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黑暗席德瑞恩諸神The Dark Seldarine
【主   神】羅絲Lolth
【勢力 範圍】精靈(卓爾)
【簡   介】卓爾神系the Drow Pantheon,成員中的羅絲阿羅詩)、維倫伊莉絲翠原屬於席德瑞恩諸神,其中,羅絲是維倫與伊莉絲翠之母,維倫是席文塔姆之父,坎普托是羅絲的面首。

2eFR<Demihuman Deities.p012>卓爾神系Drow Pantheon


  艾伯爾-托瑞爾星球Abeir-Toril 的 斯瑞-泰'奎瑟一族The Ssri-Tel'Quessir,這支 優雅族裔the Fair Folk 的黑暗精靈亞種,早已脫離了 阿梵多國度Arvandor 的傳統精靈神系——席德瑞恩諸神the Seldarine。卓爾drow(他們今日的名字)崇敬廣泛的黑暗神力,其中的最顯著者已列舉在後。這些卓爾的神祇們僅在名義上同屬於一個神系,將祂們羅列在一起只是信徒們的一種共有傳統;雖然這些卓爾神祇的其中四位同屬於一個家族,但祂們長年漠視這份家庭關係,而是只為某事之便而臨時締結短命的聯盟。
The Ssri-Tel'Quessir of Abeir-Toril, the dark elven subrace of the Fair Folk, have long been divorced from the Seldarine, the traditional elven pantheon of Arvandor. The drow, as they are now known, venerate a wide range of dark powers, the most prominent of which are presented hereafter. The deities of the drow are a pantheon in name only, united only by the common heritage of their worshipers, long ignored familial ties among four of them, and occasional, short-lived alliances forged only as a matter of convenience.

  根據 柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian 的裁決,黑暗精靈的命運在很久以前就落入他的配偶——「編織者」阿羅詩Araushnee the Weaver 的掌控。在彼時,她是位次要、但卻野心勃勃的精靈神力,是席德瑞恩諸神的一員。在她的神祇同夥們製造的一系列叛亂後,她因策劃推翻她的愛人,以及秘密召集邪神團伙 席德瑞恩之敵the anti-Seldarine 對席德瑞恩諸神的家園阿梵多發動突襲,以取代柯瑞隆成為 阿梵多國度的冕王Coronal of Arvandor,而被柯瑞隆放逐到了 無底深淵Abyss。在遭流放後,阿羅詩化名為 蜘蛛魔後Demon Queen of Spiders 羅絲Lolth。她在深淵着手建立了屬於自己的新國度,並或操縱、或征服了一些競爭對手,像是 關納德Ghaunadaur齊雅溫紗麗Kiaransalee、以及 贊阿蘇Zanassu。然而,阿羅詩並非唯一一位被從阿梵多與席德瑞恩諸神放逐的精靈神力,她的羅網同樣俘虜了她的兩個孩子。當母親的背叛行徑暴露時,阿羅詩與柯瑞隆之子 維倫Vhaeraun 因與織運者共謀秘密取代柯瑞隆成為席德瑞恩諸神之首,被放逐到了艾伯爾-托瑞爾星球。儘管在其母的叛亂中只是一位不知情的參與者,但維倫的姐妹「幽暗少女」伊莉絲翠Eilistraee the Dark Maiden自願被流放。
By Corellon Larethian's decree, the destiny of the dark elves was placed long ago in the hands of his consort, Araushnee the Weaver. At that time she was a minor, but secretly ambitious, elven power and member of the Seldarine. After a series of betrayals of her fellow gods, Araushnee was banished to the Abyss by Corellon for plotting against her lover and for secretly assembling a host of evil deities-the anti-Seldarine-to assault Arvandor, home of the Seldarine, in a bid to replace Corellon as Coronal of Arvandor. After her banishment, Araushnee assumed the name Lolth, Demon Queen of Spiders. She set about establishing her new realm in the Abyss and driving off or subjugating rivals like Ghaunadaur, Kiaransalee, and Zanassu. Araushnee was not the only elven power to be cast out of Arvandor and the Seldarine, however, for her webs ensnared her two children as well. When his mother's perfidy was exposed, Vhaeraun, son of Araushnee and Corellon, was banished to Abeir-Toril for his complicity in the Weaver's plots to replace Corellon as head of the Seldarine. Vhaeraun's sister, Eilistraee the Dark Maiden, agreed to exile as well, although she was only an unwitting participant in her mother's plots.

  羅絲對其祂所有神力居於支配地位,並且只要祂們不挑戰她的最終權威,便容許(或者說至少是容忍)祂們。只有齊雅溫紗麗和席文塔姆出於對羅絲的強大力量一種無法迴避的肯定,承認 蛛後the Spider Queen 為神系之首。伊莉絲翠、維倫以及關納德在蛛後的操控面前保持着獨立,但是祂們中沒有哪位強大到能直接挑戰羅絲,而祂們互相之間的敵意也排除了任何建立聯盟對抗她的可能。齊雅溫紗麗直至最近才掙脫了羅絲的陰影,但她在諸國度中只有毫微的影響力(和很少的信徒)。席文塔姆Selvetarm 仍牢牢地陷在他祖母的羅網裡,儘管他的追隨者們在努力從蛛後的狂熱崇拜中掙脫。伊莉絲翠和維倫是對兄弟姐妹,是阿羅詩(羅絲)與柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安的孩子。席文塔姆是維倫與「舞者」贊蒂拉Zandilar the Dancer(夏芮絲Sharess),一位 攸爾the Yuir 精靈女神不幸結合的後果。關納德是團原始的邪惡,與席德瑞恩之敵的其祂成員參與了對阿梵多的突襲行動。齊雅溫紗麗曾是另一個世界的凡人黑暗精靈,在阿羅詩墮落前她就獲得了神性、並已經被指稱為卓爾。
Lolth dominates all the other powers and brooks (or at least admits) no challenge to her ultimate authority. Only Kiaransalee and Selvetarm acknowledge the Spider Queen as head of the pantheon, an unavoidable acknowledgment of Lolth's great power. Eilistraee, Vhaeraun, and Ghaunadaur remain independent of the Spider Queen's control, but none of them is strong enough to challenge her directly, and their mutual enmity precludes any possibility of alliance against her. Kiaransalee only recently fought free of Lolth's shadow, but she has little influence (and few worshipers) in the Realms. Selvetarm is still firmly enmeshed in his grandmother's webs, despite the efforts of his followers to break away from the Spider Queen s cult. Eilistraee and Vhaeraun are brother and sister, children of Araushnee (Lolth) and Corellon Larethian. Selvetarm is the offspring of an ill-fated tryst between Vhaeraun and Zandilar the Dancer (Sharess), a goddess of the Yuir elves. Ghaunadaur is a primordial evil who joined the other members of the anti-Seldarine in the assault on Arvandor. Kiaransalee is a once-mortal dark elf of another world who achieved divinity and was named drow before the fall of Araushnee.

  作為值得注意的例外,伊莉絲翠——這位卓爾神系的神秘神力與其追隨者的生活密切相關,她嚴格要求追隨者們以絕對的順從和專一的崇敬來換取強大的力量。除 幽暗少女the Dark Maiden 外的其祂卓爾神系諸神,除非能藉此增進自身的力量,否則對追隨者們的命運均無動於衷。而除了她之外,祂們也全都居住在深淵或其它黑暗國度中——這正體現了卓爾的被從 光明之地the Lands of Light 放逐。伊莉絲翠致力於救贖墮落的黑暗精靈,帶領他們回歸地表的廣袤森林、他們的祖先那數千年前拋棄的土地。然而,來自羅絲和神系其祂神明的力量在相當程度上制約了幽暗少女的行動,而她自己也承認這需要卓爾個體們自己找到他們的救贖路徑,勉強的粗暴干涉只會事與願違。
With the notable exception of Eilistraee, the dark powers of the drow pantheon are intimately involved in the lives of their followers, demanding absolute obedience and exclusive veneration in exchange for great power. Aside from the Dark Maiden, the gods of the drow pantheon care nothing for the fate of their followers except as it advances their own personal power. All but one dwell in the Abyss or other dark realms, embodying the banishment of the drow from the Lands of Light. Eilistraee seeks to redeem the fallen dark elves and lead them back to the great forests of the surface world that their ancestors forsook many millennia ago. However, the Dark Maiden is quite constrained in her actions by the power of Lolth and the other gods of the pantheon, and she acknowledges the need for individual drow to find their own path to redemption that heavy-handed interference on her part would preclude.

  所有亞種的精靈——他們的祖先參與了那場分裂了優雅族裔的 宏偉皇冠戰爭the great Crown War——都牢記着卓爾的起源。其他亞種的精靈尚能回憶起被認為由黑暗精靈一族主導的 伊利斯瑞Ilythiiri 那些墮落行為的恐怖,正是這些行為導致了 大沉降the Descent;而卓爾編織了他們自己的謊言,卓爾認為正是席德瑞恩諸神和其它精靈種族的背叛推翻了斯爾-泰'奎瑟一族,並將他們不公地流放到了 幽暗地域Underdark。因為對造物主柯瑞隆極度憎惡、不屑一顧的其他卓爾們對這些故事不感興趣,只有那些回應了幽暗少女救贖呼喚的卓爾記憶和保存了關於優雅族裔祖先的精靈神話。
The origin of the drow is firmly enshrined in the minds of all the elven subraces whose ancestors fought in the great Crown Wars that split the Fair Folk. While the other elven subraces recall with horror the depraved actions of the Ilythiiri, as the dominant tribe of dark elves was known, that led to the Descent, the drow weave their own lies regarding the perfidy of the Seldarine and the other elven races whom they hold turned on the Ssri- Tel'Quessir and unjustly banished them to the Underdark. Only those drow who have answered the redemptive call of the Dark Maiden recall and preserve the elven myths regarding the ancestry of the Fair Folk, for such tales are of little interest to those who seethe in anger at the Creator they now scorn, Corellon.

  卓爾文化是一神崇拜與多神論的奇怪混合物,這對國度中的大部分人類和類人文化而言這都是不同尋常的。蛛後的祭司以羅絲的名義統治着大部分卓爾城市,例如 古奧杜斯城Guallidurth魔索布萊城Menzoberranzan 以及 契德·納撒城Ched Nasad,在那些地方,甚至僅僅是提及其祂神祇都被禁止,更不用說崇拜祂們。有幾座卓爾城市,譬如 魯爾斯·德雷爾城Llurth Dreier(關納德)、維爾'德林斯莎爾城V'elddrinnsshar(齊雅溫紗麗)被其祂卓爾神力的神職人員以類似的方式統治着,區別僅在於對崇拜、或提及所有其祂神祇的禁忌更為嚴厲。有個別卓爾城市呈現有兩位或更多神祇信仰,如位於 至高荒原the High Moor 之下、陷入了困境的 艾瑞德林城Eryndlyn,或是被衝突和內戰頻繁造成的破壞撕裂 古魯塞爾城Golothaer,魔索布萊城和契德·納撒城的締造者們就是在這樣的分裂出現的年代從那裡逃離的。然而,大部分卓爾神祇在任何卓爾領地里都有少量的秘密信徒,這樣的信仰給了那些異議者們一件提升自身地位、滿足永無止境欲望的額外武器。大部分卓爾出於恐懼、出於崇拜、出於對獲得額外的力量的興趣,而絕非出於任何理念上的虔誠,而信仰着某位(或在一些案例中的兩位)神祇;伊莉絲翠的信徒是群例外,她們就像其他精靈種族崇拜席德瑞恩諸神那樣崇拜幽暗少女。
Drow culture is distinguished by a curious mixture of monotheism and polytheism uncharacteristic of most human and demihuman cultures of the Realms. Most drow cities-such as Guallidurth, Menzoberranzan, and Ched Nasad-are ruled in the name of Lolth by priests of the Spider Queen and even the mention, let alone the worship, of other gods is forbidden. A few drow cities-such as Llurth Dreier (Ghaunadaur) and V'elddrinnsshar (Kiaransalee)-are ruled by the clergy of the other drow powers in similar fashion, but they too forbid the worship or mention of all other gods. The few drow cities that exhibit the open worship of two or more deities-such as beleaguered Eryndlyn, located beneath the High Moor, or Golothaer, from whence the founders of Menzoberranzan and Ched Nasad fled-are riven by strife and are usually destroyed by civil war within a generation of such a split appearing. Nevertheless, most of the drow gods have a few secretive worshipers in every drow enclave, as such devotions afford dissidents the opportunity for additional weapons in their endless quest for increasing personal station. Aside from the faithful of Eilistraee, who venerate the Dark Maiden in a fashion resembling the veneration of the Seldarine by elves of other races, most drow venerate one (or in some cases two) deities out of fear, respect, and a desire for additional power of their own, not out of any sense of true piety.

  大約10,000年以前,約即-10,000 DR,皇冠戰爭the Crown Wars 揭露了大部分黑暗精靈已墮落到為邪惡神力們(如維倫、關納德以及羅絲)效勞,儘管心地善良的伊莉絲翠還在努力減緩這個局面。作為優雅族裔們討論的結果,黑暗精靈被席德瑞恩諸神和精靈國家聯盟永遠地放逐到了 費倫大陸Faerûn 下的地底隧道中,在此後他們被稱作卓爾(原為 卓哈瑞爾dhaeraow ,這是個精靈語詞彙,意為 陰影般的臉孔,黑夜般的心,叛徒 )。
Over 10, 000 years ago, the Crown Wars exposed the depths to which most dark elves had fallen in the service of fell powers such as Vhaeraun, Ghaunadaur, and Lolth, despite the mitigating efforts of thegood-hearted Eilistraee. As a result, by means never discussed by the Fair Folk, the dark elves were forever banished to the deep tunnels beneath Faerûn by the Seldarine and the allied elven nations and thereafter named drow (originally dhaeraow , an elvish term meaning face of shadow, heart of night, traitor ), circa -10, 000 DR.

  最早的卓爾文明於約-9,600 DR出現在費倫南方地下。第一個偉大的卓爾王國是 塔倫提瓦Telantiwar,它的首都位於 貝瑞丹Bhaerynden 的巨大洞穴中,這個洞穴在-9,000 DR被卓爾們征服前,是 粗壯族裔the Stout Folk 第一個偉大王國的心臟地帶。為她們新國度的統治權,卓爾發生了內戰,貴族對抗貴族、祭司攻擊祭司。這場全面戰爭以一場摧毀了貝瑞丹穹頂的巨大魔法爆炸告終。完全坍塌的穹頂埋葬了許多卓爾和被他們奪取的破碎矮人城市。這個洞穴,現在因為沒有了穹頂而直面天空而被稱作 大裂谷the Great Rift,裂谷和周圍的洞穴在之後重新成為了金矮人祖先的定居點,並據此建立了 深地國度the Deep Realm。在一場名為 大離散the Scattering 的大規模流亡中,倖存的卓爾貴族和祭祀們聚集了平民、奴隸以及她們能搶到的物資,逃進了幽暗地域、搜尋可以定居的地方。在那以後,無數的城市和更小的聚落勃興勃滅,時至今日,卓爾的分布已遍及整個費倫大陸、甚至是更深遠之地下的隧道或更深遠的地方。
The first drow civilizations arose in the Underdark of southern Faerûn circa -9, 600 DR. The first great kingdom of the drow was Telantiwar, with its capitol in the great cavern of Bhaerynden, the conquered heart of the first great kingdom of the Stout Folk seized by the drow in -9, 000 DR. The drow fought among themselves, noble against noble, priest against priest, for rule of their new realm. This all-out war ended amid great magical explosions that brought down the roof of Bhaerynden. The ceiling collapsed entirely, burying many drow and the shattered dwarven cities that they had seized. The cavern, now open to the sky, became known as the Great Rift, and the chasm and thesurrounding caverns were later resettled by the ancestors of the gold dwarves to form the Deep Realm. In a great diaspora known as the Scattering, the surviving drow nobles and priests gathered what people, slaves, and equipment they could seize and fled into the Underdark in search of places to dwell. Since that time, countless cities and smaller settlements have risen and fallen, and the drow are now found throughout the deep tunnels beneath all of Faerûn and even farther afield.

The web of chaos and cruelty that enmeshes the drow is embodied in the constant strife between the gods they venerate. Likewise, the hatred they hold for all other races, particularly the Fair Folk of the surface world, is played out as well in the never ending conflict between the Seldarine and those they banished long ago. Only a small fraction have returned to the surface lands of their forefathers, typically by way of the welcoming hand of Eilistraee.

卓爾祭司通用能力General Drow Priest Abilities:

  卓爾祭司的通用能力和限制,除了各種卓爾信仰中明確說明的部分外,被總結在「附錄1:亞人祭司Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests」的卓爾祭司部分。
General Drow Priest Abilities:The general abilities and restrictions of drow priests, aside from the specific changes noted later in this section for each drow faith, are summarized in the discussion of drow priests in "Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests."

