麥爾紹克Merrshaulk,偉大巨蛇The Great Snake | |
基本信息 | |
【別名/面相】 | ¢蛇人:麥爾紹克Merrshaulk ¢蛇人 & 楚爾特:塞斯Sseth,西比爾Sibyl(化身,僅動盪之年) |
【頭 銜】 | 偉大巨蛇The Great Snake,寰宇巨蛇the World Serpent,噝聲之齒the Sibilant Dentil |
【陣 營】 | CE |
【神 力】 | ¢塞斯 & 麥爾紹克:I ¢瓦瑞:D |
【神 職】 | 智慧蛇類Intelligent snakes,蛇人yuan-ti,亞蛇人 ophidians,變節者renegade |
與諸神的關係 | |
【神 系】 | 有鱗族裔諸神Gods of the Scaly Folk/寰宇巨蛇the World Serpent,FR楚爾特神系Chultan Pantheon |
【主 神】 | 無 |
【盟 友】 | 塔洛娜Talona,艾壽多Eshowdow |
【敵 對】 | 潔芮恩Jazirian,雪金尼斯特Shekinester,烏塔歐Ubtao,賽特Set |
【從 神】 | 薩弗拉斯Savras,維沙倫Velsharoon |
神國與教會 | |
【神 國】 | 無底深淵Aybss/74th 祖母綠域Smaragd/毒蛇之坑The Viper Pit(與拉曼諾斯共享) |
【徽 記】 | ¢塞斯:露出毒牙的飛蛇Flying snake with fangs bared ¢麥爾紹克:眼鏡蛇頭cobra head |
【簡 介】 | 麥爾紹克Merrshaulk,是蛇人之神,寰宇巨蛇的面相所演化出的神明之一。他一度擊殺了寰宇巨蛇的另一面相羽蛇之神潔芮恩、融合了拜獸教的神明瓦瑞,並在-304 DR 以名為 塞斯Sseth 的化身建立了蛇人帝國 巨蛇帝國。 之後塞斯面相逐漸興盛成為蛇人信仰的主流,麥爾紹克信仰反而淪為少數派和塞斯的面相(作為多晶壁系神力,在其它晶壁系麥爾紹克仍然是蛇人信仰的主流)。 |
-304 DR 墓穴噴發之年Year Of Erupting Crypts
麥爾紹克Merrshaulk 的一位化身——蛇神 塞斯Sseth——在遠古撒魯克巫虺帝國 梅爾紹克Mhairshaulk[-24000] 的廢墟上建立了蛇人帝國 巨蛇帝國Serpentes[-189]。新生帝國馬上開始對 拉帕利亞聯邦Lapaliiya[-373, 34]遭受帝國瘟疫削弱的人類發動戰爭。
The serpent god Sseth, an avatar of Merrshaulk, founds the yuan-ti empire of Serpentes [-189] amid the ruins of the ancient sarrukh empire of Mhairshaulk [-24000]. Serpentes immediately begins to wage war against the humans of Lapaliiya [-373, 34], weakened by the Empire Plague.
10:丹德爾之口Mouth of Dendar
這份記錄可以追溯至 黑暗黎明之年Year of the Dark Dawn,截錄自 馮拉克·月星勳爵Lord Vanrak Moonstar 的旅行日記,目前保存在 阿拉賽妮·月星女士Lady Alathene Moonstar 手中。
The following excerpt, dated Year of the Dark Dawn, was taken from the journal of Lord Vanrak Moonstar, which was recently acquired by Lady Alathene Moonstar.
在向南穿越 黑色叢林Black Jungles 的途中,我們在 拉帕海Lapal Sea 北岸發現了一座古代遺蹟。雖然這座岩石建築幾乎已經被周圍的植被所淹沒,但遺留的殘跡已經足以向我們證明它曾是一座屬於某個種族的神殿。在從蛇般捲曲纏繞的蔓藤羅網中劈砍出一條通路後,我們發現了一條通往神廟下層的石砌斜坡,隨後又走進了一條延伸至地下深處的扭曲隧道。
During our push southward through the Black Jungles, we came upon an ancient ruin on the northern shore of the Lapal Sea. Though the stone structure had nearly been swallowed up by the surrounding jungle, enough remained for us to discern that it must once have been a temple of some kind. After hacking our way through a web of slithering, snakelike vines, we found a stone ramp that led down into the temple’s lower story, then became a twisting tunnel that wound even deeper into the earth.
在通道兩旁的石灰岩牆壁上分布著大量淺浮雕,上面描繪了 巨蛇帝國Serpentes——這是我們的語言對一個衰落已久的蛇人帝國的稱呼——鼎盛時期的場景。雖然在經歷了數個世紀之 後,不斷滴落的水珠早已抹去了絕大多數細節,但憑藉少數殘存的雕刻,我們已能夠洞悉它們的主題。
The passageway’s limestone block walls were lined with bas-relief depictions of scenes from the height of Serpentes, as the long-somnolent yuan-ti empire is known in our tongue. Centuries of dripping water had dissolved most of the detail, but enough remained of the carvings that we could still discern their subjects.
浮雕描述了在夢想之年中某段休眠期內的瑟彭提斯宮廷。大多數休眠的蛇類生物都飽受恐怖幻覺的困擾與折磨,在睡夢中,成千上萬的細小毒蛇將他們撕碎並生吞活咽。唯有帝國的皇帝塞斯似乎不受侵害,源自於他的夢魘似乎猛然撲向其身軀,交織成了一件恢宏莊嚴,飄忽不定的黑暗之袍。而隨著不斷下行,我們目睹這些雕刻描繪了夢魘們如何返回它們的源頭——先前這些怪物從一個形如巨蛇之口的巨大深坑向外涌流而出-而這一切都落入了 塞斯Sseth 警惕而戒備的凝視之中。
The bas-reliefs depicted the court of Serpentes during a period of somnolence in the Year of Dreams. Most of the slumbering serpentfolk were beset by horrifying visions in which thousands of tiny serpents were tearing them apart and consuming them alive. Only the emperor, Sseth, seemed immune—his nightmares seemed to swoop about his body, forming a majestic, fluttering raiment of darkness. The bas-reliefs that we saw during our descent traced the nightmares back to their source—they streamed forth from a great pit in the shape of a giant serpent’s maw, which lay under the watchful gaze of Sseth.
在隨後的壁畫裡,塞斯飛入西方 火焰峰Peaks of Flame 附近叢林的高空,無數夢魘形成的斗篷緊隨其後。在一座巨大火山腳下,他穿越了一道通往 祖母綠域Smaragd(無底深淵第74層),由 麥爾紹克Merrshaulk 統治的傳送門。在最後的幾幅畫面中,塞斯的夢魘之袍分解成了大群陰影之蛇,它們吞噬了莫爾紹克陷入沉睡的軀體。
Subsequent panels depicted Sseth flying high above the jungle toward the Peaks of Flame in the west, trailing his mantle of nightmares behind him. At the base of a great volcano, he was shown passing through a portal to Smaragd. In the final scenes, Sseth’s raiment of nightmares dissolved into a swarm of shadowy snakes that consumed the slumbering form of Merrshaulk.
漫長而曲折的隧道突兀地結束於一座巨大洞窟中,開裂的巨蛇之口聳立在其底部。我們才剛剛踏入此地,大群飛舞著的夢魘就從深淵中蜂擁而出,將我們團團圍住。耳邊迴蕩著同伴們的慘叫,我倉惶逃離了 丹德爾之口Mouth of Dendar,恐怖而駭人的幻象破壞了我的意識。在整整三天時間裡,我不斷懇求 月之少女the Moonmaiden 將夢魘從我腦海中驅離,但女神拒絕了我的祈禱。最後在絕望之中,我轉而乞求 失落女士the Lady of Loss 來結束我的折磨。現在,隨著黑夜那被祝福的擁抱遮蔽著我的形體,可憎的幻象終於停止了,而我終於可以獲得些許安寧。
The tunnel ended abruptly in a great cave dominated by a yawning, serpentine maw in the floor. When we entered the cavern, a swarm of fluttering nightmares emerged from the pit and enveloped us. While I fled the Mouth of Dendar with the screams of my companions echoing in my ears, my mind was wracked with horrifying visions. For three days I beseeched the Moonmaiden to relieve me of these nightmares, but she spurned my prayers. At last, in desperation, I turned to the Lady of Loss to end my torment. Now, when night’s blessed embrace cloaks my form, the visions cease, and I can find a measure of peace.
10 DR 夢想之年Year of Dreams
隨著皇帝 塞斯Sseth 消失於火焰峰Peaks of Flame下,巨蛇帝國Serpentes[-189, 34]陷入急劇衰退之中。曾經統一的蛇人部落開始為了繼承權而陷入內鬥。
The realm of Serpentes [-189, 34] goes into rapid decline when its emperor Sseth vanishes beneath the Peaks of Flame. The once-allied yuan-ti tribes begin to feud over the succession.
——巨蛇帝國Serpentes 的帝都——辛西薩里城Ss'inthee'ssaree——陷入毀滅。
Ss』inthee’ssaree, capital city of Serpentes, falls into ruin.
2e<Monster Mythology.p100>麥爾紹克Merrshaulk
麥爾紹克Merrshaulk(中等神Intermediate God)
麥爾紹克Merrshaulk 仍是位強大的神明,但就像 拉曼諾斯Ramenos,他也開始陷入沉眠狀態,在他那巨蛇滋生的 無底深淵Abyssal 巨坑中毫無知覺地一夢多年。蛇人的神話認為這位神明是全能的,這造成了嚴重的誤導;除此之外,羽蛇神話對這位神明最有發言權,他們的神話將麥爾紹克描繪為原先存在的 寰宇巨蛇World Serpent 的一尊面相,但他是尊劣質面相,正在經歷從這個宇宙的核心造物原則脫離的長期過程。因此,他和他的種族必將無情地衰落下去。
Merrshaulk is still a powerful god, but like Ramenos, he has begun to decline into slumber, spending years at a time barely conscious within his snake-infested Abyssal pit. Couatl mythology, which has most to say apart from yuan-ti sources (which are wildly misleading, seeing the deity as all-powerful), paints Merrshaulk as an aspect of a pre-existent World Serpent, but an inferior one which is undergoing a long process of separation from the core creative principle of the universe. Thus, he and his race must remorselessly decline.
角色扮演指南Role-playing Notes:
Merrshaulk very rarely sends an avatar for any reason, and it takes very high-level yuan-ti priests with powerful magic and sacrificial rituals to invoke such an appearance. The avatar may dispense wisdom or grant some temporary magical benefit, but is lethargic and avoids confrontation. The god does not send omens to his priests.
徽記:眼鏡蛇頭cobra head。
AL ce; WAL ce (yuan-ti); AoC poison, somnolence; SY cobra head.
麥爾紹克的化身Merrshauk's Avatar
(戰士Fighter 10,法師Wizard 12,祭司Priest 12)
The avatar appears as a vast yuan-ti abomination with a male human head and stubby forearms with the green and yellow coloration of a cobra. He uses spells from spheres listed for his priests, and wizard spells from all schools save abjuration and necromancy.
力量 18/00,敏捷 16,體質 17
智力 18,感知 15,魅力 17
移動 15,體型 巨型G(40呎長),魔抗 60%
防禦等級 -2,生命骰 16,生命值 128
#攻擊次數 3次,零級命中值 5,傷害 1d8+3(長劍)+6
Str 18/00 Dex 16 Con 17
Int 18 Wis 15 Cha 17
MV IS SZ G (40* long) MR 60%
AC -2 HD 16 HP 128
#AT 3 THAC0 5 Dmg 1d8 + 3 (longsword)
特殊攻擊/防禦Special Att/Def:
該化身免疫毒素和幻術/幻象法術。他能以最高30呎/輪的速度 浮空levitate,並且每日6次,如20級祭司般施展 化杖為蛇sticks to snakes。他使用一對 +3長劍,並可用舔舐來毒化它們(毒液將造成2d6點強酸傷害,成功的對抗毒素豁免檢定可使傷害減半)。
The avatar is immune to poisons and illusion/phantasm spells. He can levitate at a rate of up to 30'/rd, and casts sticks to snakes as a 20th level priest 6/day. He employs a pair of +3 long swords which he can envenom by licking them (venom causes 2d8 points of acidic damage, saving throw versus poison for half damage). Once per turn, he can spit a 5r-radius globe of poison, causing damage as the blade venom to a maximum range of 40'.
祭職者的職責Duties of the Priesthood
Only yuan-ti abominations can become priests, and they rule and lead yuan-ti society. They must be skillful ambushers and preparers of traps, and lead hunting expeditions. They must plan defenses of temples and lairs.
屬性:感知 14,敏捷 12,僅混種蛇人;
特殊能力:1)免疫毒素;5)化杖為蛇sticks to snakes,產生的蛇類永遠是毒蛇;
生命骰:2 生命值/等級;
AB Wis 14 Dex 12, yuan-ti abominations only; AL ce; WP any; AR none; SP all, animal, chaos*, charm*, combat*, divination, healing (rev), plant; PW 1) immune to poison; 5) sticks to snakes, snakes are always poisonous; TU nil; LL10 (12 if human-headed); HD 2 hp/level; Shamans no.
2eFR<Powers & Pantheons.p084>塞斯Sseth
校對:Even Paladin
出版時間:1997/09;國度時間:1370 DR
(偉大巨蛇The Great Snake,寰宇巨蛇the World Serpent,噝聲之齒the Sibilant Dentil)
無底深淵中等神力Intermediate Power of the Abyss,
神職PORTFOLIO:智慧蛇類Intelligent snakes,蛇人yuan-ti,亞蛇人 ophidians,變節者renegade
別名ALIASES:麥爾紹克Merrshaulk,瓦瑞Varae,「漆黑者」披鱗Squamata the Black,雙頭蛇Amphisbaena
神域名DOMAIN NAME:祖母綠域Smaragd/毒蛇之坑The Viper Pit
徽記SYMBOL:露出毒牙的飛蛇Flying snake with fangs bared
信徒陣營WOR. ALIGN.:混亂中立CN,守序邪惡LE,中立邪惡NE,混亂邪惡CE
「偉大巨蛇」塞斯Sseth the Great Snake 是蛇人yuan-ti、亞蛇人ophidian、個別從信仰 雪金尼斯特Shekinester 皈依的 幽魂納迦spirit naga、以及各種人類拜蛇教派所崇拜的惡毒神明。雖然崇拜他的小規模隱藏信徒遍及 諸國度the Realms,但他的信仰中心在 哈魯阿Halruaa 和 火焰峰Peaks of Flame 之間的 楚爾坦半島Chultan peninsula。
Sseth the Great Snake is the malevolent god of yuan-ti, ophidians, a few spirit nagas who have turned from the worship of Siiekinester, and various human snake cults. He is venerated by small pockets worshipers throughout the Realms, but his faith is centered in the Chultan peninsula between Halruaa and the Peaks of Flame.
國度只有極少人意識到塞斯的存在,每當聯想到滑行的蛇類軍團穿越南方叢林、加入吟頌 偉大蜿蜒者the Great Snaked 的噝聲合唱,他們就感到不寒而慄。在 楚爾特Chult 的 泰博克西部族the Tabaxi 中,塞斯被稱作 噝聲之齒the Sibilant Dentil,據說他出沒於這片叢林的深處,用他那分叉的如簧巧舌的允諾,誘惑弱者和幼者進入他的巢穴。在 薩瑪拉奇Samarach 和 辛朵爾Thindol,他被稱為 「漆黑者」披鱗 Squamata the Black,一片吞噬了任何敢於挑戰其黑暗深處、不斷著擴張的叢林的具現。在 塔沙拉爾城邦Tashalar 和 拉帕利亞聯邦Lapaliiya,他被稱為 「寰宇巨蛇」雙頭蛇Amphisbaena the World Serpent,一條盤繞著世界的巨蛇,並在自我吞噬的過程中緩慢地將世界粉碎為泥漿。在所有這些地方,恐蛇症、不理性地恐懼和憎惡像蛇一樣的東西的情形,在人類平民中相當普遍,雖然幾乎沒有人意識到在他們的整個社會中蛇人是多麼普遍。那些試圖揭示或揭露真相的人,將被定作瘋子並被蛇人特務迅速解決。
Few beings in the Realms are aware of Sseth's existence, but those who are tremble at the thought of the legions of serpents slithering through the southern jungles in a sibilant chorus chanting the Great Snaked name. Among the Tabaxi of Chult, Sseth is known as the SibilantDentil and is said to haunt the uncharted depths of the jungle enticing the weak and the young into his lair with fork-tongued promises. In Samarach and Thindol, he is known as Squamata the Black, the embodiment of the ever-encroaching jungle which swallows up anyone who dares its dark depths. In the Tashalar and in Lapaliiya, he is known as Amphisbaena the World Serpent who has the wrapped the world in his coils and is slowly crushing it into pulp as he devours himself. In all these lands, ophiophobia, the unreasoning fear and hatred of all things serpentine, is common among the human populace, although few realize how pervasive the serpent peoples are throughout their societies. Those that to uncover or reveal the truth are condemned as madmen and quickly dispatched by yuan-ti agents.
在 托瑞爾星球Toril 的 破曉時代dawn days,國度被五個創始種族統治著,其中一支高度智慧的恐蜥種族,通常被現代賢者稱作 巫虺sauroids。巫虺崇敬 寰宇巨蛇the World Serpent,這位生命、智慧、魔法與毅力的化身。最終,巫虺遠離了寰宇巨蛇的教導,而他們的統治權也開始了必然的衰落。巫虺的原始族群分裂(某些人稱為退化)為了不同的物種,譬如 羽蛇couatl、蜥蜴人lizard man、納迦naga、以及其它爬蟲類生物。每個群體都崇敬寰宇巨蛇的一尊面相,這些面相中有些演化為了自主的神力,而又有些事實上是其祂神力以這些形態冒充的。
In the dawn days of Toril when the Realms were dominated by five creator races, an intelligent dinosauroid race, often referred to as sauroids by modern sages, spread across Faerûn. The sauroids venerated the World Serpent, the embodiment of life, wisdom, magic, and patience. Eventually the sauroids fell away from the teachings of the World Serpent and their dominions began an inexorable decline. The sauroid proto-race fragmented (some would say degenerated) into divergent species such as couatl, lizard men, nagas, and other reptilian creatures. Each group venerated an aspect of the World Serpent, some of which evolved into powers in their own right and some of which were actually other powers masquerading in these forms.
有一個強大的巫虺社會奴役了一支人類(另一個創造者種族,不過相對原始)族群,並與他們雜交以努力扭轉巫虺暴跌的生育率。純種巫虺最終消亡滅絕,但他們被稱為蛇人的後代,在 梅海爾叢林Mhair jungles 中建立了強大的神權政治社會。蛇人擁有許多強大的祭司和法師,並且崇拜著寰宇巨蛇一塊名為 麥爾紹克Merrshaulk 的腐化碎片。蛇人國度最終崩潰(有些人說,這發生在一場與 潔芮恩Jazirian 祭司領導的羽蛇國家的戰爭失敗之後),但在此之前,它已將其前哨向西擴展到了楚爾特的叢林、向東至於 卡拉-圖大陸Kara-Tur、向北已抵 巨龍森林Forest of Wyrm。
One powerful society of sauroids enslaved a nation of humans (another, relatively primitive, creator race) and interbred with them in an effort to reverse the sauroids plummeting birth rate. The pure-blooded sauroids eventually died out, but their offspring, known as the yuan-ti, forged a powerful theocracy in the Mhair jungles. The yuan-ti had many powerful priests and wizards and worshiped a corrupted fragment of the World Serpent named Merrshaulk. The yuan-ti nation eventually collapsed (some say after losing a war with a nation of couatl led by priests of Jazirian), but not before it had spread its distant outposts as far west as the jungles of Chult, as far east as Kara-Tur, and as far north as the Forest of Wyrms.
在他們被擊敗後,麥爾紹克陷入了持續數千年的沉睡,而蛇人種族則進一步地退化,生存在那些更像巨大的巢穴、而非他們祖先宏偉城市的秘密飛地中。大約與 耐瑟瑞爾帝國Netheri 的崩潰同期,一隻名為塞斯的、具有超凡魅力的蛇人從楚爾特的叢林中出現,宣稱自己是寰宇巨蛇轉世的化身。這隻碩大的 異種蛇人yuan-ti abomination 長了一對飛蛇的巨大翅膀,是一種過去從未有過,以後也未曾出現的變種。塞斯建立了一個從 火焰峰Peaks of Flame 到梅海爾叢林的蛇類國家(其國名被轉譯為「巨蛇王國Serpentes」),並奴役了其間大部分新興的人類文明。這位自封的蛇類神王建立了一支祭司的教派,並教給了他們將他們的人類奴隸轉化為名為 奴僕蛇人histachii 這種低等蛇人形態的魔法儀式。在幾個世紀的領導後,塞斯消失在了火焰峰之下。(有些人說,他嘗試在某個未知世界釋放 「暗夜巨蛇」丹達爾Dendar the Night Serpent。)
After their defeat, Merrshaulk sank into a somnolent state that persisted for thousands of years, and the yuan-ti race degenerated yet further, subsisting in hidden enclaves more like giant nests than the grand cities of its ancestors. Around the time of Netheri's collapse, a charismatic yuan-ti named Sseth emerged from the jungles of Chult and proclaimed himself the reincarnated avatar of the World Serpent. This monstrous yuan-ti abomination sported the gargantuan wings of a flying snake, a variation never seen before or since. Sseth forged a nation of serpents (whose name is translated as 「Serpentes」) that reached from the Peaks of Flame to the Mhair jungles and enslaved most of the emerging human cultures in between. The self-proclaimed god-king of serpents built up a cult of priests and taught them the magical rites needed to transform their human slaves into a lesser form of yuan-ti known as the histachii. After several centuries of leadership, Sseth vanished beneath the Peaks of Flame. (Some say he was attempting to unleash Dendar the Night Serpent on an unsuspecting world.)
Although the kingdom of serpents quickly disintegrated after his disappearance, Sseth's clergy continued to promote his worship throughout the southern jungles for centuries thereafter.
在那個時代,人類建立了品種繁多的拜獸教,包括許多崇敬各種爬行動物的。在 黎明之災Dawn Cataclysm 前後,閃光平原Shining Plains 的游牧部落開始崇敬 瓦瑞Varae,一位與蛇有關的拜獸教神力。在他們的祭司揭示瓦瑞只是塞斯的一尊面相後,來自巨蛇之國被毀滅土地上的 純種蛇人Pureblooded yuan-ti 開始滲透進這個教派。(現代賢者推測作為擴大自己勢力的嘗試,塞斯弒殺了瓦瑞並剝取了他的神力。)在蛇人(他們很快就取得了這個拜獸教的領導權)的引導下,瓦瑞崇拜的傳播遠達 卡林珊Calimshan 和 維洪海岸Vilhon Reach。有一個部落完全認可了蛇類族裔的優越性,並向北遷徙到巨龍森林和 毒蛇山脈Serpent Hills 以尋覓蛇人的古代聖物。這些人類釋放了一件強大的神器,把他們自己轉化為了一個蛇人種族。亞蛇人ophidian(他們之後被這樣稱呼)能以齧咬詛咒其他人類和亞人,並迅速蔓延到了整個國度,不過他們的數量從未增加到足以挑戰人類和亞人種族的程度。
Humans have forged a wide variety of beast cults over the ages, including many which venerated various types of reptiles. Around the time of the Dawn Cataclysm, the nomadic tribes of the Shining Plains began to venerate Varae, a beast cult power associated with snakes. Pureblooded yuan-ti from the ruined lands of Serpentes began to infiltrate the cult after their priests revealed that Varae was simply an aspect of Sseth. (Modem sages speculate that Sseth slew Varae and seized his power in an attempt to extend his influence.) Under the direction of the yuan-ti, who had quickly assumed leadership of the beast cult, veneration of Varae spread as far as Calimshan and the Vilhon Reach. One entire tribe wholly embraced the primacy of serpentkind and migrated north to the Forest of Wyrms and the Serpent Hills, seeking ancient relics of the yuan-ti. These humans unleashed a powerful artifact which transformed them into a race of serpent people. The ophidians, as they came to be called, could pass on their curse to other humans and demihumans by biting them, and they quickly spread throughout the Realms, though they never gained sufficient numbers to challenge the human and demihuman races.
塞斯通常被認為是位睏倦的神力,他已經開始陷入沉眠,幾乎沒有意識地在他蛇類肆虐的 深淵Abyssal 之坑中,一次度過若干年。近期的事件預示他可能已——至少是臨時地——從冬眠中復甦,復興他的信徒並計劃對抗國度的其祂神力。在 動盪之年Time of Troubles 期間,塞斯的一尊化身以巨大、有翼、使用魔法的巨蛇形象,再現於 黑色叢林Black Jungles。他喚醒了冬眠中的神職人員,並要求他們秘密恢復他們的力量,為復興巨蛇之國做準備。從那之後,塞斯的蛇類僕從已著手於一項關於在國度各地滲透、暗殺以及盜竊的大膽計劃。
Sseth is generally perceived as a lethargic power who has begun to decline into slumber, spending years at a time barely conscious within his snake-infested Abyssal pit. Recent events indicate that he may, at least temporarily, be rising from his torpor to reinvigorate his faithful and plot against the other powers of the Realms. During the Time of Troubles, an avatar of Sseth reappeared in the Black Jungles in the form of a giant, winged, magic-using snake. He roused his clergy from their torpor and challenged them to rebuild their strength in secret in preparation for the rebirth of the nation of Serpentes. Since that time, Sseth's serpentine servitors have embarked on a daring plan of infiltration, assassination, and theft throughout the Realms.
Sseth embodies slippery, serpentine, insidious evil that poisons and corrupts all that he comes into contact with. He is patronizing to all except reptilian and draconic races, yet rarely raises his voice above a low, hissing tone. He brooks no disagreement or argument with his pronouncements and tolerates little other than complete success. He is prone to becoming distracted by his involved internal mental processes and plans and so may break off contact suddenly or prove hard to reach by even his most faithful servants at inconvenient moments. He is also inordinately vain about his appearance.
塞斯對 烏塔歐Ubtao、雪金尼斯特以及潔芮恩懷著由來已久、可以回溯遠古的寰宇巨蛇碎片和巫虺種族的恨意。他已與 艾壽多Eshowdow 建立了基於利益的同盟以進一步對抗烏塔歐。塞斯也與 塔洛娜Talona 構建了利益同盟,並且有時會被稱呼為「暗夜巨蛇」丹達爾的父親或配偶。
Sseth has a long-standing hatred of Ubtao, Shekinester, and Jazirian, harking back to the ancient fragmentation of the World Serpent and the sauroid race. Sseth has forged an alliance of convenience with Eshowdow to further his struggles with Ubtao. He has also forged an alliance of convenience with Talona, and he is sometimes spoken of as the father or mate of Dendar the Night Serpent.
塞斯的化身Sseth's Avatar
(祭司Priest 25,法師Wizard 20,戰士Fighter 18)
Sseth appears most often as a giant winged snake of green and bronze coloration with yellow slitted eyes flecked with greenish specks. His wings have pale tan webbing, and he normally folds them close to his body when moving on the ground, though he can buffet with them if he halts and rears up. Long ago, as Merrshaulk, Sseth appeared as a vast yuan-ti abomination with a male human head and stubby forearms with a green and yellow scale pattern and rumors hold that he has been seen in that form once since the Time of Troubles. He favors spells from the animal, charm, and plant spheres and the schools of alteration, conjuration/summoning, and enchantment/charm, although he can cast spells from any sphere or school. He rarely uses spells for the abjuration or necromancy schools, to which he seems unusually averse.
防禦等級 -4;移動 12,飛行 21(飛蛇) 或 15,游泳9(異種蛇人);生命值 162,零級命中值 3;#攻擊 3次或 7次/2輪
傷害 3d4/3d8/3d4+3(齧咬,翅膀揮擊,緊勒) 或 1d8+10(+3長劍,+7力量,+2對彎刀專精)
魔抗 60%;體型 巨型 (90呎長)
力量 19,敏捷 18,體質 17,智力 18,感知 15,魅力 17
法術 牧師P:11/10/9/9/9/8/4,法師W:5/5/5/5/5/4/3/3/2
豁免 麻痹、毒素與死亡魔法 2;權杖、法杖與魔杖 5;石化或變形 4;噴吐武器 4;法術 6
AC -4; MV 12, FI 21 (flying snake) or 15, Sw 9 (abomination); HP 162, THAC0 3,#AT 3or 7/2
Dmg 3d4/3d8/3d4+3 (bite, wing buffet, constriction) or ld8+10 (longsword +3, +7 STR, +2 spec, bonus in scimitar)
MR 60%; SZ G (90 feet long)
STR 19, DEX 16, CON 17, INT 18, Wis 15, CHA 17
Spells P:11/10/9/9/9/8/4, W:5/5/5/5/5/4/3/3/2
Saves PPDM 2, RSW 5, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 6
特殊攻擊/防禦Special Att/Def:
除了用他長著毒咽齒的咽喉造成撕裂傷外,塞斯以飛蛇有毒的齧咬還將造成2d8點酸性傷害,除非成功通過毒素豁免使傷害減半。以異種蛇人形態,每回合1次,他能吐出一團5呎半徑的毒液滴,最大射程40呎,造成同樣的傷害。異種蛇人形態在戰鬥中使用2柄 +3長劍,他能靠舔舐來給它們上毒,造成與飛蛇形態齧咬所造成相同的酸性傷害。他能以那輪的2次攻擊次數為代價,在一輪中舔舐它們的每一面。
In addition to the rending wounds inflicted by his fanged maw, Sseth's poisonous bite in flying snake form causes 2d8 points of acid damage unless a successful saving throw vs. poison is made, which reduces that damage by half. In abomination form, he can spit a 5-foot-radius glob of poison once per turn to a maximum range of 40 feet, causing the same sort of damage. The abomination form employs two longswords +3 in battle that he can envenom by licking them, causing identical acid damage as a bite from his flying snake form. He can lick them in one round at a cost of two of his weapon attacks in that round per blade licked.
類似 雙足飛龍wyrm,塞斯在飛蛇形態能使用兩隻翅膀攻擊他任何一邊的對手。除了遭受傷害,被擊中的對手還必須成功通過敏捷屬性檢定,否則將被擊倒。
Like a wyrm, Sseth in his flying snake form can employ both his wings to buffet any opponent along his side. In addition to the damage inflicted, creatures struck must make a successful Dexterity ability check or be knocked prone.
Sseth's flying snake form can constrict targets it successfully hits with its tail. On a successful constriction attack, the victim is automatically held within Sseth's coils and suffers 3d4+3 points of constriction damage every round until crushed to death or freed. It requires the combined efforts of 100 points of Strength (the victim plus outside help) to extricate someone from Sseth's grasp. Anyone who attempts to free a captive by hacking at Sseth has a 20% chance of striking the victim instead. (Roll normal damage and apply it to the victim.) At least 25 points of damage must be applied to the Great Snake's form in the immediate vicinity of the victim to force Sseth's coils to relax long enough for the victim to escape. Sseth can only envelop one additional creature per round, but he can hold up to three man-sized victims in his coils at any one time.
Sseth in either form can mesmerize any creature simply by swaying slowly (in the air or on the ground) and steadily staring them down. Any creature enspelled by his gaze must successfully save vs. paralyzation with a -4 penalty (Wisdom magical attack adjustment apply) or stand perfectly still, even if attacked. (Obviously, Sseth may not bite—or spit at—a target he has mesmerized and maintain eye contact.) A new saving throw with a cumulative +1 bonus is permitted every round a victim is success fully hurt. If a victim never succeeds at a saving throw but is left unharmed, the being snaps out of the daze 2d8 rounds later.
在2種形態中,塞斯都免疫毒素和幻術/幻象。此外,每輪,他還能漂浮達30呎,以及作為一項特殊能力,每日6次,他能施展 化杖為蛇sticks to snakes。
In either form, Sseth is immune to poisons and illusion/phantasm spells. In addition, he can levitate at up to 30 feet per round, and he can cast sticks to snakes six times per day as a special ability.
其祂顯現Other Manifestations
塞斯通常顯現為一條巨蛇滑行過草叢的聲音或是在黑暗中迴響的不祥的嘶嘶聲。偉大巨蛇已知會(但極稀罕)以響尾蛇的嘎嘎聲向他的祭司示警危險,尤其是迫在眉睫的伏擊。已知他也會通過活化叢林藤蔓並 糾纏entangle、甚或是如巨蟒那樣地緊勒生物,來顯現他的滿意或不悅。
Sseth typically manifests as the sound of a giant snake slithering through the grass or a sinister hiss echoing in the gloom. The Great Snake has been known to (infrequently) warn his priests of danger, particularly imminent ambushes, with the sound of a rattlesnake rattle. He also has been known to manifest his pleasure or displeasure by causing jungle vines to animate and entangle beings or even constrict them as if the vines were constrictor snakes.
塞斯通過所有品種的蛇類尤其是飛蛇(以及被稱為 死亡飛吻deathfang 的不死生物變種——詳見《地脈迷城的遺蹟Ruins of Undermountain》)、綠龍和黑龍、貴族拉米亞lamia noble、美杜莎medusa 和 雄性美杜莎maedar、幽影蜉shadowdrake、幽魂蠕蟲wraithworm、以及在國度潛行或滑行的無數種爬行動物開展活動。對某些極大地取悅了他的、受眷的祭司,他則顯現以發現一整片能被製成一面中型 +3盾牌 的鱗片,或是一塊極像蛇眼、能被製成 真視寶石gem of true seeing 裹琥珀祖母綠。
Sseth works through snakes of all sorts, particularly flying snakes (and the undead variety known as deathfangs—see Ruins of Undermountain for details), green and black dragons, lamia nobles, medusa and maedar, shadowdrakes, wraithworms, and the countless species of reptiles that stalk or slither across the Realms. He favors certain priests who have greatly pleased him with the discovery of a single scale that can be fashioned into a medium shield +3 or an emerald encased in amber that resembles a great serpentine eye and can be fashioned into a gem of true seeing.
教會The Church
神職人員Clergy:牧師Clerics,專屬祭司specialty priests,護教軍crusaders,薩滿shamans
神職陣營Clergy's Align.:CN, NE, CE
驅散不死Turn Undead:牧師C:不可No;專屬祭司SP:不可No;護教軍Cru:不可No;薩滿Sha:不可No
支配不死Cmnd. Undead:牧師C:可Yes;專屬祭司SP:不可No;護教軍Cru:不可No;薩滿Sha:可Yes
塞斯的所有牧師、護教軍、薩滿以及專屬祭司得到 宗教知識religion(泛費倫Faerûnian)或 宗教知識(楚爾特) religion (Chultan) 作為非武器熟練獎勵,具體取決於他們所來自的地區。
All clerics, crusaders, shamans, and specialty priests of Sseth receive religion (Faerûnian) or religion (Chultan) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency, depending on which region they originate from.
塞斯的神職人員被稱為 塞斯神官Ssethssar。大部分塞斯祭司是名為 蜿蜒者serphidians 的專屬祭司,此外還有大約20%的牧師和10%構成了該信仰軍事部隊的護教軍。少數崇敬瓦瑞、且仍未被 純種蛇人yuan-ti pureblood 滲透的人類拜獸教,例如亞蛇人原始部落,由薩滿領導。儘管他們的行事混亂,但塞斯神官被嚴格的頭銜層級管制著。依升序,他們是 蝰蛇Adder、蝮蛇Pit Viper、角蝰Asp、金環蛇Krait、眼鏡蛇Cobra、水蟒Anaconda、響尾蛇Rattler、邪眼蟒Boalisk、以及 蚺蛇Python。更高階的祭司被統稱為 上古巨蛇Elder Serpents,但還擁有塞斯親自向他們揭示的、獨特的個人頭銜。服務於教會的法師被稱作 毒水蛇Heways。
The clergy of Sseth are known as Ssethssar. Most of Sseth's priests are specialty priests, known as serphidians, but about 20% are clerics and 10% are crusaders who form the military arm of the faith. A few remote human beast cults who venerate Varae and as yet have not been infiltrated by yuan-ti purebloods are led by shamans, as are primitive tribes of ophidians. Despite their chaotic behavior, Ssethssar are regimented in a strict hierarchy of titles. In ascending order, they are Adder, Pit Viper, Asp, Krait, Cobra, Anaconda, Rattler, Boalisk, and Python. Higher ranking priests are known collectively as Elder Serpents, but have unique in dividual titles revealed to them by Sseth himself. Wizards in service to the church are known as Heways.
The Great Snake often grants flying snakes (「flying fangs」) to his wizard and priest followers as familiars or animal companions. He grants deathfangs to those of a necromantic bent.
Temples of Sseth are typically dark stone edifices overgrown by the jungle or subterranean caverns befouled by dank, disease-ridden atmospheres. Such temples are lined with countless columns carved with gruesome depictions of snakes devouring humans and demihumans whole or of humans transforming into snakes. They are totally devoid of stairs in their architecture as ramps and poles serve the yuan-ti and their servants much better. Most temples are honeycombed with tunnels opening into histachii-guarded brood chambers and overrun with serpents of all sorts. The central chapel is always dominated by a massive pit of teeming poisonous serpents which writhe in endless chorus to their dark god and devour anything that falls into their midst.
Serpents are the descendants of the original World Serpent, the embodiment of life, and are sacred manifestations of the Great Snake. By embracing Sseth and entwining oneself in his coils, true wisdom can be achieved and dominion over the Realms realized. Life is about trans formation, an evolution through a series of forms toward an embrace of the all-encompassing serpent of the world.
隨著塞斯的孩子們模仿寰宇巨蛇的陰影改造自己的形象,它們將尋回天賦的力量。不斷地狂亂掙扎是 獵物Prey 的功能和最終命運。蛇類應在失去知覺的沉思中度過漫長的時間,在那期間它們可以獲取智慧和毅力。唯有在廣泛的情報收集和對情況的拓展思考後,塞斯的孩子們才會付諸行動,但當他們行動時,他們對待獵物是如此地果斷和毫不憐憫。
The children of Sseth are to reclaim their birthright as they mold their image in the shadow of the World Serpent. Unceasing, frenetic activity is the province and eventual doom of Prey. Serpents are expected to spend long periods in torporific contemplation during which they may acquire wisdom and patience. Only after extensive intelligence-gathering on and extended contemplation of a situation are the children of Sseth to act, but when they do act they are to do so decisively and without mercy against the Prey.
日常活動Day-to-Day Activities:
Ssethssar spend their days stalking and hunting their prey, whether it be jungle wildlife or human realms. Many spend their days courting government officials into their ever-widening sphere of corruption. Others breed new varieties of serpents adaptable to hostile climes in preparation for their eventual conquest of the Realms. All are involved in the slow accumulation of power and knowledge, but they can afford to be patient and act accordingly.
聖日/重要儀式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
睿哲之蟄The Sagacious Slumber 是塞斯神官被觀察到的為期一月的冬眠,時間與 仲冬節Midwinter 和 二月Alturiak 的大半重疊。在此之前是一場卑劣的狂歡,在期間大量的食物(據傳聞還活著)被祭司和被祭司照料的大蛇們被吞食。叛逆的奴隸有時會在菜單上。
The Sagacious Slumber is a month-long period of hibernation observed by Ssethssar overlapping with Midwinter and much of the month of Alturiak. It is preceded by an obscene revel during which huge amounts of (still-living, rumors hold) food are consumed by the priests and the serpents under their care. Rebellious slaves are sometimes on the menu.
緊隨著睿哲之蟄的是對塞斯的信徒們最神聖的日子。這個日子被稱作 蛻皮日Shedding。在那天,塞斯神官蛻去他們的蛇皮(或儀式性地脫掉他們的牧師服飾——如果他們是純種人類),在這邪惡儀式的過程中涉及犧牲至少一位智慧生物。在蛻皮儀式後,塞斯神官中的祭司們一般會充滿活力地展開一波以擴張權力為目標的活動。
Immediately following the Sagacious Slumber is the most sacred holy day among the faithful of Sseth. Known as the Shedding, on this day, Ssethssar shed their snake skin (or ritually shed their clerical raiment if full-blooded humans) during the course of an evil rite involving the sacrifice of at least one sentient being. Ssethssar priests typically follow the Shedding ritual with a burst of energetic activity aimed at extending their power.
主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
蝮蛇之坑The Pit of Vipers 是一座廣闊、龐大雜亂、雜草叢生建築,位於 拉帕內海Lapal Sea 北岸的黑色叢林中。謠傳這座神殿經由一片廣闊的地下隧道網絡聯繫著一些地點,向南遠可抵 梅爾海特城Mhairhetel、向北可遙達 拉帕嘉德Lapalgard、向西可遠至 迪爾撒勒Delselar。大量的蛇人祭司和所有種類的無數大蛇潛行在叢林中搜索獵物,與此同時,一支秘密的奴僕蛇人軍隊保護著地面下神聖的孵化室並被反覆灌輸復興巨蛇之國的期望。這座神殿的大部分蛇人們自己還尚未勘探,在塞斯時代它充當著巨蛇之國的首都。
The Pit of Vipers is a vast, sprawling, overgrown stronghold built in the Black Jungles on the northwestern shore of the Lapal Sea. The temple is rumored to be connected via a vast network of subterranean tunnels to locations as far south as Mhairhetel, as far north as Lapalgard, and as far west as Delselar. Scores of yuan-ti priests and countless serpents of all varieties stalk the enveloping jungles in search of prey, while a secret army of histachii protect the sacred brood chambers beneath the surface and drill in anticipation of the rebirth of Serpentes. Much of the temple is as yet unexplored by the yuan-ti themselves, as it served as the entire capital city of Serpentes during the time of Sseth.
兜帽巨蛇神龕The Shrine of Cowled Serpents 是一座秘密的神殿和城市,由蛇人建立在巨龍森林西部邊緣附近,但在很久以前已被一幫人類法師毀滅。大量的蛇類仍然在這片森林的樹木上滑行、盤繞,但據信蛇人們已經伴隨著遠古的魔法貯藏一起被毀滅已久。近幾年,蛇盤黨the Coiled Cabal(描述見後)的蛇人法師已從他們鄰近的據點探索了大量廢棄已久的神殿,並從不見光明的深處召喚了他們的遠房表親返回他們的遠古居所守衛它殘留的秘密。一些賢者推測傳說中的 納夫迦噴泉Nflja Fountain 可能在被毀神殿深處的某處發現了。
The Shrine of Cowled Serpents was a secret temple and city built be neath the western edge of the Forest of Wyrms by the yuan-ti, but destroyed by a cabal of human mages long ago. Great numbers of snakes still slither and coil in the trees of the forest, but the yuan-ti are believed long destroyed along with a cache of ancient magic. In recent years, the yuan-ti wizards of the Coiled Cabal (described below) have explored much of the long-abandoned temple from their nearby stronghold and have magi cally summoned their distant cousins from the lightless depths back to their ancient home to guard its remaining secrets. Some sages speculate that the legendary Nflja Fountain may be found somewhere within the ruined temple's depths.
維洪海域沿岸的自治城市 隆德斯城Hlondeth 被 伊克塔米諾斯家族Extaminos family 統治著。這個氏族著名的祖先 雪佛龍·伊克塔米諾斯Shevron Extaminos,從527 DR 襤衫軍團the Tattered Cloth legion 狗頭人的襲擊中拯救了大量的平民,他忠於 伊爾馬特Ilmater,卻又病態地為蛇類迷醉。伊克塔米諾斯氏族的子孫逐漸地把氏族的忠誠轉向了在維洪海域長期活躍的瓦瑞拜獸教。在隨後的一代又一代人中,這個家族被教派中的蛇人外來者混血,而在1020 DR,當這個家族終於奪權時,他們已完全在他們的塞斯神官顧問的控制下。今日,隆德斯的宗教生活由 翡翠之鱗大教堂the Cathedral of Emerald Scales 統治著。這座龐大的大教堂數以百計的欄柱出名,柱被雕刻地類似於纏結的巨蛇,而頂上是一副瑰麗、半透明的穹頂,由 玻璃化glassteekd 的翡翠窗格構成。數不清的 林棲蛇jaculi 保衛著這建築,而據說數量龐大的天窗通向圓頂之下充滿毒蛇的坑。
The independent city of Hlondeth along the Vilhon Reach is ruled by the Extaminos family. Shevron Extaminos, the famous forebear of the clan who saved much of the population from the savage assault by the kobolds of the Tattered Cloth legion in 527 DR, was devoted to Ilmater, but morbidly fascinated by snakes. The scions of the Extaminos clan gradually shifted the clan's allegiance to the beast cult of Varae, long active in the Vilhon Reach area. The family interbred with yuan-ti interlopers in the cult over ensuing generations, and in 1020 DR, when the family finally seized power, they were completely under the aegis of their Ssethssar advisors. Today Hlondeth's religious life is dominated by the Cathedral of Emerald Scales. This vast chapel is distinguished by hundreds of columns carved to resemble intertwined serpents and topped by a magnificent, semitranslucent dome of glassteekd emerald panes. Countless jaculi guard the structure and numerous trapdoors are said to open beneath the dome onto teeming pits of vipers.
從屬組織Affiliated Orders:
蝰蛇之齒The Viper's Fangs 是支由純種蛇人與人類種族的刺客、間諜以及打手構成的秘密組織。其成員滲透進了國度各地的貴族家族、商販、傭兵團以及冒險隊。蝰蛇Vipers(該組織成員的自稱)的職能主要是作為蛇人國家的首領的情報收集者,但有時他們也處理那些可能會威脅到塞斯祭職人員複雜計劃的關鍵人物。
The Viper's Fangs is a secretive order of assassins, spies, and thugs made up of yuan-ti purebloods and humans. Members have infiltrated noble houses, trading costers, mercenary companies, government offices, and adventuring bands throughout the Realms. Vipers, as the members refer to themselves, function primarily as information gatherers for the leaders of the yuan-ti nation, but from time to time they dispatch key individuals who might threaten the convoluted plots of Sseth's priesthood.
蛇盤黨是支由在過去幾個世紀緩慢地提升了自身技藝的蛇人法師組成的、高度秘密的組織。該陰謀團體會做任何事以圖保持自身存在的隱秘,幾乎沒有蛇人平民意識到在他們的種族中有成員擁有發達的法師力量。該團體由混種、混血和純種蛇人組成,並以巨龍森林深處、鄰近村莊 巨蛇斗篷村Serpent's Cowl 的據點為基地。該陰謀團體的大部分法師介於9~16級之間。每位成員有半打1~6級的學徒。該團體為蛇人國家從隱秘中嶄露並拿回其在國度的卓越地位的那天而堆砌著力量。
The Coiled Cabal is a highly secretive order of yuan-ti wizards who have slowly improved their skills in the last few centuries. The Cabal will do anything to keep its existence a secret, and few yuan-ti commoners are even aware that a few rare members of their race have developed sorcerous powers. The organization is composed of yuan-ti abominations, half-breeds, and purebloods and is based in a secret stronghold in the depths of the Forest of Wyrms near the village of Serpent's Cowl. Most wizards of the Cabal are between 9th and 16th level. Each member has half a dozen apprentices of 1st through 6th levels. The organization is building its strength for the day that the yuan-ti nation emerges from hiding and reclaims its preeminent position in the Realms.
祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:
Ssethssar garb themselves in vestments woven from giant snake skins treated after they are shed to prevent desiccation. Lower-ranking priests wear snakeskin coifs on their heads, while high-ranking priests cover their heads in giant cobra cowls. The ceremonial garb of all priests of the Great Snake provides protection equivalent to leather armor, though it is sometimes enchanted to greater effectiveness through secret ritual.
從屬組織Adventuring Garb:
If they wear any armor at all besides their ceremonial raiment, Ssethssar wear only scale mail fashioned to resemble the scales of a snake and tinted in a pattern common to one of Faerûn's serpent species. Shields are made from the treated shed skins of giant snakes wrapped over an iron wood core.
專屬祭司Specialty Priests(蜿蜒者Serphidians)
職業需求REQUIREMENTS:敏捷Dexterity 12,感知Wisdom 14
關鍵屬性PRIME REQ.:敏捷Dexterity,感知Wisdom
陣營ALIGNMENT:混亂中立CN,混亂邪惡 CE
防具ARMOR:鱗甲Scale mail 和盾牌。
主修領域Minor Spheres:共通All,動物animal,魅惑charm,戰鬥combat,預言divination,治療healing(偏好逆向版本),植物plant
次要領域Minor Spheres:混亂Chaos,元素(僅氣、土以及水) elemental (air, earth, and water only),守衛guardian,保護protection,太陽sun,召喚summoning,思想thought
魔法物品Magical Items:如同牧師
熟練需求Req. Profs:古代歷史Ancient history(巨蛇時代the Age of Serpentes),占星術astrology,現代語言modern languages(蛇人語yuan-ti)
熟練獎勵Bonus Profs:盲戰Blind-fighting,偽裝disguise
❖ Serphidians may be humans, ophidians, spirit nagas, or yuan-ti (abominations, half-breeds, or purebloods, but not histachii). Serphidians may not be of any other race unless it is at least partially reptilian.
❖所有的蜿蜒者在加入祭職者時都獲得豎瞳(類似於某些蛇類)。他們可以用魔法來偽裝它們,但 真知術true seeing 與類似法術和能力可以加以揭露。
❖ All serphidians gain slitted pupils, like those of certain snakes, upon entering the priesthood. They may use magic to disguise them, but true seeing and similar spells and abilities reveal them.
❖ Serphidians are immune to all forms of snake venom, as well as any other reptile poison.
❖在第3級,每日每3經驗值等級1次,蜿蜒者獲得 爬蟲交談術speak with reptiles(如同1級祭司法術 動物交談術speak with animals,但僅影響爬行動物)的能力
❖ At 3rd level, serphidians gain the ability to speak with reptiles (as the 1 st-level priest spell speak with animals, but only affecting reptiles) once per day for every three levels of experience.
❖每日1次,蜿蜒者能施展 睡眠術sleep(如同1級法師法術)。
❖ Serphidians can cast sleep (as the 1st-level wizard spell) once a day.
❖在第5級,每日每5經驗值等級1次,蜿蜒者能施展 化杖為蛇sticks to snakes(如同3級祭司法術)。他們所創造的蛇類總是毒蛇。
❖ At 5th level, serphidians can cast sticks to snakes (as the 3rd-level priest spell), once per day for every five levels of experience. The snakes they create are always poisonous.
❖ At 5th level, serphidians become immune to all poisons.
❖在第7級,每日1次,蜿蜒者能施展 蛇膚術snake skin(如同4級祭司法術)。
❖ At 7th level, serphidians can cast snake skin (as the 4th-level priest spell) once per day.
❖在第10級,每旬3次,蜿蜒者能施展 二級動物召喚術animal summoning II(如同5級祭司法術)。他們使用該能力時只能召喚爬蟲類(不包括楚爾特的恐龍),並且如果成功召喚了蛇類,他們能召喚2倍正常數量的動物。
{{sp|sp = ❖ At 10th level, serphidians can cast animal summoning II (as the 5th-level priest spell) three times per tenday. They can use this ability to summon only reptiles (not including dinosaurs in Chult), and if they successfully summon snakes, they can summon twice the normal number of animals.
❖在第13級,每日1次,蜿蜒者能施展 毒液噴射vipergout(如同7級祭司法術)。
❖ At 13th level, serphidians can cast vipergout (as the 7th-level wizard spell) once per day.
❖在第15級,蜿蜒者能 形體變化shapechange 為雙頭蛇、邪眼蟒、或巨型蟒蛇。蜿蜒者被限制變形為那3種形態,每日可以呈現為每種形態1次。該能力在各個方面都類似於德魯伊的 形體變化 能力。
❖ At 15 th level, serphidians can shapechange into the form of an amphisbaena, a boalisk, or a giant constrictor snake. Serphidians are restricted to these three forms, which they may each assume once a day. This ability is similar to the druidic shapechange ability in all other ways.
塞斯教法術Ssethssar Spells
1st Level
蛇類魅惑Snake Charm
(祭司Pr 1;附魔/魅惑Enchantment/Charm)
距離Range:10 碼
施法時間Casting Time:1
影響區域Area of Effect:1 只生物
豁免檢定Saving Throw:通過即無效
通過盯住一隻生物的眼睛並前後輕搖頭部,施法者將能催眠一隻生物。目標有權進行一次對抗法術豁免。若目標豁免成功,法術將無效。若目標失敗了,它將落入 蛇類魅惑 的影響。
By staring into a creature's eyes and swaying his or her head back and, forth slightly, the caster of this spell can hypnotize one creature. The target is entitled to a saving throw vs. spell. If the target succeeds, the spell has no effect. If the target fails, it falls under the effects of the snake charm.
被 蛇類魅惑 迷魂時,受害者只會盯著施法者而不會施行行動。除了以不超過正常速度一半的速度移動外,施法者進行其它任何行動都將立即終止法術的效果,若受害者身體被以任何方式晃動或者攻擊,也將如此。
While entranced by the snake charm, the victim simply stares at the spellcaster and cannot perform any other action. The spell effect ends immediately if the spellcaster performs any other action except moving at no more than half normal movement rate or if the victim is physically shaken or attacked in any manner.
蛇類魅惑 並非一種特別深入的附魔,因此受害者能在同一輪中響應攻擊,不過受害者總是最後攻擊,並且如果通常允許多個動作,受害者只能進行單一動作。請注意:這道法術對任意品種的不死生物均無效。
A snake charm is not a particularly deep enchantment, hence a victim can respond to any attack in the same round, although victims always attack last and can perform only a single action if normally allowed multiple actions. Note that this spell has no effect on undead creatures of any sort.
3rd Level
瓦瑞之毒液Venom of Varae
(祭司Pr 3;轉化Alteration)
施法時間Casting Time:6
影響區域Area of Effect:30 呎
豁免檢定Saving Throw:通過即無效
This spell empowers the spellcaster to expectorate a glob of snake venom. For purposes of determining the success of this attack, the priest's THAC0 is equivalent to a warrior of the same level. The venom can be held in the priest's mouth indefinitely, but the spell is wasted and the venom lost (without any harmful effect on the spellcaster) if the priest swallows, attempts to talk, or otherwise opens his or her mouth. Note that contact with the venom does not harm the caster if the venom is used as part of this spell.
任何遭受這一強力接觸毒素(類型 M)的受害者,必須立即進行-4懲罰的對抗毒素豁免檢定。若成功,受害者將遭受5點傷害。若豁免失敗,受害者將遭受20點傷害。其發作時間為1輪。
Any victim struck by this powerful contact poison (Type M) must immediately make a saving throw vs. poison with a -4 penalty. If successful, the victim suffers 5 points of damage. If the saving throw is failed, the victim suffers 20 points of damage. The onset time is 1 round.
The material components for this spell are a small vial of any sort of snake venom, which is poured into the spellcaster's mouth during the incantation, and the priest's holy symbol.
4th Level
奴僕蛇人釀品Histachii Brew
(祭司Pr 4;轉化Alteration)
施法時間Casting Time:1 輪
影響區域Area of Effect:1 份特別準備的釀造物One specially-prepared brew
豁免檢定Saving Throw:特殊Special
這道魔咒附魔了蛇人的毒液與某些草藥和根混合的釀造物。吞咽下由此產生的培養基的人,如果在-4懲罰的對抗毒素豁免檢定中失敗,將被變形為奴僕蛇人。若在豁免檢定中成功,受害者將立即陷入昏迷;除非被 延緩毒發slow poison 或 中和毒性neutralize poison 法術恢復,否則受害者在隨後的1小時內死亡。在豁免失敗後,以 中和毒性、驅散魔法dispel magic、移除詛咒remove curse、以及 治療術heal 在那過程中可以阻止轉化。受害者將永久地失去1點智力值。祈願術wish 或 有限祈願術limited wish 法術可以逆轉變形而不損失智力。一旦轉化完成,只有 祈願術 法術能令他們恢復原型。
This incantation enchants a brew of yuan-ti venom mixed with certain herbs and roots. The resulting broth transforms any human who ingests it into a histachii in 1d6+6 days if the imbiber fails a saving throw vs. poison with a -4 penalty. If the saving throw is successful, the victim immediately lapses into a coma; death follows in one hour unless the victim is revived with a slow poison or neutralize poison spell. The transformation can be prevented following a failed saving throw by the application of neutralize poison, dispel magic, remove curse, and heal spells, in that order. The victim permanently loses 1 point of Intelligence. A wish or limited wish spell reverses the transformation with no loss of Intelligence. Once the transformation is complete, only a wish spell can restore the victims to their former selves.
飲下 奴僕蛇人釀品 的非人類也必須進行-4懲罰的對抗毒素豁免檢定。若豁免成功,非人類將患急病並在1d4回合內無法採取任何行動。若豁免失敗,非人類將昏迷並在1d4+1輪內死亡。
Nonhumans who drink histachii brew must also make a saving throw vs. poison with a -4 penalty. If the saving throw is successful, the nonhuman becomes violently ill and is unable to take any action for 1d4 turns. If the saving throw fails, the nonhuman becomes comatose and dies in 1d4+1 rounds.
在失去它的附魔前,該蒸餾物將保持效力1小時+3回合/每塞斯神官等級。喝下無附魔的 奴僕蛇人釀品 者,若在對抗毒素豁免檢定中失敗,將患病1d3輪,但不會有其它效果。
The distillation maintains its potency for one hour, plus three turns per level of the Ssethssar who created it, before losing its enchantment. The unenchanted histachii brew makes those who consume it ill for 1d3 rounds if a saving throw vs. poison is failed, but otherwise has no effect.
The material component for this spell is a liquid mixture of distilled herbs, roots, and yuan-ti venom in a small flask. The distillate is not consumed in the casting.
蛇膚術Snake Skin
(祭司Pr 4;轉化Alteration)
持續時間Duration:1 小時/級
施法時間Casting Time:7
影響區域Area of Effect:施法者
豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None
這道法術讓施法者能夠 形體變化shapechange 為任何物種的蟒蛇、巨型蟒蛇、毒蛇、巨型毒蛇、唾蛇、或林棲蛇(如《怪物圖鑑Monstrous Manual》一書中的詳述)。在這道法術的持續時間內,每輪1次,施法者能呈現為一種新的蛇類形態或是恢復原型。當施法者恢復原型時,這道法術立即終止。
This spell enables spellcasters to shapechange into any species of constrictor, giant constrictor, poisonous snake, giant poisonous snake, spitting snake, or jaculi (as detailed in the Monstrous Manual tome). For the duration of the spell, casters can assume a new snake form once per round or revert to their original forms. The spell is immediately ended when a spellcaster returns to his or her original form.
Upon first assuming a snake form and upon returning to their original forms, the casters heal 1d6x10% of all damage they have suffered (round fractions down). (Priests are not healed every time they assume a new snake form, only the first time.)
在蛇類形態中,蛇膚術 的施法者將擁有對應蛇類的所有特徵:它的移動力和能力、它的防禦等級、攻擊次數、每次攻擊的傷害、以及所有的特殊能力。施法者的衣著(如果有穿)和雙手各持的一件物品也將變為新身體的一部分;這些物品在施法者恢復其正常形體時將重現。在處於蛇類形態中時,這些物品無法被 蛇膚術 的施法者使用。
While in the form of a snake, casters of snake skin take on all of that serpent's characteristics:its movement rate and abilities, its Armor Class, number of attacks, damage per attack, and any special abilities. The caster's clothing (if any) and one item held in each hand also become part of the new body; these reappear when a spellcaster resumes his or her normal shape. The items cannot be used while casters of snake skin are in serpent form.
In the final transformation back from snake form casting priests shed their snake forms' skins. Discarded skins do not vanish with the termination of the spell. A discarded skin can be used or treated as any other snake skin of the corresponding species.
The material component of this spell is a small piece of desiccated skin shed by any serpent.