastly rites imagine able in order to insure their continued blessings.

It is the opinion of this chronicler that the offering of human life, or the mutilation or harming of a person in order to solicit the blessings of a power, represents a fundamentally evil outlook on the part of that deity.

The question of human sacrifice is a constant one when viewing the religions of Maztica. Again, though the end result may be of goodness to man, the powers that require such rites are assumed, by definition, to be evil.

  对这个社会本身的审视又产生了一个有趣但令人不安的悖论——这依然是编年史家的观点——这个社会并不邪恶。诸国度the Realms 的其它部分的生活中也存在着许多黑暗一面(比如说酷刑、种族灭绝或任何类型的死灵术),而这些黑暗面在 考德尔Cordell 来到马兹特克大陆前闻所未闻。而马兹特克大陆的其它一些黑暗面,如战争、征服和奴隶制,在星球的其它地方同样存在。无论如何,马兹特克文化和社会并非普遍而根深蒂固地邪恶。当然,在活祭方面,这个社会可能可以被认为在某种程度上是轻信了它的牧师们的劝导。至于那些牧师们,他们是否邪恶?如果一个伙计真心认为,如果当晚他不喂给一颗心脏,来日早上太阳真的不会升起,那么是否应该将他放置于阵营表善恶轴的黑暗一侧呢?
This creates an interesting and uncomfortable paradox when examining the society itself—for, again in the opinion of the chronicler—the society is not an evil one. Many of the darker aspects of life in the other parts of the Realms—torture, for example; or genocide; or any form of necromancy—were not known in Maztica before the coming of Cordell. Others, of course—such as warfare, conquest and slavery—were practiced here as well as elsewhere. Nevertheless, the culture and society of Maztica is not one of pervasive, deep-seated evil. In respects to the offering up of its lives, of course, it may be considered somewhat gullible to the persuasions of its clerics. And those clerics—are they evil? If a fellow actually thinks the sun won't come up in the morning if he doesn't feed it a heart tonight, does that make place him on the dark side of good on the alignment chart?

  是的。虽然祭司们举行牺牲可能是因为不知道任何更好的解决方案,但他们已经宣誓服务于一个彻底邪恶的事业。因此,在马兹特克大陆,侍奉邪神的祭司将成为一位邪恶阵营祭司。这些祭司不能施展治疗法术,也不能掌握 羽魔法pluma 的奥艺。
Yes. Though the priests performing the sacrifices may not know any better, they have sworn their service to a fundamentally evil cause. Thus, a priest in Maztica who serves an evil god will be a priest of evil alignment. These priests cannot perform spells of healing, nor can they master the arts of pluma.

羽魔法、爪魔法与诸神力Pluma, Hishna, and the Powers

  羽毛魔法feathermagic 与 利爪魔法talonmagic 的法术都反映了阵营的不同方面。自然,羽魔法倾向于善,而爪魔法则根源于固有的邪恶信条。然而,不同于对诸神祭司追随者们的限制,对其它类型魔法的使用并非一种善恶的标记。然而,每一种力量都是由善恶光谱某一侧的蜂王发展起来的。夸尔特Qotal 是羽魔法的源头,扎尔泰克Zaltec 则是爪魔法的源头。一位追随者对这些存在中的哪一位更虔诚,他就更可能将拥有适合类型的阵营。
The spells of feathermagic and talonmagic both represent different aspects of alignment. Pluma, naturally, tends toward the good, while hishna finds its roots in inherently evil tenets. However, unlike the restrictions on the priestly followers of gods, the use of one or the other type of magic does not brand one as good or evil. However, each power grows from the beigns on either side of the spectrum. Qotal is the source of pluma, and Zaltec of hishna. The more devout a follower is of one of these beings, the more likely he will be to possess the alignment of the appropriate type.

By the time one masters the magic, he must be devoted the correct god thus, one who is a skilled featherworker will be of good alignment; one who truly knows the ways of the magics of talon and fang and venom will just as certainly be a person of fundamental evil.

势力范围Spheres of Influence

Necromantic and Summoning spells are not available to priests who worship Maztican powers.
